06/14/2016 - Formal Meeting - Minutes MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 , 2016 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met in Regular Session on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 7 : 07 p.m. in Room 315, Council Chambers, City County Building, 451 South State . The following Council Members were present: Stan Penfold Derek Kitchen Lisa Adams Andrew Johnston Charlie Luke The following Council Members were absent: James Rogers Erin Mendenhall Cindy Gust-Jenson, Council Executive Director; Jennifer Bruno, Council Executive Deputy Director; Jacqueline M. Biskupski, Mayor; Patrick Leary, Mayor' s Chief of Staff; Margaret Plane, City Attorney; Kory Solorio, Assistant City Recorder; and Scott Crandall, Deputy City Recorder; were present. Councilmember Penfold presided at and Councilmember Johnston conducted the meeting. OPENING CEREMONY #1 . 7:08:35 PM Pledge of Allegiance . PUBLIC HEARINGS 7:09:57 PM Accept public comment on the following Grant Application Submissions : Items 1-10 will be heard as one public hearing. #1 . Land and Water Conservation Fund - Pioneer Park Phase II : This grant funding will be used to complete Phase II of the Pioneer Park Master Plan which includes the following improvements to the west side of the park: new basketball courts, new patio with seating, updated bocce courts, new playgrounds and pedestrian pathways. View Attachment #2 . Renewal of Child Care Development Fund Match Partnership Grant. View Attachment #3. Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program FY 2016: The City is a sub-grant recipient for this grant. Funding will be used toward the purchase of a new clean diesel street maintenance vehicle, replacing a 2001 street maintenance vehicle currently in use. View Attachment 16 - 1 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 , 2016 #4 . Emergency Management Performance Grant FY 2016: This is an annual grant passed through the Utah Department of Emergency Services from FEMA. Funds will be used to support emergency management programs. View Attachment #5 . Jordan River Floodplain, Habitat and Recreation Enhancements : The funding will be used towards the creation of a new river channel with an active floodplain, treatment of storm water in wetland ponds, creation of community fishing ponds, paths, boardwalks, nature park and signage, wildlife viewing areas, shelter for outdoor education activities, and installation of trees and native Utah plants. View Attachment #6 . 2017 Utah Highway Safety Office Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program: Funding provides overtime for officers who administer bicycle rodeos, pedestrian crosswalk enforcement and cyclist/motorist enforcement operations. View Attachment #7 . United States Department of Agriculture Snack for Youth After School Programs: This is a continuing grant - funds will reimburse the City for snacks provided to each participant in the Youth After School Programs at Central City Recreation Center, Fairmont Park, Liberty Park, and Ottinger Hall in Memory Grove. View Attachment #8 . United States Department of Agriculture Snack for Youth Summer Programs : This is a NEW grant - funds will be used to reimburse the City for snacks provided to each participant in the City's Youth Summer Programs conducted at Central City Recreation Center, Fairmont Park, Liberty Park, and Ottinger Hall in Memory Grove. View Attachment #9 . Local Government Program 2016 - Historic Preservation Program Training: Funds will be used for staff training and professional development aligned with the City's historic preservation program. View Attachment #10 . 2016 COPS Office Community Policing Development Grant: In collaboration with the Salt Lake City Police Department, the Salt Lake Police Citizen Advisory Board (and partnering organizations) will design and host a bias awareness training summit and organize activities which create safe environments for police officers and youth/adult participants to foster relationships. View Attachment Councilmember Penfold moved and Councilmember Luke seconded to close the public hearing (Items 1-10) , which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (B 16-4) 16 - 2 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 , 2016 POTENTIAL ACTION ITEMS: #1 . 7 :10:46 PM Adopting a resolution changing the funding source for enhanced street lighting from Special Assessment Areas (SAAs) to monthly fees . This resolution reflects the change from previous billing methods to a new fee structure in the Street Lighting Utility Fund. View Attachment Councilmember Penfold moved and Councilmember Kitchen seconded to adopt Resolution 21 of 2016, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (Q 15-5) #2 . 