TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1993
The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, met as the Committee of
the Whole on Tuesday, May 4, 1993, at 6 : 15 p.m. in Room 325, City
Council Office, City County Building, 451 South State.
In Attendance: Council Members Ron Whitehead, Paul Hutchison,
Nancy Pace, Tom Godfrey, and Roselyn Kirk.
Absent: Council Members Alan Hardman and Don Hale
Also In Attendance: Cindy Gust-Jenson, Executive Council
Director; John Hiskey, Economic Development Corporation; Pat
Keehley, Toni Yowell, and Maureen Cully, Coopers and Lybrand;
Louis Miller, Airport Director; Kerri Nakamura, Council Policy/
Budget Analyst; Linda Hamilton, Lunaria; and Beverly Jones,
Deputy Recorder.
Council Chair Kirk presided at and conducted the meeting.
The meeting was called to the position should be made by
order at 7 : 10 p.m. the 2nd or 3rd week in May.
AGENDA ITEMS He said EDC was looking
for job opportunities to better
1. RE: RECEIVE AN UPDATE the resources of the young
FROM THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT people and to provide a better
CORPORATION. wage opportunity. He said
there had been excellent
John Hiskey, Economic response on prospecting trips
Development Corporation (EDC) , outside the state where private
said the EDC had received sector representatives would
questions relative to the join with the EDC.
replacement of Rick Thrasher,
Chief Executive Officer of the Councilmember Pace asked
EDC. He said Mr. Thrasher had how EDC obtained leads . Mr.
accepted a position in Hiskey said their leads were
Connecticut. He said presently generated by 1) advertising;
a selection committee was most publications had what was
entertaining resumes both called a legal card. He said
internally from the State as the box could be checked on
well as from an advertisement what was preferred. He said 2)
from outside the State. He the prospecting list the EDC
said Salt Lake City was received of standard industry
represented in the process by classifications of the types of
Mayor Deedee Corradini and Don businesses being targeted to
Gull, Director of Economic make contact with. He said
Development . He said the existing businesses, City
selection of a person to fill Councils, and the Chamber of
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TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1993
Commerce were the first points performance measures had been
of contact. He said 3) was set aside to better correspond
referrals . He said many of the with the strategic planning
private sector people were effort. She said they had
contacted through professional taken a Total Quality
people to make them aware of Management approach by
the process . involving people in the
Department of Public Service.
He said the EDC had been
working with Litton, who was Ms . Keehley said they had
closing their Brooklyn Hills, found that people involved in
California office. He said the processes were frequently
they were cooperating with the performing well and it was the
State and they hoped Litton systems around the processes
would want to relocate in Utah. which created inefficiencies .
He said Delta Airlines was She said three major strengths
consolidating, the Salt Lake had been identified; 1 ) in
reservation center would be surveying the customers ,
growing and other reservation Coopers and Lybrand had found
centers would be closed or that both internal and external
downsized. customers were satisfied with
the high quality level of
Councilmember Whitehead service they received, 2) in
asked if Salt Lake City was talking and working with the
doing everything it should be employees in the team sessions,
doing to promote the City. Mr. they had found the employees
Hiskey said the work of the had a great deal of pride in
Downtown Alliance helped to their work, and 3 ) the
promote the City and so did the leadership in DPS was committed
airport upgrades and the to bringing about change and
University of Utah improve- improvement.
ments .
She said they had three
For additional information primary issues and corres-
see File M 93-10 . ponding recommendations
concerning the issue of the
2. RE: RECEIVE THE FINAL accuracy of data on which to
PROCESS AUDIT REPORT FROM base decisions . She said for
COOPERS AND LYBRAND. the materials only process a
unit cost was developed and in
Pat Keehley, Coopers and 1991/92 the unit cost was
Lybrand, briefed the Council on $5 . 84 . She said in 1992/93 to
the results of the process date the unit cost was $16 .46 .
analysis of the Department of She said in trying to decide
Public Services (DPS) . She why that difference occurred
said initially Coopers and there were two alternatives; 1 )
Lybrand had been looking at the data which was developed
performance measures, but the could have been inaccurate
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TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1993
because of the existing system when a private contractor
of keeping track of data. Ms . performed it.
