97 of 1910 - THAT AUTOMOBILES BE ALLOWED IN CITY CREEK CANYON TO THE JUNCTION OF THE BOULEVARD AND CANYON ROAD, A fp +,, - 7� ' e• 3 tom ' a I is a CA a i0 x P 1 ti , i tt.., ,1 , 0. - r..... ..... 0 ci p1 , y µ 4' a o I p o H . 4 yy , ,1 4- i� 7 D O'O II a N , • QQQ ` � N tri 4 CD V] �yy L ' Ia ; ; : ' I t.„ 1 .! o a a C • RESOLUTION. At a meeting of the Board of Tark Commissioners, held June 13, 1910, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS there have been many requests made of the Board of Park Commissioners and several of the City Council that the boulevard from llth Avenue and B Street,down City Creek Canyon, and thence out to the junction of Canyon Road, be opened to the passage of automo- biles traveling one way only; and WHEREAS the said boulevard upon the east side of the canyon is now being used and rapidly destroyed by heavy gravel teams operated by private individuals, and as Canyon Road is also being used and torn up by gravel teams and heavy asphalt wagons; and WHEREAS the Board of Park Commissioners has thoroughly gone into tht matter of opening up this boulevard and from personal inspection found that it is amply wide enough to accommodate auto- mobiles and horse drawn vehicles with perfect safety, providing auto- mobiles are allowed only to travel north on the road to the function of the boulevard and the Canyon Road: 3�eve-"''e-, BE IT RESOLYED,that the Board of Park Commissioners respectfully petition the City Council to amend the ordinance wherein this boulevard and Canyon Road is closed to automobiles and change the same to permit automobiles to use the Canyon Road to the junction of the boulevard, and to allow them to make the return trip back over the boulevard to llth Avenue and B Street, r