064 of 2024 - Text Amendment Projecting Business SignsSALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 64 of 2024 (An ordinance amending various sections of Title 21A of the Salt Lake City Code pertaining to projecting business signs.) An ordinance amending various sections of Title 21 A of the Salt Lake City Code pursuant to Petition No. PLNPCM2023-00996 pertaining to the particular sign type "projecting business storefront" sign in commercial and mixed -use zoning districts. WHEREAS, on February 14, 2024, the Salt Lake City Planning Commission ("Planning Commission") held a public hearing to consider a petition submitted by Mayor Erin Mendenhall to amend various sections of Title 21 A of the Salt Lake City Code pertaining to standards regulating projecting business storefront signs in commercial and mixed -use zoning districts pursuant to Petition No. PLNPCM2023-00996; and WHEREAS, at its February 14, 2024 meeting, the Planning Commission voted in favor of transmitting a positive recommendation to the Salt Lake City Council ("City Council") on said petition; and WHEREAS, after a public hearing on this matter the City Council has determined that adopting this ordinance is in the city's best interests. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. Amending the text of Subsection 21A.46.070.C. That Subsection 21 A.46.070.0 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: General Standards) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: C. Clearance Between Sign and Ground: A minimum clearance of eight feet (8') shall be provided between the ground and the bottom of any pole, projecting sign or flag. SECTION 2. Amending the text of Subsection 21A.46.070.J. That Subsection 21A.46.070.J of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: General Standards) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: J. Signs on Public Property: Except for portable signs authorized pursuant to Section 21A.46.055 of this chapter, no sign shall be located on publicly owned land or inside street rights of way, except signs erected by permission of an authorized public agency, or the city pursuant to the city's right of way encroachment policy. SECTION 3. Amending the text of Subsection 21A.46.070.K.2. That Subsection 2 1 A.46.070.K.2 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: General Standards) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: 2. Projecting Building Signs: Projecting building signs may extend a maximum of four feet (4') from the face of the building but shall not extend over a public right of way, unless such projection complies with the city's right of way encroachment policy. SECTION 4. Amending the text of Subsection 21A.46.080.C. That Subsection 21A.46.080.0 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: Sign Regulations for Residential Districts: Sign Regulations for the RB and RO Districts) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: C. Sign Regulations for the RB and RO Districts: 1. Purpose: The purpose of sign regulations for the RB and RO districts is to establish standards that allow for modest commercial signage while protecting the predominant residential character of these districts. 2. Applicability: Regulations in subsections C3 and C5 of this section, respectively, shall apply to all uses within the RB and RO districts. These regulations apply to each lot, regardless of the number of buildings on a lot. 3. Sign Type, Size and Height Regulations: STANDARDS FOR THE RB DISTRICT OA Type Of Signs Maximum Maximum Height Of Minimum Number Of Permitted Area Per Freestanding Signs' Setback Signs Sign Face Permitted Per Sign Type Awning sign/ 10 square See note 1 May extend 6 1 per first floor canopy sign feet (sign feet from face of door/window area only) building, but shall not extend across a property line Canopy, drive- 40% of See note 1 n/a 1 per canopy through canopy face face if signage is on 2 faces. 20% of canopy face if signs are on 4 faces Construction 32 square 4 feet 5 feet 1 per street sign feet frontage Development 50 square 8 feet 10 feet 1 per entry; 2 entry sign feet maximum Flat sign 20 square See note 1 n/a 1 per lot feet Garage/yard 6 square 4 feet 5 feet 1 per street sale sign feet frontage Monument 24 square 4 feet 5 feet 1 per lot sign feet Nameplate 2 square See note 1 n/a 1 per building feet entry New 80 square 10 feet 10 feet 1 per street development feet frontage sign Political sign 16 square 4 feet 5 feet No limit feet Private 8 square 4 feet 5 feet No limit directional feet sign Projecting 6 square n/a May extend 4 1 per leasable Business feet per feet from face of space or entry Storefront Sign sign side, the building but total of 12 no closer than 2 square feet feet to the back of curb. Minimum height of 8 feet above sidewalk.' Public safety 8 square 6 feet 5 feet No limit sign feet Real estate 8 square 4 feet 5 feet 1 per street sign feet frontage Window sign 6 square See note 1 n/a No limit feet Notes: 1. For height limits on building signs, see Subsection 21A.46.070.I of this chapter. 2. Monument signs shall have a 5 foot setback unless integrated into the fence structure. Height requirements for fence apply. 3. Backlit awnings excluded. 4. Projection over a public right of way must comply with the city's encroachment policy. 4. Illumination: Illuminated signs in the RB district shall be limited to development entry signs, flat signs, window signs and monument signs. Sign Type, Size and Height Regulations for the RO District: STANDARDS FOR THE RO DISTRICT Type Of Signs Maximum Maximum Minimum Setback Number Of Permitted Area Per Height Of Signs Sign Face Freestanding Permitted Per Signs' Sign Type Awning sign/ 10 square See note 1 May extend 6 feet 1 per first floor canopy sign feet (sign from face of building, door/window area only) but shall not extend across a property line Construction 32 square 4 feet 5 feet 1 per street sign feet frontage Development 50 square 8 feet 10 feet 1 per entry; 2 entry sign feet maximum Flat sign3,4 6 square feet See note 1 n/a 1 per street for each 50 1 1 1 frontage rd feet of building frontage or major portion thereof Garage/yard 6 square feet 4 feet 5 feet 1 per street sale sign frontage Monument 32 square 4 feet 5 feet 1 per street sign feet frontage Nameplate 2 square feet See note 1 n/a 1 per building entry New 80 square 10 feet 10 feet 1 per street development feet frontage sign Political sign 16 square 4 feet 5 feet No limit feet Private 8 square feet 4 feet 5 feet No limit directional sign Projecting 6 square feet n/a May extend 4 feet 1 per leasable Business per sign side, from face of the space or entry Storefront Sign total of 12 building but no closer square feet than 2 feet to the back of curb. Minimum height of 8 feet above sidewalk.5 Public safety 8 square feet 6 feet 5 feet No limit sign Real estate 16 square 6 feet 5 feet 1 per street sign feet frontage Window sign 6 square feet See note 1 n/a No limit Notes: 1. For height limits on building signs, see Subsection 21A.46.070.I of this chapter. 