03/26/2019 - Work Session - Announcements City Council Announcements March 26, 2019 For Your Information 6:19:39 PM A. Reminder: Special Meeting on Friday, March 29t11 at io a.m. The Council will be holding a special meeting for a legal matter regarding land near the airport that Salt Lake City operates in Tooele County. The meeting will start at io:oo a.m. and consist of a 2o-minute presentation from property owners involved in the matter, followed by a closed session for advice of counsel and concluding with a Council vote on a proposed resolution concerning the disposition of the land near the airport. Cindy Gust-Jenson, Council Executive Director, said the purpose of the meeting was to accept comments from a property owner and then consider voting on a particular item. Additional Item: Ms. Gust-Jenson said some Council Members signed up to attend a couple of functions with United Nations guests on Thursday, March 28, 2019. She said at 9:3o a.m. a presentation would be held on the west steps of the City and County Building and a meet-and-greet would be held from io:3o to 11:3o a.m. in the Council Office. (It was determined only three Council Members would attend)