046 of 2023 - Fences and Visual Clearance Next to Alleys Zoning OrdinanceSALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE
No. 46 of 2023
(An ordinance amending various sections of Title 21A of the Salt Lake City Code
pertaining to the sight distance triangle.)
An ordinance amending various sections of Title 2 1 A of the Salt Lake City Code pursuant
to Petition No. PLNPCM2023-00054 pertaining to the sight distance triangle.
WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Planning Commission ("Planning Commission") held a
public hearing on May 10, 2023 to consider a petition submitted by Mayor Erin Mendenhall
(Petition No. PLNPCM2023-00054) to amend portions of Chapters 21A.36; 21A.40; 21A.44;
and 21A.62 of the Salt Lake City Code to modify regulations pertaining to sight distance triangle;
WHEREAS, at its May 10, 2023 meeting, the Planning Commission voted in favor of
transmitting a positive recommendation to the Salt Lake City Council ("City Council") on said
petition; and
WHEREAS, after a public hearing on this matter the City Council has determined that
adopting this ordinance is in the city's best interests.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.36.020. That
Section 21A.36.020 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: General Provisions: Conformance with
Lot and Bulk Controls) shall be, and hereby is amended to include the following subpart D while
retaining all other subparts, tables, and notes in said section:
D. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, all structures shall comply with the
Sight Distance Triangle Requirements as defined and illustrated in Chapter 21A.62 of this
title. Clear site zone areas shall be provided as indicated in the Salt Lake City Off Street
Parking Standards Manual. The planning director, in consultation with the transportation
director, may approve alternative design solutions that result in similar visual clearance and
effectively mitigate safety concerns.
SECTION 2. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.40.050. That
Section 21A.40.050 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Accessory Uses, Buildings and
Structures: General Yard, Bulk and Height Limitations) shall be, and hereby is amended to
include the following subpart D while retaining all other text and subparts in said section:
D. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, all structures shall comply with the
Sight Distance Triangle Requirements as defined and illustrated in Chapter 21A.62 of this
title. The planning director, in consultation with the transportation director, may approve
alternative design solutions that result in similar visual clearance and effectively mitigate
safety concerns.
SECTION 3. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.40.120.E.1.
That Subsection 21 A.40.120.E.1 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Accessory Uses, Buildings
and Structures: Regulation of Fences, Walls and Hedges: Height Restrictions and Gates) shall be,
and hereby is amended to read as follows:
1. Fences, walls, and hedges shall comply with the following regulations based on the
following zoning districts:
a. Residential Zoning Districts:
(1) Except as permitted in subsection 21A.24.010.P and 21A.40.120.E.4 of
this code, a fence, wall or hedge located between the front property line and front
building line of the facade of the principal structure that contains the primary entrance
shall not exceed 4 feet in height.
(2) A fence, wall, or hedge located at or behind the primary facade of the
principal structure shall not exceed 6 feet in height.
(3) On developed properties where there is no existing principal structure, the
height of a fence, wall, or hedge shall not exceed 4 feet in a front yard area or 6 feet in
the rear or side yard areas.
of to kale. 111uvtralnre Only PRIMARY FACADE 4 FT. FENCE 5 F7_ FENCE
b. Nonresidential Zoning Districts:
(1) A fence, wall, or hedge located between the front property line and the
primary facade of the principal structure shall not exceed 4 feet in height.
(2) A fence, wall or hedge located at or behind the primary facade of the
principal structure shall not exceed 6 feet in height.
NatiwSue.Run [emDr9p — PRMWTFi5UUE GFr. FEve1:
(3) On developed properties where there is no existing principal structure, the
height of a fence, wall, or hedge shall not exceed 4 feet in a front yard area or 6 feet in
the rear or side yard areas.
(4) Notwithstanding Subsection 21A.40.120.E.1.b.(1), in the M-2 and EI
zoning districts fences, walls, or hedges may be up to 6 feet in height when located
between the front property line and the front yard setback line.
(5) If there is no minimum front yard setback in the underlying zoning
district, a fence, wall, or hedge of a maximum 6 feet in height may be placed no closer
than 10 feet from the property line.
(6) Outdoor storage, when permitted in the zoning district, shall be located
behind the primary facade of the principal structure and shall be screened with a solid
wall or fence and shall comply with the requirements in Section 5.60.120. Outdoor
storage in the M-1 and M-2 districts are also subject to the provisions of 21A.28.O10.B.3.
SECTION 4. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.40.120.E.3.