2. Monument signs shall have a 5 foot setback unless integrated into the fence structure. Height requirements for fence apply. 3. Storefront flat signs limited to locations on the lower 2 floors. 4. Backlit awnings excluded. 5. Projection over a public right of way must comply with the city's encroachment policy. 61 SECTION 5. Amending the text of Subsection 21A.46.090.A.3. That Subsection 21A.46.090.A.3 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: Sign Regulations for Mixed Use and Commercial Districts: Sign Regulations for the R-MU-35, R-MU-45, R-MU, MU, SNB, CN and CB Districts: Sign Type, Size and Height Standards for the R-MU-35, R-MU-45, R-MU and MU Districts) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: 3. Sign Type, Size and Height Standards for the R-MU-35, R-MU-45, R-MU And MU Districts: STANDARDS FOR THE R-MU-35, R-MU-45, R-MUAND MUDISTRICTS Types Of Maximum Maximum Minimum Number Of Limit On Signs Area Per Sign Height Of Setback' Signs Combined Permitted Face Freestanding Permitted Per Number Signs, Sign Type Of Signs4 Awning sign/ 1 square foot See note 1 May extend 1 per first floor None canopy sign per linear foot 6 feet from door/window of storefront; face of building total building 2 not to exceed feet from 40 square feet back of (sign area only) curb6 Canopy, drive- 40% of canopy See note 1 n/a 1 per canopy None through face if signage face is on 2 faces. 20% of canopy face if signs are on 4 faces Construction 32 square feet 8 feet 5 feet 1 per street None sign frontage Flat sign 1 square foot See note 1 n/a 1 sign per None (general per linear foot building building of building frontage orientations frontage 5 Flat sign 1 square foot See note 1 n/a 1 per business None (storefront per linear foot or storefront orientation)'°s of store frontage 5 Garage/yard 6 square feet 4 feet 5 feet 1 per street None sale sin frontage r, Monument 100 square feet 12 feet 5 feet 1 per street 1 sign per sign' frontage street frontage Nameplate 2 square feet See note 1 n/a 1 per building None entry New 80 square feet 10 feet 5 feet 1 per street None development frontage sign Pole sign (1 75 square feet 25 feet 15 feet and 1 per street 1 sign per acre a 6 foot frontage street minimum) maximum frontage projection Political sign 16 square feet 6 feet 5 feet No limit None Private 8 square feet 4 feet 5 feet No limit None directional sign Projecting 6 square feet See note 1 May extend 1 per leasable None business per sign side, 4 feet from space. All storefront sign total of 12 face of the signs shall be square feet building but located within no closer the tenant's than 2 feet leasable space to the back of curb. A minimum height of 8 feet above the sidewalk shall be maintained. See note 6 Public safety 8 square feet 6 feet 5 feet No limit None sign Real estate 16 square feet 6 feet 5 feet I per street None sign frontage Window sign 25% of See note 1 n/a No limit None window area of each use Notes: 1. For height limits on building signs, see Subsection 21A.46.070.I of this chapter. 2. Not applicable to temporary signs mounted as flat signs. 3. Monument signs shall have a 5 foot setback, unless integrated into the fence structure. Height requirements for fence apply. 4. The total number of signs permitted from the sign types combined. 7 5. A single -tenant building may combine the square footage total of both the storefront orientation and the general building orientation flat signs to construct 1 larger sign. 6. Projection over a public right of way must comply with the city's encroachment policy. 7. Storefront flat signs limited to locations on the lower 2 floors. 8. Backlit awnings excluded. SECTION 6. Amending the text of Subsection 21A.46.090.A.4. That Subsection 2 1 A.46.090.A.4 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: Sign Regulations for Mixed Use and Commercial Districts: Sign Regulations for the R-MU-35, R-MU-45, R-MU, MU, SNB, CN and CB Districts: Sign Type, Size and Height Standards for the CN District) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: 4. Sign Type, Size and Height Standards for the CN District: STANDARDS FOR THE CN DISTRICT Types Of Maximum Maximum Minimum Number Of Limit On Signs Area Per Sign Height Of Setback' Signs Combined Permitted Face Freestanding Permitted Per Number Of Signs' Sign Type Signs, Awning sign/ 1 square foot See note 1 May extend 1 per first floor None canopy sign per linear foot 6 feet from door/window of storefront; face of building total building, but not to exceed shall not 40 square feet extend across (sign area a property only) line Canopy, 40% of See note 1 n/a l per canopy None drive- through canopy face if face signage is on 2 faces. 20% of canopy face if signs are on 4 faces Construction 32 square feet 8 feet 5 feet 2 per building None sign 9 Flat sign 1 square foot See note 1 n/a 1 per business None (storefront per linear foot or storefront orientation)5 of store frontage Monument 75 square feet 5 feet 5 feet 1 per street None sign frontage Nameplate 2 square feet See note 1 n/a 1 per building None entry New 80 square feet 10 feet 5 feet 1 per None development development sign Political sign 16 square feet 6 feet 5 feet No limit None Private 8 square feet 4 feet 5 feet No limit None directional sign Projecting 6 square feet n/a May extend 1 per leasable None Business per sign side; 4 feet from space or entry Storefront total of 12 face of the Sign square feet building but no closer than 2 feet to the back of curb. Minimum height of 8 feet above sidewalk.6 Public safety 8 square feet 6 feet 5 feet No limit None sign Real estate 16 square feet 6 feet 5 feet 1 per street None sign frontage Wall or flat 1 square foot See note 1 n/a 1 per building None sign (general per linear foot frontage building of building orientation) frontage Window sign 25% of See note 1 n/a No limit None window area of each use Notes: 1. For height limits on building signs, see Subsection 21A.46.070.I of this chapter. 2. Not applicable to temporary signs mounted as flat signs. 3. The total number of signs permitted from the sign types combined. 