The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah met in Regular
Session on Tuesday, April 13, 1993, at 5:00 p.m. in Room 315, City
County Building, 451 South State Street.
The following Council Members were present:
Paul Hutchison Nancy Pace Alan Hardman
Roselyn Kirk Don Hale Tom Godfrey
Ron Whitehead
Roger Black, Director of Management Services; Roger Cutler,
City Attorney; William D. Oswald, Legal Council for RDA, Alice
Steiner, Director Redevelopment Agency; Robert L. Springmeyer,
President Bonneville Research; Rick Graham, Acting Director Parks
Department; S . R. Kivett, Chief Deputy Recorder and Bonnie Ferrin,
Deputy Recorder were present.
Council Chair Kirk presided at and Councilmember Whitehead
conducted the meeting.
PUBLIC HEARING of the Utah Neighborhood
Development Act, entitled
#1. RE: A joint public "Joint Statement at Public
hearing with the Redevelopment Hearing" (refer to file M 93-7
Agency (RDA) concerning the for all referenced documents to
"Salt Lake City Baseball be entered into the minutes) .
Stadium Neighborhood Develop- Mr. Oswald said that, per this
ment Plan" dated March 12, statement, he was also provid-
1993. ing the requested documents
entailed therein to be entered
CITY COUNCIL ACTION: into the minutes .
Councilmember Godfrey moved and
Councilmember Hardman seconded Mr. Oswald said a copy of
to open the public hearing, the plan entitled "Salt Lake
which motion carried, all Baseball Stadium Redevelopment
members voted aye. Plan" had been given to each
member of the Council and had
RDA BOARD ACTION: been available for public
Councilmember Godfrey moved and inspection since March 12,
Councilmember Pace seconded to 1993 . He said copies were
open the public hearing, which available for the audience to
motion carried, all members review.
voted aye.
Mr. Oswald said three
William D. Oswald, Legal documents would be discussed.
Council for the RDA, provided He said the first document was
the attached statement in entitled "Salt Lake City
accordance with Section 12 . 22 Baseball Stadium Neighborhood
93 - 138
Development Plan" , dated March Mr. Oswald said that Mr.
12, 1993 . He said this was a Springmeyer was asked and
preliminary plan, and changes retained as a private, indepen-
could be made within the plan dent consultant, to look at an
during the course or after the area within the geographic area
public hearing. He said the of Salt Lake City to determine
second document was entitled whether or not any of the
Report on Redevelopment Plan blighting influences set forth
Entitled Salt Lake City in State law might exist. He
Baseball Stadium Neighborhood said Mr. Springmeyer submitted
Development Plan" , also dated a report and a follow-up
March 12, 1993, which contained supplement which more narrowly
an index and 23 pages. He said defined area to determine if
the third document was entitled the specific project area was
"Blight Analysis Survey, Derks blighted. He said the Rede-
Field Redevelopment Survey velopment Project area incor-
Area, Stadium Project Area porated the block north of the
Supplement" . He said this present Derks Field sight, a
report was prepared at the portion of that block, which
request of the RDA of Salt Lake was the western portion that
City, by Mr. Robert L. primarily was used now in
Springmeyer, President of conjunction with parking for
Bonneville Research, and was Derks Field, a gas station and
dated March 1993 . the parcel of real property had
been excluded from the proposed
Mr. Oswald referred to the project area. He said the
last attachment to the public southern portion of the project
hearing minutes, the Open area was owned by Salt Lake
Meeting Notice, required by City Corporation, known as
Section 52-4-6 of the code, Derks Field. He said the
which copy would become part of project area they would be
the public hearing record. talking about had only one
property owner, Salt Lake City.
Mr. Oswald said for the He said the above mentioned
record he wanted it noted that parcel of land was comprised of
as of 5 :00 p.m. , neither the two blocks.
