TUESDAY, March 28, 2017
Some items may be discussed in an order different than listed on the agenda, time stamps shown
indicate when items were discussed.
2:07:43 PM Roll Call. The following members of the Board of Directors of the Redevelopment
Agency of Salt Lake City were present:
Lisa Adams, Chairperson Derek Kitchen, Vice-Chairperson Stan Penfold
Erin Mendenhall Andrew Johnston James Rogers
The following members of the Board of Directors of the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake
City were absent:
Charlie Luke
Also present:
Lara Fritts, Economic Development Director; David Litvack, Chief of Staff; Edward
Butterfield, Interim Chief Operating Officer, Cara Lindsley, Project Manager; Katie Lewis,
Salt Lake City Attorney's Office; Jennifer Bruno, Council Office; Cindy Gust-Jensen,
Council Office; Elizabeth Reid, George Haybond&Co.; Blake Wade, George Haybond &
Co.; Mary Beth Thompson, Finance Department.
A. Comments:
1. 2:08:00 PM RDA Budget Amendment No.3 for Fiscal Year 2017 Public
Mr. Chapman suggested that Board members use RDA funds that are appropriated for the
Station Center Development towards the closure of the 500 West Park Blocks.He also suggested
to use funds to implement public parking in that area. He stated his concern about the lack of
funding for long-term maintenance and he feels that the City will not have enough funding for
maintenance. Mr. Chapman requested a summarized version of the RDA budget that provides
a simpler overview.
2. 2:13:16 PM General Comments to the Board
Chris Zarik expressed concern regarding street improvements on and around 900 south and 200
west. He felt that street improvements are critical to provide an attractive and urban environment,
in order to create an anchor for the community and surrounding businesses.
James Alafondre stated that he felt that the above surface power lines inhibit growth and are
inefficient in that area and is in favor of the 900 south street improvements. Mr. Alafondre urged
the Board members to move forward on the project.
Jesse Hills stated that he was in favor for funding of the 900 south street improvements.He advised
that the local businesses in that area are in need of increased parking on the street, shade trees,and
TUESDAY,March 28,2017
pedestrian safety in order for the neighborhood to flourish. He added that undergrounding the
utilities is crucial to making any of these improvements happen.
B. Redevelopment Agency Business
1. 2:19:40 PM Approval of Minutes
Director Mendenhall made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 14,2017.Director
Penfold seconded the motion. Upon roll call, Chairperson Adams declared the motion
unanimously approved.
2. 2:20:17 PM Bonding Update from City Financial Advisor
Elizabeth Reid,Blake Wade,and Mary Beth Thompson explained that they were tasked
to determine financing options for a list of RDA projects.Ms.Reid stated that after
reviewing information provided by the RDA and the City,three memos were provided
outlining the limitations of the funding and three potential options.
Ms.Reid explained that the RDA can only issue tax increment revenue bonds and
general revenue bonds. She said that the RDA's project area revenues are not enough to
support the capital improvements identified by the City and that the tax increment is not
portable from one project area to another.Due to the limitations of funding and the
restrictions,the following three options were provided to the City and RDA:
i. RDA could issue general revenue bonds in the amount of$9 Million
towards in projects.
2.Salt Lake City could issue sales tax revenue bonds to fund$17.2 Million
in projects.
3. Salt Lake City could issue sales tax revenue bonds to fund$20 Million in
projects with the debt service paid back with tax increment from the
Ms. Reid reviewed each of the options in further detail and answered questions by RDA
Board members.
3. 3:01:17 PM RDA Budget Amendment No. 3 for Fiscal Year 2017
Ms.Bruno,Mr.Leitke,and Ms. Gust-Jensen reviewed the Council Offices' staff report
concerning the RDA Budget Amendment No. 3 for fiscal year 2017.Ms. Gust-Jenson
said that in looking at the RDA's budget,Council staff also weighed projects and
funding against other tools such as CIP,Impact Fees,and City's funding,but noted that
in order to utilize the funding a staff person on the Administrative side,tasked with the
assignment to research the projects, funding,and the restrictions concerning CIP,Impact
Fees, City and RDA funds,and City wide department prioritizes in order to find best
practices and utilization.
TUESDAY, March 28, 2017
Director Penfold and Director Mendenhall asked for policy discussion concerning RDA
contract management,processes,and approval outlining any potential exclusions. Ms.
Gust-Jenson stated that Council staff would create an outline and provide a draft to the
Administration for comment and come up with a consolidated outline.
Director Mendenhall asked RDA Board members to consider a policy regarding vetting
cost estimates for projects and better evidence of cost and cost changes.
Director Rogers proposed the RDA and the City work together and pay for a feasibility
study creating a master plan for undergrounding powerlines throughout the City.
Including finance options.
Director Andrews stated although he would like to underground power lines he does not
feel it is a priority for the City.Director Mendenhall agreed.
Assistant Chief Clair Baldwin and Fire Captain Richard Boden, of the Salt Lake City
Fire Department were invited to the table to provide insight to undergrounding power
lines along 900 South.Assistant Chief Baldwin explained that although there can be
exceptions, often times above ground powerlines can hinder development due to them
restricting construction and limiting structures to no higher than 30 feet. Ms. Gust-
Jensen suggested that the Administration help the City Council Office to have a better
understanding to what those exceptions might be.Assistant Chief Baldwin stated that his
team would be happy to help.
Director Rogers recommended reaching out to Rocky Mountain Power and see if they
have already done the research as on priorities in undergrounding power lines.
