032 of 2023 - Appropriating Necessary Funds to Implement Provisions of an MOU between Salt Lake City and AFSCME foSALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 32 of 2023 (Approving a Memorandum of Understanding between Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1004, representing eligible employees, pursuant to the Collective Bargaining and Employee Representation Joint Resolution dated March 22, 2011) An ordinance approving a Memorandum of Understanding between Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1004, representing eligible employees, pursuant to the Collective Bargaining and Employee Representation Joint Resolution dated March 22, 2011, which Memorandum of Understanding shall become effective upon proper ratification and signature. PREAMBLE Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1004, representing eligible employees, have agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding pursuant to the Collective Bargaining and Employee Representation Joint Resolution dated March 22, 2011, which Memorandum of Understanding shall become effective upon proper ratification and signature. Section 6 of the Collective Bargaining and Employee Representation Joint Resolution dated March 22, 2011 provides that a memorandum of understanding requires the City Council to approve the memorandum of understanding, enact implementing legislation, and appropriate all required funds. The Memorandum of Understanding is a three-year agreement effective for fiscal years 2024-2026. The Memorandum of Understanding is subject to appropriation of funds by the City Council and the City Council hereby appropriates funds to implement the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding, as negotiated by Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1004, for fiscal year 2024. Be it ordained by the Citv Council of Salt Lake Citv. Utah: SECTION 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this ordinance is to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1004, representing eligible employees, and to appropriate necessary funds to implement, for fiscal year 2024, the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding. SECTION 2. The Memorandum of Understanding between Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1004, representing eligible employees, is hereby approved and the necessary funds to implement, for fiscal year 2024, the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding are hereby appropriated. SECTION 3. AUTHORIZATION. The Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah is hereby authorized to act in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Memorandum of Understanding between Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1004, assuming the Memorandum of Understanding is properly ratified and signed. 2023. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be deemed effective on June 25, Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 13t' day of June, 2023. ATTEST: CITY RECORDER Pa CHAIRPERSON Transmitted to the Mayor on Jun 20, 2023 Mayor's Action: ❑✓ Approved. ❑ Vetoed. ATTEST: C9- & - CITY RECORDER (SEAL) Bill No. 32 of 2023. Published: June 23 2023 Erin Mendenhall (Jun 22, 202311:52 MDT) MAYOR K3 Salt Lake City Attorney's Office Approved as to Form Date: Jun 16, 2023 4" N .'.— By: Kather ne Lewis (Jun 16, 202317:12 MDT) Katie Lewis, City Attorney MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING June 25, 2023 through June 20, 2026 Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1004, AFL-CIO 1115�� jVSCMEe American Federation o/State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO AFSCME Jerry Philpot, President Website: www.afscmeutah.org Office: (801) 972-1974 E-mail: jphilpot e,afscmeutahl004.org Salt Lake City Corporation Website: www.slcgov.com Intranet: http://slcnet Office: (801) 535-7900 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1004, AFL-CIO Table of Contents MEMORAND UM OF UNDERSTANDING _ ARTICLE 1— CONSTRUCTION OF MO ARTICLE 2 — LIMITATIONS OF PROVISIONS ARTICLE 3 — RECOGNITION ARTICLE 4 — MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ARTICLE 5 — ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS ARTICLE 6 — AFSCME'S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBLITIES A. AFSCME's Rights B. AFSCME's Responsibilities ARTICLE 7 — STRIKES AND WORK STOPPAGES ARTICLE 8 — CITY'S OBLIGATIONS TO AFSCME A. Stewards' Hours B. Board Members' Hours C. President's Hours D. Leave Request E. Other Obligations ARTICLE 9 — COMMITTEES A. Labor Management Committee B. Safety Committees C. Benefits Committee Page _I 2 I 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 D. Employee Advisory Committee 7 E. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee 7 ARTICLE 10 — PERSONNEL FILES 7 ARTICLE 11— SENIORITY 7 ARTICLE 12 — WAGE SCHEDULE 8 ARTICLE 13 — MERIT AND PAY INCREASES 8 ARTICLE 14 — LONGEVITY PAY 8 ARTICLE 15 — SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL 9 ARTICLE 16 — SNOW FIGHTER PAY 9 ARTICLE 17 — CERTIFICATION DIFFERENTIAL PAY 11 ARTICLE 18 — TOOL ALLOWANCE 11 ARTICLE 19 — UNIFORMALLOWANCE* 12 ARTICLE 20 —AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE 12 ARTICLE 21— ACTING PAY 12 ARTICLE 22 — MEAL ALLOWANCE 13 ARTICLE 23 — COURT APPEARANCES 13 ARTICLE 24 —INSURANCE 14 ARTICLE 25 — PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTIONS 14 ARTICLE 26 — HOURS OF SERVICE 14 A. Hours of Work 14 B. Schedule Changes 15 C. Rest Periods 16 D. Meal Periods 16 E. Cleanup Period 17 F. Availability for Work 17 G. Shortened Workdays 17 ARTICLE 2 7 — OVERTIME* 17 A. Definitions 18 B. Voluntary Overtime Assignments 18 C. Involuntary Overtime Assignments 19 D. Incidental Overtime Assignments 19 ARTICLE 28 PART-TIME AND HOURL Y EMPLOYEES 19 ARTICLE 29 — STANDBY/ ON -CALL PAY 20 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 ARTICLE 30 — CALLBACK PAY 20 ARTICLE 31— JOB BIDS 20 A. Internal Job Announcement Procedure 21 B. External Job Announcement Procedure 21 C. Selection Procedure 21 D. Neutral Observer 21 E. Job Bid Grievances 21 F. Return to Former Position 21 G. Probationary Period* 21 H. Recruitment Training 21 ARTICLE 32 — SHIFT AND ROUTE BIDS* 22 A. Shift Bids for Calendar Year 2024 22 B. Shift Bids for Calendar Year 2025 22 C. Shift Bids for Calendar Year 2026 22 ARTICLE 33 — VACATION AND HOLIDAYBIDS * 23 A. Vacation and Holiday Bids for Calendar Year 2024 23 B. Vacation and Holiday Bids for Calendar Year 2025 23 C. Vacation and Holiday Bids for Calendar Year 2026 23 D. Cancelling Vacation and Holiday Requests after a Successful Bid 23 E. Other Vacation and Holiday Requests 24 F. Cancelling Other Vacation and Holiday Requests 24 ARTICLE 34 — VACATIONS 24 A. Vacation Accrual 24 B. Benefits upon Termination 25 ARTICLE 35 —HOLIDAYS 25 A. Holidays Specified 25 B. Holiday Work 26 C. Non -Worked Holiday 27 D. Missed Holiday Work 27 ARTICLE 36 — SICK LEAVE & HOSPITALIZA TION BENEFITS (Plan A Only) 27 A. Sick Leave Policy and Procedures 27 B. Sick Leave Accumulation 28 C. Sick Leave Conversion to Vacation Time 28 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 D. Sick Leave Credit Forward 28 E. Notification of Conversion 29 F. Presumption of Use 29 G. Dependent Leave 29 H. Hospitalization 29 ARTICLE 37—PERSONAL LEAVE (Plan B Only) 29 ARTICLE 38 — SHORT TERM DISABILITY (Plan B Only) 31 ARTICLE 39 — LEAVES OF ABSENCE 31 A. Bereavement Leave 31 B. Employees Who Enter Military Service 32 C. Pay While on Military Duty 32 D. Leave for Jury Duty 33 E. Family and Medical Leave 33 F. Additional Leaves of Absence 33 G. Leave Disputes 33 ARTICLE 40 —LAYOFFS 34 ARTICLE 41— RETIREMENT BENEFIT (Plan A Only) 35 A. Unused Sick Leave for Eligible Employees 35 ARTICLE 42 — RE TIREMENTILA YOFF (R/L) ACCOUNT (Plan B Only) 35 ARTICLE 43 — WORKER'S COMPENSATION 35 ARTICLE 44 — PROCEDURAL RIGHTS 36 A. Investigative Interview 36 B. Pre -Determination Hearing 37 ARTICLE 45 — DISCIPLINARY GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 37 A. Disciplinary Appeals Hearing Officer 39 B. Independent Hearing Officer 39 ARTICLE 46 — JOB BID GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 40 ARTICLE 47 — CONTRACTUAL GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 41 ARTICLE 48 — WAIVER CLAUSE 43 ARTICLE 49 — TERM OF AGREEMENT 44 ARTICLE 50 — PUBLIC SAFETY 44 A. Uniform Allowance 45 B. Overtime 45 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 1. Overtime Assignments C. Probationary Period D. Shift, Vacation, and Holiday Bids ARTICLE 51— DEFINITIONS ARTICLE 52 —LIMITED COMPENSATION RE -OPENER ARTICLE 53 — LIMITATION OF PROVISIONS 45 48 48 48 49 49 APPENDIX A — AFSCME JOB TITLESIWAGE INFORMATION 51 100 Series Bargaining Unit for FY2023-24, FY2024-25 & FY2025-26 200 Series Bargaining Unit for FY2023-24, FY2024-25 & FY2025-26 330 Series Bargaining Unit for FY2023-24, FY2024-25 & FY2025-26 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ("MOU") is entered into this 22nd day of August, 2023 by SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION ("City") and Local 1004 of the AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY, AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO ("AFSCME"). RECITALS A. The City recognizes the value of collectively bargaining with AFSCME the terms and conditions of employment for eligible employees pursuant to the Collective Bargaining and Employee Representation Joint Resolution dated March 22, 2011 ("Resolution"). B. The City and AFSCME have negotiated and have reached agreement on the terms and conditions of eligible employees' employment for fiscal years 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26. C. The City and AFSCME recognize that this MOU does not modify the City's authority or obligations established by the Utah Constitution and Utah statutes. D. The City and AFSCME jointly desire to establish the wages, benefits and employment conditions of the eligible employees identified by the City as required by the Resolution in order to promote the efficient operations of the City and to provide an appropriate method of handling and processing grievances, E. The City and AFSCME agree that this MOU entirely replaces the prior Memorandum of Understanding between the parties and shall be effective June 25, 2023; F. The city and AFSCME agree that any changes or deviations to this MOU will be memorialized in writing and notarized. NOW, THEREFORE, the City and AFSCME agree to the following: ARTICLE I - CONSTRUCTION OF MOU The City and AFSCME agree that any questions about the meaning of this MOU's terms will be resolved by the procedures outlined in the MOU. This MOU contains a separate section specifically dealing with issues unique to the eligible employees assigned as Airport Operations Coordinators, 911 Bureau Dispatchers, and eligible employees in the Police and Fire Departments ("Public Safety Employees"). Those provisions relate to Uniform Allowance, Hours of Service, Probationary Period, Shift, Vacation and Holiday Bids, and Special Duty Assignments. The affected provisions will be starred (*). Public safety employees should refer to both sections of the MOU when a provision is starred (*). AFSCME Local 1004 P a g e l June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 ARTICLE 2 - LIMITATIONS OF PROVISIONS This MOU's provisions are subject to the limitations, terms, and conditions of the Resolution and any applicable federal or state law. ARTICLE 3 - RECOGNITION The City recognizes AFSCME as the sole organization responsible for: 1) negotiating compensation, wages, hours, and other conditions of employment for eligible City employees; and 2) representing eligible employees as allowed by this MOU. ARTICLE 4 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS Except as specifically changed by the terms of this MOU, the City retains the exclusive right to decide how to manage its employees and to direct its operations. ARTICLE 5 - ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES' RIGHTS Eligible employees have the right to join and participate in AFSCME's activities subject to the Resolution for representation on all matters of employee relations or to refuse to join or participate in AFSCME activities. Eligible employees also have the right to represent themselves individually in their employment relations with the City. AFSCME agrees that it will not restrain or coerce any eligible employee in the exercise of his or her rights and will not discriminate against any eligible employee because of membership or non -membership or activity or non -activity with AFSCME. ARTICLE 6 - AFSCME'S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBLITIES A. AFSCME's Rights AFSCME has the right to present its views to the City either orally or in writing. AFSCME may provide information about AFSCME during new employee orientation. AFSCME may designate official delegates to AFSCME conferences and conventions and the City agrees that it will allow these delegates a total of one hundred and twenty (120) hours' time off with pay to attend conferences and conventions if AFSCME provides the City with at least fifteen (15) calendar days' notice of the conference and/or convention and the delegate's supervisor agrees the eligible employee's absence will not substantially interfere with operational needs. The City will not unreasonably deny AFSCME's request. AFSCME may request two (2) eligible employees be allowed an unpaid leave of absence to conduct union business. AFSCME agrees it will make any such request in writing at least thirty (30) days AFSCME Local 1004 Page 12 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 before the beginning of the proposed leave. Only one (1) eligible employee at a time from a division will be allowed to take leave under this section. An eligible employee returning to work within 180 calendar days of taking the leave will not lose any seniority and will be guaranteed placement in the position the eligible employee held before taking the leave. Any eligible employee on a leave of absence under this paragraph may continue to participate in the City's health insurance programs as provided by law (COBRA), provided the eligible employee pays the employee's share of the premium and AFSCME pays the City's share of the premium. The City will not unreasonably deny AFSCME's request. A AFSCME's Responsibilities AFSCME agrees to represent the interests of all eligible employees in good faith. AFSCME agrees it will provide the same representation to all eligible employees without discrimination and without regard to whether the eligible employee is an AFSCME member. AFSCME agrees that it will maintain the number of stewards needed to allow each eligible employee access to a steward during working hours. AFSCME may designate one lead steward for each department with eligible employees. AFSCME agrees that it will not designate more than forty-five (45) stewards. AFSCME agrees to identify, in writing, its officers, stewards and lead stewards and the workgroup(s) the steward represents on an annual basis. AFSCME also agrees to notify the City of any changes to its stewards or officers as soon as reasonably possible. AFSCME agrees that its stewards will only conduct limited distribution of information regarding AFSCME business. Its stewards will not conduct business such as soliciting membership, electing officers, holding membership meetings, or distributing literature during a steward's normal duty hours. AFSCME stewards may post AFSCME material on the designated bulletin board during normal duty hours when it does not interfere with the steward's normal work routine. The City will provide AFSCME with one (1) copy of this MOU for each eligible employee and AFSCME will distribute a copy to each eligible employee within fourteen (14) calendar days after receiving copies of the MOU. AFSCME and the City will agree on the design, printing, and form of the MOU. AFSCME agrees to consult with the City on how to distribute the MOU to each eligible employee. The City will try to make the printed copies available within two months after the MOU's effective date. ARTICLE 7 - STRIKES AND WORK STOPPAGES AFSCME agrees that continuous and uninterrupted service by the City and its employees to the City's citizens are the essential considerations for this MOU. AFSCME agrees that it will not engage in, or encourage, any of the following acts: AFSCME Local 1004 Page 13 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 1. A concerted absence, in whole or in part, by any group of eligible employees from the full, faithful, and proper performance of his or her duties for the purposes of inducing, influencing, condoning, or coercing a change in the terms and conditions of employment, including sick calls, sick outs, slowdowns, or any other concerted interference with services provided by the City; or 2. The collective concerted withholding of services or the performance of assigned duties by any person pending the signing of a contract, including those persons who are customarily employed on a yearly contract basis. If an eligible employee violates this Article, the City may, in addition to any other lawful remedies, discipline the eligible employee involved in the violation. AFSCME acknowledges that this discipline could include the loss of seniority and/or termination of the eligible employee's employment. No eligible employee will receive any benefits or wages while he or she is engaged in a strike, work stoppage, or other interruption of work. ARTICLE 8 - CITY'S OBLIGATIONS TO AFSCME The City agrees to recognize AFSCME's officers and designated representatives. A. Stewards' Hours The City agrees that it will allow each AFSCME steward up to twenty-four (24) hours each calendar year during the steward's normal working hours to attend City related AFSCME meetings and/or to conduct other City related AFSCME business. The City agrees that it will allow each AFSCME steward up to one hundred and four (104) hours each calendar year during the steward's normal working hours to attend monthly membership meetings, investigate potential MOU violations and to represent eligible employees during any disciplinary process outlined in the MOU subject to supervisor approval and compliance with timekeeping requirement forms. B. Board Members' Hours The City agrees that it will allow each AFSCME board member who is not serving as a steward up to twenty-four (24) hours each calendar year during the board member's normal working hours to attend City related AFSCME meetings and/or to conduct other City related AFSCME business. The City agrees that it will allow each AFSCME board member who is not serving as a steward up to fifty-two (52) hours each calendar year during the board member's normal working hours to investigate potential MOU violations and to represent eligible employees during any disciplinary process outlined in the MOU. AFSCME agrees that it will not designate more than seven (7) city employees as board members. In the event AFSCME International's Constitution requires a different number of board members, this provision will be amended to be consistent with that change. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 14 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 C. President's Hours The City agrees to allow AFSCME's President up to ten (10) hours each week during the President's normal working hours to attend City related AFSCME meetings and/or to conduct other City related AFSCME business subject to supervisor approval and compliance with timekeeping requirement forms. Additional time may be granted by the President's Department Director, at the Director's discretion. The City agrees that it will allow AFSCME's President up to fifty-two (52) hours each calendar year during the President's normal working hours to investigate potential MOU violations and to represent eligible employees during any disciplinary process outlined in the MOU. D. Leave Request Steward, board member and President's hours covered under this article are subject to supervisor approval and compliance with timekeeping requirements. The City agrees that it will not unreasonably deny a request for time and will provide the steward or board member with an explanation before denying a request. AFSCME and the City agree they will meet to discuss any request for time beyond that outlined above. Additionally, time granted for the following purposes will not be included in the limitations set forth in sections A, B, and C above: contract negotiations between the City and AFSCME; labor management meetings; Mayor's labor relations meetings; safety committee meetings; benefits committee meetings; employee advisory committee meetings, and all other meetings of committees in Article 9 of this MOU. E. Other Obligations AFSCME may request City documents or information from the Mayor's designee if the documents or information are necessary to support a grievance or complaint allowed by this MOU. The Mayor's designee will determine which documents or information the City will provide AFSCME. AFSCME agrees that any documents or information will not be used outside of this MOU's grievance processes. The City and AFSCME agree that information related to alleged employee misconduct or substandard performance is confidential. The City and AFSCME also agree that discussions with a steward, an employee participating in an investigation or grievance, and the City about efforts to resolve a grievance, complaint or disciplinary matter are also confidential. All such information will only be disclosed with those who have a need to know such information. Should AFSCME or the City believe that confidential information has been improperly released or disclosed, AFSCME or the City may request that the Mayor's designee or AFSCME's executive board investigate the alleged release or disclosure and recommend the appropriate action to be taken. Upon AFSCME's request, the City will provide AFSCME with a summary of disciplinary actions taken during the previous year. This summary will not include employees' names. This information will be kept confidential. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 15 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 The City will deduct AFSCME membership dues from an employee's pay when the employee makes a written request. The City will stop making the deduction upon an employee's request. The City will notify AFSCME of any such request. AFSCME agrees it will provide the City mutually acceptable forms allowing an employee to join AFSCME and to discontinue the employee's AFSCME membership. Upon ten (10) calendar days advance notice, the City will provide AFSCME a list of membership additions and deletions and current business addresses, business telephone numbers, and original dates of hire when available as computed by the City's payroll department. The City will provide AFSCME space of not less than four (4) feet wide and three (3) feet high to place a bulletin board at locations requested by AFSCME and agreed to by the City. The City may require AFSCME to remove material that violates City policy. The City will provide paid time off from scheduled work to allow AFSCME's President to attend the memorial of an individual who was an eligible employee at the time of death. The City will provide AFSCME copies of all personnel policies and procedural directives, along with any changes in such personnel policies and procedures. In an effort to encourage trust and communications, the City agrees to give AFSCME's President and Executive Director thirty (30) calendar days' notice prior to changing any City personnel policy. The City agrees to give AFSCME's President and Executive Director fourteen (14)calendar days' notice prior to changing any department personnel policy. AFSCME may agree to waive these notice provisions. The purpose of the notice is to solicit AFSCME's input on the written personnel policy changes. The provision shall not be construed to limit or discourage efforts of either the City or AFSCME to discuss additional matters of mutual concern. ARTICLE 9 - COMMITTEES A. Labor Management Committee The City and AFSCME will jointly establish a Labor Management Committee. One AFSCME representative from each department and seven (7) employees appointed by the City will make up the Committee. The AFSCME representatives will be appointed by the Union. The Committee will meet at least once every quarter. Time spent during the Committee's meetings will be considered time worked. The Mayor's designee will, after consulting with AFSCME, prepare and distribute the agenda for each meeting. The Committee will discuss any issues related to eligible employees' wages, hours, and other conditions of employment. The Committee may make recommendations to Department Directors on these issues. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 16 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 A Department Director may create his or her own committee to address these issues. B. Safety Committees Each department establishing a Safety Committee will include at least one (1) representative and one (1) alternate appointed by AFSCME. The Department of Airports, Department of Public Services, and Department of Public Utilities will each establish a Safety Committee. Each committee shall meet at least twice per year and will review, at minimum, all incidents reported to UOSH (or its equivalent) since the prior meeting. If the City establishes a city-wide Safety Committee, it will include at least one (1) AFSCME representative from each department. AFSCME's designated representative shall be a voting member on such committees. C. Benefits Committee The City benefits committee shall include one employee selected by and representing AFSCME who shall be a voting member of the committee. D. Employee Advisory Committee Any city or department Employee Advisory Committee shall include one additional employee selected by and representing AFSCME who shall be a voting member of the committee. E. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Any city or department committee formed to address matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion shall include one or more employees selected by and representing AFSCME who shall be voting members of the committee. ARTICLE 10 - PERSONNEL FILES Departments will provide a copy of all written disciplinary actions to Human Resources within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the discipline. Human Resources will maintain the documents in a secure, centralized location. Any eligible employee has the right to review his or her files and to request that a written warning be purged after two years, provided the written warning was not EEO or Violence in the Workplace related. Denial of an eligible employee's request that such a written warning be purged shall be in writing and shall be provided to the eligible employee. ARTICLE 11- SENIORITY An eligible employee's seniority will be based upon an eligible employee's continuous paid City service. Continuous paid City service as an hourly, seasonal, or regular part time employee will not be used when calculating an eligible employee's seniority. If two eligible employees have the same seniority date, the eligible employee with the highest employee identification number will be considered the most senior. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 17 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 ARTICLE 12 - WAGE SCHEDULE Subject to Article 13, the City agrees it will pay eligible employees the amounts outlined in the Wage Schedules attached as Appendix "A". Subject to the limitations set forth in state law and Article 53 of this MOU, the following wage increases will be provided during the term of this Agreement: • Effective June 25, 2023 — 5% • Effective July 1, 2024 — 5% • Effective July 1, 2025 — 4% ARTICLE 13 - MERIT AND PAY INCREASES 100 Series, 200 Series, and 330 Series Eligible Employ For June 25, 2023 to June 22, 2026, the City and AFSCME agree that each 100 series, 200 series, and 330 series eligible employees will be paid biweekly in accordance with the wage schedules as set forth in Appendix "A" of this MOU. Eligible employee pay rates shall be based on "completed years of service," which shall be the number of calendar years the eligible employee has completed in their assigned job title. General Provisions "Completed years of service" shall be calculated to be the number of calendar years the eligible employee has completed in the job title. "Job title" shall mean the specific job title, including levels of a career ladder (i.e. "Office Facilitator I" or "Office Facilitator 11" or "Sanitation Operator 11"). An eligible employee may move to a higher pay rate during the effective dates of the wage schedule provided for in this Article in the event that the passage of the eligible employee's anniversary date results in the employee completing the requisite number of completed years of service. For newly hired eligible employees or to facilitate the movement of employees from one job title to another as part of a career ladder, the City may "credit" eligible employees with completed years of service to reflect objective criteria such as prior experience or training so long as the criteria are fully disclosed to AFSCME in written form and consistently applied to current employees. ARTICLE 14 - LONGEVITY PAY Each eligible employee who has completed six (6) continuous full years of employment with the City will receive an additional Fifty Dollars ($50) each month. Each eligible employee who has completed ten (10) continuous full years of employment with the City will receive an additional Seventy -Five Dollars ($75) each month. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 18 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Each eligible employee who has completed sixteen (16) continuous full years of employment with the City will receive an additional One Hundred Dollars ($100) each month. Each eligible employee who has completed twenty (20) continuous full years of employment with the City will receive an additional One Hundred Twenty -Five Dollars ($125) each month. Longevity pay will be based on the most recent date an eligible employee became a full-time employee with the City. ARTICLE 15 - SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL In addition to an eligible employee's regular hourly rate, the City will pay an hourly shift differential equivalent to 7.5% of his or her base hourly rate for hours worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and all hours worked between 6:00 p.m. on Friday through 6:00 a.m. on Monday. 1. When working hours in a single shift that exceeds 12 hours, the eligible employee will receive a premium equivalent to 7.5% of his or her base hourly rate for each hour worked in excess of 12 hours at the end of the shift. Eligible employees already receiving shift differential for these excess hours will not receive this additional premium. All shift differential pay will be included when computing overtime. ARTICLE 16 - SNOW FIGHTER PAY If the City identifies an eligible employee as a member of the Snow Fighter Team, it will pay the eligible employee an amount equal to 15% of the employee's regular weekly base pay during the snow fighter season, which is November 15t' to April 15t' during each calendar year. This premium replaces callback pay, standby/on-call pay, and pay for shift changes for work related to snow removal. The City will determine how many employees are needed from each workgroup to effectively staff the Snow Fighter Team. Based on operational need, some work groups will be assigned to mandatory Snow Fighter. Additional work groups may offer voluntary snow fighter assignments. Volunteers will be assigned based upon City seniority within the workgroup. If the City does not have enough volunteers to staff a Snow Fighter Team, the City will assign eligible employees based on City seniority starting with the least senior eligible employee in the workgroup. The City may apply some flexibility to an eligible employee's regularly scheduled shifts during the identified snow season as long as the eligible employee receives full pay for the regularly scheduled shift hours each day. If a manager sends an eligible employee in the Snow Fighter Team home to rest in anticipation of being called out later in the day, only to discover the eligible employee was not needed, the eligible employee will receive pay for his or her regularly scheduled hours for that workday. In the event the eligible employee is sent home and called back to work, the eligible employee will receive "Snow Guarantee Pay." "Snow Guarantee Pay" means, if there is a possibility that the employee will not work all his or her regularly scheduled shift hours in a day, Snow Guarantee Pay will fill the hours of an employee's AFSCME Local 1004 Page 19 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 regularly scheduled shift not worked after being sent home early in anticipation of being called out for snow removal. Snow Guarantee hours will be paid as straight time hours even when an employee has a total of worked hours equal to or greater than their regularly scheduled hours for the work week. Snow Fighters Schedule During the Snow Fighters Season, all eligible employees assigned to a Snow Fighters Team will be assigned to either a day shift or night shift, switching shifts every month. Schedule changes will occur at midnight on the last day of each month and only if a Snow Fighters Team has not been actively called out during a storm. If a Snow Fighters Team has been called out during a shift change, the change will then only take place when there has been a twenty-four (24) hour break from the last call. Call Out Procedure Department Snow Fighters' Team schedules will be determined by the department. Each department will provide 30-days' advance notice about Snow Fighters schedule to affected employees. Call out for day shifts will be no earlier than three hours before the start of the day shift and no later than three hours before the end of the day shift. Call out for night shifts will be no earlier than three hours before the start of the night shift and no later than three hours before the end of the night shift. Any eligible employee assigned to the Snow Fighter Team who is on light duty, short term disability, or worker's compensation who cannot perform Snow Fighter Team duties for any portion of a given week will not receive the Snow Fighter Pay for that week. Any eligible employee who misses a snow event for an unapproved reason will not receive the Snow Fighter Pay for that week. Eligible employees in the Snow Fighter Team must obtain authorization from supervisor(s) in order to be unavailable to report for snow fighting due to vacation, personal leave, or other authorized absence. Volunteer Snow Fighter Vacation Procedure: City employees who volunteer for Snow Fighter duties within Public Services will be allowed to submit their vacation requests per Article 33. When the employee takes their scheduled vacation, and they agree to report for a snow event during their vacation, the employee will continue to receive Snow Fighter pay. If it's a short notice vacation request or personal leave, and the employee agrees to report for a snow event, they will continue to receive Snow Fighter pay. If the employee elects to be unavailable for the majority of the week during their scheduled or short notice vacation, they will not receive Snow Fighter pay for that week. Any eligible employee who misses a third snow event during a snow season may be removed from the Snow Fighter Team for the rest of the season. AFSCME Local 1004 P a g e 110 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 The City may also prevent an eligible employee from being in the Snow Fighter Team or remove an eligible employee from the Snow Fighter Team for the rest of the season if the City documents the eligible employee's poor work performance in the Snow Fighter Team. Any eligible employee removed for such a reason will receive the Snow Fighter Pay through the last week in which the employee remains part of the Snow Fighter Team. ARTICLE 17 - CERTIFICATION DIFFERENTIAL PAY All eligible employees who have completed the required training and passed the testing for certification will receive the following: Water Distribution Water Treatment Plant Wastewater Treatment Plant (monthly) Water Distribution Operator II Senior Water Distribution Operator Certification Water Distribution Operator I Water Plant Operator I Water Plant Operator II Grade Wastewater Collection Maintenance Worker I Wastewater Collection Wastewater Collection Maintenance WRF Operator I Maintenance Worker II Worker Lead WRF Operator 11 WRF Operator III 1 $0 $0 $0 2 $22 $0 $0 3 $55 $33 $0 4 $110 $88 $55 Fleet Mechanic & Senior Fleet Mechanic Certification Type Portion of hourly wage paid per month ASE certifications 15% per certification for up to a maximum of twenty (20) certifications ASE advanced level & specialist certifications 20% per certification for up to a maximum of twenty (20) certifications Automotive manufacturer certifications 30% per certification for up to a maximum of five (5) certifications ARTICLE 18 - TOOL ALLOWANCE An eligible employee meeting the following qualifications will receive a minimum of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150) per month as a tool allowance: AFSCME Local 1004 P a g e 11 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 1. The eligible employee is required to use personal tools on his or her City job and this requirement is in the employee's job description; and, 2. The replacement cost of the tools used exceeds Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000); and, 3. The eligible employee must actually use the tools on a daily basis and not just store them on the job site. The City will not require an eligible employee to provide her or his own tools in excess of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) without paying a tool allowance. Each eligible employee will maintain an inventory of his or her tools and provide a copy of that inventory to his or her department by September I each year. If an eligible employee loses any tools on his or her inventory list the eligible employee may submit a claim to the City's Risk Manager. The City will pay the eligible employee for any loss not in excess of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000), less a Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250) deductible for which the eligible employee is responsible. The City will use the replacement value of the lost tools when paying for the loss. The City will only pay for the loss if the equipment was lost from a City work location and is on the eligible employee's current inventory list. An eligible employee must update his or her inventory list when he or she purchases additional tools. ARTICLE 19 - UNIFORM ALLOWANCE* Each department that requires an eligible employee to wear a uniform will establish a uniform policy for eligible employees after consulting with AFSCME. If a department does not provide a uniform and a uniform is required, the affected eligible employee will receive no less than Sixty-five Dollars ($65) a month as a uniform allowance. ARTICLE 20 - AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCE The City will pay eligible employees who are authorized to use privately owned automobiles for official City business as required by City policy. ARTICLE 21- ACTING PAY An eligible employee delegated responsibility to work on a temporary basis for a period lasting one or more full working shifts or days out of his or her job classification in a supervisory or managerial position will receive an additional pay allowance equivalent to ten percent (10%) of his or her regular base pay for each day or shift worked in an acting capacity. AFSCME Local 1004 P a g e 112 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 ARTICLE 22 - MEAL ALLOWANCE Unless the City provides a meal, an eligible employee who, with supervisory approval, works two (2) or more additional continuous hours during a scheduled or unscheduled workday in conjunction with the number of hours the eligible employee normally works in a workday will be paid Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) as reimbursement for meals. An eligible employee will receive Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) for each additional continuous four (4) hours of work. This reimbursement will continue until the eligible employee is released from work. ARTICLE 23 - COURT APPEARANCES An eligible employee will receive compensation for a court appearance or administrative hearing appearance as a witness subpoenaed by the City, the State of Utah, or the United States if the appearance is related to the eligible employee's City employment (which includes the eligible employee's witnessing an alleged criminal act that occurred while the employee was on work time), under the following conditions: 1. A court appearance or administrative hearing appearance made while on duty will constitute regular hours worked. 2. All time spent in a court appearance or administrative hearing appearance will be treated as time worked. 3. If the City requires an eligible employee to prepare for a court appearance or administrative hearing appearance during the employee's off -duty hours, such preparation time will be treated as time worked for overtime purposes assuming a City department verifies that the eligible employee's preparation time was required. 4. The following conditions must be satisfied in order for the City to pay an eligible employee: a. The start time of the required appearance is noted on the subpoena; b. The end time (i.e. when the eligible employee is anticipated to be released from the court appearance or administrative hearing appearance) is noted on the subpoena and initialed by the prosecuting attorney or appropriate government representative; and c. The eligible employee delivers the signed subpoena to their supervisor within seven (7) working days following the court appearance or administrative hearing appearance. Under the following conditions an eligible employee will have the option of taking unpaid leave when appearing during the employee's on -duty hours in response to a subpoena that is not related to the eligible employee's City employment: 1. The eligible employee provides their supervisor with at least seven days advance notice of the pending court or arbitration appearance required by the subpoena and the fact that the eligible employee desires to use unpaid leave for such appearance; AFSCME Local 1004 P a g e 113 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 2. The start time of the required appearance is noted on the subpoena; 3. The end time (i.e. when the eligible employee is anticipated to be released from the court appearance or administrative hearing appearance) is noted on the subpoena and initialed by the prosecuting attorney or appropriate government representative; and 4. The eligible employee delivers the signed subpoena to their supervisor within seven (7) working days following the court appearance or administrative hearing appearance. ARTICLE 24 — INSURANCE The City will make available life, accidental death and dismemberment, dental, and health insurance to all eligible employees pursuant to City policy. The City agrees it will provide the same terms and conditions for this insurance that the City is providing to employees in all other certified bargaining units. The City will deduct eligible employees' biweekly payments at the same time it pays eligible employees. The City will contribute annually a discretionary amount into each eligible employee's HSA. Employees who are not eligible for an HSA contribution shall receive an equal amount into a PEHP Health Reimbursement Account. Any change in insurance premiums will begin on the first pay day of July. The City agrees to continue to make available an Employee Assistance Program to provide limited counseling services by an outside confidential firm for employees and their eligible dependents. The City will continue to contribute in the 501(c)(9) Post -Employment Health Reimbursement Account. The City will contribute Eight Hundred, Thirty -Four Dollars ($834.06) per fiscal year (prorated by bi- weekly pay periods) into each eligible employee's HRA account. ARTICLE 25 — PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTIONS The City agrees to pay the eligible employee's share and the employer's share of the URS Tier I Public Employees retirement contribution and the employer's share of the URS Tier 11 Public Employees retirement contribution required by state statutes as they are interpreted by the Utah State Retirement Board. ARTICLE 26 — HOURS OF SERVICE A. Hours of Work Forty (40) hours constitutes a normal workweek except for alternative work schedules approved by the City. AFSCME Local 1004 P a g e 114 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 This clause does not limit or prevent the City from changing or establishing work schedules as the need arises or requires the City to guarantee an eligible employee forty (40) hours work per week. The City, with AFSCME's agreement, has adopted variable 40-hour workweek schedules including 8-hour, 10-hour, and 12-hour days. A Schedule Changes 1. Definitions. The following definitions apply to this Subparagraph: a. "SCHEDULE CHANGE" means any change in the start time of an eligible employee's regularly scheduled shift or the eligible employee's regularly scheduled workdays. A Schedule Change does not include: 1) the assignment of additional hours, shifts, or workdays in excess of an employee's regular schedule (i.e. Scheduled Overtime) or 2) the extension of an eligible employee's regular work shift as necessitated by operational requirements. In the event an eligible employee has worked overtime hours and wishes to shorten his or her regular work shift or not work a regularly scheduled work day, the eligible employee may do so, with the approval of the supervisor, without it being considered a Schedule Change. b. "MINIMAL SCHEDULE CHANGE" means a Schedule Change that is thirty minutes or less. C. "UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES" means circumstances that: i) directly affect critical staffing levels; and ii) cannot be reasonably foreseen sufficiently in advance to provide ten days' notice. The existence of such Unforeseen Circumstances must be determined by the Mayor (or Mayor's Designee), a Department Director, or a Division Manager (or functional equivalent). 2. Notice. a. For any Schedule Change, other than Minimal Schedule Change, the City will provide ten calendar days' notice to all affected eligible employees. If the City fails to give ten calendar days' notice to affected eligible employees, the City will pay each affected eligible employee callback pay for each working day the affected eligible employee works from the date the schedule change takes effect until ten days from the date of actual notice. The City will not have to provide such notice if there are Unforeseen Circumstances. However, the City will provide as much notice as is practicable. b. Such notice will not be required when an affected eligible employee is placed on light or modified duty, when such a change is needed for unforeseen training purposes, when an employee is needed for incidental overtime, while on paid administrative leave or as a result of an ADA accommodation for the affected eligible employee. d. City will not use multiple Minimal Schedule Changes in sequence as a means of avoiding the ten-day notice requirement. AFSCME Local 1004 P a g e 115 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 e. All notices provided for in this Section 26.B will be provided orally and in writing. The City may provide written notice by e-mail to the eligible employee's City e-mail address. The date of the email will serve as the date of written notice. f. This Subparagraph is not intended to avoid the payment of overtime. 3. Schedule Change by Agreement a. A voluntary change in an eligible employee's schedule will not be a Schedule Change if it is changed at the request of the employee based upon the employee's immediate personal need and the employee's supervisor agrees to the change. b. A voluntary change in an eligible employee's schedule, or multiple eligible employees' schedules, for any other reason will not be a Schedule Change if the workgroup and the workgroup's supervisor agree to the change. The workgroup's agreement will be determined by a majority vote of the affected eligible employees in the workgroup. No retaliatory action may be taken against an eligible employee within the workgroup who refuses to vote in favor of a proposed alternation to schedules pursuant to this subparagraph. 