9 of 1957 - A resolution expressing appreciation to contributors to the fund for the purchase of Ladies’ favors r Resolution No. 9 By. Adiel F. Stewart, Mayor COMMISSIONER Expressing appreciation to contribu- tors to the fund for the purchase of Ladiest favors presented at the Golden Anniversary Banquet of the Utah Munici- pal League. f r eo ted to the Board of Comm'sssionert AND PASSED ��,J��UM•T 101957 60t,HISAttki 41TX RECORDER October 10, 1957 Hon. Adiel P. Stewart, Mayor Dear Sire Aq a meeting of the Board of Commissioners held October 10, 1957, your Resolution No. 9 expressing appre- ciation to contributors to the Fund for the purchase of Ladies' favors presented at the Golden Anniversary Banquet of the Utah Municipal League held September 14th, 1957, was adopted in regular order. Copy to Yours truly, Utah Mun'1. League Newhouse Hotel, ":144103{ Vr City Recorder A4.102 200:12-1-44 ROLL CALL • VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, L"L i I ti ,194 XMIENKBurbidge. i move that the resolution be adopted. sm�xsxsnc Ellis RomneG�hristensen--- � Temescac -� Mr.Chairman . . RESOLUTION Result A RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION. WHEREAS, the Utah Municipal League held its Golden Anniversary Banquet on September 14, 1957; and, WHEREAS, the excellent pleasures of the evening were enhanced by ladies' favors presented at the banquet; and, WHEREAS, many commercial people contributed to the fund for the purchase of these favors. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Com- missioners of Salt Lake City does hereby express sincere appreciation to each of the gracious contributors to the fund for the purchase of ladies' favors presented at the Golden Anniversary Banquet of the Utah Municipal League. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to each contributor. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, thisV day of October, 1957. rill a y,o r -_ 41444A)1' tci r d e r LADIES FAVORS COURTESY O F . . . MR. W. V. McELHANY MR. W. R. WHITE REPRESENTATIVE PRESIDENT SHOUP VOTING MACHINE COMPANY W. R.WHITE COMPANY McELHANY'S MATRIX SERVICE 1625 WALL AVENUE 608 NO.MONROE STREET OGDEN,UTAH SPOKANE 1,WASHINGTON MR. R. C. KNOBLOCK MR. HAL BARKER SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT DIRECTOR,TRAFFIC AND PUBLIC RELATIONS GROUP DEPARTMENT CLARK TANK LINES CO., INC. WASHINGTON NATIONAL INSURANCE CO. 1450 NORTH BECK STREET EVANSTON,ILLINOIS SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH MR. CHARLES E. WARD MR. T. L. JOHNSON PRESIDENT UTAH CONCRETE PIPE CO. SALES MANAGER UTAH CULVERT CO. PACIFIC STATES CAST IRON PIPE CO. SALT LAKE CITY-OGDEN PROVO,UTAH 1501 SOUTH REDWOOD ROAD SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH MR. C. E. MOSS STATE MANAGER MR. ALBERT A. ECK ARMCO DRAINAGE &METAL PRODUCTS,INC. GENERAL MANAGER 643 SOUTH 3RD WEST UTAH FIRE CLAY CO. SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH 107E OU1H 1ST WEST SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH MR. CHESTER P. CAHOON MR. CLYDE W. SIMPSON PRESIDENT PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER INTERSTATE BRICK CO. WATERWORKS EQUIPMENT CO. 3100 SOUTH 11TH EAST 502 WEST 3RD SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH MR. RICHARD L. FULLER MR. H. A. CHRISTIANSEN GENERAL AND SALES MANAGER PRESIDENT&GENERAL MANAGER STRUCTURAL STEEL AND FORGE CO. LANG CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT CO. 545 WEST 7TH SOUTH FIRST SOUTH AND SECOND WEST SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF A'PR2.;CIATION. WHEREAS, the Utah Munici?A League held its Golden Anniversary 3anquet on September 14, 1957; and, WHEREAS, the excellent pleasures of the evening were enhanced by ladies' favors presented at the banquet; and, WHEREAS, many commercial people contributed to the fund for the purchase of these favors. NOW, THER:,FORE, 3i; If ,L>OLVED that the Board of Com- missioners of Salt Lake City does hereby express sincere appreciation to each of the gracious contributors to the fund for the purchase o'7 ladies' favors presented at the Golden Anniversary Banquet of the Utah Municipal Leaue. 