014 of 2019 - An ordinance amending various sections of Title 21A of the Salt Lake City Code pertaining to Conditi 0 19-1
P 19-4
No. 14 of 2019
(An ordinance amending various sections of Title 21A of the Salt Lake City Code
pertaining to Conditional Building and Site Design Review)
An ordinance amending various sections of Title 21A of the Salt Lake City Code pursuant
to Petition No. PLNPCM2016-00615 to modify design review regulations.
WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Planning Commission held a public hearing on February
28, 2018 to consider a petition submitted by the Salt Lake City Council ("Applicant") (Petition
No. PLNPCM2016-00615) to amend Chapters 21A.06 (Zoning: Decision Making Bodies and
Officials); 21A.10 (Zoning: General Application and Public Hearing Procedures); 21A.24
(Zoning: Residential Districts); 21A.26 (Zoning: Commercial Districts); 21A.28 (Zoning:
Manufacturing Districts); 21A.30 (Zoning: Downtown Districts); 21A.31 (Zoning: Gateway
Districts); 21A.32 (Zoning: Special Purpose Districts); 21A.33 (Zoning: Land Use Tables);
21A.34 (Zoning: Overlay Districts); 21A.37 (Zoning: Design Standards); 21A.46 (Zoning:
Signs); 21A.58 (Zoning: Site Plan Review); 21A.59 (Zoning: Conditional Building and Site
Design Review); 21A.60 (Zoning: List of Terms); and 21A.62 (Zoning: Definitions) of the Salt
Lake City Code to modify design review regulations; and
WHEREAS, at its February 28, 2018 meeting, the planning commission voted in favor of
transmitting a positive recommendation to the Salt Lake City Council on said petition; and
WHEREAS, after a public hearing on this matter the city council has determined that
adopting this ordinance is in the city's best interests.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Chapter 21A.59. That Chapter
21A.59 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Conditional Building and Site Design Review) shall
be, and hereby is amended to read as follows:
21A.59.020: AUTHORITY:
The purpose of the design review chapter is to: 1) establish a process and standards of review
for minor modifications to applicable design standards, and 2) ensure high quality outcomes
for larger developments that have a significant impact on the city. The intent of the process to
review applications for minor modifications to applicable design standards is to allow some
flexibility in how the design standards are administered by recognizing that the zoning
ordinance cannot anticipate all development issues that may arise. The intent of the process
to review larger developments is to verify new developments are compatible with their
surroundings, impacts to public infrastructure and public spaces are addressed, and that new
development helps achieve development goals outlined in the adopted master plans of the
city as identified in the purpose statements of each zoning district.
21A.59.020 AUTHORITY:
Design review shall be required pursuant to the provisions of this chapter for developments
and alternate building and site design features as specified within individual zoning districts
before building permits may be issued.
A. Administrative Review: The planning director may approve, approve with modifications,
deny or refer to the planning commission modifications to specific design standards when
proposed as new construction, an addition or modification to the exterior of an existing
structure, or a modification to an existing structure as authorized in Table 21A.59.040 or
when authorized in the specific zoning district.
1. The director shall approve a request to modify a design standard if the director finds
that the proposal complies with the purpose of the individual zoning district, the
purpose of the individual design standards that are applicable to the project, the
proposed modification is compatible with the development pattern of other buildings
on the block face or on the block face on the opposite side of the street, and the
project is compliant with the applicable design review objectives (Section
2. The director may approve a request to modify a design standard with conditions or
modifications to the design if the director determines a modification is necessary to
comply with the purpose of the base zoning district, the purpose of the applicable
design standards of the base zoning, to achieve compatibility with the development
pattern of other buildings on the block face or on the block face on the opposite side
of the street, and the applicable design review objectives.
3. The director shall deny a request to modify a design standard if the design does not
comply with the purpose of the base zoning district, the purpose of the applicable
design standards or the applicable design review objectives and no modifications or
conditions of approval can be applied that would make the design comply.
4. The director may forward a request to modify a design standard to the planning
commission if the director finds that the request for modification is greater than
allowed by this chapter, a person receiving notice of the proposed modification can
demonstrate that the request will negatively impact their property, or at the request of
the applicant if the director is required to deny the request as provided in this section.
B. Planning Commission Review: The following types of applications shall be reviewed by
the planning commission. If an application for design review is not listed below, it shall
be eligible for administrative review as outlined in Subsection 21A.59.020.A:
1. When required in the specific zoning district.
2. All projects that include a request for additional building height or a reduction to a
minimum height requirement;
3. All projects that request additional square footage when authorized in the specific
zoning district;
4. Projects that have applied for a modification of base zoning design standards but
could not be approved administratively because they exceed limits identified in Table
5. Projects in the TSA Transit Station Area District that have a development score that
requires planning commission review and approval.
C. Planning Commission Decisions: When reviewing design review applications, the
planning commission may take any of the following actions:
1. The commission shall approve a project if it finds that the proposal complies with the
purpose of the zoning district and applicable overlay district(s), the purpose of the
individual design standards that are applicable to the project, and the project is
compliant with the applicable design review objectives found in this chapter.
2. The commission may approve a project with conditions or modifications to the design
if it determines a modification is necessary to comply with the purpose of the base
zoning district, the purpose of the applicable design standards of the base zoning, or
the applicable design review objectives.
3. The commission shall deny the design of a project if the design does not comply with
the purpose of the base zoning district, the purpose of the applicable design standards
or the applicable design review objectives and no modifications or conditions of
approval can be applied that would make the design comply.
D. Modifications to design standards for properties within an H Historic Preservation
Overlay District are subject to the processes and applicable standards outlined in Section
21A.34.020 and not this design review chapter.
A. A presubmittal meeting with planning staff is recommended prior to submitting an
application for design review to ensure a detailed understanding of the application
submission requirements and design review process.
B. The design review application is considered complete when it includes all of the
1. All of the application information required for site plan review as identified in
Section 21A.58 of this title.
2. Photos showing the facades of adjacent development, trees on the site, general
streetscape character, and views to and from the site.
3. Demonstration of compliance with the purpose of the individual zoning district in
written narrative and graphic images.
4. Demonstration of compliance with the purpose of the applicable design standards of
the individual zoning district in written narrative, graphic images, and relevant
5. Demonstration of compliance with the applicable design review objectives (Section
21A.59.060) in written narrative, graphics, images, and relevant calculations.
6. The zoning administrator may waive a submittal requirement if it is not necessary in
order to determine if a request for a modification to a design standard complies with
the standards of review.
C. Public Notification and Engagement
1. Notice of Application for Administrative Review: Prior to the approval of an
administrative decision for a modification to a specific design standard, the planning
director shall provide written notice as provided in Chapter 21A.10.
2. Required Notice for Planning Commission Review:
a. Applications subject to planning commission review of this chapter are subject to
notification requirements of Title 2, Chapter 2.60 of this code.
b. Any required public hearing is subject to the public hearing notice requirements
found in Chapter 21A.10.
A. The authority of the planning director through the design review process shall be limited
to modification of the specific element referenced within each zoning district. For
planning director review, the design standards of the applicable zoning district (see
Chapter 21A.37 Design Standards), may be modified according to the following table.
Table 21A.59.040
Primary Modification Secondary
Allowed Modification
Design Standards Allowed
A. Ground Floor Use and Visual Interest
1. Ground Floor Use Only length: 10% depth: 20%
2. Ground Floor Use and Visual Interest planning commission only
B. Building Materials
1. Ground Floor Building Materials planning commission only
2. Upper Floor Building Materials planning commission only
C. Glass
1. Ground Floor Glass 10%
2. Upper Floor Glass 10%
D. Building Entrances planning commission only
E. Maximum Length of Blank Wall planning commission only
F. Maximum Length of Street-Facing Facades 10%
G. Upper Floor Step Back
1. For street facing facades 20%
2. For facades facing single- or two-family
residential districts planning commission only
B. The planning commission may consider modifications that exceed allowances listed in
this section or any other design standard modification authorized in the base zoning
district or Chapter 21A.37.
The standards in this section apply to all applications for design review as follows:
For applications seeking modification of base zoning design standards, applicants shall
demonstrate how the applicant's proposal complies with the standards for design review that
are directly applicable to the design standard(s) that is proposed to be modified.
For applications that are required to go through the design review process for purposes other
than a modification to a base zoning standard, the applicant shall demonstrate how the
proposed project complies with each standard for design review. If an application complies
with a standard in the base zoning district or with an applicable requirement in Chapter
21A.37 and that standard is directly related to a standard found in this section, the planning
commission shall find that application complies with the specific standard for design review
found in this section. An applicant may propose an alternative to a standard for design
review provided the proposal is consistent with the intent of the standard for design review.
A. Any new development shall comply with the intent of the purpose statement of the
zoning district and specific design regulations found within the zoning district in which
the project is located as well as the city's adopted "urban design element" and adopted
master plan policies and design guidelines governing the specific area of the proposed
B. Development shall be primarily oriented to the sidewalk, not an interior courtyard or
parking lot.
1. Primary entrances shall face the public sidewalk (secondary entrances can face a
parking lot).
2. Building(s) shall be sited close to the public sidewalk, following and responding to
the desired development patterns of the neighborhood.
3. Parking shall be located within, behind, or to the side of buildings.
C. Building facades shall include detailing and glass in sufficient quantities to facilitate
pedestrian interest and interaction.
1. Locate active ground floor uses at or near the public sidewalk.
2. Maximize transparency of ground floor facades.
3. Use or reinterpret traditional storefront elements like sign bands, clerestory glazing,
articulation, and architectural detail at window transitions.
4. Locate outdoor dining patios, courtyards, plazas, habitable landscaped yards, and
open spaces so that they have a direct visual connection to the street and outdoor
D. Large building masses shall be divided into heights and sizes that relate to human scale.
1. Relate building scale and massing to the size and scale of existing and anticipated
buildings, such as alignments with established cornice heights, building massing,
step-backs and vertical emphasis.
2. Modulate the design of a larger building using a series of vertical or horizontal
emphases to equate with the scale (heights and widths) of the buildings in the context
and reduce the visual width or height.
3. Include secondary elements such as balconies, porches, vertical bays, belt courses,
fenestration and window reveals.
4. Reflect the scale and solid-to-void ratio of windows and doors of the established
character of the neighborhood or that which is desired in the master plan.