4. Overtime This Subparagraph is not intended to avoid the payment of overtime. 5. Exceptions Construction inspectors, construction coordinators, construction plan reviewers, and eligible employees in the Design & Construction Management Division at the Department of Airports or eligible employees working in information technology may be subject to a schedule change without notice and are therefore not covered by this Section. C. Rest Periods An eligible employee will receive a fifteen -minute rest period during each four (4) hour work period. The rest period will be included within the work shift unless there are extraordinary circumstances preventing a break. Operational needs will determine when an eligible employee receives a break. An eligible employee's rest periods will be counted as time worked when calculating overtime. The City will make a reasonable effort to provide breaks near the middle of each four (4) hour work period. An eligible employee may request to combine a rest period with their lunch break when scheduling and circumstances permit such an approach consistent with department or work group policy and upon receiving supervisor approval. An eligible employee who chooses not to take a break or is required by unforeseen circumstances to work during a break will not receive additional compensation. D. Meal Periods An eligible employee will have a maximum sixty (60) minute lunch period during each work shift. City departments will schedule the lunch period based on operational needs. An eligible employee will only be paid for the lunch period if required to be on the work site or to perform any work during AFSCME Local 1004 P a g e 116 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 the lunch period. Instead of being paid for working during a lunch period, an eligible employee may request to end the work shift early by the same number of minutes worked during the lunch period. E. Cleanup Period If necessary, an eligible employee will receive a personal cleanup period before the end of each work shift. City departments will determine the length of the cleanup period. Any cleanup period will not exceed fifteen (15) minutes, excluding shutdown and travel times. A City department may authorize a longer period due to extraordinary need and circumstances. An eligible employee's cleanup period will be counted as time worked when calculating overtime compensation. F. Availability for Work An eligible employee will not receive compensation and may be subject to discipline if the eligible employee fails to remain available for work, including work performed remotely, as required or reports to work unable to perform the eligible employee's job functions. An eligible employee on callback status directed to return to work who informs his or her supervisor as early as possible that he or she is unable to work will not be disciplined. Any eligible employee determined to be unfit at the time of reporting to duty will not receive any compensation otherwise due. G. Shortened Workdays An eligible employee reporting to work on a regularly scheduled working day will be guaranteed three (3) hours regular pay if the City tells the eligible employee not to work and to return home. If an eligible employee performs any work, the eligible employee will receive regular pay equivalent to their scheduled shift hours. ARTICLE 27 - OVERTIME* If the City requires an eligible employee to perform overtime work, the City will compensate the eligible employee by paying the eligible employee one and one-half times the eligible employee's hourly rate or allow the eligible employee to request one and one-half hours of paid time off from work for each hour of overtime the eligible employee worked ("compensatory time"). Each City department has the absolute right to either pay the eligible employee or to allow the eligible employee to take or accrue compensatory time off. The City may elect at any time to pay the eligible employee all or any portion of the accrued compensatory time at the eligible employee's applicable hourly rate. AFSCME agrees that the administration and scheduling of any necessary overtime work is solely a function of the City. Paid personal leave, sick leave and vacation hours will not be considered time worked when calculating overtime. AFSCME Local 1004 P a g e 117 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 A. Definitions 1. "Potential overtime hours" means hours worked in addition to an employee's normally scheduled work hours even if there is a possibility that the employee will not work sufficient hours in the pay period for such hours to actually be paid at an overtime rate. 2. "Scheduled overtime" means any potential overtime hours scheduled to occur in a manner that does not constitute work subject to Article 29 (On -Call) or Article 30 (Callback). 3. "Incidental overtime" means mandatory scheduled overtime for a specific eligible employee where such eligible employee is needed at work on a regularly scheduled workday at a designated time for such matters as meetings, training, physicals, CDL requirements, or investigative interviews. Departments shall provide as much notice as possible and will make reasonable efforts to accommodate an eligible employee's scheduling conflicts. 4. "Involuntary overtime" means potential overtime hours assigned to eligible employees as a result of there being insufficient volunteers to cover needed overtime pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section 27.13. B. Voluntary Overtime Assignments 1. Any qualified eligible employee in a workgroup may volunteer to be included on a list of eligible employees who will be offered an assignment of potential overtime hours. 2. Prior to the beginning of each calendar year, each workgroup shall determine, by majority vote, whether the voluntary overtime list will expire and be replaced quarterly or annually. The list will initially, or upon replacement after expiration, be arranged in descending order from highest to least seniority. The City agrees to physically post the voluntary overtime list in a location accessible to eligible employees. The City will make a reasonable attempt to offer potential overtime hours to the qualified eligible employees on the volunteer list on a rotation basis by offering potential overtime hours to the first name on the voluntary overtime list at the time of the assignment. However, the City retains the right to determine whether an eligible employee is qualified to work the potential overtime hours and may skip over non -qualified eligible employees if appropriate. Once an eligible employee has accepted or declined an offer of potential overtime hours, that eligible employee will move to the bottom of the list. Except when the request is posted pursuant to subparagraph 4 below, City will attempt to orally offer an assignment directly to the eligible employee either in person or over the phone. An eligible employee's failure to answer a telephone call making such an offer will count as an eligible employee declining the potential overtime hours. In the event the City makes an error in the rotation that results in an eligible employee being improperly placed at the bottom of the voluntary overtime list, the City shall rectify the error by placing the eligible employee back to the top of the list. If the list expires prior to such eligible employee being offered an overtime assignment, the City will, in consultation with AFSCME, AFSCME Local 1004 P a g e 118 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 make an adjustment to the subsequent list in an effort to rectify the error. If a qualified eligible employee has missed multiple potential overtime hour assignments due to such error, multiple adjustments may be made to the list to rectify the error. 4. The City may also request that all qualified eligible employees in a workgroup volunteer to work potential overtime hours for a specific event by posting a request in the work place at least four calendar days prior to the event. If more employees volunteer than are needed for such an assignment, the order in which the employees appear on the volunteer list shall be used to determine which eligible employees work the assignment. Those who work the assignment shall be moved to the bottom of the list. The City will not count an eligible employee on the volunteer list who does not volunteer for the specific posted event as having declined the work. 5. Upon request of AFSCME, the workgroup's supervisor and the AFSCME steward assigned to that workgroup, or the lead steward in that department, will meet to review the workgroup's records to make sure that the assignment process was properly followed. 6. For the purpose of continuity and completion of assignments, eligible employees working on specific projects are exempt from this overtime assignment provision. However, the City agrees that it will make a reasonable attempt to offer overtime assignments in a fair and consistent manner. C. Involuntary Overtime Assignments 1. In the event that the City needs to assign involuntary overtime, it will first do so to qualified regular part-time, seasonal and hourly employees. If there is still a need, the City will assign the involuntary overtime in reverse order of seniority by first attempting to contact the qualified eligible employee with the least seniority, and then contacting the next least senior, qualified eligible employee until all overtime work assignments have been made. 2. An eligible employee may be subject to disciplinary action for refusing an overtime assignment. D. Incidental Overtime Assignments Incidental overtime assignments shall not be subject to the procedures set forth in Section 27.B and shall be made by notifying the eligible employee of the assignment with as much notice as practicable. ARTICLE 28 -PART-TIME AND HOURLY EMPLOYEES Unless otherwise provided in state, federal or municipal law, part-time and hourly employees, as defined by the City, who perform essentially the same job duties of eligible employees will not be included in the overtime rotation for those job duties as provided to an eligible employee in this MOU and will be assigned overtime only as required by this MOU. Part-time and hourly employees will be laid off before qualified eligible employees in the same job description. AFSCME Local 1004 P a g e 119 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Part-time and hourly employees performing essentially the same job duties as eligible employees cannot bid on holidays, vacations, shifts and other benefits that are affected by an eligible employee's seniority. Part-time employees cannot replace or displace full-time eligible employees in their job classifications, positions, or normal job duties. ARTICLE 29 - STANDBY / ON -CALL PAY The City may require an eligible employee to remain available to return to work outside of the eligible employee's regularly scheduled work hours. During this time, the eligible employee may be required to notify the City where the eligible employee can be reached for an immediate return to work. The City will pay an eligible employee placed on standby/on-call two (2) hours straight -time pay for each twenty-four (24) hour day he or she is on standby/on-call status. If the eligible employee is required to work, the eligible employee will be guaranteed an additional four (4) hours work or a minimum of four (4) hours straight -time pay. An eligible employee will receive an additional two (2) hours straight -time pay for each additional occasion he or she is called to work during the twenty-four (24) hour standby/on-call period. An eligible employee in the Department of Public Utilities or the Airport will receive two (2) hours straight -time pay per each twelve (12) hour period he or she is on standby/on-call. Eligible employees who are members of the Snow Fighter Team will not receive the additional standby/on-call allowance during those periods when they are performing snow fighter duties. Eligible employees who are members of the Snow Fighter Team are still eligible for standby/on-call pay during the snow season if the standby/on-call is not due to Snow Fighter Team duties. ARTICLE 30 - CALLBACK PAY An eligible employee who has been released from regularly scheduled work and standby/on-call periods and clocked out (for those workgroups using a time clock) and who returns to the place of work, incident, scene or place of assignment without prior notice or scheduling before his or her next normal duty shift will receive a premium of three (3) hours straight -time pay and will be guaranteed a minimum of four (4) hours work or straight -time pay. This will not be considered a shift change. An eligible employee who has been released from regularly scheduled work or standby/on-call and clocked out who is directed to return to work will receive a minimum of one (1) hour straight time pay if the City notifies the eligible employee that the callback has been cancelled before the eligible employee arrives at the eligible employee's place of work, incident, scene or place of assignment. ARTICLE 31- JOB BIDS It is the City's intent to provide opportunities for current City employees to be promoted or move between jobs within the City using the following procedures: AFSCME Local 1004 Page 120 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 A. Internal Job Announcement Procedure The City will post internal job announcements for at least five (5) City business days. An eligible employee may apply for the position by providing all required information. Job announcements will contain the position's minimum qualifications and clearly state any job requirements. B. External Job Announcement Procedure If a department does not fill a position from the pool of internal applicants, the department head may request Human Resources open the position to external applicants. C. Selection Procedure An eligible employee submitting an application who meets the minimum qualifications for a posted position will be considered for that position. The City will select the eligible employee with the most City seniority if two (2) or more applicants tie with the highest score during the selection process. D. Neutral Observer AFSCME may request and select, in consultation with City, a neutral observer to attend oral interviews for eligible positions. A neutral observer will be entitled to attend all oral interviews for the eligible position but will not actively participate in the interviewing process nor be present for discussion or scoring of interviewees by the interviewing panel. E. Job Bid Grievances An eligible employee may file a grievance if the eligible employee believes the City did not follow this Article as allowed by Article 46. F. Return to Former Position An eligible employee accepting a new position may return to his or her former position within the `first thirty (30) calendar days in the new position. G. Probationary Period* An eligible employee accepting a new position must serve a ninety (90) calendar day probationary period. The City may extend the probationary period for training purposes. An eligible employee who fails to successfully complete the probationary period will be returned to his or her former position. H. Recruitment Training In an effort to assist eligible employees with the job application process, the City will hold quarterly training sessions available to eligible employees. The training sessions require participation by at least five eligible employees and will include such topics as resume building, development of AFSCME Local 1004 Page 121 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 interviewing skills, and mock interviews. Eligible employees who wish to participate will be provided time during their normal working hours to attend the training, subject to supervisory approval which will not be unreasonably withheld. City will make reasonable accommodations to allow employees whose normal working hours do not coincide with the training an opportunity to attend. ARTICLE 32 - SHIFT AND ROUTE BIDS* The City will assign eligible employees to shifts and/or routes based upon operational needs. Eligible employees will bid for the remaining shift/route assignments based on seniority. Each department will provide a written copy of all notices required by this Article and each current employee's seniority to the workgroup's assigned steward. A. Shift and Route Bids for Calendar Year 2024 Each department will post written notice of the shift and route bid schedule for calendar year 2024 by October 16, 2023. Any eligible employee wishing to bid for a shift or route for calendar year 2024 must submit a written bid between October 23, 2023 and October 27, 2023. Each department will notify its eligible employees of the bid and/or route the eligible employee will work no later than November 14, 2023 for the calendar year 2024. A Shift and Route Bids for Calendar Year 2025 Each department will post written notice of the shift and route bid for calendar year 2025 by October 14, 2024. Any eligible employee wishing to bid for a shift or route for calendar year 2025 must submit a written bid between October 21, 2024 and October 25, 2024. Each department will notify its eligible employees of the bid and/or route the eligible employee will work no later than November 12, 2024 for the calendar year 2025. C. Shift and Route Bids for Calendar Year 2026 Each department will post written notice of the shift and route bid for calendar year 2026 by October 13, 2025. Any eligible employee wishing to bid for a shift or route for calendar year 2026 must submit a written bid between October 20, 2025 and October 24, 2025. Each department will notify its eligible employees of the bid and/or route the eligible employee will work no later than November 12, 2025 for the calendar year 2026. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 122 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 ARTICLE 33 - VACATION AND HOLIDAY BIDS* Eligible employees may bid on vacation and holiday leave. The City will award eligible employees vacation and holiday bids based upon operational needs. Approval for those bids will be based on seniority. An eligible employee may only request vacation or holiday time which the eligible employee has already accrued or will have accrued prior to the requested dates. The employee's department director (or their designee) may only cancel an eligible employee's previously approved vacation or holiday request in extraordinary circumstances. A. Vacation and Holiday Bids for Calendar Year 2024 Eligible employees bidding on vacation and holiday leave for calendar year 2024 must provide the City a written request between November 20, 2023 and November 28, 2023. Each department will notify eligible employees which vacation and holiday days the eligible employee has successfully bid on for calendar year 2024 on or before December 12, 2023. B. Vacation and Holiday Bids for Calendar Year 2025 Eligible employees bidding on vacation and holiday leave for calendar year 2025 must provide the City a written request between November 18, 2024 and November 26, 2024. Each department will notify eligible employees which vacation and holiday days the eligible employee has successfully bid on for calendar year 2025 on or before December 10, 2024. C. Vacation and Holiday Bids for Calendar Year 2026 Eligible employees bidding on vacation and holiday leave for calendar year 2026 must provide the City a written request between November 17, 2025 and November 25, 2025. Each department will notify eligible employees which vacation and holiday days the eligible employee has successfully bid on for calendar year 2026 on or before December 9, 2025. A Cancelling Vacation and Holiday Requests after a Successful Bid An eligible employee may cancel an approved vacation or holiday bid request by providing written notice fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the date of the approved vacation or holiday. If there are special circumstances, the supervisor may approve a cancellation with less than the fourteen (14) day notice if this does not affect the operations of the organization. The City will make a reasonable attempt to offer any cancelled vacation or holiday to eligible employees who were unsuccessful in bidding for that same time during the annual vacation/holiday bid. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 123 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 E. Other Vacation and Holiday Requests After the annual vacation and holiday bid, an eligible employee may request to take additional accrued vacation or holiday leave. A supervisor will approve the request as soon as possible unless approving the request will adversely affect the operations of the organization. F. Cancelling Other Vacation and Holiday Requests An eligible employee may cancel any vacation or holiday leave approved after the annual bid by giving written notice fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the date of the approved holiday or vacation. A supervisor may approve a cancellation with less than the fourteen (14) day notice if this does not affect the operations of the organization. A supervisor will grant any other request to cancel an approved vacation or holiday request unless: 1. Operational needs have changed in such a way that the City does not need the eligible employee to work on the requested leave dates; or 2. The City has provided a shift change notice to cover the requested leave dates. ARTICLE 34 - VACATIONS The City will pay an eligible employee his or her regular wages during vacation periods accrued and taken as allowed by this Article. Every eligible employee will accrue vacation hours on a bi-weekly basis from the date the eligible employee begins full-time employment with the City. Vacation hours may be used on the first day of the pay period following the period in which the vacation hours are accrued. Eligible employees re -hired by the city are eligible to receive prior service credit for previous full-time city employment. Prior service credit is applicable for vacation accrual, personal leave accrual, short-term disability benefits, and awarding of employee service awards and service certificates only. Prior service credit does not apply to longevity pay or layoffs. If the City requires an eligible employee to work during an approved vacation period, the City will pay the eligible employee three (3) hours straight time pay and will compensate the eligible employee for the time the employee works at time and one half. An eligible employee will not receive vacation compensation during the time the City requires the eligible employee to return to work during an approved vacation period. The eligible employee will be allowed to reschedule the vacation not used during this period. A. Vacation Accrual An eligible employee will accrue vacation on the following schedule: AFSCME Local 1004 Page 124 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Completed Years of Continuous City Service Hours of Vacation per Year Hours Accrued per Pay Period 0 to completion of year 3 97 3.73 Beginning of year 4 to completion of year 6 115 4.42 Beginning of year 7 to completion of year 9 125 4.81 Beginning of year 10 to completion of year 12 144 5.54 Beginning of year 13 to completion of year 15 160 6.15 Beginning of year 16 to completion of year 19 176 6.77 Beginning of year 20 or more 200 7.69 The City and AFSCME agree that vacation accrual rate is based on continuous years of full-time City service and not upon an eligible employee's accumulated paid City service. An eligible employee will forfeit any vacation hours above the maximum, including any Plan A sick leave hours converted to vacation, unless used before the end of the pay period in which an eligible employee's designated longevity date occurs. An eligible employee will accumulate vacation (including both earned vacation and sick leave conversion time) according to his or her credited years of employment with the City up to the following maximum limits: 1. Up to nine (9) years: up to two hundred forty (240) hours; 2. After nine (9) years: up to two hundred eighty (280) hours; 3. After fourteen (14) years: up to three hundred twenty (320) hours. A Benefits upon Termination Upon termination, the City will pay an eligible employee for all: 1. Accrued but unused vacation time; 2. Unused holiday time accrued within the twelve months prior to termination; and 3. Any accrued but unused compensatory time off. ARTICLE 35 — HOLIDAYS A. Holidays Specified The City will observe the following holidays for all eligible employees: 1. The first day of January (New Year's Day); AFSCME Local 1004 Page 125 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 2. The third Monday of January (observed as the anniversary of the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., also known as Human Rights Day); 3. The third Monday of February (President's Day); 4. The last Monday of May (Memorial Day); Juneteenth National Freedom Day, June 19 a. If June 19 is on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, the holiday will be observed on the immediately preceding Monday. If June 19 is on a Saturday or Sunday, the holiday will be observed on the immediately following Monday. 