7 :11 :24 PM Adopting a motion to amend the budget of the Street Lighting Utility Fund to reflect the new revenue and expenses from enhanced street lighting areas . Refer to the items adopting the annual budget for Fiscal Year 2016-17 for detail of how the Street Lighting Fund will be adjusted for this change. View Attachment Councilmember Penfold moved and Councilmember Kitchen seconded to approve the updated budget for the Street Lighting Fund to reflect the revenue and expenses for enhanced lighting areas as shown on the annual budget key changes (separately adopted) , which allocates $15,000 for mailings or other outreach efforts in enhanced lighting areas throughout the year, and with the understanding that revenues collected from the base lighting rates will not be used to pay for enhanced lighting expenses, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . Councilmember Penfold moved and Councilmember Adams seconded to adopt the following Legislative Intent Statements, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . a. It is the intent of the Council that the $15,000 in outreach funding would be used to improve communication with property owners in enhanced lighting areas, make efforts to grow mailing or emailing contact lists in order to notify property owners about work scheduled in certain neighborhoods, and annually share information about how enhanced lighting rates are set, how the funds are used, where capital improvements are scheduled, overall financial health of the enhanced lighting budget, and other items as they arise. b. It is the intent of the Council that the scheduled rate study for the Lighting Fund include the following key components : i . Preservation of the base lighting policy that the fee charged to all property owners for base lighting is to 16 - 3 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 , 2016 cover the Citywide cost of base lighting, because all residents benefit from a base level of lighting throughout all neighborhoods and on main roads . ii . Emphasis will be given to accurately assess the costs of enhanced lights, base lights, and related infrastructure so the full cost of enhancements are allocated to property owners in enhanced lighting areas (cost including, but not limited to: wiring, pole costs, efficiency upgrades, operating costs , etc. ) iii . A comparison of lighting budgets and programs in other cities to demonstrate the benefits of Salt Lake City' s program and/or opportunities for improvement. (Q 15-5) #3 . 7 :12 :48 PM Adopting an ordinance amending the Salt Lake City Consolidated Fee Schedule related to Enhanced Street Lighting. This ordinance would adopt rates for property owners in enhanced lighting areas. View Attachment Councilmember Penfold moved and Councilmember Kitchen seconded to adopt Ordinance 29 of 2016, amending the consolidated fee schedule related to enhanced street lighting, which will set the rates for property owners in enhanced lighting areas . It is the Council' s understanding that the rates will continue to be evaluated and set in order to generate enough revenue to cover the full cost of enhanced lighting in those areas of the City so that no other Utility Funds nor the General Fund will be required to financially contribute to cover enhanced lighting expenses . 7 :13:37 PM Councilmember Penfold commented on the motion . He said he felt the proposal was the best solution to resolve a number of problems with the multiple array of enhanced lighting districts . He said fees would be consolidated under a similar structure and should significantly reduce the cost for a number of areas . Councilmember Johnston called for the question, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (Q 15-5) #4 . 7 :14 :50 PM Adopting an ordinance adopting the City' s budget, excluding the budget for the Library Fund which is separately adopted, and the employment staffing document of Salt Lake City for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 . View Attachment View Motion Sheet MOTION 1 : Councilmember Penfold moved and Councilmember Kitchen seconded to adopt Ordinance 30 of 2016, approving Salt Lake City' s 16 - 4 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 , 2016 Fiscal Year 2016-2017 budget as outlined in the attached Key Changes schedule and staffing document with contingencies outlined below, excluding the schedule for capital projects and debt, the Library Fund, and any items that might be considered separately, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . Note: In approving this budget, it is the Council's understanding that the Administration will take necessary steps to address consumer protection in City towing and impounds (as outlined in the Legislative Intents) up to and including the following options: 1) preparing an ordinance for Council consideration; 2) introducing specific conditions in contracts with service providers; 3) refining the conditions under which companies may participate in the City's towing rotation list, and further, it is the Council's understanding that the staffing level assigned to this function will be available to address accountability issues with towing companies that wish to be part of the City's rotation. (B 16-1) MOTION 2 : Councilmember Luke moved and Councilmember