E. Building facades that exceed a combined contiguous building length of two hundred feet
(200') shall include:
1. Changes in vertical plane (breaks in façade);
2. Material changes; and
3. Massing changes.
F. If provided, privately-owned public spaces shall include at least three (3) of the six (6)
following elements:
1. Sitting space of at least one sitting space for each two hundred fifty (250) square feet
shall be included in the plaza. Seating shall be a minimum of sixteen inches (16") in
height and thirty inches (30") in width. Ledge benches shall have a minimum depth of
thirty inches (30");
2. A mixture of areas that provide seasonal shade;
3. Trees in proportion to the space at a minimum of one tree per eight hundred (800)
square feet, at least two inch (2") caliper when planted;
4. Water features or public art;
5. Outdoor dining areas; and
6. Other amenities not listed above that provide a public benefit.
G. Building height shall be modified to relate to human scale and minimize negative
impacts. In downtown and in the CSHBD Sugar House Business District, building height
shall contribute to a distinctive city skyline.
1. Human scale:
a. Utilize stepbacks to design a building that relate to the height and scale of
adjacent and nearby buildings, or where identified, goals for future scale defined
in adopted master plans.
b. For buildings more than three stories or buildings with vertical mixed use,
compose the design of a building with distinct base, middle and top sections to
reduce the sense of apparent height.
2. Negative impacts:
a. Modulate taller buildings vertically and horizontally so that it steps up or down to
its neighbors.
b. Minimize shadow impacts of building height on the public realm and semi-public
spaces by varying building massing. Demonstrate impact from shadows due to
building height for the portions of the building that are subject to the request for
additional height.
c. Modify tall buildings to minimize wind impacts on public and private spaces,
such as the inclusion of a wind break above the first level of the building.
3. Cornices and rooflines:
a. Shape and define rooflines to be cohesive with the building's overall form and
b. Include roof forms that complement the rooflines of surrounding buildings.
c. Green roof and roof deck: Include a green roof and/or accessible roof deck to
support a more visually compelling roof landscape and reduce solar gain, air
pollution, and the amount of water entering the stormwater system.
H. Parking and on site circulation shall be provided with an emphasis on making safe
pedestrian connections to the sidewalk, transit facilities, or midblock walkway.
I. Waste and recycling containers, mechanical equipment, storage areas, and loading docks
shall be fully screened from public view and shall incorporate building materials and
detailing compatible with the building being served. Service uses shall be set back from
the front line of building or located within the structure. (Subsection 21A.37.050.K.)
J. Signage shall emphasize the pedestrian/mass transit orientation.
1. Define specific spaces for signage that are integral to building design, such as
commercial sign bands framed by a material change, columns for blade signs, or
other clearly articulated band on the face of the building.
2. Coordinate signage locations with appropriate lighting, awnings, and other
3. Coordinate sign location with landscaping to avoid conflicts.
K. Lighting shall support pedestrian comfort and safety, neighborhood image, and dark sky
1. Provide street lights as indicated in the Salt Lake City Lighting Master Plan.
2. Outdoor lighting should be designed for low-level illumination and to minimize glare
and light trespass onto adjacent properties and uplighting directly to the sky.
3. Coordinate lighting with architecture, signage, and pedestrian circulation to
accentuate significant building features, improve sign legibility, and support
pedestrian comfort and safety.
L. Streetscape improvements shall be provided as follows:
1. One street tree chosen from the street tree list consistent with the city's urban forestry
guidelines and with the approval of the city's urban forester shall be placed for each
thirty feet (30') of property frontage on a street. Existing street trees removed as the
result of a development project shall be replaced by the developer with trees approved
by the city's urban forester.
2. Hardscape (paving material) shall be utilized to differentiate privately-owned public
spaces from public spaces. Hardscape for public sidewalks shall follow applicable
design standards. Permitted materials for privately-owned public spaces shall meet
the following standards:
a. Use materials that are durable (withstand wear, pressure, damage), require a
minimum of maintenance, and are easily repairable or replaceable should damage
or defacement occur.
b. Where practical, as in lower-traffic areas, use materials that allow rainwater to
infiltrate into the ground and recharge the water table.
c. Limit contribution to urban heat island effect by limiting use of dark materials and
incorporating materials with a high Solar-Reflective Index (SRI).
d. Utilize materials and designs that have an identifiable relationship to the character
of the site, the neighborhood, or Salt Lake City.
e. Use materials (like textured ground surfaces) and features (like ramps and seating
at key resting points) to support access and comfort for people of all abilities.
f. Asphalt shall be limited to vehicle drive aisles.
No design review approval shall be valid for a period longer than one year from the date of
approval unless a building permit is issued or a complete building plans and building permit
applications have been submitted to the division of building services and licensing. An
extension of one year may be granted by the entity that approved the application. Extension
requests must be submitted prior to the expiration of the design review approval.
A. The approval of a design review application shall authorize the preparation, filing and
processing of applications for any permits or approval that may be required by the city,
including, but not limited to, a building permit.
B. Following the approval of a design review application, any future alteration to the
property, building or site shall comply with the approved design review application
unless a modification is approved subject to the process outlined in this chapter.
A. Minor modifications: the planning director may authorize minor modifications to
approved design review applications as listed below.
1. Dimensional requirements that are necessary in order to comply with adopted
building codes, fire codes, or engineering standards. The modification is limited to
the minimum amount necessary to comply with the applicable building code, fire
codes, or engineering standard.
2. Minor changes to building materials provided the modification is limited to the
dimension of the material, color of material, or texture of material. Changes to a
different material shall not be considered a minor modification.
B. Any other modifications not listed in Subsection A of this section shall require a new
SECTION 2. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.06.030.C. That
Subsection 21A.06.030.0 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Decision Making Bodies and
Officials: Planning Commission) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows:
C. Jurisdiction and Authority: The planning commission shall have the following powers
and duties in connection with the implementation of this title:
1. Prepare and recommend to the city council for adoption, a comprehensive, general
plan and amendments to the general plan for the present and future needs of the city
and the growth and development of the land within the city or any part of the city;
2. Make comprehensive surveys and studies of the existing conditions and trends of
growth and of the probable future requirements of the city and its residents as part of
the preparation of the general plan;
3. Initiate amendments to the text of this title and to the zoning map pursuant to the
provisions of Chapter 21A.50 of this title;
4. Review, evaluate and make recommendations to the city council on proposed
amendments to this title pursuant to the procedures and standards set forth in Chapter
21 A.50 of this title;
5. Review, hear and decide applications for conditional uses, including planned
developments, pursuant to the procedures and standards set forth in Chapters 21A.54,
"Conditional Uses", 21 A.55, "Planned Developments", and 21A.59, "Design
Review", of this title;
6. Hear and decide appeals from administrative hearing decisions of the planning
7. Hear and decide applications for subdivision amendments and approvals pursuant to
the Municipal Land Use Development and Management Act, Title 10, Chapter 9a of
the Utah Code; and
8. Authorize special exceptions to the terms of this title pursuant to the procedures and
standards set forth in Chapter 21A.52, "Special Exceptions", of this title.
SECTION 3. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.10.020.B. That
Subsection 21A.10.020.B of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: General Application and Public
Hearing Procedures: Public Hearing Notice Requirements) shall be, and hereby is amended to
read as follows:
B. Special Noticing Requirements for Administrative Approvals:
1. Design Review: The Planning Commission shall consider requests for design review
(Chapter 21A.59) at a public hearing if there is an expression of interest after
providing notice as follows:
a. Notification: The city shall provide written notice by first class mail a minimum
of twelve (12) calendar days in advance of the requested action to all owners of
the land and tenants subject to the application, as shown on the Salt Lake City
geographic information system records, adjacent to and contiguous with the land
subject to the application. Recognized organizations are also entitled to receive
notice pursuant to Title 2, Chapter 2.60 of this code by e-mail or other form
chosen by the planning director.
At the end of the twelve (12) calendar day notice period, if there are requests for a
public hearing, the planning commission will schedule a public hearing and
consider the issue; if there are no requests for a public hearing, the planning
director may decide the issue administratively.
2. Determination of Noncontributing Status Within an H Historic Preservation Overlay
District: Prior to the approval of an administrative decision for a certificate of
appropriateness for demolition of a noncontributing structure, the city shall provide
written notice by first class mail a minimum of twelve (12) calendar days of the
determination of noncontributing status of the property to all owners of the land and
tenants, within eighty five feet (85') of the land subject to the application as shown on
the Salt Lake City geographic information system records. At the end of the twelve
(12) day notice period, the planning director shall either issue a certificate of
appropriateness for demolition or refer the application to the Historic Landmark
3. Notice of Application for Special Exceptions: Prior to the approval of an
administrative decision for special exceptions as authorized in Chapter 21A.52 of this
title, the planning director shall provide written notice by first class mail a minimum
of twelve (12) days in advance of the requested action to all abutting properties and
those properties located across the street from the subject property, and to all property
owners and tenants of the land subject to the application, as shown on the Salt Lake
City geographic information system records.
a. Contents of the Mailing Notice of Application: The notice for mailing shall
generally describe the subject matter of the application, the place where such
application may be inspected by the public, the date when the planning director
will authorize a final administrative decision, and include the procedures to appeal
an administrative decision set forth in Chapter 21A.16 of this title.
4. Notice of Application for TSA Development Reviews: Prior to the approval of a
development review score as authorized in Section 21 A.26.078 of this title, the
planning director shall provide written notice by first class mail a minimum of twelve
(12) days in advance of the requested action to all abutting properties and those
properties located across the street from the subject property, and to all property
owners and tenants of the land subject to the application, as shown on the Salt Lake
City geographic information system records.
a. Contents of the Mailing Notice of Application: The notice for mailing shall
generally describe the subject matter of the application, the place where such
application may be inspected by the public, the date when the planning director
will authorize a final administrative decision, and include the procedures to appeal
an administrative decision set forth in Chapter 21A.16 of this title.
SECTION 4. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.24.164.E. That
Subsection 21A.24.164.E of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Residential Districts: R-MU-35
Residential/Mixed Use District: Maximum Building Height) shall be, and hereby is amended to
read as follows:
E. Maximum Building Height: The maximum building height shall not exceed thirty five
feet (35'), except that nonresidential buildings and uses shall be limited by Subsections
E.1, E.2, E.3 and E.4 of this section. Buildings taller than thirty five feet (35'), up to a
maximum of forty five feet (45'), may be authorized through the design review process
(Chapter 21A.59); and provided that the proposed height is supported by the applicable
master plan.
1. Maximum height for nonresidential buildings: Twenty feet (20').
2. Nonresidential uses are only permitted on the ground floor of any structure.
3. Nonresidential uses in landmark sites are exempt from the maximum height for
nonresidential buildings and the maximum floor area coverage limitations.
4. For any property abutting a single-family or two-family residential district, the
maximum height is limited to thirty five feet (35') and may not be increased through
any process.
