005 of 2009 - Budget Amendment No. 2 FY 2008-2009 0 09-1
B 09-4
No. 5 of 2009
(Amending the Final Budget of Salt Lake City,
including the employment staffing document,
for Fiscal Year 2008-2009)
An Ordinance Amending Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 64 of 2008 Which
Adopted the Final Budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1,
2008 and Ending June 30, 2009.
On August 12, 2008, the Salt Lake City Council adopted the final budget of Salt
Lake City, Utah, including the employment staffing document, for the fiscal year
beginning July 1, 2008 and ending June 30, 2009, in accordance with the requirements of
Section 118, Chapter 6, Title 10 of the Utah Code Annotated, and said budget, including
the employment staffing document, was approved by the Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah.
The City's Policy and Budget Director, acting as the City's Budget Officer,
prepared and filed with the City Recorder proposed amendments to said duly adopted
budget, including the amendments to the employment staffing document necessary to
effectuate the staffing changes specifically stated herein, copies of which are attached
hereto, for consideration by the City Council and inspection by the public.
All conditions precedent to amend said budget, including the employment staffing
document as provided above, have been accomplished.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the final
budget of Salt Lake City, including the employment staffing document, as approved,
ratified and finalized by Salt Lake City Ordinance No.64 of 2008.
SECTION 2. Adoption of Amendments. The budget amendments, including
amendments to the employment staffing document necessary to effectuate the staffing
changes specifically stated herein, attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance shall
be, and the same hereby are adopted and incorporated into the budget of Salt Lake City,
Utah, including the amendments to the employment staffing document described above,
for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2008 and ending June 30, 2009, in accordance with
the requirements of Section 128, Chapter 6, Title 10, of the Utah Code Annotated.
SECTION 3. Certification to Utah State Auditor. The City's Policy and Budget
Director, acting as the City's Budget Officer, is authorized and directed to certify and file
a copy of said budget amendments, including amendments to the employment staffing
document, with the Utah State Auditor.
SECTION 4. Filing of copies of the Budget Amendments. The said Budget
Officer is authorized and directed to certify and file a copy of said budget amendments,
including amendments to the employment staffing document, in the office of said Budget
Officer and in the office of the City Recorder which amendments shall be available for
public inspection.
SECTION 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect on its first
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 24 day of
March , 2009.
Transmitted to the Mayor on 3-24-09
Mayor's Action: Approved Vetoed
EAL it u
S t to
Bill No. 5 of 2009.
Published: 4-3-09
H B_ATTY-#5398-v 1-Budget_Amendment_FY08-09.DOC
FY 2009 2nd Round Reduction Options
FY 09
CIP Closed Projects Recapture 1,083,361
Transfer from Intermodal Hub 520,000
Transfer from CIP Fund -- Property Income 130,000
Further limit laptop replacement 36,000
Fuel Savings 300,000
Delay Police Officer Hiring 340,000
Limit supply budgets 100,000
Cold Case Investigation reductions to necessary level 46,000
Eliminate vacant victim advocate position 36,000
Eliminate CAO position (will be coming in 3rd budget amdt)
Create Deputy Director Positions in Management Services -
Hold Deputy Director position vacant in HR -
Operational Reductions 2,792
IMS Operational Efficiencies 70,000
Hold vacant legal secretary for remainder of the year 30,190
Reduce transfer to Governmental Immunity Fund 87,000
Vacancy savings in second half of FY 09 20,263
Reduce Slurry Seal 175,300
Reduce Chip Seal Program 88,940
Slurry and Chip Aggregate 180,323
Reduce Parks Irrigation and Plumbing Supplies 80,480
Fleet Replacement--Equipment 150,000
Decreased Fuel Prices 249,074
Traffic Signal Electrical Power and Supplies 50,000
Facilities Snow Fighter Reduction 9,000
Elimination of funding for barricade rental; barricades purchased 43,980
Reduce budget for compliance seasonals to reflect implementation 80,000
Eliminate 1.5 FTES in vacant positions; Gallivan and Street Sweeping 54,381
Vacancy savings associated with Downtown Transportation Development
Coordinator 20,000
Vacancy savings associated with Economic Development-Small Business
Manager 25,000
Arts Council-- Public Art Program Manager--vacant 5 months 8,000
Leave Transportation -- Bicycle Ped Coordinator position vacant 92,875
Sorensen Multi -Cultural Center 34,000
Business Services and Licensing --Operational 18,000
BSL-- reduce funding available for incentive pay and educational money to
match ability to spend 35,000
HAZE --Operational budget reduction 20,000
Historic Preservation Planner Vacancy 40,000
BSL Fleet Maintenance 20,000
BSL Outsourcing Plans 25,000
HAND Revenue Adjustment to Salaries 20,000
One time vacancy savings 23,000
Fuel Reductions 125,000
Shift salary to EMS grant 20,000
Eliminate Radio Replacement Funding 40,000
Eliminate remaining CIP 65,000
Placeholder 50,000
Align CIP Budget with current fiscal year spending 1,939,399
Placeholder for increased retirements (1,000,000)
Adopted Mayor's FY 09
FY09 Adopted Budget Recommended Revised
ISStJF. Revisions, Recommended
Budget Amendment#1 November 2008 Revisions, FTEs Revised Budget
February 2009
Revenue and Other Sources
Property Taxes
Real Property--current year collections 42,636,528 42,636,528
Real Property--tax stabilization 2,114,609 2,114,609
Real Property--prior year collections 1,864,500 1,864,500
General Obligation Bond--rate set annually to match debt repayment schedule 7,741,369 7,741,369
Rebate of Tax Increment from Redevelopment Agency(rebate program sunsets) 0 0
6,900,000 6,900,000
vehicle fees Personal Property 4,050,000 4,050,000
Registration Fee Distribution of$2.00(SB 245) 1,550,000 1,550,000
Sales Taxes
Local Option General(per Administration) 48,700,000 -3,000,000 45,700,000
Municipal Energy Taxes 4,500,000 4,500,000
Franchise taxes 27,331,972 27,331,972
Payments in lieu of taxation(PILOT) 1,047,937 1,047,937
Licenses and Permits
Regulatory licenses-general 5,868,000 5,868,000
Business License Fees(modify charges based on costs) 1,330,043 1,330,043
Business License Fees(Eliminate hotel credit for Innkeepers Tax) 80,000 80,000
Airport and Public Facility Parking Tax 1,500,000 1,500,000
Library Square Parking--(Change free parking from 1 hour to 1/2 hour) 220,000 220,000
Ground transportation badge fee 130,000 130,000
Ground transportation badging fee increase 136,295 136,295
Ground transportation inspection fee revenue(new inspection positions) 248,160 248,160
Building permits 6,700,376 6,700,376
City Creek Protect 1,152,000 1,152,000
Building fee Increase 703,011 703,011
Plan Review fee Increase 340,743 340,743
Intergovernmental Agency Revenue
Other local sources 4,928,074 4,928,074
Cost Sharing for School Resource Officers 92,000 92,000
Charges and Fees for Services
Cemetery fees 516,000 516,000
Cemetery fee increase 74,800 74,800
Implement Saturday premium charge 31,000 31,000
Public safety fees 1,677,500 1,677,500
Special events fee revenue 200,000 200,000
impound fee increase 70,000 70,000
Street and public improvement fees 212,300 212,300
Sports,youth and other recreation fees 270,000 270,000
Rental and concession fees 662,600 662,600
Page 1
Adopted Mayor's I' 09
FY09 Adopted Budget Recommended Revised
!MITE Revisions, Recommended
Budget Amendment#1 November 2008 Revisions, FTEs Revised Budget
February 2009
Parking 1,439,000
Parking meters 1,439,000
Fines and Forfeitures
Parking Tickets 3,200,000 3,200,000
Parking Ticket Fee increase 1,445,494 1,445,494
Parking Ticket Enforcement 186,000 186,000
Fines and Forfeitures 5,524,100 5,524,100
Interest Income(net of allocation)