City Council, the Recorder's
Office, or the Redevelopment Alice Steiner, Executive
Agency, had received any Director of the Redevelopment
written objections from any Agency, gave a brief explana-
owners of property within the tion of the plan. She asked
project area, from any taxing the Council to refer to their
entities, or from any interest- board packets in which a black-
ed persons . He said to that lined copy of the plan, and a
extent, there were no written report to the plan showing the
reports or objections made in changes adjusted by staff and
the adoption of the Redevelop- legal council after review of
ment Plan. the plan and the report by the
93 - 139
Planning Commission and Taxing Redevelopment Proposals and the
Entities . She said the most initiation would start when the
note worthy elements of both plan was adopted. She said on
the plan and the report to the Page 7 of the report referenced
plan was the map on page 2, the major technique to achieve
which showed the area included. redevelopment was clearance and
She reminded the Council that new construction.
it did not include any private
property and did not include She said Page 8 of the
the private property being report stated the agency would
purchased by the City for the not have the power of emanate
baseball stadium. She also domain in the project area.
reminded them that it did not She said Page 10 of the report,
include the gas station at the the role of the Agency was to
corner of Richards Street and assist others in achieving the
1300 South. She said it did plan objectives rather than the
include the streets surrounding agency undertaking the redeye-
the City-owned property, which lopment itself . She said Page
were West Temple, Richards 11 of the report, the financing
Street, Paxton, Main, and 1300 plan, was briefly summarized
South. showing the agencies contri-
bution might be $5 . 8 million
She said on Page 5 of the and that the amount might vary
report there were a number of depending on the final financ-
development objectives listed. ing package put together. She
She said the primary objective said until the financing went
was to remove and rebuild the out and the bonds were purchas-
baseball stadium. She said ed, the exact amount of the
other objectives would be the agency contribution would not
achievement of a better quality be determined. She said the
of urban design, improvements County contribution, the City
to the public rights-of-way, and the Agencies contribution,
upgrade the area to act as a was shown as a net present
spur to private investment and value. She said to meet the
to strengthen the tax base of state law the project area was
the adjacent area of the less then 100 acres and the
community. She said Page 6 of project area would sunset after
the report, permitted land 32 years . She said the RDA
uses, showed that permitted would not be collecting tax
uses would be determined by increment from the project area
zoning. She said on April 20, because it was publicly owned
1993, there would be a zoning and was not on the tax roles .
change to an "S-1" Zone to She said the tax increment
implement the plan and it was would be coming out of the
crucial that the zone change Agencies Central Business
went through. She said it District Project Area and not
further stated that the Agency this project area.
did retain a review of
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She said the documents relocation rules adopted in
listed on Page 18 were incor- July 1987 . She said it also
porated into the plan and showed the Agencies conformed
included the Structural Evalua- to City plans and attached the
tion of the perks Field Stadium recommendation of the Salt Lake
by Reaveley Engineers, the City Planning Commission.
Baseball Sighting Study by KPMG
Peat Marwick, and the Blight Mr. Oswald said the
Analysis Survey by Bonneville Legislature looked at a bill
Research. entitled "House Bill 278" by
Representative Jake Garn. He
Ms . Steiner said the said the bill was 85 pages and
report on the plan was required made a number of changes . He
by the Utah Neighborhood asked the Council to refer to
Development Act. She said the Item 7 on Page 16 of the black-
first section gave a brief lined copy of the report. He
summary of the history as the said for those who might look
City had gone through the at the report in the future, he
selection process . wanted it noted that the
Legislature amended 34 of the
Ms . Steiner said the 60 sections in the Redevelop-
description section on Page 3 ment Law as it existed when the
recited the factors of blight Legislature began in January of
found in the project area. 1993. He said the Legislature
She said the financial analysis enacted 5 new sections and
on Page 9 identified that the repealed and reenacted 7 other
tax increment for the project sections . He said as a result
would come from another project of the legislation, 46 sec-
area. She said the financial tions, or more then 2/3rds of
information in the report was the act, were amended, modifi-
supplemental to the information ed, repealed, or reenacted. He
provided in the plan, so it said he tried to outline some
would not be redundant. She of the changes made and some of
said on Page 11 of the report the legislative intent that
they identified the benefits to went into the law.
