021 of 2023 - Budget Amendment No. 6 FY 2022-23SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 21 of 2023 (Sixth amendment to the Final Budget of Salt Lake City, including the employment staffing document, for Fiscal Year 2022-2023) An Ordinance Amending Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 32 of 2022 which adopted the Final Budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2022, and Ending June 30, 2023. In June of 2022, the Salt Lake City Council adopted the final budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, including the employment staffing document, effective for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022, and ending June 30, 2023, in accordance with the requirements of Section 10-6-118 of the Utah Code. The City's Budget Director, acting as the City's Budget Officer, prepared and filed with the City Recorder proposed amendments to said duly adopted budget, including the amendments to the employment staffing document necessary to effectuate any staffing changes specifically stated herein, copies of which are attached hereto, for consideration by the City Council and inspection by the public. All conditions precedent to amend said budget, including the employment staffing document as provided above, have been accomplished. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the final budget of Salt Lake City, including the employment staffing document, as approved, ratified and finalized by Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 32 of 2022. SECTION 2. Adoption of Amendments. The budget amendments, including any amendments to the employment staffing document necessary to effectuate the staffing changes specifically stated herein, attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance shall be, and the same hereby are adopted and incorporated into the budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, including any amendments to the employment staffing document described above, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023, in accordance with the requirements of Section 10-6-128 of the Utah Code. SECTION 3. Filing of copies of the Budget Amendments. The said Budget Officer is authorized and directed to certify and file a copy of said budget amendments, including any amendments to the employment staffing document, in the office of said Budget Officer and in the office of the City Recorder which amendments shall be available for public inspection. SECTION 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 161h day of May , 2023. CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: C CITY RECORDER Transmitted to the Mayor on Jun 2, 2023 _ Mayor's Action: 0 Approved ❑ Vetoed Erin Mendenhall (Jun 6, 202310:52 MDT) MAYOR ATTEST: C -- CITY RECORDER (SEAL) Bill No. 21 of 2023. Published: June 6, 2023 Salt Lake City Attorney's Office Approved As To Form pyy-, Jaysen Oldroyd May 26, 2023 Section A: New Items 1 Cultural Core Contract Amendment 1 Cultural Core Contract Amendment 2 Homelessness Advantage Services 2 Homelessness Advantage Services Repurpose Operation Rio Grande F 3 New Homeless Services (Advantage Services) Liberty Park Seven Canyons Fount 4 Change 4 Liberty Park Seven Canyons Fount Change Liberty Park Seven Canyons Fount 4 Change 5 Open Space Property Acquisition Parks) 6 Open Space Property Acquisition 7Recaptured HUD ESG-CV Funds 7Recaptured HUD ESG-CV Funds 7Recaptured HUD ESG-CV Funds 8 Steiner Roof - County Contractual Obligation and City Portion 8 Steiner Roof - County Contractual Obligation and City Portion 8 Steiner Roof - County