The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah met in Briefing Session
on Tuesday, March 8, 1994, at 5:30 in Room 325, City County Building,
451 South State Street.
The following Council Members were present:
Paul Hutchison Alan Hardman Roselyn Kirk
Tom Godfrey Stuart Reid Keith Christensen
Sam Souvall
Councilmember Hardman presided at and conducted the meeting.
The meeting was called to Councilmember Kirk said the
order at 5 :40 p.m. contingency amount was $127 , 000 .
She asked what the figure was
#1. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE last year at this time. Kerri
DIRECTOR. Nakamura, Council Budget/Policy
Analyst, said it was
Cindy Gust-Jenson said Item approximately the same as last
F-1, Sutherland Building Centers year.
sales tax rebate, should be
delayed until Item G-3, Ms . Gust-Jenson said Lou
Sutherland Building was Miller, Director Airport
discussed. Authority, had made significant
progress on getting indirect cost
She said Item G-1, Housing money back into City coffers .
Code, the staff recommendation She said Steve Domino, Airport
was to close the hearing, but she Planning and Environmental
wanted to recommend continuing Programs Director, would be
the hearing to a later date. She addressing the issue.
said the housing code was a
complex issue which had not had She said there was a
much public comment. landfill position request in the
budget opening which should have
Councilmember Kirk said she been advertised and listed
thought it was important that the separately on the agenda . She
housing code be mailed out to said if Council voted on this
those people that had concerns in issue, they should express their
the past . tentative approval and the
landfill issue would be brought
Ms . Gust-Jenson said the back to the Council on April 5,
mailings had gone out 30 days 1994 .
before the meeting and the
mailing included a copy of the Ms . Gust-Jenson said Item G-
code. 3, Sutherland Building, there was
an issue regarding an apartment
She said Item G-2, Budget building which housed heart
Amendment #3, Steve Fawcett, patients . She said Janice
Policy and Budget Director, would Jardine, Northwest Planner, would
be at the meeting to answer any address the issue in her staff
questions . report.
94 - 51
group had the ability to do
#2. HOLD A DISCUSSION AND comparisons on a whole range of
INTERVIEW DAVID KOLZOW, DONALD issues which had to do with
IANNONE, JOHN NEWMAN, AND KEVIN programs, cities, goals, and
O'BRIEN FOR THE ECONOMIC financial structures . He said
DEVELOPMENT AUDIT. the team could bring the
information together in an
Ms . Nakamura said a understandable format. He said
technical team had interviewed data was important, but the most
firms for the audit. She said important issue was keeping an
the technical team consisted of eye on what the City's goals were
Buzz Hunt, former City Treasurer; in terms of future development
Linda Hamilton, Consultant; for the City. He said the group
Natalie Gochnour, State Office of had worked on projects which had
Planning and Budget; and Susan different aspects of the Request
Roberts , Revenue Planner. She For Proposal. He said each
introduced the Consulting Team member of the group had
which consisted of Kevin O'Brien experience in dealing with fiscal
(not present) , John Newman, David impact analysis, economic
Kolzow, and Donald Iannone. development strategy, public
cooperation issues , and
David Kolzow, Tuson, negotiations .
Arizona, said a team had been
developed which had a large range John Newman, Consultant,
of development experience. He West Valley City, said the group
said this experience ranged from was excited to work with the City
city management to economic and would do a good job to help
development and strategic the City in the decision making
planning, working with process .
developers, and site selection
consulting for major The meeting adjourned at
corporations . He said he would 6 :00 p.m.
serve as project manager to make
sure there was a clear sense of bf
responsibility. He said the
group would look at where Salt
Lake City fit into the future,
which would include the bid for
the upcoming Olympics .
Donald Iannone, Cleveland,
Ohio, said Salt Lake City was
asking the right questions having
to do with not only whether the
City was growing, but the
critical issue of how the City
would pay for the growth. He
said the group saw the project
providing better tools for
decision making at a staff and
legislative level . He said the
94 - 52
The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah met in Regular
Session on Tuesday, March 8, 1994, at 6 : 00 p.m. in Room 325,
City County Building, 451 South State Street.
The following Council Members were present:
Paul Hutchison Alan Hardman Roselyn Kirk
Tom Godfrey Stuart Reid Sam Souvall
Keith Christensen
Councilmember Hardman presided at and Council Chair
Souvall conducted the meeting.
#1. The Council led the Mayor of their concern
the Pledge of Allegiance. over security for the
facility during the next
#2. Councilmember three month period.
