02/02/2016 - Work Session - Minutes MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2016 The City Council met in Work Session on Tuesday, February 2, 2016, at 2 : 09 p.m. in Room 326, Committee Room, City County Building, 451 South State Street . In Attendance: Council Members Andrew Johnston, James Rogers, Erin Mendenhall, Charlie Luke, Derek Kitchen, Stan Penfold, and Lisa Adams . Staff in Attendance: Cindy Gust-Jenson, Executive Council Director; Jacqueline Biskupski, Mayor; Patrick Leary, Mayor' s Chief of Staff; David Litvack, Mayor' s Deputy Chief of Staff; Margaret Plane, City Attorney; Lehua Weaver, Council Associate Deputy Director; Sean Murphy, Council Public Policy Analyst; Nora Shepard, Planning Director; Nick Tarbet, Council Public Policy Analyst; Nick Norris, Planning Manager; Allison Rowland, Council Public Policy Analyst; Tracy Tran, Principal Planner; Russell Weeks, Council Senior Public Policy Analyst; Jennifer Bruno, Executive Council Deputy Director; Mike Akerlow, Director of Housing and Neighborhood Development; Lynn Pace, Mayor' s Senior Advisor; Gina Chamness, Finance Director; Tyler Poulson, Sustainability Program Manager; and Kory Solorio, Assistant City Recorder. Guests in Attendance: Neil Lindberg, City Council Legal Counsel; Paul Skeen, CPA, Partner Eide Bailly; and Mike Mickelsen, CPA, Partner Eide Bailly. Councilmember Rogers presided at and conducted the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 2 : 09 p.m. AGENDA ITEMS #1 . 2:09:44PM BRIEFING ON THE COUNCIL WORKSHOP HELD JANUARY 19 THAT PRODUCED PRIORITY PROJECTS FOR 2016, INCLUDING A FOCUS ON HOUSING & HOMELESSNESS, STREET REPAIRS & FUNDING, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Other items that could be discussed include additional 2016 projects, and 2015 Priorities. View Attachments Lehua Weaver, Jennifer Bruno, Russell Weeks, and Allison Rowland briefed the council with attachments . The Council requested Staff explore options for street maintenance funding, a City wide mechanism to prioritize street infrastructure needs, funding sources for new infrastructure and maintenance of existing infrastructure, street replacement practices of other municipalities, a mechanism to balance long-term support services with upfront initial investments for Economic Development, incorporate homelessness and 16 - 1 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 , 2016 housing as part of the opportunity index to use as a key for success, have a briefing with Administration on plans for the separation of Economic Development from Community Development, an update on the recent changes to the Economic Development Loan Fund and the tools used, a housing levy on the ballot, and seeking a consultant for the Building Services audit. A unanimous Straw Poll was taken in favor of moving forward with the Building Services audit. Ms . Bruno explained there were a few items the Council discussed at the workshop that did not make it to the level of priority and because there was significant Council interest in those items, Staff proposed they continue to treat them as active projects . She indicated those projects were : the Potential Plastic Bag Ban, Critical Communities, Watershed Protection, and the Staff use of Agile Project Management. Ms . Bruno said Council received brief project scopes for each item based on the Council' s workshop discussion. The Council agreed they were in favor of Staff continuing to treat those items as active projects . Ms . Bruno addressed the list of Next Steps for 2015 Projects . She said there were various items from the Council' s work plan last year, both priorities and active projects, which had pieces that were not completed. She said rather than assuming those items would fall onto an inactive list, Staff wanted to bring those back to the Council for direction. The following items were reviewed and discussed: • Economic Development/Building Services : The Council supported moving forward with the Building Services audit. • Urban Forestry: Ordinance amendments have been discussed and had not yet been processed by the Council . Staff recommendation was to treat this as an active project. • Capital Improvement Program/Process Improvements : Staff coordinated with the Administration to develop a scope that looked at technology improvements to the system and coordinate across departments . This project had not been completed; technology and system improvements could still be accomplished. Staff worked with the previous administration and considered it essential to have collaboration between both branches in order to move forward. If the Council was interested, the next step would be to speak with the Administration to see if they were willing to partner in this matter. • Impact Fees : A nexus and unique opportunity existed with this item and the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) . This year the City would have to redo the CIP Ten-Year Plan and Impact Fees Facilities