Contractual Obligation and City Portion 9 Natural Gas Cost Increase 9 Natural Gas Cost Increase Q Natural Gas Cost Increase io Ranked Choice Voting Awareness n Environmental Assessment Fund 11 Environmental Assessment Fund 12 IFFP Consultant Contract Amendm 13 Flood Mitigation 1 Flood Mitigation (Recaptured All S 3 Funding) 14 Additional ARPA Revenue Replace 14 Additional ARPA Revenue Replace 14 Additional ARPA Revenue Replace 14 Additional ARPA Revenue Replace St 15 ARPA Funding to Perpetual Housi Section B: Grants for Existing Sta Section C: Grants for New Staff R FY 2023 Budget Amendment #6 ff Administration Proposed Council Approved Expenditure Expenditure 1 One - Fund s GF (291,000.00) One-time s GF 291,000.00 One-time GF (300,000.00) (300,000.00) Ongoing GF 300,000.00 300,000.00 One-time unds for GF7 - - One-time tin Scope CIP (695,580.00) One-time ain Scope CIP (127,968.00) One-time 3,54 tin Scope CIP 82 8.0o One-time City Impact Fees 450,000.00 One-time Trails) Impact Fees 300,000.00 One-time Misc Grants (200,000.00) One-time Misc Grants (9,552.00) One-time Misc Grants 209,552.00 One-time GF 1,380,000.0o One-time CIP 1,380,000.00 1,380,000.0o One-time CIP 1,380,000.00 1,380,000.0o One-time GF - 500,000.00 - 500,000.00 One-time - GF - 135,000.00 135,000.00 One-time Fleet 135,000.00 135,000.00 135,000.00 135,000.00 One-time Materials GF - 35,000.00 Ongoing GF - 50,000.00 - 50,000.00 One-time Other Special Rev 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 One-time ent Impact Fees - 2�7,000.00 One-time GF 236,275.00 One-time Game GF - 263,'7z5.00 One-time ment Misc Grants 18,603,080.00 One-time ment GF i8,603,080.00 8,603,080.00 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 One-time ment Storm Water 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 One-time ment CIP 500,000.00 500,000.00 One-time ng Fund Misc Grants - 10,000,000.00 One-time Resources esources FY 2023 Budget Amendment #6 Section D: Housekeeping t Withdrawn Prior to Transmittal 2 Fire - Other Reimbursements GF 17,118.00 17,ii8.00 3 Transfer Parks Impact Fees to Surplus Land - Impact Fees (395,442.00) Land Purchase Near RAC 3 Transfer Parks Impact Fees to Surplus Land - Impact Fees 395,442.00 Land Purchase Near RAC 3 Transfer Parks Impact Fees to Surplus Land - CIP (500,000.00) Land Purchase Near RAC Transfer Parks Impact Fees to Surplus Land - CIP 3 Land Purchase Near RAC 500,000.00 Fire Impact Fee - Payment for Excess GF 4 Capacity 500,000.00 4 Fire Impact Fee - Payment for Excess Impact Fees (2,200,000.00) Capacity 4 Fire Impact Fee - Payment for Excess Capacity Impact Fees 2,200,000.00 2,200,000.00 4 Fire Impact Fee - Payment for Excess CIP 1,700,000.00 - Capacity 5 Fire Training Center GF - 499,533.39 5 Fire Training Center CIP 499,533.39 499,533.39 5 Fire Training Center Impact Fees (499,533.39) (499,533.39) 5 Fire Training Center Impact Fees 499,533.39 6 Fisher Mansion - Impact Fee Impact Fees p - Reimbursement of Cost Overrun 6 Fisher Mansion - Impact Fee Impact Fees 100,000.00 Reimbursement of Cost Overrun 6 Fisher Mansion - Impact Fee CIP Reimbursement of Cost Overrun 7 Recapture of Police Precinct Funds to CIP (1,299,688.00) Surplus Land 7 Recapture of Police Precinct Funds to CIP i,299,688.00 Surplus Land 8 Police Impact Fee - Unclaimed Refunds Impact Fees (237,606.45) 8 Police Impact Fee - Unclaimed Refunds Impact Fees 237,606.45 9 Rapid Intervention Team Trailer RV/XP - GF (25,000.00) GF to Fleet Rapid Intervention Team Trailer RV/XP - GF 2 9 GF to Fleet - 5' 000.00 Rapid Intervention Team Trailer RV/XP - Fleet 9 GF to Fleet 25,000.00 25,000.00 