The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met in Briefing
Session on Tuesday, June 8, 1993, at 5:30 p.m. in Room 325, City
Council Office, City County Building, 451 South State.
The following Council Members were present:
Paul Hutchison Alan Hardman Roselyn Kirk
Ron Whitehead Tom Godfrey Don Hale
Nancy Pace
Council Chair Kirk presided at and conducted the meeting.
Councilmember Kirk called 5.83% with an Al - A+ rating.
the meeting to order at 5:30 She said the City would now
p.m. have full funding for their
projects. She said the second
REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE issue was tax notes which were
DIRECTOR sold through competitive bids
that morning. She said the net
Cindy Gust-Jenson said interest cost rate was 2 .497% .
Item E-2, Fire Sprinkler
Protection Ordinance, the Ms. Gust-Jenson said Item
recommendation was to set a F-5, Parking Meter Ordinance,
hearing date of July 13, 1993 funds were available. Kerri
at 6 :20 p.m. and a briefing to Nakamura, Budget/Policy Ana-
be held July 6, 1993. lyst, said a motion should be
made to move the effective date
She said Item F-1 and F-2, to September 1, 1993 .
Municipal Building Authority
business, Council would recess Ms. Gust-Jenson said Item
as the City Council and convene F-9, Sexton/Maintenance Super-
as the Municipal Building visor Ordinance, this was a
Authority. She said the corrected version which
Council would then adopt the reflected the Saturday charges.
resolution, adjourn as the
Municipal Building Authority Ms. Gust-Jenson said Item
and reconvene as the City F-10, Legislative Intent State-
Council . ments, the Council could adopt
the Intents in one motion.
Roger Black, Director of
Management Services, said the Mr. Black said on the
revenue bonds were sold June 7, Final Budget Adoption, the
1993 and net proceeds were certified Property Tax Rate
higher than anticipated. would generate $427,813 more
money than had been anticipated
Cheryl Cook, City Finan- in the budget.
cial Advisor, said the net-
effective interest cost was Ms. Nakamura said they had
93 - 216
decreased revenue from parking ment as Community and Economic
meters and increased property Development Director.
tax revenue. She said they had
$50,000 for clean-up of illegal Mr. Danielson said he had
dumping, and took out the worked in the banking industry
motion for $15,000 for the in Oregon, California, Arizona
Winter Olympics, leaving and Utah. He said he retired
$223,911 . She said $100 of from Valley Bank and Trust 6
that amount would be going to months ago, as the Chairman,
governmental immunity. She President and CEO.
said on the California Avenue
motion, Class "C" Road Funds Councilmember Whitehead
and project costs were higher asked what he thought his
than expected. Ms . Gust-Jenson biggest challenge would be in
said on Motion 30 of the Community and Economic Develop-
Council's old packet, staff had ment for Salt Lake City.
replaced the 900 South address
with California Avenue. Mr. Danielson said he
thought additional housing and
Ms . Gust Jenson said the strategic planning would be a
Council had received additional challenge. He said he wanted
information about the Olympics to form a task force to hear
and the Council might want to issues from each Councilmember.
eliminate some of the funding.
She said if the Council wanted The briefing adjourned at
to maintain support at $30,000, 6 :00 p.m.
motion would be needed. She
said there were three options . bf
She said the first option; 1 )
to continue the existing com-
mitment of $15,000, 2 ) to
accept the request for $45,000,
but clearly state that the
amount was the funding commit-
ment and it was a policy
decision to fund only admini-
strative items related to the
Olympics . She said a statement
could be made that the City
would not be willing to
consider future increases in
that regard. She said 3 ) was
to approve the request of
The Council interviewed
Michael Danielson prior to
consideration of his appoint-
93 - 217
The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah met in Regular
Session on Tuesday, June 8, 1993, at 6 :00 p.m. in Room 315, City
County Building, 451 South State Street.
The following Council Members were present:
Paul Hutchison Nancy Pace Alan Hardman
Roselyn Kirk Tom Godfrey Ron Whitehead
Don Hale
Mayor Deedee Corradini; Roger Cutler, City Attorney; Cindy
Gust-Jenson, Executive Council Director; Roger Black, Director of
Management Services; Christine Meeker, Chief Deputy City Recorder;
and Bonnie Ferrin, Deputy Recorder were present.