That Subsection 21A.40.120.E.3 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Accessory Uses, Buildings
and Structures: Regulation of Fences, Walls and Hedges: Height Restrictions and Gates) shall be,
and hereby is amended to read as follows:
3. Vacant Lots. Notwithstanding 21A.24.010.P.10.d, fencing to secure vacant or
undeveloped lots may be up to 6 feet in height, provided the fence is not closer than 5
feet to a public sidewalk and is no less than 80% transparent. Once the property is
developed, the fence will be required to comply with the height restrictions of this
SECTION 5. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.40.120.E.5.
That Subsection 21A.40.120.E.5 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Accessory Uses, Buildings
and Structures: Regulation of Fences, Walls and Hedges: Height Restrictions and Gates) shall be,
and hereby is amended to read as follows:
5. Vision Clearance and Safety. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, a
fence, wall, or hedge shall comply with the sight distance triangle requirements of
this section.
a. Corner Lots; Sight Distance Triangle: No solid fence, wall or hedge shall be
erected to a height in excess of 3 feet if the fence, wall or hedge is located within the
sight distance triangle extending 30 feet either side of the intersection of the respective
street curb lines, or edge lines of roadway where curbing is not provided as noted in
Section 21A.62.050, illustration I of this title.
b. Intersection of Street and Driveway; Intersection of Alley or Driveway and
Sidewalk; Sight Distance Triangle: Solid fences, walls and hedges shall not exceed 30
inches in height within the sight distance triangle as defined in Section 21A.62.050,
illustration I of this title.
c. Sight Distance Triangle and See Through Fences: Within the area defined as a
sight distance triangle, see through fences that are at least 50% open shall be allowed to a
height of 4 feet.
d. Alternative Design Solutions. To provide adequate line of sight for driveways and
alleys, the zoning administrator, in consulting with the development review team, may
require alternative design solutions, including, but not restricted to, requiring increased
fence setback and/or lower fence height, to mitigate safety concerns created by the
location of buildings, grade change or other preexisting conditions.
SECTION 6. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.40.120.E.7.
That Subsection 21A.40.120.E.7 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Accessory Uses, Buildings
and Structures: Regulation of Fences, Walls and Hedges) shall be, and hereby is amended to read
as follows:
7. Gates. No gate, whether crossing a driveway, walkway, or part of a fence, shall be
erected to a height in excess of the standards outlined in this subsection E. To regulate
the location of gates and their impact on vehicular staging within the public right of
way, passenger vehicles shall require a minimum 17 foot 6 inch setback from back
edge of sidewalk, or property line when a sidewalk is not provided, and large truck
driveways shall require a 100 foot setback from back edge of sidewalk, or property
line when a sidewalk is not provided. This requirement does not apply to gates
abutting alleys. All gates are to swing inward to the property or be a roll gate that
does not impact the staging area.
SECTION 7. Amending the text of Salt Lake City Code Subsection 21A.44.060.A.6.c.
That Subsection 21A.44.060.A.6.c of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Off Street Parking,
Mobility and Loading: Parking Location and Design: Generally: Driveway and Access) shall be,
and hereby is amended to read as follows:
c. Driveway Standards: All driveways shall comply with the following standards:
(1) Driveway Location: Driveways shall be at least 5 feet from any public utility
infrastructure such as power poles, fire hydrants, and water meters. Except for entrance and
exit driveways leading to approved parking areas, no curb cuts or driveways are permitted.
(2) Distance from street corners: Driveways for Single and Two -Family Dwellings
shall be located at least 20 feet from street corner property lines. Driveways for all other uses
shall be at least 50 feet from street corner property lines. When the width of the lot is less
than the required distance, the transportation director may approve modifications no greater
than the minimum necessary to accommodate the driveway.
(3) Driveway Widths: All driveways serving residential uses shall be a minimum 8
feet wide and shall comply with the standards for maximum driveway widths listed in Table
2 1 A.44.060-C, "Minimum and Maximum Driveway Width".
Zoning District
Minimum Driveway Width (in
front and comer side yard)
Maximum Driveway Width" (in
front and comer side yard)
SR-1. SR-2 and SR-3
8 ft.
22 ft.
8 ft.
16 ft.
Other Residential Zoning
8 ft.
30 ft.
M-1 and M-2
12 ft. single lane and 24 ft. for
50 ft.
Other Non -Residential Zoning
12 ft. single lane and 24 ft. for
30 ft.
" Maximum width is for all driveways combined when more than one driveway is provided
(4) Shared Driveways: Shared driveways, where two (2) or more properties share one
(1) driveway access, may be permitted if the transportation director determines that the
design and location of the shared driveway access will not create adverse impacts on traffic
congestion or public safety.
(5) Driveway Surface: All driveways providing access to parking facilities shall be
improved and maintained pursuant to the standards in the Off Street Standards Manual.