6. The fourth day of July (Independence Day); 7. The twenty-fourth day of July (Pioneer Day); 8. The first Monday in September (Labor Day); 9. The eleventh day of November (Veteran's Day); 10. The fourth Thursday in November (Thanksgiving Day); 11. Friday after Thanksgiving Day.; 12. The twenty-fifth day of December (Christmas); 13. One (1) personal holiday: to be taken contingent on the operational requirement of the eligible employee's department. An eligible employee's supervisor will either grant or deny an eligible employee's written request no more than five (5) working days after receiving the request; and 14. Any day designated as a holiday by the Mayor or City Council. An eligible employee whose regular schedule includes Saturday and/or Sunday will celebrate a holiday on the actual calendar day that it occurs. All other eligible employees will celebrate a holiday falling on a Sunday on the following business day. If a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding business day will be considered a holiday. A Holiday Work If the City requires an eligible employee to work an observed holiday referenced in section A of this article, the City will pay the eligible employee for the hours the eligible employee actually works and the eligible employee may request the City either: 1. Provide an alternate day ("banked holiday") to observe the holiday. The banked holiday must be used within one year following the holiday worked. The City will not unreasonably deny an eligible employee's request to take a banked holiday even when all scheduled hours have been worked and use of the banked holiday is approved by management; or AFSCME Local 1004 Page 126 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 2. Pay for the holiday. Each City department may decide which of the above two choices to provide. The City will consider holiday hours as time worked when calculating overtime during the week of any observed holiday. C. Non -Worked Holiday If a holiday falls on a day when the eligible employee is not required to work, the eligible employee may request the City either: 1. Provide an alternate day ("banked holiday") to observe the non -worked holiday. The banked holiday must be used within one year following the holiday worked. The City will not unreasonably deny an eligible employee's request to take a banked holiday even when all scheduled hours have been worked and use of the banked holiday is approved by management; or 2. Pay for the holiday. Each City department may decide which of the above two choices to provide. The City will consider an eligible employee's holiday hours as time worked when calculating overtime during the week of any observed holiday referenced in section A of this article, including any alternative (banked) holiday even if the eligible employee does not work on that day. D. Missed Holiday Work If an eligible employee is scheduled to work a holiday and does not work that holiday, the City will deduct hours from the eligible employee's personal leave or sick leave account but pay the eligible employee for that holiday. However, that time will not be considered when computing overtime for that week. ARTICLE 36 - SICK LEAVE & HOSPITALIZATION BENEFITS (Plan A Only) A. Sick Leave Policy and Procedures 1. An eligible employee may use his or her sick leave if he or she is unable to work because of illness or injury. 2. An eligible employee who will be absent from work because of illness or injury must notify his or her supervisor that the eligible employee will be absent no later than thirty (30) minutes before his or her shift starts. Notification from an eligible employee to his or her supervisor by telephone, voice message, text, or email within the required timeframe will be considered AFSCME Local 1004 Page 127 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 sufficient. If extraordinary circumstances prevent the eligible employee from notifying his or her supervisor, the eligible employee must contact the supervisor as soon as reasonably possible. 3. The City may require an eligible employee using sick leave to provide written proof from his or her licensed health care professional that the eligible employee's sickness or injury prevented him or her from working for more than two (2) scheduled shifts or if the eligible employee failed to notify his or her supervisor as required by this MOU. 4. The City will allow eligible employees to use sick leave in a minimum of one (1) hour time periods for medical or dental appointments. The City may require an eligible employee to provide written proof that the eligible employee actually attended a medical or dental appointment. B. Sick Leave Accumulation An eligible employee may accumulate additional sick leave at the rate of 4.62 hours per pay period. C. Sick Leave Conversion to Vacation Time An eligible employee with two hundred forty (240) sick leave hours may convert a portion of that sick leave to vacation hours according to the following schedule. Eligible Employees working 8-hour shifts: Number of Hours Sick Leave Used Number of Hours to Convert 0 64 8 56 16 48 24 40 32 32 40 16 More than 40 0 Eligible Employees working 10-hour shifts: Number of Hours Sick Leave Used Number of Hours to Convert 0 64 10 54 20 44 30 34 40 24 50 14 More than 50 0 D. Sick Leave Credit Forward Eligible Employees working 12-hour shifts: Number of Number of Hours Sick Hours to Leave Used Convert 0 64 12 52 24 40 36 28 48 16 60 4 More than 60 0 If an eligible employee converts sick leave hours to vacation hours, the remaining sick leave hours minus any sick leave hours used by the eligible employee during the year will be carried forward as accumulated sick leave hours. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 128 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 E. Notification of Conversion An eligible employee choosing to convert sick leave hours to vacation hours must notify Human Resources in writing, on or before January 31st of each year. The City will provide eligible employees information regarding sick leave use for the previous year and forms to request conversion. An eligible employee may only convert sick leave hours earned during the calendar year before the January 31't date. F. Presumption of Use An eligible employee must use any sick leave hours converted to vacation hours before taking any other day of vacation time. An eligible employee will not be paid for any sick leave hours converted to vacation hours upon termination. G. Dependent Leave 1. An eligible employee may request dependent leave to care for the eligible employee's child, spouse, or parent who is ill or injured but may not have a serious health condition (non- FMLA- qualifying event). 2. The following provisions apply to the use of dependent leave: a. Dependent leave may be granted with pay on a straight -time basis. b. The supervisor or manager may require an eligible employee to provide information about the need for dependent leave. c. An eligible employee's sick leave shall be reduced by the number of days/shifts taken by an eligible employee as dependent leave under this paragraph. H. Hospitalization An eligible employee may use up to thirty (30) calendar days' hospitalization leave each calendar year. This leave may be used when an eligible employee is unable to work because of scheduled non - elective surgical procedures or because the eligible employee has been admitted to a hospital. The City may require an eligible employee to provide written documentation of the need for hospitalization leave. ARTICLE 37 — PERSONAL LEAVE (Plan B Only) 1. The City will provide paid personal leave to an eligible employee as insurance against loss of income when the eligible employee is absent from work due to illness or injury, to care for a dependent, or for any other emergency or personal reason, subject to the City's operational requirements. Personal leave will be excluded from use during periods when the City requires an eligible employee to perform work beyond his or her regularly scheduled hours in any given AFSCME Local 1004 Page 129 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 workweek. The eligible employee will be allowed instead to retain unused personal leave hours for use at a future date. 2. Each eligible employee will receive personal leave based on the following schedule: Months of Continuous City Service Hours of Personal Leave Less than 6 40 Less than 24 60 24 or more 80 An eligible employee hired during the plan year will be provided paid personal leave on a prorated basis. Personal leave accrual is based on continuous months -of full-time City service and not upon an eligible employee's accumulated paid City service. However, an eligible employee will receive a maximum of three (3) years prior service credit toward personal leave accrual as provided in City policy. 3. Each eligible employee will receive personal leave on November lst of each calendar year. Accrued personal leave hours may be used on the same day the hours are received. 4. Not later than October 15t' of each calendar year, an eligible employee may notify his or her department in writing that he or she wants to: a. Convert up to 80 hours of unused available personal leave hours for a lump sum payment equal to 50 percent of the eligible employee's hourly rate in effect on date of conversion; or b. Carryover to the next plan year up to 80 unused paid personal leave hours; or c. Convert a portion of unused paid personal leave hours, for a lump sum payment as provided and carry over a portion as provided above. 5. An eligible employee may only carry over a maximum of 80 hours of paid personal leave to the next personal leave plan year. The City will convert any personal leave hours unused or converted before the end of the personal leave plan year beyond the maximum to a lump sum payment. 6. The City will pay an eligible employee who is terminated fifty (50%) percent of the hourly base wage rate for each unused and accumulated personal leave hour. Personal leave hours will be prorated based on when in the personal leave plan year the eligible employee terminates employment with the City. 7. Conditions of use of paid personal leave are: a. Minimum use of paid personal leave is fifteen minutes. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 130 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 b. Except in unforeseen circumstances, such as emergencies or the eligible employee's inability to work due to his or her illness or accident, the eligible employee must provide his or her supervisor or manager with prior notice to allow time for the supervisors or managers to make arrangements necessary to cover the eligible employee's work. c. For leave due to unforeseen circumstances, an eligible employee must give his or her supervisor or manager as much prior notice as possible, but in no event later than thirty (30) minutes before commencement of the eligible employee's scheduled work shift. Notification from an eligible employee to his or her supervisor by telephone, voice message, text, or email within the required timeframe will be considered sufficient. If extraordinary circumstances prevent the eligible employee from notifying his or her supervisor, the eligible employee must contact the supervisor as soon as reasonably possible. d. Supervisors or managers will not require an eligible employee to use another form of leave in lieu of requested paid personal leave. ARTICLE 38 - SHORT TERM DISABILITY (Plan B Only) The City provides protection against loss of income when an employee is absent from work due to short- term disability (SDI). There will be no cost to the eligible employee for SDI. SDI will be administered in accordance with the terms determined by the City. ARTICLE 39 - LEAVES OF ABSENCE A. Bereavement Leave An eligible employee will be entitled to paid bereavement leave upon the circumstances provided for in this Section39.A. An eligible employee must notify his or her supervisor as soon as possible that the eligible employee needs bereavement leave. The City will then release the employee from his or her regular scheduled work time in the following manner: 1. Immediate family bereavement leave If an eligible employee, or an eligible employee's spouse or domestic partner, suffers the death of an immediate family member (defined as a spouse, domestic partner, adult designee, child, siblings, parent, grandparent, or grandchild, or the equivalent relationship established through marriage (i.e., "step" relations), the City will provide up to forty hours of paid leave to the eligible employee for bereavement and attendance of a funeral, memorial service, or equivalent event. Bereavement leave hours do not need to be used continuously but must be used within one calendar year of the death. a. In the event of a miscarriage or stillbirth, the employee, employee's spouse or partner, or employee to be an adoptive parent, the city will provide an employee with up to three working days of paid leave for bereavement. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 131 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 2. Other family bereavement leave If an eligible employee suffers the death of a relative who is not an immediate family member, the City will provide one shift of paid bereavement leave for the eligible employee for a funeral, memorial service, or equivalent event. 3. Travel An eligible employee will receive an additional paid shift of bereavement leave if the employee attends a funeral, memorial service or equivalent event that is held more than 150 miles distance from Salt Lake City and the day following the memorial service or equivalent event is a regular working shift. 4. Leave for death of a friend In the event of the death of an eligible employee's friend, paid bereavement leave will not be provided but the eligible employee may take unpaid leave or use his or her own available leave or vacation time to attend the funeral, memorial service or equivalent event, subject to the approval of the eligible employee's immediate supervisor. Reasonable efforts will be made to allow the eligible employee to use available time for this purpose. 5. Vacation and other leave a. If any family member identified above dies while an eligible employee is on vacation, his or her vacation will be extended by the amount of time authorized as bereavement leave. b. An eligible employee who is on an unpaid leave of absence is not entitled to bereavement leave. 6. Additional hours An eligible employee will be entitled to bereavement leave paid as straight time hours even when he or she has a total of worked hours equal to or greater than their regularly scheduled hours for the work week. A Employees Who Enter Military Service An eligible employee who enters active service in the Utah State National Guard or in the service of a uniformed service of the United States, including the United States Army, United States Navy, United States Marine Corps, United States Air Force, commissioned corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service, is entitled to be absent from his or her duties and service with the City, without pay, as required by state and federal law. C. Pay While on Military Duty An eligible employee who is or becomes a member of the reserves of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and Marines, or any unit of the Utah National Guard, will receive full pay for AFSCME Local 1004 Page 132 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 all time not in excess of fifteen (15) continuous calendar days per year spent on military active duty in connection with the requirements of the service. This leave is in addition to annual vacation leave. An eligible employee who does not participate in an annual exercise or serve on extended active duty, but instead participates in active military duty on a periodic basis throughout the year, will be allowed full pay for all the time not in excess of ninety (90) hours per calendar year spent on military duty. An eligible employee claiming this benefit must provide documentation to the City demonstrating the duty. D. Leave for Jury Duty An eligible employee will receive regular wages for any scheduled shift work missed due to jury service. In addition, an eligible employee is entitled to receive and retain statutory juror's fees paid for jury service. If an eligible employee is required to report for jury service and is then excused by the Court during his or her regular working hours for the City, he or she will immediately return to work. An eligible employee failing to return to work after being excused by the Court will not be paid for that shift. An eligible employee must give his or her supervisors as much advance notice as possible of jury duty that may require him or her to be absent from work. E. Family and Medical Leave The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that provides a period of unpaid leave each year and protects jobs and health care benefits for an eligible employee who needs to be off work for certain "family and medical" reasons. An eligible employee may obtain a complete copy of the City's FMLA policy on the City's intranet or may request a copy from the City's Human Resources Department. The City requires all employees utilizing FMLA leave to use their paid leave accruals before taking unpaid FMLA leave. Employees may keep a reserve up to 80 hours of paid leave time by submitting a written request. F. Additional Leaves of Absence An eligible employee may request up to six (6) months unpaid leave of absence at the discretion of the department head without loss of seniority or position. G. Leave Disputes If a dispute arises as to whether an eligible employee is entitled to leave under subparagraphs A-E, then the dispute can be submitted to the Human Resources Department director (or designee) for final determination. Any additional action regarding this determination can be addressed as set forth in Article 47. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 133 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 ARTICLE 40 - LAYOFFS Whenever layoffs are necessary, the City will first lay off temporary, probationary, and hourly employees with identical job duties to an eligible employee's job duties. AFSCME elected officials will be listed as the most senior employee in the workgroup with the same job title for the purposes of a layoff. 1. The City will layoff eligible employees, in the same work group and the same job title, in inverse order of City seniority. 2. An eligible employee designated for layoff has "bumping" rights. An eligible employee may only bump another employee if: a. The designated eligible employee has more seniority than the employee being bumped; b. The designated eligible employee previously held the position at the City; c. The position is within the same City department; and d. The designated eligible employee meets the position's current qualifications. 3. For one (1) year after an eligible employee has been laid off, the eligible employee designated for layoff or actually laid off will be placed in an open position in the City if: a. The City is currently seeking applications for the position; b. The position is in the same or a lower pay grade, earning the same or lower salary, than the eligible employee's previous position; and c. The eligible employee meets the positions' qualifications. d. If more than one eligible employee qualifies for placement in a position, the eligible employee with the most seniority will be placed in the open position. 4. An eligible employee placed in a position must successfully pass a six (6) month probationary period. If the eligible employee does not successfully pass the probationary period, the eligible employee will be terminated. 5. An eligible employee who refuses placement in a position under paragraph three (3) will not be eligible for any rights under this Article. 6. If the City rehires a laid off eligible employee within one (1) year from the eligible employee's layoff date, the eligible employee's seniority will be reinstated, less the time spent laid off. 7. An eligible employee who has been laid off will receive fifty percent (50%) of the value of his or her accumulated unused sick or personal leave hours. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 134 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 ARTICLE 41- RETIREMENT BENEFIT (Plan A Only) AFSCME and the City may evaluate this Article and modify its terms for the following year. The terms of this Article may not be modified more than one time a year. A. Unused Sick Leave for Eligible Employees upon retirement When an eligible employee with accrued sick leave retires, the City will contribute fifty percent (50%) of the cash value of the eligible employee's unused sick leave to the health reimbursement account as allowed by that Plan. ARTICLE 42 - RETIREMENT/LAYOFF (R/L) ACCOUNT (Plan B Only) If an eligible employee is laid off, the City will pay 100% of the amount in the eligible employee's R/L account balance paid at their base hourly rate as of the last day of employment. Employees who meet the eligibility requirements of the Utah Retirement System and who retire from the City will be paid at their base hourly rate for 100% of their RL account balance based on the schedule below: Retirement Month 100% RL hours will be: January 1st - June 30th Contribution to 501(c)(9) Post -Employment Health Reimbursement Account Plan (premium account only) July 1st - December 31st Cash to retire Hours may be withdrawn from the R/L account for emergencies after all Personal Leave hours are exhausted and the eligible employee's supervisor or manager approves. The supervisor will not unreasonably deny an eligible employee's request. R/L account hours may also be used to supplement worker's compensation benefits. ARTICLE 43 - WORKER'S COMPENSATION If an eligible employee suffers a City service -connected injury or illness which entitles the eligible employee to receive worker's compensation, the City will pay the eligible employee as required by Utah's Worker's Compensation Act. The City will use an eligible employee's accumulated leave time or R/L account to make up the difference between the amount the employee receives as worker's compensation payments and the eligible employee's net wages. An eligible employee must notify the department if he or she does not want to use accumulated leave time or R/L account. The City will make every effort to provide a "transitional duty" assignment to an employee with an occupational injury or illness as defined by the Worker's Compensation Act. The City will offer transitional duty assignments to an eligible employee after the City receives a written release from the AFSCME Local 1004 Page 135 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 eligible employee's medical provider allowing the eligible employee to return to work, along with any work restrictions. ARTICLE 44 - PROCEDURAL RIGHTS This Article outlines the procedures the City will use when investigating an eligible employee's alleged acts of misconduct. These procedures do not apply to routine, undocumented inquiries; or to coaching, instruction or direction given to an eligible employee by his or her supervisor. The City agrees it will not discipline an eligible employee unless it has complied with these procedural rights and will revoke any discipline if a department director or designee determines an eligible employee's procedural rights were violated. However, revoking discipline will not prevent the City from considering the underlying conduct in any future disciplinary action. A. Investigative Interview The City will investigate an eligible employee's alleged misconduct as follows: 1. Before any investigative interview with an eligible employee who may have engaged in misconduct, the City will provide the eligible employee the following information: a. The nature of the complaint, and the specific allegations of misconduct; b. The approximate date, time, and location of the incident related to the allegation(s) of misconduct; and c. The eligible employee's right to have representation present during the investigative interview. The City will provide an eligible employee a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed two (2) of the eligible employee's work shifts, to obtain representation without threat of retaliation. The eligible employee must inform his or her supervisor before the investigative interview if the employee will be represented and provide the name of the representative. 