101 of 1983 - Memorandum of Understanding With SLCo for the Central Utah Project THIS RESOLUTION WAS AMENDED BY RESOLUTION 34 OF 1984 R 83-20 RESOLUTION NO. 101 OF 1983 SETTING FORTH POLICY CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN SALT LAKE COUNTY WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT, CENTRAL UTAH WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT, SALT LAKE CITY, METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SALT LAKE CITY, AND THE BUREAU OF RECLAMATION. WHEREAS, it is the Salt Lake City Council 's opinion that additional sources of municipal and industrial water are important to the future growth of Salt Lake County; and WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Council , based upon this premise, has, by Resolution No. 100 of 1983, endorsed in concept and approved in principle, the Memorandum of Understanding described above subject to the negotiation of agreements satisfactory to the Salt Lake City Council to implement those principles and concepts; and WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Council , before passage of Resolution No. 100 of 1983, analyzed the impact of said Memorandum of Understanding upon Salt Lake City with respect to the delivery of municipal and industrial water to Salt Lake County; and WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Council recognized that the availability of municipal and industrial water is partially dependent upon the future development of the Central Utah Project; and WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Council is concerned about the future development of the Central Utah Project and its ability to provide a cost effective system for the delivery of municipal and industrial water to Salt Lake County; and 1 r WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Council recognizes that the residents of Salt Lake County will be required to pay for the develop- ment of additional water supplies. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the foregoing, it is hereby declared by the Salt Lake City Council that the following policy considerations shall be taken into account in the implementation of said Memorandum of Understanding: 1 . The Salt Lake City Council 's approval and authorization to execute the Memorandum of Understanding does not constitute an endorsement of the Central Utah Project. 2. The Salt Lake City Council recommends that at the earliest convenience of those involved, that an election be held for the approval of the Supplemental Repayment Contract between the United States Government and the Central Utah Water Conservancy District for the issuance of additional obligation for the Central Utah Project. 3. The Salt Lake City Council also recommends that a Blue Ribbon Committee be appointed either at the state level or by the Mayor of Salt Lake City to study Salt Lake City's involvement in the Central Utah Project and the state-wide impact of said project on cost effectiveness and the delivery of municipal and industrial water. 4. The Salt Lake City Council requests that the Salt Lake City Metropolitan Water District not submit the petition for the 20,000 acre feet of water from the Bonneville Unit of the Central Utah Project to the Central Utah Water Conservancy District until the election on the repayment contract is held and the study of the Central Utah Project and Salt Lake City's involvement therein has been completed. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, this 6th day of December, 1983. SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL ran a ey, airman ATTEST: CITY FE RDER R