interest income-adjustment 4,014,571 4,014,571
Administrative Fees Charged to Enterprise and Internal Service Funds
Airport police reimbursement 120,000 120,000
Airport fire reimbursement 4,184,000 4,184,000
Reimbursement labor and utilities 5,442,760 37,500 5,480,260
Administrative fee Increase 346,968 346,968
Miscellaneous Revenue
Sundry and other miscellaneous revenue 1,163,304 -1,000,000 -45,000 163,304
Fuel Reimbursement 111,873 111,873
Fuel/Equip Fee increase for Police Officers 0
lnterfund Transfers
Transfer from 911 1,597,530 272,000 1,869,530
transfer from risk mgmt subrogation fund
Transfer from CIP for traffic calming
transfer from risk mgmt subrogation fund
Transfer from misc.grants 120,000 120,000
Transfer from Unity Center Trust Fund 400,000 400,000
Transfer from SL Trust 5,000 5,000
Transfer from Refuse Fund-for Recycling Staff housed in General Fund 161,764 161,764
Transfer from Stormwater Fund-Street Sweeper Positions 175,371 175,371
Transfer for bond proceeds for Public Services Mtnce Facility 478,435
Total On-going Revenue 205,217,552 515,935 -3,728,000 -45,000 0 201,960,487
Page 2
Adopted Mayor's FY 09
FY09 Adopted Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Revisions, Recommended
Budget Amendment#1 November 2008 Revisions, F I'Es Revised Budget
February 2009
One Time Revenue
Building Permits 1,866,000 1,866,000
Unity Center Trust Fund Balance 0 0
Transfer from risk mgmt.subrogation fund 120,000 120,000
Fund Balance to replace on-going revenue for one-time expenses 0 0
Fund balance for one time expenses 0 0
Fund balance to bridge sales tax gap from mall reconstruction 0 0
Fund balance for potential severance 0 0
PMA-Gold Cross Settlement 195,000 195,000
Fund Balance--Energy Fund for the Future 500,000 500,000
Transfer from Fund Balance 1,258,803 4,026,617 5,285,420
Transfer from Intermodal Fund 1,000,000 520,000 1,520,000
Transfer from CIP Fund from Closed Projects 1,083,361 1,083,361
Transfer from the CIP Fund--Property Income 130,000 130,000
Total One Time Revenue 4,939,803 4,026,617 0 1,733,361 10,699,781
General Fund Total Revenue and Other Sources Budget 210,157,355 4,542,552 -3,728,000 1,688,361 212,660,268
Page 3
Adopted FY 09
FY09 Adopted Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Revisions, Recommended
Budget Amendment#1 November 2008 Revisions, FTEs Revised Budget
February 2009
Expenses and Other Uses
Attorneys Office:
FY08 Beginning Balance
FY09 base personal services projection less FY08 budget
Insurance rate changes
Pension rate change
Contractually obligated adjustment
Land Use Attorney-BA#1 FY2008 intiative#A4
Additional Prosecutor Staff-BA#2 FY2008 initative#A-15
Career Ladder
Telephone Leases
IMS--Computer Lease
Process Service
Prosecutor's Office Training
Miscellaneous expense reduction in Civil division
One-time Savings(known vacant positions)
One-time savings from eliminating one month of salary funding for vacant positions
One-time savings from converting half of vacant positions health insurance funding
from family to double for 1 month
One-time savings from assumed vacancies throughout the year(applied throughout
the general fund on a%of payroll basis)
Encumbrances 3,859
On-going reduction in Civil division operating costs -15,000
Reduction in Prosecutor's Office operating costs -45,863
One time reduction in Prosecutor's Office operating expenses for training -5,000
Hold vacant legal secretary in Civil Division -30,190
Total Attorney Costs 4,914,984 3,859 -65,863 -30,190 54.50 4,822,790
Community and Economic Development:
FY08 Beginning Balance
FY09 base personal services projection less FY08 budget
Insurance rate changes
Pension rate changes
Contractually obligated compensation adjustment
Transportation Engineer-BA#1 FY 2008 Initiative#A-3 -96,372
FY 2008 Budget One Time Funding Adjustments
One Stop Shop Database Accela software
Plan Review Outsourcing
One Stop Shop Copier/Printer
University Historic District Intensive Level Survey
Northwest Quadrant Master Plan
Preservation Plan Printing Northwest Quadrant Master Plan
Communities Master Plan Printing
Downtown Master Plan Update Printing
Ayes.Historic District Survey Phase II
Emergency Radios for CD functions
Page 4
Adopted FY 09
FY09 Adopted Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Revisions, Recommended
Budget Amendment#1 November 2008 Revisions, FTEs Revised Budget
February 2009
Arts Council CD/DVD Stereo System and laptop system
Software licensing
IMS software engineering development of Accela project
Transfer of Sorensen Center from Public Services to CED
Transfer of Unity Center from Public Services to CED
Transfer of economic development operating expenses from Mayor to CED
BUZZ Center 2 Principal Planners
BUZZ Center Plans Examiner
Downtown Transportation Development Coordinator--shared with UTA/SL Area
Chamber of Commerce(2/3 revenue offset)-moved from CAO per Administration -65,000
Transportation Inspectors(offsetting revenue/one-time savings)-begin Sept 1
Department-wide Inflationary increases
Revised Fuel Estimate(per Administration)
Lease for Ground Transportation space
Arts Council--Public Art Maintenance Study
Public Art Program Manager(Per Council-Full year,RPT) -8,000
Deputy BSL Director(Per Council-Full Year)
Senior Sec.FTE in the Office of the Director
Unity Center--First full year of operating expenses. 1 FTE office manager,4.75 RPT
child care workers and receptionists
Eliminate proposed Unity Center Office Manager
Small Business Development Manager -25,000
Sorensen Center increased seasonals,seasonals to RPT,and seasonal rate changes at
Bikeways and Trailways Development Coordinator
Fire Plans Examiner(audit) -82,038
Eliminate Building Inspector III(vacant)
Professional Development/Training for Director's Office
Membership in professional organizations for planning staff
Professional development for planning staff
Professional Development for BSL staff,Including cross-training -35,000
Downtown Ombudsman contract--City share
Historic District Surveys(Central City in FY 09)
Eliminate(vacant)Administrative Analyst
FY 2009 Budget--One time funding adjustments
one time--Large Plans Copier for BSL
one time--Arts Council cubicle for new position
one time--Transportation Study for Parking Management(Parking Authority)
one time--Plan Review Outsourcing -25,000
one time--North Temple Transit Corridor study
One time savings-
One-time savings from hiring new(vacant)authorized FTEs on August 1
One-time savings from eliminating one month of salary funding for known vacant
One-time savings from converting half of known vacant positions health insurance
funding from family to double for 1 month
One-time savings from assumed vacancies throughout the year(applied throughout
the general fund on a%of payroll basis)
Page 5
Adopted NA'09
F1(09 Adopted Budget Recommended Revised
ISSI IN: Revisions, Recommended
Budget Amendment#1 Revisions, FTFs
November 2008 February 2009 Revised Budget
Encumbrances 1,752,178
Release of encumbrance for CED director search -16,000
Release of encumbrance for planning director search -16,000
Release of encumbrance for ground transportation -40,000
Release of encumbrance for ground transportation enforcement -22,224
Release of encumbrance for planning study -25,000
Release of encumbrance for space redesign -40,000
Release of encumbrance for financial audit -6,000
Release of encumbrance for new stationery,business cards -10,000
Release of encumbrance for interns -41,556
Release of encumbrance for transportation master plan and speeding public ed -54,970
Release of encumbrance for printing of preservation plans(addition of line item in
FY 10 for printing)
Release of encumbrance for Historic District Survey outsourcing -242,000
Trails Coordinator increase(funded from PU) 37,500
Preservation Planner to conduct surveys released in encumbrance reductions 40,000 -40,000 1.00
Hold vacant Bicycle Pedestrian Coordinator -92,875
One time insurance savings at Sorensen Multi-Cultural Center -34,000
Operational reductions in BSL -18,000
Decrease In Fleet maintenance expenses -20,000
HAZE Operational reduction -20,000
HAND--Increase grant funding for salaries -20,000
