051 of 2012 - Budget Amendment No. 6A for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 B 12-8 0 12-1 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 51 of 2012 (Amending the Final Budget of Salt Lake City, including the employment staffing document, for Fiscal Year 2011-2012) An Ordinance Amending Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 50 of 2011 Which Adopted the Final Budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2011 and Ending June 30, 2012. PUAMBLE On August 9, 2011, the Salt Lake City Council adopted the final budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, including the employment staffing document, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012, in accordance with the requirements of Section 118, Chapter 6, Title 10 of the Utah Code Annotated, and said budget, including the employment staffing document, was approved by the Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah. The City's Budget Director, acting as the City's Budget Officer, prepared and filed with the City Recorder proposed amendments to said duly adopted budget, including the amendments to the employment staffing document necessary to effectuate the staffing changes specifically stated herein, copies of which are attached hereto, for consideration by the City Council and inspection by the public. All conditions precedent to amend said budget, including the employment staffing document as provided above, have been accomplished. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the final budget of Salt Lake City, including the employment staffing document, as approved, ratified and finalized by Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 50 of 2011. SECTION 2. Adoption of Amendments. The budget amendments, including amendments to the employment staffing document necessary to effectuate the staffing changes specifically stated herein, attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance shall be, and the same hereby are adopted and incorporated into the budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, including the amendments to the employment staffing document described above, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2011 and ending June 30, 2012, in accordance with the requirements of Section 128, Chapter 6, Title 10, of the Utah Code Annotated. SECTION 3. Filing of copies of the Budget Amendments. The said Budget Officer is authorized and directed to certify and file a copy of said budget amendments, including amendments to the employment staffing document, in the office of said Budget Officer and in the office of the City Recorder which amendments shall be available for public inspection. SECTION 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect on its first publication. 2 Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 5th day of June , 2012. CFIAIRPER ON ATTEST: -Aire CITY RECORDER Transmitted to the Mayor on July 18. 2012 Mayor's Action: Y Approved Vetoed MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM Salt Lake City Attorney's Office Date 7— S" (7' Y RECORDER By .40!gi.......... (SEAL) �� � • s� z Bill No. 1 of 2012. ^t i � '{ °'° ` Published: August 4, 2012 . r^ . � HB_ATTY-#15990-v2-Budget_Amendrnent_FY11-12.DOC • `' . ' 3 Fiscal Year 2011-12 Budget Amendment#6a Ex,enditure Amount Revenue Amount Adminsitration Council Administration Council On-going or Initiative Number Name Fund Proposed Approved Proposed Approved One time FTEs Section A: New Items 1 Audio Recording Equipment Mandated by Secion 78A-7-103 in the Justice Courts GF 25,800.00 to,000.00 one-time 0 2 Police Department Overtime Reimbursement GF 183,963.00 12,606.00 one-time o 3 Police Department Overtime Reimbursement GF 306,000.00 306,000.0o one-time o 4 Street Lighting Power and Maintenance GF 100,000.00 one-time o 5 Fund 20 Special Assessment Budget Increase Curb&Gutter 11,707.00 11,707.0o one-time 0 Spec Assessment 6 Department Insurance Budget Increase GF 89,000.00 ongoing o 7 Wind Storm Costs-Public Services Department GF 34,699.00 21,228.00 one-time o 8 Move Long-Term Disability Insurance from Self Funded to Fully Insured Risk 1,017,000.0o ongoing 0 9 Fleet Building Construction Budget Reduction CIP (1,493,396.00) (1,493,396.00) one-time 0 10 Fleet Maintenance Budget Increase GF 412,000.00 0 10 Fleet Maintenance Budget Increase Fleet (218,000.00) (296,000.00) o 11 Golf Fund Financial Consultant GF 50,000.00 one-time o 12 Postage Reimbursement for Landlord/Tenant Mailing GF 12,326.10 one-time o 13 Library Budget Adjustment Library 207,600.00 one-time o Section B: Grants for Existing Staff Resources Section C: Grants for New Staff Resources Section D: Housekeeping I Recapture Remaining CIP Completed and Closed Projects CIP 4,714.15 one-time o 1 Recapture Remaining CIP Completed and Closed Projects CDBG 83,281.54 one-time 0 t Recapture Remaining CIP Completed and Closed Projects CIP (4,714.15) one-time o 1 Recapture Remaining CIP Completed and Closed Projects CDBG (83,28t;54) one-time o 2 Utah State Department of Public Safety-2011 Homeland Security Program(SHSP) Misc Grants 3,265.00 3,265.00 one-time o Grant Budget Increase 3 Utah Department of Environmental Quality,State Division of Water Quality-goo So. Misc Grants 308,496.00 308,496.00 one-time o Oxbow Restoration Project 4 Utah Department of Environmental Quality,State Division of Water Quality-Miller Bird Misc Grants 655,356.00 655,356.0o one-time o Refuge and Bonneville Restoration Project 5 Utah Department of Environmental Quality.State Division of Water Quality-Liberty Misc Grants 329,982.00 329,982.0o one-time o Lake Restoration 6 Utah Department of Environmental Quality,State Division of Water Quality-Jordan Misc Grants 835,940.0o 835,940.00 one-time o River Corridor Restoration Project 7 Reallocation of HUD-Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS(HOPWA)Funds to Misc Grants 749.55 one-time o the Community Action Program(CAP) Reallocation of HUD-Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS(HOPWA)Funds to Misc.Grants (749.55) one-time the Community Action Program(CAP) 8 US Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD),HOME Funds-Budget Misc Grants 304,331.0o 304,331.00 one-time o Reallocation 9 Spring Mobile Ballpark Utilities GF 81,500.00 81,500.00 ongoing o to Series 2012 General Obligation Refunding Bonds Debt Service 12,571,889.10 12,571,889.10 one-time o 1 Fiscal Year 2011-12 Budget Amendment#6a Ex,enditure Amount Revenue Amount ldminsiIration Council ldminist ation Council On-going or Iniliali‘e\timber Name Fund Proposed Approved Proposed Approved One time FTEs is US Department of Energy(DOE)UCCC-Alternative Fuels Transportation Project Misc Grants 64,788.99 56,928.56 one-time 0 US Department of Energy(DOE)UCCC-Alternative Fuels Transportation Project one-time 11 Fleet 64,788.99 64,788.99 0 12 No.Temple Boulevard&Viaduct Debt Service&Construction Curb&Gutter 2,047,717.0o 2,047,717.0o one-time 0 Special Assessment 12 No.Temple Boulevard&Viaduct Debt Service&Construction Debt Service (1,246,526.00) (1,246,526.0o) one-time o 12 No.Temple Boulevard&Viaduct Debt Service&Construction CIP (5,048,766.0o) 15,920,000.00 one-time o Section E: Grants Requiring No New Staff Resources 1 US Department of Homeland Security,FEMA-Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program Misc Grants 214,972.00 214,972.0o one-time o 2 Utah State Department of Public Safety-Emergency Operations Center Grant,EOC 2011 CIP 999,750.00 999,750.00 one-time 0 3 State of Utah,Department of Environmental Quality,Clean Fuels Vehicle Technology Misc Grants 70,000.00 70,000.00 one-time 0 Grant 3 State of Utah,Department of Environmental Quality,Clean Fuels Vehicle Technology Fleet 70,000.00 70,000.00 one-time o Grant Section F: Donations Section G: Council Consent Agenda--Grant Awards 1 State of Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice(CCJJ)Utah Pharmaceutical Misc Grants 2,000.00 2,000.00 ongoing 0 Drug Crime Project Public Awareness Grant 2 Dept of Energy(DOE),Wasatch Solar Challenge,Streamlining&Simplifying Solar Misc Grants 424,740.00 424,740.00 one-time o 3 Safety-2010 State Homeland Security Program(SHSP)and Law Enforcement Terrorism Misc Grants 20,421.00 20,421.00 one-time o Prevention Program(LETPP)Grant Budget Increase 4 State of Utah,Department of Public Safety,Division of Homeland Security- Misc Grants 281,693.00 281,693.00 one-time o Metropolitan Medical Response System(MMRS)Grant 5 Safe Streets Violent Crimes Task Force-FBI Reimbursement Misc Grants 62,580.0o 62,580.00 one-time 6 Interest on Justice Assistance Grants Misc Grants 47,000.0o 47,000.0o one-time o 7 State Office of Crime Victim Reparations,FY 2012 VAWA Grant Misc Grants 