The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met for the Oath of Office
Ceremony on Tuesday, January 2, 1990, at 12:00 Noon in Room 315, City
Council Chambers, City and County Building, 451 South State.
The following Council Members were present:
Wayne Horrocks Tom Godfrey
Sydney R. Fonnesbeck Roselyn Kirk
Alan Hardman
Councilmembers Bittner and Stoler were absent. Mayor Palmer
DePaulis was present.
Council Chair-Elect Alan tion didn't accomplish anything
Hardman opened the meeting. but great things were accomplished
through cooperation. She also
Boy Scout Troop 687 presented said she found out that people
the colors and led the pledge of were the most important thing in
allegiance. the organization and the way to
get things done was to be open and
Mr. Hardman welcomed everyone honest and be good to people. She
present and excused Council- said Salt Lake City was blessed
members Bittner and Stoler who with having good people serving
were out of town. He recognized the city.
past and present elected officials
as well as community and business She said she enjoyed her
leaders who were present. He said association with Mayor DePaulis
this was the 10th anniversary of and thanked her neighborhood for
the Salt Lake City Council. He being so supportive. She said it
then invited the outgoing Coun- had been a privilege to serve and
cilmembers to make comments. she wished the new council well.
She said she was pleased with Mrs.
Councilmember Fonnesbeck ex- Pace as the new council member for
pressed her gratitude to her District 3.
family and introduced those mem-
bers who were present. She said Mayor DePaulis welcomed those
the last 10 years had been excit- who were present and said
ing and said she thought the Councilmember Fonnesbeck' s 10-year
Council ' s best achievement had legacy was quite an achievement.
been its initial charge which was He said a good council member
to form a new government. She said balanced the needs of their dis-
the Mayor at that time wanted to trict against those of the entire
form a good government of checks city and he said Councilmember
and balances. Fonnesbeck had done a good job.
She paid tribute to the first He commended Mrs. Fonnesbeck
council and said they didn't for her stabilizing influence
rubberstamp each other or the during changes and difficult
Mayor. She also said they were times. He also said she'd been
fully aware that their decisions fair with city employees and the
would set precedent for future public in terms of taxation. In
councils. She said she found out regards to zoning issues and
quickly that an adversarial posi-
historic preservation, he com- profitable business without a
mended Mrs. Fonnesbeck for the negative impact on the canyons or
legacy she would leave in terms of taxpayers.
how the city viewed these issues.
He pointed out that she was one of He pledged his support to
the people most responsible for Salt Lake City citizens and said
the restoration of the City and he looked forward to working with
County Building. the Mayor, the Councilmembers and
department heads. He said work-
He then presented Council- ing together they would make Salt
member Fonnesbeck with a silver Lake City a better place to live.
plate inscribed with her service
dates and etched with the City Mrs. Pace expressed her
and County Building. Mayor enthusiasm about Salt Lake City.
DePaulis said each outgoing member She said the economy was growing.
would receive this gift. She said citizens were involved
in a grassroots movement that gave
Kathryn Marshall, city re- vitality to neighborhood coun-
corder, then administered the Oath cils, generated involvement in the
of Office individually to Ronald revitalization of downtown and
Whitehead, District 1, Nancy Pace, promoted advocacy for homeless and
District 3, Tom Godfrey, District low income people.
5, and Don Hale, District 7.
After taking the oath, each person She also said people were
spoke briefly. donating untold hours on citizens
boards charting the course of the
Mr. Whitehead introduced his city as arbitrators, advocates and
family and thanked all the volun- boards of appeal. She said there
teers who had helped on his cam- was also a new demand for account-
paign. He thanked those who had ability. She said she believed at
contributed financially and also this point in time Salt Lake City
thanked his business partners. was presented with a window of
Lastly he thanked the citizens who opportunity to orchestrate its
voted. He outlined the accom- future and said it was a privilege
plishments he hoped to see in the to participate in this opportuni-
next four years. ty. She then introduced her
family and thanked the voters and
First he said he wanted to her campaign committee.
see the new Jazz Arena built,
Block 57 well underway and Block She thanked Councilmember
53 completed. He said redevelop- Fonnesbeck for her support and
ment was important in order to thanked Councilmembers Bittner and
improve a city. Second, he said Stoler for their service. She said
he hoped crime would decrease and as a new decade began she looked
said the city needed more police forward to serving Salt Lake City.
officers and more people involved
in crime watch. Mr. Godfrey thanked all those
who supported him in his reelec-
Third, he said the city tion campaign and thanked present
needed a war on drugs in order to and past City Council staff mem-
rid neighborhoods of drug dealers. bers. He gave special recognition
And fourth, he said he wanted Salt to Mrs. Fonnesbeck and said she
Lake City to receive the bid for had been a great person to work
the 1998 Olympics and run it as a with. He recognized her for
staying with the Council for 10 He said the legacy he wanted
years and for her persistent to leave was to help people in the
efforts in reminding the Council family units get the righteous
that their goal was to make good desires of their hearts. He
public policy. wanted to see better education,
better living conditions, stronger
He said he was proud of a families, and safety on the
number of things that the Council streets. He said he thought the
had accomplished in the last five city should encourage business to
years. He was proud that the come into the area and should
Council decided, with the citizens create stepping stones rather
support, to restore the City and than stumbling blocks.
County Building. He said he was
proud that the Council managed to He said he was excited about
retain city services without a tax the mix of the new council. He
increase when the economy was said he read all of their resumes
flat for so many years. and was impressed with their goals
and accomplishments. He wished
He said he was pleased to the outgoing members well and paid
have had the opportunity to deal special tribute to Mrs.
with housing issues for low to Fonnesbeck.
moderate income people. He said
he was also proud to chair and He said he was anxious to see
raise money for the city' s housing what the new decade would bring
conference last January. He said and committed himself as a member
the draft for a city-wide housing of the Council to do all he could
policy and implementation strate- to work in harmony with the other
gies would come to the Council members. He said he thought
within the next few months. harmony should epitomize the
Council 's efforts.
He said in the next four
years the Council ' s responsibili- Mr. Hardman concluded the
ty would be to establish proce- ceremonies and congratulated the
dures and policies to prepare the new council members. He invited
city and its residents for any all those present to attend a
future possibilities. He said reception immediately following
four years ago he promised to do the meeting.
what was right for District 5 and
Salt Lake City and he said he The ceremony adjourned at
would continue to do so. He said 12: 55 p.m.
he would continue to cast his Wvotes as if each one were hisAC.
Counc' 1 Chair
Mr. Hale paid tribute to all
those who worked hard for his
campaign and he acknowledged his
family members and friends who Ci R . r er
were present. He said he thought
the greatest quality one could
develop was charity. He said the
city was the sum total of all its
vital parts - the family units.