Total Community and Economic Development 14,010,936 1,789,678 -714,362 -402,875 176.51 14,683,377
City Council:
FY08 Beginning Balance
FY09 base personal services projection less FY08 budget
Insurance rate changes
Pension rate changes
Contractually obligated compensation adjustment
Council Staff-BA#1 FY2008 Initiative#I-2 Council Staff
Outside lobbyist-BA#1 FY2008 Initiative#A-9
New Policy Analyst FTE--BA#3 Policy Analyst
Council Telecommunications
Adjustment to Insurance reflecting actual
Reduce 1 FTE Policy Analyst and 1 FTE Liaison to RPTs
Fund City-wide financial audit out of Non-Departmental
One-time-Additional funds for legal assistance
One-time savings from assumed vacancies throughout the year(applied throughout
the general fund on a%of payroll basis)
Encumbrances 62,495
HR Audit 34,700
Council Office budget reduction(from payroll object code) -17,491
Total City Council 1,749,071 97,195 -17,491 0 22.13 1,828,775
Page 6
Adopted Mayor's FY 09
FY09 Adopted Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Revisions, Recommended
Budget Amendment#1 November 2008 Revisions, 1'"I'Es Revised Budget
February 2009
FY08 Beginning Balance
FY09 base personal services projection less FY08 budget
Insurance rate changes
Pension rate changes
Contractually obligated compensation adjustment
FY 2008 Budget One time funding adjustments
New apparatus equipment
New AEDS and Defibrillator monitor Units
Special Technical Rescue Equipment Replacement
Training Tower Maintenance and Repair
SCBA Bottle Replacement and Upgrades
Radio Replacement
Wild Land Pants
Emergency Supplies In Fire Stations
Reduction in Worker's Comp
Software and Computer Maintenance
Fuel and Vehicle Maintenance -125,000
Revised fuel estimate-increase(per Administration)
Medical supplies Increase
Operations and Fire investigations overtime
Personal Protective Equipment Replacement Plan
Operations schooling and training
Radio replacement(to 10 year cycle) -40,000
Eliminate 3(vacant)Fire Fighter positions
CERT initiative--Captain
CERT initiative--Firefighter
CERT initiative--Clerical
CERT initiative--Computer and other equipment(fund with one-time per Council)
CERT initiative--fund hourly I RPT for teachers
Administrative Captain in Office of Fire Chief(Transfer to Fire Station#5-per Council)
Elimination of Administrative Firefighter In Office of the Fire Chief(vacant)
Conversion of Fire Station to Paramedic Response Unit/CERT Hqtrs(Reduction of 3
Captains,3 Firefighters)
Restoration of Fire Structure Service to Fire Station#5(Addition of 2 Captains,3
Transfer of Captain in Office of the Chief to Fire Station#5
FY 2009 Budget--One time funding adjustments
One time--New AEDs and Defibrillator Monitoring Units(2nd year of two year plan)
One-time--Mobile CAD software
One time--Install electric shore lines in each fire station
One time savings-
One-time savings from hiring new(vacant)authorized FTEs on August 1
One-time savings from assumed vacancies throughout the year(applied throughout
the general fund on a%of payroll basis)
Encumbrances 21,938
Page 7
Adopted FY 09
FY09 Adopted Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE, Revisions, Recommended
Budget Amendment#1 November 2008 Revisions, F FEs
Revised Budget
February 2009
One time funding cuts -103,000
Fuel Reduction -12,000
Placeholder for efficiencies to be implemented by new Fire Chief -150,000 -50,000
Shift salary to EMS grant -20,000
Eliminate capital purchases -65,000
Total Fire 33,755,616 21,938 -265,000 -300,000 365.75 33,212,554
Management Services:
FY08 Beginning Balance
FY09 base personal services projection less FY08 budget
Transfer of CRB Administrator,Sustainability Director,Environ.Manager,Emergency M
Transfer of associated base to base personal services projections to CAO
Transfer of operating expenses associated with CAO dept.
Insurance rate changes
Pension rate changes
Contractually obligated compensation adjustment
FY 1008 Budget-One time funding for Phones,Radios and Supplies for EOC
Jury fees increase
Interpreter fees increase
Increase in building security costs for the Justice Court
Credit Card fee increases for Treasurer's Office
Training costs for Treasurer's Office
Convert full time Admin Assistant position in Treasurer's Office to RPT
FTZ warehouse transfer to Airport
EEO Manager(Change RPT to FT position)
Eliminate lead payment processor position in Justice Court(layoff)
Establish additional lead clerk position in Justice Court(Audit)
Add 2 criminal clerks to Justice Court(Audit)
Add 1 small claims clerk to Justice Court(Audit)
Training and equipment for additional staff in Justice Court
Eliminate Property Control Specialist(layoff)
FY 2009 Budget--One time funding adjustments
Justice Court--remodeling costs of 2nd floor lobby
Justice Court--remodeling of attorney client rooms
Justice Court--setup costs for additional staff
One time savings-
One-time savings from hiring new(vacant)authorized FTEs on August 1
One-time savings from eliminating one month of salary funding for known vacant
One-time savings from converting half of known vacant positions health insurance
funding from family to double for 1 month
One-time savings from assumed vacancies throughout the year(applied throughout
the general fund on a%of payroll basis)
Page 8
Adopted FY 09
FY09 Adopted Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Revisions, Recommended
Budget Amendment#1 November 2008 Revisions, FTEs Revised Budget
February 2009
Encumbrances 52,369
Eliminate Official Rumor -8,970
Hold vacancy of Purchasing Consultant through end of FY 2010;change small
purchase authorization level -65,499
Hold vacancy of Hearing Officer 1 through end of FY 2010 -53,730
Change computer replacement program from 3 year to 4 year cycle(benefit will be
realized by each dept.)
Create Deputy Director position 1.00
Operational reduction -2,792
Total Management Services 11,044,637 52,369 -128,199 -2,792 119.16 10,966,015
FY08 Beginning Balance
FY09 base personal services projection less FY08 budget
insurance rate changes
Pension rate changes
Contractually obligated compensation adjustment
Transfer of economic development operating expenses to CED
Budget Amd.#3 New FTE Administrative Assistant
Education Partnership Coordinator--shared with Salt Lake School District
Create full time PIO position(resulting in increased field presence)-moved to Mayor's
Office Communications per Administration
One-time savings from assumed vacancies throughout the year(applied throughout
the general fund on a%of payroll basis)
Encumbrances 20,351
Modesto Park Donation 50,000
One time salary savings -23,000 -23,000
Release of encumbrances -28,161
On-going reduction of operating expenses -15,000
Total Mayor 1,971,743 70,351 -66,161 -23,000 19.00 1,952,933
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Transfer of CRB Administrator,Sustainability Director,Environ.Manager,Emergency
Manager,Emergency Mgmt.Assistant,CAO and Assistant to the CAO
Transfer Recycling Coordinator and Oper Space Manager from Public Services to
FY 09 base personal services projection less FY 08 budget
Insurance rate changes
Pension rate changes
Contractually obligated compensation adjustment
Transfer of Emergency Mgmt.operating expenses from Mgmt Services to CAO
Transfer of Environmental Mmgt.operating expenses from Mgmt Services to CAO
Transfer of CRB operating expenses from Mgmt.Services to CAO
Page 9
Adopted FY 09
FY09 Adopted Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Revisions, Recommended
Budget Amendment#1 Revisions, F It s
November 2008 February 2009 Revised Budget
Transfer of CAO operating expenses from Mgmt.Services to CAO
Elimination of Emergency Program Manager position(layoff)
Emergency Management Program Director
Transfer of 1 position and operating expenses to Refuse Fund in Sustainability
Per Administration,move recycling staff to General Fund&Refuse Fund revenue offset
Sustainability program implementation(E-2,Climate Registry,Web development)
Reduce funding for Salt Lake City Green webiste(handle in-house)
Other Sustainability Expenses for Director
Janitorial costs for Emergency Mgmt.
