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003 of 1985 - Rezoning of the West Side of West Temple Street from 800 South to Approximately 878 South - Petition 0 P 84-45 r SALT LAKE CITY OPPINAATCF No. 3 of 1985 (Rezoning of the West Side of West Temple Street from 800 South to Approximately 878 South) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 51-12-2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTA.H, 1965, RELATING TO ZONING AND FIXING BOUNDARIES OF USE DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, in response to Petition No . 400-53 of 1983 requesting a change of zoning, the City Council of Salt Take City, Utah, has held public hearinas to consider said Petition and the Planninq Commission' s recommendation that certain property located on the west side of West Temple Street, beoinnina at 800 South and running south for 511 . 5 feet ( to approximately 878 South) in Salt Lake City, Utah, presently zoned Residential "P-6" should he rezoned to Commercial "C-1 " classification. The Council has taken into consideration citizen testimony , planning and demographic data of the area. Rased upon that data, the Council finds that the proposed rezoning is appropriate in order to encourage development and growth compatible with the best interests of the neighborhood and the city as a whole. Therefore, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Take City, Utah : SECTION 1 . The ttse District Map, as adopter? by Ser.tion 51 -12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended , relating to the fixing of boundaries of Use Districts, be, and the same is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 51-12-2 . Boundaries of Use District. The following described parcel of residentially zoned land in Salt Labe City, Utah, generally located on the west side of West Temple Street beginning at 800 South Street and running thence south 511 .5 feet (to approximately 878 South) , currently zoned Residential "R-611 , is hereby rezoned to a Commercial "C-1 " classification and the Use District Map is amended and r_hanaed accorclinc;ly. "R-6" to 11C-1" Commencing at the northeast corner of Plock 5, Plat "A" 0.4d Salt Labe City Survey; and running thence South along the west line of West Temple Street 511 .5 f_Pet; thence �Z $- West 132 feet; thence Forth 511 .5 feet to the south line of 800 South Street; thence Fast along the south line of 800 South Street 132 feet to the point of beginning. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty days after the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 5th day of February , 1985. CHAIRMAN ATTEST: /C RECORDER y Transmitted to Mayor on 2/6/85 -2- �P P Mavor 's Action: 2/6/85 MAYOR ATTEST: C RECORDER cm103 Bal 3 of 19.E Published; __ - February„14, 1985 co -3- � J I Affidavit of Publication , 'ADM 35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake Cheryl Gierloff ............................................................................................. SALTIAR6{11V ONpINANCE NO.3 .19N$ �46*onl •the 01 o eat 7 'e•St[eat, 'ft9lif uth to A pt¢1 • ` auth) AN;{�RppINq ,qt1AR '�I N: OF THE RF;VI$ ,OIYDt tNGRb AKE.•, I AH, 1965, . "RELAT to IN '�ftjo Bo t S OF USE DISTRI h1.$ n91,' ',a, Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is WH Nfpn'NW' {adP:1963 re, qquestl' _" si.Coun4 ttLdke City, legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily Utah, I ino-s (�t bider etild P. Iftontand the g g y plan omhlSPfgatiopfifatEt4_ Inprope newspaper rinted in the English language with general locat west to pi styes%Keginning at§0P g °au' fors went! o d esi entlal'Y Ir78 circulation in Utah and published in Salt Lake City, So eta V, tdh,presehtlY zoned Resiilentitll"R•e" � y flyQ ,O•6ofder Ion C-1" cldsstonV,pin. the Salt Lake Count in the State of Utah. Co ni fito•QansideratlOn citizen TeatimOny,planning County, an data of the area gas9d,u n� dpta The Co u ,f�f�e propotMd rezorl Us dui opYidf6 fR,Order to developmenf and gtoWth compahbI ItM the'best Ir1te a p61 hborhpp�and'ry,6 Itv as a wholgg ;": That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto O4400c(alnedbyIf %t Qoundlof,ShcyldJte, as %d°mfi i�'4t Map-go�n 'b# agYi Salt Lake City Ordinance No.••3•.•of 1985••••••••••••• ..................... ................. }? M6116 herebv dmended olio 6: a ` 10.boud6bries of Use-blstrld.'Tha following de- rot r6stdeMidhy Zoned land In 8aIf tlbkb Cnv Rezoningof the West Side of West Temple UIII YIOcbted'Onthe West IN 8'6f W861,76 JOSStreef ............................................................... ............... be 0 South Street ndint rting,t►tehoe sOftth 511.5. fee ximdtely,878.5o h) currently zoned Resident al exarteat0`h oh,menalal-"c I",dlpselfiEwlbn Street from 800 South to A rox. 878 South o't� t i�tt MaP 18'bPnend6d arldtRon0d A6aord0,glv. ........................................................pp................................. t rig'af the"tt e{Ikt'corner of®toali 5,`iRlat- hbke City Sul A;and running th ill Sbuth West 11 a of bst•Temole Str¢et'8111-i4 fdet;. 132 fee f•fhehr6 North 511,5robt,td 1he' ............................................................................................. Si 800,66 $treet;thence E tihsftg N1e' K7 kj, a90",ffioutMt-$1reet 132 feat to a pbligtfiof.'' "''� .�thls i-d)ndnce shatl•take:Offect s gitet5 i�Ntstl ppOblikOtion ............................................................................................. 13 ss w..the f1tjr1 t rfdI of Sait Lake OIt9iUt* It 5th y'° ' 'I''" ' •"' S.Fpn spnck was published in said newspaper on. .:. . MAN .................................. ATTEST: :f GI7Y.yn RE(v' ,t t;.�*': TronsiT7H» to `kg ya'' ,` :-i.'' .........•T•a'ebrua;7C'Y...�: s..1985......... ................. .................. MaYOr's A Blli, l ,et3 rk i Wilson ///�/ .+ +L3�%4: 'u'( YOR ............................................... .K.:.�. . ...4 .0 AC,as' + yi" ..... KOOTfhrYM sit CITY RAC { +cr, Legal d sing Cl (SEALP) r Bill-3 bf 198 pubt)slier{:Fel +e ,� 135 '1 t.a a. A (P 84 Subscribed and sworn to before me this ................................................................. day of April.................................... A.D. 19..85.... ............................................... Notary Public My Commission Expires F-iar�'i1.1 ) 100 .XJ',y FF�Yp .X °•� ............................ pp�� cy �bxao_