Council Chair Kirk presided at and Councilmember Pace
conducted the meeting.
#1. The Council led the Mayor Corradini said she
Pledge of Allegiance. understood Foothill Drive was a
State road.
#2. Councilmember Godfrey
moved and Councilmember Hardman Councilmember Kirk said it
seconded to approve the minutes was, but the median belonged to
of the Salt Lake City Council the City. She asked if the
meetings held June 1 and June Foothill Drive Committee could
3, 1993, which motion carried, be reactivated since there were
all members voted aye. a number of new issues which
(M 93-1) needed to be discussed.
QUErSTIONS TO THE MAYOR Mayor Corradini said she
would discuss the issue with
Councilmember Hale asked Councilmember Kirk.
when the water for the new
fountain at Liberty Park would Councilmember Pace asked
be turned on. about the City's recent mock
Mayor Corradini said it
would be turned on for the Mayor Corradini said it
Dedication to be held June 15, went well and was very useful
1993 . because the exercise showed a
few things the City needed to
Councilmember Kirk said improve upon.
the median on Foothill Drive
was looking ragged and she Councilmember Godfrey
wanted to know if something asked if the Parks Department
could be done about it. would mow the lawn on Riverside
Drive between 700 North and
93 - 218
approximately 850 North. He arbitrarily applied. He said
said it was on the east side of his home had a complaint filed
the road and the west side of on it and he had written two or
the river. Mayor Corradini three letters to the Mayor,
said she would check on it. City Attorney, and Council
Members explaining the
CITIZEN COMMENTS situation. He said he would be
going before the Housing
Virgil R. Newkirk, 826 Advisory and Appeals Board
South Jefferson, said he lived (H.A.A.B) tomorrow to ask the
in the West Temple Gateway Board to address several policy
area. He said approximately 5 issues . He said he did not
years ago, the Redevelopment think there would be resolution
Agency (RDA) had proposed a until both the Mayor and City
plan which included his Council looked at Policy issues
neighborhood and Phase Four of and decided what they wanted to
the Gateway area. He said accomplish by passing a Uniform
Phase Four would include the Housing Code and sending
remaining portion of the inspectors out in an attempt to
project area, Blocks 5, 6, 601 enforce it. He said he thought
to 602, and 603 through 606 . there were problems with the
He said this area had the code.
greatest concentration of
residential housing and it was He said he thought the
the intent of the agency to code was being applied to
preserve the existing residents who were restoring
residential housing in Phase their homes and the application
Four of the project area. of the code was counter-produc-
tive and not doing what it was
Councilmember Pace said originally supposed to do. He
she felt this issue might be said he would appreciate it if
more appropriate at an RDA all concerned would review the
Council Meeting. material.
Mr. Newkirk said residents Joseph R. McPhee, 45 Grove
needed help with the fulfill- Avenue, said he did not want to
ment of the RDA intent. He change the name of 600 South to
said he wanted the City's help Martin Luther King Boulevard.
with their expertise, funding He said if the City was going
and assistance. to change the name, it should
be given to a well known Utah
Larry Livingston, 165 "A" resident.
Street, said several months ago
a citizen of the City filed a Councilmember Pace said
number of housing complaints the Council would be having a
against residents all across hearing on the issue in July or
town in order to prove that the August and he would have an
housing system was being opportunity to address the
93 - 219
Council at that time. Norma Amodt, 950 Jefferson
Street, said she was in favor
Bev Kelley, 1985 South of the Gateway Redevelopment
2100 East, said she worked at decision, but thought it was
the Community Action Program, unfair to have had residents
with the West Temple Gateway wait so long before the Council
Neighborhood and she agreed made their decision.
with Mr. Newkirk about the
importance of keeping the Drew Chamberlain, 1980
neighborhood viable. South Richards Street, said he
was the Chairman of the Salt
Sandra Staker, 942 Wash- Lake County Independent Party,
ington Street, said she was and he represented the views of
representing her father and the party leadership. He said
wanted to know when the City he urged the Council to vote no
would be fulfilling the promise on any additional funding for
made to residents in the West the Ball Park Stadium.
