04/04/2017 - Work Session - Announcements City Council Revised Announcements April 4, 2017 For Your Information 6:12:47 PM 2017-2o18 Annual Budget Schedule Attached is a draft budget schedule for the upcoming annual budget briefings. A few notes about this year's schedule: 1. The Council meeting on May 9th is cancelled due to several Council Members and staff traveling to the National Planning Conference in New York City. In order to preserve briefing time, the Council may notes that there are some tentative Thursday dates listed(May 25, June 1, and June 8). 2. Once the budget is received from the Mayor's office, staff will review major budget changes, significant policy items, and other items of key interest. With direction from the Chair and Vice Chair, briefings will be scheduled first for those more major discussion topics. For other department budgets, a briefing may be scheduled later in the summer after budget adoption.This will help preserve briefing time for major items, relieve some of the pressure of reviewing more Department budgets this year,but still preserve the valuable opportunity for the Department Directors and the Council to have work session discussions. Cottage Court Rezone Scheduling Cottage Court Rezone was approved for early advertising. This item is on tonight's consent agenda to confirm setting the date for a public hearing on April 18th. This is a proposal to rezone six(6) parcels located at approximately 3129 South 900 East Street from R-1/7000 (Single Family Residential) to R-1/5000 (Single Family Residential). This rezone request is consistent with the future land use designation noted on the Future Land Use Map in the Sugar House Master Plan for low density residential development. Under the proposal, the existing buildings on the properties would be demolished to allow for 16 lots to be developed. (Please turn over) Here is the proposed timeline: ✓ Work Session Briefing April ii ✓ Early Advertising April 4 ✓ Consent/Set Date April 4 ✓ Public Hearing April 18 ✓ Potential Action May 2 Cindy Gust-Jenson, Executive Council Director, said this zoning request took a long time to go through the Administrative process before coming to Council. She said the Developer was anxious to get this processed. She said shortcuts were taken to expedite the process with the Chair's approval on the condition that Staff checked with the full Council today. She said potential action was scheduled for May 2, 2017 but the Developer hoped the Council would adopt it on April 18, 2o17. A majority of the Council was in support of the proposed timeline. Information Needed by Staff A. April nth RDA Meeting Start Time In order to allow time to work through the remaining RDA budget amendment items, the RDA Chair would like to know if Council Members could start next week's RDA meeting at ipm instead of 2pm. We have heard from some but not all. Our staff can move or reschedule any conflicting meetings in the office. ➢ Does the RDA Board/Council support starting at 1:0o pm? Councilmember Adams said the time change was not needed. She said she subsequently looked at the item and thought a way could be found to make the meeting work starting at 2:00. Annual Calendar Update — May RDA Meeting The May 9th RDA meeting has been cancelled due to several Council Members and staff traveling to the National Planning Conference in New York City from May 6th through May 9th. RDA Chair has suggested a limited RDA meeting on May 16th (which has a Council work session and formal meeting), with short follow-up RDA budget meetings as needed through May and June. ➢ Does the Council support adding a limited RDA meeting to May 16th?Yes FY 2018 Budget Briefing Schedule and Assignments IaanaJStaff March21 Ben COBS breiflng-allocation of$ March28 Ben ww/rennh help CCAC Annual report Ben COBS breifing-allocation of$(cont.if needed) April 11th(RDA Night) Rusell Library IN RDA-SET DATE OF MAY 16 AND 23 AT 7PM AS RDA PUBLIC HEARING NIGHTS April 18A Ie..Public Utilities Resell Airport Formal Meeting-SO Date for Budget Public Hearing(May 16,23 and June 6) Ben Adopt CDBG?(or earlier TBD) My2 Budget Highlights&Revenue Update-Administration(revenue also listed on May16) BA a?Work Session and set date-PH May 17? Imes Metro Water Mayor's Budget presentation/speech Adopt Tentative Budget May 9-MEETING CANCELLED B/C OF APA May 16-LIMITED RDA MEETING NIGHT Tenn /Ben RDA Budget Overview-IN THE RDA MEETING refer Budget Overview Jennie,/Afton Golf Ben Finance Ben Revenue(also on May 2,additional briefing from Admin if needed;best use of time) Ben Consolidated Fee Schedule-briefing from Admin only if necessary Ben Compensation(pending information owtlble) sylwa Community Development usell Non-Departmental I ua IMS use Governmental Immunity iennifer To and Revenue Anticipation Notes(pending available info) al BAR?public hearing Annual Budget public hearing TENTATIVE CONVENE AS RDA g,lent-hold RDA budget Wb&bean g Mav 23 aim,Economic Development Department ,son Public Services Jennger/alaon Golf Follow-up(tentative) iennifer Fire Bennijer Human Resources ,nn Insurance and Risk Management Ben CIP Overview Jena.Sustainability Department&Refuse Fund I ua Justice Court Al/Unresolved Issues Annual Budget public hearing TENTATIVE CONVENE AS RDA @ 1pm-hold RDA budget public hearing Thursday,May 25(Tentative-if needed) May30 nn35/Ben RDA Budget follow-up/unresolved issues-convene briefly as RDA J nnrJer/afton Golf Follow-up syllva Fleet Ben Police Ben 911 Communications Bureau ohm,Attorney's Office all Unresolved Issues MMI (TBntOtfYR-f June 6. rnn /Ben RDA Budget follow-up/unresolved issues-convene briefly as RDA Ben CIP Overview A icon Legislative Intents and Interim Study items a ll Unresolved Issues Budget public hearing(continued)TENTATIVE all BA Rd potential action Thursday,June 8(Tentative-If needed) CIP? esolved Issues June 13th-RDA Meeting Night-BUDGET ADOPTION IF POSSIBLE ,nn,s/Ben RDA Budget adoption al Unresolved Issues Property tax numbers MAY be final be this point(June Rth is date required by state) <ADOPT BUDGET IF POSSIBLE-would need to have formal meeting on RDA meeting night> Thursday,June 16(Tentative-f needed) June 20(Tuesday)—lost day possible to adopt budget(June 22) Tuesday,August 8th-7pm-TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING Tuesdav,August 8th CIP Briefing ITueadev August 2Nth CIP Briefing/adoption?