044 of 1986 - Demolition Permits and Regulations 0 86-1 0 86-11 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 44 of 1986 (Demolition) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 5-8-2 AND 5-8-6 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO DEMOLITION. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 5-8-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: Sec. 5-8-2. Demolition permits. Section *** (a) *** (b) *** (1) *** (2) *** (3) *** (4) *** (5) *** (6) *** (7) *** (8) *** (9) *** (10) *** (11) Identify the reuse of the demolition site. No demolition permit shall be granted unless a permit for replacement use has been issued by the Building and Housing Services Division. If a valid permit has not been issued, an acceptable landscape plan for the site will be allowed, provided that it be accompanied with a performance bond to assure timely and proper installation and maintenance of the approved landscape reuse. Landscaping shall consist of lawn covering the site along with a sprinkling system to insure proper maintenance. The Building Official shall be empowered to vary the landscaping requirement depending on the particular circumstances of the site and the extent of the need to buffer surrounding properties and minimize the negative visual impact of the vacant lot. This landscaping provision is required for all buildings when any one of the following circumstances exist: i. Residential Use Districts. a. When the building contains three or more units in a residential use district, or b. When the building contains less than three units in a residential use district if demolition would have a substantial negative impact on surrounding properties, or would otherwise have a high degree of visibility. This determination will be made by the Building Official. ii. Non-Residential Use Districts.When the building is located in a non-residential use district if demolition would have a substantial negative impact on surrounding properties, or would otherwise have a high degree of visibility. This determination will be made by the Building Official. In determining the amount of landscaping required, if any, the Building Official may take into account the long-term negative impacts created when the packaging of land for future development is taking place. For the purposes of this requirement, "landpackaging" is defined as the acquisition of three or more contiguous, or nearly contiguous, parcels of land, where demolition is proposed without a concurrent application for a building permit for a replacement use under the current zoning. -2- In case of major catastrophe where fire or natural disaster has caused widespread and major damage to properties, and where immediate demolition and clearing of the land is necessary to remove hazardous and blighting conditions,the Building Official may waive the landscaping requirement and order immediate demolition. (c) * * (d) *** (e) *** M ** SECTION 2. That Section 5-8-6 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, be, and the same herein is, amended as follows: Sec. 5-8-6. Enforcement exceptions and right to appeal. A. * * B. Right to appeal. All parties impacted by this ordinance can appeal the provisions thereof to the Housing Advisory and Appeals Board (HAAB) as follows: (1) The owner of a property which is to be demolished may appeal the provisions of Sections 5-8-1, 5-8-2, and 5-8-5. A party who has a financial or legal interest in the proposed demolition may appeal the Building Official's decision. All appeals of this ordinance will be made to the HAAB. The HAAB may overrule the Building Official or otherwise may grant relief upon evidence of hardship, technical constraint or other mitigating circumstances. It may waive the landscape requirement or grant less than full compliance. In granting relief from the landscaping requirement, the HAAB shall consider the impact that non- compliance or less than full compliance would have on the area in which the building is located. (2) * (3) *** -3- (4) *** (5) *** (6) *** (a) *** (b) x** (c) (d) *** (e) ** (7) * * SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 3rd day Of June , 1986. CHAIR AN ATTES CITY*� , DER Transmitwci to the May or June 3, 1986 Mayor's Action: June 3, 1986 1 MAYOR ATTEST: CI X EC T ER SWApp354 ( SEAL) ....G� f �a .. i.?ill —.lam.