Temple Gateway area for
improved curbs, gutters, and He said he was also
streets . She said she against bicycle paths on public
currently had a flood in front streets . He said he did not
of her house, and the sidewalk think they were safe and would
was covered with water. She be better placed in City parks .
said it happened every time it
rained or snowed. Mr. Chamberlain commented
on the Mayor and Council Mem-
Councilmember Pace said bers pay raises.
she would have the situation
checked out. Joe Barcelona said he
lived in the Gateway area and
David Holt, property owner residents needed help getting
in the Gateway area, asked if landlords to clean up their
public comment could be properties .
arranged for the next RDA
meeting so citizens could defer Gil Booth, 822 Jefferson
their comments until that Street, Gateway area, thanked
meeting. the Council for their decision.
Councilmember Godfrey said Robert Normandie Comstock,
the agenda was already out, but asked the Council for the
he thought anyone could come reason they would each need an
forward with a plan. He said extra $2,000 raise on their
if Mr. Holt would leave his salaries .
name and number with him he
would call him after he checked Councilmember Hale said
with Alice Steiner, Executive the compensation committee came
Director of the RDA. up with comparative salaries
for other comparable cities .
93 - 220
Councilmember Kirk said Master Plan, Boundaries
she would not be voting for the Described.
raise, but felt a raise was (0 93-27)
needed. She said for many
years the Council had not been #4. RE: Approving the
paid for the hours they worked. appointment of Gilbert Iker to
the Planning and Zoning
CONSENT AGENDA Commission for a term extending
through July 1, 1995.
ACTION: Councilmember (I 93-17)
Godfrey moved and Council-
member Hardman seconded to #5. RE: Approving the
approve the Consent Agenda, appointment of Ann Roberts to
which motion carried, all the Planning and Zoning
members voted aye. Commission for a term extending
through July 1, 1996 .
#1. RE: Adopting (I 93-17)
Resolution 63 of 1993
authorizing approval of an #6. RE: Approving the
interlocal cooperation reappointment of Bonnie Sucec
agreement between Salt Lake to the Salt Lake Art Design
City Corporation and the Board for a term extending
University of Utah for a through March 8, 1996 .
Pavement Management System (I 93-5)
Survey to be performed by the
University's Civil Engineering #7. RE: Approving the
Department. reappointment of Ricklen Nobis
(C 93-298) to the Salt Lake City Arts
Council for a term extending
#2. RE: Adopting through July 1, 1995 .
Resolution 64 of 1993 (I 93-13)
authorizing the approval of an
interlocal cooperation NEW BUSINESS
agreement between Salt Lake
City Corporation and State of #1. RE: Approving the
Utah Division of Facilities appointment of Michael
Construction and State of Utah Danielson as Director of
Attorney General's Office for Community and Economic
conducting inspections of Development.
certain City-owned buildings
for the Asbestos Litigation ACTION: Councilmember
Study. Godfrey moved and Council-
(C 93-299) member Whitehead seconded to
approve the appointment, which
#3. RE: Adopting motion carried, all members
Ordinance 43 of 1993 amending voted aye.
Section 16 . 08 . 020 of the Salt (I 93-18)
Lake City International Airport
93 - 221
#2. RE: Setting the date clean up.
of July 13, 1993 at 6:20 p.m.
to accept public comment and ACTION: Councilmember
consider adopting an ordinance Hutchison moved and Council-
amending Chapter 44 of Title 18 member Hale seconded to suspend
regarding fire sprinkler the rules and adopt Resolution
protection. 65 of 1993, which motion
carried, all members voted aye.
ACTION: Councilmember (R 93-9)
Godfrey moved and Council-
member Hardman seconded to set UNFINISHED BUSINESS
the date of July 13, 1993 at
6:20 p.m. , which motion #1. RE: Adopting a
carried, all members voted aye. resolution of the Municipal
(0 93-28) Building Authority of Salt Lake
City authorizing the approval
#3. RE: Setting the date of an interlocal cooperation
of July 13, 1993 at 6:00 p.m. agreement between Salt Lake
to accept public comment and City Corporation, Redevelopment
consider adopting an ordinance Agency of Salt Lake City and
relating to the light rail the Municipal Building
downtown alignment. Authority of Salt Lake City
regarding funding construction
ACTION: Councilmember of a multi-purpose outdoor
Godfrey moved and Council- stadium.