SECTION 5. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.24.168.E. That
Subsection 21A.24.168.E of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Residential Districts: R-MU-45
Residential/Mixed Use District: Maximum Building Height) shall be, and hereby is amended to
read as follows:
E. Maximum Building Height: The maximum building height shall not exceed forty five
feet(45'), except that nonresidential buildings and uses shall be limited by Subsections
E.1, E.2, E.3 and E.4 of this section. Buildings taller than forty five feet(45'), up to a
maximum of fifty five feet(55'), may be authorized through the design review process
(Chapter 21A.59) and provided that the proposed height is supported by the applicable
master plan.
1. Maximum height for nonresidential buildings: Twenty feet(20').
2. Nonresidential uses are only permitted on the ground floor of any structure.
3. Nonresidential uses in landmark sites are exempt from the maximum height for
nonresidential buildings and the maximum floor area coverage limitations.
4. For any property abutting a single-family or two-family residential district, the
maximum height is limited to forty five feet(45') and may not be increased through
any process.
SECTION 6. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.24.170. That
Section 21 A.24.170 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Residential Districts: R-MU
Residential/Mixed Use District) shall be, and hereby is amended as follows:
a. Subsection 21 A.24.170.E is amended to read as follows:
E. Minimum Yard Requirements:
1. Single-Family Detached Dwellings:
a. Front Yard: Fifteen feet(15').
b. Corner Side Yard: Ten feet(10').
c. Interior Side Yard:
(1) Corner lots: Four feet(4').
(2) Interior lots: Four feet(4') on one side and ten feet(10') on the other.
d. Rear Yard: Twenty five percent(25%) of the lot depth,but need not be more
than twenty feet (20').
2. Single-Family Attached, Two-Family Aand Twin Home Dwellings:
a. Front Yard: Fifteen feet(15').
b. Corner Side Yard: Ten feet(10').
c. Interior Side Yard:
(1) Single-family attached: No yard is required,however if one is provided it
shall not be less than four feet(4').
(2) Two-family:
(A)Interior lot: Four feet(4') on one side and ten feet(10') on the other.
(B)Corner lot: Four feet(4').
(3) Twin home:No yard is required along one side lot line. A ten foot (10')
yard is required on the other.
d. Rear Yard: Twenty five percent(25%) of lot depth or twenty five feet(25'),
whichever is less.
3. Multi-Family Dwellings and Any Other Residential Uses:
a. Front Yard: No setback is required.
b. Corner Side Yard: No setback is required.
c. Interior Side Yard: No setback is required.
d. Rear Yard: Twenty five percent(25%) of lot depth,but need not exceed thirty
4. Nonresidential Development:
a. Front Yard: No setback is required.
b. Corner Side Yard:No setback is required.
c. Interior Side Yard:No setback is required.
d. Rear Yard: Twenty five percent (25%) of lot depth,but need not exceed thirty
5. Existing Lots: Lots legally existing on the effective date hereof, April 12, 1995,
shall be considered legal conforming lots.
6. Minimum Lot Area Exemptions: For multiple-unit residential uses, nonresidential
and mixed uses, no minimum lot area is required. In addition, no front, corner side
or interior side yards or landscaped setbacks are required; except where interior
side yards are provided, they shall not be less than four feet (4').
7. Existing Buildings: For buildings legally existing on the effective date hereof,
required yards shall be no greater than the established setback line.
8. Maximum Setback: For single-family, two-family, and twin home dwellings, at
least twenty five percent (25%) of the building facade must be located within
twenty five feet (25') of the front lot line. For all other uses, at least twenty five
percent (25%) of the building facade must be located within fifteen feet (15') of
the front lot line. Exceptions to this requirement may be authorized as design
review, subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title, and the review
and approval of the planning commission. The planning director, in consultation
with the transportation director, may modify this requirement if the adjacent
public sidewalk is substandard and the resulting modification to the setback
results in a more efficient public sidewalk. The planning director may waive this
requirement for any addition, expansion, or intensification, which increases the
floor area or parking requirement by less than fifty percent (50%) if the planning
director finds the following:
a. The architecture of the addition is compatible with the architecture of the
original structure or the surrounding architecture.
b. The addition is not part of a series of incremental additions intended to
subvert the intent of the ordinance.
Appeal of administrative decision is to the planning commission.
9. Parking Setback: Surface parking lots within an interior side yard shall maintain a
thirty foot (30') landscape setback from the front property line or be located
behind the primary structure. Parking structures shall maintain a forty five foot
(45') minimum setback from a front or corner side yard property line or be
located behind the primary structure. There are no minimum or maximum setback
restrictions on underground parking. The planning director may modify or waive
this requirement if the planning director finds the following:
a. The parking is compatible with the architecture/design of the original structure
or the surrounding architecture.
b. The parking is not part of a series of incremental additions intended to subvert
the intent of the ordinance.
c. The horizontal landscaping is replaced with vertical screening in the form of
berms, plant materials, architectural features, fencing and/or other forms of
d. The landscaped setback is consistent with the surrounding neighborhood
e. The overall project is consistent with Section 21A.59.050 of this title.
Appeal of administrative decision is to the Planning Commission.
b. Subsection 21A.24.170.F is amended to read as follows:
F. Maximum Building Height: The maximum building height shall not exceed seventy
five feet(75'), except that nonresidential buildings and uses shall be limited by
Subsections F.1 and F.2 of this section. Buildings taller than seventy five feet (75'),
up to a maximum of one hundred twenty five feet (125'), may be authorized through
the design review process (Chapter 21A.59) and provided, that the proposed height is
located within the one hundred twenty five foot (125') height zone indicated in the
map located in Subsection F.3 of this section.
1. Maximum height for nonresidential buildings: Forty five feet (45').
2. Maximum floor area coverage of nonresidential uses in mixed use buildings of
residential and nonresidential uses: Three (3) floors.
3. One hundred twenty five foot(125') height zone map for the R-MU District:
FIGURE 21A.24.170.F.3
100 South
W o W W b W
o o o o
0 0 0
N . M V -
Arnold Pl
200 South
U / %
/� Chipman PI
/ Slade PI
300 South
— A
o b
I o
I 400 South �I
21A.24.170.F.3: 125' Height Zone Map for R-MU District
SECTION 7. Amending the text of Salt Lake Ciry Code Subsection 21A.24.180.I. That
Subsection 21 A.24.180.I of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Residential Districts: RO
Residential/Office District: Offices in Existing Buildings on Lots Less Than Twenty Thousand
Square Feet) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows:
I. Offices in Existing Buildings on Lots Less Than Twenty Thousand Square Feet: Offices
occupying existing buildings are permitted on a five thousand (5,000) square foot
minimum lot. Additions to existing buildings that are greater than fifty percent (50%) of
the existing building footprint or that exceed the height of the existing building shall be
subject to design review (Chapter 21A.59).
SECTION 8. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.26.010.J. That
Subsection 21A.26.010.J of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Commercial Districts: General
Provisions: Modifications to Maximum Height) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as
J. Modifications to Maximum Height: Additions to the maximum height due to the natural
topography of the site may be approved pursuant to the following procedures and
1. Modifications of Ten Percent or Less of Maximum Height:
a. The planning commission may approve, as a special exception, additional height
not exceeding ten percent (10%) of the maximum height pursuant to the standards
and procedures of Chapter 21A.52 of this title. Specific conditions for approval
are found in Chapter 21A.52 of this title.
2. Modifications of More Than Ten Percent of Maximum Height:
a. Design Review: Through design review for properties on a sloping lot in
commercial zoning districts, pursuant to Chapter 21A.59 of this title, the planning
commission, or in the case of an administrative approval the planning director or
designee, may allow additional building height of more than ten percent (10%) of
the maximum height, but not more than one additional story, if the first floor of
the building exceeds twenty thousand (20,000) square feet. The additional story
shall not be exposed on more than fifty percent (50%) of the total building
SECTION 9. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.26.020.F. That
Subsection 21A.26.020.F of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Commercial Districts: CN
Neighborhood Commercial District: Minimum Yard Requirements) shall be, and hereby is
amended to read as follows:
F. Minimum Yard Requirements:
1. Front or Corner Side Yard: A fifteen foot (15') minimum front or corner side yard
shall be required. Exceptions to this requirement may be authorized as design review,
subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title, and the review and
approval of the planning commission.
2. Interior Side Yard: None required.
3. Rear Yard: Ten feet (10').
4. Buffer Yards: Any lot abutting a lot in a residential district shall conform to the buffer
yard requirements of Chapter 21A.48 of this title.
5. Accessory Buildings and Structures in Yards: Accessory buildings and structures may
be located in a required yard subject to Section 21 A.36.020, Table 21A.36.020.B of
this title.
6. Maximum Setback: A maximum setback is required for at least sixty five percent
(65%) of the building facade. The maximum setback is twenty five feet (25').
Exceptions to this requirement may be authorized through the design review process,
subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title, and the review and
approval of the planning commission. The planning director, in consultation with the
transportation director, may modify this requirement if the adjacent public sidewalk is
substandard and the resulting modification to the setback results in a more efficient
public sidewalk. The planning director may waive this requirement for any addition,
expansion, or intensification, which increases the floor area or parking requirement
by less than fifty percent (50%) if the planning director finds the following:
a. The architecture of the addition is compatible with the architecture of the original
structure or the surrounding architecture.
b. The addition is not part of a series of incremental additions intended to subvert the
intent of the ordinance.
Appeal of administrative decision is to the planning commission.
7. Parking Setback: Surface parking lots within an interior side yard shall maintain a
thirty foot (30') landscape setback from the front property line or be located behind
the primary structure. Parking structures shall maintain a forty five foot (45')
minimum setback from a front or corner side yard property line or be located behind
the primary structure. There are no minimum or maximum setback restrictions on
underground parking. The planning director may modify or waive this requirement if
the planning director finds the following:
a. The parking is compatible with the architecture/design of the original structure or
the surrounding architecture.
b. The parking is not part of a series of incremental additions intended to subvert the
intent of the ordinance.
c. The horizontal landscaping is replaced with vertical screening in the form of
berms, plant materials, architectural features, fencing and/or other forms of
d. The landscaped setback is consistent with the surrounding neighborhood
e. The overall project is consistent with Section 21A.59.050 of this title.
Appeal of administrative decision is to the planning commission.