Godfrey moved and Council-
member Kirk seconded to Ms . Christensen said
approve the minutes of the she would convey the
Salt Lake City Council information to Mayor
meeting held March 1, 1994, Corradini.
which motion carried, all
members voted aye. CITIZENS COMMENTS
(M 94-1)
Rich Tuttle, no
#3. Kay Christensen, address given, said he was
Chief of Staff, presented concerned because many of
recommendations to the the handicapped parking
Council regarding proposed stalls were taken by
Community Development Block vehicles which did not have
Grant funding recom- appropriate handicap
mendations . stickers during the
meetings .
Ms . Christensen pre-
sented the Mayor' s Jay Hill, Vice
recommendations on the 20th Chairman of Community
Year Community Development Development Action
Block Grant (CDBG) process . Committee (CDAC) , invited
M 94-7 the Council to attend next
year's area meetings to see
QUESTIONS TO THE MAYOR their large turn out and
Councilmember Christ-
ensen said he and Virgil Newkirk, 826
Councilmember Kirk had South Jefferson, requested
attended the Sugar House that code enforcement
Community Council last week officer's avoid giving any
and reported the actions information about an
taken concerning Irving Jr. individual who made
High School . He said a complaints . He suggested
request was made to notify
94 - 53
y �,
enforcement officer's give of taxi driver licensing
a generic response. applicants and taxi driver
licensing qualifications.
Mr. Newkirk said his (0 94-4)
Community Council was proud
of the new Taco Time #4. RE: Adopting
located at 800 South State Resolution 17 of 1994
Street. He wanted to know authorizing the approval of
if there was a letter of an interlocal cooperation
congratulation or agreement amendment between
appreciation which could be Salt Lake City Corporation
sent to the owners of the and the University of Utah
Taco Time. for design and con-
struction administration
CONSENT AGENDA services for certain City
ACTION: Councilmember (C 93-431)
Godfrey moved and
Councilmember Hardman #5. RE: Adopting
seconded to approve the Resolution 18 of 1994
Consent Agenda, which authorizing the approval of
motion carried, all members an interlocal cooperation
voted aye. agreement between Salt Lake
City Corporation and the
#1 . RE: Setting the Utah Department of
date of April 5, 1994 at Transportation for the 500
6:05 p.m. to accept public South bridge replacement.
comment and consider (C 94-112)
adopting a motion regarding
the Mayor's proposed #6. RE: Adopting
Community Development Block Ordinance 9 of 1994 levying
Grant funding a tax and providing for the
recommendations. assessment of property in
(T 94-8) Salt Lake City Lighting
District No. 3 for a period
#2. RE: Setting the of three years,
date of April 5, 1994 at establishing the effective
6:10 p.m. to accept public date of the ordinance, and
comment and consider related matters .
adopting an ordinance (Q 93-12)
renaming Eddy Rickenbacker
Drive to 5600 West Street, UNFINISHED BUSINESS
pursuant to Petition No.
400-94-13. #1. RE: Adopting a
(P 94-4) resolution authorizing the
approval of an interlocal
#3. RE: Setting the cooperation agreement
date of April 19, 1994 at between Salt Lake City
6 :00 p.m. to accept public Corporation, the
comment and consider Redevelopment Agency of
adopting an ordinance Salt Lake City and
amending the investigation Sutherland Building
94 - 54
Material Shopping Centers, Councilmember Godfrey
Inc. regarding the moved and Councilmember
development of real Hardman seconded to adopt
property at approximately the following Legislative
1800 West North Temple with Intent that the HDC's
a sales tax rebate Glendale property be
inducement. transferred to Salt Lake
City as soon as the 1985
ACTION: See Item G-3 Series Bonds were retired,
(0 93-113) which motion carried, all
members voted aye.
#2. RE: Adopting a
resolution expressing the DISCUSSION: Kerri
intention of Salt Lake City Nakamura, Council Budget/
to refinance the City's Policy Analyst, said the
obligation under a Lease recommended motion was
Agreement between the City assuming that the Glendale
and the Housing Development property could be
Corporation (HDC) to assist transferred at the time the
the Housing Authority of Canterbury property was
Salt Lake City in advance transferred from the City
refunding the Authority's to the Housing Development
adjustable/fixed rate Corporation (HDC) . She
housing revenue bonds, 1985 said because of bonding
Series A, authorizing the requirements the Glendale
taking of other action property could not be
necessary to the consum- transferred until the 1985
mation of the transactions Series bonds were paid off .