FY 2009 Budget--One time funding adjustments
one time--Open Space management plan development -50,000
one time--Project Developer Consultant -75,000
One time savings-
One-time savings from hiring new(vacant)authorized FTEs on August 1
Elimination of CAO position;consolidation of CAO and Director of Mgmt.Services;no
savings accrue in current year.
Total CAO 1,282,646 0 -125,000 9.50 1,157,646
FY08 Beginning Balance
FY09 base personal services projection less FY08 budget
Insurance rate changes
Pension rate changes
Contractually obligated compensation adjustment
FY 2008 Budget One time funding adjustments
Officer personal protection equipment(first aid kits,CBRN masks)
Public information for new Public Safety facilities
Complete taser availability for all sworn line positions
Sworn officer physical fitness program validation
Dispatch headsets
Reeduction in operational costs
501(c)9 personal leave conversion
Supplies pricing increases
Public Order Unit Munition replacement
Recruit supplies Increase from 20 to 32
Recruit supplies pricing increase(from$3800 to$4100)--32 total
Training general dept.supplies including target range maintenance
Fleet fuel increase-revised increase per Administration -300,000
Fleet maintenance/service costs based on hourly increase from$69 to$77
Unemployment Insurance increase based on usage
Sworn officer fitness standard implementation
2 investigative bureau FTES(previously HIDTA grant funded)
Crime Lab Supervisor and 3 Techs
Page 10
Adopted FY 09
EN 09 Adopted Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Revisions, Recommended
Budget Amendment#1 Revisions, FTEs
November 2008 February 2009 Revised Budget
Department Training travel
Eliminate Intelligence Specialist(vacant)
Eliminate Police Captain(vacant)
Operational reductions
Eliminate Graphic Artist position(layoff)
Eliminate public safety facilities project management function(attrition)
Eliminate Crime Analysis program manager(layoff)
Eliminate Crime Analysis Data Info.Specialists(layoff)
Eliminate(vacant)Victim Advocate
Increase funding for Mobile Neighborhood Watch
One time savings-
One-time savings from hiring new non-sworn(vacant)authorized FTEs on August 1
One-time savings from eliminating one month of salary funding for known vacant
One-time savings from converting half of known vacant(non-sworn)positions
health insurance funding from family to double for 1 month
One-time savings from assumed vacancies throughout the year(applied throughout
the general fund on a%of payroll basis)
Encumbrances 134,401
Supply reduction -130,000 -100,000
Service budget cost reductions -50,000
CADIRMS memory enhancement -12,000
Crime Lab fingerprint ID machine -68,000
Delay replacement of radio modems -116,000
Delay replacement of laptops -119,000 -36,000
Limit travel training -35,000
Reduce cold case DNA testing to reflect current usage -65,000 -46,000
Hold vacant Detective Office Tech position -40,000
Hold vacant Lieutenant--Watch Command -34,000
Placeholder for efficiencies to be implemented by police chief -50,000
One time--Delay Police Officer class hiring -340,000
Eliminate vacant Victim Advocate position -36,000 -1.00
Total Police 56,411,515 134,401 -719,000 -858,000 593.00 54,968,972
Public Services:
FY08 Beginning Balance
FY09 base personal services projection less FY08 budget
Insurance rate changes
Pension rate changes
Contractually obligated compensation adjustment
CBD Recycling-BA#2 initiative A-2
Airport Trax Extension-Contract Engineering Manager BA#2 Intitative A-8
State Road Transfer BA#2 intiative A-1
FY 2008 Budget One time funding adjustments
Open space consultant
Parley's Historic Nature Park Master Plan
Paver Repairs
Page 11
Adopted FY 09
FY09 Adopted Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Revisions, Recommended
Budget Amendment#1 Revisions, FT Es
November 2008 February 2009 Revised Budget
Tools and Equipment,new signal tech
Unity Center equipment
Transfer of FTE to Police for Enforcement Manager/Captain
Transfer 2 positions(Open Space Coordinator,Recycling)to CAO
Transfer to CED--Sorensen Center
Transfer to CED--Unity Center
Eliminate Youth Programs Director position(per Administration)
Recycling in business districts--Phase 1 moved to Refuse Fund
Seasonal rate increases beyond base funding -80,000
C&C building--1st floor rental payment increase to County
Fisher Mansion--utilities and maintenance
Market scale change for heavy equipment operators
Inflationary increases for contracts
Water budget Increase for Parks
Fuel and petroleum products inflationary increase
Revised Fuelestimate-increase(per Administration)
Utilities and Maintenance to support full year of Unity Center operations
Franklin Covey facility deferred maintenance
Salt for snow-fighting,additional to match most recent 3 year average
Small engine repair program transferred to Fleet
Tree planting--additional 400 trees and voucher system(one-time per Council)
Forestry equipment rental,including cranes
Convert crossing guards to rate per intersection
Add an additional Building Maintenance Worker
Add an additional Parking Enforcement Officer
Irrigation Manager--training,repair materials(to support conservation)
Reduce supplies and contingency budget
Youth City RPTs for Liberty,Fairmont,Ottinger,Central City
RPTs charged to grant
in house materials lab outsourced(2 vacant)
Reduce 2 RPTs in Director's Office(2 layoff)
Eliminate GIS manager(layoff)
Restore GIS manager(per Administration)
Eliminate Office/Engineering Records Tech II(per Administration)
Eliminate Parks property maintenance position(layoff)
Street sweeping program reorganization(layoffs)
Restoration of 3 FTE Street Sweeping positions(revenue offset from Stormwater Fund)
Reduction in utilities from energy projects
Establish heating and cooling limits
Reduce contracted security services
Reduce janitorial levels
Restore daily bathroom cleaning
Reduction of parking meter maintenance
FY 2009 Budget--One time funding adjustments
one time--Paver repairs,business districts
one time--Paver repairs,streets division
One time savings-
One-time savings from hiring new(vacant)authorized FTEs on August 1
One-time savings from eliminating one month of salary funding for known vacant
Page 12
Adopted FY 09
ISSUE FY09 Adopted Budget Revisions, Recommended Revised Recommended
Budget Amendment#1 November 2008 Revisions, F'I'Es Revised Budget
February 2009
One-time savings from converting half of known vacant positions health insurance
funding from family to double for 1 month
One-time savings from assumed vacancies throughout the year(applied throughout
the general fund on a%of payroll basis)
Encumbrances 1,643,154
Kaboom Playground construction donation(BA#1) 20,000
(One time)Hold current vacancies vacant for six months(8 vacancies) -174,506 -20,263
On-going savings associated with consolidation of small equipment maintenance
program -100,000
On-going department-wide savings based on fuel prices -89,079 -249,074
(On-going)Elimination of Engineering Tech VI in Engineering Division(vacant at end of
year) -36,688 -1.00
(On-going)Eliminate city cash contribution to Jazz Festival -35,000
Reduce premixed concrete budget -53,196
Reduce fireworks budget for 24th of July celebration at Liberty Park -7,500
Move Road Overlay program to CIP in future years 0
(One-time)Eliminate non safety related tree stump removal -100,000
One time reduction of materials lab testing -30,000
(On-going)Eliminate cosmetic asplyndh tree trimming -63,897
Reduce Slurry Seal -175,300
Reduce Chip Seal -88,940
Slurry and Chip Aggregate -180,323
Reduce Parks Irrigation and plumbing supplies -80,480
Traffic Signal electrical power and supplies decrease -50,000
Facilities snow fighter reduction -9,000
Elimination of barricade rental--barricades purchased -43,980
Eliminate 1.5 FTEs in vacant positions;.5 at Gallivan,1 in Street Sweeping -54,381 -1.50
Total Public Services 37,636,383 1,663,154 -689,866 -1,031,741 292.21 37,577,930
Non Departmental:
FY08 Beginning Balance 45,426,777
BA#3 FY 2008 initiative#A-7 SLC Solutions
FY 2008 Budget One time funding adjustments
Funding for Municipal Elections
Funding for TRAX 200 S.Station(CIP)
Funding for Downtown Alliance SID(overrun correction)
Funding for Severance Contingency
Funding for transfer for Lift a Lot Truck for Signal Tech
Funding for vehicle for Grafitti Technician
BSL Vehicle for Ground Transportation Initiative
Local First Utah
Display cabinet for submarine memorabilia
Additional Animal Services spot enforcement
Local circular bus study
Funding of CIP with one time funds
Arts Council Grants
Energy Fund for the Future
Sales Tax Rebate Increase(FY 08=140,000)
Page 13
Adopted F1'09
F1'09 Adopted Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Revisions, Recommended
Budget Amendment#1 Revisions, FTEs
November 2008 February 2009 Revised Budget
Community Emergency Winter Housing(FY 08=67,600)
SLC Arts Council(FY 08=318,600)
Legal Defenders(FY 08=701,457)April 1 hiring of additional staff 13,295