Penfold seconded that the following appropriations be contingent as described below, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . Contingency a. Portable Toilets — $200 , 000 is approved for a pilot project to purchase portable bathrooms to be placed in the Rio Grande area, contingent on securing a $75, 000 match - funding will be used toward staffing needs to monitor and clean the new portable restrooms and the "Portland Loos" . It is expected that a contract will be issued to refine the cost estimates, needed staffing levels will be evaluated, and the Administration will report to the Council in September. Contingency b. Homeless Services - $405 , 000 is approved to support homeless services and needs in the Rio Grande area, contingent upon funding being used on the following: • $100 ,000 in the Police Department for increased foot patrol in the Rio Grande neighborhoods ; • $150 ,000 for a pilot project with Behavioral Health Services; • $50 ,000 for mitigation at 500 West; • $45 ,000 to increase capacity for "A place for your stuff" ; • $25 ,000 for enhanced day services ; • $10 ,000 for `queuing' mitigation; and • $25 , 000 increased Clean Team funding. Contingency c. Public Utilities Watershed and Water Rights Acquisition Fund - The funding received from special fees assessed on the Utility bills for Watershed and Water Rights acquisition, shall be 16 - 5 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 , 2016 appropriated contingent upon Council review and approval of proposed uses and acquisition expenditures . #5 . 7 :17 :46 PM Adopting an ordinance adopting the budget for the Library Fund of Salt Lake City, Utah for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 . View Attachment MOTION 3 : Councilmember Penfold moved and Councilmember Adams seconded to adopt Ordinance 31 of 2016, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (B 16-2) #6 . Adopting an ordinance approving a compensation plan for all Non-Represented employees of Salt Lake City. View Attachment Councilmember Luke moved and Councilmember Penfold seconded to adopt Ordinance 33 of 2016 with the addition of the RDA leader position in the appropriate grade, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (0 16-6) #7 . 7 :18 :10 PM Adopting an ordinance adopting the rate of tax levy, including the levy for the Library Fund, upon all real and personal property within Salt Lake City made taxable by law for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 . View Attachment MOTION 4 : Councilmember Penfold moved and Councilmember Luke seconded to adopt Ordinance 32 of 2016, setting the rate of tax levy, including the levy Library Fund, upon all real and personal property within Salt Lake City, made taxable by Fiscal Year 2016-2017 and authorize the Chair to sign the necessary documentation for the State Tax Commission, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . A tax of . 005263 on each dollar of taxable valuation. • . 003617 shall be credited as revenue in the General Fund, generating $73 ,389, 998 on-going revenue; and • . 000031 shall be credited to the judgment levy for the General Fund, a one-year adjustment generating $628 , 999 of one-time revenue; and • . 000910 shall be credited toward repayment of General Obligation Bonds , generating $18 ,464 , 169 of on-going revenue; and • . 000700 shall be credited as revenue in the special Library Fund, generating $14 ,312 ,763 of on-going revenue; and • . 000005 shall be credited to the judgment levy for the Library Fund, a one-year adjustment generating $101 ,451 of one-time revenue . 16 - 6 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 , 2016 (B 16-1) (B 16-2) MOTION 5: 7:18:43 PM Councilmember Luke moved and Councilmember Kitchen seconded to adopt the total amount to be transferred to Capital Improvement Program (CIP) , including $11,456,351 in funding for annual debt service and Energy Savings Company (ESCO) payments as detailed for those items in the Mayor' s Recommended CIP Budget, and with the understanding that most of the funding for CIP projects will be considered separately later this year, except for the following specific CIP projects for adoption now: • $200,000 for the Sego Lily project in Sugar House contingent on $400,000 being raised as a community match for City funds; and • $80,000 toward traffic safety measures at the 600 North off-ramp, which motion carried, all members present voted aye. MOTION 6: 7:19:33 PM Councilmember Penfold moved and Councilmember Luke seconded to adopt the following Legislative Intent Statements (Items a-j) , which motion carried, all members present voted aye . a. Administration Metrics and Reporting (Note: The Council may also consider formalizing these items in the Reporting Ordinance. ) i. Metrics in conjunction with the annual budget. It is the intent of the Council that department metrics be included with the annual budget, and updated annually. The metrics of interest are items that measure the effectiveness of the City' s service