18,963.83 18,963.83 one-time Section I: Council Added Items 1 Sugar House Park 4th of July Fireworks GF 15,000.o0 10,000.00 one-time Total of Budget Amendment Items 13,938,581.o1 32,717,932.48 I I I 2 Fiscal Year 2011-12 Budget Amendment#6a E , nditure Amount Revenue Amount Adminsitration Council Administration Council On-going or Initiative Number Name Fund Pro)0sed A roved Proposed Approved One time FTEs Total by Fund,Budget Amendment#6: General Fund 1,310,288.10 I 10,000.00 431,334.00 Fleet Fund (83,211.0i) (161,211.01) CIP Fund (6,542,162.0o) 14,426,604.00 Misc.Grant Fund 4,644,278.82 4,636,418.39 Debt Service Fund 11,325,363.10 11,325,363.10 Risk Fund 1,017,000.0o - Curb&Gutter Special Assessment Fund 1,976,142.46 2,059,424.00 CDBG Fund 83,281.54 - Library Fund 207,600.00 - Total of Budget Amendment Items 13,938,581.o1 I 10,000.00 32,717,932.48 Current Year Budget Summary,provided for information only IY2ori-12 Bud.et.Includin,Bud et Amendments FY 2011-12 Adopted Bud,et BA#6't'otal Total To-Date General Fund $195,154,853 1,310,288.10 10,000.0o $196,475,141 Fleet Fund $16,716,891 (83,211.01) $16,633,680 CIP Fund $19,618,798 (6,542,162.00) $13,076,636 Misc.Grant Fund $8,630,249 4,644,278.82 $13,274,528 Debt Service Fund $28,484,685 11,325,363.10 $39,810,048 Risk Fund $43,866,570 1,017,000.00 $44,883,570 Curb&Gutter Special Assessment Fund $1,769,757 1,976,142.46 $3,745,899 CDBG Fund $2,663,167 83,281.54 $2,746,449 Library Fund $16,022,342 207,600.00 $16,229,942 Date of Council approval:6-5-2012 Certification I certify that this document is a full and correct copy of Ordinance of 2011,amending Salt Lake City Ordinance of 2011,which adopted the final budget of Salt Lake City Utah for the fiscal year beginning June 1 2011 and ending June 3o,2012. 1/..vd6 Budget Director c2A-- D ty Direc r,City Council-Adopted Legislative Intents and/or conditional motions Item I-1 The Council requests that the Park Authority Board review expenditures related to this event,including an audit,oversight and reporting of donated funds and related expenditures. 3 RALPH BECKER SALT LAKE ('ITY CORPOR_1TION' MAYOR OFFICE OF THE MAYOR MEMORANDUM TO: Department Directors Mayor's Staff Cindy Gust-Jenson Public Safety Dispatch Supervisors City Recorder Roxann Cheever Chief Procurement Officer Cory Lyman Audrey Pierce Sherrie Collins FROM: Mayor Ralph Becker DATE: July 18, 2012 RE: Delegation of Authority Pursuant to City Policy Manual 1.01.02 concerning Temporary Delegation of Authority, and pursuant to Article IV., Section 7 of the By-Laws of the Redevelopment Agency (the "RDA By-Laws") please be advised that I will be out of the city July 19-20 at 8:00pm, 2012. From July 19-20 at 8:00pm, 2012 I hereby delegate, pursuant to the City Policy Manual, the following executive authority to, and pursuant to the RDA By-Laws, I hereby designate: Karen Hale, Communications Director — office (801).535.7739; mobile (801).694.6643— to exercise all authority and to execute all agreements or contracts consistent with City and State law; and to countersign documents as "Public Services Director Designee" as provided in Article IV, Section 7 of the RDA By-Laws. Signature by Karen Hale shall be characterized as "Acting Mayor," except otherwise delegated, and be binding on the city as if signed by the Mayor, or as the case may be, shall be characterized as "Public Services Director Designee" and be binding on the RDA as if signed by Chief Administrative Officer. I also delegate to Karen Hale the authority to respond as the "Emergency Interim Successor" in all emergencies and to take all administrative action required to respond should such an emergency or critical situation arise, and should he or his staff be unable to reach me after making reasonable efforts. Responding as "Emergency Interim Successor," may include issuing a Proclamation of Local Emergency and the authority to execute all agreements or contracts, necessary as a result of the Proclamation, which are consistent with City and State law. Signature by Karen Hale shall be characterized as "Mayor's Emergency Interim Successor" except otherwise delegated, and be binding on the city as if signed by the Mayor. Thank you, Ralph Becker Mayor 451 SOUTH STATE STREET,ROOM 306,SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH 84111 TELEPHONE:801-535-7704 FAX:801-535-6331 www.slcgov.com