06/09/2005 - Minutes (2) PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH WORK SESSION THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah met in Work Session on Thursday, June 9, 2005, at 5 : 30 p.m. in Room 326, Committee Room, City County Building, 451 South State Street. In Attendance : Council Members Carlton Christensen, Van Turner, Eric Jergensen, Nancy Saxton, Jill Remington Love, Dave Buhler, and Dale Lambert. Also In Attendance : Cindy Gust-Jenson, Executive Council Director; Rocky Fluhart, Management Services Chief Administrative Officer; Lehua Weaver, Council Constituent Liaison; Gary Mumford, Council Deputy Director/Senior Legislative Auditor; Sylvia Jones, Council Research and Policy Analyst/Constituent Liaison; Doug Wheelwright, Land Use/Transportation/Subdivisions Planner; Edwin Rutan, City Attorney; Jerry Burton, Police Administrative Services Unit Manager; Kay Christensen, Budget Analyst; Susi Kontgis, Budget Analyst; Russell Weeks, Council Policy Analyst; Jamey Knighton, Labor Relations Specialist; Laurie Donnell, Budget Analyst; Daniel Mule, City Treasurer; Elizabeth Giraud, Preservation and Urban Design Senior Planner; Janice Lew, Preservation and Urban Design Planner; Joel Paterson, Preservation and Urban Design Senior Planner; Brent Wilde, Community Development Administration Deputy Director; Larry Butcher, Permits Development Review Administrator; Janice Jardine, Council Land Use Policy Analyst; Chris Bramhall, Senior City Attorney; Boyd Ferguson, Senior City Attorney; LeRoy Hooton, Public Utilities Administration Director; Jeffrey Niermeyer, Public Utilities Administration Deputy Director; Carroll Mays, Police Operations Bureau Assistant Chief; Dwayne Baird, Police Administrative Services Public Information Officer; Lon Richardson, Metropolitan Water Board of Trustees Chairman; Mike Wilson, Metropolitan Water District; and Scott Crandall, Deputy Recorder. Councilmember Lambert presided at and conducted the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 5 : 43 p.m. AGENDA ITEMS #1 . 5:43:49 PM INTERVIEW WARREN KNIGHT LLOYD PRIOR TO CONSIDERATION OF HIS APPOINTMENT TO THE HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION. Council Members asked Mr. Lloyd to contact the Council regarding issues he felt the Council should be aware of. Councilmember Lambert said the appointment would be advanced. #2 . 5:50:16 PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING REGARDING THE BUDGET FOR THE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT (MWD) . View Attachments Lehua Weaver, LeRoy Hooton, Mike Wilson, and Lon Richardson briefed the Council with the attached handout . Councilmember 05 - 1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH WORK SESSION THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 Christensen said he was concerned that Salt Lake would pay a disproportionate share of cost increases because rates were linked to property assessments . He said costs could not be passed to non- resident consumers . Mr. Wilson said he understood statute allowed non- City customers within a retailer' s service area to be taxed by MWD. He said MWD had not considered doing that yet. Councilmember Christensen asked MWD to explore that option. Mr. Wilson said they would look into the issue . Councilmember Buhler asked MWD to continue to evaluate costs and try to delay a tax increase for at least one year. He said he also wanted MWD to evaluate how many employees were actually needed. He said he preferred to have MWD reduce taxes rather than increase. #3 . 6:49:34 PM RECEIVE A BRIEFING REGARDING THE INTERLOCAL COOPERATION "MILL CREEK FIREFLOW PROJECT" . View Attachments LeRoy Hooton, Chris Bramhall, Jeffrey Niermeyer and Gary Mumford briefed the Council with the attached handout. Mr . Niermeyer said the public hearing was scheduled for June 14, 2005 . #4 . 5:49:20PM (TENTATIVE) RECEIVE A BRIEFING REGARDING THE SALE OF THE CITY' S TAX AND REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTES . View Attachments No discussion was held. #5 . 