95 of 1911 - A resolution that the resolution providing that contracts shall contain a provision for employment o r
+�� .3n.) MAY 8, 1911. IhY 8, lull. ��� �� I.
a U.
k� 48 From the City Auditor,
credit of 1907-1908 water rates.
Rase ectfuly,
Gentleman:- _'UDOLi9 ALFF,
City Auditor.
There is in the possession of the National Park Bank of New York,
,k. N.Y. the sure. of $6,138.82 belonging to this City. Thin amount is balance left in the bands of Received and ordered filed and the transfer authorized.
L`' Dells, Fargo & Co's Bank in the transaction of refunding the 5% bonds Series No.4, into 4 Series
.` No.9. I can only account for this balance by the inference that it stands for 6 bonds with II i
accrued interest, which have been lost. The account stands in the name of J.S.Critchlow, City 21 From the City Engineer. ICI
F-i",' Recorder. Vi.;� I would recommend that the City Treasurer be directed to draw on the National Park Bank 1 Gentlemen: '
{ for the amount and that same be placed in the Sinking Fund.
, Respectfully, At a meeting held by the City Council on way 1, 1911,
• RUDOLPH ALFF, your honorable body granted a sp ec inl permit to E. ilebeker, 453 Borth Second C;e et to
pp�' City Auditor. connect his premises with the gravity outlet sewer, upon the condition that acid petitioner
F�:aC. pay$1.75 per front foot for 49.5 feet, amounting to $86.63 tax and take out a permit from
-e the Street Department for cuttinginto the asphaltpavement, and that regular sewer perrit I
Received and ordered filed and the City Treasurer and City Attorney instructed to take ep P
Iv be taken from the Engineer's Office upon the payment of the customary fee for same.
such action as is necessary in the premises. J. M. Tobin, who is the plumber for this work went ahead with the digging of the II
C,. ditch and has laid 64 feet of pipe and covered it up before the survey was made or pipe in-
},„ .- spected.
bt# 49 From the City Auditor, The deposit was made by er. bicker and the Engineering Department sent a party
s the next day to make the survey, and found the pipe laid from the house to the property lire 1
Otl eneren:_ and backfilled. A number of lengths of vitrified pipe lying in the lot war erari_ned, one-
third of which was unfit for use. The end of the pipe as it is Laid appears to be lower I
"`: e Under date of July 9th, 1907, a bond was filed with the Recorder then the gravity sewer, and no permit has been taken out to cut into the asphalt pavement.
guaranteeing 6% or $198.00 per annum, revenue on Dater Main Ext. No. 168 until est. cost $3,112.00 I would respectfully ask your Honorable Body to revoke his license for violating the City .
,i ; was paid. ordinances. Very respectfully, 1
Guarantee for 1908-1909 $198.00
1909-1910 198.00 G. F. ::C GO1:.GL^s, I
$396.06 City Engineer.
!l Rates for 1908-1909 $2.70 -
e. 1909-1910 11.50 14.20 Referred to the Committee on Engineering I Sewerage.
tg ., Duo on bow ;381.80
41 Actual 'Jost $3,003.22. p '22 From the City Engineer. •
+` Gentlemen:
I am transmitting herewith for your approval a copy of tou
Ya City Auditor. the paving epeaifiuut;r.a ..t.d coa.r.:et for transmitting
cn0u rewiyeer I your apk oval these he __ _1/1'E Referred to the Cai^mittee on Waterworks. _
II passed upon tonight, as three paving contracts are advertised for �_¢y 19th, and any delay
Y 50 Froa. the City Auditor° in pcsslag this form will cause a corresponding delay in the opening of the bids.
Very respectfully,
'h��.. Gentlemen:- G. (•'.G CONAOLE,City Engineer.
