031 of 1983 - Anendnent of Section 25-1-2 Relating to City Employment Staffing Document 0 83-18 M3C FILMED SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 31 of 1983 (City Employment Staffing Document) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 25-1-2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, AS LAST AMENDED BY BILL NO. 52 OF 1982, RELATING TO THF. ADOPTION OF AN EMPLOYMENT STAFFING DOCUMENT FOR SALT LAKE CITY. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 25-1-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, as last amended by Bill No. 52 of 1982, be, and is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 25-1-2. Staffing Document. An Employment Staffing Document shall be adopted as an element of the City's annual budget, or otherwise, as the City Council may require. Three copies of such document shall be filed for use and examination of the public in the office of the recorder of Salt Lake City prior to its adoption. The number of persons on the authorized payroll of Salt Lake City shall not exceed the total number of positions specified in the staffing document, without express approval of the City Council. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon publica- tion. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 7th day of June , 1983./ CHAIRMAN ATTEST: T Y RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on June 7, 1983 Mayor's Action: June 7, 1983 7yL� i MAYOR ' ATTEST: I Y RECORDER cm58 (S E A L) Bill 31, 1983 Published: June 20, 1983 -2- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake SANLT O 33 CT ..............C..he.TYl G e1lUEf.. NA9o. 1 1 .............................................................. (CITY EIIIPIOYtfleat ' Sfall1 DOGIaNa0 ING 5ECT11 N 45C-1-2 OP T E Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal REVISED ORDINANCES oP advertisingclerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 19a5,•AS LAST AMEN DEED BY NGLTO 71E ADOPTION OF except Sunday newspaper printed in the English FN EDMOPCUMENTNFOR'AF language with general circulation in Utah, and AK t rv. published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the Be u�rdnaaa a ma ciry cwam INL.Z,U.hah, State of Utah. 1-1 of the Revised Ordinances` Y Salt Lake City,Uoah,as lest Vee dad w 9e N.e ded as That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto andrde Is hereby amendedas follows: Sec. ]SI-1. StaHlap 1311 menf.An EmnlpYrnent S1eHire an acme "1e0`�ty'sanetedd a: P.ub... OTdinance...xelatin ..to...the..ado tzon..of...... an clement of ryryIIe ode annual g p CWde"a* o�*HkrwI., as the 11 Three—1.of_.seh decua—`nt' iretia ofiiled ouulicandexam In the ..............an..employment...staffi.ng..do.cumen.t...foT..................... ilco of the"'order of'aft Lake CIIv prior to Its adannon. auIt*orivab`parralim00.ve ...._......_Salt-Lake_CitY..,....,.......................................................... fish CIN shall net exceed Ilse fofal the mSf is,,, R dloc'omen­Wlgout' expressapprove) of the City ............................................................................................................... Coup i. SECTION].This ordinance tionll lake effect upon WEllca- ........................................................................................I...................... Passed by ate CIN Council of Salt Lake Clty,Utah,this]th day of June,I" GRANT MADE Y was published in said newspaper on......................................... CHAIRMAN ATTEST: KTHRYNMARSHALL .June ZO 1983 ClTremmittdDER Mavor on ..............................)............................................................................... June I,mi ' McYor's Actbm TEneVII LSON MARSHALL g MAYOR ................................................................ .. ...... ............. ATTEST Le A e,tisin ark KATHRYN CITY RECORDER ISEALI Pub'shILL ed•June a 19a3 C-" juir.;c„IrLU. sworn to before me this................................30th........................I................day of fume.........................................A.D. 19..g3.. ............................... otary Public My Commission Expires Oct. 1, 1986 ..................................................... ADM 3,A