4. A single -tenant building may combine the square footage total of both the storefront orientation and the general building orientation flat signs to construct 1 larger sign. 5. Storefront flat signs limited to locations on the lower 2 floors. 6. Projection over a public right of way must comply with the city's encroachment policy. SECTION 7. Amending the text of Subsection 21A.46.090.A.5. That Subsection 21A.46.090.A.5 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: Sign Regulations for Mixed Use and Commercial Districts: Sign Regulations for the R-MU-35, R-MU-45, R-MU, MU, SNB, CN and CB Districts: Sign Type, Size and Height Standards for the CB District) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: 5. Sign Type, Size and Height Standards for the CB District: STANDARDS FOR THE CB DISTRICT Types Of Maximum Maximum Minimum Number Of Limit On Signs Area Per Height Of Setback Signs Combined Permitted Sign Face Freestanding Permitted Per Number Of Signs' Sign Type Signs, Awning sign/ 1 square foot See note 1 May extend 6 1 per first floor None canopy sign per linear feet from face door/window foot of of building6 storefront; building total not to exceed 40 square feet (sign area only) Canopy, drive- 40% of See note 1 II "A 1 per canopy 1 per street through canopy face face frontage if signage is on 2 faces. 20% of canopy face if signs are on 4 faces Construction 32 square feet 8 feet 5 feet 2 per building None sign 10 Flat sign 1 square foot See note 1 11/a 1 per business None (storefront per linear or storefront orientation)' foot of store frontage' Monument 100 square 6 feet 5 feet 1 per street 1 per street sign feet 12 feet 10 feet frontage frontage 20 feet 10 feet (1 acre mini- mum) Nameplate 2 square feet See note 1 n/a 1 per building None entry New 80 square feet 10 feet 5 feet 1 per None development development sign Pole sign (1 75 square feet 25 feet 15 feet and a 1 per street 1 per street acre for a single maximum 6 frontage frontage minimum) business.100 foot square feet projection for multiple businesses Political sign 16 square feet 6 feet 5 feet No limit None Private 8 square feet 4 feet 5 feet No limit None directional sign Projecting 6 square feet n/a May extend 4 1 per leasable None Business per sign side; feet from face space or entry Storefront total of 12 of the Sign square feet building but no closer than 2 feet to the back of curb. Minimum height of 8 feet above sidewalk.6 Public safety 8 square feet 6 feet 5 feet No limit None sign Real estate 16 square feet 6 feet 5 1ect 1 per street None sign frontage Wall or flat 1 square foot See note 1 R/a 1 sign per None sign (general per linear building foot of frontage building building orientation) frontage' Window sign 25% of See note 1 I;/a No limit None window area of each use Notes: 1. For height limits on building signs, see Subsection 21A.46.070.I of this chapter. 2. Not applicable to temporary signs mounted as flat signs. 3. Pole and monument signs shall be permitted only when located in or adjacent to a required landscaped setback. 4. The total number of signs permitted from the sign types combined. 5. A single -tenant building may combine the square footage total of both the storefront orientation and the general building orientation flat signs to construct 1 larger sign. 6. Projection over a public right of way must comply with the city's encroachment policy. 7. Storefront flat signs limited to locations on the lower 2 floors. SECTION 8. Amending the text of Subsection 21A. That Subsection 21A.46.090.B.4 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: Sign Regulations for Mixed Use and Commercial Districts: Sign Regulations for the CS District: Sign Type, Size and Height Standards) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: 4. Sign Type, Size and Height Standards: STANDARDS FOR THE CS DISTRICT Types Of Signs Permitted Maximum Area Per Sign Face Maximum Height Of Freestanding Signs' Minimum Setback4 Number Of Signs Permitted Per Sign Type Limit On Combined Number Of Signs Awning sign/ 1 square foot See note 1 May extend 6 1 per first floor None canopy sign per linear feet from face door/ window foot of of building, storefront; but shall not building extend across total not to a property line exceed 40 square feet (sign area only) 12 Canopy, 40% of See note 1 n/a 1 per canopy face None drive- through canopy face if signage is on 2 faces. 20% of canopy face if signs are on 4 faces Construction 64 square 12 feet 10 feet 2 per building None sign feet Flat sign 1 square foot See note 1 n/a 1 per business or None (storefront per linear storefront orientation)6 foot of store frontage' Monument 100 square 12 feet 10 feet 1 per pad site 1 per pad site sign feet 6 feet 5 feet Nameplate 2 square feet See note 1 n/a 1 per building None entry New 200 square 12 feet 10 feet 1 per street None development feet per sign frontage sign Pole sign 75 square 25 feet At the 1 per pad site 1 per pad site feet approved landscape setback with a 6 foot projection, but shall not extend across a property line Political sign 32 square 8 feet 10 feet No limit None feet Private 8 square feet 4 feet 5 feet No limit None directional sign Projecting 6 square feet n/a May extend 4 1 per leasable None Business per sign side; feet from face space or entry Storefront total of 12 of the building Sign square feet but no closer than 2 feet to the back of curb. 13 Minimum height of 8 feet above sidewalk.' Public safety 8 square feet 6 feet 10 feet No limit None sign Real estate 64 square 12 feet 10 feet 1 per building None sign feet Shopping 200 square 25 feet 10 feet 1 per street None center feet frontage identification sign Wall or flat 1 square foot See note 1 n/a 1 per building None sign (general per linear frontage building foot of orientation) building frontages Window sign 25% of total See note 1 n/a No limit None frontage window area per floor Notes: 1. For height limits on building signs, see Subsection 21A.46.070.I of this chapter. 2. Permitted only for freestanding buildings within shopping centers. 3. The total number of signs permitted from the sign types combined. 4. Not applicable to temporary signs mounted as flat signs. 5. A single -tenant building may combine the square footage total of both the storefront orientation and the general building orientation flat signs to construct 1 larger sign. 6. Storefront flat signs limited to locations on the lower 2 floors. 