019 of 2008 - vacating the north/south portion of the alley located between 1000 East and Lincoln Street & Elm Ave 1 1367 ._°0 Book d 0007 - 3 :9R-1 SA RV' WSW_ _rTT RECORDER, SALT LAKE COUNTY, UT SL CITY RECORDER • PO BOX 14545_; SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE SALT LAKE CITY UT 84114 No. i9 of 2008 BY: 2,111, DEPUTY - 1.11I 4 P. (Vacating the north/south portion of the alley generally located between 1000 East and Lincoln Street, and Elm Avenue and Sugarmont Drive) AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE NORTH/SOUTH PORTION OF THE ALLEY GENERALLY LOCATED AT 1000 EAST AND LINCOLN STREET, AND ELM AVENUE AND SUGARMONT DRIVE, PURSUANT TO PETITION NO. 400-07-03. WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, finds after public hearings that the City's interest in the portion of the alley described below is not necessary for use by the public as an alley and that vacation of the portion of the alley will not be adverse to the general public's interest. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. Vacating Alley. The north/south portion of the alley generally located at 1000 East and Lincoln Street, and Elm Avenue and Sugarmont Drive, which is the subject of Petition No. 400-07-03, and which is more particularly described on Exhibit "A- attached hereto. be, and the same hereby is, vacated and declared no longer needed or available for use as an alley. SECTION 2. Reservations and Disclaimers. The above vacation is expressly made subject to all existing rights-of-way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located on and under or over the confines of this property, and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purposes of maintaining, altering, repairing, removing or rerouting said utilities. including the City's water and sewer facilities. Said vacation is also subject to any existing rights-of-way or easements of private third parties. i ` SECTION 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective on the date of its first publication and shall be recorded with the Salt Lake County Recorder. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah this 6th day of May , 200 8 DRPe CHAI ERSON ATTEST: C { EF DE UTY ' R C RDER rG Transmitted to Mayor on 5-6-08 „`COR i Mayor's Action: XRX Approved. Vetoed. lir . MAYO CHIEF DEPUTY CITY RECORDER y~Y y� APPROVED AS TO 1-C;-I:'r? .; �'3 Salt e I Attorgeyn office; (SEAL) >, # oC ,,1 4".'' :1, ,,,,: , a ,G Date . r Bill No. 19 of 200.8 r'',P A ' By Published: 5-19-08 —�'4. Ills_ATTt"- 1151-‘1-\'acatine_alley_between_1000 [ast_and_lincoln_Street_and Elm_A‘enue_and_Sugarmont_Dri\e.DOC 2 EXHIBIT A Petition 400-07-03, Legal Description by Zachary Parrish. Alley located between O V Elm Avenue and Sugarmont Drive and between Lincoln Street and 1000 East running in a north-south direction. Legal description for the vacation of a publicly dedicated alley located in the Fairmont Springs Addition Subdivision, Salt Lake City. Utah East 1/2 ,Northwest 1/4 Sec. 20 T.1 S. R 1 E., and more particularly described as: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 21, Block 2 of the Fairmont Springs Addition; thence north 221 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 13, Fairmont Springs Addition; thence west 20 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 22, Fairmont Springs Subdivision;thence south 221 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 30 Fairmont Springs Addition; thence east 20 feet to the point of beginning. Contains approximately 4,420 square feet or approximately 0.10 acres. CHRISTINE R.MEEKER ' AN UM ; I NE-��� "'` I RALPH BECKER CITY RECORDER MAYOR City Recorder RECEIVED APR 1 6 '2012 CITY RECORDER STATE OF UTAH, City and County of Salt Lake, I, Christine Meeker, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached, Ordinance 19 of 2018, Vacating the north/south portion of the alley generally located between 1000 East and Lincoln Street, and Elm Avenue and Sugarmont Drive s a true and correct copy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this 9th day of April, 2012. 4/. order, Salt a e y, to ` *1i ��f�`=• gw`rs� LOCATION: 451 SOUTH STATE STREET,ROOM 415,SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH 84111 MAILING ADDRESS: PO BOX 145515,SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH 84114-5515 TELEPHONE:801-535-7671 FAX:801-535-7681 • 0 08-1 P 08-5 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 19 of 2008 (Vacating the north/south portion of the alley generally located between 1000 East and Lincoln Street, and Elm Avenue and Sugarmont Drive) AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE NORTH/SOUTH PORTION OF THE ALLEY GENERALLY LOCATED AT 1000 EAST AND LINCOLN STREET, AND ELM AVENUE AND SUGARMONT DRIVE, PURSUANT TO PETITION NO. 400-07-03. WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, finds after public hearings that the City's interest in the portion of the alley described below is not necessary for use by the public as an alley and that vacation of the portion of the alley will not be adverse to the general public's interest. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. Vacating Alley. The north/south portion of the alley generally located at 1000 East and Lincoln Street, and Elm Avenue and Sugarmont Drive, which is the subject of Petition No. 400-07-03, and which is more particularly described on Exhibit"A attached hereto, be, and the same hereby is, vacated and declared no longer needed or available for use as an alley. SECTION 2. Reservations and Disclaimers. The above vacation is expressly made subject to all existing rights-of-way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located on and under or over the confines of this property, and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purposes of maintaining, altering, repairing, removing or rerouting said utilities, including the City's water and sewer facilities. Said vacation is also subject to any existing rights-of-way or easements of private third parties. - SECTION 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective on the date of its first publication and shall be recorded with the Salt Lake County Recorder. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah this 6th day of May , 200 8 b7kH CHA ERSON ATTEST: 6,414 EF DE UTY C RDER .F.( ��+, y.' ;-, : 3 ;ii r• '`6'/ •'4 .e c Transmitted to Mayor on 5-6-08 r�"�;* COR _ Mayor's Action: XXX Approved. Vetoed. ofilL•46.4 _ MAYO' 0144716/.14_10 c7 CHIEF DEPUTY CITY CORDER -y 4 APPROVED AS TO FORM ;, 1�' Salt e i Atto�ey n Office v, q �i ..1--�� '� oL (SEAL) .,� A. .,,�, L ay 4 ,01 4,x �y;f, ;ii;'!. '.;i Date Bill No. 19 of 200'8 \!PoRiT�s� � By Published: 5-19-08 HB_ATTY-#1 151-v I-Vacating alley_between_1000_East_and_Lincoln_Streetand_Elm_Avenue_and_Sugarmont_Drive.DOC 2 • AI • r • EXHIBIT A Petition 400-07-03, Legal Description by Zachary Parrish. Alley located between jt v Elm Avenue and Sugarmont Drive and between Lincoln Street and 1000 East running in a north-south direction. Legal description for the vacation of a publicly dedicated alley located in the Fairmont Springs Addition Subdivision, Salt Lake City, Utah East 1/2 ,Northwest 1/4 , Sec. 20 T.1S. R1E., and more particularly described as: Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 21, Block 2 of the Fairmont Springs Addition; thence north 221 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 13, Fairmont Springs Addition; thence west 20 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 22, Fairmont Springs Subdivision;thence south 221 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 30 Fairmont Springs Addition; thence east 20 feet to the point of beginning. Contains approximately 4,420 square feet or approximately 0.10 acres.