SECTION 10. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.26.025. That
Section 21A.26.025 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Commercial Districts: SNB Small
Neighborhood Business District) shall be, and hereby is amended as follows:
a. Subsection 21A.26.025.0 is amended to read as follows:
C. Design Review:
1. Projects which meet the intent of this section, but not the specific design criteria
outlined in the following subsections, may be approved by the planning
commission pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 21A.59 of this title.
b. Subsection 21A.26.025.K is amended to read as follows:
K. New Nonresidential Construction:
1. Construction of a new principal building, parking lot or addition to an existing
building for a nonresidential use that includes the demolition of a commercial
structure or a structure containing residential units may only be approved through
a design review process pursuant to Chapter 21A.59 of this title and provided, that
in such cases the planning commission finds that the applicant has adequately
demonstrated the following:
a. The replacement use for properties containing residential units will include an
equal or greater number of residential units; and
b. The structure is isolated from other structures and does not relate to other
structures within the residential-business neighborhood. For purpose of this
section, an isolated structure is a structure that does not meet the development
pattern of the block face or block faces for corner properties; and
c. The design and condition of the structure is such that it does not make a
material contribution to the character of the neighborhood. A structure is
considered to make a material contribution when it is similar in scale, height,
width, and solid to void ratio of openings in the principal street facing facade.
SECTION 11. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21 A.26.030. That
Section 21A.26.030 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Commercial Districts: CB Community
Business District) shall be, and hereby is amended as follows:
a. Subsection 21A.26.030.D is amended to read as follows:
D. Lot Size Requirements: No minimum lot area or lot width is required, however any
lot exceeding four (4) acres in size shall be allowed only through the design review
process (Chapter 21A.59).
b. Subsection 21A.26.030.E is amended to read as follows:
E. Building Size Limits: Buildings in excess of seven thousand five hundred (7,500)
gross square feet of floor area for a first floor footprint or in excess of fifteen
thousand (15,000) gross square feet floor area overall, shall be allowed only through
the design review process (Chapter 21A.59). An unfinished basement used only for
storage or parking shall be allowed in addition to the total square footage. In addition
to the design review standards in Chapter 21A.59 of this title, the planning
commission shall also consider the following standards:
1. Compatibility: The proposed height and width of new buildings and additions
shall be visually compatible with buildings found on the block face.
2. Roofline: The roof shape of a new building or addition shall be similar to roof
shapes found on the block face.
3. Vehicular Access: New buildings and additions shall provide a continuous street
wall of buildings with minimal breaks for vehicular access.
4. Facade Design: Facade treatments should be used to break up the mass of larger
buildings so they appear to be multiple, smaller scale buildings. Varied rooflines,
varied facade planes, upper story step backs, and lower building heights for
portions of buildings next to less intensive zoning districts may be used to reduce
the apparent size of the building.
5. Buffers: When located next to low density residential uses, the planning
commission may require larger setbacks, landscape buffers and/or fencing than
what are required by this title if the impacts of the building mass and location of
the building on the site create noise, light trespass or impacts created by parking
and service areas.
6. Step Backs: When abutting single-story development and/or a public street, the
planning commission may require that any story above the ground story be
stepped back from the building foundation at grade to address compatibility issues
with the other buildings on the block face and/or uses.
c. Subsection 21A.26.030.F is amended to read as follows:
F. Minimum Yard Requirements:
1. Front or Corner Side Yard: No minimum yard is required. If a front yard is
provided, it shall comply with all provisions of this title applicable to front or
corner side yards, including landscaping, fencing, and obstructions.
2. Interior Side Yard: None required.
3. Rear Yard: Ten feet (10').
4. Buffer Yards: Any lot abutting a lot in a residential district shall conform to the
buffer yard requirements of Chapter 21A.48 of this title.
5. Accessory Buildings and Structures in Yards: Accessory buildings and structures
may be located in a required yard subject to Section 21A.36.020, Table
21A.36.020.B of this title.
6. Maximum Setback: A maximum setback is required for at least seventy five
percent (75%) of the building facade. The maximum setback is fifteen feet (15').
Exceptions to this requirement may be authorized through the design review
process, subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title, and the review
and approval of the planning commission. The planning director, in consultation
with the transportation director, may modify this requirement if the adjacent
public sidewalk is substandard and the resulting modification to the setback
results in a more efficient public sidewalk. The planning director may waive this
requirement for any addition, expansion, or intensification, which increases the
floor area or parking requirement by less than fifty percent (50%) if the planning
director finds the following:
a. The architecture of the addition is compatible with the architecture of the
original structure or the surrounding architecture.
b. The addition is not part of a series of incremental additions intended to
subvert the intent of the ordinance.
Appeal of administrative decision is to the planning commission.
1. Parking Setback: Surface parking is prohibited in a front or corner side yard.
Surface parking lots within an interior side yard shall maintain a twenty foot (20')
landscape setback from the front property line or be located behind the primary
structure. Parking structures shall maintain a thirty five foot (35') minimum
setback from a front or corner side yard property line or be located behind the
primary structure. There are no minimum or maximum setback restrictions on
underground parking. The planning director may modify or waive this
requirement if the planning director finds the following:
a. The parking is compatible with the architecture/design of the original structure
or the surrounding architecture.
b. The parking is not part of a series of incremental additions intended to subvert
the intent of the ordinance.
c. The horizontal landscaping is replaced with vertical screening in the form of
berms, plant materials, architectural features, fencing and/or other forms of
d. The landscaped setback is consistent with the surrounding neighborhood
e. The overall project is consistent with Section 21 A.59.050 of this title.
Appeal of administrative decision is to the planning commission.
SECTION 12. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.26.050.F. That
Subsection 21A.26.050.F of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Commercial Districts: CC
Corridor Commercial District: Maximum Height) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as
F. Maximum Height: No building shall exceed thirty feet (30'). Buildings higher than thirty
feet (30') may be allowed in accordance with the provisions of Subsections F.1 and F.2
of this section.
1. Procedure for Modification: A modification to the height regulations in this
Subsection F may be granted through the design review process in conformance with
the provisions of Chapter 21A.59 of this title. In evaluating an application submitted
pursuant to this section, the planning commission shall find that the increased height
will result in improved site layout and amenities.
2. Landscaping: If an additional floor is approved, increased landscaping shall be
provided over and above that which is normally required for landscape yards,
landscape buffer yards, and parking lot perimeter and interior landscaping. The
amount of increased landscaping shall be equal to ten percent (10%) of the area of the
additional floor.
3. Maximum Additional Height: Additional height shall be limited to fifteen feet (15').
SECTION 13. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.26.060. That
Section 21A.26.060 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Commercial Districts: CSHBD Sugar
House Business District (CSHBD1 and CSHBD2)) shall be, and hereby is amended as follows:
a. Subsection 21A.26.060.D is amended to read as follows:
D. Design Review: All new construction of principal buildings that exceed fifty feet
(50') in height in the CSHBD1 district or thirty feet (30') in height in the CSHBD2
district or twenty thousand (20,000) square feet in size in either district shall be
subject to design review. The planning commission has the authority to approve
projects through the design review process. Design review shall be approved in
conformance with the business district design guideline handbook and the provisions
of Chapter 21A.59 of this title.
b. Subsection 21A.26.060.F is amended to read as follows:
F. Minimum Yard Requirements:
1. Front and Corner Side Yards: No minimum yard is required.
2. Maximum Setback: The maximum setback is fifteen feet (15'). Exceptions to this
requirement may be authorized through the design review process, subject to the
requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title, and the review and approval of the
planning commission. The planning director, in consultation with the
transportation director, may modify this requirement if the adjacent public
sidewalk is substandard and the resulting modification to the setback results in a
more efficient public sidewalk, and/or the modification conforms with the
business district design guidelines handbook. Appeal of an administrative
decision is to the planning commission.
3. Interior Side Yards: None required.
4. Rear Yards: No minimum yard is required.
5. Buffer Yards: All lots abutting a lot in a residential district shall conform to the
buffer yards and landscape requirements of Chapter 21A.48 of this title. In
addition, for those structures located on properties zoned CSHBD that abut
properties in a low density, single-family residential zone, every three feet (3') in
building height above thirty feet (30'), shall be required a corresponding one foot
(1') setback from the property line at grade. This additional required setback area
can be used for landscaping or parking.
SECTION 14. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.26.070.F. That
Subsection 21A.26.070.F of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Commercial Districts: CG General
Commercial District: Maximum Height) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows:
F. Maximum Height: No building shall exceed sixty feet (60'). Buildings higher than sixty
feet (60') may be allowed in accordance with the provisions of Subsections F.1 and F.3
of this section.
1. Procedure for Modification: A modification to the height regulations in this
Subsection F may be granted through the design review process in conformance with
the provisions of Chapter 21A.59 of this title. In evaluating an application submitted
pursuant to this section, the planning commission or in the case of an administrative
approval the planning director or designee, shall find that the increased height will
result in improved site layout and amenities.
2. Landscaping: If additional floors are approved, increased landscaping shall be
provided over and above that which is normally required for landscape yards,
landscape buffer yards, and parking lot perimeter and interior landscaping. The
amount of increased landscaping shall be equal to ten percent (10%) of the area of the
additional floors.
3. Maximum Additional Height: Additional height shall be limited to thirty feet (30').
SECTION 15. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.26.078. That
Section 21A.26.078 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Commercial Districts: TSA Transit
Station Area District) shall be, and hereby is amended as follows:
a. Subsection 21A.26.078.0 is amended to read as follows:
C. Review Process: The review process for all new development and redevelopment
within the Transit Station Area Zoning District is based on the development score
which is generated by the "Transit Station Area Development Guidelines" hereby
adopted by reference.
1. The following types of development are required to go through this review
a. Any addition of one thousand (1,000) square feet or more that extend a street
facing building facade or are located to the side of a building and are visible
from a public space; or
b. Additions that increase the height of an existing building or change the
existing roofline;
c. Additions to the rear of buildings that are not adjacent to a public street, trail
or other public space are not required to obtain a development score but must
comply with all other applicable regulations. Signs, fences, accessory
structures and any other structure or addition not listed in this section are not
required to obtain a development score.
d. Single-family detached dwellings and two-family dwellings are not required
to obtain a development score.
2. Application process steps:
a. Presubmittal Conference: All applicants for development within the Transit
Station Area Zoning District are required to attend a presubmittal conference
with the planning division. The purpose of the presubmittal conference is to
notify the applicant of the goals of the station area plans, the standards in this
section, and the review and approval process.
b. Development Review Application: After a presubmittal conference, the
developer can submit a development review application. This application and
all submittal requirements will be used to determine the development score.