Keehley said she was not sure
if $5 . 84 or $16 .46 were Ms . Keehley said there
reliable numbers . She said if were some communications issues
it was determined the data was in addition to the information
inaccurate, then the City system not giving complete or
needed to update the data accurate information. She said
system so the City knew how Engineering and Street
much it cost to do projects Sanitation worked independently
with materials only. She said of each other and did not share
if the numbers were accurate the critical needed
there could be an additional information. She said Coopers
$180,000 in additional expense and Lybrand recommended the
this year over last year department clarify some of the
because of the increase in unit decision making roles and look
costs . at the strategic and
operational goals so the
She said the Department of communication walls were broken
Public Service used an down.
information system called
paver. She said this system Ms . Keehley said another
lacked the capability to other recommendation was on
support the project decisions materials only. She said it
which were important to was recommended that the
prioritizing the street repair department compile and analyze
needs . She said an issue present data, organize and
around engineering standards automate the data in a way
were that in some cases the which would streamline the
standards were not agreed upon. process .
She said in the materials only
concrete process when the City Councilmember Hutchison
did the work, the City would said the equipment needed to
excavate approximately 4 inches prepare and complete the
down. She said when a asphalt overlay was somewhat
contractor did the same work, older and inefficient. He said
the contractor was not required the planer which was often
to do the same kind of needed to prepare the roads for
excavation. She said a value asphalt overlay had been tied
of around $24, 000 was added to up while awaiting normal
the City' s work which was not preventive maintenance. He
required by the contractors . said according to Streets and
Sanitation Management the
She said Coopers and maintenance work should have
Lybrand recommended the been performed months ago . He
employees in Public Services said maintenance of the planer
decide if the work was better was overdue because of time and
when the City performed it or weather. He asked why the
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TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1993
equipment was not maintained. ization. She said there would
Ms . Keehley said it was a be continued expansion and
budget issue as much as growth at the Airport. She
scheduling. She said the said there were capital
intent was to be able to do projects; the largest of which
preventive maintenance but as was the construction of the new
the year progressed and other runway.
emergencies came up, the
machine ' s maintenance She said the major issue
continually got put aside. in this budget was whether or
not the City would receive a
Councilmember Pace asked return on their original
when the recommendations would investment of the airport. She
be readdressed to compare the said there was an issue paper
differences after implement- included in the Mayor's budget.
ation. Ms . Keehley said in She said this paper showed a
some cases action had already $1 .4 million operating deficit
been taken and some of the which the airport experienced
recommendations would need to over the years before the
be monitored for at least one airport was an enterprise fund.
year. She said the report showed $12
million in assets which were
For additional information turned over to the airport in
see File M 93-10 . 1962 when an enterprise fund
was established. She said the
3. RE: RECEIVE A budget clearly met the Council
BRIEFING RELATING TO THE policy in service expectations
AIRPORT BUDGET. in all of the areas .
Linda Hamilton, Lunaria, She said the only question
said the City Council Policy was if the budget represented
Objectives and Service Level any new ideas in terms of the
Expectations were to continue City receiving a return on
policy of growth and economic their investment. A discussion
development and to continue followed. Ms . Hamilton said she
environmental sensitivity and felt the issue should be
mitigation. She said the resolved and the Council could
Council also wanted the Airport hire outside experts to make
to identify a mechanism to some recommendations .
create an ongoing revenue
stream from the Airport which Councilmember Hutchison
would provide a benefit to the asked if all of the revenue
City for investing in and from the airport was going
owning the airport. She said towards expenses . Louis
the Mayor' s Recommended Budget Miller, Airport Director, said
enhanced customer service. She there were substantial-prvgCrty sits
said another policy theme was taxes which came from the
the continuation of decentral- airport. He said when he was
93 - 4
TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1993
asked if the Airport could pay 8:15 p.m.
a fee to the City every year
his response was no. He said
it was his understanding that G ,� `,*`'`��MMU:Y��a
to paythe Citya fee would, a , _ + .a :.••"' •*•$".:
.; ,
• y, 4
violate the airport use Counil air : •
agreement which the airport had . Y.2r 1., Ac
with the airlines . He said the : ni � ,'M .fir
fees would violate the ,px !r r r ,•oz.:
provisions of the airways, the ,f •
Airport Development Act and the r ' `,��'�'. •. • �c� ~
Federal Aviation Administration Chief Deputy ity Recor. , ,W
which said the money could not
be used for anything but lawful bj
airport purposes . He said the
fee would also violate the
covenants of the bond
resolutions . He said he could
not think of a way for a direct
payment to the City.
Councilmember Whitehead
said the City needed to go to
the legislature and change the
laws . He said there had to be
some way the City could receive
extra revenue to help run the
City. Mr. Miller said he
agreed with that and felt there
were ways which could be solved
legislatively. He said more
revenue could be generated from
the airport for Salt Lake City
if things could be run
differently. Councilmember
Kirk asked if the legislative
changes could be included in
the study of the airport.
Councilmember Kirk asked
for a straw poll on funding for
an airport study. All Council
Members present were in favor.
For additional information
see file M 93-10 .
The meeting adjourned at
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