,. fl Under date of Apr11,22nd, 1907, a bond was filed with the Recorder
p guurant.:e irg 6-"p or +y39C,.1.0 per ai.n um, rev er�ue on Dater Main Ext. 166 until eat. cost of r6,600.00 Councilman Fernstrom was granted permission to present the following resolution:
f I was raid. ,.
Guarartce for 17C8-1900 $396.00 Resolution No. 95. By Councilman :'e rn st ro m.
1909-1910 396,00
'$792.OQ DfiERBAS, this Council adopted a resolution April 13, lull, instructing the Board
Rates for 1908-1909 $12.00 of iub lie 6orka to insert certain pr avi e'.cn^_ "'ire ryp^rd to labor preferred under public
19^0-1_e10, 54.00 66.00 contrasts; and
Due on bon — a726,OQ NHEREi:s, Wart of said resolution is contrary to the etntvte:
Actual coot $7,344,53. THEREFORE BE IT 3gSOLV RD, that said resolution be amended to read vs fnllows:-
Reepectfully, Th¢t in the employment oY workmen in performing the work under this contract, the
RUI)lIDPH ALFF Contractor shall be and he ie hereby required to give preference. to bona fide residents of
i i�. Ir• City Auditor, :his City, and perticulnrly to bends of families residing, in this City, and the contract
` shall be void 1f the provisione of this section are not corpIle with.
■ Idi! R9P9}1i IIICouncilman n'e rn st rpm muv nu v,.uv v..^ .��._..._.... .. — UM
II _♦ a e tee eeeieeer was ordered filed. and the spocificetions approved... el From the City Auditor, I 111
i{ as amended on roll call vote, all mcrboro votire- nfe oxce^t Councilmen hype, iA nney, 11111
/ ow.ed,
milder the nrpvi ei mis of Sao. 726 of the Revised Ordinances of O'Donnell and Wood, who were „tam at.
'i h', the L'ity, requiring n license tax on bicycles there was collected during the years 190E and 1903
11;rr' the our., 01 ivnr.vu; ,.na one parpeen iur wuiui, iI wan uuiioaiod wue :oa t.:o oLu'trlctlou od 11oyrlc
P't}'s throughout the City. For score reason this tax was not collect." except ae above and23 From the City }.1rgineer.
because of the extensive pawSag alums done there scans no further need of the provisions Yor
Vouter, Is consideration of 6hu alreuestuuoee I would rseoreaend and rCqucat that the Auditor andGentlemen:
Treasurer be directed to transfer this sun of $61.00 from Bicycle Path Fund to Streets and1 wdnht.ecullyour :.ttenti_,n to the :'act. that. th,ern is
r :;idewa7bs Fund. Respectfully, novalveonthe Natermn In e1Jorth "net Intersection of 6th South end let 'r,ost Strcof❑.
"^DOi91 L.°RA 6th South Sa to be pnved, uvulee should be cut ir',tn thin cie�.in, '�n.ICityJuditor. requesttha yourHone r+.L lyin st r•�ctth^ an^^^intindent op Pintorworks to do th1❑ arcrkIII; at ¢n estimated coat of >,�fi0,00. Very ruanocttul7.y,i •
� I,�� Received and ordered filed and the Lrene:sr a0Laarles,.. CityI1n1-7nosr.'li
I I 62 Free the City Auditor. Received and ordered 1'i iui and the recor.re r.d rtb e e�nmmred in.
i} Ii rr ln•^r:-
, a! nyr n ^r In 1907 there was deposited with the Treasurer in payment of eater
:.too on Ietor teen Extonnier No. 166 and 168 the sure of$596.00 and$198.00 respectively. These
�tnr Poten 9'eo'e tea Fend rlthnuvh the there of the bond given in
tou'.dcthe therefore
re i.c cm.0 Lruc 6, a ,f these wit its r❑ specified :tint too payments pre ;or ts n.un e, ,
II „�I ,.. ore nek teat the Treasurer and Auditor be directed to transfer these amounts to the 1
1III����I ���� ..