7. Projection over a public right of way must comply with the city's encroachment policy. SECTION 9. Amending the text of Subsection 21A.46.090.C.3. That Subsection 21A.46.090.C.3 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: Sign Regulations for Mixed Use and Commercial Districts: Sign Regulations for the CC District: Sign Type, Size and Height Standards) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: 3. Sign Type, Size and Height Standards: STANDARDS FOR THE CC DISTRICT 14 Types Of Signs Maximum Maximum Minimum Number Of Limit On Permitted Per Area Per Height Of Setback' Signs Combined Use Sign Face Freestanding Permitted Per Number Of Signs' Sign Type Signs3 Awnings/canopy 1 square foot See note 1 10 feet 1 per first floor None signs per linear door/window foot of storefront; building total not to exceed 40 square feet (sign area only) Canopy, drive- 40% of See note 1 n/a 1 per canopy None through canopy face face if signage is on 2 faces. 20% of canopy face if signs are on 4 faces Construction 64 square feet 12 feet 5 feet 1 per street None sign frontage Flat sign 1.5 square See note 1 n/a 1 per business None (storefront feet per linear or storefront orientation)6 foot of store fronta e5 Monument sign4 100 square 6 feet None 1 per street 1 per street feet frontage frontage 12 feet 5 feet 20 feet (1 acre minimum Nameplate 2 square feet See note 1 n/a 1 per building None entry New 80 square feet 12 feet 5 feet 1 per None development development sign Pole sign 75 square feet 25 feet 15 feet and 1 per street 1 per street for a single a frontage frontage business, 100 maximum 15 square feet 6 foot for multiple projection businesses Political sign 32 square feet 8 feet 5 feet No limit None Private 8 square feet 4 feet 5 feet No limit None directional sign Projecting 6 square feet n/a May 1 per leasable None Business per sign side; extend 4 space or entry Storefront Sign total of 12 feet from square feet face of the building but no closer than 2 feet to the back of curb. Minimum height of 8 feet above sidewalk.' Public safety 8 square feet 6 feet 5 feet No limit None sign Real estate sign 64 square feet 12 feet 5 feet 1 per street None frontage Wall or flat sign 1 square foot See note 1 n/a 1 per building None (general per linear frontage building foot of orientation) building frontage 5 Window sign 25% of total See note 1 n/a No limit None frontage window area per use Notes: 1. For height limits on building signs, see Subsection 21A.46.070.I of this chapter. 2. Not applicable to temporary signs mounted as flat signs. 3. The total number of signs permitted from the sign types combined. 4. See Subsection 21A.46.090.C.4.a of this section. 5. A single -tenant building may combine the square footage total of both the storefront orientation and the general building orientation flat signs to construct 1 larger sign. 6. Storefront flat signs limited to locations on the lower 2 floors. 7. Projection over a public right of way must comply with the city's encroachment policy. 16 SECTION 10. Amending the text of Subsection 21A.46.090.D.3. That Subsection 2 1 A.46.090.D.3 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: Sign Regulations for Mixed Use and Commercial Districts: Sign Regulations for the CSHBD and CG Districts: Sign Type, Size and Height Standards) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: 3. Sign Type, Size and Height Standards: STANDARDS FOR THE CSHBD DISTRICT Types Of Maximum Area Maximum Minimum Number Of Signs Signs Per Sign Face Height Of Setback' Permitted Per Permitted Freestanding Sign Type Signs' Types Of Signs Maximum Area Maximum Minimum Number Of Signs Permitted Per Sign Face Height Of Setback' Permitted Per Sign Freestanding Type Signs Awning/canopy 1 square foot per See note 1 May extend 6 1 per first floor signs linear foot of feet from face door/window storefront (sign of building 2 area only) feet from back of curb' Canopy, drive- 40% o of canopy See note 1 n/a 1 per canopy face through face if signage is on 2 faces. 20% of canopy face if signs are on 4 faces Construction 64 square feet 12 feet None I per street frontage sign Flat sign 2 square feet per See note I n/a 1 per business or (storefront linear foot of storefront orientation)6 store frontage Marquee sign 1 square foot per See note 1 See 1 per storefront linear foot of Subsection store frontage 21A.46.070.0 Monument 100 square feet 20 feet None 1 per street frontage sign' Nameplate 2 square feet See note 1 n/a 1 per building entry 17 New 80 square feet 12 feet None 1 per development development sign Pole sign 75 square feet for 25 feet No extension 1 per street frontage a single business, across a 100 square feet property line for multiple is permitted businesses Political sign 32 square feet 8 feet None No limit Private 21 square feet 7 feet None No limit directional sign Projecting 0.5 square foot See note 1 May extend 6 1 per street frontage building sign per linear foot of feet from face street frontage; of building, not to exceed 40 but shall not square feet cross a property line Projecting 6 square feet per See note 1 May extend 4 1 per leasable business sign side, total of feet from face space. Leasable storefront sign 12 square feet of a building spaces on corners and 2 feet may have 2. All from back of signs shall be curbs. A located within the minimum tenant's leasable height of 8 area and not on any feet above the other tenant's sidewalk shall leasable space be maintained Public safety 8 square feet 6 feet None No limit sign Real estate sign 64 square feet 12 feet None 1 per street frontage Wall sign or 1 square foot per See note 1 n/a 1 per building face flat sign linear foot of (general building face building orientation Window sign 25% of total See note 1 n/a No limit frontage window area per use Notes: 1. For height limits on building signs, see Subsection 21A.46.070.I of this chapter. 2. Not applicable to temporary signs mounted as flat signs. 3. See Subsection 21A.46.090.D.6.a. 4. A single -tenant building may combine the square footage total of both the storefront orientation and the general building orientation flat signs to construct 1 larger sign. 5. Projection over a public right of way must comply with the city's encroachment policy. 