contemplated by the (Q 94-2)
Resolution, and related
ACTION: Councilmember #1. RE: Accept
Godfrey moved and Council- public comment and consider
member Hardman seconded to adopting an ordinance
adopt Resolution 16 of relating to existing
1994, supporting the HDC's residential housing and
bond refinancing, with the dangerous buildings.
support being contingent
upon a favorable review of ACTION: Councilmember
the financing by the City's Godfrey moved and
Financial Advisor, with the Councilmember Reid seconded
review including the to continue the hearing to
Financial Advisor's July 12, 1994, which motion
recommendation of the carried, all members voted
earliest date that the City aye.
could be released from the
financial obligation of the DISCUSSION: Harvey
bonds, which motion Boyd, Assistant Director of
carried, all members voted Building Services and
aye. Licensing, said the City
had developed the Uniform
94 - 55
Housing Code (UHC) which reduce the standards and
was created by the make them more applicable
International Conference of to Salt Lake City.
Building Officials in 1970 .
He said the code' s scope He said after a
was for single family skeletal ordinance had been
dwelling units and developed, the ordinance
apartments and pertained to was taken to a number of
residential properties . community agencies and
individuals for input. He
He said the Fit said they were now on the
Premise ordinance adopted fifth draft of the
in 1991 used the housing document. He said he
standards established in thought the document was a
the housing code. He said more representative code
the unit legalization for conditions which Salt
process had been developed Lake City faced. He said
to legalize existing the vacancy rate in Salt
apartments which were built Lake City was less than 2%
without permits or and 33% of housing in Salt
inspection. He said the Lake City was built before
apartment licensing program 1940 . He said only 10% had
was founded on the housing been built since 1980 and
code. it was important that a
code be in place which
Mr. Boyd said inflexi- addressed the City's
bility was one of the big special considerations . He
issues with the UHC and said the level of safety
caused a number of problems created with this code
for existing property would meet minimum
owners . He said the standards and would provide
Uniform Building Code (UBC) for the safety of
was the sister document to individuals in apartments
the UHC . He said the UHC and houses .
was the primary code used
for all new construction He said he recommended
and was being applied to the Council consider the
existing residential adoption of the code.
properties . He said this
proposal was a way to use a Councilmember Kirk
more liberal code. He said asked if it would be
this would provide more possible to send out
allowances for the existing notifications to all of the
property. citizens who's complaints
had not been resolved in
Mr. Boyd said he made the last two years . She
inquiries to approximately asked how many citizens
15 different municipalities would be involved.
regarding their code
standards . He said with Mr. Boyd said it would
this information City staff be approximately 100 to 150
had looked at ways to individuals . He said many
94 - 56
of those situations were Uniform Housing Code, the
zoning standards, involving housing code allowed the
problems like front yard building official to make
parking. He said in terms special exceptions as to
of housing issues, most variances for special
were addressed, leaving situations .
approximately 25 to 50
cases . Karen Silver, 764
South 200 West, said the
Councilmember Kirk Community Action Program
said she was only (CAP) was supportive of the
interested in the 25 to 50 proposed code, but offered
cases . the Council a letter
listing a few concerns (see
Mr. Boyd said he would File No. M 94-4 ) .
put a list together. He
said he had already She said CAP was
provided Council staff with concerned about lead pipes
a list of names and in existing units . She
organizations which said CAP wanted to be sure
included the Apartment that as lead pipes needed
Association and their replacement, they were
representatives . He said replaced with non-lead
they had contacted and pipes.
given a copy of the code to
the Apartment Association, Ms . Silver said even
the Home Builders if buildings looked
Association, and Housing presentable, CAP did not
and Economic Development think buildings should
(HED) . remain vacant. She
recommended a time limit be
Mr. Boyd said they had put on these buildings,
been asked by many property especially with the housing
and apartment owners to shortage in the City.
forego windows and
emergency egress She said they did not
requirements . He said Salt want to find sealed windows
Lake City had to maintain where there was no egress
some minimum level of from a room.
safety on those properties .
Addi Yo Soy, 1003 Star
Councilmember Hardman Crest Drive, said she
asked if continuation of wanted stricter housing
the hearing until July codes especially on new
would create problems for housing under construction
inspection people or in the north west area,
problems for implementation north of North Temple and
of the new housing code. west of the Jordan River.
