9 of 1941 - A resolution authorizing City Attorney to certify to Civil Aeronautics Administration the proper des -- - ' - —_ ---=- It REMARKS !i �7 Resolution No._ Jenkins II By Commissioner II ' 1 Authorizing City Attorney '1� to certify to Civil Aeronautical Admn'n. the proper descriptic* j and ownership of S.L.C. inand Iji to lands upon which airport ?? No. 2 is to be built, etc. 11 Preened to the Bond of Con mhdaiee AND PASSED i!III MAY 131941 II il !I v ;I V i' 'i !1 I i I' II tl I 11. !'1 i 11 1 , Dated Fded • IAddress 0,041* Keyser Matheson - - - - Murdock - - - - Mr.Chairman - - - RES UTION Result WHERFAS, the Civil Aeronautics Administration desires proof that Cd t Lake City owns sufficient Efouni at ,._sport No. 2 upon which it may proceed to buil, ruird ys and other facilities. -:10:, CIib 1OF.E, DE IT .-T, OLVfl that 7. Christensen, City -ttorney for 'aft Cake City, is hereby authorize to certify to the Civil Ceronautics "iministration the proper description and ownership of salt Cafe City in and to the lands ;:on itch airport No. 2 is to be build and that the City i:ecorTier, ecdonald, is hereby authorized to certify that T_. E. Christensen is the City :'.ttorney for Salt Lake City, a municipal corporation of Utah. n' On , c.sinnsrs of Ealt Cake City. Utah, this 13t1day of Ma ( , . 1941. it 'slay or. ----- --- s�d� City Rccorarr.