The application shall include a score sheet on which the development
guidelines and their assigned values are indicated and two (2) checklists: one
(1) for the applicant's use and one (1) for the planning division's use.
c. Public Noticing: A notice of application for a development review shall be
provided in accordance with Chapter 21 A.10 of this title.
d. Application Review: Table 21A.26.078.C.2.d of this section summarizes the
application review process. All applications shall be processed as follows:
(1) Tier 1 Planning Commission Review: If a project is assigned a score less than 125
points, the project can only be approved by the planning commission through
the Design Review process in Chapter 21A.59 of this title. Once the applicant
receives written notice of their score, they will be given thirty (30) days to notify the
planning division of their intention to proceed with the project through the design
review process or make necessary plan adjustments to increase their development
score to the minimum level in order to go through an administrative review process.
(2) Tier 2 Administrative Review: The planning director has the authority to approve
a project scoring 125 points or more without holding a public hearing. The project
shall be allowed to go through the standard building permit process. A public hearing
is not required because the project incorporates adequate development guidelines or
development incentives to be deemed compliant with the vision for the station area.
TABLE 21A.26.078.C.2.d
Development Score Review Process
0 - 124 points Planning Commission Design Review process
125 or more points Administrative review
b. Subsection 21A.26.078.E.3(6) is amended to read as follows:
(6) All front and corner side yard standards in Table 21A.26.078.E.3.b of this Subsection
E may be modified through the Design Review process of Chapter 21A.59 of this
title, except that the front and corner side yard setback for 400 South shall not be
reduced below the minimum.
c. Subsection 21A.26.078.F.2 is amended to read as follows:
2. All developments required to obtain a review score by subsection C of this section
shall comply with the following additional design standards. These specific standards
may be modified through the Design Review in Chapter 21A.59 of this title if the
modifications meet the intent of the specific design standard requested to be
a. EIFS and Stucco Limitation: Use of Exterior Insulation and Finishing System
(EIFS) or traditional stucco is not allowed as a building material on the ground
floor of street facing building facades. Use of EIFS and stucco is allowed for up to
ten percent (10%) of the upper level street facing facades.
b. Front and Corner Side Yard Design Requirements:
(1) In yards greater than ten feet (10') in depth, one (1) shade tree shall be planted
for every thirty feet (30') of street frontage. For the purpose of this section, a
shade tree is any tree that has a mature minimum tree canopy of thirty feet
(30') and a mature height that is forty feet (40') or greater.
(2) At least fifty percent (50%) of the front or corner side yards shall be covered
in live plant material. This can include raised planter boxes. This percentage
can be reduced to thirty percent (30%) if the yard includes outdoor dining,
patios, outdoor public space, or private yards for ground floor residential uses
that cover at least fifty percent (50%) of the provided front or corner side
(3) At least thirty percent (30%) of the front or corner side yard shall by occupied
by outdoor dining areas, patios, outdoor public space, or private yards for
ground floor residential uses.
(4) Driveways necessary for vehicle access to the site are allowed regardless of
compliance with the minimum percentages required by this subsection.
c. Entry Feature Requirements: All required building entries shall include at least
one (1) of the following features:
(1) An awning or canopy over the entrance that extends a minimum of five feet
(5') from the street facing building facade;
(2) A recessed entrance that is recessed at least five feet (5') from the street facing
(3) A covered porch that is at least five feet (5') in depth and at least forty (40)
square feet in size; or
(4) A stoop that is at least two feet (2') above sidewalk level and that includes an
awning or canopy that extends at least three feet (3') from the street facing
building facade.
d. Ground Floor Use Requirement for 400 South and North Temple Boulevard:
When facing 400 South or North Temple Boulevard, the ground floor use area
required by Chapter 21A.37 of this title shall be built to accommodate an allowed
commercial, institutional, or public use. Live/work uses qualify as a commercial
use for this subsection.
(1) Exception: Residential uses may be permitted within the required area in lieu
of the required use, if the ground floor is designed so that it can be converted
to an allowed commercial use in the future. To accommodate this conversion,
the shell space of the ground floor shall be built to an occupancy standard
required by the adopted building code that can accommodate conversion of
the interior of the space to a future permitted commercial use.
(2) The following additional requirements shall apply to the ground floor space if
used for residential uses:
(A)The shell space shall be at least twelve feet (12') in height;
(B)The street facing facade of each ground floor residential unit shall be at
least sixty percent (60%) glass;
(C)Each ground floor unit shall have a direct entrance from the sidewalk to
the unit;
(D)Each ground floor unit shall be ADA accessible; and
(E) Each ground floor unit shall include a porch, patio, stoop or other entrance
feature that is a minimum depth of at least five feet (5').
SECTION 16. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.28.020.F.2.
That Subsection 21A.28.020.F.2 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Manufacturing Districts:
M-1 Light Manufacturing District: Maximum Height: Location Exception) shall be, and hereby
is amended to read as follows:
2. In the M-1 Zoning Districts located west of the Salt Lake City International Airport and
north of Interstate 80 (I-80),buildings may exceed sixty five feet(65') in height subject
to the design review standards and procedures of Chapter 21A.59 of this title. In no case
shall any building exceed eighty five feet (85').
SECTION 17. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.30.020. That
Section 21A.30.020 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Downtown Districts: D-1 Central
Business District) shall be, and hereby is amended as follows:
a. Subsection 21A.30.020.D.2.a is amended to read as follows:
a. Front and corner side yards: No minimum yards are required,however, no yard shall
exceed five feet(5') except as authorized through the design review process. Such
design reviews shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title.
Where an entire block frontage is under one ownership, the setback for that block
frontage shall not exceed twenty five feet (25'). Exceptions to this requirement may
be authorized through the design review process, subject to the requirements of
Chapter 21A.59 of this title.
b. Subsection 21A.30.020.E.6 is amended to read as follows:
6. Height Regulations: No corner building shall be less than one hundred feet (100')nor
more than three hundred seventy five feet (375') in height. The minimum one
hundred foot(100') high portion of the building shall be located not farther than five
feet (5') from the lot line along front and corner lot lines. Buildings higher than three
hundred seventy five feet (375') may be allowed in accordance with the provisions of
Subsections E.6.a and E.6.b of this section.
a. Conditions for Taller Corner Buildings: Corner buildings may exceed the three
hundred seventy five foot(375') height limit provided they conform to the
following requirements:
(1) To minimize excessive building mass at higher elevations and preserve scenic
views, some or all of the building mass over the three hundred seventy five
foot (375') height level shall be subject to additional setback, as determined
appropriate through the design review process.
(2) Not less than one percent (1%) of the building construction budget shall be
used for enhanced amenities, including art visible to the public, enhanced
design elements of the exterior of the building or exterior spaces available to
the public for cultural or recreational activities. The property owner shall not
be required to exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) in required
(3) The operation of uses within the building, including accessory parking
facilities, shall comply with the adopted traffic demand management
guidelines administered by the city traffic engineer.
b. Additional Standards for Certain Height Modifications:
(1) The first one hundred feet (100') of height shall not be set back from the street
front more than five feet (5') except that setbacks above the first fifty feet
(50') may be approved through the design review process.
(2) Modifying the height will achieve the preservation of a landmark site or
contributing structure in an H Historic Preservation Overlay District.
(3) Modifying the height will allow interim service commercial uses to support
the downtown community.
c. Design Review Approval: A modification to the height regulations in Subsection
E.6.a of this section may be granted through the design review process, subject to
conformance with the standards and procedures of Chapter 21A.59 of this title.
c. Subsection 21A.30.020.F.3 is amended to read as follows:
3. Height Regulations: No building shall be more than one hundred feet (100') in height;
provided, that taller buildings may be authorized through the design review process,
subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title.
SECTION 18. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.30.030.D. That
Subsection 21A.30.030.D of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Downtown Districts: D-2
Downtown Support District: Maximum Building Height) shall be, and hereby is amended to read
as follows:
D. Maximum Building Height: No building shall exceed sixty five feet (65'). Buildings
taller than sixty five feet (65') but less than one hundred twenty feet (120') may be
authorized through the design process, subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of
this title.
SECTION 19. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.30.040.E. That
Subsection 21A.30.040.E of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Downtown Districts: D-3
Downtown Warehouse/Residential District: Maximum Building Height) shall be, and hereby is
amended to read as follows:
E. Maximum Building Height: No building shall exceed seventy five feet (75'). Buildings
taller than seventy five feet (75') but less than ninety feet (90') may be authorized
through the design review process, provided the additional height is supported by the
applicable master plan, the overall square footage of the buildings is greater than fifty
percent (50%) residential use, and subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this
SECTION 20. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.30.045.C. That
Subsection 21A.30.045.0 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Downtown Districts: D-4
Downtown Secondary Central Business District: D-4 District General Regulations) shall be, and
hereby is amended to read as follows:
C. D-4 District General Regulations:
1. Minimum Lot Size: No minimum lot area or lot width is required.
2. Yard Requirements:
a. Front and Corner Side Yards: No minimum yards are required, however, no yard
shall exceed five feet (5') except as authorized through the design review process.
Such designs shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title.
Where an entire block frontage is under one ownership, the setback for that block
frontage shall not exceed twenty five feet (25'). Exceptions to this requirement
may be authorized through the design review process subject to the requirements
of Chapter 21A.59 of this title.
b. Interior Side and Rear Yards: None required.
3. Restrictions on Parking Lots and Structures: An excessive influence of at or above
ground parking lots and structures can negatively impact the urban design objectives
of the D-4 district. To control such impacts, the following regulations shall apply to at
or above ground parking facilities:
a, Within block corner areas, structures shall be located behind principal buildings,
or at least seventy five feet (75') from front and corner side lot lines.
b. Within the mid block areas, parking structures shall be located behind principal
buildings, or at least thirty feet (30') from front and corner side lot lines. A
modification to this requirement may be granted as a conditional use, subject to
conformance with the standards and procedures of Chapter 21A.54 of this title.
Parking structures shall meet the following:
(1) Retail goods/service establishments, offices and/or restaurants shall be
provided on the first floor adjacent to the front or corner side lot line. The
facades of such first floor shall be compatible and consistent with the
associated retail or office portion of the building and other retail uses in the
(2) Levels of parking above the first level facing the front or corner side lot line
shall have floors/facades that are horizontal, not sloped.
(3) Mid block surface parking lots shall have a fifteen foot (15') landscaped
c. Accessory parking structures built prior to the principal use, and commercial
parking structures, shall be permitted as conditional uses with the approval of the
planning commission pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 21A.54 of this title.
d. No special restrictions shall apply to belowground parking facilities.
e. At grade (surface) parking facilities shall be set back behind the principal building
and shall be set back at least seventy five feet (75') from front and corner side lot
lines and landscaped in a way that minimizes visual impacts.
