TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1993
The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met in Briefing
Session on Tuesday, May 11, 1993, at 5:00 p.m. in Room 325, City
Council Office, City County Building, 451 South State.
The following Council Members were present:
Paul Hutchison Alan Hardman Roselyn Kirk
Ron Whitehead Tom Godfrey
The following Council Members were absent:
Don Hale Nancy Pace
Council Chair Kirk presided at and conducted the meeting.
Councilmember Kirk called they be allowed three minutes .
the meeting to order at 5:00
p.m. Councilmember Hutchison
said he had received a call
REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE from Tom Boley, owner of Mel
DIRECTOR Boley Company, asking him to
protest the franchise tax
Cindy Gust-Jenson said increase. Councilmember
Item D-2, the ceremonial Hutchison explained the situa-
resolution, the Council would tion to him regarding the tax
not have to present the resolu- increase and he seemed to
tion to anyone because it was understand. Mr. Boley told him
on the Consent Agenda. he was a member of the Utah Tax
Payers Association and he would
She said Item D-4, amend- pass the information on to
ing Section 21 . 62 .010, the other members .
reason they were redoing it was
because of a typographical Mayor Corradini said she
error in the original ordi- had gone to the Chamber Board
nance. meeting that morning. She said
there was still some misinfor-
She said Item E-1, Water mation regarding the Ordinance,
and Sewer Revenue Bonds, she so she explained the situation
thought the Council could do to those at the meeting and
without a report from the Bond everyone seemed to understand.
Council and Financial Advisor.
Ms . Gust-Jenson said the
She said Item G-1, Utility University of Utah had expres-
Revenue Tax, if there was a sed concerns about the type of
large audience she suggested phone system they had with
limiting comments to two respects to the utility revenue
minutes, but if there was a tax. She said she told them it
smaller group, she suggested was not an issue the Council
93 - 188
TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1993
could deal with at the May llth Ms . Gust-Jenson said she
meeting, but she advised them had recently received informa-
that they could make a comment, tion that Animal Control had
so the appropriate City recently started to patrol the
representatives could look at area and they asked the City if
it in the future. they could provide additional
signage in the park.
Ms . Gust-Jenson said the
baseball stadium ground- The Council interviewed
breaking time had changed from Judith Romney Wolbach for her
noon to 4 : 00 p.m. on May 19, appointment to the City and
1993 . Mayor Corradini said County Building Conservancy and
they had invited little league Use Committee.
and high school baseball
players . She said they had Ms . Wolbach said she had
also invited the entire strong feelings about the City
legislature, County Commis- and County Building and would
sioners, Governor, and all not want to see it deteriorate.
donors . She said they had
requested the Utah Symphony She said she graduated
Dixieland Group to donate their from law school in 1975 and
time and play at the function. started practicing in one of
She said they could have as the two court rooms located in
many as 300 people in atten- the City and County Building.
dance. Mayor Corradini said She said the court rooms were
she hoped all Council Members beautiful, but the halls were
would be able to attend. in bad condition. She said the
building was a primary asset of
Ms . Gust-Jenson said the the community and required on-
City Administration wanted the going attention. She said she
Council to be aware that when thought of herself as not only
the Council had approved the an avid preservationist, but a
Animal Control consolidation, practical person who knew the
they had set up a committee. value of a dollar. She said
She said the committee had not the community deserved account-
been meeting on a regular basis ability on how City funds were
to discuss animal control spent. She said she was also a
issues, but they were going to member of the Salt Lake Arts
meet on May 25, at 9 :30 a.m. Council and would be willing to
She asked if any of the Council put in the time required.
Members wanted to attend.
The briefing adjourned at
Councilmember Hardman said 5 : 20 p.m.
he had received a complaint
about Liberty Park not being bf
patrolled by Animal Control
personnel .
93 - 189
TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1993
The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah met in Regular
Session on Tuesday, May 11, 1993, at 6 :00 p.m. in Room 315, City
County Building, 451 South State Street.