Mr. Boyd said it would Larry Livingston, 165
not because although Salt "A" Street, said he had an
Lake City had adopted the appeal in front of the
94 - 57
Housing Advisory and Arman Peterson, 158
Appeals Board (HAAB) a North State Street, said he
couple of years ago. He owned a home on State
said he was disappointed in Street and was in a similar
the proposed code because situation as Mr.
he felt fundamental issues Livingston. He said most
had not been addressed. low cost housing left in
He said the issue of the City were small
liability seemed to be the basement apartments . He
concept driving much of said he thought his home
what the Building Division was in fairly good shape,
did. He said one of the but was sent a letter
penalties in violation was stating he had to do
counter-productive. He certain things to his home
said he did not feel his by a certain date. He said
home was dangerous or a he was not financially able
public nuisance. He said to do everything requested
he was threatened with because it would take
deadlines from the Housing several thousands of
people. He said the dollars . He said he
Building officials had a would eventually get it
document recorded to done. He said his home was
declare his property sub- declared unsafe because it
standard. He said if he was missing handrails on
tried to borrow money to the front steps . He said
repair his home, the they were never put on the
banker, by title search, 1909 home when it was
would see that the City built.
said his property was
substandard. He said he was in
support of some of the
Councilmember Reid changes . He said for those
asked if he liked the living in an old home which
direction the proposed code was being restored, the law
was going. Mr. Livingston stated that a licensed
said there were things in contractor had to be used.
the code which were an He said the only way to
improvement, but he said save some of the old homes
there were two items which was through sweat-equity.
were not improvements . He He asked if the new code
said the first was the rise could state that if the
and run of steps, and the house was owner-occupied,
second was cracks in citizens could continue to
driveways . He said the restore it without having
question was who should to hire a contractor.
bear the liability, the
property owner or the City. Bruce Plenk, Utah
He said he and most Legal Services attorney for
homeowners carried low income tenants, said he
liability insurance. supported the new code. He
asked the Council to look
at the penalty section of
94 - 58
the proposed ordinance. He they were not safe enough
said it was similar to the for Salt Lake City.
penalty section of the
Uniform Housing Code. He Councilmember Godfrey
said it only provided for requested that citizens
criminal prosecution in the write about specific
event of an extreme problems and send the
violation, which rarely letters to the Council for
happened. He said the few review. He said this would
property owners that were give the Council time to
aware of the violators discuss and review the
which knew they would not issues .
likely be prosecuted. He (0 94-2)
said there was no reason
not to incorporate it into #2. RE: Accept
the cost of business . He public comment and consider
said some type of civil adopting an ordinance
penalty would make more amending the Fiscal Year
sense. 1993-94 budget and staffing
Councilmember Godfrey
asked him to put it in ACTION: Councilmember
writing for the Council . Christensen moved and
Councilmember Reid seconded
Dave Galvan, 312 South to close the hearing and
1000 East, Salt Lake Board adopt Ordinance 15 of 1994,
of Realtors , said he worked which motion carried, all
closely with the Home members voted aye.
Builders Association and
supported the proposed DISCUSSION: Steve
code. He said he felt Domino, Airport Authority,
anything which would help said the Airport was
citizens upgrade their recommending an adjustment
homes was important. to the budget of
$32,023,000 . He said the
Mona Ballard, 2225 change consisted of a
East 1700 South, said she $221, 100 adjustment to the
had a Substandard Lien put operating budget and a
on her house for 7 years $31,801,000 adjustment to
because she had a hand the capital budget. He
painted sink installed said the Airport Authority
which did not have a number had re-negotiated the
on the sink . She said it expenses the Airport
would cost hundreds of Authority paid for with the
thousands of dollars to get Salt Lake City Fire
the number which was Department to cover the
required per code just to Airport rescue and fire
prove the sink was safe. fighting services provided.
She said this type of sink
was approved for use in the He said the $221, 100,
County and in Arizona, but operating budget adjustment .
would be payable to Salt
94 - 59
Lake City Corporation and to pay for the capital
go into the general fund. improvements from revenue
He said the moneys would bonds which would be sold
cover direct and indirect later this year.
overhead and operating
costs which the Airport Councilmember Chris-
Authority incurred. He tensen said he was on the
said regarding the capital Airport Authority Board and
budget, a significant was extremely impressed
portion would be with what was going on at
$27 , 000, 000 in new projects the Airport. He said it
to be undertaken. He said was important to realize
a few of the projects would that the revenue bonds
be for a new Federal which were being proposed
Inspection Service facility would be repaid out of
which would handle inter- operating revenues from the
national traffic at Salt Airport itself, and not
Lake City International from general tax funds .
