The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met as the Committee of
the Whole on Tuesday, July 6, 1993 at 6 :15 p.m. in Room 325 , City
Council Office, City County Building, 451 South State Street.
In Attendance: Council Members Ron Whitehead, Paul Hutchison,
Nancy Pace, Don Hale, Tom Godfrey, Roselyn Kirk, and Alan Hardman.
Also in Attendance: Mayor Deedee Corradini; Cindy Gust-Jenson,
Executive Council Director; Brian Hatch, Deputy to the Mayor; Fire
Chief Frank Florence; Bill Wright, Planning Director; Kathy Ricci,
Director of Capital Planning; Dave Jones, Salt Lake County
Consultant; Doug Dansie, Downtown Planner; Rennald Egbert, Fire
Marshall; Blaine Collins, Plans Review Specialist; Rick Thorpe,
Consultant from San Diego, California; Doug Wheelwright, Planning
Programs Supervisor/Subdivisions; Ed Snow, Deputy Director City
Council; and Bonnie Ferrin, Deputy Recorder.
Council Chair Kirk presided at and conducted the meeting.
The meeting was called to He said the agreement
order at 6 :45 p.m. would not require funding at
this time. He said the organization
AGENDA ITEMS would create a board which
would govern the program and
#1. RE: Receive a the board would come up with a
briefing and hold a discussion finance plan for a later date.
regarding a proposal by Salt He said 30% of the funding
Lake County relating to youth would come from Federal
programs . dollars, grants and donations,
20% from local government
Dave Jones, Consultant for appropriations, and 20% from
Salt Lake County, said approxi- Job Training Partnership Act
mately 6 months ago the Salt Funds (JTPA) . He said 10%
Lake County Commission decided would come from Community
to develop two youth service Development Block Grant (CDBG)
core programs for young people funds and the remaining 20%
at risk. from fee-f r-service contracts
which the bickfe had entered into
He said the County would with non-profit agencies,
pay the youth approximately $6 Cities, or other governmental
per hour. He said the proposal agencies . He said Salt Lake
had been formed as an County wanted to have the
interlocal cooperative agree- agreement in place by the end
ment between Salt Lake County, of July.
Salt Lake City and the School
Districts . He said each of the Councilmember Pace asked
school districts had agreed to what the tax status was .
become involved in the program.
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Mr. Jones said Salt Lake Police Department had applied
County was the only entity for the funds.
involved. He said the County
had committed $100,000 on an Ms. Ricci said Capital
annual basis to the program and Planning and Programming were
the finance plan for local watching grant funds closely
governments was initially and were currently applying for
proceived at $100,000 from the the Weed and Seed program
County, $60,000 from the City, through the Justice Department.
and $40,000 from the School She said the Glendale area had
Districts. been targeted for the funds.
Kathy Ricci, Director of Councilmember Hardman
Capital Planning, said funds asked if there was a policy
originally requested were from regarding monies or properties
the General Fund, but said the seized by the Police Department
City did not fund social in drug raids.
programs with general fund
money. She said CDBG funds had Mayor Corradini said the
already been allocated for the Metro Area Gang Task Force
1994 year and the City did not received the drug seizure
take on new projects during the money, but were not part of the
year. City. She said the Metro Area
Gang Task Force presented the
Ms. Ricci said she felt money to the Police Mutual Aid
the program was top heavy, with Association (PMAA) and the PMAA
62% of the money during the would decide who received the
first year going to pay money.
administrative operating
expenses and salaries for Councilmember Hardman
adults involved in the program. asked about the City's narco-
She said only 36% would be tics agency funds. Mayor
direct payment to the youth Corradini said her staff would
participating in the program. have to check on the funds.
Mr. Jones said the numbers Councilmember Whitehead
were taken from national models said he was concerned about
and might be inappropriate for seizure money, because it would
the local market. He said all not be a guaranteed income.
budget items would be reviewed
and established by a board of Councilmember Godfrey
directors, so there might be asked the Council if they
some flexibliity. wanted General Fund money
going to this program or if the
Councilmember Godfrey said program should go through the
there were grants available CDBG process.
through President Clinton's
Administration and asked if the Mr. Jones said he thought
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it was important for Salt Lake Fire Department realized they
City to become involved in the should not approve new develop-
program because the City had a ment which would place an
large percentage of the gang abnormal burden on the City's
problem. ability to provide public
services . He said Planning and
Councilmember Godfrey said Zoning currently required
he did not feel the City had internal fire sprinkler systems
the money to participate this on certain residential building
year. He said the County was permit approvals and on some
more interested in getting the division plat approvals .
interlocal agreement underway
first. Rennald Egbert, Fire
Marshall, briefed the Council
Councilmember Pace said on the attached handout
she would like more informa- entitled Residential Fire
tion on the role of the School Sprinklers . He said the City's
Board. expansion had created problems
for the Fire Department because
Cindy Gust-Jenson , of travel distances and times,
Executive Council Director, distance away from fire sta-
said she would follow up with tions and elevation problems .
Mr. Jones on budget questions He said fire engines were
that had been raised on the extremely heavy and took
interlocal. She said she would additional time to travel up
provide the Council with steep roads.
information for their review.
Mr. Egbert said fire
#2. RE: Receive a service was currently adequate,
briefing relating to a proposed but future needs had to be
ordinance regarding fire looked at.
sprinkler protection.