4. Interior Plazas, Atriums and Galleries: Interior plazas, atriums and galleries shall be
permitted throughout the D-4 secondary central business district.
5. Location of Service Areas: All loading docks, refuse disposal areas and other service
activities shall be located on block interiors away from view of any public street.
Exceptions to this requirement may be approved through the site plan review process
when a permit applicant demonstrates that it is not feasible to accommodate these
activities on the block interior. If such activities are permitted adjacent to a public
street, a visual screening design approved by the zoning administrator shall be
6. Landscape Requirements: All buildings constructed after April 12, 1995, shall
conform to the special landscape requirements applicable to the D-4 Secondary
Central Business District as contained in Chapter 21A.48 of this title.
7. Maximum Building Height: No building shall exceed seventy five feet (75').
Buildings taller than seventy five feet (75') but less than one hundred twenty feet
(120') may be authorized through the design review process, subject to the
requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title. Additional height may be allowed as
specified below:
a. Additional Permitted Height Location: Additional height greater than one hundred
twenty feet (120') but not more than three hundred seventy five feet (375') in
height is permitted in the area bounded by the centerlines of South Temple, West
Temple, 200 South, and 200 West Streets.
(1) Conditional Height: Buildings may exceed the one hundred twenty foot(120')
height limit to a maximum height of three hundred seventy five feet(375'),
provided they conform to the standards and procedures outlined in the design
review process of Chapter 21A.59 of this title and the following requirements:
(A)Additional Setback: To minimize excessive building mass at higher
elevations and preserve scenic views, some or all of the building mass
shall be subject to additional setback, as determined appropriate through
the design review process.
(B)Exception: The first fifty feet(50') of height shall not be set back from the
street front more than five feet (5') except that setbacks greater than five
feet (5') may be approved through the design review process.
(C)Ground Floor Uses: See Subsection 21A.37.050.A and Section
21A.37.060, Table 21A.37.060, Subsection D of this title for this
8. Mid Block Walkways: As a part of the city's plan for the downtown area, it is
intended that mid block walkways be provided to facilitate pedestrian movement
within the area. To delineate the public need for such walkways,the city has
formulated an official plan for their location and implementation, which is on file at
the planning division office. All buildings constructed after the effective date hereof
within the D-4 downtown district shall conform to this plan for mid block walkways.
9. Mid Block Streets: Developments constructing mid block streets, either privately
owned with a public easement or publicly dedicated, that are desired by an applicable
master plan:
a. May use a portion or all of the overhead and underground right of way of the new
mid block street as part of their developable area irrespective of lot lines, subject
to design review and approval of the planning commission.
b. May increase the height of the building on the remaining abutting parcel, subject
to the design review process in conformance with the standards and procedures of
Chapter 21A.59 of this title.
SECTION 21. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.31.010. That
Section 21A.31.010 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Gateway Districts: General Provisions)
shall be, and hereby is amended as follows:
a. Subsection 21A.31.010.D is amended to read as follows:
D. Conditional Uses: The uses specified as conditional uses in Section 21A.33.060,
"Table of Permitted and Conditional Uses in the Gateway District", of this title, shall
be permitted in the gateway district provided they are approved pursuant to the
standards and procedures for conditional uses set forth in Chapter 21A.54 of this title,
and comply with all other applicable requirements of this title, including the urban
design evaluation and/or the design review process established in this chapter and
Chapter 21A.59 of this title.
b. Subsection 21 A.31.010.E is amended to read as follows:
E. Site Plan Review; Design Review: In certain districts, permitted uses and conditional
uses have the potential for adverse impacts if located and oriented on lots without
careful planning. Such impacts may interfere with the use and enjoyment of adjacent
property and uses. Site plan review is a process designed to address such adverse
impacts and minimize them where possible. The design may also be evaluated to
address elements of urban design.
Site plan review, pursuant to Chapter 21A.58 of this title, for all of the gateway
districts, is required to protect the local economy, maintain safe traffic conditions,
maintain the environment, and assure harmonious land-use relationships between
commercial uses and more sensitive land uses in affected areas.
Design evaluation is necessary to implement the policies of the urban design plan as
adopted by the city council. Design review shall apply to conditional uses in the
gateway district. In the gateway district, the design review process is used to evaluate
and resolve urban design.
c. Subsection 21 A.31.010.H.8 is amended to read as follows:
8. Design Review Approval: A modification to the restrictions on parking lots and
structures provisions of this section may be granted through the design review
process, subject to conformance with the standards and procedures of Chapter 21A.59
of this title. Such conditional uses shall also be subject to urban design evaluation.
d. Subsection 21A.31.010.P is amended to read as follows:
P. Urban Design: The urban design standards are intended to foster the creation of a rich
urban environment that accommodates growth and is compatible with existing
buildings and uses in the area. All general development and site plans shall be
designed to complement the surrounding existing contiguous (historic) development.
The following design standards will provide human scale through change, contrast,
intricacy, color and materials where the lower levels of buildings face public streets
and sidewalks. They will also spatially define the street space in order to concentrate
pedestrian activity, create a clear urban character and promote visibility of
commercial activities at the ground level. The standards will also encourage diversity
through the use of building forms and materials, while respecting the patterns, styles
and methods of construction traditionally used in the gateway area.
The following urban design standards will be reviewed as part of the site plan review
process, with assistance from planning division staff as necessary:
1. Architectural Character and Materials:
a. A differentiated base (on a building over 45 feet high) will provide human
scale through change, contrast, and intricacy in facade form, color and/or
material where the lower levels of the building face the sidewalk(s) and
street(s). Scaling elements such as insets and projections serve to break up flat
or monotonous facades, and respond to older nearby buildings. Therefore, all
buildings in the gateway districts are subject to the following standards:
(1) All buildings over forty five feet (45') in height shall be designed with a
base that is differentiated from the remainder of the building. The base
shall be between one and three (3) stories in height, be visible from
pedestrian view, and appropriately scaled to the surrounding contiguous
historic buildings. The base shall include fenestration that distinguishes
the lower from upper floors. Insets and/or projections are encouraged.
(2) All new buildings in the gateway district shall have a minimum of seventy
percent (70%) of the exterior material (excluding windows) be brick,
masonry, textured or patterned concrete and/or cut stone. With the
exception of minor building elements (e.g., soffit, fascia) the following
materials are allowed only through the design review process: EIFS, tilt-
up concrete panels, corrugated metal, vinyl and aluminum siding, and
other materials.
(3) All buildings which have been altered over seventy five percent (75%) on
the exterior facade shall comply with the exterior material requirement for
new construction. Buildings older than fifty (50) years are exempt from
this requirement if alterations are consistent with the existing architecture.
(4) Two-dimensional curtain wall veneer of glass, spandrel glass or metal as a
primary building material is prohibited. The fenestration of all new
construction shall be three-dimensional (e.g., recessed windows,
protruding cornice, etc.).
b. The climate in Salt Lake City is such that in the summer months shade is
preferred, and in the winter months protection from snow is preferred. By
providing the pedestrian with a sidewalk that is enjoyable to use year round, a
pedestrian oriented neighborhood is encouraged. Therefore, new construction
in the gateway area is subject to the following standards:
(1) Arcades are permitted in the gateway district, but where an arcade extends
over the public way, a revocable permit is required. Where an arcade is on
private property facing the street, the maximum setback for the building
shall be measured to the supporting beams for the arcade or the facade of
the upper floors, not the facade of the arcade level.
(2) Awnings and/or marquees, with or without signage, are required over
entry doors which are set back from the property line and may be allowed,
under revocable permit, when an entry is at a property line.
(3) Awnings, with or without signage, are permitted over ground level
windows. Where awnings extend out over the public way, a revocable
permit is required.
2. Windows and Building Fenestration:
a. Buildings whose exteriors are smooth, and do not provide any three-
dimensional details or fenestration are not appropriate in the gateway district.
Recessed windows will eliminate flat, sterile elevations. Highly reflective
materials are distracting, and focus attention away from the positive qualities
of the gateway district. Therefore, all buildings in the gateway districts are
subject to the following standards:
(1) Buildings with completely smooth exterior surfaces shall not be permitted,
all new construction shall have three-dimensional details on the exterior
that includes cornices, windowsills, headers and similar features.
(2) All windows shall be recessed from the exterior wall a minimum of three
inches (3"). Bay windows, projecting windows, and balcony doors are
exempt from this requirement.
(3) The reflectivity of the glass used in the windows shall be limited to
eighteen percent (18%) as defined by the ASTA standard.
3. Entrance and Visual Access:
a. The intent in the gateway district is to encourage pedestrian activity between
the public street/sidewalk and buildings. Sidewalks shall provide continuous,
uninterrupted interest to the pedestrian by providing visual interest and/or
amenities. The gateway environment will benefit with increased pedestrian
activity; this activity will only occur if opportunities are provided that make
walking to a destination a preferred and an enjoyable pursuit. The use of blank
building facade walls is discouraged. Therefore, all buildings in the gateway
area are subject to the following standards:
(1) Minimum First Floor Glass: The first floor elevation facing a street of all
new buildings or buildings in which the property owner is modifying the
size of windows on the front facade within the gateway district shall not
have less than forty percent (40%) glass surfaces. All first floor glass shall
be nonreflective. Display windows that are three-dimensional and are at
least two feet (2') deep are permitted and may be counted toward the forty
percent (40%) glass requirement. Exceptions to this requirement may be
authorized through the design review process, subject to the requirements
of Chapter 21A.59 of this title, and the review and approval of the
planning commission. The planning director may approve a modification
to this requirement if the planning director finds:
(A)The requirement would negatively impact the historic character of the
building, or
(B)The requirement would negatively impact the structural stability of the
(C)The ground level of the building is occupied by residential uses, in
which case the forty percent (40%) glass requirement may be reduced
to twenty five percent (25%).
Appeal of administrative decision is to the planning commission.
(2) Facades: Provide at least one operable building entrance per elevation that
faces a public street. Buildings that face multiple streets are only required
to have one door on either street, if the facades for both streets meet the
forty percent (40%) glass requirement.
(3) Maximum Length: The maximum length of any blank wall uninterrupted
by windows, doors, art or architectural detailing at the first floor level
shall be fifteen feet (15').
(4) Screening: All building equipment and service areas, including on-grade
and roof mechanical equipment and transformers that are readily visible
from the public right of way, shall be screened from public view. These
elements shall be sited to minimize their visibility and impact, or enclosed
as to appear to be an integral part of the architectural design of the
4. Building Lines and Front Area Requirements:
a. A continuity of building frontage adjacent and parallel to the street encourages
a more active involvement between building uses and pedestrians. Leftover or
ambiguous open space that has no apparent use or sense of place will not
contribute positively to an active street life. Therefore, all buildings in the
gateway district are subject to the following standard:
(1) The majority of the ground level facade of a building shall be placed
parallel, and not at an angle, to the street.