Airport . He said this (B 94-2)
would be a combined project
which would handle Skywest #3. RE: Accept
Airlines as well . He public comment and consider
said the cost of the adopting ordinances
project would be $60, relating to:
000 ,500 and the budget
adjustment for the project a. Amending the
alone would be $12, 700,000 . Northwest Community Master
Mr. Domino showed a
graph of the proposed b. Rezoning property
changes at the Airport. He located at approximately
said the other significant 1800 West North Temple from
capital improvement project residential "R-6" and
included a runway incursion Commercial "C-1" to
program which would improve Community Shopping Center
the visibility of aircraft "CS" ;
as they taxi to the
concourse. He said this c. Closing all of
project was an additional Duder Street (approxi-
$5 million. He said mately 150 North Redwood
another project amounted to Road) ;
$6 million for an Airport
rescue and firefighter d. Vacating a portion
training facility. He said of the Chas S. Deskey 4th
this replaced the old Addition Subdivision, Block
petroleum burn pit. He 1, Lots 21-42 and Block 3,
said there were Lots 6-21, pursuant to
approximately 37 different Petition No. 400-93-122.
capital improvement
projects totaling close to ACTION: Councilmember
$28 million. He said the Reid moved and
Airport Authority expected Councilmember Godfrey
94 - 60
seconded to adopt Community and Economic
Resolution 19 of 1994, Development, said he wanted
approving an interlocal to thank Councilmember
cooperation agreement Whitehead for all his work
between Salt Lake City in getting the project to
Corporation, the Redev- this point.
elopment Agency of Salt
Lake City and Sutherland Janice Jardine,
Building Material Shopping Northwest Planner, Planning
Centers, Inc. regarding the Division, referred to a
development of real site plan map. She said
property at approximately the Northwest Community
1800 West North Temple with Master Plan and the
a sales tax rebate Northwest Neighborhood
inducement, which motion Strategic Plan and draft,
carried, all members voted and West Salt Lake Master
aye. Plan, had all identified
the area as a prime
Councilmember Chris- location for a retail
tensen moved and Council- shopping center to provide
member Hardman seconded to needed services to the
close the public hearing, northwest and west Salt
which motion carried, all Lake communities . She said
members voted aye. the petitioners requested
the amendment because the
Councilmember Reid existing Northwest Master
moved and Councilmember Plan did not go far enough
Godfrey seconded to adopt to encompass an area for a
Ordinance 10 of 1994, shopping center. She said
amending the Northwest 23 acres would be
Community Master Plan; consistent with threshold
Ordinance 11 of 1994, for a community level
rezoning property located shopping center nationally.
at approximately 1800 West
North Temple from She said regarding
residential "R-6" and zoning, the Sutherland
Commercial "C-1" to project and rezoning
Community Shopping Center request had been identified
"CS" ; Ordinance 12 of 1994, as Phase I and development
closing all of Duder of an overall shopping
Street (approximately 150 center. She said Phase II
North Redwood Road) ; and and future rezoning should
Ordinance 13 of 1994, take place when tenants had
vacating a portion of the been identified, because no
Chas S . Deskey 4th Addition specific tenants had been
Subdivision, Block 1 , Lots identified at this time.
21-42 and Block 3, Lots 6-
21, which motion carried, Ms . Jardine said
all members voted aye. closure of Duder Street and
a portion of Gertie Avenue
DISCUSSION: Michael was necessary to facilitate
Danielson, Director of the Sutherland project.
94 - 61
She said a water line which Davis and Sutherlands had
ran through Duder Street reached an agreement.
would be removed. She said
a new connection would be Ms . Jardine said Ms .
run from Redwood Road down Velma Williams lived on the
Gertie Avenue to connect corner of Gertie Avenue and
the residents on Harold Harold Street. She said
Street. She said Mr. her concern was the impact
Davis ' property would be of noise and losing the
connected to Newstar Drive. privacy in her back yard.
She said the Community She said Sutherland's had
Councils, surrounding agreed to work with Ms .
neighbors and Jordan Williams to provide her
Meadows Community Council with the privacy she had
had been briefed on the requested.
