12/09/2014 - Formal Meeting - Minutes MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL
The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met in Regular Session
on Tuesday, December 9, 2014 at 7 : 19 p.m. in Room 315, City Council
Chambers, City County Building, 451 South State.
The following Council Members were present:
James Rogers Luke Garrott Kyle LaMalfa
Erin Mendenhall Lisa Adams Charlie Luke
Stan Penfold
Cindy Gust-Jenson, Executive Council Director; Ralph Becker,
Mayor; Jill Love, Mayor' s Deputy Chief of Staff; Margaret Plane, City
Attorney; and Cindi Mansell, City Recorder; were present.
Councilmember Luke presided at and conducted the meeting.
#1 . Pledge of Allegiance
#2 . 7:19:45 PM Councilmember Mendenhall moved and Councilmember
Garrott seconded to approve the minutes of the Formal Meeting held
November 25, 2014 , which motion passed, all members voted aye .
(M 14-4)
#3. 7:20:07 PM Councilmember LaMalfa moved and Councilmember
Garrott seconded to adopt Joint Resolution 29 of 2014 supporting "We
the People Amendment" to the United States Constitution, which motion
passed, all members voted aye.
(R 14-1)
Councilmember LaMalfa recognized all those present from the Move
to Amend Organization and thanked City Recorder Cindi Mansell for the
creation and administration of the Move to Amend Local Survey Ballot
process .
Councilmember Garrott addressed the drive to pursue over 11, 000
signatures as a collective action to place this item on the ballot.
He said the price of $100, 000 was not a high price to pay for
democracy or to enable the voice of government, and he would stand
behind the Salt Lake City Ordinance and process created for these
types of purpose .
Tom Green, representative, discussed the collection of 11, 600
signatures by 150 volunteers . He said this system should become a
model for the future to promote maximum citizen grassroots democracy.
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He offered special thanks to Ashley Sanders for initiating the entire
project and who deserves great credit for the vision, and to all 150
volunteers out there working hard for months for little credit. He
further thanked the Move to Amend members, the City Council, and
Mayor' s Office, for providing good faith support and working with them
to make the process possible . Mr. Green said the group looked forward
to working with City leaders in the future as they strive to turn this
monumental resolution into a viable ordinance.
#4 . 7:31:47 PM Recognition of Council Chair Charlie Luke
The Council thanked Councilmember Luke for his contributions and
leadership as the Council Chair and presented him with a gift .
The Council also recognized Vice Chair Garrott.
#1. 7:38:30 PM Accept public comment and consider approving a
resolution adopting the 2014 Water Conservation Master Plan as
required by Section 73-10-32 of the Utah Code to be filed with the
Utah Division of Water Resources . This plan is the fourth update under
this Utah State Code. View Attachments
Councilmember Garrott moved and Councilmember Mendenhall seconded
to close the public hearing and defer action to future date.
7 :46:55 PM Councilmember Luke said he was informed the Council
would need to take action this evening.
Substitute Motion: Councilmember Mendenhall moved and
Councilmember Penfold seconded to adopt Resolution 30 of 2014 (2014
Water Conservation Master Plan) , which motion passed, all members
voted aye except Councilmember Garrott, who voted nay.
(T 14-4)
#1 . 7:39:26 PM Adopting an ordinance amending Ordinance 48 of 2014
which adopted the final budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, for the Fiscal
Year beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015 . Budget
amendments happen several times each year to reflect adjustments to
the City's budgets, including proposed project additions and
modifications. This amendment contains a number of proposed
adjustments to the Fiscal Year 2014-15 Budget, including funding for:
a pilot program to keep the Downtown Main Library open 24 hours a day,
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additional police presence Downtown during the holidays, staff to
handle increased installation of Fiber networks in the City,
conversion of additional City fleet to electric vehicles, a program to
harvest fruit from local fruit trees, maintenance of protected bike
lanes, and purchase of unused Golf Course property to be maintained as
open space. (Budget Amendment No. 1) View Attachments
Councilmember Penfold moved and Councilmember Rogers seconded to
adopt Ordinance 71 of 2014 amending the Fiscal Year 2014-2015 budget
per Attachment "A" and with the following changes : a) except for
funding a pilot program to fund 24/7 operations of the Downtown Main
Library, which the Council will consider at this time; b) except for
$55,440 from Item A-22 for additional Police Patrol, which the Council
will consider separately; and d) except for Item A-20 , a request
related to the Citywide Public Opinion Survey, which the Council will
consider separately; and for approval of the following items with the
following conditions : e) on Item I-1, approve the funding for the
green bike expansion with the condition that the GREEN bike program
provide a fair and equitable in-kind benefit to the City; f) on Item
I-5, approve the funding for the Flower Festival with the condition
that the Downtown Alliance would raise matching money and that it
would be a priority of theirs to make this event sustainable in the
long term; and g) on Item I-6, approve the funding for the Rose Park
Elementary Track with the condition that the track be open to the
public in reasonable non-school hours, and that the School District
commit in writing to maintain the track. Additionally, the Council
encourages the School District to look at making School District
facilities more easily available to the public during non-school
hours, which motion passed, all members voted aye .
