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026 of 2017 - Amending the Final Budget of Salt Lake City, including the employment staffing document, for Fiscal 0 17-1
B 17-10
No. 26 of 2017
(Amending the Final Budget of Salt Lake City,
including the employment staffing document,
for Fiscal Year 2016-2017)
An Ordinance Amending Salt Lake City Ordinance No.30 of 2016 Which Adopted the
Final Budget of Salt Lake City,Utah,for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1,2016 and Ending
June 30,2017.
On June 14,2016,the Salt Lake City Council adopted the final budget of Salt Lake City,
Utah,including the employment staffing document,effective for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
2016 and ending June 30,2017,in accordance with the requirements of Section 10-6-111 of the
Utah Code.
The City's Budget Director,acting as the City's Budget Officer,prepared and filed with
the City Recorder proposed amendments to said duly adopted budget,including the amendments
to the employment staffing document necessary to effectuate the staffing changes specifically
stated herein,copies of which are attached hereto,for consideration by the City Council and
inspection by the public.
All conditions precedent to amend said budget,including the employment staffing
document as provided above,have been accomplished.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah
SECTION I. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the final budget of
Salt Lake City,including the employment staffing document,as approved,ratified and finalized
by Salt Lake City Ordinance No.30 of 2016.
SECTION 2. Adoption of Amendments. The budget amendments,including
amendments to the employment staffing document necessary to effectuate the staffing changes
specifically stated herein,attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance shall be,and the
same hereby are adopted and incorporated into the budget of Salt Lake City,Utah,including the
amendments to the employment staffing document described above,for the fiscal year beginning
July I,2016 and ending June 30,2017,in accordance with the requirements of Section 10-6-128
of the Utah Code.
SECTION 3. Filing of copies of the Budget Amendments. The said Budget Officer is
authorized and directed to certify and file a copy of said budget amendments,including
amendments to the employment staffing document,in the office of said Budget Officer and in the
office of the City Recorder which amendments shall be available for public inspection.
SECTION 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect upon posting or upon its
first publication.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 13th day of ,1,1„P
Transmitted to the Mayor on June 14. 203 7
Mayor's Action: k Approved Vetoed
ice ctrp''4
,4; Salt Lake City Attorneys Office
Approved As To Form
(SEAL) '3 r/f
Bill No. 26 of 2017. pORATES�' Rusty Vetter
^•... .• Date: Y1-i i 7
Published: June 21, 2017 •
HB_ATTY-454471-v I-FY_I6-17_Standard_Budget_Amendment.DOC
Fiscal Year 2o16-17 Budget Amendment#6
Administration Proposed Council Approved
Initiative Number/Name Expenditure Revenue Expenditure Revenue Ongoing or One-
Fund Amount Amount Amount Amount time FTEs
Section At New Items - _ . -MUM
1 Daycare-Use Current CIP Budget for Undetermined Site CIP - - - - One-time -
2 Liberty Park Concessions Area Improvements CIP (300,000.00) (300,000.00) - One-time -
Liberty Park Concessions Area Improvements CIP 300,000.00 - 300,000.00 - One-time -
3 University of Utah Contribution to the Sunnyside Trail CIP 250,000.on 250,000.00 250,000.00 250,000.00 One-time -
4 Greenwaste Landfill Fees for Parks Crews OF 94,000.0o - - - One-time -
5 Homelessness Services Over Budget in Public Services CF 213,000.00 - - - One-time -
6 Office Redesigns,Facilities Budget CP 51,000.0o - 54000.00 - One-time -
7 Water,Public Utilities Billings to Parks GF 162,000.00 - - - One-time -
8 Wingpointe Golf Course Lease for FY 2017 OF 67,500.00 - 67,500.00 - One-time -
8 Wiogpointe Golf Course Lease for F1'2018 Golf 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.0o One-time -
Section S:Grant for Existing Staff Resources -.
Section C:Grant forNew Staff Resources
1 PUMA,Utah State Division of Emergency Management, Misc Grants 507,500.00 507,500.00 907,500.0o 507,500.00 Ongoing 2.5
Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant
Section D:.fiouselceepiesg . YSfa1 .'.