the adjacent area of the
community. She said in the He said 34 separate times
1993 Utah Legislature, it was within the 86 pages, once every
required that if the RDA put three pages of the act, the
money from one project area Legislature put in a provision
into another project area for a that spoke about trying to
sports facility, they would "grandfather" the old laws . He
need to identify the benefits said there were now 4 different
to the adjacent area of the classes of redevelopment plans.
community. He said there were the old
plans, adopted between 1969 and
She said the report also 1983, the new plans, adopted
incorporated the Agencies from 1983 up to the present,
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and the third group, called before the first of July 1993 .
"pending plans" . He said they He said any plan meeting both
were redevelopment plans conditions fell under the
started during the time the grandfather provision. He said
Legislature had taken under as he reviewed the law and as
consideration the changes in he and Ms . Steiner had talked
this new Act. about it, some provisions of
the law were not grandfathered.
Mr. Oswald said in He said they had tried to
addition to all the grand- suggest certain amendments
fathering provisions, he wanted which should be adopted as part
the Council to be aware that on of the plan and the report, to
the 44th day of the Legisla- make the plan come into compli-
ture, as the bill was going ance with the law, which were
through the Senate, there not in the original redevelop-
appeared a Statement of Legis- ment plan as it was sent out.
lative Intent, found on Page 18 He said the plan contained
of the blackline. He said the Section 48 which stated if the
following language was printed plan received a two-thirds vote
on the page of the journal, "It in both the House and the
is the intent of the Legisla- Senate then the plan's effec-
ture that the grandfathering tive date for becoming law
provisions of the third would be the date that the
substitute house Bill 278 be Governor signed the bill, which
construed liberally to allow occurred on March 11, 1993 . He
projects which are in process said because it was sent out
and for which the action the morning after the Governor
specified in these grand- signed the bill and before the
fathering provisions have been RDA recognized that the
taken to proceed to completion. effective date was March 11,
These projects, including the 1993, there were some changes
Family Center at Fort Union in that staff was recommending for
Salt Lake County, and others consideration. He asked the
meeting the same requirements" . Council to refer to the
blacklined report on Page 19,
He said the Legislature where he identified the 6
clearly recognized that the changes which were not grand-
Derks Baseball Stadium plan was fathered by the law which went
one of the pending redevelop- into effect March 11, 1993, and
ment plans which had begun any redevelopment plan adopted
before the legislature com- after that date had to meet
menced. He said some of the the provisions identified in
provisions had been grand- the 6 changes on Page 19 of the
fathered because it was a report.
redevelopment plan which was
mailed out by the first of Robert L. Springmeyer Jr. ,
April 1993 and where the President Bonneville Research,
current public hearing was held 48 Market Street, spoke about
93 - 142
the Blight Study. He said his conjured up visions of burned-
staff was asked to look at a out tenement houses in the
survey area that encompassed Bronx, instead of the types of
past California Street, between environments that Salt Lake
West Temple and Main Street to City had. He said the 10
900 South. He said along with blight factors were found on
the RDA, Salt Lake City Page 37 of the Derks Field
resurveyed the proposed project Blight Analysis Survey.
area, bordered to the north by
Paxton Avenue, Richards Street, He said other key ele-
to the east, West Temple, west ments of the Redevelopment Act
on 1300 South, picking up Main project area remained the same.
Street, jogging through and He said Section 1209 pertaining
missing the private properties to the "Detrimental or Inimi-
and along California Street cal" was removed, but the same
back to the western edge of adoption by ordinance provi-
West Temple. sions were kept in.
