083 of 2012 - Regarding demolition of buildings for parking structures, Sections 21A.30.020 & 21A.44.050 0 12-1
0 12-31
No. 83 of 2012
(An ordinance amending certain sections of Title 21A of the
Salt Lake City Code pertaining to the D-1 Central Business District)
An ordinance amending sections 21A.30.020 and 21A.44.050 of the Salt Lake City Code
pursuant to Petition No. PLNPCM2012-00264 concerning demolition of buildings for parking
WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Planning Commission ("planning commission") held a public
hearing on July 11, 2012 to consider a request made by Salt Lake City Council member Stan Penfold
(Petition no. PLNPCM2012-00264) to amend the text of sections 21A.30.020.D.3 (Zoning:
Downtown Districts: D-1 Central Business District: D-1 District General Regulations) and
21A.44.050.0 (Zoning: Off Street Parking and Loading: Parking Restrictions Within Yards); and
WHEREAS, at its July 11, 2012 hearing, members of the Planning Commission voted in
favor of recommending to the City Council of Salt Lake City ("city council") that the city council
amend the sections of Title 21 A of the Salt Lake City Code identified herein; and
WHEREAS, after a public hearing on this matter the city council has determined that
adopting this ordinance is in the city's best interest.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. Amending text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.30.020.D.3. That section
21A.30.020.D.3 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Downtown Districts: D-1 Central Business
District: D-1 District General Regulations), shall be, and hereby is, amended to read as follows:
3. Restrictions On Parking Lots And Structures: An excessive influence of at or above
ground parking lots and structures can negatively impact the urban design objectives
of the D-1 district. To control such impacts, the following regulations shall apply to at
or above ground parking facilities:
a. Within block corner areas and on Main Street, parking lots and structures shall be
located behind principal buildings.
b. Within the mid block areas, parking lots and structures shall only be located
behind principal buildings or be at least seventy five (75')feet from front and
corner side lot lines or parking structures are allowed to be located adjacent to the
front or corner side lot lines only if they provide adequately sized retail
goods/service establishment, office and/or restaurant space on the ground floor
adjacent to the public sidewalk to encourage pedestrian activity. The facades of
the ground floor shall be designed to be compatible and consistent with the
associated retail or office portion of the building and other retail uses in the area.
Levels of parking above the first level facing the front or corner side lot line shall
have floors/facades that are horizontal, not sloped.
c. Accessory parking structures built prior to the principal use, and commercial
parking structures, shall be permitted as conditional uses with the approval of the
planning commission pursuant to the provisions of chapter 21A.54 of this title.
d. No special restrictions shall apply to below ground parking facilities.
e. Parking lots, proposed as a principal use to facilitate a building demolition, are
prohibited in the D-1.
SECTION 2. Amending text of Sall Lake City Code Section 21A.44.050.C. That
section 21A.44.050.0 of the Sall Lake City Code (Zoning: Off Street Parking and Loading:
Parking Restrictions Within Yards: Table 21A.44.050), shall be, and hereby is, amended to read
as follows:
Table 21A.44.050
Parking Restrictions Within Yards
Zoning Corner Side Yard
Districts Front Yard Interior Side Yard Rear Yard
Residential districts:
Single/two- Parking not Parking not Parking permitted. In Parking permitted
family permitted between permitted between the FR districts
residential front lot line and front lot line and parking not permitted
districts: FR-1 the front wall of the front wall of the within 6 feet of
to SR-1 the principal principal building interior side lot line
SR-3 Parking not Parking not Parking permitted Parking permitted
permitted permitted
RMF-30 Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted permitted within 10 feet of the permitted within
side lot line when 10 feet of the rear
abutting a single- or lot line when
two-family district abutting a single-
or two-family
RMF-35 Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted permitted within 10 feet of the permitted within
side lot line when 10 feet of the rear
abutting a single- or lot line when
two-family district. abutting a single-
Parking not permitted or two-family
within 1 of the side district
yards of interior lots,
except for single-
family attached lots
RMF-45 Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted permitted within 10 feet of the permitted within
side lot line when 10 feet of the rear
abutting a single- or lot line when
two-family district. abutting a single-
Parking not permitted or two-family
within 1 of the side district
yards of interior lots,
except for single-
family attached lots
RMF-75 Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted permitted within 10 feet of the permitted within
side lot line when 10 feet of the rear
abutting a single- or lot line when
two-family district. abutting a single-
Parking not permitted or two-family
within 1 of the side district
yards of interior lots
RB Parking not Parking not Parking permitted Parking permitted
permitted permitted
R-MU-35 Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted permitted within 10 feet of the permitted within
side lot line when 10 feet of the rear
abutting a single-or lot line when
two-family district. abutting a single-
Parking not permitted or two-family
within 1 of the side district
yards of interior lots,
except for single-
family attached lots
R-MU-45 Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted permitted within 10 feet of the permitted within
side lot line when 10 feet of the rear
abutting a single- or lot line when
two-family district. abutting a single-
Parking not permitted or two-family
within 1 of the side district
yards of interior lots,
except for single-
family attached lots
R-MU Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted within permitted within 15 within 10 feet of the permitted within
15 feet of the front feet of the corner side lot line when 10 feet of the rear
lot line lot line abutting a single- or lot line when
two-family district abutting a single-
or two-family
RO Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted permitted within 10 feet of the permitted within
side lot line when 10 feet of the rear
abutting a single- or lot line when
two-family district. abutting a single-
Parking not permitted or two-family
within 1 of the side district
yards of interior lots,
except for single-
family attached lots
Commercial, manufacturing, gateway and downtown districts:
CN Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted permitted within 7 feet of the permitted within 7
side lot line when feet of the rear lot
abutting residential line when abutting
district residential district
CB No yard required. No yard required. If Parking not permitted Parking not
If yard is provided, yard is provided, within 7 feet of the permitted within 7
parking not parking not side lot line when feet of the rear lot
permitted within permitted within 15 abutting residential line when abutting
15 feet of the front feet of the corner district residential district
lot line ( side lot line
CS Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted within permitted within 15 within 15 feet of the permitted within
15 feet of front lot feet of corner side side lot line when 15 feet of the rear
line lot line abutting residential lot line when
district abutting residential
CC Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted within permitted within 15 within 7 feet of the permitted within 7
15 feet of front lot feet of front lot line side lot line when feet of the rear lot
line abutting residential line when abutting
district residential district
CSHBD Parking not Parking not No yard required. If No yard required.