SECTION 8. Amendiniz the text of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.62.040. That the
definition of Sight Distance Triangle in Section 21A.62.040 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning:
General Terms: Definitions) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows while retaining
all other definitions in said section:
SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE: A triangular area formed by a diagonal line connecting
two (2) points when measured as follows:
A. For corner lots: Extending 30 feet from the intersecting line of each street face of curb,
or edge of roadway where curbing is not provided.
B. For intersections of street and driveways or alleys: Extending 10 feet from each
intersecting edge of the driveway or alley and street curb line, or edge of roadway
where curbing is not provided.
C. For alleys or driveways crossing a sidewalk: Extending 10 feet from each intersecting
edge of the alley or driveway and back edge of the sidewalk.
The purpose of the sight distance triangle is to define an area in which vision obstructions are
prohibited. (See illustration in Section 21A.62.050 of this chapter.)
SECTION 9. Replacing Illustration I of Salt Lake City Code Section 21A.62.050. That
Illustration I, the Sight Distance Triangle, in Section 21A.62.050 of the Salt Lake City Code
(Zoning: General Terms: Illustrations Of Selected Definitions) is hereby deleted in its entirety
and replaced with the following:
Illustration I: Sight Distance Triangle
Public Street
30 FT
m FT I
130 FT
*Shuct— ir, clear — earea�'W icted to 30 4�nchex err height'
0 Alley/Driveway Intersections (1Oft') I O CornerLoVSir Intersection (30ft`") I —Sr, �tnresinclearzoneare—trietedto3ttinlidght.
Public Street
*Structures in clear was areas ri,, Meted fi 30 tithes in height.
Alley/Drivewaylntersections(10ft*) 10 Corner Lot/Street Intersection(30ft**) I *.Strt t.—in dear zone areas remitted to 3 ft in height.
Public Street "®
OAlley/Driveway Intersections (10 ft*) I O Corner LoUStreet Intersection (30 ft**)
*Structures in clear zmve areas restricted to 30 inches in height
*'StTwt— in clear zone areas restricted to 9 ft in height.
SECTION 10. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective on the date of its
first publication.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 15th day of August _,
0 --
Transmitted to Mayor on
Aug 21, 2023
Mayor's Action: 0 Approved. ❑ Vetoed.
ErinMendenha (Aug 21,2023 12:18 MDT)
Bill No. 46 of 2023.
Published: Aug 22, 2023
Ordinace regulating sight distance triangle
Salt Lake City Attorney's Office
Date: Aug 18, 2023
By: Q.0.-4'�^��
Katherine Pasker, Senior City Attorney
Ordinance 46 of 2023 Sight Distance Triangle
Text Amendment
Final Audit Report 2023-08-22
Created: 2023-08-17
By: Thais Stewart (thais.stewart@slcgov.com)
Status: Signed
Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAa8VsEfeNLVMVGWjJNrowZ8NGc0_Zgsly
"Ordinance 46 of 2023 Sight Distance Triangle Text Amendment
" History
Document created by Thais Stewart (thais.stewart@slcgov.com)
2023-08-17 - 11:37:43 PM GMT
Document emailed to katherine.pasker@slcgov.com for signature
2023-08-17 - 11:40:43 PM GMT
Email viewed by katherine.pasker@slcgov.com
2023-08-17 - 11:40:54 PM GMT
dp Signer katherine.pasker@slcgov.com entered name at signing as Katherine Pasker
2023-08-18 - 2:33:43 PM GMT
dp Document e-signed by Katherine Pasker (katherine.pasker@slcgov.com)
Signature Date: 2023-08-18 - 2:33:45 PM GMT - Time Source: server
Document emailed to Darin Mano (darin.mano@slcgov.com) for signature
2023-08-18 - 2:33:48 PM GMT
Email viewed by Darin Mano (darin.mano@slcgov.com)
2023-08-18 - 9:40:05 PM GMT
&5g Document e-signed by Darin Mano (darin.mano@slcgov.com)
Signature Date: 2023-08-21 - 6:16:54 PM GMT - Time Source: server
Document emailed to Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) for signature
2023-08-21 - 6:16:57 PM GMT
Email viewed by Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com)
2023-08-21 - 6:17:47 PM GMT
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�p Document e-signed by Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com)
Signature Date: 2023-08-21 - 6:18:24 PM GMT - Time Source: server
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2023-08-21 - 6:18:27 PM GMT
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Signature Date: 2023-08-22 - 6:12:59 PM GMT - Time Source: server
Agreement completed.
2023-08-22 - 6:12:59 PM GMT
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