Plan. If the City considered potentially changing the impact fee schedule, it could allow opportunity to adjust the process of how departments 16 - 2 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2016 collaborate long-term capital planning. Councilmember Rogers stated he was in favor of speaking with the Administration and moving forward with impact fees . Discussion continued regarding the 2015 Active Projects List, concern regarding the list of active projects, and prioritizing and tracking projects in the Project Management System. The following items were reviewed/discussed: • Campaign Finance : Staff recommended closing this item for 2016 and handling it as a smaller project . • Sexual Assault and Police Use of Force : Both items would be coming up on the Council agenda next week and the following week Council could set forth policy and guidance (possibly close the item at that time) . • Prison Relocation and Impact to Salt Lake City (SLC) : This was an ongoing issue and weekly updates were given at the Legislative Subcommittee Meeting. • Disposition of City-Owned Property: Council was waiting to hear back from the Administration on items related to this item. • Dog Off-Leash Items : Staff indicated the Administration was moving forward with 7 part-time off-lease areas (one in each Council district) and would have additional information to suggest revisions . Another issue related to this item was a constituent request to address the issue of off-leash citations and how they were treated. A unanimous Straw Poll was taken in support of amending the ordinance regarding the misdemeanor for off-leash dogs . A unanimous Straw Poll was taken in support of turning over the off- leash dog park policy for each District to the Administration and having them bring back to the Council what they implemented in moving forward. Discussion continued regarding the Recreation Bond and timeline issues in relation to putting items on the ballot in November. Councilmember Rogers asked Council if it was acceptable for Staff to set up a meeting with Administration to discuss ballot initiatives . The Council agreed to have Staff meet with the Administration regarding ballot initiatives and return to the Council with those discussions. Ms . Bruno said Staff would prepare a formal budget letter to the Administration that would include items which had been discussed and let them know the Council' s priorities . She said it would be sent to the Council for review. 16 - 3 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2016 #2 . 3:07:07PM BRIEFING ON A PROPOSAL TO COMPILE A LIST OF REPORTING REQUIREMENTS INCLUDING UPDATES OR REPORTS THAT THE COUNCIL HAS REQUESTED, ITEMS THE COUNCIL WAS ENTITLED TO RECEIVE BASED ON STATE OR CITY CODE, OR INFORMATION ITEMS THAT WERE ROUTINELY SHARED. The goal of gathering all the reporting information into one easy-to-reference location was to enhance transparency and add clarity to the process. View Attachments Nick Tarbet, Neil Lindberg, and Margaret Plane briefed the Council with attachments . Mr. Tarbet said the goal of gathering all reports into one place was to increase transparency, make an easy reference location, find what needed to be reported, and standardize the process . The Council agreed they were in favor of having a centrally-located area for all of the listed reports. Councilmember Rogers suggested reporting be semi-annual and asked Staff to come back to the Council with options from Council Members and Staff who had expressed interest . Councilmember Mendenhall said before the Council started making changes to Board and Commission reporting requirements she wanted to hear from the Administration whether they had any changes regarding Sister Cities or other groups that were heard from less often. She said they could have a different approach than the previous Administration. Councilmember Rogers asked that other Council Members suggestions regarding this concept be included as well . Mr. Tarbet reviewed items to be considered for inclusion in the consolidated reporting Ordinance . Unanimous Straw Polls were taken in support of Staff proposed changes for the following items : (Council Members Mendenhall and Adams were absent for the vote) • Report on implementation of new projects : Request reports from each City Department summarizing actions taken to implement the new budget item or project, six months following the adoption of a new Master Plan (more information on this in Item l . i) , or other triggers could be identified. o In the annual budget provide an update on the implementation of projects that had been authorized during the previous budget. • Report on action taken by the Administration relating to Legislative Actions and Intents adopted by the Council: Update on status or Administrative feedback on Legislative Actions (land-use related 16 - 4 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2016 items adopted throughout the year) and Legislative Intents (budget