91 of 1911 - A resolution instructing the Board of Public Works to construct water mains on 2nd North from 5th We 7.
ril,, HAY 1, 1911. 2Q9 I
1:nil ' MAY 1, 1911. 1 e
( •
One stenographer ut a salary of eight hundred and forty dollars per annum.
second tine by title, third time in full rnd passed on roll call vote, all members voting aye Such salaries shall be paid monthly as rare the salaries of other city employees,
The Superintendent of later.:orks shall have power to employ valvemen and such
except Councilmen Holley, Hodgson, McKinney, O'Donnell, Wood and Ferry, who were absent, title other employees as the necessities of his office may deamnd, in such numbers and :a such
I compensation as the City Council nay authorize.
approved and referred to the Mayor for his approval. (Paving Extension No. 67; Fourth and SUCTION. 2. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordinances and resolu-
tions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. I
Final Estimate.) SECTIOII 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon cenrevrl.
Introduced by Councilmen 'Mulvey, sac taken up and rend first tine. On motion of Councilman
BILL NO. 45. For an ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 810 of the Revised Ordinances
P' of Salt Lake City of 1903, as amended by en ordinance passed by the City Council February 20, Idulvey, the rules were suspended on roll sail vote, all members voting aye except Councilmen
c Hodgson, McKinney, O'Donnell, Wood and Ferry, 7ho were absent, and the ordinance ream second •
•c.! 1911, and approved by the Layer February 21, 1911. ,
',1 time by title, third time in full and passed on roll call vote, all members voting aye ex- I
r"✓ Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
6'• cept Councilmen Hodgson, Idc%inney, O'Donnell, Wood and Ferry, who were absent, title approve II
! SECTION 1. That Section 810 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, as
amended by an ordinance passed by the City Council February 20, 1911, and approved by the Mayor ed and referred to the Meyer for his approval.
[ Feb nary 21, 1911, be, and the same is hereby amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:
Section 810. The Superintendent of Waterworks shall before the first day of July I
1911, and each year thereafter, furnish to each user of water from the waterworks of Salt Lake Councilman Fernstrom was then called to the Chair.
he City c. correct statement of the amount due Salt Lake City for use of water for the ensuing year,
. in in accordance with schedule of water rates as provided in Section 812 of the Revised Ordinances
Le of 1903, as amended. Al]. water rates shall be due and payable July first of each year, and un- BILL N0. 47. For an ordinance granting to the Yintsch Compressing Company the right to ,r 1�
466 less paid on said into shall be delinquent. The Superintendent shall, not later than July 31st
!I of each year, cause the water to be turned off the premises of all such delinquents, and before manufacture illuminating gas for railroad coaches, on Block 82, Plat "A", Salt Lake City
. the water shall be turned on all delinquent rates must be paid in full, together with one dollar
additional for expense. Survey, and to lay and maintain gee mains in such streets as may be neceesery to conduct
°�1u_ No allowance shall be made for the non-use of water for a period less than three months. I
ir1 Any water user to avail himself of en abatement for non-use for a greater period than above illuminating gee to the railroad y❑rds or the Oregon Short Line Railroad Comp❑ny and the I
b.7�' specified, shall report to the Superintendent and have water turned off hie premises.
The Superintendent of Waterworks shall have power to adjust all erroneous bills, rate, Denver& Rio Grande Railroad Company, wan taken up and read first time and, on motion oY
and shall report all such adjustments, sith the reasons therefor to the City Auditor daily, and Councilman L e, was referred to the Building Ins^cater and the `:ngineer to report onII
to the City Council monthly, or oftener if required. yn 1
4t • ens provisions or eels ordnance snail not oe construes to apply to users or water
o.iere meters are installed. Thursday evening, Lay 4, 1911.
SECTION 2et. . All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordinances and resolutions in �',
: conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict, / + 90, D Carrel lmnn Reed.nll,
I. a.rddienees Well take effect 'upon. ppeoval, 3e..clu.ion No. y
s{cc' introduced by Councilman :,ulvey, was taken up and read first time. On motion of Councilman ""'fIC'ItEAS, the City Council her^t afore offered to puy to Lucy L. F:ilkes •ind Violet
.t„r!,, Dale Gallagher the Mum oY One hundred and fifty dollars in settleme at of their claim .or
: Mulvey, the rules were suspended on roll pall vote, all members voting aye except Councilmen alleged damages caused to their propert1111
Plot "C", by reasonf the construe-
IGod:-son, c,ckanney, O'Donnell, Wood and Ferry, who were absent, aad the ordinance read second tion eiei dewalk ext eneion ado. 1.^.6; andtI P/IIER.AS, theMeld parti oehav to cceept t!:e samesuin settlementG1�.!�, aY their e¢id cl❑im, Now therefore be i _ft, der^re he Arced on the .�m,ro-
'� tine Ly title, t'rird time in full and passed on roll call vote, all members voting aye except R`;to , th Le s fC:. :r p�Y. I ri anti onllat Snfavorofanidnrtiesvthem u on t}:e sn, i. of the ro terrelease, and the tax assessed ag..dn.:t s y rros�r of tl-c co^ act.on of s:.id
1 Coene:lmen Hodgson, i ealnr:ey, O'Donnell, Wood end Ferry, who were absent, title approved and re- ' II
�' Fiiietist:::::a9ettIll:md;
edLu L..c ;ner or far I-.:u unl.rocuL.