The following Council Members were present:
Paul Hutchison Nancy Pace Alan Hardman
Roselyn Kirk Tom Godfrey Ron Whitehead
The following Councilmember was not in Attendance:
Don Hale
Mayor Deedee Corradini; Roger Cutler, City Attorney; Cindy
Gust-Jenson, Executive Council Director; Roger Black, Director
Management Services; S. R. Kivett, Chief Deputy City Recorder; and
Bonnie Ferrin, Deputy Recorder were present.
Council Chair Kirk presided at and Councilmember Hutchison
conducted the meeting.
#1. The Council led the CITIZEN COMMENTS
Pledge of Allegiance.
Hermoine Jex, Capitol Hill
#2. Councilmember Godfrey Neighborhood Council, said they
moved and Councilmember Hardman wanted to request a moratorium
seconded to approve the minutes be placed on the pending land
of the Salt Lake City Council trade between Amoco and Salt
meetings held May 4 and May 6, Lake City. She said they
1993, which motion carried, all wanted a thorough investigation
members present voted aye. by an unbiased, knowledgeable
(M 93-1) source. She said the Neighbor-
hood Council requested that the
OUESTIONS TO THE MAYOR Mayor intercede and delay
Petition No. 400-93-16 by Amoco
Councilmember Kirk asked Oil Company at the Salt Lake
about sales tax for the zoo and Planning Commission scheduled
the arts . She suggested the for May 20, 1993 .
Council discuss the resolution
ahead of time. She said the petition
requested that Salt Lake City
Mayor Corradini said there close portions of 400 West and
was some discussion as to 1000 North. Ms . Jex provided
whether it would be going back the Council with a handout (see
to the Council Of Governments file no. M 93-8) . She said the
(COG) . She said she would find two issues were regarding a
out and would discuss it with road alignment to improve the
the Council at a later date. 400 West connection to Beck
93 - 190
TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1993
Street and a land acquisition existing two lanes . She said
expansion by Amoco Oil Company. she had received a letter from
She said the road could take Governor Leavitt stating he
place without giving up City agreed with UDOT staff to
streets and the future mass implement the double left turn
transit light rail right-of- lanes .
way. She said the newest road
cut through Block 169 was Ms . Jex said she asked
listed as major ownership Brent Wilde, Deputy Director
belonging to Deseret Recycling. Planning Division and Bill
She said according to the Wright, Planning Director,
Petition, Amoco would secure three weeks ago for a list of
more land and would control the agreements, wills and restri-
north end of 400 West and ctions that Salt Lake City had
right-of-way and would also in place for the hillsides by
interfere with the Bamberger Monroc and Beck Streets . She
right-of-way. She said it said the 1980 aerials showed
would place Amoco in major Monroc had already nicked in to
control of all the west side of forest service lands . She said
Beck Street. in the 1970's, the City Commis-
sioner said it had already been
She said the Capitol Hill violated. She said they had
Neighborhood Council had tried heard about the pending con-
to determine the location of tract to remove 5,000,000 tons
the Sulphur Recovery Plant. of fill from Monroc and Beck.
She said per their handout, She said they wanted to know
they thought they had finally what was in place and have some
located it. of these concerns answered.
She said the handout CONSENT AGENDA
stated their concerns regard-
ing signal lights . She said ACTION: Councilmember
there were none on 800 or 900 Godfrey moved and Council-
North. She also asked where member Hardman seconded to
oil tankers would go. She said approve the Consent Agenda,
the Neighborhood Council felt which motion carried, all
an adequate study of the members present voted aye .
Capitol Hill preference needed
to be done. She said she #1. RE: Approving the
realized the City wanted to appointment of Judith Romney
hurry up the process so Utah Wolbach to the Building
Department Of Transportation Conservancy and Use Committee
(UDOT) would reconsider and not for a term extending through
put in a double left turn lane. July 1, 1994 .
She said the Neighborhood (I 93-15)
Council did not know if
negotiations would include #2. RE: Adopting
limiting Victory Road to the Resolution 46 of 1993 accepting
93 - 191
TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1993
and expressing appreciation for Godfrey moved and Council-
a contribution to plant a grove member Hardman seconded to
of trees in Popperton Park. suspend the rules and adopt
(R 93-7 ) Resolution 48 of 1993, which
motion carried, all members
#3. RE: Adopting present voted aye.
