9 of 1944 - A resolution of condolence upon the passing from this life of Mrs. Lucy Elizabeth Smith Acomb, mothe Resolution No. By Tedesco (r_ct.Com.r'inonce) COMMISSIONER nesolition of condolence upon the oassiri from this life of i>.rs. oecy dlizabeth Smith r_comb, mother of Leland I.Acceo, clerk of the ? lice Court. 'rested to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED JUN 141944 CITY FIfitCORDEe itm ae acoprec. /Th 3Ueysecr Mathesog - Romney- - SYcite Tedesco- _y Mr.chairman - - RESOLUTION Result WHEREAS, Mrs. Lucy Elizabeth Smith Acomb, the beloved mother of Leland I. Acomb, Clerk of the Police court of Salt Lake City, departed this life on June 3, 1944; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City desire at this time and on this sac. occasion to express their deep- est sympathy to Mr. Acomb and to the other members of the bereaved family. NON', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby express its appreciation of the sterling character, honesty and fortitude of Mrs. ;,.comb,who was a most useful citizen of this community for many years and was an active church member, and does offer condolence and most sincere sympathy to Mr. Acomb and other members of the family in this hour of trial. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and that an engrossed copy be sent to the family. - Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, / this /.f,� , day of June, 1944. // r,u�j G�Cr� r MF) 7, ayo _\ City hecorder.