Sugarhouse Park Authority(FY 08=191,576)
National League of Cities and Towns(FY 08=11,200)
Utah Economic Development(FY 08=108,000)
US Conference of Mayors(FY 08=12,875)
Risk Fund Admin Fees(FY 08=1,660,881)
ULCT dues Increase
Enhanced Bus Pass
General Fund Support of Governmental Immunity
Annual Financial Audit(per Council)
Funds for HB 40-related work done by SL County
Funds for Fuel/Effeciency Incentive program
General Fund Support of CIP(FY 08=21,020,559) -596,084 -1,939,399
Street Lighting(FY 08=117,438)
Interest Expense(revenue offset-Tax&Revenue Anticipation notes)
IFAS Account IMS Transfer (FY 08=81,550)
Animal Services(FY 08=1,021,200)
Animal Services supplemental payment
IMS Internal Service Fund Base to Base Increase(FY 08=5,572,125)
IMS GF contribution for COLA,Insurance,Pension adjustments
IMS Restore Non-Dept'I Funding to IMS(reduction In prior year transferred to CED)
IMS Fund base adjustment for software engineering
IMS--Accela software support and maintenance agreement
IMS--Software Licensing
IMS GF Savings--elimination of 2.0 FTEs and increase funding from Public Utilities)
Outside local lobbying(FY08=40,000)(to be matched with RDA fund per Council)
Contribution Airport/Trax Light Rail Project--General Fund support(SB 245)
Contribution Alrport/Trax Light Rail Project--from$2 motor vehicle reg.fee(SB245)
FY 2009 Budget--One time funding adjustments
one time--Vehicles for building maintenance worker in Public services
one time--vehicle for parking enforcement officer in Public Services
one time--Fleet transfer for new snow fighting equipment
one time--Reduce contribution to Governmental Immunity Fund -87,000
one time--Transfer to Fleet for additional equipment for State roads transfer -434,000
one time-- Envision Utah contribution to Jordan River blueprint
one time--Transfer to CIP for transportation preservation
one time--STUDY TRAX Street Cars to Sugarhouse
one time--No More Homeless Pets feral cat initiative -40,000
one time--IMS Software Development Citywide(CAMP System)
one time--Local First Campaign
one time--transfer TO fund balance
one time--Reduce CBD cleaning equipment(in Fleet)
one time--GIS Address Clean-up software
one time--No Trespassing signage for private Riparian Corridor properties
one time--EFF use of remainder of original$500k in 09
Page 14
Adopted Mayor's F}'09
FY09 Adopted Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Revisions, Recommended
Budget Amendment#1 Revisions, h"1'Es
November 2008 February 2009 Revised Budget
Encumbrances 638,312 -38,000
UMFA Exhibit 50,000
Utah Fair Park Impact Study 8,000
Reduce transfer to IMS Fund;Eliminate IMS Software Engineering Manager(Layoff) -50,988
Reduce Transfer to Fleet;delay replacement of 2 fire engines -243,700
Reduce Transfer to IMS Fund for operational efficiencies(one time) -70,000
Reduce Transfer to Fleet -150,000
Increase Retirement Payouts Line Item 1,000,000
Total Non Departmental 47,379,824 709,607 -1,402,772 -1,246,399 45,440,260
General Fund Total Expenses and Other Uses Budget 210,157,3551 4,542,5521 -4,193,7141 -3,894,991 1651.76 206,611,2521
Page 15
Adopted Mayor's F109
ISSUE FY 2009 Budget Revisions, Recommended Revised Recommended
Adopted Budget Amendment#1 November 2008 Revisions, F'I'Es Revised Budget
February 2009
CIP Fund(FC 83)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Decrease in CDBG eligible capital projects
Increase in Class C roads
(52,950,000 approved)
Decrease In Intergovernmental Revenues
Decrease In donations
Increase In Transfer from General Fund
Decrease in Transfer from RDA
Decrease in Bond Proceeds
Decrease in transfer in from General fund for delay of fleet facility bond payment (596,084)
BA#1 Changes 30,879,625
Bond Proceeds to Surplus Land 3,500,000 _ _
_Bond Proceeds for Property Improvements 4,700,000
Decrease In transfer from General Fund (1,239,399)
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 26,882,981 30,879,625 7,603,916 (1.239,399) 64,127,123
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Increase in Debt Service Transfer
Decrease In Bond Expense
Decrease In Transfer from RDA
Increase in Class C roads
Decrease CDBG capital expenditures
Decrease in Capital Expenditures
Decrease in transfer out to Debt Service for delay of fleet facility bond payment (596,084)
BA#1 Changes 31,751,648
Property purchases 4,000,000
Return of prior appropriation for property purchase (500,000)
Property Improvements 4,700,000
Decrease in projects funded from the General Fund _ (1,239,399)
Decrease in completed CIP projected funded In prior years (1.213,361)
Increase for transfer to General Fund of completed CIP project funds,property Income 1,213,361
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 26,882,981 31,751,648 7,603,916 (1.239,399) 64,999,146
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses 0 (872,023)
OF Page 1
Adopted Mayor's F1'09
F1'2009 Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Recommended
Adopted Budget Amendment#1 Revisions, Revisions, FI'Es
November 2008 February 2009 Revised Budget
Airport Fund(FC 54,55)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Increase in operating revenues
Increase in passenger facility charges projects
Grants and reimbursements
Increase In Interest Income
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 310,908,800 310,908,800
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 08 Beginning Balance
FY09 base personal services projections less FY08 budget
Insurance rate changes
Pension rate changes
Contractually obligated compensation adjustment
New positions
Decrease In operating expenses
Increase In capital equipment
Increase in capital improvements projects
Decrease in debt service payments
BA#1 changes 9,100
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 306,368,300 9,100 306,377,400
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses 4,540,500 4,531,400
Golf Fund(FC 59)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Increases in Fees,Rentals and Passes
Increase In Interest Income
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 8,649,878 8,649,878
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Insurance rate changes
Pension rate changes
Contractually obligated compensation adjustment
Office Technician _
transfer 3 Fleet Small Equipment Shop technicians
Decrease In seasonal office technician
Increase In Fuel expenses(per Administration)
Increase in small equipment shop expenses
Increase In operating expenses
Increase In capital outlay
Increase in debt service payments
BA#1 Increase 480
OF Page 2
Adopted EV 09
FY 2009 Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Recommended
Adopted Budget Amendment#1 Revisions, Revisions, FTEs
November 2008 February 2009 Revised Budget
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 8,458,296 480 8,458,776
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses 191,582 191,102
Intermodal Hub(FC 50)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Decrease In Federal Grant Revenue
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 0 0
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Decrease In Intermodal Hub expenditures
Transfer to General Fund 520,000
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 1,582,634 520,000 2,102,634
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses (1,582,634) (520,000) - - (2.102,634)
Refuse(FC 57)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Increase in Refuse Collection Fees
Increase in Landfill dividend
_ Decrease in Debt Proceeds for Purchase of Vehicles
Decrease in misc income
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 9,563,765 9,563,765
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 08 Beginning Balance
FY09 base personal services projections less FY08 budget
Insurance rate changes
Pension rate changes
Contractually obligated compensation adjustment
New positions-reclycing staff
Transfer of positions to general fund(funding to remain with Refuse)
Funds transfer to general fund-for Recycling positions
Increase in operating expense
Decrease in capital outlay
Decrease in debt service
Increase in transfers
Increase in Fuel expenses(per Administration)
Decrease associated with delay of fleet facility bond payment (105,000)
BA#1 Changes 308,000
OF Page 3
Adopted FY 09
FY 20119 Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Revisions, Recommended
Adopted Budge( Amendment#1 November 2008 Revisions, FTEs Revised Budget
February 2009
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 10,494,405 308,000 (105,000) 10,697,405
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses (930,640) (1,133,640)
Sewer(FC 52)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Increase in sewer revenue
Decrease in Impact fees
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget - 18,002,000 18,002,000
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Insurance rate changes
Pension rate changes
Contractually obligated compensation adjustment
Increase in charges and services
