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044 of 1992 - AN ORDINANCE ENACTING CHAPTER 15.21 OF THE SALT LAKE CITY CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE0 92-1 B 92-2 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 44 of 1992 (Recreation Enterprise Fund) AN ORDINANCE ENACTING CHAPTER 15.21 OF THE SALT LAKE CITY CODE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE RECREATION ENTERPRISE FUND AND THE TRANSFER OF THE GOLF ENTERPRISE FUND INTO THE RECREATION ENTERPRISE FUND. PREAMBLE: Section 10-6-107 of the Utah Code Ann. provides that ". . . the state auditor shall prescribe in the Uniform Accounting Manual for Utah Cities a uniform system of accounting that conforms to generally accepted accounting principles." Section 10-6-108 of the Utah Code Ann. states that "each city shall maintain, according to its own accounting needs, some or all of the funds and account groups in its system of accounts, as prescribed in the Uniform Accounting Manual for Utah cities." According to the Uniform Accounting Manual for Utah Cities, local governments, by ordinance or "governing body orders", may create funds ". . . to achieve sound and expeditious financial administration and reporting and/or to comply with grant or contract accounting and financial reporting requirements." Specifically, the City may create enterprise funds to account for operations: (a) that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises, where the intent of the governing body is that the cost (expenses, including depreciation) of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis will be financed or recovered primarily through user charges; or (b) where the governing body has decided that periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred and/or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, management control, accountability, or other purposes. The City has an enterprise fund to account for golf course operations for which fees are collected pursuant to Chapter 15.16 of the Salt Lake City Code. For other parks and recreation activities, the general fund has been used to account for those operations. No enterprise funds have been established for them. In order to achieve more sound and expeditious financial administration and reporting, the City wants to create the Recreation Enterprise Fund which would account for operations of all City parks and recreation facilities except the Tracy Aviary. The City Council scheduled a public hearing for May 19, 1992 to consider the adoption of an ordinance which creates the Recreation Enterprise Fund and transfers the Golf Enterprise Fund into the Recreation Enterprise Fund. Proper notice was given inviting those persons who have contributed to the Golf Enterprise Fund to appear at the hearing. The public hearing, to consider an ordinance establishing the Recreation Enterprise Fund and transferring the Golf Enterprise Fund into the Recreation Enterprise Fund, was held on May 19, 1992, at which hearing all interested parties were heard for and against the ordinance. All conditions precedent to the adoption of the ordinance creating the Recreation Enterprise Fund 2 and transferring the Golf Enterprise Fund into the Recreation Enterprise Fund have been accomplished. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 2: That Chapter 15.21 of the Salt Lake City Code be, and the same is hereby enacted to read as follows: 15.21.010 Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to establish the Recreation Enterprise Fund and to transfer the Golf Enterprise Fund into the Recreation Enterprise Fund. 15.21.020 Recreation enterprise fund operations. The Recreation Enterprise Fund shall account for operations of all City parks and recreation facilities excluding the Tracy Aviary operations. 15.21.030 Transfer of the Golf Enterprise Funds into the Recreation Enterprise Fund. The Golf Enterprise Fund shall, from the effective date of this ordinance, be transferred into the Recreation Enterprise Fund and all of its operations, including fees charged pursuant to Chapter 15.16 of the Salt Lake City Code, shall be accounted for in the Recreation Enterprise Fund. After the transfer of the Golf Enterprise Fund into the Recreation Enterprise Fund, the Golf Enterprise Fund shall cease to exist. 15.21.040 Conditions on the Recreation Enterprise Fund. a. The Recreation Enterprise Fund shall follow budgetary procedures required by the Uniform Accounting Manual for Utah Cities and the Uniform Fiscal Procedures Act -Sections 10-6-101 et 3 seq. of the Utah Code Ann. b. An estimate of all capital projects required in the next three fiscal years for the Recreation Enterprise Fund shall be submitted by the Mayor to the City Council, with each annual tentative budget. 15.21.050 Effective date. This ordinance shall take effect on July 1, 1992. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 9 day of June ATTEST: , 19 92 • CHAIRPERSON 4 APPROVED AS TO FORM Salt Lake CI Attomey's Office Date 5" 9 Z By Transmitted to the Mayor on June 9, 1992 Mayor's Action: ATTEST: RDER FMN: 5/6/92 Bill 44 of 1992 XX Published: July 1, 1992 Approved MAYOR 5 Vetoed