5. Public Amenities and Public Art:
a. Amenities and works of art enhance quality of life as well as visual interest.
Public amenities and public art encourage pedestrian activity and contribute to
the pedestrian experience. A cohesive, unified lighting and amenity policy
will help give the gateway district its own distinctive identity. Therefore,
public amenities and public art are subject to the following standards:
(1) Sidewalks and street lamps installed in the public right of way shall be of
the type specified in the sidewalk/street lighting policy document.
(2) Public art (which may include artists' work integrated into the design of
the building and landscaping, sculpture, painting, murals, glass, mixed
media or work by artisans), that is accessible or directly viewable to the
general public shall be included in all projects requiring design review
approval for a site or design standard. The plan to incorporate public art
shall be reviewed by the Salt Lake art design board.
6. Design Review Approval: A modification to the urban design provisions of this
section may be granted through the design review process, subject to conformance
with the standards and procedures of Chapter 21A.59 of this title.
SECTION 22. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.31.020. That
Section 21A.31.020 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Gateway Districts: G-MU Gateway-
Mixed Use District) shall be, and hereby is amended as follows:
a. Subsection 21A.31.020.D is amended to read as follows:
1. Commercial Uses, 200 South: All buildings fronting 200 South shall have
commercial uses that may include retail goods/service establishments, offices,
restaurants, art galleries, motion picture theaters or performing arts facilities shall be
provided on the first floor adjacent to the front or corner side lot line. The facades of
such first floor shall be compatible and consistent with the associated retail or office
portion of the building and other retail uses in the area.
2. Residential Units, 500 West: Buildings fronting on 500 West shall be required to have
residential units occupying a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the structure's gross
square footage.
3. Mid Block Street Development: Developments constructing mid block streets, either
privately owned with a public easement or publicly dedicated, that are desired by an
applicable master plan:
a. May use a portion or all of the overhead and underground right of way of the new
mid block street as part of their developable area irrespective of lot lines, subject
to design evaluation and approval of the planning commission.
b. May increase the height of the building on the remaining abutting parcel, subject
to conformance with the standards and procedures of Chapter 21A.59, "Design
Review", of this title.
4. Design Reviews: A modification to the special provisions of this section may be
granted through the design review process, subject to conformance with the standards
and procedures of Chapter 21A.59 of this title.
b. Subsection 21A.31.020.E is amended to read as follows:
E. Building Height: The minimum building height shall be forty five feet (45') and the
200 South Street corridor shall have a minimum height of twenty five feet (25'). The
maximum building height shall not exceed seventy five feet (75') except buildings
with nonflat roofs (e.g., pitched, shed, mansard, gabled or hipped roofs) may be
allowed, up to a maximum of ninety feet (90') (subject to Subsection I of this
section). The additional building height may incorporate habitable space.
1. Design Review: A modification to the minimum building height or to the
maximum building height (up to 120 feet) provisions of this section may be
granted through the design review process, subject to conformance with the
standards and procedures of Chapter 21A.59 of this title, and subject to
compliance to the applicable master plan.
2. Height Exceptions: Spires, tower, or decorative noninhabitable elements shall
have a maximum height of ninety feet (90') and with design review approval may
exceed the maximum height, subject to conformance with the standards and
procedures of Chapter 21A.59 of this title.
SECTION 23. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.32.020.D. That
Subsection 21A.32.020.D of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Special Purpose Districts: RP
Research Park District: Maximum Building Height) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as
D. Maximum Building Height: Building height shall be limited to forty five feet (45').
Building heights in excess of forty five feet (45') but less than seventy five feet (75') may
be approved through the design review process; provided, that the additional height is
supported by the master plan and compatible with the adjacent neighborhood.
SECTION 24. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.32.056.D. That
Subsection 21A.32.056.D of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Special Purpose Districts: AG-20
Agricultural District: Maximum Building Height) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as
D. Maximum Building Height: Building height shall be limited to forty five feet (45').
Building heights in excess of forty five feet (45') but not more than sixty five feet (65')
may be approved through the design review process provided that the additional height is
compatible with adjacent properties and does not conflict with the airport flight path
protection overlay zone.
SECTION 25. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.32.075.D. That
Subsection 21A.32.075.D of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Special Purpose Districts: PL-2
Public Lands District: Maximum Building Height) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as
D. Maximum Building Height:
1. Local government facilities, government offices, arenas, stadiums, and exhibition
halls: Seventy five feet (75') provided, that where adjacent to a zoning district
allowing greater height, the height standard of the adjacent district shall apply. A
modification to the maximum building height provisions of this section may be
granted only through the design review process, subject to conformance with the
standards and procedures of Chapter 21A.59 of this title, and subject to compliance
with the applicable master plan.
2. Other uses: Thirty five feet (35').
SECTION 26. Amending the text of Salt Lake Ciry Code Subsection 21A.32.080.D. That
Subsection 21A.32.080.D of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Special Purpose Districts: I
Institutional District: Maximum Building Height) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as
D. Maximum Building Height: Building height shall be limited to thirty five feet (35').
Building heights in excess of thirty five feet (35') but not more than seventy five feet
(75') may be approved through the design review process; provided, that for each foot of
height over thirty five feet (35'), each required yard shall be increased one foot (1').
SECTION 27. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.32.090.D. That
Subsection 21A.32.090.D of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Special Purpose Districts: UI
Urban Institutional District: Maximum Building Height) shall be, and hereby is amended to read
as follows:
D. Maximum Building Height: Building height shall be limited to seventy five feet (75').
Building heights in excess of seventy five feet (75') but not more than one hundred
twenty feet (120') may be approved through the design review process; provided, that the
additional height is supported by the master plan and compatible with the adjacent
SECTION 28. Amending the text of Salt Lake Ciry Code Section 21A.32.130. That
Section 21A.32.130 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Special Purpose Districts: MU Mixed
Use District) shall be, and hereby is amended as follows:
a. Subsection 21A.32.130.E is amended to read as follows:
E. Minimum Yard Area Requirements:
1. Single-Family Detached, Single-Family Attached, Two-Family, and Twin Home
a. Front Yard: Ten feet(10').
b. Corner Side Yard: Ten feet(10').
c. Interior Side Yard:
(1) Corner lots: Four feet(4').
(2) Interior lots:
(A)Single-family attached: No yard is required, however if one is
provided it shall not be less than four feet (4').
(B)Single-family detached, two-family and twin home dwellings: Four
feet(4') on one side and ten(10) on the other.
d. Rear Yard: Twenty five percent (25%) of the lot depth, but need not be more
than twenty feet (20').
2. Multi-Family Dwellings, Including Mixed Use Buildings with Less Than Twenty
Five Percent Nonresidential Uses:
a. Front Yard: Ten feet(10') minimum.
b. Corner Side Yard: Ten feet(10').
c. Interior Side Yard: Ten feet(10').
d. Rear Yard: Twenty five percent(25%) of the lot depth,but need not exceed
thirty feet(30'), however, if one hundred percent (100%) of the off street
parking is provided within the principal building and/or underground,the
minimum required rear yard shall be fifteen feet (15').
3. Nonresidential Development, Including Mixed Uses with Greater Than Twenty
Five Percent Nonresidential Uses:
a. Front Yard: Ten feet (10') minimum.
b. Corner Side Yard: Ten feet (10').
c. Interior Side Yard: No setback is required.
d. Rear Yard: Twenty five percent (25%) of lot depth, but need not exceed thirty
feet (30').
4. Legally Existing Lots: Lots legally existing on the effective date hereof, April 7,
1998, shall be considered legal conforming lots.
5. Additions: For additions to buildings legally existing on the effective date hereof,
required yards shall be no greater than the established setback line.
6. Maximum Setback: A maximum setback is required for at least seventy five
percent (75%) of the building facade. The maximum setback is twenty feet (20').
Exceptions to this requirement may be authorized through the design review
process, subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title, and the review
and approval of the planning commission. The planning director, in consultation
with the transportation director, may modify this requirement if the adjacent
public sidewalk is substandard and the resulting modification to the setback
results in a more efficient public sidewalk. The planning director may waive this
requirement for any addition, expansion, or intensification, which increases the
floor area or parking requirement by less than fifty percent (50%) if the planning
director finds the following:
a. The architecture of the addition is compatible with the architecture of the
original structure or the surrounding architecture.
b. The addition is not part of a series of incremental additions intended to
subvert the intent of the ordinance.
Appeal of administrative decision is to the planning commission.
7. Parking Setback: Surface parking lots within an interior side yard shall maintain a
twenty five foot (25') landscape setback from the front property line or be located
behind the primary structure. Parking structures shall maintain a forty five foot
(45') minimum setback from a front or corner side yard property line or be
located behind the primary structure. There are no minimum or maximum setback
restrictions on underground parking. The planning director may modify or waive
this requirement if the planning director finds the following:
a. The parking is compatible with the architecture/design of the original structure
or the surrounding architecture.
b. The parking is not part of a series of incremental additions intended to subvert
the intent of the ordinance.
c. The horizontal landscaping is replaced with vertical screening in the form of
berms, plant materials, architectural features, fencing and/or other forms of
d. The landscaped setback is consistent with the surrounding neighborhood
e. The overall project is consistent with Section 21A.59.050 of this title.
Appeal of administrative decision is to the planning commission.
b. Subsection 21A.32.130.F is amended to read as follows:
F. Maximum Building Height: The maximum building height shall not exceed forty five
feet (45'), except that nonresidential buildings and mixed use buildings shall be
limited by Subsections F.1 and F.2 of this section. Buildings taller than forty five feet
(45'), up to a maximum of sixty feet (60'), may be authorized through the design
review process, subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title, provided
that the additional height is for residential uses only.
1. Maximum Height for Nonresidential Buildings: Nonresidential buildings shall not
exceed thirty feet (30') or two (2) stories, whichever is less.
2. Maximum Height of Mixed Use Buildings of Residential and Nonresidential
Uses: Mixed use buildings shall not exceed forty five feet (45'). Nonresidential
uses in a mixed use building are limited to the first two (2) stories.
SECTION 29. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.33.020. That
Section 21A.33.020 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Table of Permitted and Conditional
Uses for Residential Districts) shall be, and hereby is amended to amend qualifying provision
number 6 to read as follows:
6. Building additions on lots less than 20,000 square feet for office uses may not exceed 50
percent of the building's footprint. Building additions greater than 50 percent of the
building's footprint or new office building construction are subject to a design review.