related and typically adopted during the Annual Budget or a budget amendment . ) A unanimous Straw Poll was taken in favor of compiling a report on paid administrative leave cases whenever a City employee had been on paid administrative leave or other types of leave for more than five weeks and to work with the City Attorney' s Office to determine exclusions from the report. Council Members Mendenhall and Adams were absent for the vote . Mr. Tarbet stated Mr. Lindberg would put this together and work with the Attorney' s Office to fine tune it and bring it back to the Council for briefing and consideration. A unanimous Straw Poll was taken in support of the remainder of Staff proposed changes for this ordinance which included the following items : (Council Members Mendenhall and Adams were absent for the vote) • Parking ticket status report: Number of tickets issued, collections update, and other trends that could provide the Council with feedback on revenue forecasts and enforcement practices . • Zoning violation enforcement status report: Report that includes number of open cases and long-standing cases that could provide the Council perspective on constituent complaints, enforcement resources, and time for resolutions . • Landlord/tenant licensing status report: Report on the number of participants, number removed from the program, status of online training, and status of refinements to the City' s system for reporting incidents to landlord program. • Claims paid out through the governmental immunity fund and current balance report: Include as normal information with the annual budget, plus include as context with any budget requests that affect the Fund. • Temporary Zoning Regulations ("Moratorium") : Within 30-days of adoption, receive a report to outline steps to process regulations, request more guidance if needed, or express Administration' s questions or concerns . • Police Department report: Report on statistics, number of calls, open cases, other pieces that would provide the Council with context on resources, budget needs, community trends, etc. • Fire Department report: Report on statistics, number of calls, open cases, other pieces that would provide the Council with context on resources, budget needs, community trends, etc. • E-911 Dispatch report: Report on statistics, number of calls, open 16 - 5 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2016 cases, other pieces that would provide the Council with context on resources, budget needs, community trends, etc. • Inventory of City-owned property and land that had been sold, surplused or transferred: Report on land exchanges, surplus real estate, and personal property transactions that would provide the Council with context and an overview of City owned property and assets . • Annual report of delegated authority to various City departments/divisions: As follow-up to Council discussion about Delegations of Authority, the Administration might begin an inventory of Council decisions delegated to the Administration so an annual or semi-annual report on those authority items could be reviewed as a normal course of oversight. • Litigation report of all unresolved cases: Report includes number of open and long-standing cases that could provide the Council perspective on legal issues that are significantly impacting City resources . Mr. Lindberg asked if Staff could assume from what had been said that the rule would start with a six-month reporting window and once a draft ordinance was received, Council could reconsider lengthening or shortening it depending on individual items that would be listed. The Council indicated they were in favor of the six-month reporting window and potential changes to the draft ordinance depending on individual items. Mr. Lindberg continued to state the intent of this effort was not to create additional work for the Administration but to simply have them share what had already been collected as a management tool for their own purposes and to assist Council in understanding what was going on and to help respond to constituents . Councilmember Penfold questioned if part of the Council' s requests for information of reporting or other critical items were related to any policy issues . Mr. Lindberg stated he did not think this was intended to restrict the Administration as to what information they would share, but rather an invitation to share information. He said language could be added to the ordinance if a particular bit of data indicated the ordinance needed to be adjusted or it was not working. Councilmember Penfold asked if that language could be included in the ordinance to communicate that message . Mr. Lindberg stated an intent provision could be added to the ordinance . Ms . Gust-Jenson said as a follow-up for Council (not to be included in the ordinance) Staff would note on each request the reason for a policy and budget change . She also indicated 16 - 6 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 , 2016 Staff would work with the Administration to coordinate Council' s requests for information when a great deal of work or costs would be involved. #3 . 