I� ll'I u it lover Yor one week ¢t the request of Counca lien ..o tutor r.na iieud, !IIi
BILL N0. 46. For an ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 732 oY the Revised Ordinances ofi eon1. Ay Councilmen]?olley, et al.Salt Lake City of 1903, no emended by en ordinance passed by the City Counoil November 23, 1908,
RESLVED by the City Council o: Salt Lake City, Utah, that the Doerdh ol.❑nd ^proved by the Favor November 24, 1908, ulrk , .•sad It is nereay lastr,rtuu to ,„LL ^ '��� , !{ t to Sov oath ISest Stre ot, and .,l ao on lr�rl o.tn�1?0^� Secor.� "cut :'.rest I
■ �1 ,1 I en it ore anon by the City Connell oT Salt Lake City, Utein I
....�_. _.._
« .,,.r +� Pad the s m of:n40 740.2:, :aims
�( m>,..« to baepald from he rntemerka fund.
■ glg ' II amended by +os ordinance passed by the CityCouncil,November 23, 1908 nand apprareddby'the^Slyer , Referred to the uonorittee w, �.�.�.••�..�. III��
I' : Hoverter 24, lllli, be, and the snr.e is hereby amended and re-enacted so ae to read as follows: I,
t r irnyer ny Hen min rnn riddles one consent nr tee city caenel, coy _
.:...,, ....1.Cl t.._hn incur u, ,..1 :, _.f_
7,,,lu rr, the
tunes r, up em a s and em oe of the natant, at Department:
8oaclutn Cn " _..__...__„ a,... ^♦a�..r lb e.r.ens n '.. �143, but to prat—Tr - t " end
p' yens "0• �`' !
/ .
�" 0,❑ co„pane.:: person as Luo:.keeper and ace untunt, uL a salary of fifteen hundred Beit resolved that the Y t «r I
7 ,� He shall aid❑ bond to the City in the sum of Tv5,000.00, conditioned for the I "
I h honest, fal thfel and accurate performance of hie duties, mid the correct accounting for and pay- ' eb - ti
111 re-uav n ri a su �,y{
'nag norm of all moneys and matters committed to hie care, specifications for the Dare in :.ego not ice with the resolution nT the Crt, Cnune_, r. :� �o,r I II
ry of twelve hundred dollars per annum. heretofore, and under the oriel nil not is a.
� .r One clerk at a aulai
it One aaaiatant clerk and time-keeper at a salary of ten hundred and twenty dollars per Laid over wall I r,r::d.i c^cr.in 'rid thn City Attorney instructed to r�u.,u.• m,
artnum. � �
' ' One inspector of water rates at n salary of ten hundred and elghtydollare per annum. p1
Three teni:mer. at !u gh Line at a salary of seven hundred and eighty dollars per annum, opinion as to whether the time wh1cL hoe la sod since the ndvorti❑1 nti: of notice of inten-
,. �, n. n1 eC..
111 '['I Three tnnkmer. et Prick Trunk at n sal my of acven hundred and eighty dollaro per annum, tion on this extension would uf:cat .:,nil :. ��
11 ',eh.
One tnrkane at i'urley'e Reservoir at u salary of seven hundred and eighty dollars per The List of Authorized 3xpondl to roc ••w:a then taken up and paeoah on roll c-cr
...ran I
Ii1' Throe tunknen at Thirteenth ?Just Reservoir at a salary of seven hundred and eighty vote, all menito ran voting
rye ezoel2 Connoilmen Die i❑, ]nod..:on, !._c.inr.ay, O'Don ce Sl, ,rood I�'�
I ! dull nr.: per annum, each,
' Three t+.nkran at 'f::entleth Ward Tank at a salary of seven hundred and eighty dollars eel ferry, who were nbcont. I
111 II
111 .. _