delivery, or track a department' s progress towards specific goals . The Council welcomes the inclusion of existing measurements and is not asking that new systems and metrics be developed in all cases . However, in cases where tracking these metrics requires increased resources, the Council will consider these requests highly important. ii. Six-month check-in with new and interim Department directors. It is the intent of the Council to request mid-year briefings (in December or January) with all new Directors of the City' s departments . The Administration is invited to include an Administrative report on the activities and direction of various City departments with new, vacant (or interim) department directors . iii. Public Services . It is the intent of the Council to request that the Administration report back mid-year (in December or January) how funding will be achieved to cover the prioritized list of maintenance needs at City facilities, parks, and other open space properties within the Public Services budget, so that adequate funds can be built into the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 base budget . iv. Golf Revenue for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 . It is the intent of the 16 - 7 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 , 2016 Council to request that the Administration provide interim Golf Fund revenue updates to help the Council assess the of new initiatives, like demand-based pricing, and decide whether the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Golf revenue budget should be adjusted. This would make most sense as a written-only update in August/September, to be followed by a full, in-depth briefing in October/November, after various revenue-enhancing strategies have been in place for most of the golf season. Key metrics expected in this briefing would include: • The total number of rounds and revenue at each course . • The revenue per round at each course. • Expenses at each course, including potential maintenance increases as a result of additional play. v. Wingpointe Golf Course. It is the intent of the Council to request that the Administration report the findings of its review of Wingpointe' s viability when these become available . It might make sense to present these in conjunction with the August/September written update on Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Golf revenue, above . vi . Golf Future Revenue Projections for future budgets . It is the intent of the Council that in future budgets, Golf Fund revenue projections be based on actual rounds played during the previous fiscal year. vii. Arts Council. It is the intent of the Council to request the Administration report back with more in-depth review of Arts Council funding at the conclusion of the 2016 Twilight Concert Series . The review would include key measurements from the season, the outside consultant' s study findings, and other information provided by the Administration that would help the Council evaluate whether to add funds to the Arts Council operating budget. It is the intent of the Council to consider this information in the context of the City' s overall economic development goals . b. Fleet Fund Financial Sustainability. It is the intent of the Council to request that the Administration report back during the first Council meeting in November on a plan to achieve financial sustainability of the Fleet Fund. c. Impound Lot. It is the intent of the Council that effective consumer protection be part of any City contract with private providers for towing and impound services . Recognizing that contracts are the purview of the Administration, the Council provides the following policy guidance on consumer protection. i. Every contracted towing and/or impound business must offer to potential clients a printed copy of a fee schedule before 16 - 8 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 , 2016 providing services . This fee schedule also must be posted in a prominent location at the vehicle storage facility and on tow trucks . The fee schedule must: • specify a Total Maximum Fees and Charges price which includes the first day of storage (subsequent days of storage would be charged in accordance with State code) ; and • include an itemized list of any fees that are not regulated in State code that the business may choose to apply in any particular case. ii. The vehicle storage facility would: • accept payment offered in cash or by major credit card, and maintain cash on hand to make change. • post the telephone number of the City office designated to handle consumer protection issues; • maintain personnel authorized to provide information to vehicle owners 24 hours each day (including weekends) , as well as personnel who can respond within one hour of a request for release of any vehicle to its owner. • provide adequate visitor parking. iii. Each tow operator would provide to the City E-911 dispatcher within 1 hour of arriving at the impound area, a report that includes