12/10/2019 - Work Session - Announcements Revised City Council Announcements December io, 2019 Information Needed by Staff 5:45:14 PM A. National Alliance to End Homelessness — 2020 Solutions for Individual Homeless Adult Conference Council Member Johnston is asking for support to attend. The conference will be in Oakland, CA from Wednesday, February 19th through Friday, February 21, 2020. Council Office policy requires an announcement to the full Council if a Council Member would like to attend a conference outside the pre-authorized standard conferences. > Does the Council support sending Council Member Johnston? All Council Members were in favor of Councilmember Johnston attending the conference. B. Review of the 2020 Annual Calendar (attached) The Council received the 2020 Annual Meeting Calendar in last week's agenda packet.As the Council did not raise any questions or concerns, Staff has adjusted the calendar and applied typical accommodations from previous years. The calendar will be posted after it is approved by the Council. While the calendar is posted ahead of time, the Council may change times or meetings throughout the year as unexpected needs arise. The calendar will need to be reviewed and reapproved following the Oath of Office. Adjustments: • March o Mar 8 — iith: In March, the annually scheduled NLC Conference in D.C. from Sunday, March 8 through Wednesday, March ii. o To accommodate NLC, the March loth RDA and Work Session meetings have been rescheduled to March 17th. The March 1,7th Work Session and Formal Meetings have been rescheduled to March 24th. > Please turn over • May o Typically, there are five Work Session dates in May to allow for time for department budget briefings. This year there are four Tuesdays,which would only leave three briefings after the Mayor presents the Recommended Budget on the first Tuesday in May(the 5th). o "Tentative"has been removed from Thursday, May list to allow one additional meeting. • August o In past years, the Council chose not to hold a Council meeting on the first Tuesday in August due to Night Out Against Crime. In the past three years, the schedule for community groups' events has become more sporadic throughout the month. o To accommodate Night Out Against Crime activities, the August 4th Work Session and Formal Meetings have been rescheduled to August 18th. • November o Nov 18 — list: In November, the National League of Cities and Towns (NLC) City Summit will be hosted in Tampa from Wednesday, November 18 through Saturday, November 21. o Per Council practice to avoid a meeting the week of Thanksgiving, the November 1'7th Work Session and Formal meetings were not rescheduled. ➢ Does the Council approve the 2020 Annual Meeting Calendar? There was no discussion for this topic. ➢ Please turn over C. (NEW) Proposed Legislative Action: Request for research and recommendation on artificial turf text amendment Council Member Valdemoros would like to initiate a request for the Administration to do preliminary research and provide recommendations on potential zoning amendments to allow the use of artificial turf in parkstrips in residential areas, as well as to be used more in front yards. Over the past few months, Council Members have received constituent inquiries regarding the use of artificial turf in the park strip and front yards of residential properties. The goal would before the Administration to report back on their findings and provide a holistic recommendation on what zoning changes or other City processes would be necessary to allow more use of artificial turf, how to mitigate environmental concerns, and whether more use would be advisable from the Administration's perspective. ➢ Does the Council support this request? All Council Members were in support. D. (NEW) Legislative Subcommittee During announcements at the Council's February 5, 2019 Work Session meeting, the Council discussed having the Council Chair, the RDA Chair, and the Immediate Past Council Chair serve on the Legislative Subcommittee. Meeting minutes and video also indicate that"Councilmember Rogers suggested for the Legislative Subcommittee, that if the immediate-past Council Chair does not seek re-election for the year, the immediate past Vice-Chair could take their spot on the committee." However, the Council took no action on the suggestion. The reason for having the either the Immediate Past Chair or Vice Chair on the subcommittee is to help ensure continuity between legislative sessions. Staff is working to set up a subcommittee meeting with City Attorney Lynn Pace to discuss the 2020 Legislative Session. ➢ Does the Council support the makeup for the Legislative Subcommittee to be the following members? • Current Council Chair • Current RDA Chair • Immediate past Chair (Vice-Chair if the Chair is no longer on the Council.) All Council Members were in support.