SECTION 30. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.33.030. That
Section 21A.33.030 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Table of Permitted and Conditional
Uses for Commercial Districts) shall be, and hereby is amended to amend qualifying provision
number 1 to read as follows:
1. Development in the CS District shall be subject to planned development approval
pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 21A.55 of this title. Certain developments in the
CSHBD Zone shall be subject to the design review process pursuant to the provisions of
Subsection 21A.26.060.D and Chapter 21A.59 of this title.
SECTION 31. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.33.040. That
Section 21A.33.040 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Table of Permitted and Conditional
Uses for Manufacturing Districts) shall be, and hereby is amended to amend qualifying provision
number 7 to read as follows:
7. Building additions on lots less than 20,000 square feet for office uses may not exceed 50
percent of the building's footprint. Building additions greater than 50 percent of the
building's footprint or new office building construction are subject to a design review.
SECTION 32. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.33.050. That
Section 21A.33.050 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Table of Permitted and Conditional
Uses for Downtown Districts) shall be, and hereby is amended as follows:
a. Qualifying provision number 4 is amended to read as follows:
4. Building additions on lots less than 20,000 square feet for office uses may not exceed
50 percent of the building's footprint. Building additions greater than 50 percent of
the building's footprint or new office building construction are subject to a design
review (Chapter 21A.59).
b. Qualifying provision number 7 is amended to read as follows:
7. Subject to conformance with the provisions of Chapter 21A.59, "Design Review",
of this title.
SECTION 33. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.33.060. That
Section 21A.33.060 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Table of Permitted and Conditional
Uses in the Gateway District) shall be, and hereby is amended to amend qualifying provision
number 3 to read as follows:
3. Subject to conformance with the provisions of Chapter 21A.59, "Design Review", of this
SECTION 34. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.34.090. That
Section 21A.34.090 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Overlay Districts: SSSC South State
Street Corridor Overlay District) shall be, and hereby is amended as follows:
a. Subsection 21A.34.090.0 is amended to read as follows:
C. Minimum Yard Requirement Exemption:
1. Front Yard: Structures located within the CC corridor commercial base zoning
district and the SSSC South State Street Corridor Overlay District are exempted
from the minimum front yard setback requirement. The required fifteen foot (15')
landscaped setback applies to all other uses, including open storage and vacant
2. Maximum Setback: A maximum setback is required for at least thirty five percent
(35%) of the building facade. The maximum setback is twenty five feet (25').
Exceptions to this requirement may be authorized through the design review
process, subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title, and the review
and approval of the planning commission. The planning director may waive this
requirement for any addition, expansion, or intensification, which increases the
floor area or parking requirement by less than fifty percent (50%) if the planning
director finds the following:
a. The architecture of the addition is compatible with the architecture of the
original structure or the surrounding architecture.
b. The addition is not part of a series of incremental additions intended to
subvert the intent of the ordinance.
Appeal of administrative decision is to the planning commission.
3. Parking Setback: Surface parking lots within an interior side yard shall maintain a
twenty five foot (25') landscape setback from the front property line or be located
behind the primary structure. Parking structures shall maintain a forty five foot
(45') minimum setback from a front or corner side yard property line or be
located behind the primary structure. There are no minimum or maximum setback
restrictions on underground parking. The planning director may modify or waive
this requirement if the planning director finds the following:
a. The parking is compatible with the architecture/design of the original structure
or the surrounding architecture.
b. The parking is not part of a series of incremental additions intended to subvert
the intent of the ordinance.
c. The horizontal landscaping is replaced with vertical screening in the form of
berms, plant materials, architectural features, fencing and/or other forms of
d. The landscaped setback is consistent with the surrounding neighborhood
e. The overall project is consistent with Section 21A.59.050 of this title.
Appeal of administrative decision is to the planning commission.
b. Subsection 21A.34.090.E is amended to read as follows:
E. Entrance and Visual Access:
1. Minimum First Floor Glass: The first floor elevation facing a street of all new
buildings or buildings in which the property owner is modifying the size of
windows on the front facade, shall not have less than forty percent (40%) glass
surfaces. All first floor glass shall be nonreflective. Display windows that are
three-dimensional and are at least two feet (2') deep are permitted and may be
counted toward the forty percent (40%) glass requirement. Exceptions to this
requirement may be authorized through the design review process, subject to the
requirements of Chapter 21A.59 of this title, and the review and approval of the
planning commission. The planning director may approve a modification to this
requirement if the planning director finds:
a. The requirement would negatively impact the historic character of the
b. The requirement would negatively impact the structural stability of the
building, or
c. The ground level of the building is occupied by residential uses, in which case
the forty percent (40%) glass requirement may be reduced to twenty five
percent (25%).
Appeal of administrative decision is to the planning commission.
2. Facades: Provide at least one operable building entrance per elevation that faces a
public street. Buildings that face multiple streets are only required to have one
door on any street, if the facades for all streets meet the forty percent (40%) glass
requirement as outlined in Subsection E.l of this section.
3. Maximum Length: The maximum length of any blank wall uninterrupted by
windows, doors, art or architectural detailing at the first floor level shall be fifteen
feet (15').
4. Screening: All building equipment and service areas, including on grade and roof
mechanical equipment and transformers that are readily visible from the public
right of way, shall be screened from public view. These elements shall be sited to
minimize their visibility and impact, or enclosed as to appear to be an integral part
of the architectural design of the building.
SECTION 35. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.37.040. That
Section 21A.37.040 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Design Standards: Modifications of
Design Standards) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows:
The planning commission may modify any of the design standards identified in this chapter
subject to the requirements of Chapter 21A.59, "Design Review", of this title. The applicant
must demonstrate that the modification meets the intent for the specific design standards
requested to be modified, the standards for design review and any adopted design guidelines
that may apply. For properties subject to the H Historic Preservation Overlay District, the
historic landmark commission may modify any of the design standards in this chapter as part
of the review of the standards in Section 21A.34.020 of this title.
SECTION 36. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.37.050.A.2.
That Subsection 21A.37.050.A.2 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Design Standards: Design
Standards Defined: Ground Floor Use and Visual Interest) shall be, and hereby is amended to
read as follows:
2. Ground Floor Use and Visual Interest: This option allows for some flexibility in the
amount of required ground floor use, but in return requires additional design
requirements for the purpose of creating increased visual interest and pedestrian activity
where the lower levels of buildings face streets or sidewalks. An applicant utilizing this
option must proceed through the design review process for review of the project for
determination of the project's compliance with those standards, and in addition, whether
it contributes to increased visual interest through a combination of increased building
material variety, architectural features, facade changes, art, and colors; and, increased
pedestrian activity through permeability between the building and the adjacent public
realm using niches, bays, gateways, porches, colonnades, stairs or other similar features
to facilitate pedestrian interaction with the building.
SECTION 37. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.46.052. That
Section 21A.46.052 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: Signs Exempt from Specific
Criteria Except Fees and Permits) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows:
Signs within open air malls, stadiums or other enclosed spaces that do not have a roof, but
are otherwise physically confined and separated from the public street right of way are
required to obtain sign permits and pay fees to ensure public safety and compliance with the
city's building code. Such signs are subject to sign ordinance regulations unless a sign master
plan agreement was specifically considered as part of a planned development as outlined in
Chapter 21A.55 of this title or was specifically authorized through the design review process
as outlined in Chapter 21A.59 of this title. The sign master plan agreement shall only be
authorized for signage within the open air mall or stadium that is not oriented to the public
street. Signage oriented to a public street or to a surface parking lot is specifically not exempt
from sign ordinance requirements and not subject to modification through a sign master plan
SECTION 38. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.58.070.E. That
Subsection 21A.58.070.E of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Site Plan Review: Standards for
Site Plan Review: General Plan Conformity) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows:
E. General Plan Conformity: The planning division shall review site plans for all
applications for conditional uses (including planned developments) and design reviews
with reference to adopted plans and the conformity of the site plans with the objectives
and policies of the adopted plans.
SECTION 39. Amending text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.60.020. That Section
21A.60.020 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: List of Terms: List of Defined Terms), shall be,
and hereby is, amended as follows:
a. Deleting the term "Conditional building and site design review". That Section
21A.60.020 of the Salt Lake City Code is amended to delete the term "Conditional
building and site design review".
b. Adding the term "Design review". That Section 21A.60.020 of the Salt Lake City Code
is amended to add the term "Design review".
SECTION 40. Amending text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.62.040. That Section
21 A.62.040 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Definitions: Definitions of Terms), shall be, and
hereby is, amended as follows:
That Section 21A.62.040 of the Salt Lake City Code is amended to delete the definition
b. Adding a definition of the term"Design review". That Section 21A.62.040 of the Salt
Lake City Code is amended to add a new definition of"Design review", which definition
shall be inserted in alphabetical order and shall read as follows:
DESIGN REVIEW: A design that is allowed only after review and approval as set forth
in Chapter 21A.59, which includes a comprehensive evaluation of a development and its
impact on neighboring properties and the community as a whole, from the standpoint of
site and landscape design,height, setbacks, front facade glass, architecture, materials,
colors, lighting and signs in accordance with a set of adopted criteria and standards.
SECTION 41. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective on the date of its
first publication.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, a'li. 2nd day of April
CHA ' ',!l ON
Transmitted to Mayor on April 3, 2019 •
Mayor's Action: Approved. Vetoed.
(SEAL) jvyP �; Salt Lake City Attorneys Office
(/cf ��� Date: ,011: _lit 1. . ,
Bill No. 14 of 2019. r41. It N * ,
Published: April 10, 201.9, -i\C)" OR v : P. I C.Nielson, ••niorCrtyAttorney
HB_ATTY-#70600-v4-Ordinance_design_review_amendments Q`,
**This ordinance was originally transmitted to the Mayor's Office on April 3, 2019.
The ordinance was returned to the Recorder' s Office unsigned on April 5, 2019. This
provided for the ordinance to become effective on publication without the Mayor's
Pursuant to Utah State Code 10-3B-204(4) , an ordinance, tax levy, or appropriation
passed by the Council takes effect upon recording as provided in Chapter 3, Part 7,
Municipal Ordinances, Resolutions, and Procedure, if: (b) the mayor fails to sign
the ordinance, tax levy, or appropriation within 15 days after the Council presents
the ordinance, tax levy, or appropriation to the mayor.
City Recorder Staff proceeded with publication. The City Council Chair's signature
was obtained but the Mayor's signature was never obtained.