member Hardman seconded to set
the date of July 13, 1993 at ACTION: Councilmember
6:00 p.m. , which motion Godfrey moved and Council-
carried, all members voted aye. member Hutchison seconded to
(0 93-29) recess as City Council and
convene as Municipal Building
#4. RE: Adopting a Authority, which motion
resolution establishing a carried, all members voted aye.
policy on determining
compensation for elected Councilmember Godfrey
officials. moved and Councilmember Hardman
seconded to adopt Resolution 66
ACTION: Councilmember of 1993, which motion carried,
Godfrey moved and Council- all members voted aye.
member Hardman seconded to (C 93-286)
suspend the rules and adopt
Resolution 70 of 1993, which #2. RE: Adopting a
motion carried, all members resolution of the Municipal
voted aye. Building Authority of Salt Lake
(R 93-8) City authorizing the issuance
and sale of Lease Revenue Bonds
#5. RE: Adopting a (Municipal Improvements and
resolution relating to graffiti Refunding Project) , Series
93 - 222
1993A, (the "Bonds" ) in the (Q 93-11)
aggregate principal amount of
not to exceed $31,000,000, to #3. RE: Adopting a
be dated as of June 1, 1993; resolution authorizing the
authorizing the execution and issuance and sale of Lease
delivery of a Fourth Supple- Revenue Bonds (Municipal
mental Indenture of Trust, a Improvements and Refunding
Fourth Amendment to Master Project) , Series 1993A, (the
Lease Agreement, a General "Bonds" ) in the aggregate
Ground Lease Agreement and principal amount of not to
assignment of rents, a tax exceed $31,000,000, to be dated
certificate and other agree- as of June 1, 1993; authorizing
ments and documents required in the execution and delivery of a
connection therewith; ratifying Fourth Supplemental Indenture
the distribution of a prelimi- of Trust, a Fourth Amendment to
nary official statement Master Lease Agreement, a
relating to such bonds and General Ground Lease Agreement,
authorizing the preparation and a Baseball Stadium Ground Lease
distribution of a final Agreement, a Mortgage, Security
official statement relating to Agreement and assignment of
such bonds; approving the sale rents, a tax certificate and
of such bonds; authorizing the other agreements and documents
advance refunding and providing required in connection there-
for the redemption of certain with; ratifying the distribu-
outstanding Lease Revenue tion of a preliminary official
Bonds, Series 1988 and 1990A statement relating to such
and the execution and delivery bonds and authorizing the
of an escrow agreement related preparation and distribution of
thereto; and authorizing the a final official statement
taking of all other actions relating to such bonds; approv-
necessary to the consummation ing the sale of such bonds;
of the transactions contemplat- authorizing the advance
ed by this resolution. refunding and providing for the
redemption of certain out-
ACTION: Councilmember standing Lease Revenue Bonds,
Hardman moved and Council- Series 1988 and 1990A and the
member Whitehead seconded to execution and delivery of an
adopt Resolution 67 of 1993, escrow agreement related
which motion carried, all thereto; and authorizing the
members voted aye. taking of all other actions
necessary to the consummation
Councilmember Godfrey of the transactions contemplat-
moved and Councilmember Hardman ed by this resolution.
seconded to adjourn as the
Municipal Building Authority ACTION: Councilmember
and reconvene as City Council, Godfrey moved and Council-
which motion carried, all member Kirk seconded to adopt
members voted aye. Resolution 68 of 1993, which
93 - 223
motion carried, all members ACTION: Councilmember
voted aye. Godfrey moved and Council-
(Q 93-11) member Hardman seconded to
adopt Ordinance 45 of 1993,
#4. RE: Adopting a which motion carried, all
resolution authorizing the members voted aye.
issuance and confirming the (0 93-25)
sale of $9,000,000 Tax and
Revenue Anticipation Notes, #7. RE: Adopting an
Series 1993, of Salt Lake City, ordinance relating to recrea-
Salt Lake County, Utah; tion equipment, Aviary, and
providing for covenants to tennis fees.
establish and maintain the
excludability of interest on ACTION: Councilmember
the notes from gross income of Godfrey moved and Council-
the owners thereof for federal member Hardman seconded to
income tax purposes; and adopt Ordinance 46 of 1993,
providing for related matters . which motion carried, all
members voted aye.