the following: • The vehicle' s description, including its vehicle identification number and license number or other identification number issued by a state agency; • The name of the person, firm or corporation impounding or towing the vehicle; • The date, time, and location of the vehicle' s removal; • Reason (s) for removal of the vehicle; • The location where the subject vehicle will be kept; and • A telephone number, staffed twenty-four (24) hours a day, which an owner can call to arrange for release of the vehicle . d. Cost Analysis for Development Review Team (DRT) services . It is the intent of the Council to request that the Administration conduct an analysis of the City' s costs for Development Review Team services as a first step in cost-justification for potential fee-setting. After review of the cost analysis, the Council may wish to reach out to key users of the service for feedback on advantages and disadvantages of cost-recovery for the use of DRT. e. Clean Team and Green Team. It is the intent of the Council to request that the Administration: i . work with the Downtown Alliance to identify potential grant 16 - 9 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 , 2016 funding opportunities for job programs; ii . encourage the Alliance to seek funding to ensure the operation of these programs on an ongoing basis; and iii . help the Alliance identify City application opportunities and programs (for example, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) , CIP, Redevelopment Agency (RDA) , general fund) to assure that Alliance proposals can be considered in the context of the full budgets for each of these areas . Note: It is the Council' s understanding that the base funding amount needed for the Clean Team in 2016-2017 will be found within existing operational budgets and that the $25, 000 added in key changes will be specific to the homeless proposal in the Rio Grande neighborhood. f. Economic Development Corporation of Utah (EDCU) Contract. It is the intent of the Council to request that the new Economic Development Director review the City' s goals with EDCU and prepare an evaluation of whether the City' s overall economic development needs would be served best by continuing the contract or by deploying these resources in another manner. It is the intent of the Council to request that this evaluation be provided in conjunction with the Mayor' s Recommended Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Budget. g. Briefing on Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) Study, defining success in responding to sexual violence. It is the intent of the Council to request that once the PERF study is available, the Administration provide a written report which highlights the study' s evaluation how the Salt Lake City Police Department responds to sexual violence. h. Periodic Study of Public Safety Compensation. It is the intent of the Council to request that every three years, the Administration fund an independent study of compensation for public safety employees in the Police and Fire Departments . The study should include a rigorous analysis of job complexity before data collection, using input from discussions with union representatives to collaboratively determine appropriate criteria, comparable cities and scope . The Council requests the Administration include funding for this item in the Fiscal Year 2019 annual budget. i. Fireworks Air Quality Threshold Ordinance. It is the intent of the Council that for any fireworks shows organized and funded 100% by City funds be canceled depending on air quality measurements and public health concerns, similar to firework bans 16 - 10 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 , 2016 depending on fire danger and public safety considerations . In addition, the Administration could also urge event organizers to self-regulate and adjust to prevent impacts to air quality, and impose regulations or conditions to the award of Signature Event funds . j . RDA Finance position. It is the intent of the Council that, based on the staffing addition in the Finance Department, the Administration would share a monthly financial report of RDA expenditures . The Council and Administration may also schedule a mid-year briefing to review reports . MOTION 7 : 7 :19:57 PM Councilmember Luke moved and Councilmember Penfold seconded to adopt all ordinances relating to the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Budget, as detailed on the agenda as Items 6-18 and with the amendments as outlined on Items a and f, which motion carried, all member present voted aye . a. Compensation Plan for all Non-Represented Employees of Salt Lake City, Utah with the addition of the RDA leader position in the appropriate grade . b. Adopting a wage schedule, and appropriating necessary funds to implement, for Fiscal Year 2017 , the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Salt Lake City and American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1004 (AFSCME) , as extended