to Diff between $4.3 grant adopted in BA 5 Misc Grants (78,560.00) Section E: Grants Requiring No New Staff Resources 1 School -age Quality 22 Grant (FY 22-25) Misc Grants 780,000.00 780,000.00 2 School -Age Quality Summer Expansion 22- Sc Misc Grants 373,33 8.00 373,33 8.00 c 3 Homeless Shelter Cities Mitigation Grant Misc Grants (50,000.00) (50,000.00) (50,000.00) FY23 -Budget Revision 3 Homeless Shelter Cities Mitigation Grant FY23 -Budget Revision Misc Grants 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 F: Donations One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time One-time (50,000.00) One-time 50,000.00 One-time 2 FY 2023 Budget Amendment #6 Section G: Council Consent Agenda -- Grant Awards Consent Agenda #7 U S Department of Homeland Security, 1 FEMA- Assistance toFirefighters Grant Misc Grants 115,472.72 115,472.72 One-time - Program Section I: Council Added Items Total of Budget Amendment Items 28,058,542.11 50,o6o,o62.11 4,1859000.00 4,870,000.00 Administration Proposed Council Approved Expenditure Ongoing or One - Number/NameExpenditure Total by Fund Class, BudgetAmendment #6. J06 General Fund GF 19,12o,i98.00 11,719,731.39 4,000,000.00 4,685,000.00 CIP Fund CIP 5,459,533.39 3,759,533.39 - CIP: Impact Fee Funds Impact Fees 2,877,466.61 - - Fleet Fund Fleet 16o,000.00 16o,000.00 135,000.00 135,000.00 Miscellaneous Grant Fund Misc Grants 1,268,810.72 29,793,330.72 - - Storm Water Fund Storm Water 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 - - Other Special Revenue Other Special Rev 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 Total of Budget Amendment Items 28,058,542.11 50,o6o,o62.11 4485,000.00 4,870,000.00 FY 2023 Budget Amendment #6 Current Year Budget Summary, provided for information only PY2022-2_r Budael. Includina Budael Amendments General Fund (FC io) 425,537,4o8 100,000 6,000,000 194,600 431,832,008 Curb and Gutter (FC 20) 3,000 3,000 DEA Task Force Fund (FC 41) 1,762,56o 1,762,56o Misc Special Service Districts (FC 46) 1,700,000 19700,000 Street Lighting Enterprise (FC 48) 4,302,222 4,302,222 Water Fund (FC 51) lo8,196,368 36,68o,000 26o,687 145,137,055 Sewer Fund (FC 52) 196,630,907 196,630,907 Storm Water Fund (FC 53) 13,476,733 13,476,733 Airport Fund (FC 54955956) 302,268,600 302,268,600 Refuse Fund (FC 57) 21,458,105 21,458,105 Golf Fund (FC 59) 11,56o,676 25,700 11,586,376 E-91i Fund (FC 6o) 3,925,000 3,925,000 Fleet Fund (FC 61) 28,826,992 120,000 1,119,900 3o,o66,892 IMS Fund (FC 65) 30,523,167 2,627,420 3,o99,185 36,249,772 County Quarter Cent Sales Tax for 9,600,000 9,600,000 Transportation (FC 69) CDBG Operating Fund (FC 71) 4,670,517 496709517 Miscellaneous Grants (FC 72) 34,158,918 2,749,584 2,517,995 8,103,151 2,131,170 49,66o,8i8 Other Special Revenue (FC 73) 300,000 300,000 Donation Fund (FC 77) 2,920,250 20,000 44,668 1,000,000 3,9849918 Housing Loans & Trust (FC 78) 16,217,000 16,217,000 Debt Service Fund (FC 81) 32,037,989 (2,951,727) 334,958 29,421,220 CIP Fund (FC 839 84 & 86) 35,46o,387 6,603,019 5,267,217 91,967,958 15,149,607 154,4489188 Governmental Immunity (FC 85) 3,964,523 2,000,000 500,000 6,4649523 Risk Fund (FC 87) 54,679,000 54,679,000 Total of Budget Amendment Items 1,34491809322 119592,603 51,009,88o 101,347,689 21,714,920 1,52998459414 4 FY 2023 Budget Amendment #6 Current Year Budget Summary, provided for information only Tl'2022-2_r Budael. Includina Budael Amendments General Fund (FC io) , ,431,832,008 19,12o,i98 450,952,2o6 Curb and Gutter (FC 20) 3,000 3,000 DEA Task Force Fund (FC 41) 1,762,560 1,762,560 Misc Special Service Districts (FC 46) 1,700,000 1,700,000 Street Lighting Enterprise (FC 48) 4,302,222 4,302,222 Water Fund (FC 51) 145,137,055 145,137,055 Sewer Fund (FC 52) 196,630,907 196,630,907 Storm Water Fund (FC 53) 13,476,733 2,000,000 15,476,733 Airport Fund (FC 54,55,56) 302,268,600 302,268,600 Refuse Fund (FC 57) 21,458,105 21,458,105 Golf Fund (FC 59) 11,586,376 1195869376 E-911 Fund (FC 60) 3,925,000 3,925,000 Fleet Fund (FC 61) 30,066,892 16o,000 309226,892 IMS Fund (FC 65) 36,249,772 36,249,772 County Quarter Cent Sales Tax for 9,600,000 9,boo,000 Transportation (FC 69) CDBG Operating Fund (FC 71) 4,670,517 4,670,517 Miscellaneous Grants (FC 72) 49,66o,8i8 1,268,811 50,929,629 Other Special Revenue (FC 73) 300,000 50,000 350,000 Donation Fund (FC 77) 3,984,918 3,9849918 Housing Loans & Trust (FC 78) 16,217,000 16,217,000 Debt Service Fund (FC 81) 29,421,220 29,421,220 CIP Fund (FC 839 84 & 86) 154,448,188 5,459,533 159,907,721 Governmental Immunity (FC 85) 6,464,523 6,4649523 Risk Fund (FC 87) 54,679,000 54,679,000 Total of Budget Amendment Items 1,529,845,414 28,058,542 - - 1,557,903,956 FY 2023 Budget Amendment #6 Current Year Budget Summary, provided for information only FY2022-2.R Budaet. Including Budaet Amendments General Fund (FC io) 425,537,408 847,540 6,538,000 7,584,328 5,940,349 446,447,625 Curb and Gutter (FC 20) 3,000 3,000 DEA Task Force Fund (FC 41) 1,762,560 1,762,560 Misc Special Service Districts (FC 46) 1,700,000 19700,000 Street Lighting Enterprise (FC 48) 5,757,825 597579825 Water Fund (FC 51) 132,752,815 36,680,000 260,687 1699693,502 Sewer Fund (FC 52) 255,914,580 255,914,580 Storm Water Fund (FC 53) 18,699,722 18,6999722 Airport Fund (FC 54,55,56) 384,681,671 688,8i8,000 1,073,4999671 Refuse Fund (FC 57) 24,952,672 3,035,700 279988,372 Golf Fund (FC 59) 14,726,oi6 46,800 1497729816 E-9n Fund (FC 60) 3,800,385 39800,385 Fleet Fund (FC 61) 30,426,032 4,011,360 10,678,500 45,115,892 IMS Fund (FC 65) 30,523,167 2,782,449 3,099485 36,404,801 County Quarter Cent Sales Tax for 9,458,748 9,458,748 Transportation (FC 69) CDBG Operating Fund (FC 71) 4,958,433 499589433 Miscellaneous Grants (FC 72) 26,614,153 2,749,584 2,517,995 8,481,711 2,131,170 42,4949613 Other Special Revenue (FC 73) 300,000 300,000 Donation Fund (FC 77) 287,250 20,000 44,668 1,000,000 19351,918 Housing Loans & Trust (FC 78) 25,779,253 100,000 25,8799253 Debt Service Fund (FC 81) 33,658,558 (2,951,727) 334,958 3190419789 CIP Fund (FC 83, 84 & 86) 35,460,387 11,713,917 12,267,217 96,317,958 15,149,607 170,909,086 Governmental Immunity (FC 85) 3469,767 2,000,000 500,000 5,6699767 Risk Fund (FC 87) 54,679,000 549679,000 Total of Budget Amendment Items 1,525,603,402 21,442,401 688,818,000 61,583,580 123,200,706 27,655,z69 2,448,303,358 6 FY 2023 Budget Amendment #6 Current Year Budget Summary, provided for information only FY2022-2.R Budaet. Including BudaetAmendments General Fund (FC io) 446,447,625 11,719,731 458,167,356 Curb and Gutter (FC 20) 3,000 3,000 DEA Task Force Fund (FC 41) 1,762,560 1,762,560 Misc Special Service Districts (FC 46) 1,700,000 19700,000 Street Lighting Enterprise (FC 48) 5,757,825 5,757,825 Water Fund (FC 51) 1699693,502 1699693,502 Sewer Fund (FC 52) 255,914,580 255,914,580 Storm Water Fund (FC 53) 18,6999722 2,000,000 20,699,722 Airport Fund (FC 54955956) 1,073,499,671 1,073,499,671 Refuse Fund (FC 57) 279988,372 279988,372 Golf Fund (FC 59) 14,772,816 14,772,816 E-9n Fund (FC 60) 3,800,385 3,800,385 Fleet Fund (FC 61) 45,115,892 160,000 45,275,892 IMS Fund (FC 65) 36,404,8oi 36,404,8oi County Quarter Cent Sales Tax for 9,458,748 9,458,748 