ACTION: Councilmember (0 93-16)
Godfrey moved and Council-
member Hardman seconded to #8. RE: Adopting an
adopt Resolution 69 of 1993, ordinance amending Section
which motion carried, all 2 .26 . 200 of the Urban Forestry
members voted aye. Ordinance relating to charging
(Q 93-10) of fees for work on public
#5. RE: Adopt an
ordinance relating to parking ACTION: Councilmember
meters and no charges on Godfrey moved and Council-
Saturdays . member Hardman seconded to
adopt Ordinance 47 of 1993,
ACTION: Councilmember which motion carried, all
Hardman moved and Council- members voted aye.
member Hale seconded to adopt (0 93-15)
Ordinance 44 of 1993, setting
the effective date of September #9. RE: Adopting an
1, 1993, which motion carried, ordinance amending Chapter
all members voted aye. 15 . 24 of the Salt Lake City
(0 92-30) Code, relating to the City
Sexton/Maintenance Supervisor
#6 . RE: Adopting an and marker inspection fees.
ordinance changing the name of
the Parks Department and ACTION: Councilmember
Department of Public Works to Godfrey moved and Council-
the Department of Public member Hardman seconded to
Services. adopt Ordinance 48 of 1993,
which motion carried, all
93 - 224
members, voted aye. Administration include all
(0 93-18) administrative costs in the
calculation of City fees for
#10. RE: Adopting a motion services, with specific
adopting Legislative Intent attention to the Recreation and
Statements relating to fiscal Urban Forestry fees .
year 1993 - 1994.
6 ) Inasmuch as trees
ACTION: Councilmember clearly have a positive and
Godfrey moved and Council- vital influence in Salt Lake
member Whitehead seconded to City, it is the intent of the
adopt Legislative Intent City Council that the Admini-
Statements, which motion stration develop a comprehen-
carried, all members voted aye. sive plan discussing the
current and future maintenance
LEGISLATIVE INTENT STATEMENTS needs of the Urban Forest for
Council review during fiscal
1) It is the intent of year 1994-95 .
the City Council that the
Administration provide a 7) It is the intent of
quarterly report on the Housing the City Council that the
Trust Fund, listing specific Administration forward to the
contributions by project and Council a housing mitigation
expenditures by use. strategy and ordinance prior to
requesting consideration of any
2 ) It is the intent of projects which impact housing.
the City Council that an
independent study be conducted 8) It is the intent of
to investigate ways to contri- the City Council that the
bute Airport revenue to the Administration make every
General Fund, including effort to seek feasible funding
potential changes in legisla- options for the replacement of
tion. the White Softball Complex. A
plan should be presented for
3 ) It is the intent of Council review in fiscal year
the City Council that the 1993-94 .
Administration pursue allocat-
ing $600, 000 of ongoing revenue 9 ) It is the intent of
to the Governmental Immunity the City Council that the
Fund. Administration pursue resolu-
tion of Sugar House Park issues
4) It is the intent of by November 1, 1993 and present
the City Council to eliminate a plan to the City Council at
all funding for the Trolley Bus that time.
program in fiscal year 1994-95 .
10) It is the intent of
5) It is the intent of the City Council that the
the City Council that the Administration review the
93 - 225
Annual Neighborhood Cleanup 14 ) It is the intent of
Program and provide alter- the City Council that the
natives which would minimize Police Department's policy
early and inappropriate dumping regarding secondary employment
of trash on City streets, activities address the City
either through enhancing liability issues associated
education or concentrating the with such activities .
pickup into a shorter time
period. 15) It is the intent of
the City Council that the
11 ) During fiscal year Administration conduct an
1993-94, the City Council analysis of the City sign shop
approved funding for a part- in the Transportation Division
time clerical position in the to determine if it is cost-
Office of Internal Audit. It effective to provide these
is the intent of the City services in-house and to
Council that the Administration determine if the services
review the added value of this provided to other City depart-
position to determine if a ments by the sign shop repre-
full-time clerical position in sent the best use of City
the Office of Internal Audit is resources .