Councilmember Penfold said he did not include exception for Item
A-18, request for increased cost of the new Animal Services contract,
because he felt the issue was resolved and was comfortable moving
forward as originally outlined. He said he would consider this item
with the other separate items if the Council felt it necessary.
Councilmember Penfold moved and Councilmember Garrott seconded
that the Council move forward with $55,440 for additional Police
Patrol, as a pilot program to be used throughout the City at the
discretion of Chief Burbank on the condition he report back to the
Council on how the resources were deployed to address hot spots
citywide, which motion passed, all members voted aye .
Councilmember Garrott moved and Councilmember Penfold seconded to
adopt Item A-20 $20,000 for the Citywide public opinion survey, which
motion passed, all members voted aye except Councilmember LaMalfa, who
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voted nay.
Councilmember LaMalfa moved and Councilmember Garrott seconded to
establish a Legislative Intent to formally ask Administration for
specific projects and costs, study mechanisms for funding, bonds , and
for other programs or projects with the understand this might be a new
process in effort to implement master plans and projects in systematic
and beneficial ways , which motion passed, all members voted aye .
Councilmember Garrott moved and Councilmember Mendenhall seconded
to delay final action to vote on accepting the donation to keep the
library open 24/7 for a two-year pilot program due to the need to
address internal issues, neighborhood impacts, library operations,
etc. and that Budget Amendment No. 1 would not be closed and would
remain open to allow Council consideration and potential vote in
January, which motion passed, all members voted aye .
(B 14-7)
#2 . 7:48:04 PM Adopting an ordinance adopting the 9-line Corridor
Master Plan pursuant to Petition No. PLNPCM2014-0004 . This planning
document for the 9-Line Corridor, which follows the old Union Pacific
rail line on 900 South from 200 West to the Surplus Canal, was an
effort to provide a major pedestrian and bicycle link connecting the
City's east and west neighborhoods. The 9-Line Master Plan identifies:
• Ways to utilize the space, including development ideas for
vacant parcels along the trail,
• Plans for the continuation of the trail west to the Surplus
Canal; and
• Identifies the necessary connections that need to be made to
connect the nearby neighborhoods, amenities, and activity
nodes . (Petitioner Mayor Ralph Becker)
Councilmember LaMalfa moved and Councilmember Rogers seconded to
postpone this item until the next regular agenda, which motion passed,
all members voted aye .
(T 14-2)
Councilmember Adams said pedi-cabs being driven on sidewalks in
the downtown area created a dangerous situation and requested
Mayor Becker said staff would look into a solution which would
probably be a combination of enforcement and education.
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7:51:05 PM COMMENTS TO THE CITY COUNCIL (Comments are taken on any item
not scheduled for a public hearing, as well as on any other City
business. Comments are limited to two minutes)
Douglas Cotant spoke regarding pedestrian access from the Main
Street access way by the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. He said he
thought the City and church made an agreement that the property would
remain open for public access .
Jihad Al-Ali spoke in favor of the Library remaining open 24/7 .
He said the Police Department was not being run by the City and was in
need of reform.
Karon Major spoke against the Library funding to remain open
24/7; she expressed concern for Library staff and security being
unprepared to manage patients who were inebriated or had mental
illness issues . She said the Volunteers of America (VOA) did not want
to be in competition with the library because they were scrambling to
fund their new Youth Center. She further said if the library were open
all night, there would be no attempt to help these individuals
transition to a more stable environment and would simply be
warehousing people overnight without providing alternative resources
or self-help. She said if donors gave funding to agencies that knew
exactly what was needed the tax payers would be better served.