Mr. Springmeyer said the Mr. Springmeyer referred
area included approximately to Page 38 of the Blight Survey
17 . 4 acres, made up of two pertaining to the Preliminary
parcels, buildings on site were Plan which was prepared after
a fire station and an existing April 1, 1993 . He said it was
Derks Field Baseball Stadium. primarily for background infor-
He said the Stadium Project mation and review. He said it
area was characterized by a was important to note that
deteriorated and structurally blight was a combination of a
unsafe baseball stadium and number of significant environ-
parking area with deteriorating mental and structural factors
asphalt surfacing, without which existed within an area.
curbs, gutters or sidewalks . He said there was no one single
He said the project area was factor that determined blight.
made up of parcel No. 65 and He said the purpose of the
Parcel No. 78 . He said the blight analysis was to develop
parking area was made up of some objective and quantifiable
2 . 96 acres and carried an data on the wide range of
assessed valuation of $443,000 . physical factors which could
He said the Derk's Field area then be used to determine
was owned by Salt Lake City and legislatively why it existed in
included the Fire Station. the area and whether Redevelop-
ment was necessary. He said in
Mr. Springmeyer said the order to do that, they set up
process which they followed more detailed methods of
examined the ten legislative measuring, evaluating and
blight factors, provided for by analyzing the 10 blight
the State Legislature. He said factors .
the choice of the term "blight"
was often criticized because it He said one of the new
93 - 143
blight factors was the Salt Lake City of the Derks
existence of any hazardous or Field Stadium.
solid waste. He said they had
always considered that as an He said the blighting
indicator of some of the factor areas exhibiting high
earlier blight factors, so density of population and
nothing had changed with the overcrowding did not show
addition of the hazardous waste unusual evidence on either
factor. parcel. He said both parcels
fell within the Federal
He said Bonneville Emergency Management Agency
Research had prepared a custom flood zone.
survey form to look at the
properties and buildings . He Mr. Springmeyer referred
said they looked at items like to his composite map which
foundations, roof structures, showed where at least two
land use, fire hazards, struct- blight factors existed, cover-
ural parts of buildings, crime ing both parcels . He said the
reports, underground storage new legislation required the
tanks which existed in the existence of three or more
area, energy code violations, blight factors .
Federal Emergency Management
Agency flood conditions which Mr. Springmeyer said the
could be found on Page 42 of formal findings found on Page
the Blight Survey. 70 of his report were required
to be entered, verbatim, into
He said they then con- the record and read as follows:
ducted a detailed building and
field survey. He said he was "Summary and Conclusion:
assisted in this by Mr. Roger
Van Frank, licensed architect. During the course of this
He said he was also supported blight study, the Utah Neigh-
in this survey by the Salt Lake borhood Development Act was
Building Code Enforcement amended by the 1993 Utah
Department, the Environmental Legislature, and which amend-
Enforcement , the Fire ments became effective March
Department and the City and 11, 1993 .
County Health Department. He
said they looked at other As a consequence, to
health and environmental safety examine these additional
and public service demand data. requirements , Bonneville
He said they collected economic Research undertook a supple-
and social data and an environ- mental survey and the
mental survey study performed collection of technical
by Salt Lake City on the area. documentation which could be
He said there was also a considered by the RDA of Salt
detailed structural analysis Lake City, and Salt Lake City
performed under contract with Council in supporting a
93 - 144
legislative finding of blight, Stadium Redevelopment Project
as defined and determined by Area which most characterized
the 1993 amendments as provided the existing blighted condi-
by 17A-2-1202 ( 3) . tions were listed on Page 71
and 72 of the Blight Survey
The purpose of this blight (refer to file M 93-7 ) .
survey was to determine the
existence of conditions within Mr. Oswald said all public
the survey area and proposed notice requirements had been
project which may serve as met by the RDA.
indicators of "Blight" as
described in Section 17A- Rick Graham, Acting
1202(3) , Utah Code Annotated Director Parks Department,
1953, as amended by the 1993 spoke on behalf of the City.