2. An investigative interview will specifically and narrowly focus on the alleged act of misconduct. 3. The City will record the investigate interview of the eligible employee and will provide the eligible employee a copy if the eligible employee requests. 4. Anyone conducting the investigation may not: c. Subject the eligible employee under investigation to offensive language or threaten disciplinary action, except an eligible employee refusing to truthfully respond to questions or to submit to interviews will be told that his or her failure to truthfully answer questions may result in disciplinary action. d. Make any promises which might encourage the eligible employee to answer any questions. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 136 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 5. The City's and the eligible employee's representatives may not delay, interfere with, or otherwise obstruct any investigation conducted by the City. 6. The City will provide an eligible employee with a written result of any investigation including a finding of each allegation and any action the City may take as a result of the investigation. 7. If an eligible employee has not received a written result within sixty (60) calendar days after the investigative interview, the eligible employee may request a status report of the investigation and any disposition of charges against the eligible employee. Within seven (7) calendar days after receiving the request the City will inform the eligible employee of the investigation's status and the likely time required to make a determination. A Pre Determination Hearing 1. An eligible employee and his or her representative will be given a reasonable time to examine all documents which the City will use at the hearing before the pre -determination hearing. 2. Before the pre -determination hearing, the City will provide an eligible employee: a. Notice of the allegations against the eligible employee; b. A statement of each allegation's basis; and c. What evidence the City will rely on during the pre -determination hearing. 3. The City will postpone a pre -determination hearing one time in order to allow an eligible employee to obtain representation. The eligible employee must inform his or her supervisor at least one calendar day before the pre -determination hearing if the eligible employee will be represented and provide the name of the representative. 4. The City will record the pre -determination hearing. The eligible employee may make a separate recording. Any recordings made during a pre -determination hearing will be available to everyone present at the hearing upon request. 5. The eligible employee will be given an opportunity to respond to the allegations and may present additional information related to those allegations. 6. The City will render a determination in writing within ten (10) business days of the date on which the pre -determination hearing took place unless the eligible employee agrees to an extension of time. ARTICLE 45 -DISCIPLINARY GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE The City and AFSCME agree that they will attempt to address eligible employees' disciplinary grievances in a fair and proper manner and at the lowest level possible. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 137 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 To achieve these goals, the City will notify an eligible employee of their disciplinary grievance rights in writing when the City provides written notice of discipline. The City will provide an eligible employee a reasonable amount of time during working hours to prepare for any disciplinary grievance. An eligible employee may have an AFSCME representative, or other representative, at any step of the disciplinary grievance process. The City will postpone any grievance hearing one time at an eligible employee's request to arrange representation. The City will not retaliate against an eligible employee for taking part in this grievance procedure. Any eligible employee in the Police or Fire Departments may, in accordance with Chapter 2.24 of the Salt Lake City Code, appeal a final appealable disciplinary decision (as defined by Chapter 2.24 of the Salt Lake City Code) to a disciplinary appeal hearing officer. GRIEVANCE PROCESS - STEP 1 The first level of the grievance process is an appeal to the eligible employee's Department Director or designee. The following actions may be appealed: • Suspensions without pay; • Denial of merit increase; • Demotions, or involuntary transfers to a position with less pay; • Termination of employment. To file a Step I Grievance, the following process applies: 1. The eligible employee must submit a written appeal to the Department Director within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date the discipline is issued. 2. The written appeal must specifically describe every issue the eligible employee intends to raise in the appeal hearing. The eligible employee must attach or identify any documents he or she intends to use in the appeal hearing with the Department Director. I Before the hearing with the Department Director or designee, the City will provide the eligible employee the information his or her supervisor considered before imposing discipline. 4. The eligible employee must inform the Department Director at least one (1) calendar day before the hearing if he or she will be represented at the hearing and provide the name of the representative. The City will provide the eligible employee the information the City will present to the Department Director. Upon request, the City will also provide final documentation of decisions related to other discipline imposed by the department for similar policy violations. Any information provided to the eligible employee will be kept confidential and will only be used during the disciplinary appeal. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 138 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 5. The Department Director or designee will schedule an informal hearing with the eligible employee and representative to discuss the issues identified in the appeal. 6. The Department Director or designee will issue a written decision on the appeal within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the written appeal unless the eligible employee and the City agree to an extension of time. GRIEVANCE PROCESS - STEP 2 In accordance with Chapter 2.24 of the Salt Lake City Code, the second level of the grievance process is an appeal to a disciplinary appeal hearing officer. A. Disciplinary Appeals Hearing Officer In accordance with Chapter 2.24 of the Salt Lake City Code, the following actions may be appealed to a disciplinary appeal hearing officer: Suspensions without pay of more than two (2) working days or, for an eligible employee whose regular working shift is twenty-four (24) hours, more than one working shift; Demotions, or involuntary transfers to a position with less pay; Termination of employment. To file a Step 2 Grievance with a Disciplinary Appeals Hearing Officer, the following process applies. 1. An eligible employee must submit a written appeal to the City Recorder within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the final appealable disciplinary decision. 2. The disciplinary appeal hearing officer will hear the matter and issue a written decision. B. Independent Hearing Officer The following actions may be appealed to an independent hearing officer: • Suspensions without pay of less than two (2) working days or for an eligible employee whose regular working shift is twenty-four (24) hours, less than one working shift. • Denial of a merit increase. To file a Step 2 Grievance with an Independent Hearing Off er, the following process applies: 1. An eligible employee must submit a written appeal to the City Recorder within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the final appealable decision. 2. AFSCME and the City will mutually develop a process to select the independent hearing officer. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 139 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 3. The independent hearing officer will hear the matter and issue a written decision either upholding or overturning the Department Director's decision. The independent hearing officer may not otherwise modify the Department Director's decision. 4. The party that does not prevail at the hearing will pay the independent hearing officer's fees, expenses, and any other costs associated with the hearing. Costs do not include attorney's fees. 5. The decision of the hearing officer will be final and binding on the eligible employee, AFSCME and the City. ARTICLE 46 - JOB BID GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE A job bid grievance is an eligible employee's claim that the City failed to follow the job bid procedure outlined in Article 31. JOB BID GRIEVANCE — STEP 1 The first level of a job bid grievance is an appeal to the Department Director or designee in the department the alleged violation occurred. To file a Step 1 Job Bid Grievance, the followingprocess applies: 1. The eligible employee must submit a written grievance to the Department Director within seven (7) calendar days from the date the eligible employee was notified that he or she was not selected for the position. 2. The City will notify the selected applicant that the selection process is being grieved. This will not prevent the selected applicant from working in the position. 3. The eligible employee and the Department Director will meet to discuss the selection process within seven (7) calendar days from the date the eligible employee filed the written grievance. JOB BID GRIEVANCE PROCESS — STEP 2 The second level of the job bid grievance process is an appeal to an independent hearing officer. To file a Step 2 Job Bid Grievance with an independent hearing officer, the following process applies: 1. If the Department Director and the eligible employee do not resolve the grievance, the eligible employee may file a written appeal to the Mayor's designee requesting a hearing. 2. Any Step 2 appeal must be filed within 48 hours after the meeting with the Department Director. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 140 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 3. The written appeal must specifically describe every issue the eligible employee intends to raise before the hearing officer. The eligible employee must attach or identify any documents he or she intends to use in the appeal hearing. 4. The Mayor's designee will appoint a hearing officer and set a hearing date for the grievance within seven (7) calendar days from the date the eligible employee filed the appeal. 5. The hearing officer may request information before the hearing from the City and the eligible employee. 6. The hearing officer will issue a written decision within seven (7) calendar days after the hearing. 7. If the hearing officer decides that the eligible employee was improperly denied a position, the hearing officer may require the City to place the eligible employee in the position. 8. The party that does not prevail at the hearing will pay the independent hearing officer's fees, expenses, and any other costs associated with the hearing. 9. The decision of the hearing officer will be final and binding on the eligible employee, AFSCME and the City. ARTICLE 47 - CONTRACTUAL GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE A contractual grievance is an allegation by AFSCME that the City has violated an express provision of the MOU. However, Articles 1 — Construction of Memorandum, 3 — Recognition, 4 — Management Rights, 7 — Strikes and Work Stoppages, 44 — Procedural Rights, 48 — Waiver Clause, 49 — Term of Agreement, and 51 - Definitions may not be subject to this procedure. A contractual grievance must be confined exclusively to the interpretation and/or application of this MOU's express provisions. CONTRACTUAL GRIEVANCE PROCESS — PRE -GRIEVANCE PROCESS 1. Prior to the filing of a formal contractual grievance and within thirty calendar days of the event giving rise to the grievance, or thirty days after AFSCME should reasonably have learned of the event giving rise to the grievance, whichever is later, AFSCME must file, in writing, a notice as to the nature of the grievance including the specific contractual provision violated and the facts relevant to the alleged violation. Such notice shall be filed with the Department Director, or designee, of the department where the violation is alleged to have occurred, with a copy sent to the Mayor's Designee. 2. The Department Director receiving the notice shall refer the matter to an ad -hoc committee consisting of 1) a Division Manager, Program Manager, Assistant Division Director or other management representative (as designated by the Department Director) from a division other than the one in which the alleged violation occurred; 2) a representative designated by AFSCME from a division other than the one in which the alleged violation occurred; and 3) a representative designated by the City's Human Resource department who was not involved in the alleged violation. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 141 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 This ad -hoc review committee shall review the notice and provide, within twenty calendar days, a nonbinding recommendation as to the merits of the grievance. As part of this process, the ad -hoc committee may seek additional information concerning the alleged violation, but such inquiries and subsequent deliberations will be informal in nature. It is the intention of the City and AFSCME that this process be collaborative rather than adversarial and an effort to seek solutions to potential conflicts concerning the MOU prior to the instigation of a formal grievance. 4. The review committee need not agree or reach a majority opinion and each member will have the option to submit individual recommendations. Such review and deliberations by the ad -hoc committee may be done electronically or by telephone. 5. The ad -hoc committee shall provide its recommendation(s), in writing, to an individual within the division where the alleged violation occurred who has been designated by the Department Director to make a final determination as to the outcome of the informal grievance process. 6. Taking into account the recommendation(s), such designated individual will issue a written determination as to whether the grievance is sustained or rejected within ten calendar days of receiving the recommendation(s). 7. If AFSCME is dissatisfied with the outcome of the matter after the Pre -Grievance Review and determination, it may proceed to Step 1 of the formal grievance procedure. FORMAL CONTRACTUAL GRIEVANCE PROCESS — STEP 1 The first level of a formal contractual grievance process is an appeal to the Department Director or designee in the department where the alleged violation occurred. To file a Step 1 Formal Contractual Grievance, the followingprocess applies: 1. AFSCME must submit a notice to the Department Director within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the notification of the written determination made after the Pre -Grievance Review process. 2. The written notice must specifically describe the provision of this MOU which AFSCME alleges the City violated and provide an outline of the facts related to the alleged violation. 3. The Department Director or designee will issue a written decision on the grievance within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the written notice unless AFSCME and the City agree to an extension of time. FORMAL CONTRACTUAL GRIEVANCE PROCESS — STEP 2 The second level of the contractual grievance process is an appeal to the Mayor's Designee. To file a Step 2 Formal Contractual Grievance with the Mayor's Designee, the followingprocess applies: AFSCME Local 1004 Page 142 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 1. AFSCME must submit a written appeal to the Mayor's Designee within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date the Department Director or designee issued a written decision. 2. The Mayor's Designee will investigate and review the grievance. 3. The Mayor's Designee will issue a written decision within fourteen (14) calendar days of receiving the grievance. CONTRACTUAL GRIEVANCE PROCESS — STEP 3 The third level of the contractual grievance process is referral to mediation. 1. If AFSCME is dissatisfied with the determination of the Mayor's Designee, it may request that the parties hire a mediator to assist in resolving the grievance within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the Mayor's Designee's decision. 2. AFSCME and the Mayor's Designee will jointly determine who will serve as mediator and the process to be used in the mediation. Any cost of the mediator shall be paid jointly by AFSCME and the City, regardless of the eventual outcome of the mediation. 3. The mediation will be nonbinding and any resolution of the grievance will be subject to the agreement of both parties, reached with the assistance of the mediator. 4. In the event that mediation fails to result in a resolution to the grievance, the determination of the Mayor's Designee shall be final and binding. ARTICLE 48 - WAIVER CLAUSE Except as provided for in Article 48, the City and AFSCME expressly waive and relinquish the right and each agrees that the other will not be obligated during the MOU's term to bargain collectively with respect to any subject or matter whether referred to or covered with the MOU even if the City and AFSCME did not know or contemplate the subject or matter when they negotiated or executed this MOU or even though the subjects or matters were proposed and later withdrawn. If the federal or state governments pass laws which conflict with the MOU's provisions on hours or wages, or other conditions of employment, the MOU's provisions which conflict with those laws may be reopened for negotiations without affecting the MOU's other provisions. In the event provisions of this MOU become difficult or impossible to perform due to causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of either party (e.g., acts of God, fires, floods, strikes, public health emergencies, unusually severe weather, and other similar circumstances), then the parties (either the mayor or the mayor's designee on behalf of the City and either the AFSCME president or president's designee on behalf of AFSCME) may mutually determine to suspend, alter, or otherwise deviate from any or all terms of this MOU until the conditions that rendered the performance of the MOU difficult or impossible have abated. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 143 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 ARTICLE 49 - TERM OF AGREEMENT This MOU will remain in effect from June 25, 2023 through June 20, 2026, with the following exceptions: It is understood by the City and AFSCME that some of the MOU's provisions cannot be implemented until after public notice and a hearing in compliance with various statutory and legal requirements. 2. This MOU supersedes the Memorandum of Understanding between the parties that was in effective June 28, 2020, through June 24, 2023. 3. AFSCME and the City agree that this MOU is contingent upon availability of funds and approval by the City Council. 4. AFSCME and the City agree that: a. There will be a limited re -opener of this MOU for the exclusive purpose of negotiating the wage schedule for each subsequent Fiscal Year covered under the term of this MOU. 5. AFSCME represents that it has not: a. Provided an illegal gift or payoff to a City officer or employee or former City officer or employee, his or her relative or business entity; b. Retained any person to solicit or secure this MOU upon agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee, other than bona fide employees or bona fide commercial selling agencies for the purpose of securing business; c. Knowingly breached any of the ethical standards set forth in the City's conflict of interest ordinance, Chapter 2.44, Salt Lake City Code; d. Knowingly influenced, and hereby promises that it will not knowingly influence, a City officer or employee or former City officer or employee to breach any of the ethical standards set forth in the City's conflict of interest ordinance, Chapter 2.44, Salt Lake City Code. ARTICLE 50 - PUBLIC SAFETY The following provisions ONLY apply to eligible employees assigned to, Airport Operations Coordinators, 911 Bureau Dispatchers, and eligible employees in the Police and Fire Departments ("Public Safety Employees"). Except as specifically changed in the below provisions all other provisions of this MOU apply to public safety employees. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 144 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 A. Uniform Allowance Each department that requires an eligible employee to wear a uniform will establish a uniform policy for eligible employees after consulting with AFSCME. If a department does not provide a uniform to a public safety employee and a uniform is required, the affected public safety employee will receive no less than sixty-five ($65) a month as a uniform allowance. B. Overtime If the City requires an eligible public safety employee to perform overtime work, the City will compensate the eligible public safety employee by paying him or her one and one-half times his or her hourly rate, or allow the eligible public safety employee to request one and one-half hours of paid time off from work for each hour of overtime the eligible public safety employee worked ("compensatory time"). Each City department has the absolute right to either pay the eligible public safety employee or to allow him or her to take or accrue compensatory time off. The City may elect at any time to pay the eligible public safety employee all or any portion of the accrued compensatory time off at his or her applicable hourly rate. AFSCME agrees that the administration and scheduling of any necessary overtime work is solely a function of the City. Paid personal leave, sick leave and vacation hours will not be considered time worked when calculating overtime. 