6. Storefront flat signs limited to locations on the lower 2 floors. SECTION 11. Amending the text of Subsection 21A.46.090.D.4. That Subsection 21A.46.090.D.4 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: Sign Regulations for Mixed Use and Commercial Districts: Sign Regulations for the CSHBD and CG Districts: Sign Type, Size and Height Standards) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: 4. Sign Type, Size and Height Standards: STANDARDS FOR THE CG DISTRICT Types Of Maximum Maximum Height Minimum Number Of Signs Signs Area Per Of Freestanding Setback' Permitted Per Sign Permitted Sign Face Signs, Type Awning/canopy 1 square foot See note 1 May extend 6 1 per first floor signs per linear foot feet from face door/window of storefront of building, (sign area but shall not only) cross a property line Canopy, drive- 40% of See note 1 n/a 1 per canopy face through canopy face if signage is on 2 faces. 20% of canopy face if signs are on 4 faces Construction 64 square feet 12 feet 5 feet 1 per street frontage sign Flat sign 2 square feet See note 1 n/a 1 per business or (storefront per linear foot storefront orientation)' of store frontage 4 Marquee sign 1 square foot See note 1 See 1 per storefront per linear foot Subsection of store 21A.46.070.0 frontage Monument 1 square foot 20 feet 4 feet 1 per street frontage sign per linear foot 8 feet None 19 of street frontage Nameplate 2 square feet See note 1 n/a 1 per building entry New 200 square 12 feet 5 feet 1 per street frontage development feet sign Pole sign 1 square foot 35 feet 10 feet with a 1 per street frontage per linear foot maximum 6 of street foot frontage; 200 projection. No square feet extension maximum for across a a single property line business, 300 is permitted square feet maximum for multiple businesses Political sin 32 square feet 8 feet 5 feet No limit Private 8 square feet 4 feet 5 feet No limit directional sign Projecting 6 square feet NA May extend 4 1 per leasable space Business per sign side; feet from face or entry Storefront Sign total of 12 of the square feet building but no closer than 2 feet to the back of curb. Minimum height of 8 feet above sidewalk.6 Public safety 8 square feet 6 feet 5 feet No limit sign Real estate sign 64 square feet 1 12 feet 5 feet 1 per street frontage Sexually See Section 21A.36.140 oriented business signs Wall sign or 1 square foot See note 1 n/a 1 per building face flat sign per linear foot (general of building building face orientation Window sign 25% of total See note 1 n/a No limit frontage 20 window area per use Notes: 1. For height limits on building signs, see Subsection 21A.46.070.I of this chapter. 2. Not applicable to temporary signs mounted as flat signs. 3. See Subsection 21A.46.090.D.6.a. 4. A single -tenant building may combine the square footage total of both the storefront orientation and the general building orientation flat signs to construct 1 larger sign. 5. Storefront flat signs limited to locations on the lower 2 floors. 6. Projection over a public right of way must comply with the city's encroachment policy. SECTION 12. Amending the text of Subsections 21 A.46.096.B. I I and 12. That Subsections 21A.46.096.B.I I and 12 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: Sign Regulations for Form Based Districts: Sign Type, Size and Height Standards) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: 11. Projecting Sign: 21 -7 22 Ll Sign FB- FB- FB- FB- FB-SE MU-8 Specifications Type UN1 UN2 MU Sc Projecting P P P P P Quantity 1 per leasable space. Leasable spaces on corners sign may have 2. Clearance Minimum of 8 feet above sidewalk/walkway. Area 6 square feet per side, 12 square feet total. Projection Maximum of 4 feet from building facade. Location Private property or public street. Signs can face the permitted special purpose corridor but must be located on private property. All signs are subject to the requirements of the revocable permitting process. 12. Projecting Parking Entry Sign: Sign FB- FB- FB- FB- FB-SE MU-8 Specifications Type UN1 UN2 MU SC Projecting P P P P Quantity 1 per parking entry. parking entry sign (see Clearance Minimum of 8 feet above sidewalk/walkway. Height Maximum of 2 feet. Area 4 square feet per side, 8 square feet total. projecting Projection Maximum of 4 feet from building facade for sign graphic) public and private streets. Maximum of 2 feet within the special purpose corridor. Location Private property or public street. Signs can face permitted the special purpose corridor but must be located on private property. All signs are subject to the requirements of the revocable permitting process. 23 SECTION 13. Amending the text of Subsection 21A.46.1 OO.A.3. That Subsection 21A.46.100.A.3 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: Sign Regulations for Manufacturing Districts: Sign Regulations for the M-1 and M-2 Manufacturing Districts: Sign Type, Size and Height Standards) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: 3. Sign Type, Size and Height Standards: STANDARDS FOR THE M-1 AND M-2 DISTRICTS Types Of Maximum Maximum Minimum Number Of Limit On Signs Area Per Height Of Setback' Signs Combined Permitted Sign Face Freestanding Permitted Per Number Of Signs' Sign Type Si ns3 Awning/ 1 square See note 1 May extend 6 1 per first floor None canopy signs foot per feet from face door/window linear foot of building, of but shall not storefront cross a (sign area property line only) Canopy, 40% of See note 1 n/a 1 per canopy None drive- canopy face through face if signage is on 2 faces; 20% of canopy face if signs are on 4 faces Construction 64 square 12 feet 10 feet 1 per street None sign feet frontage Development 160 square 10 feet 10 feet 1 per street entry sign feet frontage maximum per sign; 200 square feet total for 2 signs 24 Flat sign 2 square See note 1 n/a 1 per business None (storefront feet per or storefront orientation)4 linear foot of store frontage 6 Monument 150 square 5 feet at the 5 feet 1 per street 1 sign per signs feet minimum frontage street setback and frontage increases 1 foot for each additional 1 foot of setback for a maximum of 20 feet New 160 square 12 feet 10 feet 1 per street None development feet per frontage sign sign; 200 square feet total Pole signs 1 square 25 feet 15 feet 1 per street 1 sign per foot per frontage street linear foot frontage of street frontage; 200 square feet maximum for a single business, 300 square feet maximum for multiple businesses Political sign 32 square 8 feet 10 feet No limit None feet Private 8 square 4 feet 5 feet No limit None directional feet sign 25 Projecting 6 square n/a May extend 4 1 per leasable None Business feet per feet from face space or entry. Storefront sign side; of the building Sign total of 12 but no closer square feet than 2 feet to the back of curb. Minimum height of 8 feet above sidewalk.' Public safety 8 square 6 feet 10 feet No limit None sign feet Real estate 64 square 12 feet 10 feet I per street None sign feet frontage Sexually See Section 21A.36.140 oriented business signs Wall sign or 1.5 square See note 1 n/a 1 per building None flat sign4 feet per face linear foot of each building face Window sign 25% of See note I n/a No limit None total frontage window area per floor Notes: 1. For height limits on building signs, see Subsection 21A.46.070.I of this chapter. 