062 of 2019 - Amending the zoning map pertaining to two parcels of property located at 1760 and 1790 West Associat 0 19-1
P 19-22
No. 62 of 2019
(Amending the zoning map pertaining to two parcels of property
located at 1760 and 1790 West Associated Avenue
to rezone the parcels from CC Corridor Commercial District to
M-1 Light Manufacturing District)
An ordinance amending the zoning map pertaining to two parcels of property located at
1760 and 1790 West Associated Avenue to rezone the parcels from CC Corridor Commercial
District to M-1 Light Manufacturing District pursuant to petition number PLNPCM2019-00540.
WHEREAS, Richard Reese of Standard Plumbing Supply Company (on behalf of the
property owners, Richard N. Reese Family Limited Liability Company, LLC) submitted an
application to rezone two parcels (Tax ID Nos. 15-15-327-024-0000 and 15-15-327-023-0000) at
1760 and 1790 West Associated Avenue from CC Corridor Commercial District to M-1 Light
Manufacturing District pursuant to petition number PLNPCM2019-00540; and
WHEREAS, at its August 28, 2019 meeting,the Salt Lake City Planning Commission
held a public hearing and voted in favor of forwarding a positive recommendation to the Salt
Lake City Council on the application; and
WHEREAS, after a public hearing on this matter, the city council has determined that
adopting this ordinance is in the city's best interests.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. Amending the Zoning Map. The Salt Lake City zoning map, as adopted
by the Salt Lake City Code, relating to the fixing of boundaries and zoning districts, shall be and
hereby is amended to reflect that the two parcels located at 1760 and 1790 West Associated
Avenue (Tax ID Nos. 15-15-327-024-0000 and 15-15-327-023-0000), and more particularly
described on Exhibit"A" attached hereto, are rezoned from CC Corridor Commercial District to
M-1 Light Manufacturing District.
SECTION 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective on the date of its
first publication.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, U : is 10 ay of December
20 .
Transmitted to Mayor on December 11, 2019
Mayor's Action: ✓ Approved. Vetoed.
!,� , Salt Lake City Attomey's Office
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`�.��,P•• • ••. :U ��� Date: OCe• I1) d/t7
Bill No. 62 of 2019 � ' •�_ ,�� By: �--
Published: December 18, 2019 ` P.r:,' Allison Parks,Assistant City Attorney
Exhibit "A"
Legal description of the parcels located at 1760 and 1790 West Associated Avenue
Tax ID No. 15-15-327-024-0000
BEG N 1069.01 FT & W 465.48 FT FR S 1/4 COR OF SEC 15, T 1S,R 1W, SLM;N 0^03108"
W 486.53 FT; S 89^56'52" W 15.55 FT;NO^03'08" W 147.08 FT;N 891\54'32" E 228.06 FT; S
0^03'08" E 171.64 FT; S 89^56'52" W 60.22 FT; S 0^03'08" E 462.13 FT; S89^56'52" W 152.29
FT TO BEG. 2.5051 AC.
Tax ID No. 15-15-327-023-0000
BEG N 1069.01 FT& W 465.48 FT FR S 1/4 COR OF SEC 15, T 1S,R 1W, SLM; S 891\56'52"
W 172.39 FT;N 0^03'08" W 633.52 FT;N 89^56'52" E 17.39 FT;N 89^54'32" E 139.45 FT; S
0^03'08" E 147.08 FT; N 89^56'52" E 15.55 FT; S 0^03'08" E 486.53 FT TO PT OF BEG.
2.4549 AC.