1. Overtime Assignments a. Definitions i. "Potential overtime hours" means hours worked in addition to an public safety employee's normally scheduled work hours even if there is a possibility that the public safety employee will not work sufficient hours in the pay period for such hours to actually be paid at an overtime rate. ii. "Scheduled overtime" means any potential overtime hours scheduled to occur in a manner that does not constitute work subject to Article 29 (On -Call) or Article 30 (Callback). iii. "Incidental overtime" means mandatory scheduled overtime for a specific public safety eligible employee where such public safety eligible employee is needed at work on a regularly scheduled work day at a designated time for such matters as meetings, training, physicals, CDL requirements, or investigative interviews of employees pursuant to Article 44. Departments shall provide as much notice as possible and will make reasonable efforts to accommodate an eligible employee's scheduling conflicts. iv. "Involuntary overtime" means potential overtime hours assigned to public safety eligible employees as a result of there being insufficient volunteers to cover needed overtime pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section 27.13. b. Voluntary Overtime Assignments AFSCME Local 1004 Page 145 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 i. Any qualified public safety eligible employee in a workgroup may volunteer to be included on a list of eligible public safety employees who will be offered an assignment of potential overtime hours. ii. Prior to the beginning of each calendar year, each work group shall determine, by majority vote, whether the voluntary overtime list will expire and be replaced quarterly or annually. The list will initially, or upon replacement after expiration, be arranged in descending order of seniority. The City agrees to physically post the voluntary overtime list in a location accessible to public safety eligible employees. iii. The City will make a reasonable attempt to offer potential overtime hours to the qualified eligible public safety employees on the volunteer list on a rotation basis by offering potential overtime hours to the first name on the voluntary overtime list at the time of the assignment. However, the City retains the right to determine whether an eligible public safety employee is qualified to work the potential overtime hours and may skip over non - qualified eligible public safety employees if appropriate. Once an eligible public safety employee has accepted or declined an offer of potential overtime hours, that eligible public safety employee will move to the bottom of the list. iv. Except when the request is posted pursuant to subparagraph 4 below, City will attempt to orally offer an assignment directly to the eligible public safety employee either in person or over the phone. v. An eligible public safety employee's failure to answer a telephone call making such an offer will count as an eligible public safety employee declining the potential overtime hours. In the event the City makes an error in the rotation that results in an eligible public safety employee being improperly placed at the bottom of the voluntary overtime list, the City shall rectify the error by placing the eligible public safety employee back to the top of the list. If the list expires prior to such eligible public safety employee being offered an overtime assignment, the City will, in consultation with AFSCME, make an adjustment to the subsequent list in an effort to rectify the error. If a qualified eligible public safety employee has missed multiple potential overtime hour assignments due to such error, multiple adjustments may be made to the list to rectify the error. vi. The City may also request that all qualified eligible public safety employees in a workgroup volunteer to work potential overtime hours for a specific event by posting a request in the work place at least twenty-four (24) hours days prior to the event and sending an e-mail or other electronic message providing notice of the event to public safety employees in a workgroup. If more public safety employees volunteer than are needed for such an assignment, the order in which the public safety employees appear on the volunteer list shall be used to determine which eligible public safety employees work the assignment. Those who work the assignment shall be moved to the bottom of the list. The City will not count an eligible public safety employee on the volunteer list who does not volunteer for the specific posted event as having declined the work. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 146 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 vii. Upon request of AFSCME, the workgroup's supervisor and the AFSCME steward assigned to that workgroup, or the lead steward in that department, will meet to review the workgroup's records to make sure that the assignment process was properly followed. vii. For the purpose of continuity and completion of assignments, eligible public safety employees working on specific projects are exempt from this overtime assignment provision. However, the City agrees that it will make a reasonable attempt to offer overtime assignments in a fair and consistent manner. C. Involuntary Overtime Assignments i. In the event that the City needs to assign involuntary overtime, it will first do so to qualified regular part-time, seasonal and hourly public safety employees. If there is still a need, the City will assign the involuntary overtime in reverse order of seniority by first attempting to contact the qualified eligible public safety employee with the least seniority, and then contacting the next least senior, qualified eligible public safety employee until all overtime work assignments have been made. ii. An eligible public safety employee may be subject to disciplinary action for refusing an overtime assignment. iii. There will be eight (8) consecutive hours in between each involuntary overtime assignment. iv. Every attempt will be made to assign involuntary assignments attached to eligible employees' shift. V. Every eligible employee will have one regular day off per scheduled work week devoid of involuntary assignments. d. Incidental Overtime Assignments Incidental overtime assignments shall not be subject to the procedures set forth in Section 27.B and shall be made by notifying the eligible public safety employee of the assignment with as much notice as practicable. e. Alteration of Overtime Procedures for 911 Bureau Due to the unique safety and staffing requirements in the 911 Bureau, the rules set forth in the Article concerning the assignment of overtime to some public safety employees may be altered by departmental policies and procedures to address specific staffing needs. The alteration of this Article's overtime rules by policies and procedures will require the affirmative agreement of AFSCME, in writing. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 147 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 C. Probationary Period The probationary period for public safety employees in the Police and Fire Departments will be determined by department and/or city policy. All other public safety employees' probationary periods will be no more than one (1) year. The City may extend the probationary period for training purposes. An eligible employee accepting a public safety position may return to his or her former position within thirty (30) calendar days. An eligible employee accepting a public safety position who does not successfully complete the probationary period may return to his or her former position if the position is open or being performed by a probationary employee. D. Shift, Vacation, and Holiday Bids Public safety employees will bid on shifts, vacation, and holidays based on seniority and department policy. Each department will consult with AFSCME before adopting bid procedures. ARTICLE 51- DEFINITIONS The following definitions will be used when interpreting this MOU: 1. "AFSCME" means the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Local 1004, AFL-CIO. 2. "CITY" means Salt Lake City, a Utah municipal corporation. 3. "ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE" means an employee designated as union eligible in their job description by the City who is represented by AFSCME. The following full-time City employees are not "eligible employees": a. Elected officials; b. An employee in the probationary period of his/her original appointment as defined by City policy; c. Any "at -will" employee; d. Any administrator, manager, supervisor, or employee who regularly has direct charge of another employee or any group of employees. e. Any employee assigned to the Mayor's Office; £ Any employee assigned to the City Council's Office; g. Any employee assigned to the City Attorney's Office; AFSCME Local 1004 Page 148 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 h. Any employee assigned to the City Recorder's Office; or i. Any employee assigned to the Human Resources. 4. "MAYOR'S DESIGNEE" means the individual appointed by the Mayor to interpret this MOU and to assist the City and AFSCME to fulfill the MOU's terms. 5. "PUBLIC SAFETY EMPLOYEE" means Airport Operations Coordinators, 911Bureau Dispatchers, and eligible employees in the Police and Fire Departments. 6. "QUALIFIED" means the City has determined that an eligible employee can satisfactorily perform the job. 7. "TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT" means wages, salaries, working conditions, hours and benefits except as specifically modified by the Resolution. 8. "WILL" means the same as shall and is not intended to be read as allowing discretion. 9. "WORKGROUP" means the employees identified by each area in his or her division (as necessary) after consulting with the assigned steward. ARTICLE 52 - LIMITED COMPENSATION RE -OPENER There will be a limited reopener of this MOU for the exclusive purpose of permitting the parties to revisit negotiations specific to Article 15—Shift Differential addressed in this MOU before the end of the 2023-24 fiscal year. ARTICLE 53 -LIMITATION OF PROVISIONS All financial commitments by the City shall be subject to the availability of funds approved by the City Council and the limitations on future budget commitments provided under State Constitution and Statute. The provisions hereof shall be effective as provided herein, but subject to approval by the City Council and the City's appropriation of funds. During the term of this MOU, it is the City's intent to make a reasonable effort to maintain a funding level sufficient to satisfy this understanding; however, the parties to this agreement mutually understand that emergencies or revenue shortfalls may alter the ability of the City to satisfy this agreement. Thus, it is expressly understood that this MOU does not bind succeeding elected officials of the City and shall not be construed to compel the City to impose or maintain any tax or fee structure. AFSCME Local 1004 Page 149 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 IN WITNESSES WHEREOF, the parties hereto have fixed their hands and seals the day and year first above written. ATTEST AND COUNTERSIGNED k.�. LL.- DeeDee Robinson (Aug 22, 202314:03 MDT) CITY RECORDER Title: Minutes & Records Clerk RECORDED August 22, 2023 SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION rach tto (Aug 22, 2023 11:42 MDT) By: ERIN MENDENALL Its: Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM JAYSEN OLDROYD Senior City Attorney LOCAL 1004 OF THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, ALF-CIO Jer hi pot (Aut 21, 202312:28 MDT) By: JERRY PHILPOT Its: President AFSCME Local 1004 Page 150 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 APPENDIX A AFSCME JOB TITLES/ WAGE INFORMATION FOR FISCAL YEARS 2024-2026 AFSCME Local 1004 Page 151 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 FY 2024: AFSCME Job Titles / Wage Information Effective 06/25/23 100 Series Bargaining Unit •• Advanced Metering Infrastructure Technician 1 • • Grade 117 Entry $19.78 1 Year $22.25 3 Year $26.04 Advanced Metering Infrastructure Technician II 120 $21.64 $24.35 $28.48 Airfield Maintenance Specialist 1 116 $19.22 $21.62 $25.27 Airfield Maintenance Specialist II 120 $21.64 $24.35 $28.48 Airfield Maintenance Specialist 111 123 $23.69 $26.65 $31.15 Airport Lead Sign Technician 124 $24.38 $27.42 $32.08 Airport Lighting & Sign Technician 121 $22.30 $25.07 $29.32 Airport Maintenance Electrician 1 117 $19.78 $22.25 $26.04 Airport Maintenance Electrician II 119 $21.01 $23.66 $27.67 Airport Maintenance Electrician III 122 $22.96 $25.84 $30.24 Airport Maintenance Electrician IV 125 $25.16 $28.31 $33.11 Airport Maintenance Mechanic 11 122 $22.96 $25.84 $30.24 Airport Operations Specialist - Ground Transportation 119 $21.01 $23.66 $27.67 Airport Operations Specialist - Terminal/Landside 1 121 -AIR $22.30 $25.07 - Arborist Crew Foreman 124 $24.38 $27.42 $32.08 Arborist 1 119 $21.01 $23.66 $27.67 Arborist II 120 $21.64 $24.35 $28.48 Asphalt Equipment Operator 1 115 $18.64 $20.97 $24.55 Asphalt Equipment Operator II 119 $21.01 $23.66 $27.67 Beautification Maintenance Worker 109 $15.63 $17.59 $20.59 Beautification Maintenance Worker II 111 $16.56 $18.62 $21.79 Building Equipment Operator II 121 $22.30 $25.07 $29.32 Carpenter 1 119 $21.01 $23.66 $27.67 Carpenter 11 121 $22.30 $25.07 $29.32 Cemetery Equipment Operator 116 $19.22 $21.62 $25.27 Central Control Irrigation Specialist 121 $22.30 $25.07 $29.32 Community Response Specialist 1 120 $21.64 $24.35 $28.48 Community Response Specialist 11 122 $22.96 $25.84 $30.24 Compliance Enforcement Officer 119 $21.01 $23.66 $27.67 Concrete Finisher 122 $22.96 $25.84 $30.24 Concrete Saw & Grinder Operator 119 $21.01 $23.66 $27.67 Custodian II 107 $14.70 $16.54 $19.34 Drainage Maintenance Worker 1 115 $18.64 $20.97 $24.55 Drainage Maintenance Worker II 117 $19.78 $22.25 $26.04 Drainage Maintenance Worker III 120 $21.64 $24.35 $28.48 Drainage Maintenance Worker Lead 124 $24.38 $27.42 $32.08 Equipment Operator 116 $19.22 $21.62 $25.27 Facilities & Building Maintenance Worker 114 $18.10 $20.38 $23.81 Facilities Contracts Compliance Specialist 120 $21.64 $24.35 $28.48 Facilities Maintenance Contracts Senior Repair Technician 120 $21.64 $24.35 $28.48 AFSCME Local 1004 Page 152 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Fleet Body Repair / Painter 121 $22.30 $25.07 $29.32 Fleet Maintenance Coordinator 125 $25.16 $28.31 $33.11 Fleet Mechanic 124 $24.38 $27.42 $32.08 Fleet Mechanic Trainee 117 $19.78 $22.25 $26.04 Fleet Parts Delivery Driver 109 $15.63 $17.59 $20.59 Fleet Service Worker 113 $17.57 $19.76 $23.11 Florist II 115 $18.64 $20.97 $24.55 Florist III 117 $19.78 $22.25 $26.04 General Maintenance Worker 1 115 $18.64 $20.97 $24.55 General Maintenance Worker 11 119 $21.01 $23.66 $27.67 General Maintenance Worker III 123 $23.69 $26.65 $31.15 Graffiti Response Field Technician 115 $18.64 $20.97 $24.55 HVAC Technician 1 122 $22.96 $25.84 $30.24 HVAC Technician II 124 $24.38 $27.42 $32.08 Irrigation Operator 1 113 $17.57 $19.76 $23.11 Irrigation Operator 11 117 $19.78 $22.25 $26.04 Irrigation Technician 118 $20.40 $22.92 $26.82 Landscape Restoration Lead Worker 117 $19.78 $22.25 $26.04 Lead Building Maintenance Technician 123 $23.69 $26.65 $31.15 Lead Compliance Enforcement Officer 121 $22.30 $25.07 $29.32 Lead HVAC Technician 125 $25.16 $28.31 $33.11 Lead Watershed Ranger 123 $23.69 $26.65 $31.15 Maintenance Electrician 1 116 $19.22 $21.62 $25.27 Maintenance Electrician II 119 $21.01 $23.66 $27.67 Maintenance Electrician III 122 $22.96 $25.84 $30.24 Maintenance Electrician IV 125 $25.16 $28.31 $33.11 Maintenance Landscaper 115 $18.64 $20.97 $24.55 Maintenance Specialist 1 117 $19.78 $22.25 $26.04 Maintenance Specialist II 120 $21.64 $24.35 $28.48 Maintenance Specialist III 123 $23.69 $26.65 $31.15 Metal Fabrication Technician 125 $25.16 $28.31 $33.11 Painter 1 119 $21.01 $23.66 $27.67 Painter II 121 $22.30 $25.07 $29.32 Park Ranger 120 $21.64 $24.35 $28.48 Park Ranger Lead 124 $24.38 $27.42 $32.08 Parks Maintenance Technician 1 113 $17.57 $19.76 $23.11 Parks Maintenance Technician 11 116 $19.22 $21.62 $25.27 Parks Maintenance Technician 111 119 $21.01 $23.66 $27.67 Parks Maintenance Worker - Irrigation Specialist 118 $20.40 $22.92 $26.82 Plumber Apprentice 118 $20.40 $22.92 $26.82 Plumber 1 121 $22.30 $25.07 $29.32 Plumber II 123 $23.69 $26.65 $31.15 Plumber III 125 $25.16 $28.31 $33.11 Pumps Maintenance Technician 119 $21.01 $23.66 $27.67 Regional Athletic Complex (RAC) Maintenance Worker 118 $20.40 $22.92 $26.82 Senior Advanced Metering Infrastructure Technician 125 $25.16 $28.31 $33.11 AFSCME Local 1004 Page 153 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Senior Asphalt Equipment Operator 122 $22.96 $25.84 $30.24 Senior Beautification Maintenance Worker 112 $17.07 $19.20 $22.46 Senior Facilities Building Maintenance Worker 119 $21.01 $23.66 $27.67 Senior Facilities Landscaper 115 $18.64 $20.97 $24.55 Senior Fleet Mechanic 128 $27.50 $30.93 $36.17 Senior Florist 120 $21.64 $24.35 $28.48 Senior Irrigation Operator 122 $22.96 $25.84 $30.24 Senior Natural Resource Technician 115 $18.64 $20.97 $24.55 Senior Pumps Maintenance Technician 122 $22.96 $25.84 $30.24 Senior Utility Locator 120 $21.64 $24.35 $28.48 Senior Water Distribution System Operator 124 $24.38 $27.42 $32.08 Senior Water Meter Technician 125 $25.16 $28.31 $33.11 Senior Water System Maintenance Operator 124 $24.38 $27.42 $32.08 Sprinkler Irrigation Technician 1 115 $18.64 $20.97 $24.55 Sprinkler Irrigation Technician 11 118 $20.40 $22.92 $26.82 Sprinkler Irrigation Technician 111 121 $22.30 $25.07 $29.32 Streets Equipment Operator 1 116 $19.22 $21.62 $25.27 Streets Equipment Operator II 119 $21.01 $23.66 $27.67 Streets Maintenance Lead 124 $24.38 $27.42 $32.08 Streets Response Team 1 118 $20.40 $22.92 $26.82 Streets Response Team II 120 $21.64 $24.35 $28.48 Streets Response Team Lead 123 $23.69 $26.65 $31.15 Traffic Maintenance Lead 124 $24.38 $27.42 $32.08 Traffic Maintenance Operator 1 115 $18.64 $20.97 $24.55 Traffic Maintenance Operator 11 119 $21.01 $23.66 $27.67 Utility Locator - Public Utilities 117 $19.78 $22.25 $26.04 Waste & Recycling Container Service Worker 112 $17.07 $19.20 $22.46 Waste & Recycling Education & Permits Lead 121 $22.30 $25.07 $29.32 Waste & Recycling Education Specialist 1 115 $18.64 $20.97 $24.55 Waste & Recycling Education Specialist 11 117 $19.78 $22.25 $26.04 Waste & Recycling Equipment Operator 1 115 $18.64 $20.97 $24.55 Waste & Recycling Equipment Operator 11 119 $21.01 $23.66 $27.67 Waste & Recycling Lead Equipment Operator 122 $22.96 $25.84 $30.24 Waste & Recycling Permit Coordinator 120 $21.64 $24.35 $28.48 Waste & Recycling Program Lead 123 $23.69 $26.65 $31.15 Waste & Recycling Senior Equipment Operator 120 $21.64 $24.35 $28.48 Wastewater Collection Maintenance Worker 1 118 $20.40 $22.92 $26.82 Wastewater Collection Maintenance Worker 11 121 $22.30 $25.07 $29.32 Wastewater Collection Maintenance Worker Lead 125 $25.16 $28.31 $33.11 Wastewater Collection Maintenance Worker Trainee 116 - PU $19.22 - - Wastewater Lift Station Lead Worker 125 $25.16 $28.31 $33.11 Wastewater Lift Station Worker 119 $21.01 $23.66 $27.67 Wastewater Plant Maintenance Operator 1 114 $18.10 $20.38 $23.81 Wastewater Plant Maintenance Operator 11 117 $19.78 $22.25 $26.04 Wastewater Plant Maintenance Operator 111 123 $23.69 $26.65 $31.15 Wastewater Plant Maintenance Operator IV 125 $25.16 $28.31 $33.11 AFSCME Local 1004 Page 154 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Wastewater Preventative Maintenance Worker 121 $22.30 $25.07 $29.32 Water Distribution System Operator 1 120 $21.64 $24.35 $28.48 Water Distribution System Operator 11 121 $22.30 $25.07 $29.32 Water Distribution Valve Operator 114 $18.10 $20.38 $23.81 Water Distribution Valve Operator Trainee 111 - PU $16.56 - - Water Maintenance Support Worker 112 $17.07 $19.20 $22.46 Water Meter Reader 1 112 $17.07 $19.20 $22.46 Water Meter Reader 11 114 $18.10 $20.38 $23.81 Water Meter Reader 111 118 $20.40 $22.92 $26.82 Water Meter Technician 1 116 $19.22 $21.62 $25.27 Water Meter Technician 11 119 $21.01 $23.66 $27.67 Water Meter Technician 111 121 $22.30 $25.07 $29.32 Water Plant Operator 1 118 $20.40 $22.92 $26.82 Water Plant Operator 11 124 $24.38 $27.42 $32.08 Water Reclamation Facility Operator 1 120 $21.64 $24.35 $28.48 Water Reclamation Facility Operator 11 123 $23.69 $26.65 $31.15 Water Reclamation Facility Operator III 125 $25.16 $28.31 $33.11 Water Reclamation Facility Operator IV 126 $25.91 $29.16 $34.10 Water System Maintenance Operator 1 117 $19.78 $22.25 $26.04 Water System Maintenance Operator 11 120 $21.64 $24.35 $28.48 Watershed Ranger 120 $21.64 $24.35 $28.48 AFSCME Local 1004 Page 155 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 FY 2024: AFSCME Job Titles / Wage Information Effective 06/25/23 200 Series Bar ainin Unit .. Profile Name Access Control Specialist Comp Entry Grade 220 $18.44 Year 1 $19.74 Year 4 $22.39 Year 6 $23.69 Year 8 $27.71 Airport Operations Coordinator 226 $23.72 $25.41 $28.81 $30.49 $35.68 Airport Operations Lead Coordinator 227 $24.91 $26.65 $30.25 $32.01 $37.46 Airport Operations Security Specialist 222 $20.28 $21.71 $24.62 $26.07 $30.48 Building Inspector 1 225 $22.60 $24.20 $27.45 $29.04 $33.98 Business License Liaison 225 $22.60 $24.20 $27.45 $29.04 $33.98 Business License Officer 222 $20.28 $21.71 $24.62 $26.07 $30.48 Business Licensing Processor II 221 $19.60 $20.99 $23.80 $25.19 $29.47 City Payments Processor 220 $18.44 $19.74 $22.39 $23.69 $27.71 Civil Enforcement Officer 1 222 $20.28 $21.71 $24.62 $26.07 $30.48 Civil Enforcement Officer 11 225 $22.60 $24.20 $27.45 $29.04 $33.98 Contracts Process Coordinator 222 $20.28 $21.71 $24.62 $26.07 $30.48 Contracts Technician 222 $20.28 $21.71 $24.62 $26.07 $30.48 Cross Connection Control Inspector 223 $21.04 $22.56 $25.56 $27.05 $31.66 Customer Service Collector / Investigator Utilities Specialist 223 $21.04 $22.56 $25.56 $27.05 $31.66 Hearing Officer / Referee Coordinator 223 $21.04 $22.56 $25.56 $27.05 $31.66 Judicial Assistant 1 220 $18.44 $19.74 $22.39 $23.69 $27.71 Judicial Assistant II 221 $19.60 $20.99 $23.80 $25.19 $29.47 Judicial Assistant III 222 $20.28 $21.71 $24.62 $26.07 $30.48 Lead Hearing Officer / Referee Coordinator 225 $22.60 $24.20 $27.45 $29.04 $33.98 Lead Judicial Assistant 225 $22.60 $24.20 $27.45 $29.04 $33.98 Office Technician 1 216 $16.01 $17.15 $19.44 $20.58 $24.09 Office Technician 11 219 $17.78 $19.05 $21.60 $22.86 $26.74 Parts / Warehouse Support Worker - Fleet 218 $17.17 $18.39 $20.87 $22.09 $25.83 Permit Processor 1 218 $17.17 $18.39 $20.87 $22.09 $25.83 Permit Processor II 221 $19.60 $20.99 $23.80 $25.19 $29.47 Police Information Specialist 219 $17.78 $19.05 $21.60 $22.86 $26.74 Pretreatment Sampler Inspection Technician 224 $21.82 $23.38 $26.50 $28.05 $32.82 Program Assistant 218 $17.17 $18.39 $20.87 $22.09 $25.83 Public Safety Dispatcher 226 $23.72 $25.41 $28.81 $30.49 $35.68 Quality Assurance Sampler - Culinary Water 220 $18.44 $19.74 $22.39 $23.69 $27.71 Quality Assurance Senior Sampler - Culinary Water 223 $21.04 $22.56 $25.56 $27.05 $31.66 Quartermaster Technician 220 $18.44 $19.74 $22.39 $23.69 $27.71 Receptionist 213 $14.33 $15.33 $17.39 $18.40 $21.54 Senior Communications Coordinator 219 $17.78 $19.05 $21.60 $22.86 $26.74 Senior Police Information Specialist 221 $19.60 $20.99 $23.80 $25.19 $29.47 Senior Pretreat Sampler Inspector 226 $23.72 $25.41 $28.81 $30.49 $35.68 Senior Secretary 219 $17.78 $19.05 $21.60 $22.86 $26.74 Senior Utilities Representative - Billing 219 $17.78 $19.05 $21.60 $22.86 $26.74 Senior Utilities Representative - Contracts 219 $17.78 $19.05 $21.60 $22.86 $26.74 AFSCME Local 1004 Page 156 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Senior Utilities Representative - Customer Service 219 $17.78 $19.05 $21.60 $22.86 $26.74 Senior Utilities Representative - Generalist 220 $18.44 $19.74 $22.39 $23.69 $27.71 Senior Utilities Representative - Office/Technical 219 $17.78 $19.05 $21.60 $22.86 $26.74 Senior Warehouse Operator 220 $18.44 $19.74 $22.39 $23.69 $27.71 Utilities Development Review Specialist 221 $19.60 $20.99 $23.80 $25.19 $29.47 Utilities Representative I - Billing 213 $14.33 $15.33 $17.39 $18.40 $21.54 Utilities Representative I - Contracts 213 $14.33 $15.33 $17.39 $18.40 $21.54 Utilities Representative I - Customer Service 219 $17.78 $19.05 $21.60 $22.86 $26.74 Utilities Representative 11 - Billing 216 $16.01 $17.15 $19.44 $20.58 $24.09 Utilities Representative 11 - Contracts 216 $16.01 $17.15 $19.44 $20.58 $24.09 Utilities Representative 11 - Customer Service 216 $16.01 $17.15 $19.44 $20.58 $24.09 Utilities Representative 11 - Office/Technical 216 $16.01 $17.15 $19.44 $20.58 $24.09 Warehouse Office Technician 11 219 $17.78 $19.05 $21.60 $22.86 $26.74 Warehouse Support Worker - Airport 218 $17.17 $18.39 $20.87 $22.09 $25.83 Youth Support Specialist 219 $17.78 $19.05 $21.60 $22.86 $26.74 AFSCME Local 1004 Page 157 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 FY 2024: AFSCME Job Titles / Wage Information Effective 06/25/23 330 Series Bargaininq Unit .. Profile Name Administrative Secretary I - Union Comp Grade 318 Entry $21.41 Year 2 $22.66 Year 4 $23.93 Year 6 $26.50 Airfield Maintenance Electrician 329 $36.17 $38.30 $40.44 $44.80 Airport Airfield Operations Specialist 325 $29.75 $31.50 $33.25 $36.84 Airport Engineering Records