07/31/2012 - Formal Meeting - Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, JULY 31 , 2012 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met in Regular Session on Tuesday, July 31, 2012 at 7 : 00 p.m. in Room 315, City Council Chambers, City County Building, 451 South State. The following Council Members were present: Carlton Christensen Stan Penfold Luke Garrott Jill Remington Love Kyle LaMalfa Charlie Luke Soren Simonsen Mayor Ralph Becker; Cindy Gust-Jenson, Executive Council Director; Edwin Rutan, City Attorney; and Scott Crandall, Deputy City Recorder; were present. Councilmember Simonsen presided at and Councilmember Love conducted the meeting. OPENING CEREMONY #1 . 7 : 13:55 PM Scout Troop #1800 from Rose Park presented the flag and led the Pledge of Allegiance. #2 . 7 : 15 :55 PM Councilmember Simonsen moved and Councilmember Garrett seconded to approve the minutes of the Salt Lake City Council meeting held Tuesday, July 17, 2012, which motion carried, all members voted aye . View Attachments (M 12-3) POTENTIAL ACTION ITEMS #1 . RE: 7 : 16: 18 PM Adopting a resolution authorizing a loan from Salt Lake City Revolving Loan Fund to Momentum Recycling, LLC to facilitate the completion of the company' s Salt Lake City glass- collecting and processing facility located at 658 South 4050 West. View Attachments Councilmember Christensen moved and Councilmember Penfold seconded to adopt Resolution 31 of 2012, which motion carried, all members voted aye . (R 12-11) 7 : 16 : 53 PM Councilmember Love said Items D-2 , D-3 and D-4 would be pulled from the agenda. #2 . RE: Adopting a resolution regarding a philosophy statement on Transportation and Mobility. The seven priority areas are : Economic Health of the City, Arts and Culture, Neighborhood Quality of Life, 12 - 1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, JULY 31, 2012 Transportation and Mobility, Parks and Open Space, Sustainability and Education. View Attachments (R 12-8) #3 . RE: Adopting a resolution regarding a philosophy statement on Sustainability. The seven priority areas are : Economic Health of the City, Arts and Culture, Neighborhood Quality of Life, Transportation and Mobility, Parks and Open Space, Sustainability and Education. View Attachments (R 12-10) #4 . RE: Adopting an ordinance creating a Small Neighborhood Business Zoning District and related zoning regulations . The proposed ordinance would change some existing commercial zoning regulations and establish regulations for a new Small Neighborhood Business Zoning District. Businesses that serve alcoholic beverages are NOT part of this proposal . Related provisions of Title 21A - Zoning, may also be amended as part of this petition. Petitioner — Mayor Ralph Becker, Petition No. PLNPCM2009-00615 . View Attachments (P 12-8) QUESTIONS TO THE MAYOR FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 7 : 17 : 11 PM Councilmember Garrott asked about curbside glass recycling. He said the Council had approved a loan for a local processor to produce secondary market from glass . Mayor Becker said the City had approved a curbside agreement with a new glass recycling company. He said residents would have the option to recycle. He said the idea was to go Citywide as quickly as possible with curbside glass recycling. John Laird, Momentum Recycling, said route density and subscribers would determine where recycling would start. Councilmember Christensen asked how often glass would be collected. Mr. Laird said it would be collected once a month. Councilmember Penfold asked if the current glass drop off locations would remain in place. Mr. Laird said they would. Councilmember Love asked about the Twilight Series . She asked for a report how the series had worked. Mayor Becker said he would ask Casey Jarmine, Arts Council Programs Coordinator, to give the Council a report. COMMENTS TO THE CITY COUNCIL 7 :23 :22 PM The following spoke or submitted hearing cards in favor of putting the Move to Amend Initiative on the ballot : Rachel Carter; Joan Gregory; Thomas Huckin; Elise Lazar; Dr. Gerald Lazar; Ashley 12 - 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, JULY 31 , 2012 Sanders; Renae Widdison; Naomi Franklin; Ryan Pleune and Taylor Goldstein. 7 : 43 : 57 PM Councilmember Simonsen gave an update on the Move to Amend Initiative . Leanne Walker spoke about taxis and wheelchair bound riders . CONSENT AGENDA 7 : 50 : 09 PM Councilmember Garrott moved and Councilmember Christensen seconded to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of Item H-8, which motion carried, all members voted aye . Councilmember Garrott moved and Councilmember Christensen seconded to approve the Consent Agenda Item H-8, which motion carried, all members voted aye except Councilmember Garrott who voted nay. Note: Item H-2 was pulled during the Council' s Work Session. #1 . RE: Setting the date of Tuesday, August 14, 2012 at 7 : 00 p.m. to accept public comment and consider adopting a resolution accepting the conclusions of a study performed under Utah Code Section 10-8-2 (3) regarding value and public benefit of a donation agreement between Salt Lake City and the Salt Lake City School District relating to a surplus fire apparatus to be used as part of a firefighter course for high school students in the district. View Attachments (R 12-12) #2 . RE: Setting the date of Tuesday, August 14, 2012 at 7 : 00 p.m. to accept public comment and consider adopting a resolution regarding a philosophy statement on Parks and Open Space. The Council met in January to discuss priority focus areas and requested that staff provide draft Philosophy Statements for review and refinement . The seven priority areas are : Economic Health of the City, Arts and Culture, Neighborhood Quality of Life, Transportation and Mobility, Parks and Open Space, Sustainability and Education. View Attachments (R 12-13) #3 . RE: Setting the date of Tuesday, August 14, 2012 at 7 : 00 p.m. to accept public comment and consider an ordinance changing the Central Community Master Plan and rezoning properties located at approximately 1015-1035 South 200 West and 1068 South Jefferson Street in order to develop a mixed-use project on the properties pursuant to Petition Nos . PLNPCM2011-00658 and PLNPCM2011-00659 . 12 - 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, JULY 31, 2012 • The future land use map would be changed from Low Medium Density Residential to Medium Residential/Mixed Use. • The properties would be rezoned from Moderate Density Multi- Family Residential (RMF-35) to Residential Mixed Use (R-MU) . Related provisions of Title 21A - Zoning, may also be amended as part of this petition. (Petitioner Capitol Center Properties) View Attachments (P 12-11) #4 . RE: Approving the appointment of Cindi Mansell to the position of Salt Lake City Recorder. (I 12-20) #5 . RE : Approving the appointment of Heather Thuet to the Historic Landmark Commission for a term extending through July 14, 2015 . (I 12-15) #6 . RE: Approving the appointment of Hal Johnson to the Transportation Advisory Board for a term extending through September 29, 2014 . (I 12-8) #7 . RE: Approving the appointment of Jocelyn Romano to the Housing Trust Fund Advisory Board for a term extending through December 28, 2015 . (I 12-21) #8 . RE : Approving the appointment of Denise Thornhill to the Library Board of Directors for a term extending through June 30, 2015 . (I 12-22) #9. RE: Setting the date of Tuesday, August 14, 2012 at 7 : 00 p.m. to accept public comment and consider one or more ordinances adopting and ratifying the rate of tax levy, greater than the Certified Tax Rate, upon all real and personal property within Salt Lake City made taxable by law for Fiscal Year 2012-13 . (H 12-3) The meeting adjourned at 7 : 55 p.m. 12 - 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TUESDAY, JULY 31 , 2012 Council Chair City Recorder This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the Salt Lake City Council Regular Session meeting held July 31, 2012 . sc 12 - 5