Blaine Collins, Plans
Doug Wheelwright, Plan- Review Specialist, said most
ping Programs Supervisor/ fire deaths occurred in single
Subdivisions , said there were family residents .
two reasons the Fire Department
had been involved in the issue. Councilmember Hutchison
He said one reason was approval asked how much the increase
considerations for new would be to the price of a home
development proposals and the to install fire sprinklers .
other was review of building Mr. Egbert said an average cost
permits . would be approximately $1 .50
per square foot.
Mr. Wheelwright said one
thing which needed to be Mr. Collins said the areas
considered was streets steeper most impacted were Ensign Downs
than a 12% grade. He said the North Cove and Carrigan Cove.
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Mr. Egbert said industry the next meeting. He said the
standard for sprinkler systems Planning Commission took a
on commercial and residential unanimous position. He said
was 96% effective, so it was a the Utah Transit Authority
high reliability factor. (UTA) submitted a letter
stating their preference of
Councilmember Whitehead either Main Street or the east
asked how many homes would be side of State Street.
effected by this ordinance.
Mr. Collins said a change in Bill Wright, Planning
the fire rating of the City Director, briefed the Council
would impact all residents, using the attached three
whether they lived there or handouts, Planning Commission
not. Staff Report, Downtown Salt
Lake City Alignment Evaluation,
Councilmember Kirk said and Downtown Salt Lake City
the issue would be on the Employment Summary. He said
agenda for public hearing next the figures used in the hand-
week and asked the Fire outs were as good as the infor-
Department staff to get this mation available, but there had
information to the Council by been some debate within the
next week. community about some of the
figures .
#3. RE: Receive a
briefing and hold a discussion He said the Planning
relating to light rail. Commission held a hearing on
June 3, 1993 where they
Brian Hatch, Deputy to the received the Staff Report
Mayor, said there had been recommending the best location
several organizations which had for both existing and future
taken positions on the development would be in the
alignment issue. He said the center of the road on Main
Salt Lake Area Community Coun- Street.
cil (SLACC) Land Use Committee,
SLACC Transportation Committee, Doug Dansie, Downtown
SLACC Executive Committee, and Planner, briefed the Council
the Downtown Retail Merchants using the attached Planning
had all supported the Main Commission Staff Report. He
Street alignments . He said the said the staff recommendation
Chamber of Commerce supported was to have light rail on Main
the State Street alignment. He Street with a center line,
said the Downtown Alliance had double track, an extension to
originally supported State the Delta Center, and an
Street, but had changed to a interface with bus, light rail,
neutral position. He said the and urban design issues .
Downtown Alliance would be
meeting with a consultant soon Brian Hatch said a
and would make a decision by consultant from Portland,
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Oregon would be coming to Salt said the first option would be
Lake City on July 9 , 1993 . He limiting the number of non-
said the consultant would not residents to the board and
be coming to recommend an since there were currently four
alignment, but to look at and non-residents, nothing would
recommend things which the City have to be changed. He said a
would need to accomplish for a second option would be to limit
successful light rail system. the number to three, and pro-
vide a grandfather clause to
Councilmember Hale asked allow members to serve out the
when I-15 would be widened by remainder of their terms . He
two lanes in each direction. said a third option would be to
Mr. Hatch said the plan was to limit the number of non-resi-
have light rail in place by dents to three and exempt the
1997 when I-15 reconstruction representative who organized
would begin. He said it should labor from the non-residency
be completed by the year 2002 . limitation, since historically
there had been a representative
Rick Thorpe, Engineer and of labor on the Airport Board
Consultant to UTA, gave a slide Authority.
presentation showing the light
rail system in San Diego, All Councilmembers were in
California. favor of option #1 .
#4. RE: Hold a 5. RE: Hold a discussion
discussion relating to the relating to filling two
Airport Authority Board and positions on the Taxing Agency
membership City residency. Committee.
Ed Snow, Deputy Director Councilmember Godfrey said
of the City Council, said a few this issue had already been
months ago two individuals had decided at the Redevelopment
been appointed to the Airport Agency (RDA) meeting. He said
Authority. He said both board the chair of both the Council
members were non-City residents and Redevelopment Agency would
and had caused certain Council be on the Taxing Agency
Members to ask questions about Committee. All Council Members
the Authority. He said of the were in favor of this decision.
nine board members, four were
non-residents . He said the 6. RE: Hold a discus-
Council asked the City Attorney sion relating to Council Office
to draft an amendment to the procedures, including internal
ordinance limiting the number signature authority and use of
of non-residents on the Airport the Committee of the Whole
Authority Board to four. room.
Mr. Snow said there were Ms . Gust-Jenson said there
three possible options . He had been a long standing policy
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regarding the signature 9 :i5 p.m.
authority and she referred to �/
the attached memorandum. She �`� Af
said since the Purchasing CO CIL C IR
Division had recently changed
to a new computer approval
system, it might be a good time
to review the policy. She said
the individual which now CA DEPUTY CI Y ORD
approved a requisition would
have to learn the new computer bf
Ms . Gust-Jenson asked if
the Council would prefer an
elected official maintain the
function or if the Council
wanted her staff to establish a
new procedure.
All Council Members were
in favor of option #3 from the
attached memorandum.
Ms . Gust-Jenson said she
recommended the Committee of
the Whole room be made
available to be rented out in
the evening. She said Council
staff would schedule the room
during day time hours . She
said the room would be
available for night time use on
evenings other then Council
Meeting nights, and the Support
Service staff would do the
scheduling. She said she would
inform Support Service staff
that the Committee of the Whole
room would be available for
public use, and Support Service
staff would inform the Council
of any scheduled night
meetings .
The meeting adjourned at
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