—of 19....A(a. pja,%he:1: 6/1.4/86 - -4- Affidavit of Publication M , STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake -SALT IANF CIIV p�pINANCS ' Ne.d'e q�r'1.1fb' I-. ....SUS1•E',.SlT.QM................................................................... AN ORDINANCE AMEND O Ctl6yL (,ECl Y, ,5AM, OFTHE-REVISE)0pRDINANC '0F.5p/iLf LAKE CITY,UTAH, 19e1b:i;de.Dabyt F.C1T,IyNCOur°lcllof Sall Lake CIN,Obh: SECTION 1. hot Section S•S'Igl ib.Revlsea Ordinances of SaJ1 Late Clty UMh,p19tle$,'aS ame^ded,be,and me some hare- b°Is c S-e°%°Dgnsellflonp:rnhvl1,S.cllen••• Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is d5•. cal••• legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily newspaper printed in the English Ianguage with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. rvl•�� 10S"' That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto (11 I°oM1H(y me reuse of me tlomolHbnn- 9 Men lion permit shop O!oranled close b Oermll for replOcpmeM use has be lesuedb the BuRolnppntl Mousing 5ervlctll Olvl• lIan.laavrll°d�Tm„x11n111.:r Llap�pnac�eowplelana- Salt Lake CityOrdinance — No. 44 of 1986 oomptlnledfv" °alpprlOrlTq�Celgbd d°o case,.11—l¢eontl ................................................................................ proper Insto110flon antl malMen,n0e et me approved lOnascope reuse.Lundwoolno!hall consist o11—"venpihe she along With sprl^kllny6ystem to Insure DYppl7ll'malnlenante.The Bullaaing OHlclm!haifr be empoWerpa 10%1'V the IMcISC 01na ••••.•.•••••••.•.••••.•.••.•••..••••.•.••.•.•..•.•......•.•..•.•.••••••.••••••.•••••••••••-•• 'MS(W JIt;1J-"rdl^DOn the par110uldr flrcum5ltl— of Me slte'anal pxteM 01 me need 10 buts,sWroundlnp prbplttles o Eacgqnpp'Ing provision IslrequireM fM ql EuilO„I pi was^uevTa+e of me'IWldwlnb Clfcumstequir exleY, ............................................................................................. I.Reeld►hWpl Uexi BNF1eN. q W on the but ldlnb0clol„olns three M mq'e antis, In'd,erypl hentMe tiuilEInp cdA7olns less fnOtNved WIMs=" b W ............................................................................................. Irra rell deM101 use dbtr ICt It tlIMO" w0ofd helve b' subs 1.1^eBMIVelmpacf Onsurreundmp ReOM''lp,'.- 7hli EHerm nnofl lotMl wI1o1�4e Rh„atls byAtthe 9u�idllrlp OHi= .......................................................................................... clal.11. s1•R Iidental Ne!an • •Dlemlcls.When me bu110- I11�!!-0dcoleC In O rron-re IdeMl01 u$e dlshlcf lI dgmell• te„wyyldn ealeq.+amlalnpp0alyGlmpaap�hl was published in said newspaper on.................................. rOUBafDd wproperfbs or walla om wlas vs:p Man .decree Of'Illpllt4:thll tletermina110n WIII be madb by the Bu1101np NI 1.- In determinlrq the Mholird of llim"' hp reawrp&Irany, June 14, 1986 /hy flulidlpyy 0Mlckll may take In.dccOUMMe IonPIMAh MOa. ........................... ..............,..,....,.......................................... +Ives Q 001±�1eroted when me gaGdglnp of Iona for fti ure develo Is taklna place.FMthe ppuur0oses of thisI lu rG• ment,'IOndptlOktl0lna"Is gill OS the a<Wlslfldn Of three Or 1 r n ,V, mor<c6n11 uoyus,Or neorl COnt10uous,parcels of land,where .......5-�.1M 4t—......-�.. C Y..V.y�:.................................. ................ o`Iiaii a rr iri0pe"vi 0eme useu ae Mewr.e�°OMiminy Legal Advertising Clerk IM cos<ol major colOstraph.where lire or notur0l dWlror has caused wldesoreotl oM molar damage fo praperlks,one where ImmCdlole°emollflon antl datlrinO Of mR IOrltl If ne[es- OXy to remove hamrdous and b1lpMfing condltlo„s,the�Illfgna ICIOI maV wolve melontllcoDing Ie0ulreT,and oYderIca. aldte delno°„on. - j}e!! dl:l (al' jV:: SECTION a.That SeNlon S8•q of m!Revised Ordinances Of Sat Lake CIN,Utah,lPo6,of amelM<tl,be,Ontl mesome herein , Is,pmendedal mlow/: ore me this......................2nd.........................................day of Seca,,S1-6.�niorecement excgeptioonns and rlghtt0 appe 1. 13:Flight to Maeol.All s Ordinance Appeal!BaOrd/HAAB)OSf0loleWs:to lh0 Housing AldvlSMy and 86 .. A.D.19. OI Tne owner of a Drop N hlch If to be demglilh6tl y Oppeal the prGvl 10 5 dl Section$S-&1,s•e•s,and S-e-S.A party who has Ilnp 101 Or IBaallnlerosl In me proOpp4s6d demOltion may OOd001 IMe8ulldlna 0Hlclols de01 1—All oMMIs 01 cal dlnOnce will be made f0the HAAB.The HAAB TOY Overrule tM Building-Otl• clal or omerwise may grant relief won evlde^ce of /••••••••'••^' ................................................. MardShlp,to Chn""c 11m or giber mblppaptry u Iff• Notary Public cumsfances,tt may woly!me Itlnds<ope requlrenhetlt or"grant lest than full COmpllomC*.In arammp relief hOm N1q IOhdlcaDln00 goUlreMlnf iMe HAAB 4h011, Onsld Ball.would have vO on the area qr which Me full<gmp110n<e would have On the Area h whl<h ma �ATTEST: - bulltll p I!located. . Is/Kd hrvn Marshall CITY RECORDER L'3 ,6 TransT,,, _Mawr en Jane j,Ives. ?!/ IA'•• Palmer A.Depauns Mnyor s ACHon June g,1986 q v, �a1.., MAYOR ` ... ATTEST d••• (SEA RECORDERh01h tl;.� Ye I 11) BIII xe of Me C9l SECTION3.This Ordinance shall take eHeCT upon first Dub- OBe-I1 IIc011on. 'published:June 1<,1986 Ju„.Neal by me City council Salt Loke ClN,this 0lh day of '-JS ``� Earl CHAIRM4 of u't r