04/23/2019 - Work Session - Minutes MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 23 , 2019 The City Council met in Work Session on Tuesday, April 23, 2019, in Room 326, Committee Room, City County Building, 451 South State Street. In Attendance: Council Members Erin Mendenhall, Chris Wharton, James Rogers, Charlie Luke, Andrew Johnston, Analia Valdemoros, and Amy Fowler. Absent: Councilmember James Rogers . Staff in Attendance: Cindy Gust-Jenson, Council Executive Director; Jennifer Bruno, Council Executive Deputy Director; David Litvack, Mayor' s Deputy Chief of Staff; Rusty Vetter, Deputy City Attorney; Benjamin Luedtke, Council Public Policy Analyst; Jennifer McGrath, Community and Neighborhoods Deputy Director; Sam Owen, Council Policy Analyst; Laura Briefer, Public Utilities Director; Jesse Stewart, Public Utilities Deputy Director; Jason Brown, Public Utilities Chief Engineer; Lisa Tarufelli, Public Utilities Finance Administrator; Holly Mullen, Public Utilities Communication Engagement Manager; Jennifer Schumann, Housing and Neighborhood Development Policy and Program Manager; Lani Eggertsen-Goff, Housing and Neighborhood Development Interim Director; Mary Beth Thompson, Chief Financial Officer; John Vuyk, Budget Director; Bill Wyatt, Department of Airports Executive Director; Brian Butler, Department of Airports Interim Finance Director; Jonathan Larsen, Transportation Director; and Scott Crandall, Deputy City Recorder. Guests in Attendance: Ben Bolte, Greenbike Founder and Executive Director. Councilmember Luke and Councilmember Fowler conducted the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 4 : 26 p.m. AGENDA ITEMS #1 . 4:27:06 PM RECEIVE A FOLLOW-UP BRIEFING ABOUT THE MAYOR' S FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS AND AN APPROPRIATIONS RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ONE-YEAR ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR 2019-20 . Includes Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding, HOME Investment Partnership Program funding, Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding, Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funding and approving an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between 19 - 1 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 23 , 2019 Salt Lake City and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) . View Attachments Benjamin Luedtke, Jennifer Schumann, David Litvack, and Lani Eggertsen-Goff briefed the Council with attachments . Mr. Luedtke summarized prior briefings and said the item was scheduled for consideration at the formal meeting. He said the Council made several funding shifts totaling $615, 115 on April 2, 2019 . He said further discussion was needed between the Administration and Habitat-for-Humanity. He said the final award amounts from HUD came in lower than expected (CDBG-$93, 000 and HOME-$114, 000) . He said ESG and HOPWA came in higher than expected ($8, 000 & $61, 000 respectively) . Mr. Luedtke reviewed proposed funding shifts to the four grants based on the final award. He said the Administration looked at impacts to individual programs/organizations based on Council' s prior allocations . He said the Administration' s recommendation was to spread the pain of the decreased awards across more projects, instead of fewer. Ms . Schumann summarized the Administrations revised recommendations . After a lengthy discussion about the appropriate/fairest way to address the shortage, the following Straw Poll was taken: Council support to have Staff/Administration calculate an across- the-board decrease with the exception of two applicants who were already at the $30, 000 minimum level . All Council Members present were in favor except Councilmember Johnston, who was opposed. Mr. Luedtke said for clarification, the Council' s straw poll (for a percentage decrease) , only applied to CDBG, not the other three grants/categories . He said it would affect all CDBG applications while still maximizing the Administration/Public Services category. Councilmember Luke said Staff would get updated information back to Council Members prior to the formal meeting. Further discussion was held on Habitat-for-Humanity. Mr. Litvack said the proposed federal funding ($250, 000) did not fit Habitat-for-Humanity' s current funding model . He said he thought there were other opportunities the City could explore that would work for them. He said the Administration' s recommendation was to return the funding to its original source (HOME) . Discussion was held on NeighborWorks Home Ownership and Real Estate Development Services . Councilmember Wharton proposed the 19 - 2 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 2019 following Straw Poll : That the Council allocate $50 ,000 to be immediately available for NeighborWorks Home Ownership and Real Estate Development Services and $50,000 to be in a contingency reserve to be released to NeighborWorks as of January 1 , 2020 if the City Administration confirms that NeighborWorks has : 1) Repaid the amount of federal funds due based on the recent audit, and 2) Demonstrated to the satisfaction of the City Administration that any systems or personnel issues have been resolved, or NeighborWorks demonstrated they were the subject of an independent outside audit by a recognized auditing firm to confirm that the issues identified in the recent audit were addressed and that no new issues existed and should the above requirements not be met, the funds would lapse for re-appropriation by the City Council based upon a recommendation from the City Administration (based on qualified applicants as required by the federal government) . Councilmember Valdemoros recused herself