Resolution 47 of 1993 authoriz- (0 93-9)
ing the approval of an inter-
local cooperation agreement DISCUSSION: Roger Black,
between Salt Lake City Corpora- Director Management Services,
tion and Utah Department of gave a brief explanation, per
Transportation (UDOT) , Research his handout (see file no.
and Material Division for UDOT .31 33 -0) APOnni d Gam"1p
to perform various concrete
bituminous and other tests for Mr. Black said the issue
the City. was on the legislative list of
(C 93-233) priorities during the last
legislative session. He said
#4. RE: Adopting the proposal was to accept the
Ordinance 34 of 1993 amending items included in House Bill
Section 21.62.010 dealing with 206 as legitimate parts of
conditional uses in a "C-3A" basic local exchange services
district. under the City's Franchise Tax
(0 93-26 ) Ordinance.
NEW BUSINESS He said in 1951 Mt. Bell
negotiated a Franchise Tax
#1 . RE: Adopting a Agreement with the City. He
resolution authorizing the said it was a 2% fee for the
issuance and confirming the use of the City' s streets and
sale of not more than roads . He said this would be
$13,500,000 aggregate princi- applied to "gross revenue per
pal amount of water and sewer annum derived by said company
revenue bonds of Salt Lake from all local exchange service
City, Salt Lake County, Utah, revenue received from sub-
fixing the maximum aggregate scribers located within the
principal amount of the bonds, City of Salt Lake" . He said in
the maximum number of years 1974 the City Commission
over which the bonds may adopted a 2% Privilege Tax
mature, the maximum interest which was levied in addition to
rate which the bonds may bear the Franchise Fee and levied
and the maximum discount from against the same base revenues .
par at which the bonds may be He said in 1980 US West
sold; authorizing publication initiated a series of lawsuits
of a notice of bonds to be in which they claimed changes
issued; and related matters. in the telephone industry had
made it so that they were
ACTION: Councilmember subject to tax on some of their
93 - 192
TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1993
revenues, but their competitors ordinance why a particular
were not. He said this lead service was not taxable. " He
the Council to adopt the said in 1991 the City hired
modification of the definition Municipal Administrative
of those revenues which were Services, Inc. to conduct a
subject to these fees in 1982 . detailed audit of the phone
companies payment of franchise
He said in 1983 AT&T was fees to the City. He said the
required under a Federal Court finding of the audit was that
Mandated Consent Decree to the telephone company had
unbundle their services and the exempted from the calculation
revenues stopped flowing from of the franchise fees certain
US West and became a part of revenues which, in the judge-
the non-regulated carrier. ment of the auditors, should
have been included and the City
He said the fiscal impact began the negotiations which
of the change in 1982 was a lead to the introduction in the
loss of approximately $1 past legislative session of
million of revenue. He said in House Bill 206 . He said it
the intervening period the clarified matters and identi-
revenue had fluctuated within a fied some services which the
narrow range. He said in 1984 City had maintained and the
the City hired Fox and Company, auditors had maintained were
CPA, to review the calculation always supposed to be in the
collection and remittance revenue base, subject to the
process of franchise fees paid fee. He said it eliminated
by the telephone company. He some and specifically included
said their conclusion was that some. He said the two services
they were unable to do which this proposed ordinance
sufficient work to reach a would bring were the extended
decision about whether the area calling fee and the
telephone company was applying customer access service
the franchise fees to the interstate. He said before the
correct set of revenues . legislation was passed the
Auditors told the City that
He said in 1986 the City they were losing approximately
received advice from Bruce $1,500, 000 a year in franchise
Sapol, with Wood, Luxsinger and revenues that should have been
Epstein, from Washington D. C. , coming to the City given the
who specialized in public meaning and intent of the
utility issues . He said their City's ordinance.