7:16:28 PM HOLD A DISCUSSION REGARDING A PROPOSED LEGISLATIVE ACTION REQUESTING THE PLANNING DIVISION REVIEW RESIDENTIAL ZONING REGULATIONS CITYWIDE . View Attachments Joel Patterson, Brent Wilde, Larry Butcher and Janice Jardine briefed the Council with the attached handout . (See file 0 05-16 for additional handouts) . Council Members expressed concerns about inadequate notice/public input, unintended consequences, expedited process, ambiguous requirements/regulations/definitions, protecting neighborhoods and private property rights, gaps in zoning code, imposing temporary restrictions, citizens misusing the City' s zoning regulations, and establishing penalties . A straw poll was taken on implementing temporary regulations for a 30-day period to allow Planning to address issues and Council Members concerns/recommendations . The majority of the Council was in favor. See file M 05-3 for formal vote. Councilmember Jergensen said the subcommittee would meet to discuss amendments to the ordinance which could be considered at the June 14, 2005 meeting. He said recommendations would be presented to the Council prior to the meeting. Councilmember Lambert asked Mr. 05 - 2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH WORK SESSION THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 Wilde to present the proposal to the Planning Commission for their input . #6 . 6:56:19 PM RECEIVE A FOLLOW-UP BRIEFING REGARDING CANDIDATES CAMPAIGN FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES. View Attachments Boyd Ferguson briefed the Council with the attached handout . Councilmember Buhler suggested the Council support the proposed ordinance which removed the requirement to identify check signors . The Council was in favor of the suggestion. Councilmember Lambert said the proposal would be scheduled for adoption at the next Council meeting. #7 . 9:43:07PM DISCUSS BUDGET FOLLOW UP ON UNRESOLVED ISSUES. View Attachments Gary Mumford, Rocky Fluhart, and Carroll Mays briefed the Council with the attached handout . The Council discussed and made decisions/requests on the following issues : Issue No. 1 : Property tax revenue - Judgment Levy. Mr . Mumford said the tax numbers were not available from the County. The majority of the Council was in favor of adopting a judgment levy. Issue No. 2 : Ongoing Capital Improvement Program (CIP) funding. The majority of the Council was in favor of funding CIP at 7% . Issue No. 3 : Traffic Calming. The majority of the Council was in favor of the subcommittee' s funding recommendation . Issue No. 4 : Fleet facility. The majority of the Council was in favor of having the Administration obtain an option to purchase property. Issue No. 5 : YouthCity busses . The majority of the Council was in favor of purchasing additional busses . Issue No. 6 : Utah League of Cities and Towns . The majority of the Council was in favor of funding the membership. Issue No. 7 : Economic Development Corporation of Utah. The majority of the Council was in favor of funding the membership at $108, 000 . Issue No. 8 : Arts Council Grants Program. The majority of the Council was in favor of funding $20, 000 and addressing additional funding through a budget amendment . Issue No. 9 : Parking meter rate increase. The majority of the Council was in favor of increasing the fee to $1 per hour. 05 - 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH WORK SESSION THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 Issue No. 10 : Planning fee increase. The majority of the Council was in favor of increasing fees by $70, 000 . Ms . Gust-Jenson said clarification was needed regarding what the fees included and she would work with the Administration . Issue No. 11 : Cemetery fee increase. The majority of the Council was in favor of the proposed fee schedule . Issue No. 12 : Potential budget reduction options . Discussion was held on the following items : Item No. 1 : Non-departmental - Citywide newsletter - $60 ,000 . The majority of the Council was in favor. Item No. 2 : Management Services - correction in posting IFAS accountant - $74,412 . The majority of the Council was in favor . Item No. 3 : Management Services - correct reimbursement of portion of special assessment position - $31 ,172 . The majority of the Council was in favor. Item No. 4 : Salt Lake Council of Governments- corrections on dues amount (from $884 to $136) - $748 . The majority of the Council was in favor. Item No. 5 : East Valley Chamber of Commerce - not functioning - $2 ,000 . The majority of the Council was in favor . Item No. 6 : Tuition aid program - decrease funding to actual usage - $10,000 . The majority of the Council was in favor . Item No. 7 : Prosecutor' s Office - fund one of two proposed prosecutor positions - $60,000 . The majority of the Council was in favor of funding one position . Item No. 8 : Prosecutor' s Office - fund one of two support positions (file clerk $38 ,700; office technician $40,000) - $40 ,000 . The majority of the Council was in favor of funding one file clerk position. Item No. 9 : Police - fund one of two information specialists positions - $39,000 . The majority of the Council was in favor of funding one position. 