16) It is the intent of
12) It is the intent of the City Council that the
the City Council that the Administration provide a
Administration review the quarterly report on their
feasibility and value of add- progress of the Council's
ing a permanent yet mobile legislative intent issues .
full-time clerical position to (B 93-2)
assist with the temporary
clerical needs of various City #11. RE: Adopting an
departments . ordinance which adopts the
final budget, and the employ-
13 ) It is the intent of ment staffing document of Salt
the City Council that the Lake City, Utah, excluding the
entire Risk Management program budget for the Library Fund,
be reviewed in detail during which is separately adopted,
fiscal year 1994-95 . The for the fiscal year beginning
Council requests that specific July 1, 1993 and ending June
attention be given to the 30, 1994 .
Occupational Health Nurse
position in Risk Management and ACTION: Councilmember
the Safety Coordinator position Hardman moved and Councilmember
in Public Utilities to deter- Godfrey seconded to decrease
mine if these positions have revenue from parking meters by
had a positive impact on the $180,000, which motion carried,
City's Worker's Compensation all members voted aye.
claims .
93 - 226
Councilmember Hardman seconded to decrease Refuse
moved and Councilmember Godfrey Fund revenue by $7,600 thereby
seconded to increase revenue lowering the amount of revenue
from property taxes by the Refuse Fund is projected to
$427,813, which motion carried, receive from the Landfill as
all members voted aye. reimbursement for administra-
tive costs, which motion
Councilmember Godfrey carried, all members voted aye.
moved and Councilmember Kirk
seconded to increase revenue to Councilmember Kirk moved
the General Fund administrative and Councilmember Godfrey
services fees from Enterprise seconded to increase transfers
Funds by $13,000 to reimburse in from General Fund by
the General Fund for costs $223,911, under the title of
associated with the Total Governmental Immunity Fund
Quality Service (TQS) Coordi- Revenue, which motion carried,
nator position, which motion all members voted aye.
carried, all members voted aye.
Councilmember Godfrey
Councilmember Godfrey moved and Councilmember Hardman
moved and Councilmember Hardman seconded to increase CIP Fund
seconded to increase revenue to revenue by $195,000 to reflect
the General Fund Interfund an increase in the Class C road
Reimbursement Account from the fund proceeds, which motion
Enterprise Funds by $22,950 to carried, all members voted aye.
pay part of the employee bus
pass program, which motion Councilmember Hardman
carried, all members voted aye. moved and Councilmember Hale
seconded to increase the Public
Councilmember Godfrey Services Department budget by
moved and Councilmember Kirk $10,000 to fund one-time costs
seconded to increase revenue to associated with the elimination
the General Fund by $7,600 from of parking meter use on Satur-
the City & County Landfill for days and the institution of
administrative fees, which time zones for use on Satur-
motion carried, all members days, which motion carried, all
voted aye. members voted aye.
Councilmember Godfrey Councilmember Whitehead
moved and Councilmember Hardman moved and Councilmember Godfrey
seconded to increase revenue to seconded to increase the Public
the General Fund by $13,000 Service Department general fund
from a grant for alternative budget by $50,000 to facilitate
transportation, which motion the cleanup of illegal dumping,
carried, all members voted aye. which motion carried, all
members voted aye.
Councilmember Godfrey
moved and Councilmember. Hardman Councilmember Kirk moved
93 - 227
TUESDAY, :TUNE 8, 19 9 3
and Councilmember Godfrey carried, all members voted aye.
seconded to increase the Non-
Departmental transfers to Councilmember Godfrey
Governmental immunity by moved and Councilmember White-
$223,911, which motion carried, head seconded to increase the
all members voted aye. Management Services Office of
Director staffing level by 1.0
Councilmember Hale moved FTE for a TQS coordinator
and Councilmember Godfrey position, which motion carried,
seconded to increase the all members voted aye.