project twice. She said
the project had also been Ms . Jardine said the
presented to the West project was approximately 8
Pointe Community Council. acres and consisted of a
She said both Community 100,000 square foot retail
Councils were in support of building, a 25,000 square
the project . foot garden center, and a
48, 000 square foot outdoor
She said after mailing building materials storage
notices to surrounding area. She said on the
property owners, staff had north end of the building
received comments from the there would be 400 parking
Sky Harbor Apartments and stalls . She said there was
the Council had received a a pad site proposed for the
letter from the Sky Harbor northeast corner facing
management. She said in North Temple. She said the
the conditional use outdoor building materials
approval with the Planning storage area would be
Commission specific issues screened with a 12-foot
were addressed. She said high, two sided, roofed
delivery hours were structure surrounding the
established for Sutherlands perimeter of the storage
along with additional area. She said the garden
landscaping along the west center area would be
side of the boundary enclosed with wrought iron
between the Sky Harbor and brick. She said there
Apartments and Sutherlands . were landscape buffer yards
She said Sutherlands had provided around the
indicated they would be perimeter of the project
willing to put a gate in as area. She said the
requested. She said a 10 building materials
foot high wall would consisted of concrete pre-
require a variance through stressed panels . She said
the Board of Adjustment and panels would have
would require a justifiable additional texture and
hardship. She said Mr. scoring to provide
additional architectural
94 - 62
relief . She said the site and noise impacts
colors would be light gray expressed by the Sky Harbor
with blue and red accent Apartments . She said a 10-
and red signage. foot landscape buffer would
be provided along the north
She said the proposed boundary of the building
project had frontage on materials storage area,
North Temple and access abutting the residential
from Gertie Avenue to properties . She said
Redwood Road. She said Sutherland' s had met with
they were both major residents and would be
arterials and could incorporating the 10-foot
adequately handle buffer into their rear
anticipated traffic. She yards . She said
said the City Engineering Sutherlands had agreed to
Division required an move their fence lines
asphalt overlay on Gertie back, butting up against
Avenue and an agreement their storage building to
with Sutherland's to prevent access by people
provide maintenance of who should not be there.
Gertie until such time as
future development took She said the property
place. She said Gertie owner at the end of Newstar
Avenue would be realigned Drive requested a wall
to the north to provide instead of incorporating
access in addition to the property. She said
public services to Mr. there would be a 10-foot
Davis and the property landscape buffer between
owners on Harold Street. residential properties and
She said the internal the new alignment of Gertie
circulation system parking Avenue, along Mr. Davis and
layout and Gertie Avenue Ms . Williams' property.
realignment had been She said there would be a
approved by City Engineers 15-foot landscape setback
and Transportation provided along the south
Division. She said utility side of Gertie Avenue and
services had been North Temple. She said the
coordinated with Public operating hours would be
Utilities and had been limited to 7 : 00 a.m. to
determined to be adequate 10 :00 p.m. and delivery
for the development. She hours from 7 : 00 a.m. to
said they would be 6:00 p.m. She said
relocating the waterline Sutherland had also agreed
for the residence on Harold there would not be a public
Street and Mr. Davis . address system used on the
Ms . Jardine said a 10-
foot landscape buffer would Ms . Jardine said there
be provided on the west would be one house
side of the boundary with demolished. She said the
additional vertical house was an adobe house on
landscaping to mitigate the slab and it could not be
94 - 63
saved. She said a.m. to 6 : 00 p.m. ; c) no
Sutherlands contacted some outside public address
of the non-profit system; and d) that the
organizations to see if Planning Director would be
they would be interested in authorized to grant final
it. She said Sutherlands building, materials,
had agreed to donate $2,000 architectural and
to the housing trust fund landscaping approval and
for mitigation of the home. preliminary approval to the
Sutherland commercial
She said staff and subdivision.
Planning Commission had
determined that the Ms . Jardine said Jim
proposed home improvement McRae, Planning
center provided adequate Commissioner, was concerned
landscaping and buffering about heart patients which
to the neighborhood. She lived in the Sky Harbor
said there would be Apartments . She said
adequate day time delivery everyone concerned was
hours , street improvements exploring alternatives to
to Gertie Avenue and try and provide some
commercial development on assistance to the tenants
what was now a vacant, who were concerned about
unsightly, property with a truck fumes and dust. She
single story building said she thought a
designed to be compatible discussion had been held on
with the community shopping installing a filter system
center. She said two in the units .
billboards would be
removed. Councilmember Chris-
tensen asked if there were
She said the any height restrictions .
recommendation from the
Planning Commission to the Ms . Jardine said there
City Council was to approve were established trees on
the petitioners request to the west side and she
amend the master plan, to thought Sutherlands would
rezone property, to close plant fairly substantially
streets and to vacate a sized trees .
portion of a subdivision.