Transportation (FC 69) CDBG Operating Fund (FC 71) 499589433 4,9589433 Miscellaneous Grants (FC 72) 42,494,613 29,793,331 72,287,944 Other Special Revenue (FC 73) 300,000 50,000 350,000 Donation Fund (FC 77) 1,351,918 1,351,918 Housing Loans & Trust (FC 78) 25,8799253 25,8799253 Debt Service Fund (FC 81) 31,041,789 31,041,789 CIP Fund (FC 83, 84 & 86) 170,909,086 6,337,000 177,246,086 Governmental Immunity (FC 85) 5,669,767 5,669,767 Risk Fund (FC 87) 549679,000 549679,000 N.78¢Si Budget Manager Mary Beth Thompson 'EMI-Af: Benjamin Luedtke (May 25, 202313:52 MDT) Analyst, City Council Benjamin Luedtke Ordinance 21 of 2023 Budget Amendment No. 6 FY 22-23 (Partial) Final Audit Report Created: 2023-05-25 By: Thais Stewart (thais.stewart@slcgov.com) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAYSabNZSyJ_pevHOHNwSC35bCEMhkJdLW 2023-06-06 "Ordinance 21 of 2023 Budget Amendment No. 6 FY 22-23 (Part ial)" History Document created by Thais Stewart (thais.stewart@slcgov.com) 2023-05-25 - 7:39:24 PM GMT Document emailed to Benjamin Luedtke (benjamin.luedtke@slcgov.com) for signature 2023-05-25 - 7:51:32 PM GMT Email viewed by Benjamin Luedtke (benjamin.luedtke@slcgov.com) 2023-05-25 - 7:51:42 PM GMT &0 Document e-signed by Benjamin Luedtke (benjamin.luedtke@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2023-05-25 - 7:52:47 PM GMT - Time Source: server Icy Document emailed to Mary Beth Thompson (marybeth.thompson@slcgov.com) for signature 2023-05-25 - 7:52:49 PM GMT Email viewed by Mary Beth Thompson (marybeth.thompson@slcgov.com) 2023-05-26 - 8:46:08 PM GMT Document e-signed by Mary Beth Thompson (marybeth.thompson@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2023-05-26 - 8:46:24 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to Jaysen Oldroyd Qaysen.oldroyd@slcgov.com) for signature 2023-05-26 - 8:46:26 PM GMT Email viewed by Jaysen Oldroyd (jaysen.oldroyd@slcgov.com) 2023-05-26 - 9:19:43 PM GMT &0 Document e-signed by Jaysen Oldroyd (jaysen.oldroyd@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2023-05-26 - 9:19:59 PM GMT - Time Source: server Powered by Adobe Acrobat Sign Document emailed to Darin Mano (darin.mano@slcgov.com) for signature 2023-05-26 - 9:20:01 PM GMT Email viewed by Darin Mano (darin.mano@slcgov.com) 2023-05-27 - 0:21:55 AM GMT Email viewed by Darin Mano (darin.mano@slcgov.com) 2023-05-28 - 4:37:05 AM GMT Email viewed by Darin Mano (darin.mano@slcgov.com) 2023-05-30 - 5:07:53 AM GMT Email viewed by Darin Mano (darin.mano@slcgov.com) 2023-06-01 - 3:07:48 AM GMT Email viewed by Darin Mano (darin.mano@slcgov.com) 2023-06-02 - 4:51:34 AM GMT �p Document e-signed by Darin Mano (darin.mano@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2023-06-02 - 10:11:11 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) for signature 2023-06-02 - 10:11:12 PM GMT Email viewed by Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) 2023-06-03 - 5:26:24 AM GMT Email viewed by Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) 2023-06-04 - 5:30:07 AM GMT Email viewed by Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) 2023-06-05 - 4:47:56 AM GMT &Q Document e-signed by Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2023-06-06 - 4:52:46 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to Cindy Trishman (cindy.trishman@slcgov.com) for signature 2023-06-06 - 4:52:48 PM GMT Document e-signed by Cindy Trishman (cindy.trishman@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2023-06-06 - 8:53:31 PM GMT - Time Source: server Agreement completed. 2023-06-06 - 8:53:31 PM GMT Powered by Adobe Acrobat Sign