Program Specialist 320 $23.30 $24.66 $26.04 $28.84 Airport Environmental Specialist 1 324 $28.33 $30.00 $31.66 $35.08 Airport Environmental Specialist II 327 $32.80 $34.70 $36.65 $40.61 Airport Operations Specialist - Terminal/Landside II 323 $26.99 $28.56 $30.16 $33.40 Airport Operations Specialist-Terminal/Landside III 324 $28.33 $30.00 $31.66 $35.08 Airport Procurement Specialist 321 $24.47 $25.91 $27.34 $30.30 Architectural Associate IV 325 $29.75 $31.50 $33.25 $36.84 Building Inspector II 324 $28.33 $30.00 $31.66 $35.08 Building Inspector 111 327 $32.80 $34.70 $36.65 $40.61 Civil Enforcement Officer 111 324 $28.33 $30.00 $31.66 $35.08 Communication and GIS Coordinator 318 $21.41 $22.66 $23.93 $26.50 Crime Scene Technician 1 316 $19.35 $20.52 $21.65 $23.98 Crime Scene Technician 11 319 $22.30 $23.61 $24.93 $27.62 Cross Connection Control Technician 322 $25.69 $27.23 $28.73 $31.83 Development Review Planner I - UNION 321 $24.47 $25.91 $27.34 $30.30 Development Review Planner II 325 $29.75 $31.50 $33.25 $36.84 Engineering Contracts Coordinator - Public Utilities 322 $25.69 $27.23 $28.73 $31.83 Engineering Information & Records Specialist 320 $23.30 $24.66 $26.04 $28.84 Engineering Technician 1 317 $20.13 $21.30 $22.48 $24.68 Engineering Technician II 319 $22.30 $23.61 $24.93 $27.62 Engineering Technician III 321 $24.47 $25.91 $27.34 $30.30 Engineering Technician IV 323 $26.99 $28.56 $30.16 $33.40 Engineering Technician V 324 $28.33 $30.00 $31.66 $35.08 Events Coordinator 321 $24.47 $25.91 $27.34 $30.30 Evidence Technician 1 316 $19.35 $20.52 $21.65 $23.98 Evidence Technician II 319 $22.30 $23.61 $24.93 $27.62 Fire Protection Engineer 329 $36.17 $38.30 $40.44 $44.80 Fleet Customer Service Advisor 321 $24.47 $25.91 $27.34 $30.30 Fleet Maintenance Coordinator - Public Utilities 323 $26.99 $28.56 $30.16 $33.40 FORENSIC SCIENTIST I - old 323 $26.99 $28.56 $30.16 $33.40 Forest Area Service Coordinator 322 $25.69 $27.23 $28.73 $31.83 Geographic Information Systems Technician II 323 $26.99 $28.56 $30.16 $33.40 GIS Leak Detection Systems Technician 1 321 $24.47 $25.91 $27.34 $30.30 GIS Leak Detection Systems Technician II 323 $26.99 $28.56 $30.16 $33.40 Housing & Zoning Legal Investor 327 $32.80 $34.70 $36.65 $40.61 Housing Rehabilitation Specialist 1 323 $26.99 $28.56 $30.16 $33.40 Housing Rehabilitation Specialist II 325 $29.75 $31.50 $33.25 $36.84 AFSCME Local 1004 Page 158 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Industrial Electrician 1 320- PU $23.30 - - - Industrial Electrician 11 322- PU $25.69 - - - Industrial Electrician 111 323- PU $26.99 $28.56 $30.16 - Industrial Electrician IV 326 $31.23 $33.08 $34.90 $38.68 Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program Permit Writer 324 $28.33 $30.00 $31.66 $35.08 Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program Senior Permit Writer 326 $31.23 $33.08 $34.90 $38.68 Laboratory Analyst 320 $23.30 $24.66 $26.04 $28.84 Laboratory Chemist 326 $31.23 $33.08 $34.90 $38.68 Lead Fleet Customer Advisor 323 $26.99 $28.56 $30.16 $33.40 Park Usage Coordinator 321 $24.47 $25.91 1 $27.34 $30.30 Parking Pay Station Technician 321 $24.47 $25.91 $27.34 $30.30 Plans Examiner 1 325 $29.75 $31.50 $33.25 $36.84 Plans Examiner II 326 $31.23 $33.08 $34.90 $38.68 Plans Examiner III 327 $32.80 $34.70 $36.65 $40.61 Police Fleet Services Coordinator 318 $21.41 $22.66 $23.93 $26.50 Police Services Coordinator 320 $23.30 $24.66 $26.04 $28.84 Pretreatment Inspector / Permit Writer 324 $28.33 $30.00 $31.66 $35.08 Project Coordinator I - Airport 318 $21.41 $22.66 $23.93 $26.50 Project Coordinator 11 - Airport 320 $23.30 $24.66 $26.04 $28.84 Project Coordinator III - Airport 322 $25.69 $27.23 $28.73 $31.83 Public Utilities Records Program Specialist 320 $23.30 $24.66 $26.04 $28.84 Senior Crime Scene Technician 321 $24.47 $25.91 $27.34 $30.30 Senior Evidence Technician 321 $24.47 $25.91 $27.34 $30.30 Senior Laboratory Analyst 321 $24.47 $25.91 $27.34 $30.30 Senior Plans Examiner 329 $36.17 $38.30 $40.44 $44.80 Senior Pretreatment Inspector / Permit Writer 326 $31.23 $33.08 $34.90 $38.68 Senior Traffic Technician 1 321 $24.47 $25.91 $27.34 $30.30 Senior Traffic Technician II 323 $26.99 $28.56 $30.16 $33.40 Special Events Administrative Assistant 318 $21.41 $22.66 $23.93 $26.50 Stormwater Quality Coordinator 324 $28.33 $30.00 $31.66 $35.08 Surveyor 111 321 $24.47 $25.91 $27.34 $30.30 Traffic Control Center Operator 1 321 $24.47 $25.91 $27.34 $30.30 Traffic Control Center Operator 11 323 $26.99 $28.56 $30.16 $33.40 Traffic Signal Lead 324 $28.33 $30.00 $31.66 $35.08 Traffic Signal Technician 1 321 $24.47 $25.91 $27.34 $30.30 Traffic Signal Technician 11 323 $26.99 $28.56 $30.16 $33.40 Traffic Technician 319 $22.30 $23.61 $24.93 $27.62 Utilities Engineering Procurement and Contracts Specialist 1 317 $20.13 $21.30 $22.48 $24.68 Utilities Planner 324 $28.33 $30.00 $31.66 $35.08 Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator 319 $22.30 $23.61 $24.93 $27.62 Water Quality Technician 322 $25.69 $27.23 $28.73 $31.83 Water Reclamation Planner Scheduler 324 $28.33 $30.00 $31.66 $35.08 Traffic Technician 319 $22.30 $23.61 $24.93 $27.62 AFSCME Local 1004 Pa g e 159 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Utilities Engineering Procurement and Contracts Specialist 1 317 $20.13 $21.30 $22.48 $24.68 Utilities Planner 324 $28.33 $30.00 $31.66 $35.08 Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator 319 $22.30 $23.61 $24.93 $27.62 Water Reclamation Planner Scheduler 324 $28.33 $30.00 $31.66 $35.08 AFSCME Local 1004 Pa g e 160 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 FY 2025: AFSCME Job Titles / Wage Information Effective 06/23/24 100 Series Bargaining Unit •• Title Advanced Metering Infrastructure Technician 1 Comp Grade 117 Entry $20.77 1 Year $23.36 3 Year $27.34 Advanced Metering Infrastructure Technician 11 120 $22.72 $25.57 $29.90 Airfield Maintenance Specialist 1 116 $20.18 $22.70 $26.53 Airfield Maintenance Specialist 11 120 $22.72 $25.57 $29.90 Airfield Maintenance Specialist 111 123 $24.87 $27.98 $32.71 Airport Lead Sign Technician 124 $25.60 $28.79 $33.68 Airport Lighting & Sign Technician 121 $23.42 $26.32 $30.79 Airport Maintenance Electrician 1 117 $20.77 $23.36 $27.34 Airport Maintenance Electrician II 119 $22.06 $24.84 $29.05 Airport Maintenance Electrician 111 122 $24.11 $27.13 $31.75 Airport Maintenance Electrician IV 125 $26.42 $29.73 $34.77 Airport Maintenance Mechanic 11 122 $24.11 $27.13 $31.75 Airport Operations Specialist - Ground Transportation 119 $22.06 $24.84 $29.05 Airport Operations Specialist - Terminal/Landside 1 121 - AIR $23.42 $26.32 - Arborist Crew Foreman 124 $25.60 $28.79 $33.68 Arborist 1 119 $22.06 $24.84 $29.05 Arborist 11 120 $22.72 $25.57 $29.90 Asphalt Equipment Operator 1 115 $19.57 $22.02 $25.78 Asphalt Equipment Operator II 119 $22.06 $24.84 $29.05 Beautification Maintenance Worker 109 $16.41 $18.47 $21.62 Beautification Maintenance Worker II 111 $17.39 $19.55 $22.88 Building Equipment Operator 11 121 $23.42 $26.32 $30.79 Carpenter 1 119 $22.06 $24.84 $29.05 Carpenter 11 121 $23.42 $26.32 $30.79 Cemetery Equipment Operator 116 $20.18 $22.70 $26.53 Central Control Irrigation Specialist 121 $23.42 $26.32 $30.79 Community Response Specialist 1 120 $22.72 $25.57 $29.90 Community Response Specialist II 122 $24.11 $27.13 $31.75 Compliance Enforcement Officer 119 $22.06 $24.84 $29.05 Concrete Finisher 122 $24.11 $27.13 $31.75 Concrete Saw & Grinder Operator 119 $22.06 $24.84 $29.05 Custodian 11 107 $15.44 $17.37 $20.31 Drainage Maintenance Worker 1 115 $19.57 $22.02 $25.78 Drainage Maintenance Worker 11 117 $20.77 $23.36 $27.34 Drainage Maintenance Worker III 120 $22.72 $25.57 $29.90 Drainage Maintenance Worker Lead 124 $25.60 $28.79 $33.68 Equipment Operator 116 $20.18 $22.70 $26.53 Facilities & Building Maintenance Worker 114 $19.01 $21.40 $25.00 Facilities Contracts Compliance Specialist 120 $22.72 $25.57 $29.90 Facilities Maintenance Contracts Senior Repair Technician 120 $22.72 $25.57 $29.90 AFSCME Local 1004 P a e 161 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Fleet Body Repair / Painter 121 $23.42 $26.32 $30.79 Fleet Maintenance Coordinator 125 $26.42 $29.73 $34.77 Fleet Mechanic 124 $25.60 $28.79 $33.68 Fleet Mechanic Trainee 117 $20.77 $23.36 $27.34 Fleet Parts Delivery Driver 109 $16.41 $18.47 $21.62 Fleet Service Worker 113 $18.45 $20.75 $24.27 Florist II 115 $19.57 $22.02 $25.78 Florist III 117 $20.77 $23.36 $27.34 General Maintenance Worker 1 115 $19.57 $22.02 $25.78 General Maintenance Worker II 119 $22.06 $24.84 $29.05 General Maintenance Worker III 123 $24.87 $27.98 $32.71 Graffiti Response Field Technician 115 $19.57 $22.02 $25.78 HVAC Technician 1 122 $24.11 $27.13 $31.75 HVAC Technician II 124 $25.60 $28.79 $33.68 Irrigation Operator 1 113 $18.45 $20.75 $24.27 Irrigation Operator II 117 $20.77 $23.36 $27.34 Irrigation Technician 118 $21.42 $24.07 $28.16 Landscape Restoration Lead Worker 117 $20.77 $23.36 $27.34 Lead Building Maintenance Technician 123 $24.87 $27.98 $32.71 Lead Compliance Enforcement Officer 121 $23.42 $26.32 $30.79 Lead HVAC Technician 125 $26.42 $29.73 $34.77 Lead Watershed Ranger 123 $24.87 $27.98 $32.71 Maintenance Electrician 1 116 $20.18 $22.70 $26.53 Maintenance Electrician II 119 $22.06 $24.84 $29.05 Maintenance Electrician III 122 $24.11 $27.13 $31.75 Maintenance Electrician IV 125 $26.42 $29.73 $34.77 Maintenance Landscaper 115 $19.57 $22.02 $25.78 Maintenance Specialist 1 117 $20.77 $23.36 $27.34 Maintenance Specialist 11 120 $22.72 $25.57 $29.90 Maintenance Specialist III 123 $24.87 $27.98 $32.71 Metal Fabrication Technician 125 $26.42 $29.73 $34.77 Painter 1 119 $22.06 $24.84 $29.05 Painter II 121 $23.42 $26.32 $30.79 Park Ranger 120 $22.72 $25.57 $29.90 Park Ranger Lead 124 $25.60 $28.79 $33.68 Parks Maintenance Technician 1 113 $18.45 $20.75 $24.27 Parks Maintenance Technician II 116 $20.18 $22.70 $26.53 Parks Maintenance Technician III 119 $22.06 $24.84 $29.05 Parks Maintenance Worker- Irrigation Specialist 118 $21.42 $24.07 $28.16 Plumber Apprentice 118 $21.42 $24.07 $28.16 Plumber 1 121 $23.42 $26.32 $30.79 Plumber II 123 $24.87 $27.98 $32.71 Plumber 111 125 $26.42 $29.73 $34.77 Pumps Maintenance Technician 119 $22.06 $24.84 $29.05 Regional Athletic Complex (RAC) Maintenance Worker 118 $21.42 $24.07 $28.16 Senior Advanced Metering Infrastructure Technician 125 $26.42 $29.73 $34.77 AFSCME Local 1004 162 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Senior Asphalt Equipment Operator 122 $24.11 $27.13 $31.75 Senior Beautification Maintenance Worker 112 $17.92 $20.16 $23.58 Senior Facilities Building Maintenance Worker 119 $22.06 $24.84 $29.05 Senior Facilities Landscaper 115 $19.57 $22.02 $25.78 Senior Fleet Mechanic 128 $28.88 $32.48 $37.98 Senior Florist 120 $22.72 $25.57 $29.90 Senior Irrigation Operator 122 $24.11 $27.13 $31.75 Senior Natural Resource Technician 115 $19.57 $22.02 $25.78 Senior Pumps Maintenance Technician 122 $24.11 $27.13 $31.75 Senior Utility Locator 120 $22.72 $25.57 $29.90 Senior Water Distribution System Operator 124 $25.60 $28.79 $33.68 Senior Water Meter Technician 125 $26.42 $29.73 $34.77 Senior Water System Maintenance Operator 124 $25.60 $28.79 $33.68 Sprinkler Irrigation Technician 1 115 $19.57 $22.02 $25.78 Sprinkler Irrigation Technician 11 118 $21.42 $24.07 $28.16 Sprinkler Irrigation Technician 111 121 $23.42 $26.32 $30.79 Streets Equipment Operator 1 116 $20.18 $22.70 $26.53 Streets Equipment Operator II 119 $22.06 $24.84 $29.05 Streets Maintenance Lead 124 $25.60 $28.79 $33.68 Streets Response Team 1 118 $21.42 $24.07 $28.16 Streets Response Team II 120 $22.72 $25.57 $29.90 Streets Response Team Lead 123 $24.87 $27.98 $32.71 Traffic Maintenance Lead 124 $25.60 $28.79 $33.68 Traffic Maintenance Operator 1 115 $19.57 $22.02 $25.78 Traffic Maintenance Operator 11 119 $22.06 $24.84 $29.05 Utility Locator - Public Utilities 117 $20.77 $23.36 $27.34 Waste & Recycling Container Service Worker 112 $17.92 $20.16 $23.58 Waste & Recycling Education & Permits Lead 121 $23.42 $26.32 $30.79 Waste & Recycling Education Specialist 1 115 $19.57 $22.02 $25.78 Waste & Recycling Education Specialist 11 117 $20.77 $23.36 $27.34 Waste & Recycling Equipment Operator 1 115 $19.57 $22.02 $25.78 Waste & Recycling Equipment Operator 11 119 $22.06 $24.84 $29.05 Waste & Recycling Lead Equipment Operator 122 $24.11 $27.13 $31.75 Waste & Recycling Permit Coordinator 120 $22.72 $25.57 $29.90 Waste & Recycling Program Lead 123 $24.87 $27.98 $32.71 Waste & Recycling Senior Equipment Operator 120 $22.72 $25.57 $29.90 Wastewater Collection Maintenance Worker 1 118 $21.42 $24.07 $28.16 Wastewater Collection Maintenance Worker 11 121 $23.42 $26.32 $30.79 Wastewater Collection Maintenance Worker Lead 125 $26.42 $29.73 $34.77 Wastewater Collection Maintenance Worker Trainee 116 - PU $20.18 - - Wastewater Lift Station Lead Worker 125 $26.42 $29.73 $34.77 Wastewater Lift Station Worker 119 $22.06 $24.84 $29.05 Wastewater Plant Maintenance Operator 1 114 $19.01 $21.40 $25.00 Wastewater Plant Maintenance Operator 11 117 $20.77 $23.36 $27.34 Wastewater Plant Maintenance Operator III 123 $24.87 $27.98 $32.71 Wastewater Plant Maintenance Operator IV 125 $26.42 $29.73 $34.77 AFSCME Local 1004 163 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Wastewater Preventative Maintenance Worker 121 $23.42 $26.32 $30.79 Water Distribution System Operator 1 120 $22.72 $25.57 $29.90 Water Distribution System Operator 11 121 $23.42 $26.32 $30.79 Water Distribution Valve Operator 114 $19.01 $21.40 $25.00 Water Distribution Valve Operator Trainee 111 - PU $17.39 - - Water Maintenance Support Worker 112 $17.92 $20.16 $23.58 Water Meter Reader 1 112 $17.92 $20.16 $23.58 Water Meter Reader 11 114 $19.01 $21.40 $25.00 Water Meter Reader III 118 $21.42 $24.07 $28.16 Water Meter Technician 1 116 $20.18 $22.70 $26.53 Water Meter Technician 11 119 $22.06 $24.84 $29.05 Water Meter Technician 111 121 $23.42 $26.32 $30.79 Water Plant Operator 1 118 $21.42 $24.07 $28.16 Water Plant Operator 11 124 $25.60 $28.79 $33.68 Water Reclamation Facility Operator 1 120 $22.72 $25.57 $29.90 Water Reclamation Facility Operator 11 123 $24.87 $27.98 $32.71 Water Reclamation Facility Operator III 125 $26.42 $29.73 $34.77 Water Reclamation Facility Operator IV 126 $27.21 $30.62 $35.81 Water System Maintenance Operator 1 117 $20.77 $23.36 $27.34 Water System Maintenance Operator II 120 $22.72 $25.57 $29.90 Watershed Ranger 120 $22.72 $25.57 $29.90 AFSCME Local 1004 Pa g e 164 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 FY 2025: AFSCME Job Titles / Wage Information Effective 06/23/24 200 Series Bargaining Unit .. Profile Name Access Control Specialist Comp Grade 220 Entry $19.36 Year 1 $20.73 Year 4 $23.51 Year 6 $24.87 Year 8 $29.10 Airport Operations Coordinator 226 $24.91 $26.68 $30.25 $32.01 $37.46 Airport Operations Lead Coordinator 227 $26.16 $27.98 $31.76 $33.61 $39.33 Airport Operations Security Specialist 222 $21.29 $22.80 $25.85 $27.37 $32.00 Building Inspector 1 225 $23.73 $25.41 $28.82 $30.49 $35.68 Business License Liaison 225 $23.73 $25.41 $28.82 $30.49 $35.68 Business License Officer 222 $21.29 $22.80 $25.85 $27.37 $32.00 Business Licensing Processor II 221 $20.58 $22.04 $24.99 $26.45 $30.94 City Payments Processor 220 $19.36 $20.73 $23.51 $24.87 $29.10 Civil Enforcement Officer 1 222 $21.29 $22.80 $25.85 $27.37 $32.00 Civil Enforcement Officer II 225 $23.73 $25.41 $28.82 $30.49 $35.68 Contracts Process Coordinator 222 $21.29 $22.80 $25.85 $27.37 $32.00 Contracts Technician 222 $21.29 $22.80 $25.85 $27.37 $32.00 Cross Connection Control Inspector 223 $22.09 $23.69 $26.84 $28.40 $33.24 Customer Service Collector / Investigator Utilities Specialist 223 $22.09 $23.69 $26.84 $28.40 $33.24 Hearing Officer / Referee Coordinator 223 $22.09 $23.69 $26.84 $28.40 $33.24 Judicial Assistant 1 220 $19.36 $20.73 $23.51 $24.87 $29.10 Judicial Assistant 11 221 $20.58 $22.04 $24.99 $26.45 $30.94 Judicial Assistant 111 222 $21.29 $22.80 $25.85 $27.37 $32.00 Lead Hearing Officer / Referee Coordinator 225 $23.73 $25.41 $28.82 $30.49 $35.68 Lead Judicial Assistant 225 $23.73 $25.41 $28.82 $30.49 $35.68 Office Technician 1 216 $16.81 $18.01 $20.41 $21.61 $25.29 Office Technician 11 219 $18.67 $20.00 $22.68 $24.00 $28.08 Parts / Warehouse Support Worker - Fleet 218 $18.03 $19.31 $21.91 $23.19 $27.12 Permit Processor 1 218 $18.03 $19.31 $21.91 $23.19 $27.12 Permit Processor 11 221 $20.58 $22.04 $24.99 $26.45 $30.94 Police Information Specialist 219 $18.67 $20.00 $22.68 $24.00 $28.08 Pretreatment Sampler Inspection Technician 224 $22.91 $24.55 $27.83 $29.45 $34.46 Program Assistant 218 $18.03 $19.31 $21.91 $23.19 $27.12 Public Safety Dispatcher 226 $24.91 $26.68 $30.25 $32.01 $37.46 Quality Assurance Sampler - Culinary Water 220 $19.36 $20.73 $23.51 $24.87 $29.10 Quality Assurance Senior Sampler - Culinary Water 223 $22.09 $23.69 $26.84 $28.40 $33.24 Quartermaster Technician 220 $19.36 $20.73 $23.51 $24.87 $29.10 Receptionist 213 $15.05 $16.10 $18.26 $19.32 $22.62 Senior Communications Coordinator 219 $18.67 $20.00 $22.68 $24.00 $28.08 Senior Police Information Specialist 221 $20.58 $22.04 $24.99 $26.45 $30.94 Senior Pretreat Sampler Inspector 226 $24.91 $26.68 $30.25 $32.01 $37.46 Senior Secretary 219 $18.67 $20.00 $22.68 $24.00 $28.08 Senior Utilities Representative - Billing 219 $18.67 $20.00 $22.68 $24.00 $28.08 Senior Utilities Representative - Contracts 219 $18.67 $20.00 $22.68 $24.00 $28.08 Senior Utilities Representative - Customer Service 219 $18.67 $20.00 $22.68 $24.00 $28.08 AFSCME Local 1004 Page 165 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Senior Utilities Representative - Generalist 220 $19.36 $20.73 $23.51 $24.87 $29.10 Senior Utilities Representative - Office/Technical 219 $18.67 $20.00 $22.68 $24.00 $28.08 Senior Warehouse Operator 220 $19.36 $20.73 $23.51 $24.87 $29.10 Utilities Development Review Specialist 221 $20.58 $22.04 $24.99 $26.45 $30.94 Utilities Representative I - Billing 213 $15.05 $16.10 $18.26 $19.32 $22.62 Utilities Representative I - Contracts 213 $15.05 $16.10 $18.26 $19.32 $22.62 Utilities Representative I - Customer Service 219 $18.67 $20.00 $22.68 $24.00 $28.08 Utilities Representative 11 - Billing 216 $16.81 $18.01 $20.41 $21.61 $25.29 Utilities Representative 11 - Contracts 216 $16.81 $18.01 $20.41 $21.61 $25.29 Utilities Representative 11 - Customer Service 216 $16.81 $18.01 $20.41 $21.61 $25.29 Utilities Representative 11 - Office/Technical 216 $16.81 $18.01 $20.41 $21.61 $25.29 Warehouse Office Technician 11 219 $18.67 $20.00 $22.68 $24.00 $28.08 Warehouse Support Worker - Airport 218 $18.03 $19.31 $21.91 $23.19 $27.12 Youth Support Specialist 219 $18.67 $20.00 $22.68 $24.00 $28.08 AFSCME Local 1004 Page 166 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 FY 2025: AFSCME Job Titles / Wage Information Effective 06/23/24 330 Series Bargaining Unit .. Profile Name Administrative Secretary I - Union Comp Grade 318 Entry $22.48 Year 2 $23.79 Year 4 $25.13 Year 6 $27.83 Airfield Maintenance Electrician 329 $37.98 $40.22 $42.46 $47.04 Airport Airfield Operations Specialist 325 $31.24 $33.08 $34.91 $38.68 Airport Engineering Records Program Specialist 320 $24.47 $25.89 $27.34 $30.28 Airport Environmental Specialist 1 324 $29.75 $31.50 $33.24 $36.83 Airport Environmental Specialist II 327 $34.44 $36.44 $38.48 $42.64 Airport Operations Specialist - Terminal/Landside II 323 $28.34 $29.99 $31.67 $35.07 Airport Operations Specialist-Terminal/Landside III 324 $29.75 $31.50 $33.24 $36.83 Airport Procurement Specialist 321 $25.69 $27.21 $28.71 $31.82 Architectural Associate IV 325 $31.24 $33.08 $34.91 $38.68 Building Inspector II 324 $29.75 $31.50 $33.24 $36.83 Building Inspector III 327 $34.44 $36.44 $38.48 $42.64 Civil Enforcement Officer III 324 $29.75 $31.50 $33.24 $36.83 Communication and GIS Coordinator 318 $22.48 $23.79 $25.13 $27.83 Crime Scene Technician 1 316 $20.32 $21.55 $22.73 $25.18 Crime Scene Technician II 319 $23.42 $24.79 $26.18 $29.00 Cross Connection Control Technician 322 $26.97 $28.59 $30.17 $33.42 Development Review Planner I - UNION 321 $25.69 $27.21 $28.71 $31.82 Development Review Planner II 325 $31.24 $33.08 $34.91 $38.68 Engineering Contracts Coordinator - Public Utilities 322 $26.97 $28.59 $30.17 $33.42 Engineering Information & Records Specialist 320 $24.47 $25.89 $27.34 $30.28 Engineering Technician 1 317 $21.14 $22.37 $23.60 $25.91 Engineering Technician II 319 $23.42 $24.79 $26.18 $29.00 Engineering Technician 111 321 $25.69 $27.21 $28.71 $31.82 Engineering Technician IV 323 $28.34 $29.99 $31.67 $35.07 Engineering Technician V 324 $29.75 $31.50 $33.24 $36.83 Events Coordinator 321 $25.69 $27.21 $28.71 $31.82 Evidence Technician 1 316 $20.32 $21.55 $22.73 $25.18 Evidence Technician II 319 $23.42 $24.79 $26.18 $29.00 Fire Protection Engineer 329 $37.98 $40.22 $42.46 $47.04 Fleet Customer Service Advisor 321 $25.69 $27.21 $28.71 $31.82 Fleet Maintenance Coordinator - Public Utilities 323 $28.34 $29.99 $31.67 $35.07 FORENSIC SCIENTIST I - old 323 $28.34 $29.99 $31.67 $35.07 Forest Area Service Coordinator 322 $26.97 $28.59 $30.17 $33.42 Geographic Information Systems Technician II 323 $28.34 $29.99 $31.67 $35.07 GIS Leak Detection Systems Technician 1 321 $25.69 $27.21 $28.71 $31.82 GIS Leak Detection Systems Technician II 323 $28.34 $29.99 $31.67 $35.07 Housing & Zoning Legal Investor 327 $34.44 $36.44 $38.48 $42.64 Housing Rehabilitation Specialist 1 323 $28.34 $29.99 $31.67 $35.07 Housing Rehabilitation Specialist II 325 $31.24 $33.08 $34.91 $38.68 Industrial Electrician 1 320 - PU $24.47 - - - AFSCME Local 1004 Page 167 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Industrial Electrician II 322 - PU $26.97 - - - Industrial Electrician III 323 - PU $28.34 $29.99 $31.67 - Industrial Electrician IV 326 $32.79 $34.73 $36.65 $40.61 Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program Permit Writer 324 $29.75 $31.50 $33.24 $36.83 Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program Senior Permit Writer 326 $32.79 $34.73 $36.65 $40.61 Laboratory Analyst 320 $24.47 $25.89 $27.34 $30.28 Laboratory Chemist 326 $32.79 $34.73 $36.65 $40.61 Lead Fleet Customer Advisor 323 $28.34 $29.99 $31.67 $35.07 Park Usage Coordinator 321 $25.69 $27.21 $28.71 $31.82 Parking Pay Station Technician 321 $25.69 $27.21 $28.71 $31.82 Plans Examiner 1 325 $31.24 $33.08 $34.91 $38.68 Plans Examiner II 326 $32.79 $34.73 $36.65 $40.61 Plans Examiner III 327 $34.44 $36.44 $38.48 $42.64 Police Fleet Services Coordinator 318 $22.48 $23.79 $25.13 $27.83 Police Services Coordinator 320 $24.47 $25.89 $27.34 $30.28 Pretreatment Inspector / Permit Writer 324 $29.75 $31.50 $33.24 $36.83 Project Coordinator I - Airport 318 $22.48 $23.79 $25.13 $27.83 Project Coordinator II - Airport 320 $24.47 $25.89 $27.34 $30.28 Project Coordinator III - Airport 322 $26.97 $28.59 $30.17 $33.42 Public Utilities Records Program Specialist 320 $24.47 $25.89 $27.34 $30.28 Senior Crime Scene Technician 321 $25.69 $27.21 $28.71 $31.82 Senior Evidence Technician 321 $25.69 $27.21 $28.71 $31.82 Senior Laboratory Analyst 321 $25.69 $27.21 $28.71 $31.82 Senior Plans Examiner 329 $37.98 $40.22 $42.46 $47.04 Senior Pretreatment Inspector / Permit Writer 326 $32.79 $34.73 $36.65 $40.61 Senior Traffic Technician 1 321 $25.69 $27.21 $28.71 $31.82 Senior Traffic Technician II 323 $28.34 $29.99 $31.67 $35.07 Special Events Administrative Assistant 318 $22.48 $23.79 $25.13 $27.83 Stormwater Quality Coordinator 324 $29.75 $31.50 $33.24 $36.83 Surveyor 111 321 $25.69 $27.21 $28.71 $31.82 Traffic Control Center Operator 1 321 $25.69 $27.21 $28.71 $31.82 Traffic Control Center Operator 11 323 $28.34 $29.99 $31.67 $35.07 Traffic Signal Lead 324 $29.75 $31.50 $33.24 $36.83 Traffic Signal Technician 1 321 $25.69 $27.21 $28.71 $31.82 Traffic Signal Technician 11 323 $28.34 $29.99 $31.67 $35.07 Traffic Technician 319 $23.42 $24.79 $26.18 $29.00 Utilities Engineering Procurement and Contracts Specialist 1 317 $21.14 $22.37 $23.60 $25.91 Utilities Planner 324 $29.75 $31.50 $33.24 $36.83 Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator 319 $23.42 $24.79 $26.18 $29.00 Water Quality Technician 322 $26.97 $28.59 $30.17 $33.42 Water Reclamation Planner Scheduler 324 $29.75 $31.50 $33.24 $36.83 Traffic Technician 319 $23.42 $24.79 $26.18 $29.00 Utilities Engineering Procurement and Contracts Specialist 1 317 $21.14 $22.37 $23.60 $25.91 Utilities Planner 324 $29.75 $31.50 $33.24 $36.83 Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator 319 $23.42 $24.79 $26.18 $29.00 AFSCME Local 1004 Page 168 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Water Reclamation Planner Scheduler 324 $29.75 1 $31.50 1 $33.24 $36.83 AFSCME Local 1004 Pa g e 169 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 FY 2026: AFSCME Job Titles / Wage Information Effective 06/22/25 100 Series Bargaininq Unit .. Title Advanced Metering Infrastructure Technician 1 Comp Grade 117 Entry $21.60 1 Year $24.29 3 Year $28.43 Advanced Metering Infrastructure Technician II 120 $23.63 $26.59 $31.10 Airfield Maintenance Specialist 1 116 $20.99 $23.61 $27.59 Airfield Maintenance Specialist 11 120 $23.63 $26.59 $31.10 Airfield Maintenance Specialist 111 123 $25.86 $29.10 $34.02 Airport Lead Sign Technician 124 $26.62 $29.94 $35.03 Airport Lighting & Sign Technician 121 $24.36 $27.37 $32.02 Airport Maintenance Electrician 1 117 $21.60 $24.29 $28.43 Airport Maintenance Electrician II 119 $22.94 $25.83 $30.21 Airport Maintenance Electrician III 122 $25.07 $28.22 $33.02 Airport Maintenance Electrician IV 125 $27.48 $30.92 $36.16 Airport Maintenance Mechanic II 122 $25.07 $28.22 $33.02 Airport Operations Specialist - Ground Transportation 119 $22.94 $25.83 $30.21 Airport Operations Specialist - Terminal/Landside 1 121 -AIR $24.36 $27.37 - Arborist Crew Foreman 124 $26.62 $29.94 $35.03 Arborist 1 119 $22.94 $25.83 $30.21 Arborist II 120 $23.63 $26.59 $31.10 Asphalt Equipment Operator 1 115 $20.35 $22.90 $26.81 Asphalt Equipment Operator II 119 $22.94 $25.83 $30.21 Beautification Maintenance Worker 109 $17.07 $19.21 $22.48 Beautification Maintenance Worker II 111 $18.09 $20.33 $23.80 Building Equipment Operator 11 121 $24.36 $27.37 $32.02 Carpenter 1 119 $22.94 $25.83 $30.21 Carpenter 11 121 $24.36 $27.37 $32.02 Cemetery Equipment Operator 116 $20.99 $23.61 $27.59 Central Control Irrigation Specialist 121 $24.36 $27.37 $32.02 Community Response Specialist 1 120 $23.63 $26.59 $31.10 Community Response Specialist 11 122 $25.07 $28.22 $33.02 Compliance Enforcement Officer 119 $22.94 $25.83 $30.21 Concrete Finisher 122 $25.07 $28.22 $33.02 Concrete Saw & Grinder Operator 119 $22.94 $25.83 $30.21 Custodian 11 107 $16.06 $18.06 $21.12 Drainage Maintenance Worker 1 115 $20.35 $22.90 $26.81 Drainage Maintenance Worker 11 117 $21.60 $24.29 $28.43 Drainage Maintenance Worker Ill 120 $23.63 $26.59 $31.10 Drainage Maintenance Worker Lead 124 $26.62 $29.94 $35.03 Equipment Operator 116 $20.99 $23.61 $27.59 Facilities & Building Maintenance Worker 114 $19.77 $22.26 $26.00 Facilities Contracts Compliance Specialist 120 $23.63 $26.59 $31.10 Facilities Maintenance Contracts Senior Repair Technician 120 $23.63 $26.59 $31.10 Fleet Body Repair / Painter 121 $24.36 $27.37 $32.02 AFSCME Local 1004 Page 170 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Fleet Maintenance Coordinator 125 $27.48 $30.92 $36.16 Fleet Mechanic 124 $26.62 $29.94 $35.03 Fleet Mechanic Trainee 117 $21.60 $24.29 $28.43 Fleet Parts Delivery Driver 109 $17.07 $19.21 $22.48 Fleet Service Worker 113 $19.19 $21.58 $25.24 Florist II 115 $20.35 $22.90 $26.81 Florist III 117 $21.60 $24.29 $28.43 General Maintenance Worker 1 115 $20.35 $22.90 $26.81 General Maintenance Worker 11 119 $22.94 $25.83 $30.21 General Maintenance Worker 111 123 $25.86 $29.10 $34.02 Graffiti Response Field Technician 115 $20.35 $22.90 $26.81 HVAC Technician 1 122 $25.07 $28.22 $33.02 HVAC Technician 11 124 $26.62 $29.94 $35.03 Irrigation Operator 1 113 $19.19 $21.58 $25.24 Irrigation Operator 11 117 $21.60 $24.29 $28.43 Irrigation Technician 118 $22.28 $25.03 $29.29 Landscape Restoration Lead Worker 117 $21.60 $24.29 $28.43 Lead Building Maintenance Technician 123 $25.86 $29.10 $34.02 Lead Compliance Enforcement Officer 121 $24.36 $27.37 $32.02 Lead HVAC Technician 125 $27.48 $30.92 $36.16 Lead Watershed Ranger 123 $25.86 $29.10 $34.02 Maintenance Electrician 1 116 $20.99 $23.61 $27.59 Maintenance Electrician 11 119 $22.94 $25.83 $30.21 Maintenance Electrician 111 122 $25.07 $28.22 $33.02 Maintenance Electrician IV 125 $27.48 $30.92 $36.16 Maintenance Landscaper 115 $20.35 $22.90 $26.81 Maintenance Specialist 1 117 $21.60 $24.29 $28.43 Maintenance Specialist 11 120 $23.63 $26.59 $31.10 Maintenance Specialist 111 123 $25.86 $29.10 $34.02 Metal Fabrication Technician 125 $27.48 $30.92 $36.16 Painter 1 119 $22.94 $25.83 $30.21 Painter II 121 $24.36 $27.37 $32.02 Park Ranger 120 $23.63 $26.59 $31.10 Park Ranger Lead 124 $26.62 $29.94 $35.03 Parks Maintenance Technician 1 113 $19.19 $21.58 $25.24 Parks Maintenance Technician 11 116 $20.99 $23.61 $27.59 Parks Maintenance Technician 111 119 $22.94 $25.83 $30.21 Parks Maintenance Worker - Irrigation Specialist 118 $22.28 $25.03 $29.29 Plumber Apprentice 118 $22.28 $25.03 $29.29 Plumber 1 121 $24.36 $27.37 $32.02 Plumber 11 123 $25.86 $29.10 $34.02 Plumber 111 125 $27.48 $30.92 $36.16 Pumps Maintenance Technician 119 $22.94 $25.83 $30.21 Regional Athletic Complex (RAC) Maintenance Worker 118 $22.28 $25.03 $29.29 Senior Advanced Metering Infrastructure Technician 125 $27.48 $30.92 $36.16 Senior Asphalt Equipment Operator 122 $25.07 $28.22 $33.02 AFSCME Local 1004 Page 171 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Senior Beautification Maintenance Worker 112 $18.64 $20.97 $24.52 Senior Facilities Building Maintenance Worker 119 $22.94 $25.83 $30.21 Senior Facilities Landscaper 115 $20.35 $22.90 $26.81 Senior Fleet Mechanic 128 $30.04 $33.78 $39.50 Senior Florist 120 $23.63 $26.59 $31.10 Senior Irrigation Operator 122 $25.07 $28.22 $33.02 Senior Natural Resource Technician 115 $20.35 $22.90 $26.81 Senior Pumps Maintenance Technician 122 $25.07 $28.22 $33.02 Senior Utility Locator 120 $23.63 $26.59 $31.10 Senior Water Distribution System Operator 124 $26.62 $29.94 $35.03 Senior Water Meter Technician 125 $27.48 $30.92 $36.16 Senior Water System Maintenance Operator 124 $26.62 $29.94 $35.03 Sprinkler Irrigation Technician 1 115 $20.35 $22.90 $26.81 Sprinkler Irrigation Technician 11 118 $22.28 $25.03 $29.29 Sprinkler Irrigation Technician 111 121 $24.36 $27.37 $32.02 Streets Equipment Operator 1 116 $20.99 $23.61 $27.59 Streets Equipment Operator II 119 $22.94 $25.83 $30.21 Streets Maintenance Lead 124 $26.62 $29.94 $35.03 Streets Response Team 1 118 $22.28 $25.03 $29.29 Streets Response Team II 120 $23.63 $26.59 $31.10 Streets Response Team Lead 123 $25.86 $29.10 $34.02 Traffic Maintenance Lead 124 $26.62 $29.94 $35.03 Traffic Maintenance Operator 1 115 $20.35 $22.90 $26.81 Traffic Maintenance Operator II 119 $22.94 $25.83 $30.21 Utility Locator - Public Utilities 117 $21.60 $24.29 $28.43 Waste & Recycling Container Service Worker 112 $18.64 $20.97 $24.52 Waste & Recycling Education & Permits Lead 121 $24.36 $27.37 $32.02 Waste & Recycling Education Specialist 1 115 $20.35 $22.90 $26.81 Waste & Recycling Education Specialist II 117 $21.60 $24.29 $28.43 Waste & Recycling Equipment Operator 1 115 $20.35 $22.90 $26.81 Waste & Recycling Equipment Operator II 119 $22.94 $25.83 $30.21 Waste & Recycling Lead Equipment Operator 122 $25.07 $28.22 $33.02 Waste & Recycling Permit Coordinator 120 $23.63 $26.59 $31.10 Waste & Recycling Program Lead 123 $25.86 $29.10 $34.02 Waste & Recycling Senior Equipment Operator 120 $23.63 $26.59 $31.10 Wastewater Collection Maintenance Worker 1 118 $22.28 $25.03 $29.29 Wastewater Collection Maintenance Worker 11 121 $24.36 $27.37 $32.02 Wastewater Collection Maintenance Worker Lead 125 $27.48 $30.92 $36.16 Wastewater Collection Maintenance Worker Trainee 116 - PU $20.99 - - Wastewater Lift Station Lead Worker 125 $27.48 $30.92 $36.16 Wastewater Lift Station Worker 119 $22.94 $25.83 $30.21 Wastewater Plant Maintenance Operator 1 114 $19.77 $22.26 $26.00 Wastewater Plant Maintenance Operator II 117 $21.60 $24.29 $28.43 Wastewater Plant Maintenance Operator III 123 $25.86 $29.10 $34.02 Wastewater Plant Maintenance Operator IV 125 $27.48 $30.92 $36.16 Wastewater Preventative Maintenance Worker 121 $24.36 $27.37 $32.02 AFSCME Local 1004 Page 172 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Water Distribution System Operator 1 120 $23.63 $26.59 $31.10 Water Distribution System Operator 11 121 $24.36 $27.37 $32.02 Water Distribution Valve Operator 114 $19.77 $22.26 $26.00 Water Distribution Valve Operator Trainee 111 - PU $18.09 - - Water Maintenance Support Worker 112 $18.64 $20.97 $24.52 Water Meter Reader 1 112 $18.64 $20.97 $24.52 Water Meter Reader II 114 $19.77 $22.26 $26.00 Water Meter Reader III 118 $22.28 $25.03 $29.29 Water Meter Technician 1 116 $20.99 $23.61 $27.59 Water Meter Technician II 119 $22.94 $25.83 $30.21 Water Meter Technician Ill 121 $24.36 $27.37 $32.02 Water Plant Operator 1 118 $22.28 $25.03 $29.29 Water Plant Operator 11 124 $26.62 $29.94 $35.03 Water Reclamation Facility Operator 1 120 $23.63 $26.59 $31.10 Water Reclamation Facility Operator II 123 $25.86 $29.10 $34.02 Water Reclamation Facility Operator III 125 $27.48 $30.92 $36.16 Water Reclamation Facility Operator IV 126 $28.30 $31.84 $37.24 Water System Maintenance Operator 1 117 $21.60 $24.29 $28.43 Water System Maintenance Operator II 120 $23.63 $26.59 $31.10 Watershed Ranger 120 $23.63 $26.59 $31.10 AFSCME Local 1004 Pa g e 173 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 FY 2026: AFSCME Job Titles / Wage Information Effective 06/22/25 200 Series Bargaining Unit .. Profile Name Access Control Specialist Comp Grade 220 Entry $20.13 Year 1 $21.56 Year 4 $24.45 Year 6 $25.86 Year 8 $30.26 Airport Operations Coordinator 226 $25.91 $27.75 $31.46 $33.29 $38.96 Airport Operations Lead Coordinator 227 $27.21 $29.10 $33.03 $34.95 $40.90 Airport Operations Security Specialist 222 $22.14 $23.71 $26.88 $28.46 $33.28 Building Inspector 1 225 $24.68 $26.43 $29.97 $31.71 $37.11 Business License Liaison 225 $24.68 $26.43 $29.97 $31.71 $37.11 Business License Officer 222 $22.14 $23.71 $26.88 $28.46 $33.28 Business Licensing Processor II 221 $21.40 $22.92 $25.99 $27.51 $32.18 City Payments Processor 220 $20.13 $21.56 $24.45 $25.86 $30.26 Civil Enforcement Officer 1 222 $22.14 $23.71 $26.88 $28.46 $33.28 Civil Enforcement Officer 11 225 $24.68 $26.43 $29.97 $31.71 $37.11 Contracts Process Coordinator 222 $22.14 $23.71 $26.88 $28.46 $33.28 Contracts Technician 222 $22.14 $23.71 $26.88 $28.46 $33.28 Cross Connection Control Inspector 223 $22.97 $24.64 $27.91 $29.54 $34.57 Customer Service Collector / Investigator Utilities Specialist 223 $22.97 $24.64 $27.91 $29.54 $34.57 Hearing Officer / Referee Coordinator 223 $22.97 $24.64 $27.91 $29.54 $34.57 Judicial Assistant 1 220 $20.13 $21.56 $24.45 $25.86 $30.26 Judicial Assistant 11 221 $21.40 $22.92 $25.99 $27.51 $32.18 Judicial Assistant III 222 $22.14 $23.71 $26.88 $28.46 $33.28 Lead Hearing Officer / Referee Coordinator 225 $24.68 $26.43 $29.97 $31.71 $37.11 Lead Judicial Assistant 225 $24.68 $26.43 $29.97 $31.71 $37.11 Office Technician 1 216 $17.48 $18.73 $21.23 $22.47 $26.30 Office Technician 11 219 $19.42 $20.80 $23.59 $24.96 $29.20 Parts / Warehouse Support Worker - Fleet 218 $18.75 $20.08 $22.79 $24.12 $28.20 Permit Processor 1 218 $18.75 $20.08 $22.79 $24.12 $28.20 Permit Processor 11 221 $21.40 $22.92 $25.99 $27.51 $32.18 Police Information Specialist 219 $19.42 $20.80 $23.59 $24.96 $29.20 Pretreatment Sampler Inspection Technician 224 $23.83 $25.53 $28.94 $30.63 $35.84 Program Assistant 218 $18.75 $20.08 $22.79 $24.12 $28.20 Public Safety Dispatcher 226 $25.91 $27.75 $31.46 $33.29 $38.96 Quality Assurance Sampler - Culinary Water 220 $20.13 $21.56 $24.45 $25.86 $30.26 Quality Assurance Senior Sampler - Culinary Water 223 $22.97 $24.64 $27.91 $29.54 $34.57 Quartermaster Technician 220 $20.13 $21.56 $24.45 $25.86 $30.26 Receptionist 213 $15.65 $16.74 $18.99 $20.09 $23.52 Senior Communications Coordinator 219 $19.42 $20.80 $23.59 $24.96 $29.20 Senior Police Information Specialist 221 $21.40 $22.92 $25.99 $27.51 $32.18 Senior Pretreat Sampler Inspector 226 $25.91 $27.75 $31.46 $33.29 $38.96 Senior Secretary 219 $19.42 $20.80 $23.59 $24.96 $29.20 Senior Utilities Representative - Billing 219 $19.42 $20.80 $23.59 $24.96 $29.20 Senior Utilities Representative - Contracts 219 $19.42 $20.80 $23.59 $24.96 $29.20 Senior Utilities Representative - Customer Service 219 $19.42 $20.80 $23.59 $24.96 $29.20 AFSCME Local 1004 Page 174 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Senior Utilities Representative - Generalist 220 $20.13 $21.56 $24.45 $25.86 $30.26 Senior Utilities Representative - Office/Technical 219 $19.42 $20.80 $23.59 $24.96 $29.20 Senior Warehouse Operator 220 $20.13 $21.56 $24.45 $25.86 $30.26 Utilities Development Review Specialist 221 $21.40 $22.92 $25.99 $27.51 $32.18 Utilities Representative I - Billing 213 $15.65 $16.74 $18.99 $20.09 $23.52 Utilities Representative I - Contracts 213 $15.65 $16.74 $18.99 $20.09 $23.52 Utilities Representative I - Customer Service 219 $19.42 $20.80 $23.59 $24.96 $29.20 Utilities Representative 11 - Billing 216 $17.48 $18.73 $21.23 $22.47 $26.30 Utilities Representative 11 - Contracts 216 $17.48 $18.73 $21.23 $22.47 $26.30 Utilities Representative 11 - Customer Service 216 $17.48 $18.73 $21.23 $22.47 $26.30 Utilities Representative 11 - Office/Technical 216 $17.48 $18.73 $21.23 $22.47 $26.30 Warehouse Office Technician 11 219 $19.42 $20.80 $23.59 $24.96 $29.20 Warehouse Support Worker - Airport 218 $18.75 $20.08 $22.79 $24.12 $28.20 Youth Support Specialist 219 $19.42 $20.80 $23.59 $24.96 $29.20 AFSCME Local 1004 Page 175 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 FY 2026: AFSCME Job Titles / Wage Information Effective 06/22/25 330 Series Bargaining Unit .. Profile Name Administrative Secretary I - Union Comp Grade 318 Entry $23.38 Year 2 $24.74 Year 4 $26.14 Year 6 $28.94 Airfield Maintenance Electrician 329 $39.50 $41.83 $44.16 $48.92 Airport Airfield Operations Specialist 325 $32.49 $34.40 $36.31 $40.23 Airport Engineering Records Program Specialist 320 $25.45 $26.93 $28.43 $31.49 Airport Environmental Specialist 1 324 $30.94 $32.76 $34.57 $38.30 Airport Environmental Specialist II 327 $35.82 $37.90 $40.02 $44.35 Airport Operations Specialist - Terminal/Landside 11 323 $29.47 $31.19 $32.94 $36.47 Airport Operations Specialist-Terminal/Landside 111 324 $30.94 $32.76 $34.57 $38.30 Airport Procurement Specialist 321 $26.72 $28.30 $29.86 $33.09 Architectural Associate IV 325 $32.49 $34.40 $36.31 $40.23 Building Inspector 11 324 $30.94 $32.76 $34.57 $38.30 Building Inspector 111 327 $35.82 $37.90 $40.02 $44.35 Civil Enforcement Officer III 324 $30.94 $32.76 $34.57 $38.30 Communication and GIS Coordinator 318 $23.38 $24.74 $26.14 $28.94 Crime Scene Technician 1 316 $21.13 $22.41 $23.64 $26.19 Crime Scene Technician 11 319 $24.36 $25.78 $27.23 $30.16 Cross Connection Control Technician 322 $28.05 $29.73 $31.38 $34.76 Development Review Planner I - UNION 321 $26.72 $28.30 $29.86 $33.09 Development Review Planner 11 325 $32.49 $34.40 $36.31 $40.23 Engineering Contracts Coordinator - Public Utilities 322 $28.05 $29.73 $31.38 $34.76 Engineering Information & Records Specialist 320 $25.45 $26.93 $28.43 $31.49 Engineering Technician 1 317 $21.99 $23.26 $24.54 $26.95 Engineering Technician 11 319 $24.36 $25.78 $27.23 $30.16 Engineering Technician 111 321 $26.72 $28.30 $29.86 $33.09 Engineering Technician IV 323 $29.47 $31.19 $32.94 $36.47 Engineering Technician V 324 $30.94 $32.76 $34.57 $38.30 Events Coordinator 321 $26.72 $28.30 $29.86 $33.09 Evidence Technician 1 316 $21.13 $22.41 $23.64 $26.19 Evidence Technician 11 319 $24.36 $25.78 $27.23 $30.16 Fire Protection Engineer 329 $39.50 $41.83 $44.16 $48.92 Fleet Customer Service Advisor 321 $26.72 $28.30 $29.86 $33.09 Fleet Maintenance Coordinator - Public Utilities 323 $29.47 $31.19 $32.94 $36.47 FORENSIC SCIENTIST I - old 323 $29.47 $31.19 $32.94 $36.47 Forest Area Service Coordinator 322 $28.05 $29.73 $31.38 $34.76 Geographic Information Systems Technician 11 323 $29.47 $31.19 $32.94 $36.47 GIS Leak Detection Systems Technician 1 321 $26.72 $28.30 $29.86 $33.09 GIS Leak Detection Systems Technician 11 323 $29.47 $31.19 $32.94 $36.47 Housing & Zoning Legal Investor 327 $35.82 $37.90 $40.02 $44.35 Housing Rehabilitation Specialist 1 323 $29.47 $31.19 $32.94 $36.47 Housing Rehabilitation Specialist 11 325 $32.49 $34.40 $36.31 $40.23 Industrial Electrician 1 320 - PU $25.45 - - - AFSCME Local 1004 P a e 176 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Industrial Electrician II 322 - PU $28.05 - - - Industrial Electrician III 323 - PU $29.47 $31.19 $32.94 - Industrial Electrician IV 326 $34.10 $36.12 $38.12 $42.23 Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program Permit Writer 324 $30.94 $32.76 $34.57 $38.30 Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program Senior Permit Writer 326 $34.10 $36.12 $38.12 $42.23 Laboratory Analyst 320 $25.45 $26.93 $28.43 $31.49 Laboratory Chemist 326 $34.10 $36.12 $38.12 $42.23 Lead Fleet Customer Advisor 323 $29.47 $31.19 $32.94 $36.47 Park Usage Coordinator 321 $26.72 $28.30 $29.86 $33.09 Parking Pay Station Technician 321 $26.72 $28.30 $29.86 $33.09 Plans Examiner 1 325 $32.49 $34.40 $36.31 $40.23 Plans Examiner II 326 $34.10 $36.12 $38.12 $42.23 Plans Examiner III 327 $35.82 $37.90 $40.02 $44.35 Police Fleet Services Coordinator 318 $23.38 $24.74 $26.14 $28.94 Police Services Coordinator 320 $25.45 $26.93 $28.43 $31.49 Pretreatment Inspector / Permit Writer 324 $30.94 $32.76 $34.57 $38.30 Project Coordinator I - Airport 318 $23.38 $24.74 $26.14 $28.94 Project Coordinator II - Airport 320 $25.45 $26.93 $28.43 $31.49 Project Coordinator III - Airport 322 $28.05 $29.73 $31.38 $34.76 Public Utilities Records Program Specialist 320 $25.45 $26.93 $28.43 $31.49 Senior Crime Scene Technician 321 $26.72 $28.30 $29.86 $33.09 Senior Evidence Technician 321 $26.72 $28.30 $29.86 $33.09 Senior Laboratory Analyst 321 $26.72 $28.30 $29.86 $33.09 Senior Plans Examiner 329 $39.50 $41.83 $44.16 $48.92 Senior Pretreatment Inspector / Permit Writer 326 $34.10 $36.12 $38.12 $42.23 Senior Traffic Technician 1 321 $26.72 $28.30 $29.86 $33.09 Senior Traffic Technician II 323 $29.47 $31.19 $32.94 $36.47 Special Events Administrative Assistant 318 $23.38 $24.74 $26.14 $28.94 Stormwater Quality Coordinator 324 $30.94 $32.76 $34.57 $38.30 Surveyor III 321 $26.72 $28.30 $29.86 $33.09 Traffic Control Center Operator 1 321 $26.72 $28.30 $29.86 $33.09 Traffic Control Center Operator II 323 $29.47 $31.19 $32.94 $36.47 Traffic Signal Lead 324 $30.94 $32.76 $34.57 $38.30 Traffic Signal Technician 1 321 $26.72 $28.30 $29.86 $33.09 Traffic Signal Technician 11 323 $29.47 $31.19 $32.94 $36.47 Traffic Technician 319 $24.36 $25.78 $27.23 $30.16 Utilities Engineering Procurement and Contracts Specialist 1 317 $21.99 $23.26 $24.54 $26.95 Utilities Planner 324 $30.94 $32.76 $34.57 $38.30 Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator 319 $24.36 $25.78 $27.23 $30.16 Water Quality Technician 322 $28.05 $29.73 $31.38 $34.76 Water Reclamation Planner Scheduler 324 $30.94 $32.76 $34.57 $38.30 Traffic Technician 319 $24.36 $25.78 $27.23 $30.16 Utilities Engineering Procurement and Contracts Specialist 1 317 $21.99 $23.26 $24.54 $26.95 Utilities Planner 324 $30.94 $32.76 $34.57 $38.30 Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator 319 $24.36 $25.78 $27.23 $30.16 AFSCME Local 1004 Pa g e 177 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 SLC Contract No. CA-000069 Water Reclamation Planner Scheduler 324 $30.94 1 $32.76 1 $34.57 $38.30 AFSCME Local 1004 Pa g e 178 June 25, 2023 - June 20, 2026 CA-000069 AFSCME MOU 2023-06.25 - 2026.06.20 Final Audit Report 2023-08-22 Created: 2023-08-17 By: Lindsay Ross (lindsay.ross@slcgov.com) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAhQS3HTfMxKRVWn1LU4ueFTEze3dtxhmy "CA-000069 AFSCME MOU 2023-06.25 - 2026.06.20" History Document created by Lindsay Ross (lindsay.ross@slcgov.com) 2023-08-17 - 8:41:07 PM GMT Document emailed to jphilpot@afscmeutah1004.org for signature 2023-08-17 - 8:44:49 PM GMT Email viewed byjphilpot@afscmeutahl004.org 2023-08-21 - 6:23:51 PM GMT Signer jphilpot@afscmeutah1004.org entered name at signing as Jerry Philpot 2023-08-21 - 6:28:18 PM GMT Document e-signed by Jerry Philpot (jphilpot@afscmeutah1004.org) Signature Date: 2023-08-21 - 6:28:20 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to Colin Cottle (colin.cottle@slcgov.com) for signature 2023-08-21 - 6:28:22 PM GMT Email viewed by Colin Cottle (colin.cottle@slcgov.com) 2023-08-22 - 4:47:11 PM GMT d4 Document e-signed by Colin Cottle (colin.cottle@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2023-08-22 - 4:47:16 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to Jaysen Oldroyd Qaysen.oldroyd@slcgov.com) for signature 2023-08-22 - 4:47:18 PM GMT Email viewed by Jaysen Oldroyd Qaysen.oldroyd@slcgov.com) 2023-08-22 - 4:49:09 PM GMT Powered by Adobe Acrobat Sign 650 Document e-signed by Jaysen Oldroyd aaysen.oldroyd@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2023-08-22 - 4:49:22 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) for signature 2023-08-22 - 4:49:24 PM GMT Email viewed by Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) 2023-08-22 - 5:37:54 PM GMT Document signing delegated to rachel otto (Rachel.otto@slcgov.com) by Erin Mendenhall (erin. mendenhal I@slcgov.com) 2023-08-22 - 5:38:53 PM GMT Icy Document emailed to rachel otto (Rachel.otto@slcgov.com) for signature 2023-08-22 - 5:38:54 PM GMT Email viewed by rachel otto (Rachel.otto@slcgov.com) 2023-08-22 - 5:42:31 PM GMT Document e-signed by rachel otto (Rachel.otto@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2023-08-22 - 5:42:48 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to slcrecorder@slcgov.com for signature 2023-08-22 - 5:42:49 PM GMT Email viewed by slcrecorder@slcgov.com 2023-08-22 - 8:00:19 PM GMT eO Document signing delegated to DeeDee Robinson (deedee.robinson@slcgov.com) by slcrecorder@slcgov.com 2023-08-22 - 8:00:22 PM GMT &Q Document e-signed by DeeDee Robinson (deedee.robinson@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2023-08-22 - 8:03:51 PM GMT - Time Source: server Q Agreement completed. 2023-08-22 - 8:03:51 PM GMT Powered by Adobe Acrobat Sign Ordinance 32 of 2023 Appropriating Necessary Funds to Implement Provisions of an MOU between Salt Lake City and AFSCME for Fiscal Year 2023-24 Final Audit Report Created: 2023-06-16 By: Thais Stewart (thais.stewart@slcgov.com) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAA-NiORYgcLhgN-913SSfDgbiDpQdZzzuz 2023-06-23 "Ordinance 32 of 2023 Appropriating Necessary Funds to Imple ment Provisions of an MOU between Salt Lake City and AFSCM E for Fiscal Year 2023-24" History Document created by Thais Stewart (thais.stewart@slcgov.com) 2023-06-16 - 4:34:57 PM GMT Document emailed to Katherine Lewis (katherine.lewis@slcgov.com) for signature 2023-06-16 - 4:36:43 PM GMT Email viewed by Katherine Lewis (katherine.lewis@slcgov.com) 2023-06-16 - 11:12:00 PM GMT 41 Document e-signed by Katherine Lewis (katherine.lewis@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2023-06-16 - 11:12:09 PM GMT - Time Source: server Icy Document emailed to Darin Mano (darin.mano@slcgov.com) for signature 2023-06-16 - 11:12:10 PM GMT Email viewed by Darin Mano (darin.mano@slcgov.com) 2023-06-17 - 6:16:53 AM GMT Email viewed by Darin Mano (darin.mano@slcgov.com) 2023-06-18 - 5:37:24 AM GMT Email viewed by Darin Mano (darin.mano@slcgov.com) 2023-06-19 - 2:49:47 AM GMT Powered by Adobe Acrobat Sign Email viewed by Darin Mano (darin.mano@slcgov.com) 2023-06-20 - 2:48:18 AM GMT dp Document e-signed by Darin Mano (darin.mano@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2023-06-20 - 4:42:23 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) for signature 2023-06-20 - 4:42:24 PM GMT Email viewed by Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) 2023-06-21 - 5:28:55 AM GMT Email viewed by Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) 2023-06-22 - 2:38:14 AM GMT &Q Document e-signed by Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2023-06-22 - 5:52:25 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to Cindy Trishman (cindy.trishman@slcgov.com) for signature 2023-06-22 - 5:52:28 PM GMT Document e-signed by Cindy Trishman (cindy.trishman@slcgov.com) E-signature obtained using URL retrieved through the Adobe Acrobat Sign API Signature Date: 2023-06-23 - 4:23:58 AM GMT - Time Source: server Agreement completed. 2023-06-23 - 4:23:58 AM GMT Powered by Adobe Acrobat Sign