She said pending approval Mr. Danielson said
of the actions of the City Sutherland Building had 91
Council, the Planning stores in 15 states and
Commission granted planned were the ninth largest home
development conditional use improvement sales stores in
approval to the home the United States . He said
improvement center with the the sales tax remittitur
following conditions: a) was $670, 000 to be paid
that the operating hours be over a maximum of 20 years
established from 7 :00 a.m. and would be funded from
to 10 :00 p.m. ; b) delivery revenue generated by the
hours be limited to 7 : 00 store. He said the
94 - 64
$670 , 000 was determined as included putting in a water
follows : $370, 000 land main under Gertie Street
right down, $225,000 to and connecting the house at
upgrade the type of 176 North Duder Street to
buildings being built and New Star Drive.
to conform to the new
zoning classifications, and He said development
$75, 000 to construct would go through the normal
perimeter buildings in the City department review
lumber storage yard to process, but the
conform to the new zoning Transportation Division had
classifications . He said determined that a traffic
the net present interest impact study was not
rate would be 7 . 5% . He required, so it had been
said Sutherlands would not deleted from the previous
receive a rebate on the agreement. He said the
sales shown on Exhibit "C" . Redevelopment Agency (RDA)
He said the department had would review and approve
a letter from the the development plans in
Neighborhood Housing addition to the Planning
Services indicating the Commission review and
house was adobe and could approval. He said the RDA
not be moved. He said would administer the sales
Sutherlands had agreed to tax remittitur portion of
pay $2, 000 toward the the agreement and receive
housing trust fund for their standard 1% fee of
mitigation. the amount paid to
Sutherland for the service.
Mr. Danielson said the
City would vacate Duder
Street and a portion of Duane Rasmussen, 2157
Gertie Street valued at South Highland Drive,
$42, 500 . He said Petitioner, said he had
Sutherlands would dedicate also received a letter from
as a part of the the Sky Harbor Apartment
subdivision plat, a new Management and would be
portion of Gertie Street. working with them on their
He said Sutherlands would concerns .
also make additional on
and off site improvements David Jenkins,
of equal value or make a Engineering Manager of the
cash payment to the City Sear-Brown Group, said he
for the streets . wanted to address landscape
on the west property line.
He said Sutherland He said the building would
would make numerous off- be 60 feet from the west
site improvements to the property line and there was
City' s water system to a proposed 10-foot
replace the portion of the landscaping along the new
City' s water system removed property line. He said
as part of the street there was an existing
vacation. He said this decorative masonry fence
94 - 65
with a cap which was 6-feet person holding out could
high and existed along the stop the whole thing.
line on the other side. He
said concerning Sky He asked the Council
Harbor' s property, there to look at the facts and
was a 5-foot landscape approve the proposed
buffer which also had ordinances which were
existing trees necessary for the west side
approximately 30 feet on and Salt Lake City.
center, and approximately
20-25 feet tall . He said Norman Dean, 1090
there was a 25-foot Taffeta Drive, was in
driveway, additional support of Sutherland' s
landscaping, and then the coming into the area, but
start of the apartment. He was concerned about some
said there was considerable environmental issues . He
distance between the actual said since the Salt Lake
living space and the City Sewer Plant was in the
building. area, and sensitive to any
chemicals which might be
Mr. Jenkins said they discharged into the area,
had proposed to put some he was concerned that
large 2-1/2 inch to 3 inch Sutherland would be
caliper trees every 30 feet dispensing chemicals from
which would alternate every bulk. He said he was
15 feet from the existing concerned about a spill
trees on the opposite side which might happen and if
of the fence. Sutherlands would be doing
any incineration.
Ron Whitehead, former
City Councilmember in A representative from
District 1 , said he had Sutherland Lumber said
been working on this there was no dispensing
project for a long time. from bulk. He said what
He said in Phase II the the company bought, they
City would be looking for a sold already packaged, and
budget type department there would be no
store. He said the incinerator.
Planning Commission had two
groups which opposed the Velma Williams, 167
project. He said one was Harold Street, said the
the Sky Harbor Apartment report from Ms . Jardine
Management, and the other said a fence would be put
were people who felt the on the west side of her
housing mitigation issue property. She said she
should be resolved. He wanted to request an 8-foot
said these people thought cement or brick wall on the
the whole master plan for west side of her property.
the area should be She said she needed
completed. He said Phase protection and privacy from
II could only happen if the Sutherland side, but
Phase I began. He said one
94 - 66
she was happy to have John Edwards, Sky
Sutherland move in. Harbor Apartments, said one
of his main concerns was
Ron Clark, 184 Harold trucks parking along
Street, said there was a Sutherlands property while
fire hydrant at the end of they were waiting for
Gertie Street and Duder deliveries in the back. He
Street. He asked if the said if the trucks sat
hydrant would be moved down there very long, diesel
so residents there would fumes would drift toward
have protection. residents . He said his
concern was on Monday when
Duane Rasmussen said there would be a lot of
the existing fire hydrant trucks at Sutherlands for
would be moved into the deliveries . He asked if
landscape site in front of they would post a sign
Sutherlands and a new water which would say "turn off
line would come off Redwood your engines" .