Decrease in operating and maintenance
Decrease in capital outlay
Decrease in capital Improvements
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 24,558,852 24,558,852
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses (6,556,852) (6,556,852)
Storm Water Utility(FC 53)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Increase In Interest income
Decrease in impact fees
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 6,121,000 6,121,000
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Insurance rate changes
_ Pension rate changes
_ Contractually obligated conpensatlon adjustment
Increase in operating expenses
Riparian Corridor Study
Decrease in charges and services expenses
Increase In capital outlay
_Decrease in capital Improvements
Transfer to General Fund-3 FTE street sweeper positions
OF Page 4
Adopted F1'(19
ISSUE Ft 2009 Budget Recommended Revised
Adopted Budget Amendment#1 Revisions, Revisions, FT Es Recommended
November 2008 February 2009 Revised Budget
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 9,064,101 9,064,101
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses (2,943,101) (2,943,101)
Water Utility(FC 51)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Increase in water
Decrease in impact fees
Decrease In developer contributions
Decrease in revenue bonds
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 54,445,000 0 0 54,445,000
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 07 Beginning Balance
Insurance rate changes
Pension rate changes
_ Contractually obligated compensation adjustment
Increase In operating expenses
Increase In charges and services
Increase in capital outlay
Increase in capital improvements
BA#1 Changes 43,300
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 72,611,388 43,300 72,654,688
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
under)expenditures and other uses (18,166,388) (18,209,688)
Fleet Management(FC 61)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY O8 Beginning Balance
Increase in maintenance,fees,other revenue
Increase transfer Community Development and Public Service vehicles
Increase transfer for State roads transfer (434,000)
Decrease in transfer from General Fund for delay of purchase of 2 fire engines (243.700)
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 18,793,803 (677,700) 18,116,103
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Insurance rate changes
Pension rate changes _
Contractually obligated compensation adjustment
New positions-small equipment shop transfer
Fuel cost increases
Increase in operating expenses
Inceases for misc public service vehicles and equipment
Increase for state roads transferred (434,000)
Increase for paramedic apparatus and equipment
OF Page 5
Adopted FY 09
F1'2009 Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Revisions, Recommended
Adopted Budget Amendment#1 FTEs
November 2008 Revisions, Revised Budget
February 2009
Decrease in leased/financed purchases
_ Decrease in capital outlay
Decrease in debt service
Fleet Vehicle Usage Audit(per Administration) _
Decrease for delay of purchase of 2 fire engines (243,700)
Decrease for delay of fleet facility bond payment (113,000) _
BA#1 Changes 547,671
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 20,289,210 547,671 (790,700) 20,046,181
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses (1,495,407) (1,930,078)
Government Immunity(FC 85)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 09 Beginning Balance
Reduction in transfer from General Fund
Increase In Interest income
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 1,182,200 1,182,200
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 08 Beginning Balance
No change in expenses
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 1,192,200 1,182,200
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses 0 0
OF Page 6
Adopted FY 09
F1'2009 Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Revisions, Recommended
Adopted Budget Amendment#1 Revisions, FTEs
November 2008 February 2009 Revised Budget
Information Management Services(FC 65)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Increase In IMS revenue city-wise
Increase In revenue from general fund
Decrease in general fund transfer (50,988)
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 8,572,120 (50,988) 8,521,132
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 08 Beginning Balance
FY09 base personal services projection less FY08 budget
Insurance rate changes
Pension rate changes
Contractually obligated compensation adjustment
Eliminate two positions
Decrease for prior year licensing
Increase for current year licensing
Increase in software engineering _
Decrease cost for maintenance old Infrastructure
Increase for infrastructure purchases
Eliminate IMS Software Engineering Manager (59.986) -1.00
One time expenses associated with layoffs 45,783
BA#1 Changes 960
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 8,922,120 960 (14,203) 59.00 8,908,877
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses (350,000) (387,745)
OF Page 7
Adopted FY 09
FY 2009 Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Recommended
Adopted Budge( Amendment#1 Revisions, Revisions, VI Es
November 2008 February 2009 Revised Budget
Insurance and Risk Management(FC 87)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Increase in premium income
Increase in other Income
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 35,343,707 35,343,707
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 08 Beginning Balance _
FY09 base personal services projection less FY08 budget
Insurance rate changes
Pension rate changes
Contractually obligated compensation adjustment
Increase in LTD claims and expenses
Increase in medical premiums
Increase in other fees and rates
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 35,463,707 35,463,707
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses (120,000) (120,000)
Curb and Gutter(FC 20)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 08 Beginning Balance 600,000 600,000
No change in special assessment tax
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 08 Beginning BalanceIncrease In assessment bonding charges _
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 504,689 504,689
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses 95,311 95,311
OF Page 8
Adopted FY 09
FY 2009 Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Revisions, Recommended
Adopted Budget Amendment#1 November 2008 Revisions, FTEs Revised Budget
February 2009
Street Lighting(FC 30)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Decrease in special assessment tax
Decrease in transfer from general fund
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 454,590 454,590
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Increase in street lighting expenses
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 2,012,854 2,012,854
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses (1,558,264) (1,658,264)
CDBG Operating(FC 71)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Increase in CDBG funds
BA#1 3,203,649
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 2,912,862 3,203,649 6,116,511
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 06 Beginning Balance
Increase in CDBG funds
BA#1 3,088,589
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 2,912,862 3,088,589 6,001,451
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses 0 115,060
Emergency 911(FC 60)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 08 Beginning Balanceincrease In E-911 revenue
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 2,512,000 2,512,000
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Increase in E-911 expenses 272,000
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 2,042,000 272,000 2,314,000
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses 470,000 198,000
OF Page 9
Adopted Mayor's FY 09
FY 2009 Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Recommended
Adopted Budget Amendment#1 Revisions, Revisions, ETUNovember 2008 February 2009 Revised Budget
Housing(FC 78)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Decrease in federal grant revenue and housing Income
Increase In other revenue
BA#1 1,849,946
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 2,646,637 1,849,946 4,496,583
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Increase in loan disbursements and related expenses
BA#1 4,098,658
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 11,013,637 4,098,658 15,112,295
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses (8,367,000) (10,615.712)
Misc Grants Operating(FC 72)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Decrease In federal grant revenue and program Income
Increaes In grant revenue 6,838,421
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 1,833,951 6,838,421 8,672,372
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 08 Beginning Balance