Fire Station.3 Impact Firs Rescope Impact Fee (360,000.00) - (360,000.00) - One-time -
FireStation a3 Impact Pees Rescope Impact Fee 360,000.0o - 360,000.00 - One-time
• NeighborhoodGrants-Rescope CIP (17,630.00) - (17.630.00) - One-time -
• NeighborhoodGrants-Rescope CIP 17,630.00 - 17,630.00 - One-time -
• Neighborhood Grants-Rcscope Impact Pee (11,367.51) - (tt,367.51) - One-time -
Neighborhood Grants-Rcscope Impact Fee 11,367.5i - 14367.51 - One-time -
3 General Obligation 2017A Refunding Debt Service 6,927,737.27 6,460,000.00 6,927,737.27 6,460,000.0o One-time -
4 Interest Income on Bonding CIP 15.433.34 15,433.39 15,433.34 15.43334 One-time -
5 SLVSWMF Projects CIP 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 One-time -
6 Baseball Stadium Lease Agreement Amendment GF 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 One-time -
7 Special Event Cost Recovery OF 64.000.00 64.000.00 64,000.0o 64,000.0o One-time -
8 FSCO Performance Guarantee Received for Steiner East CP 9.648.00 9.698.00 9,648.00 9.648.0o One-time -
Utility Savings
9 Workers'Compensation Increases in the Risk Fund Risk 937,909.00 437,409.00 437.409.00 437.409.00 One-time -
to Crime lab Lease Payment and Impact Pee CIP 85,099.53 85,099.53 85,099.53 85,099.53 One-time -
so Crime Lab Lease Payment and Impact Fee Impact Fee 85,099.53 - 85,099.53 - One-time -
Property Tax Transfer toRDA OF t,736,508.00 4736,508.0o t,736,508.00 1,736,508.00 One-time -
12 Citywide Communications-Sustain Funding for WAVE OP 35.667.00 - 35,667.00 - One-time -
Fiscal Year 2O16-17 Budget Amendment#6
Administration Proposed Council Approved
Initiative Number/Name Expenditure Revenue Expenditure Revenue t Intpontor(hre-
Fund Amount Amount Amount Amount time FEES
,3 Recapture of Remaining Dept of Housing and Urban Misc Grants (18,30o.48) - (t8,300.48) - One-lime -
Development Block Grant(CDBG,ESG,HOME,
13 Recapture of Remaining Dept of Housing and Urban Misc Grants t8,300.48 - t8,3oo.48 - One-lime -
Development Block Grant(CDBG,ESO,HOME,
13 Recapture of Remaining Dept of Housing and Urban Misc Grants (8,162.60) - (B,t62.60) - One-time
Development Block Grant(CDBG,ESG,HOME,
13 Recapture of Remaining Dept of Housing and Urban Misc Grants 8,162.6o 8,16a.60 - One-time -
Development Block Grant(CDBG,MG,HOME,
13 Recapture of Remaining Dept of Housing and Urban Misc Grants (9.O19.47) (9,019.47) - One-time -
Development Block Grant(CDBG,ESG,HOME,
13 Recapture of Remaining Dept of Housing and Urban Misc Grants 9,0,9,47 9,0t9,47 - One-lime -
Development Block Grant(CDBG,ESG,HOME,
13 Recapture of Remaining Dept of Housing and Urban CIP (24,323.27) - (a4,3a3.a7) - One-time -
Development Block Grant(CDBG,MG,HOME,
13 Recapture of Remaining Dept of Housing and Urban CIP 24,323.27 - 24,323.27 - One-time -
Development Block Grant(CDBG,MG,HOME,
13 Recapture of Remaining Dept of Housing and Urban CIP (58,997,84) - (58,997.84) - One-time
Development Block Grant(CDBG,PSG,HOME,
13 Recapture of Remaining Dept of Housing and Urban CIP 58.997.84 - 58,997.84 - One-time -
Developmenl Block Grant(CDBG,ESG,HOME,
13 Recapture of Remaining Dept of Housing and Urban CMG (82,476.2t) -DB (82,476.21) - One-lime Development Block Block Grant(CDBG,MG,HOME,
