018 of 2012 - SUPERSEDED Rezone property located 555 West 500 North from Special Development Pattern Residential t 0 12-1
P 12-5
No. 18 of 2012
(Amending the zoning map pertaining to property located at 545 and 555 West 500 North
to amend the zoning at 555 West 500 North from Special Development Pattern Residential
(SR-1A) to Transit Station Area (TSA) and Special Development Pattern Residential (SR-3)
and to amend the zoning at 545 West 500 North from Special Development Pattern
Residential (SR-1A) to Transit Station Area (TSA))
An ordinance amending the zoning map to re-zone property located 555 West 500 North
from Special Development Pattern Residential (SR-1A) to Transit Station Area (TSA) and
Special Development Pattern Residential (SR-3) and to re-zone the property located at 545 West
500 North from Special Development Pattern Residential (SR-1A) to Transit Station Area (TSA)
pursuant to Petition No. PLNPCM20 1 1-00203.
WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Planning Commission("Planning Commission") held a
public hearing on September 14, 2011 on an application submitted by Marie Ginman
("Applicant") to amend the City's zoning map to re-zone property located 555 West 500 North
from Special Development Pattern Residential (SR-lA) to Transit Station Area (TSA) and
Special Development Pattern Residential (SR-3) and to re-zone the property located at 545 West
500 North from Special Development Pattern Residential (SR-1A) to Transit Station Area (TSA)
pursuant to Petition No. PLNPCM2011-00203; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission also held a public hearing at its September 14,
2011 meeting on Applicant's petition for planned development approval, pursuant to Petition No.
PLNPCM2011-00204, which would include subdivision of the parcel located at 555 West 500
North; and
WHEREAS, the proposed division of zoning districts proposed for the parcel located at
555 West 500 North falls along the property lines to be created by the proposed subdivision; and
WHEREAS, at its September 14, 2011 meeting, the Planning Commission voted in favor
of forwarding a positive recommendation to the Salt Lake City Council ("City Council") on
Applicant's petition to amend the zoning map; and
WHEREAS, after a public hearing on this matter the City Council has determined that
adopting this ordinance is in the City's best interests.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. Amending the Zoning Map. The Salt Lake City zoning map, as
adopted by the Salt Lake City Code, relating to the fixing of boundaries and zoning
districts, shall be and hereby is amended to reflect that:
A. the property located at 555 West 500 North (Tax ID No. 08-36-152-017),
and which is more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto,
shall be and hereby is re-zoned from Special Development Pattern
Residential (SR-1A)to Transit Station Area (TSA) and Special
Development Pattern Residential (SR-3) as described in Exhibit"A"; and
B. the property located at 545 West 500 North (Tax ID No. 08-36-152-018),
and which is more particularly described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto,
shall be and hereby is re-zoned Special Development Pattern Residential
(SR-IA) to Transit Station Area (TSA) as described in Exhibit "B".
SECTION 2. Conditions. This rezoning is conditioned upon satisfaction of the
following conditions:
1. Submission and approval of a subdivision plat pertaining to the 555 West 500 North
parcel that is consistent with the planned development approved by the Planning
Commission per Petition No. PLNPCM201 1-00204. The subdivision plat shall be
consistent with this rezoning such that no parcels become split-zoned as a result of
this ordinance.
2. Applicant shall obtain from the Planning Commission amended approval for the
planned development located on the property identified in Exhibit"A"to dedicate
Tuttle Court to the city, to provide a right of way easement for sidewalks, and to
adjust the buildable lot areas to accommodate the right of way improvements
3. A deed restriction shall be recorded against the parcels to be rezoned to the TSA
zoning district to restrict the building height of all future development on those
parcels to 30 feet.
4. Development of the subject parcels shall comply with all applicable comments made
by the various city departments through the review process.
SECTION 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective on the date of its
first publication. The City Recorder is instructed to not publish or record this ordinance until the
conditions identified above have been met, as certified by the Planning Director.
SECTION 4. Time. If the conditions set forth herein are not satisfied within one year
from the adoption of this ordinance, it shall become null and void.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 3rd day of April ,
th 4 ' A OP Ai...._, . t
Y RE ORDER P0,ch-PN�,4
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Transmitted to Mayor on 4-17-2012 .
Mayor's Action: )' Approved. Vetoed.
(SEAL) Salt Lake City Attomey's Office
Date: L. I ID OD i 0
Bill No. 18 of 2012. By. ti
Published: Pau'C.Nielson, for Ci Attorney
HB_ATTY-#20319-v4-Ordinance_rezoning_545_and_555_W est_500_Nonh.DOC
A *')%$
'` pOR A
Parcel located at 555 West 500 North
TSA Zoning Amendment
West Parcel (a part of'08-36-152-017)
Beginning at the Northwest Corner of Lot 6, Block 118, Plat "A", Salt Lake City Survey; and
running thence East 71.125 feet; thence South 120.00 feet; thence West 71.125 feet; thence
North 120.00 feet to the point of beginning.
SR-3 Zoning Amendment
Part of parcel 08-36-152-017
Beginning at a point South 120.00 feet from the Northwest Corner of Lot 6, Block 118, Plat"A",
Salt Lake City Survey, and running thence East 71.125 feet; thence South 210.00 feet; thence
West 71.125 feet; thence North 210.00 feet to the point of beginning.
EXHIBIT 661399
Parcel located at 545 West 500 North
TSA Zoning Amendment
East Parcel (08-36-152.018)
Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 6, Block 1 18, Plat"A", Salt bake City Survey; and
running thence West 4.5 rods; thence South 120 feet; thence East 4.5 rods; thence North 120 feet
to the point of beginning.