letter indicated that "all
services provided by Mountain He said in a discussion
Bell should be presumptively with Mt. Bell concerning the
categorized as taxable and the resolution of this matter the
burden placed on Mountain Bell City concluded that the two
to explain and justify the items in question would be an
language of the current appropriate compromise
93 - 193
TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1993
position. He said the franchise taxes on extended
estimated revenue which the area and customer access line
City would receive, if passed, services .
would be $750, 000 per year and
would apply to the revenues of We understand that with
the company. He said it was the devestiger of AT&T, the
not a tax on consumers, it was telecommunications industry
a tax on the company. He said experienced many dramatic
a Public Service Commission changes . As new services
ruling allowed them to pass it evolved the City attempted to
on to the consumer. determine which of the new
services were related to the
Mr. Black said the City basic service package which
had made provisions in the existed before the break-up of
ordinance for exempting AT&T and which was subject to
revenues which came from life- the franchise tax. In order to
line customers, in the same way better understand the compli-
that life-line customers were cated telephone billing records
given special treatment in the and procedures, and to deter-
rates that Mountain Bell had mine why franchise revenues
charged them. were declining, the City
commissioned an audit by a
Councilmember Kirk read a national firm which specializes
written statement to clarify in telecommunications issues .
some questions and issues . She The audit revealed that the
read "As the Chair of the City City should have been receiving
Council I 've been concerned millions more in telecommuni-
about some recent claims that cations franchise taxes . The
the City will be imposing a loss of these millions of
large new tax on residents with dollars has forced the City
the passage of the Franchise over the past decade to meet
Tax amendments, which are many painful cuts . We believe
before us this evening. that court decisions, State,
enabling legislation and City
I am personally receptive ordinances were clear that
to anti-tax arguments and as my these franchise taxes should
colleagues on the Council can have been collected and should
attest, I usually vote no on have been flowing into the
increasing taxes . In the case City's general fund. A general
of the proposed franchise tax fund which is seen real cuts of
amendments, the Council, about 2 or 3% over the past
through no fault of it' s own, several years . "
is placed in a difficult
position. The Administration PUBLIC HEARINGS
and the Council strongly
believe that during the past #1. RE: A public hearing
decade, the telephone company to accept public comment and
should have been collecting consider adopting an ordinance
93 - 194
TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1993
relating to utility revenue tax to convince customers and the
and businesses in competition Public Service Commission of
with public utilities. that fact.
ACTION: Councilmember He said he wanted to argue
Godfrey moved and Council- that the imposition of the tax
member Pace seconded to close would impact every telephone
the public hearing, which user in the City and would have
motion carried, all members a negative impact on businesses
present voted aye. in particular.
Councilmember Godfrey He said he was surprised
moved and Councilmember Kirk to see in the budget document
seconded to approve Ordinance the statement on Page 58 that
35 of 1993, which motion the passage of House Bill 206
carried, all members present settled the City's audit
voted aye, except Councilmember dispute with US West and would
Whitehead, who voted nay. result in an estimated on-going
increase in franchise tax
DISCUSSION: Howard revenues of over three-quarters
Stephensen, 1038 East 13590 of a million dollars .
South, Draper, Utah, President
of the Tax Payers Association, He said on behalf of the
said he was troubled by the Tax Payers Association he urged
discussion of the tax proposal the Council to reject the tax
which sounded like it was a increase at this time and
"done-deal" . He said as a seriously debate the questions
legislator himself , he he had brought up.
recognized that when the bill
was debated, the legislature Katheryn North, 606
did not decide the fate of the Blackhawk Way, Telecommuni-
extended area service. He said cations Administrator with the
the legislature only made it University of Utah, said the
possible for cities to hold a University had some concerns
public hearing to make the about the proposed utility
determination. He said in franchise fee. She said the
doing so, the legislature proposed tax was inequitable to
wanted to send the message that business customers who utilized
it was clearly a tax increase Centron service rather than a
and should be accompanied by a PBX telephone system. She said
"Truth In Taxation Hearing" , as proposed, the tax would be
which the City had properly more than eight times larger
noticed and was being held. for Centron service users then
for PBX customers of comparable
He said it had been stated size.