Internal Audit Office budget by
$8,400 to fund part-time Councilmember Godfrey
clerical support, which motion moved and Councilmember White-
carried, all members voted aye. head seconded to reduce the
Non-Departmental budget by
Councilmember Hale moved $75,000 for the TQS coordinator
and Councilmember Godfrey position, which motion carried,
seconded to increase the all members voted aye.
staffing level of the Internal
Audit Office by 0.50 Full Time Councilmember Godfrey
Employee (FTE) for a part-time moved and Councilmember White-
clerical support position, head seconded to increase the
which motion carried, all Management Services Treasurer's
members voted aye. Office staffing level by 1.0
FTE for an Accounting position,
Councilmember Hutchison with no cost impact, which
moved and Councilmember Godfrey motion carried, all members
seconded to increase the Police voted aye.
Department budget by $4.1,5 0 0 to
fund enhanced graffiti removal Councilmember Godfrey
efforts, which motion carried, moved and Councilmember White-
all members voted aye. head seconded to reduce the
Non-Departmental budget by
Councilmember Hutchison $15,000, thereby maintaining
moved and Councilmember Godfrey the current level of support of
seconded to increase the Police the Winter Olympics, which
Department staffing level by motion carried, all members
1.0 FTE for a graffiti crew voted aye, except Council-
supervisor position, which members Pace and Kirk, who
motion carried, all members voted nay.
voted aye.
Councilmember Godfrey
Councilmember Godfrey moved. and Councilmember Hardman
moved and Councilmember White- seconded to reduce the Non-
head seconded to increase the Departmental budget by $2,000,
Management Services budget by thereby meeting the Council's
$65,000 to fund a TQS coordi- expressed intent to decrease
nator position, which motion the support of the Trolley Bus
93 - 228
Program, which motion carried, Services budget by $50,000,
all members voted aye. thereby eliminating funding for
the conversion of the Burroughs
Councilmember Godfrey computer system in fiscal year
moved and Councilmember White- 1993-94, as this project was
head seconded to increase the funded in fiscal year 1992-93,
Public Services budget by which motion carried, all
$125,000 to eliminate the members voted aye.
existing tree trimming backlog,
which motion carried, all Councilmember Godfrey
members voted aye. moved and Councilmember Kirk
seconded to reduce General Fund
Councilmember Godfrey transfers to the Capital
moved and Councilmember White- Improvement Fund by $39,448,
head seconded to reduce the which motion carried, all
Public Services budget by members voted aye.
$15,000, thereby eliminating
funding for part-time, sea- Councilmember Hale moved
sonal, and hourly employee and Councilmember Godfrey
participation in the employee seconded to adjust the budgets
bus pass program, which motion for salary and benefits by the
carried, all members voted aye. following:
Councilmember Godfrey Police $ 879,819
moved and Councilmember Kirk Public Services $ 400,391
seconded to reduce the Public Community & Econo-
Services budget by $18,000, mic Development $ 139,154
thereby maintaining funding for Management Svc. $ 106,433
cleaning efforts in the City & Fire $ 692,210
County Building at the current Attorney's Office $ 31,501
level, which motion carried, Internal Audit $ 7,393
all members voted aye, except Mayor's Office $ 30,728
Councilmember Whitehead, who City Council $ 20,371
voted nay. Non-Departmental -$ 2,300,000
Councilmember Godfrey Immunity Fund $ 11,408,
moved and Councilmember Kirk which motion carried, all
seconded to reduce the Public members voted aye, except
Services budget by $28,000, Councilmember Kirk, who voted
thereby eliminating funding for nay.
a parking meter maintenance/
repair, marking, striping, or Councilmember Godfrey
signing position, which motion moved and Councilmember Kirk
carried, all members voted aye. seconded to increase the Public
Utilities staffing level by 4.0
Councilmember Godfrey FTEs to correct the staffing
moved and Councilmember Hale document, at no cost impact,
seconded to reduce the Public which motion carried, all
93 - 229
members voted aye. Councilmember Godfrey
moved and Councilmember Kirk
Councilmember Godfrey seconded to increase Community
moved and Councilmember Kirk Development Block Grant (CDBG)
seconded to reduce the Capital Operating Fund contingency by
Improvement budget for Trans- $30,000, which motion carried,
portation Safety Management all members voted aye.