13 Recapture of Remaining Dept of Housing and Urban CDBG 82,476.21 - 82,476.21 - One-time -
Developmenl Block Grant(CDBG,MG,HOME,
13 Recapture of Remaining Dept of Housing and Urban CDBG (333,394.76) - (333,344.76) - One-time -
Developmenl Block Grant(CDBG,MG,HOME,
13 template of Remaining Dept of Housing and Urban CDBG 333,344.76 - 333,349.76 - One-lime -
Development Block Grant(CDBG,MG.HOME,
14 Housing Interest Revenue&Expense Budget Adjustment Housing (427.ao9,95) (427,209.93) (427,209.95) (427.209.95) One-lime -
14 Housing Interest Revenue&Expense Budget Adjustment Housing 427.20995 927,209.95 427,209.95 427,209.95 One-time -
m Class C Road and General Fends Projects funded by Solt CIP 3,750,000.00 3,750,000.00 One-lime
lake County Road Funds
Fiscal Year 2016-17 Budget Amendment#6
Administration Proposed Council Approved
Initiative Number/Name Expenditure Revenue Expenditure Revenue Ongoing or One-
Fund Amount Amount Amount Amount time FTEs
(Section E:,Grants Requiring No New Staff Resources -I.
i State of Utah,Department of Environmental Quality, Misc Grants 24,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 One-time -
Clean Fuels Vehicle Technology Grant,
City Use Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
t State of Utah,Department of Environmental Quality, Fleet 24,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 One-time -
Clean Fuels Vehicle Technology Grant,
City Use Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
2 Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ)2016-t7 Misc Grants 39,626.00 39,626.00 39,626.00 39,626.00 One-time -
Clean Fuels and Vehicle Technology Grant Program
2 Department of Environmental Quality(DEQ)2016-17 Fleet 39,626.00 39,626.00 39,626.00 39,626.00 One-time -
Clean Fuels and Vehicle Technology Grant Program
3 Utah Department of Health and Center for Disease Misc Grants t9,831.00 19,831.00 19,831.00 19,831.00 One-time -
Control and Prevention,Utah Comprehensive Cancer
Control and Nutritian Grant
4 Executive Office of the President,Office of National Drug Misc Grants 52,098.00 52,098.00 52,098.00 52,098.00 One-time -
Control-Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug
Trafficking Area(HIDTA)Grant
5 Utah Department of Public Safety,Division of Emergency Misc Grants 22,165.00 2205.00 22,165.00 22,165.00 -
Management,State Homeland Security Program(SHSP)
5 Utah Department of Public Safety,Division of Emergency Misc Grants 14,269.00 14,269.00 14,269.00 14,269.00 One-time
Management,State Homeland Security Program(SHSP)
6 Utah Department of Environmental Quality(UDEQ), Misc Grants 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 One-time -
Division of Air Quality,FY16 National Clean Diesel Grant
6 Utah Department of Environmental Quality(UDEQ), Fleet 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 One-time -
Division of Air Quality,FY16 National Clean Diesel Grant
Fiscal Year 2016-17 Budget Amendment#6
Administration Proposed Council Approved
Initiative Number/Name Expenditure Revenue Expenditure Revenue Ongoing or One-
Fund Amount Amount Amount Amount time FFEs
Section F: Donations AIM