earlier that it was not a tax
on customers . He said he She said they proposed
thought it would be difficult that the utility tax be
93 - 195
TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1993
equitable for all telephone charging the tax only on the
customers . She said the number of customers access line
difference between Centron charges which corresponded with
Service and a PBX system was the number of out-going and
the Centron service utilized two-way trunks and not the
the US West central office total number of customer access
equipment to provide all system line charges for the Centron
capabilities, whereas the PBX extensions . She asked the
telephone system utilized Council to consider their
switching equipment. She said concerns .
for the basic service, both
systems had a limited number of Councilmember Godfrey said
incoming and outgoing lines it had been a frustrating
which were shared by all experience for the Council
extensions in the system. because they had tried to deal
with seeing fewer dollars
She said the lines were coming into the City from the
called trunks for a PBX and Franchise Tax. He said after
network access registers for the audit discovery, they had
the Centron system. She said concerns because the City had
the extended area service was negotiated in good faith with
applied equally to both the US West and during the negotia-
outgoing and two way trunks . tions, US West went to the
She said the customer access legislature to prevent the City
line charge on the PBX side was from receiving the monies from
applied to the outgoing and the tax the City was supposed
two-way trunks, but for Centron to be receiving.
customers it was applied to
each Centron extension, so CALC Councilmember Godfrey said
was not a basic service. She he saw the legislation they
said in the case of the were working under as special
University of Utah, it meant interest legislation. He said
that instead of having CALC the decision they would be
billed with 345 trunks, the making was something they were
CALC was billed on 9,000 forced into.
Centron extensions . She said
if the University were a PBX He said another concern he
customer, under the City' s had was the millions of dollars
proposal, their tax increase which had been lost to US West
for both the extended area and over the years and he urged
the customer access line charge other Council Members to
would be about $3,800 per year. support the ordinance.
She said as a Centron customer
it would be more then $32,000 Councilmember Whitehead
per year. said he was going to vote
against the motion. He said US
She said equitability West owed the City between $10
could be accomplished by million and $20 million. He
93 - 196
TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1993
said he had a hard time Gary Spendlove, Community
understanding why the City had Affairs Director for US West
to have a public hearing on Communications, said on the
revenues which were already in issue of fairness, the phone
place. company would be happy to meet
with the network and marketing
Councilmember Whitehead people to see if there could be
said he wanted to have the anything done from an equitable
concerns presented by the standpoint. He said there were
University of Utah looked at. a few issues which needed to be
Councilmember Godfrey asked if raised. He said there may be a
there was a mechanism for the cost issue to the telephone
Administration or the company to redo their billing
Attorney's Office to look at system to make sure that
the issue of fairness. Centrex customers received some
kind of a break. He said the
Roger Cutler, City cost would be shared between
Attorney, said they could all other rate payers in Utah
contact the phone company and to make a change in their
see whether it would fit within billing system. He said there
their ability to segregate, but might also be a constitutional
they also had a legal obliga- question on whether you could
tion. He said this was an make exemptions over and above
assessment on the phone company programs which were put into
and the City did not have the effect by the Public Service
enabling power to assess Commission, such as Life-line.
individual tax payers and He said this could be discrim-
however the ordinance was inating. He said the phone
structured, they could not make company would be happy to work
it a tax on the consumer or it with Mr. Cutler, Mr. Black and
would be subject to legal the Mayor's Office to investi-
challenge. He said they had gate all issues involved in
solved the problem with the some kind of exemption for
life-line rate by defining the Centrex customers.
term not to include those (0-93-10)
rates. He said whether they
could do something similar, The meeting adjourned at
without unduly burdening the 6:40 p.m.
phone company on how they would
process the assessments and
exclusions, he could not answer
at this point, but he would Council Ch it
research it.
Councilmember Godfrey said �� Lj ��.', /_',
the Council would like his ief Se. """'k.ty 'ecorder
office to look at it. AA � ►-
bf i y ri
93 - 197 4
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