Legislature. He said the Parks Department
had been the care-taker of the
The legislatively required stadium for many years and he
physical and environmental had reviewed the Salt Lake City
blight variables were consider- Neighborhood Development Plan.
ed in the survey, in order to He said the Parks Department
document the need for redeye- concurred with the findings of
lopment planning. Therefore the blight study. He said he
based upon the cumulative felt the findings were clearly
findings of the survey: and fairly reflected of the
conditions which existed at the
THERE IS EVIDENCE OF THE stadium and the adjacent sight.
PRESENCE OF BLIGHT SUFFICIENT He recommended that the Council
TO WARRANT UNDERTAKING adopt the Redevelopment Plan.
REVERSE THE PHYSICAL , Councilmember Whitehead
STRUCTURAL AND ECONOMIC DECLINE asked if there was anyone from
OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT AREA. the audience that wanted to
BLIGHTED AREA , THE Mr. Oswald said that if
REDEVELOPMENT OF WHICH IS the members of the governing
NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE A body of the RDA adopted the
PUBLIC PURPOSE. plan, the City Council adopted
the plan, there were certain
Nine of ten legislative findings which had been set
blight factors were found to forth in the resolution and
justify the existence of blight ordinance. He said the
within the proposed project findings which would need to
area . " made to adopt the plan were
found in the document entitled
Mr. Springmeyer said the "Joint Hearing, Summary of
nine factors found within the Findings and Supporting
proposed Salt Lake Derks Field Documents for the Redevelop-
93 - 145
ment Agency of Salt Lake City of emanate domain.
and for the City Council of
Salt Lake City" . He said on He said on Finding "G" ,
Page 2, Finding "A" , of the that other than the City there
report, it show that the were no other parties that
project area was a blighted needed to be relocated.
area and on Pages 2, 3, 4, 5,
and 6, he summarized all the He said Finding "H" on
evidence that Mr. Springmeyer housing facilities, that to
had presented in his Blight their knowledge, there were no
Survey. He said on Page 7, people being displaced from
Finding "B" , as the plan housing within the project
conformed to the Utah Neigh- area.
borhood Development Act, they
set forth each of the required He said on the above
legislative matters which were mentioned basis, it was the
required to be in any adopted recommendation of staff and
Redevelopment plan or report legal council, that they
and they had been incorporated believed all the legal require-
into the plan. He said they ments to adopt the plan by the
had supplemented the plan and Agency and the City, had been
the report to the plan complied met and he would recommend that
with the provisions of the new they adopt the Redevelopment
act, as it became effective Plan.
March 11, 1993 .
He said on Page 8, Finding Councilmember Godfrey moved and
"C" , it listed the plan as Councilmember Hardman seconded
economically sound and feasible to close the joint Public
and they had set forth, within Hearing, which motion carried,
the documents, the reasons why all members voted aye.
their findings could be made.
RDA ACTION: Councilmember
He said Finding "D" stated Godfrey moved and Councilmember
that the plan was comparable Hardman seconded to close the
with the City Master Plan. joint public hearing, which
motion carried, all members
He said Finding "E" stated voted aye.
that the plan would promote the
public welfare of the City and SALT LAKE CITY ACTION:
the clearance of the structure Councilmember Godfrey moved and
was no longer safe for public Councilmember Hardman seconded
use. to recess as City Council,
which motion carried, all
He said Finding "F" showed members voted aye.
that the plan did not contain
an affirmative way and the ACTION: Councilmember
agency could not use the power Godfrey moved and Council-
93 - 146
member Hardman seconded to
adopt Resolution 383.01 of 1993
amending the Agencies Owner
Participation Rules, which
motion carried, all members
voted aye.
ACTION: Councilmember
Godfrey moved and Council-
member Hardman seconded to
adopt Resolution 383.02,
approving the Salt Lake City
Baseball Stadium Neighborhood
Development Plan, which motion
carried, all members voted aye.
ACTION: Councilmember
Godfrey moved and Council-
member Pace seconded to adjourn
the RDA part of the meeting,
which motion carried, all
members voted aye.
(0 93-11 and 0 93-12)
The meeting adjourned at
6 : 05 p.m.
Coun 1 hair.
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93 - 147