2. Not applicable to temporary signs mounted as flat signs. 3. The total number of signs permitted from the sign types combined. 4. Storefront flat signs limited to locations on the lower 2 floors. 5. See Subsection 21A.46.100.A.4.a. 6. A single -tenant building may combine the square footage total of both the storefront orientation and the general building orientation flat signs to construct 1 larger sign. 7. Projection over a public right of way must comply with the city's encroachment policy. SECTION 14. Amending the text of Subsection 21A.46.110.A.3.a. That Subsection 21 A.46.1 I O.A.3.a of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: Sign Regulations for Downtown 26 Districts: Sign Regulations for the D-1 and D-4 Downtown Districts: Sign Type, Size and Height Standards) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: 3. Sign Type, Size and Height Standards: a. D-1 and D-4 Districts: 27 STANDARDS FOR THE D-1 AND D-4 DISTRICTS Types Of Maximum Area Per Maximum Height Minimum Number Of Signs Limit On Signs Sign Face Of Freestanding Setback' Permitted Per Sign Combined Permitted Signs' Type Number Of Signs 3 Awning 1 square foot per linear See note 1 May extend 6 feet 1 per first floor None signs foot of storefront (sign from face of door/window area only) building but not within 2 feet of the back of curb Canopy, 40% of canopy face if See note 1 n/a 1 per canopy face None drive- signage is on 2 faces; through 20% of canopy face if signs are on 4 faces Canopy 1 square foot per linear See note 1 May extend from 1 per first floor None signs foot of storefront (sign face of building but building entry area only); 20 square feet not within 2 feet of maximum per canopy the back of curb Construction 64 square feet 12 feet 5 feet i per storefront None sign Corporate 32 square feet See subsection 8 feet from face of 1 per 50 feet of street 2 per street frontage flag A4c of this section building but not frontage, 50 foot within 2 feet of the minimum street back of curb frontage required Flat sign 4 square feet per linear See note 1 n/a 1 per building None (general foot of building faces face building orientation Flat sign 2 square feet per linear See note 1 n/a 1 per business None (storefront foot of each store storefront orientation)4 fronta e5 e Marquee Subject only to See Subsection See Subsection 1 per storefront None sign Subsection 21A.46.070.O 21A.46.070.O 21A.46.070.O Monument 1 square foot per linear 20 feet None 1 per street frontage 1 sign per street sin foot of street frontage frontage Nameplate, 3 square feet 8 square feet None 1 per building None building New 200 square feet 12 feet 5 feet 1 per street frontage None development sign Outdoor 62 square feet See note 1. Sign None 1 per building None television face limited to 8 monitor,' feet in height Pole sign 1 square foot per linear 45 feet None, but shall not 1 per street frontage None foot of street frontage; extend across a 200 square feet property line maximum for a single business, 300 square feet maximum for multiple businesses Political 32 square feet 8 feet 5 feet No limit None sign Private 8 square feet 4 feet 5 feet No limit None directional sign Projecting 125 square feet per side; See note 1. May extend 6 feet 1 per street frontage None building 250 square feet total (See from face of (See sign 21A.46.110.A.4.b) building but not 21A.46.110.A.4.b) within 2 feet of the back of curb Projecting 9 square feet per side; 18 See note 1. Sign May extend 4 feet 1 per public business None business square feet total face limited to 4 from face of entry to the street feet in height building but not 29 storefront within 2 feet of the sin back of curb' Projecting 9 square feet; 18 square See note 1. Sign May extend 4 feet 1 per driveway or None parking feet total face limited to 4 from face of parking lot entry entry sign feet in height building but not within 2 feet of the back of curb' Public 8 square feet 6 square feet None No limit None safety sign Real estate 32 square feet 8 feet None 1 per street frontage None sign Roof signs 4 square feet per linear See note 1 n/a 1 per street frontage None foot of building face or 6 square feet per linear foot of building face on buildings taller than 100 feet Window 25% of total frontage No limit n/a No limit None sign window area per use Notes: 1. For height limits on building signs, see Subsection 21A.46.070.I of this chapter. 2. Not applicable to temporary signs mounted as flat signs. 3. The total number of signs permitted from the sign types combined. 4. Storefront flat signs and outdoor television monitors limited to locations on the lower 2 floors. 5. A single -tenant building may combine the square footage total of both the storefront orientation and the general building orientation flat signs to construct 1 larger sign. 6. Projection over a public right of way must comply with the city's encroachment policy. 7. Allowed in conjunction with television stations only and are allowed only if the building contains a permanent broadcast studio for the television station of at least 15,000 square feet. 30 SECTION 15. Amending the text of Subsection 21A.46.110.A.3.c. That Subsection 21A.46.110.A.3.c of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: Sign Regulations for Downtown Districts: Sign Regulations for the D-1 and D-4 Downtown Districts: Sign Type, Size and Height Standards) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: C. Live Performance Theater and Ancillary Uses Located in the Interior of the Block between State and Main Streets, between 100 and 200 South Streets: 31 STANDARDS FOR THE LIVE PERFORMANCE THEATRE AND ANCILLARY USES LOCATED IN THE INTERIOR OF THE BLOCK BETWEEN STATE AND MAIN STREETS, BETWEEN 100 AND 200 SOUTH STREETS Types Of Maximum Area Per Sign Maximum Height Minimum Setback' Number Of Limit On Signs Face Of Freestanding Signs Permitted Combined Permitted Signs' Per Sign Type Number Of Signs' Awning signs 1 square foot per linear foot of See note 1 May extend 6 feet 1 per first floor None storefront (sign area only) from face of door/window building but not within 2 feet of the back of curb' Canopy, 40% of canopy face if signage See note 1 n/a 1 per canopy