3E IT FUATALA Ri,a.iLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwa-ded to each contributor. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, this day of October, 1957. •: a y o r C T Y t a , a RESOLUTION A REjOLUTiuti 'thi .L&AL, the Utah nunici?-1. Lea4ue held its Golden Anniversary 3aneuet on 3eptember 14, 1957; and, WHEaL,A;j, the excelleat pleasures of the evening were ennanced by ladles' favors presented at the banquet; and, WRERLA3, nanr commercial people contributed to the hind for the purchase of these favors. Au”, Jjii iou that the Board of Com- missionars of Jalt Like City does hereby express sincere appreciation to each of the f!,racious contributors to the fund for the purchase of ladies' favors presented et the Golden Anniversary Bahquet of the Utah Municipal Leaue. 3.1; IT ijA2j....i iLoUadil that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to each contributor. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, this day of October, 1957. --r=7 >>1-7 C, Ait RESOLUTION A kd3OLUt'luN u ' Wti7;3aAd, the Utah hunicio l League held its Golden Anniversary 'Banquet on September 14, 1957; and, WHiiRaAS, the excellent pleasures of the evening were enhanced by ladies' favors presented at the banquet; and, WHdRAS, mans commercial people contributed to the fund for the purchase of these favors. NO'e, THhA-FORE, 3h 11' A..SuLVuu that the Board of Com- missioners of Salt Lake City does hereby express sincere appreciation to each of the gracious contributors to the fund for the purchase of lades' favors presented at the Golden Anniversary d_,nquet of the Utah Municipal League. 3s: I'f rUrci;l,i. Ah3o1UdD that a copy of this resolution be forwn:ded to each contributor. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, this day of October, 1957. • C I f Y ;t _; ,; „t itiSOLUTION A itiiO0Ltfrit,14 O:' Wil:tAO, the Utah nunicip- 1 1.,c,a;.;uo hold its Golden Anniversary 3t.hquet on eotefebor 14, 1957; and, excellent plesure.s of tho evening were enhancad by ladies' ftvors pr'esented it the banquet; and, rhi com:iercil people contriSuted to the fund for the purchase of these f wors. NO;, rihi1a that tan 3.7rcl. of Com- sassionors of 3-ilt Lke City does hereby express sincere appreciation to ech of the -,racioes centribirs to the fund for the purchase of Lhtiesi favors presented at ti,e Golden Anririverary .1 ,.;,ioet o t.;:ae Utah ;iuhicipal Lea,;,uo. that a copy of this reas:iution be forw.-deci to each cootribotor. Passed by the Board of counissionero of Salt Lake City, this day of October, 1957. r UTAH MUNICIPAL LEAGUE MEMBER AMERICAN MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION '�,�, : aortas, 6•RGu ONE 9-9143 TOM MCCOY,EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR NEWHOUSE HOTEL SALT LAKE CITY I,UTAH September 26, 1957 TO: ALL AAYORS, TOWN PRESIDENTS AND DELEGATES ATTENDING THE GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE Attached you will find a list of the commercial people who pro- vided the necessary funds to purchase the ladies' favors presented at our Golden Anniversary Banquet Saturday night, September 14th, at the University of Utah Union Ballroom. Phese people contributed a sizable sum of moneyto purchase these favors, and the least we can do is to thank them for their very gra- cious contribution. Will you, therefore, kindly consider adopting a resolution at your next official meeting, directing your correspondence to each of the contributors and thanking them for their support. I am sure that the Board of Officers and Directors of the League would appreciate your doing this and it will help us to continue our excellent relation- ship with those who are so interested in our organization. Sincerely, /72-77 TOM McCOY, Executive rector TM:mc