and amended. c. Approving the Extension and Amendment of an MOU between Salt Lake City and AFSCME Local 1004 , representing eligible employees, pursuant to the Collective Bargaining and Employee Representation Joint Resolution dated March 22 , 2011 . d. Adopting a wage schedule, and appropriating necessary funds to implement, for Fiscal Year 2017 , provisions of the MOU between Salt Lake City and the International Association of Firefighters Local 81 (fka Local 1645) , Firefighters and Fire Captains in the Salt Lake City Fire Department. e . Adopting a wage schedule, and appropriating necessary funds to implement, for Fiscal Year 2017 , the provisions of the MOU between Salt Lake City and Salt Lake City Police Association, representing Police Officers in the Salt Lake City Police Department. f. Administrative Organization and Appointment of Department Heads Amendments the following changes : i . Add to Section 2 . 05 . 030 a new paragraph to include the minimum qualifications of the leader of the Department of the Redevelopment Agency, which include demonstrated experience or expertise in real estate development, project management, finance, economic development, or a related field. 16 - 11 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 , 2016 ii . The function of "redevelopment" be moved from the Department of Economic Development into the newly created "Department of the Redevelopment Agency" in new section 2 . 05 . 065 2 . 08 . 065 . The Department of the Redevelopment Agency' s function will be redevelopment. g. Appointments of Department Heads and Statutory Officers amendments h. Amending Powers and Duties , Section 2 . 04 . 010 i . Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND) Services and corresponding changes to the Salt Lake City Consolidated Fee Schedule j . Vehicle Impounds Ordinance k. Recreation Program Fees Amendment 1 . Salt Lake City Fee Schedule to modify various fees #8 . Adopting an ordinance adopting a wage schedule, and appropriating necessary funds to implement, for Fiscal Year 2017 , the provisions of the MOU between Salt Lake City Corporation and American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1004 , as extended and amended. View Attachment Councilmember Luke moved and Councilmember Penfold seconded to adopt Ordinance 34 of 2016, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (0 13-12) #9 . Adopting an ordinance approving the extension and amendment of the MOU between Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1004 , representing eligible employees, pursuant to the Collective Bargaining and Employee Representation Joint Resolution dated March 22, 2011 . View Attachment Councilmember Luke moved and Councilmember Penfold seconded to adopt Ordinance 35 of 2016, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (0 13-12) #10 . Adopting an ordinance adopting a wage schedule, and appropriating necessary funds to implement, for Fiscal Year 2017 , the provisions of the MOU between Salt Lake City Corporation and the International Association of Firefighters Local 81 (fka Local 1645) , representing Firefighters and Fire Captains in the Salt Lake City Fire Department. View Attachment 16 - 12 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2016 Councilmember Luke moved and Councilmember Penfold seconded to adopt Ordinance 36 of 2016, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (0 15-6) #11 . Adopting an ordinance adopting a wage schedule, and appropriating necessary funds to implement, for Fiscal Year 2017 , the provisions of the MOU between Salt Lake City Corporation and the Salt Lake Police Association, representing Police Officers in the Salt Lake City Police Department. View Attachment Councilmember Luke moved and Councilmember Penfold seconded to adopt Ordinance 37 of 2016, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (0 14-14) #12 . Adopting an ordinance amending Chapter 2 . 08, Salt Lake City Code, relating to Administrative Organization regulations to establish the new departments of Economic Development and Sustainability. View Attachment Councilmember Luke moved and Councilmember Penfold seconded to adopt Ordinance 38 of 2016, with the following change: the function of "redevelopment" be moved from the Department of Economic Development into the newly created "Department of the Redevelopment Agency" in new Section 2 . 08 . 065 . The Department of the Redevelopment Agency' s function will be redevelopment, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (0 16-7) #13 . Adopting an ordinance amending Chapter 2 . 05, Salt Lake City Code, regarding appointment regulations . The proposal would create the departments of Economic Development, Sustainability, and Community and Neighborhoods, and create minimum requirements for certain City positions, among other changes. View Attachment Councilmember Luke moved and Councilmember Penfold seconded to adopt Ordinance 39 of 2016 with the following change: Add to Section 2 . 05 . 