037 of 2015 - Willful or Egregious violations of City's metered parking ordinances 0 15-1 0 12-20 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 37 of 2015 (Willful or Egregious Violations of the City's Metered Parking Ordinances) An ordinance amending section 12.56.150 of the Salt Lake City Code to provide an enhanced penalty for the willful or egregious occupancy of a metered parking space without paying for such occupancy. WHEREAS,the City desires to take steps to ensure that parking is available to the public within the City;and WHEREAS,the availability of parking for the public can be significantly impacted by willful or egregious long-term occupancy of metered parking spaces without paying for the occupancy of such spaces;and WHEREAS,the City's updated parking technology is capable of informing compliance officers if the paid time for a particular parking space elapsed more than two hours prior to the submission of such compliance officer's enforcement query;and WHEREAS,the City desires to provide for the imposition of a larger penalty for willful or egregious violations of the City's parking ordinances related to occupancy of a metered parking space without paying for such occupancy. NOW,THEREFORE.be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 12.56.150 of the Salt Lake City Code be,and the same hereby is,amended as follows: 12.56.150: PARKING METERS; INSTALLATION AND ENFORCEMENT: A. The city transportation engineer shall cause parking meters to be installed near or upon the city's curb or sidewalk areas in numbers and locations that are sufficient,in the judgment of the city transportation engineer,to provide for the public's parking needs. B. No person shall park any vehicle in any parking space,except as otherwise permitted by this chapter,without immediately purchasing from a parking meter the necessary authorization to park in that specific parking space for a designated period of time,which time period shall be reflected on a receipt or similar official record memorializing such purchase. C. No person,except as otherwise provided by this chapter,shall permit any vehicle parked by such person to remain parked in any parking space beyond the time period specified on the receipt or other official record memorializing the purchase transaction described in subsection B of this section,or beyond the maximum time limit for parking as designated on either the parking meter or on posted signs that correspond to such parking space. D. The presence of a vehicle in a parking space for which the paid time expired at least two hours prior to the issuance of the parking citation shall be considered a willful or egregious violation of this section and shall be subject to the penalty that corresponds to such violation as set forth in section 12.56.550(B)of this chapter. SECTION 2. That this ordinance shall become effective upon publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 16th day of Junta 2015. I RSON ATT 121 CO RSIGN: 44 CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on June 22, 7015 • Mayor's Action: a Approved. Vetoed. YOR CITY RECORDER 2 �s (SEAL) ' 'v APP VED AS TO: 4AORATEs'r' C Y TTORNEY'S OF ICE Bill No. 37 of 2015. Published: July 1, 2015 . HB_ATTY-N45881-v2-Fai lure_to_Pay_at_the_Meter_-_A men dment.DOC 3