Road and tie into the
existing waterline on The following indivi-
Harold Street. He said a duals were in support of
fire hydrant had not been the issue, but did not wish
discussed. to speak: Peggy Andresen,
659 North 900 West; Willard
Julie Brauchie, 1876 Andresen, 659 North 900
West North Temple, Property West; Avelino Bacca, 1209
Manager at the Sky Harbor Carousel Street; Shirley
Apartments, said she was Bacca, 1209 Carousel
not opposed to Sutherland Street; Josephine Cackett,
Lumber building their 1436 Sunset Drive; Bonnie
store, but she needed to Dean, 1090 Taffeta Drive;
provide quality apartments Lavon Hunt, 1061 Rambler
for the existing 540 units Drive; JoAnne Leany, 619
housing 1500 residents . North 900 West; Pearl
Nelson, 1048 Signora Drive;
She asked if the Verda Parker, 963 Signora
Sutherland representative Drive; Clela Past, 964
could address the entry Autumn; Delores Shaw, 615
gate which would be locked North 900 West; and James
until 7 :00 a .m. and again Shaw, 615 North 900 West.
at 6 : 00 p.m. to control
delivery. She said she was Councilmember Reid
also concerned about said he wanted to invite
diesels parking on Redwood other developers to visit
Road. She said she had the community and decide if
been assured the diesels they could benefit from
would park on the east side building in the area.
of Sutherlands . She asked (P 94-20)
how this would be
monitored. 4. RE: Accept public
comment and consider
adopting an ordinance
94 - 67
amending the Jardine Park easement there, but an
Subdivision Plat at arrangement could be made
approximately 1100 East and with the property owners.
Elgin Avenue (3010 South).
He said the Planning
ACTION: Councilmember Commission reviewed the
Christensen moved and amendment on January 6,
Councilmember Godfrey 1994 and recommended the
seconded to close the Council approve the
public hearing, which amendment.
motion carried, all members
voted aye. Bob Ersking,
Petitioner, said his
Councilmember Chris- neighbors were in favor of
tensen moved and the amendment because the
Councilmember Godfrey lot on the north side was a
seconded to adopt Ordinance vacant field. He said in
14 of 1994, which motion order to develop the lot,
carried, all members voted Elgin Avenue would have to
aye. run straight. He said if
the lots were developed,
DISCUSSION: Bill the two weed fields would
Wright, Planning Division be gone, and there would be
Director, said the plat additional housing. He
amendment had been said both lots would be
requested by Robert large and would house two
Ersking. He said the duplexes which would blend
subdivision was located at in with the neighborhood.
approximately 1100 East
Elgin Avenue and the Tom Judd, 2988 South
realignment would create 1100 East, said his home
two lots. He said the same should never have been
request was heard by the allowed to be built. He
Planning Commission back in said the home was built
1985, but no action was under proper zoning and
taken to record a new plat building permits, but there
at that time. had always been a severe
flooding problem. He said
Mr. Wright said in the home flooded every time
approving the plat, there there was more than just a
would be a requirement for slight downpour. He said
a perpetual easement to be 1100 East sloped north to
established on the plat for approximately the center of
a flag lot located to the his property, then rose
south and east of the again. He said there was a
property. He said low spot directly adjacent
currently the property was to his driveway. He said
located about 300 to 400 it was not uncommon for him
feet to the east and to have 8-inches of water
accessed the property flowing from City streets
through 1100 East. He said into his property. He said
there was not a dedicated he was in favor of doing
94 - 68
the proposed work, but
requested that the grade of
1100 East be realigned.
He said he had
contacted the City about
the flooding for the last
two years, but nothing had
been done because it was
only one home affected.
Councilmember Chris-
tensen asked Mr. Wright if
his staff had addressed the
issue. Mr. Wright said he
was not aware of it. He
said Mr. Judd may have been
working with the Public
Utilities Department. He
said to regrade all of 1100
East from Elgin to Mr.
Judd's property would have
to be reviewed with the
Public Utilities Department
and Engineering Division.
He said there may be
another solution to the
problem. He said they may
be able to put in a storm
drain box and line.
Councilmember Chris-
tensen asked Mr. Wright to
follow up on the issue.
(P 94-29)
The meeting adjourned
at 8:20 p.m.
Council Chair Ja:
j 7 Ci Recorder
94 - 69