96 of 1912 - A resolution appropriating $5,000 for decorations for conventions, etc. REMARKS: Resolution No. `e(3
By Commissioner Lawrence.
Appropriating $5000 for decor--
tions for conventions, etc.
I ;Salt7ake City, Utah,..`l-"a 1911.
VOTING Yee o I move that resolution No._1, by Mr
f be adopted.
Keyser . .. ....
Korns ..._... _._ 4I�4 ,
Lawrence ._III . -
Morris .... ...
Mr.Chairman . .
RESULT - - i,,,.t
;:aFLELE, CE.,: ir: ochvc,riVons of -a.,,ionca 17ort:.t3o are to be
h.,:da i:-, ;:-:-.1t zo '..,_4 Burin the ire;.:cnt year; La.
7:11.1LS, L'ziC. ocnvo:c.ticno a:aa othcrs thl.,i may follcy7 Jill ver
likely LI-111E; to Cis city tht_nas of v-Thiters &li over
111;.,-crie .; ,,ml
=a3, ?he :,o, r0 of Commiuors of yd.'. city ore Cesirouz
of ri' , to :;71 viaitoxz thLt thic to .t. live, frogreseive
and :croporons city, an'd a docirable plz;co of residence, and also
to t:.1 ,,' ,Lart in Lo ercil,crainment of auch viiters, alZ. Mr such
pur:ocr,:cr, to G]:1T, pul:lio me .ey co i:L.r ::L': i_': la-y 6o so within the
icoa :_itlit ci. Ito 1.:e.:or; f.J.11
'iJo uacti, for corporate purposes,
[ e-v:i',!, jil-.-• yich T7il1 at.C, To Thu 110:11th, hc,:ordneclo and pros-
1-pcfLty' of tLc ,..-.Li:: , cyla ii Ea',;crial .:,a7a7, alnent ^.. this oity,
ica-1 'oc of -2 ,;:eht oh rotor;
:',, col-,-(:Cl .';'. , ',_:: ilim of ',2.,000,00 ':2o, and.
- .r.- r ...c !.;: 1,f,n)l)y ri-;:roct ted fc:: the p-Jrcaao of suitable d000r,-
fl1-2 oT ;:-•:,. ..!-. oh_:?,1Teter, To be t,ced at '1.e time of the meet
i7::; 0: "I' : looT ,:::la IIrij C;onr;rossos, and other
co,r, re':':e2 rc:T co=ntio.,:is : 01a ix:. tTli2 city, anC, at ench other
c-: C011.21;. .:_iale ra,:,1; :.-arizo.
iULViu, Taut the ikara of CollimisLioaers appoint one of its
1 'demi:ex:L. to have cha.re ci -t,h zelu,ol-ill Q.27 such decorations, and
dirocici,. of ' 110 5..c.raement of tiro ei.iLj_: wholl used.
a..E, VD, MCL, a :;,o2, i4.n ci aiu docc,..o. a, n, ohcoeding
in value .250( 0, cc used for C.ecel,:.tinz the City on the 000asio.
of the Ilu,lloru Convent,ion, under tLe dilotion ci 'too Commissiobr
hcrcin z,rovi,,lo6, :_:)j:.
1 i sat., iIllIllw
1 .
/ °h' IP' III -----do" •
. , Adopte y the :.:rd of,06mmissi s of Salt e City,
UtahJune 2 , 191 ;, ,
y eoor er