Decrease in grant penditures
Increase in approved grant expenditures 14,918,186
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 1,833,951 14,918,186 16,752,137
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses 0 (8.079,765)
OF Page 10
Adopted F1'09
ISSUE FY 20119 Budget Recommended Revised
Adopted Budget Amendment#1 Revisions, Revisions, FT Es Recommended
November 2008 February 2009 Revised Budget
Misc Special Service Districts(FC 46)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 08 Beginning Balance
No change in special assessment taxes
Decrease in tranfser from General Fund
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 798,911 798,911
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 08 Beginning Balance
_ Increase in assessment expenditures --
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 796,812 796,812
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses 2,099 2,099
Other Special Revenue(FC 73)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 08 Beginning Balance
No change to revenue
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 26,500 26,500
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 08 Beginning Balance
No changes to expenditures 1,076,832
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 26,500 1,076,832 1,103,332
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses_ 0 (1.076,832)
OF Page 11
Adopted FY 09
FY 211119 Budget Recommended Revised
ISSUE Revisions, Recommended
Adopted Budget Amendment#1 FTEs
November 2008 Revisions, Revised Budget
February 2009
Donation Fund(FC 77)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 07 Beginning Balance 100,000
No change to revenue
BA#1 10,020
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 100,000 10,020 110,020
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 07 Beginning Balance
Transfer to General Fund-Sorensen/Unity Center
BA#1 2,107,374
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 500,000 2,107,374 2,607,374
Budgeted revenues and other sources over
(under)expenditures and other uses (400,000) (2,497,354)
Debt Service(FC 81)
Revenue and Other Sources
FY 07 Beginning Balance
Increase in debt service revenue
Decrease In debt service revenue for fleet facility bond payment (814,084)
Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 18,088,923 (814,084) 17,274,839
Expenses and Other Uses
FY 07 Beginning Balance
Increase in debt service payments and related expenses
Decrease in debt service payment for fleet facility bond (814,084)
Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 18,705,523 (814,084) 17,891,439
Budgeted revenues and other sources over _
(under)expenditures and other uses (616,600) (616,600)
OF Page 12
Salt Lake City Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 08/09 General Fund Projects
Project Project Description Possible 08-09 Budget Engineeing Status Update
General Fund CIP Projects -Pay as you go
12 ADA Ramps/Corner To construct various ADA pedestrian ramps&related repairs to corners& $225,000 Design 100%complete, bid
Repairs-Citywide walkways including sidewalk, curb, gutter&corner drainage opening scheduled to occur on
improvements. Design$27,400. Construction inspection&admin February 4, 2009, and construction
$29,600. Locations to be determined based by City's ADA Ramp projected to begin in March of
Transition Plan in conjunction with the Salt Lake Accessibility Committee 2009.
&the City's Accessibility Services Advisory Council. Supports City's
sustainability efforts.
13 ADA Transition Parks To provide ADA accessibility improvements at various parks citywide as $120,000 Design 100%complete and bid
Citywide-Rosewood Park, needed. Improvements include ramps, curb cuts,sidewalk, signage, documents prepared. Anticipated
1200 West 1300 North parking striping, accessible picnic tables, ramps to facilities&other bid date in February 2009.
District 1 physical access needs. Projects are identified by the park inventory of
ADA needs assessment. $120,000 construction materials, labor&
contingency. Supports City's sustainability efforts.
14 Jordan River Trail-Rose To design&construct improvements to existing dirt&gravel trail from the $50,000 $200,000 Design 100%complete and bid
Park Golf Course to north end of the Rose Park Golf Course bridge to Redwood Road at documents prepared. Bid for
Redwood Road District 1 approx. 1800 North. Improvements include removal of vegetation, construction was opened January
grading, &placement of trailway base gravel, asphalt pavement&gravel 14, 2009.Award process is
placement for horse lane. Design$40,000. Construction inspection& underway.
admin fees$40,000. Supports City's sustainability efforts. Possible
savings of$50,000.
15 Sidewalk To provide sidewalk rehabilitation&reduction of tripping hazards through $175,000 Design 100%complete. Project
Rehabilitation/Concrete concrete sawing or grinding. Process eliminates displacement of up to bid January 14, 2009 with
Sawing-Citywide one&one-half inch. Design$14,500. Construction inspection&admin construction to begin in March of
$15,100. Supports City's sustainability efforts. 2009.Award process underway.
16 Tree Replacement Parks- To replace existing deteriorated or removed trees throughout City Parks. $50,000 Construction contract bid opening
Citywide Design$4,300. Construction inspection&admin fees$3,000. Supports is scheduled to occur on February
City's sustainability efforts. 4, 2009.
Project Project Description Possible Reca•ture 08-09 Budget Engineeing Status Update
17 Traffic Signal Upgrades- To remove&replace four(4)existing traffic signals with equipment that $560,000 $640,000 Design 40%complete with an
900 E. 1300 So.,2000 E. includes steel poles, span wire, signal heads&traffic signal loops, mast anticipated design completion
2700 So.,300 W. 1700 So., arm poles, new signal heads, pedestrian signal heads with countdown date in March.
Main St.1300 So. timers, improved loop detection, &left turn phasing as needed. Design
Districts 5&7 $80,000. Engineering fees$80,000. Construction inspection&admin
$20,000. Supports City's sustainability efforts. Possible recapture of
560,000. 07/08 Traffic Upgrades 90%design.
18 Bicycle/Pedestrian Paths, To develop, design&construct bicycle/pedestrian paths, routes& $500,000 Design 95+complete. $450,000 is
Routes&Facilities facilities Citywide to include bike racks, restriping lanes for bike use& being reserved for the Jordan
Development-Citywide additional paths where none currently exist. Supports City's sustainability River Parkway Trail under 1-80,
efforts. which is currently being
redesigned. Anticipated project
bid date in February and have it
under construction March 2009.
The remaining$50,000 is planned
for adding bike lanes on Main
Street this spring.
19 Pedestrian Safety Devices To design, purchase&install pedestrian safety devices Citywide which $75,000 This funding is planned to be used
Citywide could include overhead flashing lights at crosswalks, pedestrian refuge for overhead warning flashers at
islands, signalized pedestrian crossings&new or improved pavement midblock crosswalks downtown
markings. Supports City's sustainability efforts. this spring/summer.
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21 Jordan River Trail Safety $259,600 Damage data being collected to
Lighting Wire determine scope of work.
Replacement-2100 So.to Anticipated bid date in March of
1-80 District 2 2009.
Project Project Description Possible 08-09 Budget Engineeing Status Update
22 Plaza 349 Fire Sprinklers- To add a fire sprinkler systems on floors 2 through 6 to include fire piping $490,000 $546,827 Consultant is revising design
349 South 200 East risers, branch piping over floors, sprinkler heads for proper water services fee proposal for re-
District 4 distribution, pump, &fire hose connectors. Design$55,900. Engineering submittal.
fees$13,418. Construction inspection&admin$29,073. Supports City's
sustainability efforts. Possible recapture of$490,000.
23 Local Street To reconstruct or rehabilitate deteriorated local streets to include $1,000,000 Construction contract bid opening
Reconstruction FY 08/09 replacement of street pavement,sidewalk, curb,gutter&drainage scheduled to occur on February
District 4&5 improvements. Proposed Streets include Douglas Street-400 So. to 500 18, 2009.
So;Alpine Place from Gilmer Dr. to end of Cul-de-sac;Yale Ave.-700 E.
to 800 E.; Princeton Ave.-700 E.to 800 E.; Herbert Ave.-200 E.to 300
E.; Harvard Ave.-1300 E. to 80 feet west of Normandie Cr. Design
$158,000. Construction inspection&admin$184,000. Supports City's
sustainability efforts.
24 Traffic Camera Installation To install five(5)traffic signal cameras purchased with prior yrs funds& $50,000 Design 35%complete with
1300 So.300 W.,700 E.So. purchase camera detectors for various intersections. Costs associated anticipated construction bid date in
Temple, 1300 E.400 So., with installation includes steel poles, concrete pole bases, modems, March 2009.