4:10:55 PM Chairperson Adams conducted a straw poll for the RDA and Council Staff
to explore options for undergrounding power lines through a master plan process and
collaboration with Rocky Mountain Power and specifically looking at the core of Salt
Lake City,within the RDA's Central Business District.All Board members present
supported the undergrounding power lines exploration.
4:15:19 PM Chairperson Adams conducted a straw poll to have a future policy
discussion concerning RDA contracts,commitments,routing, execution and how the
RDA's process could utilize Ordinance 3.25.All Board members present supported the
future policy discussion.
4:16:28 PM Chairperson Adams conducted a straw poll for the RDA Board to develop a
policy that provides guidance around when conducting or hiring consultants for studies
that they are to be used to inform the Administration and RDA Board of potential
options and not financial or project commitments. All Board members present supported
the development of the policy.
TUESDAY, March 28, 2017
Director Adams asked RDA staff to come back to the RDA Board with potential
funding options concerning the long-term maintenance for the 900 South Improvements
and a breakdown of the costs.Director Adams also stated that the RDA Board and the
City Council need information on project that requires long-term maintenance, in the
beginning stages of the project and the information should include the overall cost and
available funding sources.
Ms.Fritts stated while looking into creative funding options for the long-term
maintenance of projects,RDA staff could also approach property owners within the
West Temple Gateway Project Area to determine the willingness of their participation of
an SAA.
5:55:45 PM Recess.
7:26:30 PM Director Mendenhall made a motion that the Board adopt the some of the items
related to Budget Amendment#3 for Fiscal Year 2017, and defer action on remaining items to a
future meeting.
The below funding is contingent upon final approval of the total project costs or options for
delivering the project within the Board appropriated budget.
1. $2,290,000 for West Temple Gateway Utility Undergrounding from Program Income
Fund contingent upon:
a. Explore funding costs for a western extension of utility undergrounding beyond
the current scope.
2. $3,660,998 for 900 South Street Improvements from:
a. $1,813,038 from West Temple Gateway Project Area Funds
b. $1,847 960 from Program Income Fund
c. In addition, funds for the 900 South Street Improvements are contingent upon:
i. The Administration recommending how to fund the ongoing maintenance
costs of the improvements that would be reviewed at the time of a final
project cost, and
ii. This project design will go through standard City approval processes, and
iii. The project will be reassessed for impact fee eligibility.
d. This would go through standard City processes of Departmental review.
Director Penfold made the following friendly amendment to the motion:
e. The assessment and eligibility of impact fees to RDA projects.
The friendly amendment was accepted. Chairperson Kitchen seconded the motion.
Director Penfold made an additional friendly amendment to the motion as follows:
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f. Explore funding costs for a western extension beyond current proposal.
Director Rogers stated that although he liked the idea,he felt that there are too many
variables and more information needs to be gathered concerning bonding, impact fees,
and undergrounding.
Upon roll call,the motion Chairperson Adams declared the motion approved and the
resolution adopted with Chairperson Adams and Director Rogers voting nay.
7:38:16 PM Ms.Lewis and Ms.Lindsley provided an update concerning two Option to
Purchase Agreements for Station Center with Boyer/Cowboy and Landforge.Each of
the contracts are set to expire March 31,2017. At this time,neither of the contracts are
in default,but certain if terms from the RDA cannot be met the RDA could renegotiate
the contract(s)or allow the contracts to expire.Due to there being budget for the
Boyer/Cowboy project no action is needed. However,the agreement with Landforge
states that the RDA would provide temporary access,utilities, and parking by March 31,
2017.If those items are not constructed by the deadline the agreement would
automatically terminate. Ms.Lewis explained that the City Attorney's Office directed
staff not to renegotiate the terms of this agreement until a budget for this project is
approved. The Administration could allow the contract to expire and negotiate new
terms at a later date.
After a brief conversation,Board members directed RDA staff to work with the
Administration on renegotiating the contracts and to revise all future contracts with
language stating the appropriation of budget come before contractual obligations.
4. Update on 9 Line and State Street Project Areas,Including support
for neighborhoods around the Homeless Resource Centers
This item was postponed.
5. Tax Increment Reimbursement Policy
This item was postponed.
6. Report and Announcements from the Executive Director
7. Report and Announcements from the Staff
8. 2:47:25 PM Report of the Chair and Vice Chair
Chairperson Adams invited Katie Lewis to the table to discuss RDA contractual
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Ms.Lewis provided an overview of the differences to RDA contractual obligations and
use of negotiating tools,referencing documents,potential terms of an agreement,project
commitment verses none commitment. She also provided a briefing on the City's
Ordinance 3.25 concerning contracts,commitment,contact routing and execution. She
added that the City Attorney's Office is working with RDA staff to in creating a policy
similar to Ordinance 3.25.
Director Penfold stated that he felt that it makes sense to have the RDA mimic ordinance
3.25 where possible, instead of creating to separate policies.
Chairperson Adams asked Ms.Lewis to put together a flow chart explaining the RDA's
process from RFP to contract execution.Director Penfold added that within that chart
stating where the RDA does or could fall under existing City code and where the RDA
should be exempt.
9. Report and Announcements from the Executive Director
C. Written Briefings
10. Approval of a Loan to Central Ninth Place
This is a written report and update for the Board of a $500,000 loan approval made by the RDA
Finance Committee, pursuant to all applicable RDA policies and standards,for the completion of
13 townhomes in the West Temple Gateway Project Area.
D. Consent
11. Amendment No. 4 to the FY 2017 Budget
This item was not discussed.
E. Closed Session
F. 8:10:14 PM Adjournment
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
TUESDAY, March 28, 2017
Lisa R. Adams, Chairpe on
This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the
Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City Board of Directors meeting held March 28, 2017.