25 of 2023 - Joint Resolution Declaring September 2023 National Suicide Prevention Month in Salt Lake CityWRIBlEm- SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION yvesolutiou JOINT RESOLUTION DECLARING SEPTEMBER 2023 NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION MONTH IN SALT LAKE CITY WHEREAS, September is known nationally as "Suicide Prevention Month; " and WHEREAS, according to the American Foundation far Suicide Prevention, suicide is the 9th leading cause of death among adults in Utah, and the leading cause of death for Utahns aged 10 - 24 years old; and WHEREAS, also according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Utah averages 651 suicides per year; and WHEREAS, according to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, the Veteran suicide rate in Utah is significantly higher than the national Veteran suicide rate. WHEREAS, according to the Utah Suicide Prevention Coalition, LGBTQ+ adults and youth experience a significantly elevated riskfor suicide and suicide behavior. WHEREAS, on average, more than 48,000 lives are lostfrom suicide in the United States each year, which averages to about 132 suicides per day; and WHEREAS, every life lost directly affects the victim's family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and community; and WHEREAS, Salt Lake City is home to many mental health providers such as Huntsman Mental Health Institute and the Volunteers of America and mental health and suicide prevention services are accessible and available through the Salt Lake County Health Department by calling 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to be connected to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area, anytime, 2417; WHEREAS, Salt Lake City values those who work daily to help better the lives of others through their professions in mental health care, education, emergency services, and many more. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Salt Lake City Council and Mayor of Salt Lake City recognize the month of September 2o23 as National Suicide Prevention Month in Salt Lake City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Salt Lake City encourages all residents to familiarize themselves with mental health education and treatment resources and recognize how a healthy mind can help us better care for ourselves, our families, and our communities. Adopted this _5 day of September 2023 Erin Mendenhall Salt Lake City Mayor Darin Mano, Chair Salt Lake City Council Member, District Five