Programs by $10,000, thereby
maintaining the historic Councilmember Godfrey
funding level, which motion moved and Councilmember Kirk
carried, all members voted aye. seconded to reduce CDBG Capital
Improvement revenue by $30,000,
Councilmember Godfrey which motion carried, all
moved and Councilmember Kirk members voted aye.
seconded to reduce the Capital
Improvement budget for capital Councilmember Godfrey
contingency by $4,448, which moved and Councilmember Kirk
motion carried, all members seconded to reduce CDBG Capital
voted aye. Improvement contingency by
$30,000, which motion carried,
Councilmember Godfrey all members voted aye.
moved and Councilmember Kirk
seconded to reduce the Capital Councilmember Kirk moved
Improvement budget for the and Councilmember Godfrey
Facility Master Plan by seconded to increase transfers
$25,000, thereby funding the in from General Fund to Govern-
Facility Master Plan at $75,000 ment Immunity by $15,000, which
rather than $100,000, which motion carried, all members
motion carried, all members voted aye.
voted aye.
Councilmember Kirk moved
Councilmember Godfrey and Councilmember Godfrey
moved and Councilmember Hale seconded to increase Government
seconded to increase the Immunity Fund transfers in from
California Avenue street General Fund by $15,000, which
improvement project by $195,000 motion carried, all members
to reflect the increase from voted aye.
Class C road funds, which
motion carried, all members Councilmember Godfrey
voted aye. moved and Councilmember White-
head seconded to approve the
Councilmember Godfrey 1993-94 general fund budget and
moved and Councilmember Kirk the staffing document budget
seconded to increase CDBG totaling $93,591,628, and all
Operating Fund revenue by other budgets as presented by
$30,000, which motion carried, the Mayor and altered by
all members voted aye. Council motion, and adopt
Ordinance 51 of 1993 adopting
93 - 230
the budgets of Salt Lake City, ACTION: Councilmember
Utah budget totaling Hardman moved and Council-
$412,684,460, for the fiscal member Godfrey seconded to
year beginning July 1, 1993, close the public hearing, which
and ending June 30, 1994, which motion carried, all members
motion carried, all members voted aye.
voted aye.
Councilmember Godfrey
Councilmember Godfrey moved and Councilmember Hardman
moved and Councilmember White- seconded to adopt Ordinance 53
head seconded to adopt of 1993, amending the South
Ordinance 52 of 1993 approving Main Street Subdivision, Plat
the 1993-94 Salt Lake City "A" , Ordinance 54 of 1993,
Library Budget totaling deleting Section 15.04.050
$7,222,334, which motion describing Elks Park and Derks
carried, all members voted aye. Field, and Ordinance 55 of
(B 93-2) 1993, closing portions of
Richards Street, California
Councilmember Godfrey Avenue, Heath Avenue and alleys
moved and Councilmember White- located between 1300 South,
head seconded to adopt 1400 South, West Temple and
Ordinance 49 of 1993 approving Main Street, which motion
the Certified Tax Rate of carried, all members voted aye.
.005673, which motion carried, (P 93-203, P 93-204, and
all members voted aye. P 93-205)
(0 93-20)
#2. RE: Adopting an
PUBLIC HEARINGS ordinance amending the
Benchmark Subdivision.
#1. RE: A public hearing
to accept public comment and ACTION: Councilmember
consider adopting the following Hardman moved and Council-
ordinances : member Godfrey seconded to
close the public hearing, which
A) Amending the South motion carried, all members
Main Street Subdivision, Plat voted aye.
„A„ .
Councilmember Hale moved
B) Deleting Section and Councilmember Godfrey
15 . 04 . 050 describing Elks Park seconded to adopt Ordinance 56
and Derks Field. of 1993, which motion carried,
all members voted aye.
C) Closing portions of (P 93-201)
Richards Street, California
Avenue, Heath Avenue and alleys #3. RE: Adopting an
located between 1300 South, ordinance amending the 1992-93
1400 South, West Temple and Salt Lake City Budget.
Main Street.
93 - 231
ACTION: Councilmember
Godfrey moved and Council-
member Hardman seconded to
close the public hearing, which
motion carried, all members
voted aye.
Councilmember Godfrey
moved and Councilmember Hardman
seconded to adopt Ordinance 57
of 1993, which motion carried,
all members voted aye.
(B 92-2)
The meeting adjourned at
Counb11 Chair
Chief Deputy Cit* Recorder
TT• ( �'a 4e, �}
i a,•.t G. e:K
93 - 232