Sean Kendall expressed concern regarding the use of force against
animals as well as humans . He requested a City ordinance to hold all
City police officers accountable to citizens of the state that they
had taken a sworn oath to obey and defend the Constitution of Utah and
the United States . He requested that non-lethal force be used before
resorting to lethal force and include disciplinary action to regain
trust in elected officials and the Police Department.
George Chapman said the Miller Park just opened up and was
impossible for the disabled (i .e . wheelchair or cane) . He said an ADA
complaint was filed; however, one complaint was not enough to promote
change . He said having the Library open 24/7 would serve as an anchor
amenity for the community, much like a university.
Susan Barretta thanked the Council for their work on
inappropriate and excessive use of force and believed police needed to
be held accountable for their actions . She said no information was
available on the City' s Website regarding liability insurance . She
said other states such as Minneapolis were amending their City
Charters requiring police officers to have insurance as a condition of
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employment. She urged City Officials to investigate this type of
prudent maneuver to protect the fiscal health of Salt Lake City.
Jen Colby thanked the Council for the protective bike lanes (such
as 3rd South) ; she encouraged pedestrian consideration when
contemplating additional and future master plans, as well as better
traffic law enforcement.
Nia Sherata thanked the Mayor and Council for adopting the Move
to Amend Resolution. She said she was one of the volunteers that
gathered signatures and encouraged going a step further by placing a
ban on corporate donations for local elections .
Giles Larsen said the clock was ticking on the interim period
before the next election and the question was whether corporations
would be allowed to contribute to Salt Lake City elections for 2015 .
He said under current City Ordinance, there was no distinction and in
light of today' s momentous resolution he would encourage enacting an
ordinance to raise the bar in Salt Lake City to ban direct corporate
contributions to candidates, lower current contribution limits, and do
so in full awareness they would be challenged by the State
Legislature .
Ron Green discussed the Capitol Hill Master Plan and the 500
North Reservoir site to be maintained as open space . He expressed
concern this area could soon be fenced off and not publicly
accessible .
Lynn Pershing submitted written comment in support of approval to
begin the City process for designation of the Yale Park-Yalecrest as a
Local Historic District.
#1 . 8:10:20 PM Adopting a resolution supporting the establishment
of a single Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) system in Salt Lake County
aiming for an efficient and effective 911 system. View Attachments
Councilmember LaMalfa moved and Councilmember Mendenhall seconded
to adopt the Resolution 32 of 2014, which motion carried, all members
voted aye .
(R 14-9)
#2 . 8:11:23 PM Confirm the November 25, 2014 adoption of Ordinance
68 of 2014 amending the Salt Lake City Code relating to ground
transportation requirements. View Attachments
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Councilmember Garrott moved and Councilmember Penfold seconded to
confirm adoption of Ordinance 68 of 2014, which motion carried, all
members voted aye .
(0 14-22)
8:12 :02 PM Councilmember Garrott moved and Councilmember Penfold
seconded to adopt the Consent Agenda (with the removal of
Transportation Advisory Board appointee Jeff Dixon and Utah Performing
Arts Center Advisory Board appointee Lisa Harrison at this time due to
not being interviewed in the work session meeting) , which motion
passed, all members voted aye .
#1 . Approving the appointment of Jennifer Seelig to the Citizens
Compensation Advisory Committee for a term extending through August
31, 2018 .
(I 14-7)
#2 . Approving the appointment of Tyler Fisher to the
Transportation Advisory Board for a term extending through September
25, 2017 .
(I 14-22)
#3 . RE: Approving thc appointment of Lisa Harrison to thc Utah
Performing Arts Center Advisory Board for a tcrm cxtcnding through
Dcccmbcr 31, 2017 .
(I 14-24)
#4 . Adopt Resolution 31 of 2014, approving the appointment of
John Mabey to the Metropolitan Water Board for a term extending
through January 1, 2019 .
(I 14-25)
The meeting adjourned at 8 : 12 p .m.
Council Chair
City Recorder
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This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as
additional discussion may have been held; please refer to the audio or
video for entire content.
This document along with the digital recording constitute the
official minutes of the City Council Regular Session meeting held
December 9, 2014 .
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