9 of 1927 - A resolution making additional appropriations for the support of the City Government for the year 19 REMARKS: Yd 1 Ii Resolution NO: S ; - y By Commissioner... Fehr hr I ; 1 t 1 li Making additional appropriati nt ._for....t.he..support of the City 1 government for the year 1927. III is 1 uh H rf t ill � VOTING Am nAT �- • Burton Fehr I move that the resolution be adopted. IEWN Finch p Careen Moran Mr.Chairman - - - - Result RESOLUTION • WHEREAS, it is necessary to make additional appropriations for the support of the city government for the year 1927. Noo, TFCREFORE, BE I'T RESOLVED that the following sums of money or as much thereof as may be necessary be and the same are hereby appropriated out of any money in the City Treasury not otherwise appropriated for the support of the various departments indicated for the calendar year ending December 31, 1927, Said appropriations are further itemized in the requests on file for such appropriations and are in addition to those heretofore au- thorized and passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on December 14, 1926, February 17, 1927, and April 19, 1927, - to-wit: PUBLIC SAFETY. Police Department 03501.05 PARES AND PUBLIC PROPERTY. Park Dept 4310.07 Recreation 1200.00 STREETS AND PUBLIC IEPROVEMENTS. Engineer (Streets) 3050.00 Public Improvements 187.19 STATUTORY AND GENERAL. Right of way for drainage canal 625.00 WATER TORE3 AND 'WATER SUPPLY. Taterworks 3755.00 Total . . . „;16628.31 It is necessary in the opinion of the Board of Commis- RC" (7r 1 I Salt Lako C' -2- sioners for the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this resolution take effect upon its passage. /his resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. gZi Adopted by the board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, 1927. ti 441W Ft...*15 alsiresti City =.ecorder.