permitted within 7 permitted within 7 yard is provided, If yard is provided,
feet of front lot feet of corner side parking not permitted parking not
line lot line within 7 feet of side permitted within 7
lot line when abutting feet of rear lot line
residential district when abutting
residential district
CG Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted within permitted within 10 within 15 feet of the permitted within
10 feet of front lot feet of side lot line side lot line when 15 feet of the rear
line abutting residential lot line when
district abutting residential
M-1 Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted permitted within 15 feet of the permitted within
side lot line when 15 feet of the rear
abutting residential lot line when
district abutting residential
M-2 Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted within permitted within 15 within 50 feet of the permitted within
15 feet of front lot feet of corner side side lot line when 50 feet of the rear
line lot line abutting residential lot line when
district abutting residential
D-1 Parking restrictions within yards for the D-1 zone are found in section 21 A.30.020, "D-I
Central Business District," of this title.
D-2 Parking permitted Parking permitted Parking permitted Parking permitted
D-31 Parking not Parking not Parking permitted Parking permitted
permitted within permitted within 15
15 feet of front lot feet of corner side
line lot line
D-4 In block corner areas, structure and Parking permitted Parking permitted
surface parking permitted only behind a
principal building; in midblock areas,
surface parking permitted only behind a
principal building and parking structures
must have retail goods/service
establishments, offices or restaurants on
ground floor along the street; no
restrictions on underground parking
G-MU In block corner areas, structure and Parking permitted Parking permitted
surface parking permitted only behind a
principal building; in midblock areas,
surface parking permitted only behind a
principal building and parking structures
must have retail goods/service
establishments, offices or restaurants on
ground floor along the street; no
restrictions on underground parking
Special purpose districts:
RP Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted permitted within 30 feet of the permitted within
side lot line when 30 feet of the rear
abutting residential lot line when
district. Parking not abutting residential
permitted within 8 feet district. Parking
of any side lot line not permitted
within 8 feet of
any rear lot line
BP Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted permitted within 30 feet of the permitted within
side lot line when 30 feet of the rear
abutting residential lot line when
district. Parking not abutting residential
permitted within 8 feet district. Parking
of any side lot line not permitted
within 8 feet of
any rear lot line
FP Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking permitted
permitted permitted within 6 feet of side
lot line
AG Parking not Parking not Parking permitted Parking permitted
permitted permitted
AG-2 Parking not Parking not Parking permitted Parking permitted
permitted permitted
AG-5 Parking not Parking not Parking permitted Parking permitted
permitted permitted
AG-20 Parking not Parking not Parking permitted Parking permitted
permitted permitted
A Parking permitted Parking permitted Parking permitted Parking permitted
PL Parking not Parking not Parking permitted. Parking permitted.
permitted permitted Parking not permitted Parking not
within 10 feet if it permitted within
abuts a residential 10 feet if it abuts a
district residential district
PL-2 Parking not Parking not Parking permitted. Parking permitted.
permitted permitted Parking not permitted Parking not
within 10 feet if it permitted within
abuts a residential 10 feet if it abuts a
district residential district
Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted permitted within 15 feet of the permitted within
side lot line when 15 feet of the rear
abutting residential lot line when
district abutting residential
UI2 Parking not Parking not Parking permitted. Parking not
permitted within permitted within 15 Parking not permitted permitted within
15 feet of the front feet of a corner side within 15 feet of lot 10 feet of the rear
lot line lot line line when abutting lot line. Parking
single- and two-family not permitted
districts within 15 feet of
lot line when
abutting single-
and two-family
OS Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted permitted within 10 feet of the permitted within
side lot line 10 feet of the rear
lot line
MI-I Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted permitted within 20 feet of the permitted within
side lot line 20 feet of the rear
lot line
EI Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking not
permitted within permitted within 30 within 30 feet of the permitted within
10 feet of the front feet of the corner side lot line 20 feet of the rear
lot line side lot line lot line
MU Parking not Parking not Parking not permitted Parking permitted
permitted permitted between within 1 of the side
front lot line and yards of interior lots
building line
1. Minimum open space of 20 percent lot area may impact parking location.
2. Hospitals in the Ul zone: Parking is not permitted within 30 feet of a front and corner side yard, or within 10
feet of an interior side and rear yard.
SECTION 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective on the date of its
first publication.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 27 day of November ,
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.C TY RECORDER , " " ` t is
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Transmitted to Mayor on DPrember 4, 2012 •
Mayor's Action: )( Approved. Vetoed.
041 li
l � Salt Lake City Attomey's Office
Pa I C.Nielson,Set tar City Harney
Bill No. Fil of 2012.
Published: 12-10-12 .
F IB_ATTY-#24677-v2-Ordinance_amend ingparking_in_D-I.DOC