None drive- is on 2 faces; 20% of canopy face through face if signs are on 4 faces Canopy signs 1 square foot per linear foot of See note 1 May extend from 1 per first floor None storefront (sign area only); 20 face of building but building entry square feet maximum per not within 2 feet of canopy the back of curb Construction 64 square feet 12 feet 5 feet 1 per storefront None sign Corporate 32 square feet See Subsection 8 feet from face of 1 per 50 feet of 2 per street flag 21A.46.110.A.4.c building but not street frontage, frontage within 2 feet of the 50 foot back of curb minimum street frontage required Flat sign 4 square feet per linear foot of See note 1 n/a 2 per building None (general building faces face building orientation 32 Flat sign 2 square feet per linear foot of See note 1 n/a 1 per business None (storefront each store frontages storefront orientation)' Marquee sign Subject only to Subsection See Subsection See Subsection 1 per storefront None 21A.46.070.0 21A.46.070.0 21A.46.070.0 Monument 1 square foot per linear foot of 20 feet None 1 per street 1 sign per street sign street frontage frontage frontage Nameplate, 3 square feet 8 square feet None 1 per building None building New 200 square feet 12 feet 5 feet 1 per street None development frontage sign Pole sign 1 square foot per linear foot of 45 feet None, but shall not 1 per street None street frontage; 200 square feet extend across a frontage maximum for a single property line business, 300 square feet maximum for multiple businesses Pole sign, 1 square foot per linear foot of 45 feet None, but shall not 1 per street 1 parking street frontage; 165 square feet extend across a frontage garage access maximum for a single business property line Sign may be located off premises to indicate garage access point, as deemed appropriate by zoning administrator Political sin 32 square feet 8 feet 5 feet No limit None Private 8 square feet 4 feet 5 feet No limit None directional sign Projecting 165 square feet per side; 330 See note 1 May extend 6 feet 2 per street None building square feet total from face of frontage sign 7,8 building but not 33 within 2 feet of the back of curb Projecting 9 square feet per side; 18 See note 1. Sign May extend 7 feet 1 per public None business square feet total face limited to 4 from face of business entry storefront feet in height building but not sign ,$ within 2 feet of the back of curb Projecting 40 square feet; 80 square feet See note 1. Sign May extend 10 feet 1 per driveway None parking entry total face limited to 4 from face of or parking lot sign ,$ feet in height building but not entry within 2 feet of the back of curb Public safety 8 square feet 6 square feet None No limit None sign Real estate 32 square feet 8 feet None 1 per street None sign frontage Roof signs 4 square feet per linear foot of See note 1 n/a 1 per street None building face or 6 square feet frontage per linear foot of building face on buildings taller than 100 feet Window sign 25% of total frontage window No limit n/a No limit None area per use Notes: 1. For height limits on building signs, see Subsection 21A.46.070.I of this chapter. 2. Not applicable to temporary signs mounted as flat signs. 3. The total number of signs permitted from the sign types combined. 4. Storefront flat signs limited to locations on the lower 2 floors. 5. A single -tenant building may combine the square footage total of both the storefront orientation and the general building orientation flat signs to construct 1 larger sign. 6. Projection over a public right of way must comply with the city's encroachment policy. 34 7. This applies only to signs not placed on the street frontages of State Street, Main Streets, 100 South Street and 200 South Street. All signs of this type intended for these street frontages are to be governed by Subsection 21A.46.110.A.3.a. 8. These sign types may have animated elements as defined in Subsection 21A.46.020.B of this chapter, restricted to the non - mechanical animation of lights and lighting. 35 SECTION 16. Amending the text of Subsection 21A. That Subsection 21A.46.110.B.3 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: Sign Regulations for Downtown Districts: Sign Regulations for the D-2 District: Sign Type, Size and Height Standards) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: 3. Sign Type, Size and Height Standards: W STANDARDS FOR THE D-2 DISTRICT Types Of Signs Maximum Area Per Sign Maximum Height Minimum Number Of Limit On Permitted Face Of Freestanding Setback' Signs Permitted Combined Signs, Per Sign Type Number Of Si ns3 Awning/canopy 1 square foot per linear foot See note 1 May extend 6 feet 1 per first floor None sign of storefront (sign area only) from face of door/window building 2 feet from back of curb' Canopy, drive- 40% of canopy face if See note 1 n/a 1 per canopy face None through signage is on 2 faces; 20% of canopy face if signs are on 4 faces Construction 64 square feet 12 feet 5 feet 1 per street None sign frontage Flat sign 2 square feet per linear foot See note 1 n/a 1 per business or None (storefront of each store frontages storefront orientation)4 Monument sign 6 1 square foot per linear foot 20 feet None 1 per street 1 sign per street of street frontage frontage frontage Nameplate, 3 square feet 8 square feet None 1 per building None building New 200 square feet 12 feet 5 feet 1 per street None development frontage sign Pole sign 6 1 square foot per linear foot 45 feet None, but shall not 1 per street 1 sign per street of street frontage; 200 square extend across a frontage frontage feet maximum for a single property line business, 300 square feet maximum for multiple businesses 37 Political sin 32 square feet 8 feet 5 feet No limit None Private 8 square feet 4 feet 5 feet No limit None directional sign Projecting 0.5 square foot per linear See note 1 May extend 6 feet I per street None building sign foot of street frontage; not to from face of frontage exceed 40 square feet building, but shall not cross a property line Projecting 6 square feet per sign side; n/a May extend 4 feet 1 per leasable None Business total of 12 square feet from face of the space or entry Storefront Sign building but no closer than 2 feet to the back of curb. Minimum height of 8 feet above sidewalk.' Public safety 8 square feet 6 feet 5 feet No limit None sign Real estate sign 64 square feet 12 feet 5 feet 1 per street None frontage Wall sign or flat 4 square feet per linear foot See note 1 n/a 1 per building None sign (general of building faces face building orientation Window sign 25% of total frontage See note 1 n/a No limit n/a window area per use Notes: 1. For height limits on building signs, see Subsection 21A.46.070.I of this chapter. 