3:24:12 PM BRIEFING ON A PROPOSAL ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE NORTHWEST QUADRANT MASTER PLAN. The proposed Master Plan details the vision, goals, and policies guiding growth and development within the Northwest (NW) Quadrant. The NW Quadrant is generally located west of the Salt Lake International Airport and Interstate-215 and North of SR-201 or 2100 South to the western and northern boundaries of the City. The NW Quadrant contains most of the City's current industrial areas as well as a large amount of undeveloped land that is adjacent to environmentally-sensitive lands. View Attachments Nick Tarbet, Nick Norris, Tracy Tran, and Nora Shephard briefed the Council with attachments and a Power Point Presentation. Discussion was held regarding the bike-lane connector route to the marina, concerns regarding access to the wetland areas, controlled access to public land, potential of private land becoming public, conflict between the Open Space Master Plan and the Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan, development of a Eco-green commercial building, creating additional wetlands space around wastewater mitigation, concern with the development in relation to bird issues along the migratory route, potential need to collaborate with a wildlife biologist, and continuation of agricultural uses . Councilmember Penfold questioned the green area immediate west on the map located outside of the City boundary line . He thought it would be helpful (even though it was not in the City boundary) to include it as part of the proposal because in context it related to how the City had surrounded the area. Mr. Tarbet stated there was a conflict between the Open Space Master Plan and the Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan and asked Council if they would like Staff to initiate a legislative action to amend the Master Plan. A unanimous Straw Poll was taken in support of initiating a legislative action to amend the Master Plan. Mr. Tarbet said after the Planning Commission recommendation, Transportation received additional feedback that refined language in some transportation policies within the Northwest Quadrant Master Plan which was forwarded back to the Planning Staff. He asked Council if they supported those changes . 16 - 7 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2016 A unanimous Straw Poll was taken in support of changes regarding transportation policies within the Northwest Quadrant Master Plan. Mr. Tarbet asked Council in terms of implantation whether they wanted Planning Staff to identify the rezones and text amendments to create a new Eco-industrial Park. Councilmember Penfold questioned how long it would take and suggested an updated status in the fall . He said he was good with initiating the review of the zoning once the Master Plan the Council was in favor of, was adopted. Mr. Tarbet indicated the public hearing for the Northwest Quadrant Master Plan was being set for March 1, 2016 and asked if Council wanted any additional public outreach. Councilmember Penfold said (as in the planning process) he wanted to ensure property owners/duck clubs were included as well as any other organizations that might be interested in the wetlands and Audubon. Councilmember Rogers said he wanted to notify Community Councils and requested Staff personally visit each Community Council in the surrounding area. #4 . 4:16:29 PM DISCUSSION ON THE CITYWIDE HOUSING POLICY AND MANY ASPECTS OF THE CITY' S HOUSING NEEDS. View Attachments Sean Murphy and Mike Akerlow briefed the Council with attachments . Mr. Murphy stated there currently was an adopted Housing Policy. He said the Administration was working to include any changes to that policy before they started working on a new Housing Plan and to ensure the Council' s needs were going to be reflected in the Housing Plan. Mr. Murphy explained there were two ways to address this that had been discussed last year: 1) By Staff taking Council Members input, figure out how to word it into the policy, and then present those suggestions; or 2) Go through the housing policy line-by-line as currently adopted to ensure it fit the current body. He said there were pros and cons to each. One pro to the lateral was it would ensure the 2016 Council had their full approval on every item in the housing policy (which also might take a number of additional meetings to complete) . He said the other approach would be to add what needed to be added, expedite/advance it, and give direction to the Administration what the housing plan ought to embody. Councilmember Rogers felt the expedited process was appropriate to keep moving forward. Council Members Johnston and Kitchen said they were comfortable going ahead with the expedited process . 