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28 of 2024 - Joint Resolution Declaring September 2024 National Suicide Prevention Month in Salt Lake CitySALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION �esolution 28 of 2024 JOINT RESOLUTION DECLARING SEPTEMBER 2024 NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION MONTH IN SALT LAKE CITY WHEREAS, September is known nationally as "Suicide Prevention Month;" and WHEREAS, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, suicide is the 9th leading cause of death in Utah, and the 2nd leading cause of death for Utahns aged 10 -24 years old; and WHEREAS, also according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Utah experienced 718 suicides in 2022; and WHEREAS, every life lost directly affects the victim's family,friends, co-workers, neighbors, and community; and WHEREAS, there are many mental health resources such as Huntsman Mental Health Institute, Live On, Safe UT App, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, The Trevor Project, National Alliance on Mental Illness Utah, and the Volunteers of America; and WHEREAS, free and confidential support is accessible and available by calling or texting 988 to be connected to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area, anytime, 24/7; and WHEREAS, anyone can learn to recognize the warning signs of suicide and how to help someone in a crisis by visiting; and WHEREAS, Salt Lake City values those who work daily to help better the lives of others through their professions in mental health care, education, emergency services, and many more. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Salt Lake City Council and Mayor of Salt Lake City recognize the month of September 2024 as National Suicide Prevention Month in Salt Lake City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Salt Lake City encourages all residents to familiarize themselves with mental health education and treatment resources and recognize how a healthy mind can help us better care for ourselves, our families, and our communities. Adopted this _3_ day of September 2024 \ v Erin Mendenhall Victoria Petro, Chair Salt Lake City Mayor Salt Lake City Council Member, District One Chris Wharton, Vice Chair Salt Lake City Council Member, District Three Evb Lopez Chavez Salt Lake City Council Member, District Four Dan Dugan Salt Lake City Council Member, District Six Alejandro Puy Salt Lake City Council Mem Darin Mano I I Salt Lake City Council Member, District Five Salt Lake City Council Member, District Seven