2. Not applicable to temporary signs mounted as flat signs. 3. The total number of signs permitted from the sign types combined. 4. Storefront flat signs limited to locations on the lower 2 floors. 5. A single -tenant building may combine the square footage total of both the storefront orientation and the general building orientation flat signs to construct 1 larger sign. 6. See Subsection 21A.46.110.B.4.a. 7. Projection over a public right of way must comply with the city's encroachment policy. 39 SECTION 17. Amending the text of Subsection 21A.46.110.C.3. That Subsection 21A.46.110.C.3 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: Sign Regulations for Downtown Districts: Sign Regulations for the D-3 Downtown Residential/Warehouse District) shall be, and hereby is amended to read as follows: 3. Sign Type, Size and Height Standards: .O STANDARDS FOR THE D-3 DISTRICT Types Of Signs Maximum Area Per Sign Maximum Height Minimum Number Of Limit On Permitted Face Of Freestanding Setback' Signs Permitted Combined Number Signs' Per Sign Type Of Signs' Awning/canopy 1 square foot per linear See note 1 May extend 6 feet 1 per first floor None signs foot of storefront (sign from face of door/window area only) building 2 feet from back of curb Canopy, drive- 40% of canopy face if See note 1 n/a 1 per canopy face None through signage is on 2 faces; 20% of canopy face if signs are on 4 faces Construction 64 square feet 12 feet 5 feet 2 per building None sign Flat sign 1.5 square feet per linear See note 1 n/a 1 per business or None (storefront foot of store frontage' storefront orientation)4 Monument sign 100 square feet 12 feet None 1 per street 1 sign per street frontage frontage Nameplate, 3 square feet 8 square feet n/a 1 per building None building New 80 square feet 12 feet 5 feet 1 per None development development sign Pole sign 75 square feet for a single 25 feet None, but shall not 1 per street 1 sign per street business; 100 square feet extend across a frontage frontage for multiple businesses property line Political sign 32 square feet 8 feet 5 feet 1 No limit None Private 8 square feet 4 feet 5 feet No limit None directional sign 41 Projecting 6 square feet per sign side; n/a May extend 4 feet 1 per leasable None Business total of 12 square feet from face of the space or entry Storefront Sign building but no closer than 2 feet to the back of curb. Minimum height of 8 feet above sidewalk.' Public safety 8 square feet 6 feet 5 feet No limit None sign Real estate sign 64 square feet 12 feet 5 feet 1 per building None Wall sign or flat 1.5 square feet per linear See note 1 n/a 1 per building sign (general foot of building faces face building orientation Window sign 25% of total frontage See note 1 n/a No limit None window area per use Notes: 1. For height limits on building signs, see Subsection 21A.46.070.I of this chapter. 2. Not applicable to temporary signs mounted as flat signs. 3. The total number of signs permitted from the sign types combined. 4. Storefront flat signs limited to locations on the lower 2 floors. 5. A single -tenant building may combine the square footage total of both the storefront orientation and the general building orientation flat signs to construct 1 larger sign. 6. Projection over a public right of way must comply with the city's encroachment policy. 42 SECTION 18. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective on the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 27 day of August , 2024. ATTEST AND COUNTERSIGN: Cindy Trishm5n7Sep 9, 202411:13 MDT) CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on Sep 3, 2024 Victoria Petro (Sep 3, 2024 21:17 MDT) CHAIRPERSON Mayor's Action: 0 Approved. Vetoed. Erin Mendenha (Sep fi, 2024111, MDT) Nh/ Cindy rishman Sep 9,202411:13 MDT) CITY RECORDER (SEAL) Bill No. 64 of 2024. Published: Sept92024 Ordinance for Projecting Signs(final)vl MAYOR 43 APPROVED AS TO FORM Salt Lake City Attorney's Office Date:Aug 28, 2024 By: Q i_-X "''"'�j/,� Q/ Katherine Pasker, Senior City Attorney Ordinance 64 of 2024 - Text Amendment Projecting Business Signs Final Audit Report 2024-09-09 Created: 2024-08-28 By: STEPHANIE ELLIOTT (stephanie.elliott@slcgov.com) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAL9fc_k-Yvf1p956tksiV9FHsBzmNsfun "Ordinance 64 of 2024 - Text Amendment Projecting Business S igns" History Document created by STEPHANIE ELLIOTT (stephanie.elliott@slcgov.com) 2024-08-28 - 10:07:15 PM GMT Document emailed to katherine.pasker@slcgov.com for signature 2024-08-28 - 10:12:26 PM GMT Email viewed by katherine.pasker@slcgov.com 2024-08-28 - 10:16:23 PM GMT Signer katherine.pasker@slcgov.com entered name at signing as Katherine Pasker 2024-08-28 - 10:17:39 PM GMT Document e-signed by Katherine Pasker (katherine.pasker@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2024-08-28 - 10:17:41 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to victoria.petro@slcgov.com for signature 2024-08-28 - 10:17:50 PM GMT Email viewed by victoria.petro@slcgov.com 2024-08-30 - 8:15:02 PM GMT Email viewed by victoria.petro@slcgov.com 2024-09-02 - 5:28:25 AM GMT Email viewed by victoria.petro@slcgov.com 2024-09-03 - 3:06:47 AM GMT Email viewed by victoria.petro@slcgov.com 2024-09-04 - 3:17:29 AM GMT Powered by Adobe Acrobat Sign Signer victoria.petro@slcgov.com entered name at signing as Victoria Petro 2024-09-04 - 3:17:42 AM GMT Document e-signed by Victoria Petro (victoria.petro@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2024-09-04 - 3:17:44 AM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) for signature 2024-09-04 - 3:17:53 AM GMT Email viewed by Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) 2024-09-04 - 3:27:59 AM GMT Email viewed by Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) 2024-09-05 - 7:37:25 AM GMT Email viewed by Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) 2024-09-06 - 4:04:37 AM GMT Document e-signed by Erin Mendenhall (erin.mendenhall@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2024-09-06 - 7:43:58 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to Cindy Trishman (cindy.trishman@slcgov.com) for signature 2024-09-06 - 7:44:08 PM GMT Document e-signed by Cindy Trishman (cindy.trishman@slcgov.com) Signature Date: 2024-09-09 - 5:13:54 PM GMT - Time Source: server O Agreement completed. 2024-09-09 - 5:13:54 PM GMT Powered by f Adobe Acrobat Sign