05 - 4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH WORK SESSION THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 Item No. 10 : Police - fund one of two records support positions - $36,500 . The majority of the Council was in favor of funding one position. Item No. 11 : Police - career incentive program for sergeants, lieutenants, captains - $55, 620 . The majority of the Council was in favor of supporting a lower amount . Councilmember Lambert asked Mr. Mays to inform the Council staff of the amount . Item No. 12 : Mayor' s Office - economic development assistant position - $55,000 . The majority of the Council was in favor of not funding the position . Item No. 13 : Community Development - new planner position - $60,504 . The majority of the Council was in favor of funding the position. Item No. 14 : Police - crime lab field position - $46,000 . The majority of the Council was in favor of funding the position . Item No. 15 : Mayor' s Office - staff assistant position - $50 , 665 . The majority of the Council was in favor of not funding the position . Item No. 17a: Judges (Option A) - don' t fund additional increase - $48 ,384 . Item No. 17b: Judges (Option B) -fund 5% increase in addition to regular salary adjustment - $23,000 . Item No. 17c: Judges (Option C) -fund 5% including regular salary adjustment - $28,000 . The majority of the Council was in favor of Option C. Item No. 18 : Council Office - reduce auditing - $25,000 . The majority of the Council was in favor. Item No. 19 : Council Office - reduce travel - $3,000 . The majority of the Council was in favor. Item No. 20 : Youth and Family Specialist vacant position (1 of 3 FTE' s) - $52 ,480 . The majority of the Council was in favor. Item No. 21 : Community Mobilization Specialist vacant position (1 of 3 FTE' s) - $57 ,450 . The majority of the Council was in favor . Item No. 22 : consolidate construction and community relations for the downtown and 900 East 900 South - $60 ,000 . The majority of the 05 - 5 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH WORK SESSION THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 Council was in favor of discussing the issue during the briefing regarding one-time money. Item No. 23 : Aviary funding - return to previous funding of $200,000 ($50 , 000 added in FY04) - $50 , 000 . The majority of the Council was in favor funding $250, 000 . #8 . CONSIDER A MOTION TO ENTER INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF STRATEGY SESSIONS TO DISCUSS THE PURCHASE, EXCHANGE, OR LEASE OF REAL PROPERTY WHEN PUBLIC DISCUSSION OF THE TRANSACTION WOULD DISCLOSE THE APPRAISAL OR ESTIMATED VALUE OF THE PROPERTY UNDER CONSIDERATION OR PREVENT THE PUBLIC BODY FROM COMPLETING THE TRANSACTION ON THE BEST POSSIBLE TERMS, AND TO DISCUSS PENDING OR REASONABLY IMMINENT LITIGATION; PURSUANT TO UTAH CODE ANN. § § 52-4-4 , 52-4-5 (1) (a) (iii) AND 52-4-5 (1) (a) (iv) , AND ATTORNEY-CLIENT MATTERS THAT ARE PRIVILEGED, PURSUANT TO UTAH CODE ANN. § 78-24-8 . Executive Session was not held. #9 . 9:21:19PM CONSIDER A MOTION TO ENTER INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION, IN KEEPING WITH UTAH CODE, TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS, PURSUANT TO UTAH CODE ANNOTATED § § 52-4-4 AND 52-4-5 (1) (a) (ii) . Councilmember Saxton moved and Councilmember Turner seconded to enter into Executive Session, which motion carried, all members voted aye . See file M 05-2 for Sworn Statement and tape. #10 . REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, INCLUDING A REVIEW OF COUNCIL INFORMATION ITEMS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS . No report was given. See file M 05-5 for announcements . The meeting adjourned at 10 : 30 p.m. COUNCIL CHAIR CHIEF DEPUTY CITY RECORDER This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the City Council Work Session meeting held June 9, 2005 . sc 05 - 6