030 a new paragraph to include the minimum qualifications of the leader of the Department of the Redevelopment Agency, which shall include demonstrated experience or expertise in real estate development, project management, finance, economic development, or a related field, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (0 16-4) 16 - 13 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 , 2016 #14 . Adopting an ordinance amending Salt Lake City Code Section 2 . 04 . 010, Office of the Mayor, Powers and Duties, to relocate a duty from Section 2 . 04 . 010 to Section 2 . 08 . 025 . View Attachment Councilmember Luke moved and Councilmember Penfold seconded to adopt Ordinance 40 of 2016, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (0 16-8) #15 . Adopting an ordinance enacting Chapter 2 . 61, Salt Lake City Code, relating to HAND services and amending corresponding portions of the Salt Lake City Consolidated Fee Schedule. View Attachment Councilmember Luke moved and Councilmember Penfold seconded to adopt Ordinance 41 of 2016, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (0 16-9) (0 11-9) #16 . Adopting an ordinance amending Section 12 . 68 . 080, Salt Lake City Code, relating to impounds of illegally parked vehicles . View Attachment Councilmember Luke moved and Councilmember Penfold seconded to adopt Ordinance 42 of 2016, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (0 16-2) #17 . Adopting an ordinance amending Section 15 . 16. 090, Salt Lake City Code, relating to recreation program fees . View Attachment Councilmember Luke moved and Councilmember Penfold seconded to adopt Ordinance 43 of 2016, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (0 15-8) #18 . Adopting an ordinance amending various fees and fee information set forth in the Salt Lake City Consolidated Fee Schedule. View Attachment Councilmember Luke moved and Councilmember Penfold seconded to adopt Ordinance 44 of 2016, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . (0 11-9) The City Council will consider a motion to recess as the City Council and convene as the Board of Directors of the Local Building Authority. 16 - 14 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 , 2016 7:20:35 PM Councilmember Kitchen moved and Councilmember Luke seconded to recess as the City Council and convene as the Board of Directors of the Local Building Authority, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . 7:21:41 PM Director Kitchen moved and Director Adams seconded to adjourn as the Local Building Authority and reconvene as the City Council, which motion carried, all directors present voted aye. Note : See File M 16-10 for Local Building Authority minutes . QUESTIONS TO THE MAYOR FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 7:22:06 PM Councilmember Penfold thanked the Mayor for participating in the vigil held for victims of the Orlando shooting. He said he felt it was an important community event and appreciated the Mayor' s efforts to help bring healing to the community. Mayor Biskupski said she felt the event was well done and meant a lot to Salt Lake City. Councilmember Johnston asked if the Mayor had any comments or questions for the Council . Mayor Biskupski requested an opportunity to meet with the Council to discuss her vision of the role the new Economic Development Director, Lara Fritts would play in regard to the Redevelopment Agency. COMMENTS TO THE CITY COUNCIL 7:26:07 PM Jacob Jensen, Amy Jones, and Carly Haldeman spoke and Sue Wilcox, Cassandra Perry, Sean Taylor, and Cheryl Stout submitted hearing cards only regarding national/local police shootings and wanted the Council to do something to stop further incidents (enact a Community Control Review Board) . Douglas Cotant and Ameer Cornell expressed thoughts about the Orlando shooting incident. NEW BUSINESS #1 . 7:35:52 PM Adopting a Legislative Action to initiate a text amendment pertaining to the process to restore and replace existing historic signs . Councilmember Adams moved and Councilmember Luke seconded to adopt a Legislative Action pertaining to the process to restore and replace existing historic signs, with the intents outlined in the 16 - 15 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 , 2016 Staff memo and listed below, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . The proposed Legislative Action would express the intent of the Council for the Administration to consider the following objectives during the review process: • To be able to remove, restore, and replace existing historic signs. o Allowed under current code, as `routine maintenance' . • To be able to move historic signs elsewhere on their current site. o Not allowed under current code, given that most of these sign types are non-conforming. • Change the copy of historic signs to adapt as buildings change use. o Not allowed under current code. Though this runs contrary to current City preservation policy, that policy can be amended to support improved preservation/reuse of historic signage. • To be able to remove, modify, and relocate historic signs to new locations. (P 16-16) #2 . 