from the discussion/vote . Further discussion on the proposal/straw poll included concern about how/when NeighborWorks spent federal funding (affecting ability to access new funding) , Council' s ability to reallocate funds appropriately within a given calendar year, impact on future applications (potential harm to City) , Council ongoing support for program, compromising the funding stream by not spending allocation, and homeownership being fundamental to the City (find appropriate mechanisms to accomplish homeownership) . Councilmember Mendenhall requested a follow-up meeting with NeighborWorks to fully understand their plan and address concerns about not compromising the integrity of the City' s CDBG dollars because funding was not being spent . Councilmember Luke called for a vote on the Straw Poll . All Council Members present were in favor, except Councilmember Valdemoros, who was recused. #2 . 5:22:03PM RECEIVE A FOLLOW-UP BRIEFING ABOUT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FINAL BUDGET OF SALT LAKE CITY, INCLUDING THE EMPLOYMENT STAFFING DOCUMENT, FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-19 . Budget amendments happen several times each year to reflect adjustments to the City's budgets, including proposed project additions and modifications. The proposed amendment includes funding for reconstructing 1500 South and other street improvements, expanding the Streets maintenance yard to accommodate the new streets maintenance crew, and an engineering study of structural and water 19 - 3 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 23 , 2019 conditions at the Warm Springs Plunge historic building, and additional funding for City employee tuition reimbursements, among other changes. View Attachments Benjamin Luedtke, Mary Beth Thompson, John Vuyk, and Jennifer McGrath briefed the Council with attachments . Mr. Luedtke summarized the proposal . Discussion included information on the Wasatch Springs Plunge study/water analysis and the tuition reimbursement program. Mr. Luedtke said the Council was scheduled to take action during the formal meeting. #3 . 5:25:58PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING ABOUT THE MAYOR' S RECOMMENDED BUDGET RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 . View Attachments Note : Items 3 through 5 were held as one briefing. #4 . RECEIVE A BRIEFING ABOUT AN ORDINANCE THAT WOULD ADOPT A NEW WATER AND SEWER RATE STRUCTURE. The new rate structure would coincide with the adoption of the Department of Public Utilities budget for Fiscal Year 2019-20. View Attachments #5. RECEIVE A BRIEFING ABOUT A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY (WRF) TO REPLACE THE CITY' S CURRENT FACILITY. The new WRF construction will be phased over seven years in order to meet regulatory standards by 2025 and cost an estimated $528 million. The resolution of support would allow the City's current facility to continue to operate without meeting the new regulatory standards until the new facility is completed. The resolution would coincide with the adoption of the Department of Public Utilities budget for Fiscal Year 2019- 20. View Attachments Laura Briefer, Jesse Stewart, Jason Brown, Lisa Tarufelli, Holly Mullen, and Sam Owen briefed the Council with attachments and a PowerPoint Presentation. Ms . Briefer provided a summary of the proposed budget. Comments included rate study/structure, public health/safety, environmental protections, planning for aging infrastructure replacement, capital asset management, water conservation master plan update, source water protection update (Wasatch watersheds) , climate vulnerabilities/adaptation studies, economic growth support, need for additional staff (17 fulltime employees) , State/Federal water quality mandates (compliance by 2025) , financing/bond issues, proposed increases to water, sewer, and stormwater rates, capital improvement program, water treatment 19 - 4 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 23 , 2019 plant upgrades, meter replacement program, and water conservation opportunities . Councilmember Wharton' s questions/concerns about proposed improvements to the pump/well house on 4th Avenue included public notification/involvement/feedback, design changes occurring since 2017 (how/when residents were notified) , health/safety issues about chlorine/fluoride (impact on residents/public) , potential to move facility (above-ground or below-ground) , and delays in receiving analysis report (Hansen report) . Ms . Briefer talked about needing to bring the well up-to-code to comply with State/Federal requirements (Division of Drinking Water) , potential to move well to another location, having facility above or below ground, chlorinating system, and community outreach efforts, etc. She said a report was prepared showing various options including costs, risks, and benefits . Further discussion was held about keeping the public informed/involved, relocating the well, and potential to introduce chlorine into the system at a different location. Ms . Briefer said an open house was planned for May 9, 2019 to update the public about proposed changes and address constituent concerns . She said notification would include website updates, social media, and neighborhood flyers, etc. Councilmember Wharton said he planned to attend the open house and thought residents would appreciate being notified as soon as possible. Councilmember Mendenhall requested a map/photos identifying all pump houses existing in residential areas of the City. Note: Councilmember Luke left the meeting at 5 : 51 p.m. and asked Councilmember Fowler to conduct the remaining items . Councilmember Fowler asked for an update on how impact fees were being collected/applied (streamline process to ensure full utilization) . Ms . Briefer said a new impact fee facilities plan was prepared but due to rapid growth in service areas, revisions were already needed. She said her Staff planned to work on updates during the summer and bring a final plan back to the Council . Councilmember Fowler asked Staff to follow-up with Public Utilities regarding Council questions/requests . She said she would also talk to the Chair/Vice Chair about scheduling a follow-up discussion. 