04/07/2005 - Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH WORK SESSION THURSDAY, APRIL 7 , 2005 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met in a Work Session on Thursday, April 7, 2005, at 5 : 30 p.m. in Room 326, City Council Office, City County Building, 451 South State Street. In Attendance : Council Members Carlton Christensen, Van Turner, Eric Jergensen, Nancy Saxton, Jill Remington Love and Dale Lambert. Absent: Councilmember Dave Buhler. Also in Attendance : Cindy Gust-Jenson, Council Executive Director; Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson; Janice Jardine, Council Land Use Policy Analyst; Rick Graham, Public Services Director; Dennis McKone, Fire Department Administrative Assistant/Media Relations; Janet Wolf, Mayor' s Youth City Program Director; Parviz Rokhva, Street and Sanitation Division Director; Vicki Pacheco, Council Staff Assistant; Jennifer Bruno, Council Policy Analyst; Sam Guevara, Mayor' s Chief of Staff; Greg Davis, Public Services Finance Director; Gary Mumford, Council Deputy Director/Senior Legislative Auditor; Kevin Bergstrom, Public Services Deputy Director; Val Pope, Park Maintenance Division Manager; Wendee Packwood, Human Resource Consultant; Rosanita Cespedes, Director of the Sorenson Multi-Cultural Center; and Beverly Jones, Deputy City Recorder. Councilmember Lambert presided at and conducted the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 5 : 35 p.m. AGENDA ITEMS #1 . 5 : 35 : 38 PM INTERVIEW THE FOLLOWING APPLICANTS PRIOR TO CONSIDERATION OF THEIR APPOINTMENTS TO THE OPEN SPACE LANDS ADVISORY BOARD (NEW BOARD) : JILL LEHMANN, SHAREN HAURI , SYLVIA CASTRO-THOMAS, TERRY BECKER, KAREN SHEPHERD AND RICHARD REESE . Councilmember Lambert said Sylvia Castro-Thomas was moving out of State so her nomination would be withdrawn. Ms. Lehmann, Ms. Hauri, Ms. Becker, Ms. Shepherd and Mr. Reese were interviewed as a group. Councilmember Lambert said their names would be forwarded to the Consent Agenda for approval . #2 . 6 : 07 : 57 PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING REGARDING A PROPOSED GOLF EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION PLAN. Wendee Packwood, Jennifer Bruno, Kevin Bergstrom and Rick Graham briefed the Council from the attached handout . Councilmember Lambert said he wanted to defer this issue for two weeks . He said he wanted to know if any other municipality had implemented this plan and what their experience had been. Mr. Graham said they would contact the International Golf Course Superintendents Association and get the information to the Council . Councilmember Saxton said she wanted more 05 - 1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH WORK SESSION THURSDAY, APRIL 7 , 2005 detail on the employees such as the amount of overtime earned over the last two years and what their jobs were. View Attachments #3 . 6 : 45 : 06 PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING REGARDING THE YOUTH & FAMILY PROGRAMS DIVISION. Kevin Bergstrom, Rick Graham, Janet Wolf, Rosanita Cespedes and Greg Davis briefed the Council from the attached handouts . Councilmember Christensen asked if there were measurements as to how successful the programs were . Ms . Wolf said measurements in terms of cost analysis were not in place yet. She said the University of Utah was helping them measure their programs for internal motivation, problem solving skills ability and social skills . She said in another month they would have a final up to date report on what they have accomplished. She said she would share that information with the Council . Councilmember Christensen suggested they check into cost sharing a van with a senior center. He said it would be cheaper to pay them to drive or utilize the van than for the City to buy a new van. Ms . Wolf said they would check with senior centers . Councilmember Jergensen asked that a memo be prepared for the Council explaining the number of anticipated sources of revenue needed in the future to sustain what they were currently doing. Councilmember Saxton suggested they check into contracting with City cabs for transportation. She said Utah Transit Authority (UTA) , Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) and many corporations had vans . Ms . Wolf said she would like to have UTA involved with the programs . View Attachments #4 . 7 : 34 : 33 PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING REGARDING THE STREETS DIVISION. Kevin Bergstrom, Parviz Rokhva and Rick Graham briefed the Council from the attached handouts . Councilmember Saxton suggested the Division look at the Christmas tree pickup program for cost savings . She said residents could drop their trees off at certain parking lots to be picked up by the City. Mr. Rokhva said they would try out the suggestion, measure it and if the suggestion was successful it would be continued. View Attachments #5. 8 : 16 : 00 PM RECEIVE A DISCUSSION REGARDING PARKS DIVISION. Rick Graham, Val Pope and Kevin Bergstrom briefed the Council from the attached handouts . Councilmember Saxton said she was interested in what parks were used the most. Mr. Pope said they did not have numbers but they could tell by the amount of trash collected or the number of phone calls by concerned citizens of the usage of parks on weekends . Councilmember Saxton said it would be helpful for her to know the different classifications of parks such as regional parks, pocket parks 05 - 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH WORK SESSION THURSDAY, APRIL 7 , 2005 and City parks and how many were in each classification . Mr . Pope said that information was available . He said it was determined by acreage and he would forward the information to the Council . View Attachments #6 . (TENTATIVE) THE COUNCIL WILL CONSIDER A MOTION TO ENTER INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF STRATEGY SESSIONS TO DISCUSS THE PURCHASE, EXCHANGE, OR LEASE OF REAL PROPERTY WHEN PUBLIC DISCUSSION OF THE TRANSACTION WOULD DISCLOSE THE APPRAISAL OR ESTIMATED VALUE OF THE PROPERTY UNDER CONSIDERATION TO PREVENT THE PUBLIC BODY FROM COMPLETING THE TRANSACTION ON THE BEST POSSIBLE TERMS, AND TO DISCUSS PENDING OR REASONABLY IMMINENT LITIGATION PURSUANT TO UTAH CODE ANNOTATED § § 52-4- 4, 52-4-5 (1) (a) (iii) AND 52-4-5 (1) (a) (iv) , AND ATTORNEY-CLIENT MATTERS THAT ARE PRIVILEGED PURSUANT TO UTAH CODE ANNOTATED § 78-24-8. This item was not held. #7 . (TENTATIVE) THE COUNCIL WILL CONSIDER A MOTION TO ENTER INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION, IN KEEPING WITH UTAH CODE, TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS PURSUANT TO UTAH CODE ANNOTATED § § 52-4-4 AND 520405 (1) (a) (ii) . This item was not held. #8 . REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, INCLUDING A REVIEW OF COUNCIL INFORMATION ITEMS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS . No report or announcements were discussed. The meeting adjourned at 8 : 50 p .m. Council Chair Chief Deputy City Recorder This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes for the City Council Work Session held April 7, 2005 . bj 05 - 3