16 - 8 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2016 Discussion was held regarding development of the Housing Plan, concern regarding Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) , inclusionary zoning, incentives for affordable housing, concern regarding Housing Trust Fund sustainability , and moving forward with the Housing Policy in order to allow updates to be made to the Housing Trust Fund. A unanimous Straw Poll was taken in support to move forward with the policy approval . Councilmember Adams was absent for the vote . #5. 4:31:58 PM REVIEW EXAMPLES OF FEES OR POLICY AUTHORITY THAT HAS BEEN DELEGATED, AND PROVIDE DIRECTION OF THOSE ITEMS. The first focus is on a few significant policy and fee-setting items in Public Utilities. View Attachments Lehua Weaver briefed the Council with attachments . Discussion was held regarding questions/concerns with placing a hold on certain decisions related to watershed protection and surplus agreements, the potential of pending work in Public Utilities being negatively impacted, holding a Closed Session with Public Utilities, and concern with Council involvement regarding policy and fee issues related to service changes . Ms . Weaver referred to the Significant Policy Items : • Using an ordinance, the Council could place 'on hold ' certain decisions related to watershed protection and surplus agreements. This was a significant protection issue to the City, and one where the Department currently had broad discretion without codified Legislative policy guidance. The hold would establish a set period of time to allow the Council a full opportunity to review policy, options and implications; the Council may also consider additional study or review that would inform the City on watershed protection, certain protections that have changed based on Court decisions, and other pertinent information. Any resulting policy guidance that the Council identifies during this more thorough review would be accomplished through a separate ordinance. She suggested scheduling a Closed Session briefing with Public Utilities and the Administration to get further information on what the impacts/opportunities would be and bring that back to the Council for further discussion. Ms . Weaver referenced the following items : • Section 17 . 04 . 065 Exchange of Water Rights . • Section 17 . 04 . 410 Applications for Appropriations of Water; Protests . • Watershed/Water rights Acquisition Fund. 16 - 9 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2016 She said Staff could quickly prepare any of these ordinance amendments for an upcoming meeting or hold them for further discussion. Mayor Biskupski addressed the Council . She said she (as well as the Council) had a significant commitment to protect the City' s watershed. She said the proposed moratorium for the new surplus water agreements presented an opportunity to underscore that commitment by providing an opportunity to work collaboratively and strengthen the City' s current watershed ordinances . Mayor Biskupski said she appreciated the opportunity to meet with Public Utilities together in a Closed Session and believed it would create an effective procedure moving forward. She said she had concerns about some of the amendments and hoped to work through those during the closed session. Councilmember Penfold stated it had been a couple years since the Water Rights Acquisition Fund had been evaluated/increased and it would be helpful to have an update on the current balance . He said from a Closed Session perspective it would be helpful to know what properties might be considered. He question if the Council was in a position to evaluate a change or an increase to the fund. A unanimous Straw Poll was taken in support of moving forward with a Closed Session to discuss property and water rights and the current ordinance . #6. 4:58:07 PM DISCUSSION THE LEGISLATIVE ROLE IN THE ADVICE AND CONSENT PROCESS AS OUTLINED BY STATE AND CITY CODE, AND DISCUSS POTENTIAL ORDINANCE CHANGES TO FURTHER CLARIFY THAT ROLE. View Attachments David Litvack, Jennifer Bruno, and Neil Lindberg briefed the council with attachments . Discussion was held regarding Council' s role as currently identified in City Code, Advice and Consent processes of other municipalities, delegation of power/authority, and potential ordinance changes . A unanimous Straw Poll was taken in support of moving forward with options for potential ordinance changes . Councilmember Rogers said Staff would work with the Administration to fine tune the ordinance so both parties felt comfortable and to ensure a sound policy for the Council and also for the City. #7 . 5:11:46PM BRIEFING REGARDING ISSUES FOR THE 2016 STATE LEGISLATIVE SESSION. 