19 - 5 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 23 , 2019 Ms . Briefer said her Staff was always available to address additional questions/concerns . She said at the next briefing she wanted to delve deeper into the Sewer and Stormwater Utilities and Street Lighting budget . She said additionally, a lot of information was available relating to what rates would look like under the new rate structure . Councilmember Fowler said Staff would inform the Chair/Vice Chair about the request. #6. 6:06:22PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING ABOUT THE MAYOR' S RECOMMENDED BUDGET RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019- 20 . View Attachments Bill Wyatt and Brian Butler briefed the Council with attachments . Mr. Butler provided a summary of the budget proposal . Comments included increases being driven by equipment/personnel to operate Phase I, no budget being proposed for capital improvements to existing facilities, expanding economy creating competition for labor (increased costs) , higher janitorial costs, managing growth, revenue/expense issues, parking rate increases, employee salaries/benefits (60 new hires) , and equipment purchases and maintenance. Councilmember Fowler requested follow-up information about the parking garage waiver agreement . #7 . RECEIVE A BRIEFING ABOUT THE LIBRARY BOARD' S RECOMMENDED OPERATION AND CAPITAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 . View Attachments Item pulled. #8 . 6:30:45PM RECEIVE AN UPDATE FROM BEN BOLTE, GREENBIKE FOUNDER AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, ADDRESSING THE STATUS OF THE BIKE SHARING PROGRAM IN THE CITY, AS WELL AS HOW CITY FUNDS WOULD BE USED TO EXPAND THE SERVICE . This update relates to grant application items on tonight's formal meeting agenda : • Item B1 - Grant Application: U. S. Department of Transportation - Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ) Grant; • Item B2 - Grant Application: U. S. Department of Transportation - Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) , Bike Share Expansion Grant; and • Item C2 - Grant Application: U. S. Department of Transportation, Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 19 - 6 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 23 , 2019 Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) , Bike Share Expansion Grant. View Attachments Ben Bolte and Jonathan Larsen briefed the Council with attachments . Mr. Bolte provided a summary of statistics, projects, partnerships, affordable housing, equity connections, upcoming products, and new expansions . Comments included active transportation/transit connections, affordability, safety, quality/reliability, community focus, multi-use transit passes, multiple partnership agreements, facilitating free transit, flexible transit options, air-quality issues, marketing campaigns, and 14-square mile system expansion. Mr. Bolte said a "Basket Bolt Event" would be held in May, 2019 which was a station-to-station scavenger hunt where participants filled GREENbike baskets with clothing/hygiene items which would be donated to the Volunteers of America (VOA) Youth Resource Center. Councilmember Fowler said she wanted Council Members to participate and asked about Open Meeting Law requirements . Ms . Gust-Jenson said although this would be considered a social event, Staff would work with the Attorney' s Office to facilitate Council participation and agenda the event, if necessary. Councilmember Fowler said she was aware of a pilot program which dealt with bikes and air quality, and thought a follow-up discussion should be considered. #9 . 6:25:35PM INTERVIEW KANIKA WELCH PRIOR TO CONSIDERING HER APPOINTMENT TO THE ARTS COUNCIL BOARD FOR A TERM ENDING APRIL 23, 2022 . View Attachments Councilmember Fowler said Ms . Welch' s name was on the Consent Agenda for formal consideration. #10 . 6:28:22PM INTERVIEW LARRY COHEN PRIOR TO CONSIDERING HIS APPOINTMENT TO THE ARTS COUNCIL BOARD FOR A TERM ENDING APRIL 23, 2022 . View Attachments Councilmember Fowler said Mr. Cohen' s name was on the Consent Agenda for formal consideration . #11 . 6:43:20PM REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, INCLUDING A REVIEW OF COUNCIL INFORMATION ITEMS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. The Council may give feedback or staff direction on any item related to City 19 - 7 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, APRIL 23 , 2019 Council business, including but not limited to: • Upcoming Youth State of the City Report; and • Scheduling items. See File M 19-5 for announcements . #12 . REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR. No report/discussion. #13 . CONSIDER A MOTION TO ENTER INTO CLOSED SESSION, IN KEEPING WITH UTAH CODE §52-4-205 FOR ANY ALLOWED PURPOSE . Item not held. The Work Session meeting adjourned at 6 : 44 p .m. COUNCIL CHAIR CITY RECORDER This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as other items may have been discussed; please refer to the audio or video for entire content pursuant to Utah Code §52-4-203 (2) (b) . This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the City Council Work Session meeting held April 23, 2019 . sc 19 - 8