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35 of 2024 - Joint Ceremonial Resolution Recognizing October as Italian-American Heritage Month in Salt Lake CitySALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION Joint �csolution 35 of 2024 JOINT RESOLUTION DECLARING OCTOBER 2024 ITALIAN-AMERICAN •HERITAGE MONTH IN SALT LAKE CITY WHEREAS, Salt Lake City is home to a vibrant assembly of diverse individuals from a multitude of backgrounds, including Italian-Americans; and WHEREAS, Italian-American Heritage Month has been celebrated in October throughout the United States, providing an appropriate time to recognize the contributions the Italian-Americans have made to our community; and WHEREAS, Joseph Toronto, the.first documented Italian immigrant to Utah, is acknowledged to have been here as early as 1848, and was followed by waves of other Italian immigrants; and WHEREAS, Italian immigrants formed a vital part df the late 19th and early 20th century labor force that contributed directly to the industrial and economic development of Utah and Salt Lake City by providing needed labor in the state's mines and railroads; and WHEREAS, Salt Lake City formed a central hub for these immigrants as they established families, homes, and institutions; and WHEREAS, the impact of Italian intellectual, cultural, artistic, and governmental impacts have been felt worldwide for centuries and continue to influence our own modern municipal governance; and WHEREAS, In Utah, Italian-Americans organized and supported each other through charity work and education by forming groups such as the Italian-American Civic League,formed on January 18, 1934. This organization is still active today; and WHEREAS, Italian-Americans have made notable contributions to various.fields, including business, music, education, government, cuisine, arts, and sports, enriching the cultural tapestry of our city through their traditions and values and leaving a lasting impact for future generations; and WHEREAS, Italian-Americans have preserved their unique cultural heritage through festivals, events, and organizations,fostering a sense of unity and pride within the Italian-American community and sharing their traditions with all residents of Salt Lake City. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Salt Lake City Council and Mayor of Salt Lake City hereby recognize the month of October as Italian-American Heritage Month in our city and encourage all residents to join in celebrating the contributions and culture of Italian-Americans. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Salt Lake City Council and Mayor of Salt Lake City extend their appreciation to the Italian-American community for their enduring contributions to our city and wish them a joyous and meaningful Italian­American Heritage Month. Adopted this f 'i day of October 2024 SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION �esolutiou � Erin Mendenhall { Salt Lake City Mayor \ 0-kW� Chris Wharton, Vice Chair Salt Lake City Council Member, District Three �� Eva I.J6pez Chavez s�y'r,ake City Council Member, District Four /'��� Dan Dugan 0 Salt Lake City Council Member, District Six vic1, Victoria Petro, Chair Salt Lake City Council Member, District One &fii .. �v Alejandro Puy Salt Lake City Council Member, District Two Y�� Darin Mano Salt Lake City Council Member, District Five �t===cs= Salt Lake City Council Member, District Seven