16 - 10 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2016 Lynn Pace and David Litvack briefed the Council with current State Legislative issues . Discussion was held regarding proposed legislation for homeless facilities/services and concern regarding the impact to the City of proposed legislation for historic districts and options to address the proposed legislation. Mr. Pace said he would take direction to reach an agreement with Legislators regarding the proposed legislation for historic districts and if an agreement could not be reached he would ask for more time to consider other legislative options . The Council agreed to have Mr. Pace move forward to reach an agreement with Legislators and to ask for more time if an agreement could not be met. Mr. Pace said he would come back to Council with proposed legislation regarding retirement bills and changes to current government immunity structure . #8 . 5:46:31 PM BRIEFING ON A PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 21A. 44 . 050 .B OF THE SALT LAKE CITY CODE PURSUANT TO PETITION NO. PLNPCM2015-00148 . The proposed changes would modify regulations pertaining to electric vehicle parking requirements for certain development activity and change requirements for electric vehicle parking stalls. View Attachments Russell Weeks, Tracy Tran, and Tyler Poulson briefed the Council with attachments and a Power Point Presentation. Discussion was held regarding concern of eliminating commercial requirements for electric vehicle parking stalls, exploring options/distinctions for electric vehicle parking stall requirements between employment-based and commercial retail parking areas, affects electric vehicle parking stall requirements would have in terms of economic development and the potential of businesses relocating outside of the city to avoid the requirements, exploring options in reduction of installation of parking stations as a trade for a build out of the capacity for additional stations down the road, accessing business licensing data for No Parking Fee Permits for high efficiency vehicles to identify where charging stations were needed, exploring an incentive base for commercial requirements and whether to consider impact fees or some other incentives to encourage businesses to install electric charging stations, costs involved to install electrical charging stations, and increasing the percentage requirement for providing a power outlet. 16 - 11 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2016 Councilmember Rogers asked Staff to consider the Council' s questions and present something at a later date in order to move forward. Note : The Work Session adjourned at 6 : 21 p.m. to convene the Formal Meeting in Room 315 . The Work Session reconvened at 7 : 37 p.m. in Room 315 . #9. 7:37:20PM BRIEFING ON THE CITY' S COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT (CAFR) FOR YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2015, AND THE MANAGEMENT AUDITOR' S LETTERS REGARDING INTERNAL CONTROLS AND COMPLIANCE. View Attachments Jennifer Bruno, Gina Chamness, Paul Skeen, and Mike Mickelsen briefed the Council with attachments . Councilmember Adams questioned whether the Golf Enterprise Fund was missing. Mr. Skeen stated a separate audited financial statement was not issued on golf (it was contained in the CAFR as a Non-Major Enterprise Fund) .Councilmember Rogers asked how an issue found that was not in compliance would be remedied. Ms . Chamness said Staff from Finance/Public Services talked about what could be done without significantly impacting parents coming to register children for Youth City. She said several options were discussed and Finance would be assisting with some oversight through the next six- months . Ms . Chamness said as a proper internal control structure was identified it could result in a budget request for hourly help or possibly a position to help ensure internal control was in place . Councilmember Penfold requested a review of Youth City. He said it had been several years since they had come before the Council to talk about their programming and how they target youth populations in the City. He said historically, the Council had been interested in those particular demographics and it would address some of the reporting challenges to see how demographics were followed and if those populations were being reached. #10 . REPORT AND ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, INCLUDING A REVIEW OF COUNCIL INFORMATION ITEMS AND. The Council may give feedback or staff direction on any item related to City Council business. Discussion was held regarding the scheduling of the Council' s annual photo. 16 - 12 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 , 2016 #11 . REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR. No discussion was held. #12 . CONSIDER A MOTION TO ENTER INTO CLOSED SESSION, IN KEEPING WITH UTAH CODE FOR ANY ALLOWED PURPOSE . Item not held. The meeting adjourned at 7 : 54 p.m. COUNCIL CHAIR CITY RECORDER This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as other items may have been discussed; please refer to the audio or video for entire content. This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the City Council Work Session meeting held February 2, 2016 . ks 16 - 13