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036 of 1986 - Amending Tax and Assessment Ordinance for Lighting District No. 3 t ' c6ediFre3a 0 86-1 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No . 36 of 1986 (Amending Tax and Assessment Ordinance for Lighting District No. 3 ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 25 OF 1986, RELATING TO TAX ASSESSMENTS AND LEVIES FOR PROPERTY IN LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 3, PROVIDING FOR A REDUCTION OF ASSESSMENT FOR PROPERTIES MEETING CERTAIN USE AND LOCATION PROFILES. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. The City Council recognizes that certain resi- dential properties lie within commercial _lighting districts within Lighting District No. 3, and may suffer an inequitably high usage rate under the general lighting district rate structure. In order to more fully conform assessments to benefits derived from lighting district services, the City Council hereby amends Ordinance No. 25 of 1986 to reduce assessment for properties meeting the profile as follows : Any property, actually and exclusively residential in use and character, located within Lighting District 3 and heretofore assessed a commercial lighting rate, shall have the assessment for lighting such property reduced to the residential rate of 55 cents per front foot of assessed property per year, provided such property directly abuts a commercial development on at least two sides. SECTION 2. With the exception of the foregoing , Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 25 of 1986 is hereby ratified , approved , and confirmed . �j SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication . Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City , Utah, this 15th day of April , 1986. C H I P11 N ATTEST: ITY R CORDER y April 15 ,1986 Transmitted to Mayor on Mayor's Action: April 15 , 1986 MAYOR ATTEST: I Y RECORDER cml35 (SEAL) Bill 36 of 1986 Published: April 23, 1986 Q 85-16 —2— Affidavit of Publication �,h6 STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake Cheryl Gierloff SALT LAVE CITY ORDINANCE NO.SA 09, pmendin9 ToK and Auesemen.Ordinonle fer Lbadrq DISV111 Ne.11 AN ORDINANCE,d�M'MING SALT LAKE CITY ORDI- NANCE NO.45 OF l"(RELATING TO TAX ASSESSMENTS AID LEVIESFOR REDUCTION INLIGHTINGDISTRICTPROWN0.J, Beingfirst dui sworn, deposes and says that he/she is ERTpIES MEETING CERTAIN USE AND LOCATION PROFILES. Y P Y p55 IsordeinedbysheCllyC.unello/SaltLaksClry Ulohi legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily dental lie wIthln commercial llahtlnq dIsfrlcNwlhlin g dental p Disfrld No.J,and may suffer on Ineau tably hlph us- newspaper printed in the English language with general Ljous- age rare unxr me aener.l upnHna district raN sfruOure,m aarde„o mar,1„ay c.nla,m a55e55men,5,o bene11 delved circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, from Ilbhlinq tllsfrict services,the Clay Councll hereby amends /v T Ordinance No.]S of loss to reduce assessment for propeAles Salt Lake County,In the State of Utah. eeNno me pronle as ronows: Aro aropern,acl.ahy and exclasW<Iv,e5laemial m p'a„e9e;olJe oss'<'Fs a`o<'m"'a 4alt1llo"°no:me That the legal notice of which a co is attached hereto m ryrynpall hov<the asse55mem for 11 "no such yy,DeM €` PY ' reducedto the reslaentlal rote of 55 centsper M1ont fool xos5essed P,apenv Per ye.,,Promdea sarn praDern Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 36 of 1986 Amending dl,ectly.burs a GRl^m-1.1 development on at least twe sides. .. ...................... ................................................................ "SECTION 2.w11h m<exception o11he l,r<polnq,Sad Lake C14 Ordinance No.2501 19s6 Is hereby ranlfled,owroved,and cannrmed. Tax and Assessment Ordinance for Lipphtin for SECTIONJ.This ordinance shall become effect upon Hs ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„q,,,-„-,�--, -,-,-,,,, first Pubft`d"n. Passed by me CIN Councll of SOIL Lake CRY,Won,MI5 15m day o1 April,1986. Earl F.Hardwick dl s tric t NO.....ry...................................................CHAIRMAN .............. ATTEST: Kathryn Ma,sh.11 CIT,RECORDER TronSmlR<d to MoVor on APril 15,1906. ............................................................................................. Mayor's Aphon:APrll 15,1996 Palms,DePoulls MAYOR ATTEST: ............................................................................................. Kathryn Marshall CITY RECORDER Bill s.11506 - was published in said newspaper on.................................. 005.16 Published:APrll YJ,loss K-E< ...April..� .,..1.986............................ ................................... Legal�Yvelr ' Ing Ciei Subscribed and sworn to before me this..........................J of ...........June.............................. A.D.193.6..... Notary Public My Commission Expires March 1, 1988 pf.RY P0, ...................................................... T DAVIS