200 So.Main Street- camera controllers, &fiber optic connects to the Traffic Control Center.
Camera Detectors Various Design$6,500. Engineering fees$6,500. Construction inspection&
Intersections admin$2,000. Supports City's sustainability efforts.
Districts 2,3&4
25 Arterial Lighting- To design, purchase&install streetlights to bring the street lighting up to $275,000 Design 95%complete.
Redwood Road, North the adopted lighting minimum, reducing transportation impacts by Construction to begin immediately
Temple to 2100 So&1000 improving traveler safety on Redwood Road. Design$25,000. after design is completed. $6,250
to 2300 North Engineering fees$25,000. Supports City's sustainability efforts. has been spent on design so far.
Districts 1 &2 Additional design work has been
done, but has not yet been
26 Shipp Park ADA To remove&replace existing playground equipment with equipment that $75,000 Design 90%complete. Design
Playground-579 4th Ave. meets current safety&ADA accessibility standards. Improvements review meeting with Community
District 3 include replacement of existing playground equipment, soft fall bark chips, Council in December. Anticipated
sand, concrete ramp to playground, some sidewalk, landscaping& construction bid date March 2009.
irrigation. Design$6,700. Construction inspection&admin fees$5,500.
Supports City's sustainability efforts.
Project Project Description Possible 08-09 Budget Engineeing Status Update
27 Arterial Lighting- To design, purchase&install streetlights to bring the street lighting up to $65,000 Design 100%complete and is
California Ave.,900 West the adopted lighting minimum, reducing transportation impacts by currently under construction. The
to Redwood Road improving traveler safety on California Avenue. Design$5,000. designer has been paid$5,000.
District 2 Engineering fees$5,000. Supports City's sustainability efforts. The completion of these two street
lighting projects (#25)will
nearly complete the city-wide
Continuous Lighting Program. The
remaining arterial street that still
requires additional lighting is North
Temple which will be lighted as
part of the light rail project to the
28 Replace Parks To remove&replace the deteriorated Parks Administration building roof $450,000 Construction contract has been
Administration Roof,1965 with a sustainable roofing system that will reduce environmental impacts awarded. Contractor is obtaining
W.500 So. District 2 &energy usage. Design$47,902. Engineering fees$11,054. insurance certificates. Contract will
Construction inspection&admin$25,793. Supports City's sustainability be signed in February 2009.
29 Economic Development City contribution toward the economic development&capital preservation $500,000 None
Capital Preservation Fund associated with transit or transportation. Supports City's sustainability
Citywide efforts. Possible recapture of$500,000.
30 Rosewood Park Tennis To design&construct upgrades to existing tennis courts. Upgrades $80,000 Project complete.
Courts-1200 West 1300 include resurface coating, new color coat&lines. Design$6,100.
North District 1 Engineering fees$1,400. Construction inspection&admin fees$5,400.
Supports City's sustainability efforts.
31 Traffic Signal System To install new traffic signal controllers&IP interconnect modems. This $375,000 This project is under construction.
Upgrades-Citywide project will replace 100%of traffic signal controllers&modems with All of the traffic signal controllers
newer technologically advanced units. Supports City's sustainability have been purchased and 90%of
efforts. them have been received. 40%of
the controllers have been installed.
32 Parleys Nature Park Fence To construct new fencing at entrance of the Parley's Nature Park between $14,000 $16,000 Design complete-additional funds
2760 So.2700 East Tanner Park&private residence on the east side of the entrance. Fence needed for construction of total
(Heritage Way) District 7 materials used will include wood pole posts&wire mesh to control the proposed scope of work.Another
access&dogs entering the park. Design$3,000. Construction option is to install a portion of
inspection&admin fees$2,200. Supports City's sustainability efforts. fencing as funding allows.
Possible recapture of$14,000.
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Project Possible
Project Description 08-09 Budget Engineeing Status Update
34 Analysis&Design of East To design for construction improvements on East Capitol Blvd., to include $50,000 Design 5%complete. Funding
Capitol Blvd.-East ADA sidewalk accessibility&cross walk from the State Capitol Building& subject to State Capitol Board
Frontage,300 to 500 North Memory Grove park, associated landscaping&sprinkler irrigation system. matching funds. Scope of work
District 3 Design$47,000. Engineering fees$3,000. Supports City's sustainability being determined.
35 Electronic Pay Booth To perform a study to replace mechanical parking meters with electronic $50,000 A steering committee has been
Device Study-Citywide pay booth devices for accepting payment for on street parking. Study will formed and has met to discuss
determine technology best suited for the needs of downtown Salt Lake issues to be addressed in the
City. study.An RFP is being
g prepared to
hire a consultant for the study.
36 800 South Median Island& To construct median island improvements where temporary barrier $593,000 Design 100%complete.
1100 East Barrier currently exists. Improvements to include pedestrian activated crossing Construction contract bid opening
Improvement District 4 system, marked crosswalk, median island rehab&artwork. Design scheduled to occur on February
complete. Construction inspection&admin. $28,000. Supports City's 25, 2009.
sustainability efforts.
37 800 South-West of 1300 To construct bulbouts at the new power pole installation sites on the $560,000 Design 100%complete.
East Improvements North side of 800 South. Supports City's sustainability efforts. Possible Construction contract bid opening
District 4 $100,000 to$200,000 savings. scheduled to occur on February
25, 2009.
38 300 South Street To design street improvements to include island&landscaping $80,000 $100,000 Design survey complete.
Improvements Design- improvements, asphalt pavement overlay, replacement of defective Preliminary design work is
Main Street to 300 East sidewalk, curb,gutter, center island parking&street lighting. Project will underway. Engineering contacted.
District 4 coordinate with Public Utilities regarding storm drainage&Transportation Design can not be complete in 90
Division regarding pedestrian&vehicular traffic flow, parking&street days.
lighting. Design$170,000. Supports City's sustainability efforts.
Possible recapture of$80,000.
39 "A"Street Green Space- To design green space improvements to include benches,ADA $6,000 Green space plan 80%complete.
"A"Street,6th to 8th Ave. sidewalks, picnic table, associated landscaping&sprinkler irrigation Additional construction funding
District 3' system. Design$4,800. Supports City's sustainability efforts. needed. Funding from citizen
commitment for matching funds
not yet received.
40 Fairmont Park Tennis To design improvements to include replacing five(5)existing tennis $50,000 Design 40%complete.Additional
Courts-900 East Simpson courts with four(4)new post tension courts, new fencing, net posts, funding needed for construction in
Ave. District 7 landscaping&irrigation system, sidewalk along north side of courts, 2009.
benches&drinking fountain area. Supports City's sustainability efforts.
Project Project Description Possible
p Recapture 08-09 Budget Engineeing Status Update
41 1300 East,500 South to To construct a series of street improvements to include signage, lighting, $465,000 The flashing warning lights for this
2100 South Improvements signals, &street reconstruction to increase pedestrian safety&to calm project have been put out to bid,
Districts 4,5&6 traffic on 1300 East. Additional$100,000 appropriated from Class"C" with the bid opening scheduled for
fund. See Class"C"#6. Supports City's sustainability efforts. January 29. The estimated cost for
the flashing lights is$32,000. The
driver feedback signs for this
project have also been put out to
bid,with the bid opening
scheduled for February 3. The
estimated cost for the driver
feedback signs is$45,000.The
design of the HAWK traffic signals
is underway, with a design fee of
Implementation is planned for
spring and summer.
42 800 South/Sunnyside- To initiate the study phase of a comprehensive redesign of 800 $79,625 City Council Project
Comprehensive Redesign-South/Sunnyside, from 700 East to Foothill. Some funds may be used to
Study District 6 hire an outside consultant to facilitate a series of community input
meetings on a potential redesign. Supports City's sustainability efforts.
$1,939,399 $8,385,552