7 :36:28 PM Adopting a Legislative Action requesting the Administration review and make recommendations for amendments pertaining to the Transit Station Area (TSA) zoning district. Councilmember Kitchen moved and Councilmember Adams seconded to initiate a the Legislative Action pertaining to the approval process for development in the TSA zoning district, with the intents outlined in the Staff memo and listed below, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . The Planning Commission memo dated April 7, 2016 (Attachment C2) outlines potential modifications to the TSA zone. In addition to those changes, the Council requested the Administration include the following objectives during the review process: • Require that uses on the ground floor of a building encourage engagement with pedestrians on the street as well as building occupants, including but not limited to, establishment of retail and commercial uses. 16 - 16 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 , 2016 • Consider maximum allowable percentage of non-durable materials on building facades. • Adjust the development score to further incentivize affordable housing. (P 16-17) CONSENT 7 :3 7 :0 6 PM Councilmember Penfold moved and Councilmember Luke seconded to adopt the Consent Agenda, which motion carried, all members present voted aye . #1 . Approving the appointment of Karen Gunn to the Business Advisory Board for a term extending through December 6, 2019 . View Attachment (I 16-19) #2 . Approving the appointment of Susan Rice to the Business Advisory Board for a term extending through December 6, 2019 . View Attachment (I 16-19) #3 . Approving the appointment of Rebekah Myers to the Police Civilian Review Board for a term extending through September 2, 2019 . View Attachment (I 16-20) #4 . Approving the appointment of Catalina Cardona to the Police Civilian Review Board for a term extending through September 2, 2019 . View Attachment (I 16-20) #5 . Approving the appointment of Jade Sarver to the Community Development and Capital Improvement Programs Advisory Board for a term extending through June 3, 2019 . View Attachment (I 16-12) #6 . Approving the appointment of Christian Kesselring to the Human Rights Commission for a term extending through December 6, 2019 . View Attachment (I 16-21) #7 . Approving the appointment of Jason Wessel to the Human Rights Commission for a term extending through December 6, 2019 . View Attachment 16 - 17 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 , 2016 (I 16-21) #8 . Setting the date of Tuesday, July 12 , 2016 at 7 : 00 p.m. to hold a public hearing and accept public comment regarding an ordinance amending the zoning map pertaining to several parcels located at approximately 1932 North 2200 West Street to rezone those parcels from Agricultural (AG-2) to Business Park (BP) pursuant to Petition No. PLNPCM2016-00007 . The parcels total 18. 39 acres, and neighboring properties currently have BP zoning. Although the applicant has requested that the properties be zoned to BP Business Park, consideration may be given to rezoning the properties to another zoning district with similar characteristics (Petitioner - Jeff Beck) . View Attachment (P 16-18) #9 . Setting the date of Tuesday, July 12 , 2016 at 7 : 00 p.m. to hold a public hearing and accept public comment regarding an ordinance amending the Zoning Map to establish the Yalecrest-Harvard Heights Local Historic District for properties located on Harvard Avenue between 1300 East and 1500 East pursuant to Petition No . PLNHLC2015- 00032 (Petitioners - Amy and Cory Reid) . View Attachment (P 16-19) #10 . Setting the date of Tuesday, July 12 , 2016 at 7 : 00 p.m. to hold a public hearing and accept public comment regarding an ordinance amending the zoning map pertaining to properties located at 644 , 652 , 658, and 664 East 600 South Street; 628 South 700 East Street; and 665 East Ely Place to rezone those parcels from RMF-30 , RMF-45 and SR-3 to Form Based Urban Neighborhood District (FB-UN2) pursuant to Petition No . PLNPCM2016-0031 . The applicant intends to develop the site as a mixed-use (residential and commercial) development . Currently, there is no specific development proposed associated with this map amendment request. Although the applicant has requested the property be rezoned to Form Based Urban Neighborhood District, consideration may be given to rezoning the properties to another zoning district with similar characteristics (Petitioner- Trolley Square Ventures LLC) . View Attachment (P 16-20) The meeting adjourned at 7 : 37 p .m. 16 - 18 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 14 , 2016 Council Chair City Recorder This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as additional discussion may have been held; please refer to the audio or video for entire content. This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the Salt Lake City Council Regular Session meeting held June 14, 2016 . sc 16 - 19