1 Donation-Local Streets CII' 25,315.00 25,315.0o 25,315.00 25,315.00 One-time
Section G: Council Consent Agenda--Grant Awards U 1111_ • `J. 1
1 Included in BA#5 Misc Grants
2 Included in BA#5 Misc Grants
3 Included in BA#5 Misc Grants
1 State of Utah,Department of Public Safety Alcohol& Misc Grants 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 One-time -
Drug Fee Committee,Equipment Grant
2 State Office of Crime Victim Reparations,FY 2017 VAWA Misc Grants 16,515.54 16,515.54 16,515.54 16,515.54 One-time -
Section I: Council Added Items
Total of Budget Amendment Items 11,751,547.2i 11,075,543.41 15,032,547.21 14,825,543.41
Total by Fund,Budget Amendment#5: 1
General Fund GF 2,443,323.00 1,820,156.00 1,974,323.00 1,820,156.00
CIP Fund CIP 1,375,847.87 1,375,847.87 5,125,847.87 5,125,847.87
Golf Fund Golf 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00
Risk Fund Risk 437,409.00 437,409.00 437,409.0o 437,409.00
Fleet Fund Fleet 133,626.00 133,626.00 133,626.00 133,626.00 -
Misc Grants Misc Grants 781,004.54 781,004.54 781,004.54 781,004.54 2.50
Impact Fees Fund Impact Fee 85,099,53 - 85,099.53 -
Debt Service Fund Debt Service 6,427,737.27 6,460,000.00 6,427,737.27 6,460,000.00 -
CDBG Operating CDBG - - - - -
Housing Loans&Trust Housing - - - - -
Total of Budget Amendment Items 11,751,547.21 11,075,543.41 15,032,547.21 14,825,543.41 I 2.50
Fiscal Year 2016-17 Budget Amendment#6
Administration Proposed Council Approved
Current Year Budget Summary,provided for information only
FY2o26-a Such t Includin.Bud.etAmendments
F1 2ot,-,Adopted
Itudeet Il\^r't„t:,l N.\-_'f,.t:,l BA43 Total BA44 Total B.A45 Total RA 46 Total Tot/I't.,-It:,ta
General Fund(FC 10) 260,886,867 5.038.514.8o 236,615.00 1,974,323.00 268,136,720
Curb and Gutter(FC zo) 266.275 266,275
Street Lighting(FC 30) 1,123,837 4123,837
Mise Special Service Districts(FC 46) 1,630,840 1,630,840
Street Lighting Enterprise(FC 48) 5,365,082 5,365,082
Water Fund(FC 5t) 81,469,264 84469,264
Sewer Fund(FC 52) 97.071,013 97,071,013
Storm Water Fund(FC 53) 12,000,321 12,009,321
Airport Fund(FC 54,55„56) 367463,615 294,564070.00 3,517,000.00 1,306,700.00 666,848,385
Refuse(FC 57) 17,758,802 25,615.00 .7,784,4.7
Golf Fund(FC 59) 7,971,146 214,687.00 67,500.00 8,253,333
E-9u Fund(FC 60) 2,800,000 2,800,000
Fleet Fund(FC 6,) 17,785,408 1,786,201.00 133,626.00 19,705.735
1MS Fund(FC 65) 14,154,241 64,677.00 14,248,9[8
CDBG Operating Fund(FC 74) 3,482,723 1,379,232.22 4,861.955
Miscellaneous Grants(FC 72) 9,085,311 2,069,123.76 7,264,248.71 781,004.54 19,199,688
Other Special Revenue(73) 50,000 738,582.71 788.583
Donation Fund(FC77) 270,000 1.367,991.99 1,637,992
Housing Loans&Trust(FC 78) 11,636,070 999,720.11 a2,635,790
Debt Service Fund(FC 81) 34,705,068 (356,867.00) 6,427,737.27 40,775.938
CIP Fund(FC 83) 34,072,112 1,484,184.52 505426.20 1,730,000.00 5,125,847.87 42,917,271
CIP Impact Fees(FC 84) - 21,99t,631.70 85,099.53 22,076,731
Governmental Immunity(FC 85) 2,154.190 2,000,000.00 4,154,190
Risk Fund(FC 87) 44,477,876 437.409.00 44,914,585
Total of Budget Amendment Items ,027,688,861 1,484,484.52 334298,807.55 29156),070.00 3,5/7,000.00 45 2.63.3934 15,032.547.2s J390,645,863
ludget •tiger
Depot ector,C1 ouncil