11/14/2017 - Minutes MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 , 2017 The Board of Directors of the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City, Utah, met on Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 2 : 28 p.m. in Room 326, Committee Room, City County Building, 451 South State. In Attendance: Directors Lisa Adams, Derek Kitchen, James Rogers, Erin Mendenhall, Charlie Luke, and Andrew Johnston. Absent: Director Stan Penfold. Staff in Attendance: Cindy Gust-Jenson, Council Executive Director; Jennifer Bruno, Council Executive Deputy Director; Jacqueline Biskupski, Redevelopment Agency Executive Director; Patrick Leary, Executive Director' s Chief of Staff; Margaret Plane, City Attorney; David Litvack, Executive Director' s Deputy Chief of Staff; Mary Beth Thompson, Finance Director; Lara Fritz, Redevelopment Agency Chief Executive Officer; Danny Walz, Redevelopment Agency Chief Operating Officer; Benjamin Luedtke, Council Policy Analyst; Allison Rowland, Council Policy Analyst; Ed Butterfield, Senior Project Manager; Crayola Berger, Accountant II; Tammy Hunsaker, Project Manager; Susan Lundmark, Project Manager; Jill Wilkerson-Smith, Project Manager; Katie Lewis, Senior City Attorney; John Vuyk, Budget Director; and Cindi Mansell, City Recorder. Others Present: John Crandall & Elizabeth Read, George K. Baum & Company Director Adams presided at and conducted the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 2 : 28 p.m. A. COMMENTS #1 . 2:29:16 PM General Comments to the Board. The Redevelopment Agency (RDA) Board of Directors will receive public comments regarding Redevelopment Agency business. George Chapman addressed the Board regarding Operation Rio Grande and the need for 24/7 secure storage options to ensure success of its third phase (individuals to seek and retain employment) . He said the RDA had the funds and the resources to address the issue; he suggested expansion of hours at the Wiggins Center. He suggested selling the old Public Safety Building to fund hiring of additional police officers . He further stated the RDA should be considering the Sear' s block as an expansion for affordable high-density and mixed-use/mixed-income housing concept area. 17 - 1 MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 , 2017 #2 . 2:31:43 PM Public Hearing on RDA Budget Amendment No. 2 for (FY) Fiscal Year 2017-2018 . The Board will receive public comments regarding a proposal to amend the final budget of the Redevelopment Agency for Fiscal Year 2017-2018. View Attachments Nigel Swaby, Chair of the River District Business Alliance, addressed the Board regarding affordable housing and the long-term plans for the west side and businesses they represent . He said the issue was not density, but the need for balance and ownership opportunities under the same affordable criteria. He said there was desire for mixed-use developments to offer retail and restaurant opportunities for the area. George Chapman addressed the Board regarding affordable housing proposals involved with Budget Amendment #2 . He said this was important, but if the development took as long as North Temple did, it would be unfortunate . He said State Street was the best option to expand affordable housing but it should have been done by now. He suggested the Board focus, speed up, and consider form-based zoning to encourage developers to build mixed-use/mixed-income affordable housing. #3 . 2:35:57 PM Public Hearing on RDA Affordable Housing Funding Strategy - Received October 26, 2017 . The Board will receive public comment and discuss a proposal received by the Administration on October 26, 2017 relating to a strategy to spend RDA funds previously set aside for affordable housing. View Attachments There were no public comments . 2:38:26 PM Director Luke moved and Director Rogers seconded to continue both public hearings (items #2 and #3) to a future date, which motion carried, all directors present voted aye. B. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUSINESS #1. 2:35:50 PM Approval of Minutes Director Rogers moved and Director Luke seconded to approve the minutes of the Redevelopment Agency Board meeting held October 24 , 2017 , which motion carried, all directors present voted aye . View Minutes #2 . 2:37:20 PM RDA Affordable Housing Funding Strategy - Received October 26, 2017 . The Board will discuss a proposal received by the Administration on October 26, 2017 relating to a strategy to spend RDA funds previously set aside for affordable housing. View Attachments Jacqueline Biskupski, Patrick Leary, Lara Fritts, Danny Walz, and Tammy Hunsaker briefed the Board with attachments . Director Adams thanked 17 - 2 MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 , 2017 Staff for their work on the plan (particularly Ms . Hunsaker) and felt it was a great starting place for conversation surrounding affordable housing. Mr. Leary said Staff from both Redevelopment and the Division of Housing and Neighborhood Development (HAND) had been asked to bring forward a plan. He said the HAND Plan should be submitted prior to the next meeting. He said the two plans should facilitate conversations surrounding a refined strategy to ultimately deploy and get the funds into use as soon as possible . Mr. Walz said the intention of the Plan was to start the conversation on the policies surrounding affordable housing funding. He said the strategy sets forth policy objectives which align with Growing SLC: A Five-Year Housing Plan, while also recognizing the mission and statutory requirements of the RDA. He outlined various Policy Objectives, tactics, sources & uses, projected outcomes, and stakeholder and public outreach included. Director Adams said the Board was going to schedule a special RDA meeting for November 28, 2017. She referenced the large list of questions generated and encouraged answers from Staff for the meeting. 2:45:32 PM Director Kitchen said he appreciated the work Staff had put into formulation of the Plan; it was well thought out and anticipated policy considerations . He stated although the intent was to facilitate a starting conversation, he acknowledged the Board had already executed various components of the Plan and in some ways had already bought into the Plan (recent purchase of the Overniter Motel) . He said he felt it was incredibly important to tread lightly when using tax increment resources which were generated after entering agreements with taxing entity partners, and actions should be performed with their consideration in mind. He summarized the need to be mindful of RDA money being spent in RDA project areas and how to address affordable housing priorities, economic development, and investment in neighborhoods that needed to generate additional tax increment. 2:48: 07 PM Director Luke said he had not seen this level of commitment to affordable housing across all City organizations and it was truly exciting. He said $21 million was not a small sum of money and there was need to be cautious moving forward. He referenced the goal to look at options for increasing housing affordability Citywide . He said there were a number of requirements to be fulfilled and cited the need for the RDA to be accountable and transparent to all stakeholders, as well as the need to ensure success for development and the individuals that would be living in them, including surrounding neighborhoods . He said he would 17 - 3 MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 , 2017 not advocate mass appropriation of these funds and felt the money should stay with the RDA for consideration to whichever organization came forward with a proposal and for RDA to consider those interested in moving forward as quickly as possible . He said the RDA set this money aside and having the Board as proactive in this process as possible was important to ensure successful projects . He said the Plan did not call for cookie-cutter projects, and it was important to address the individuality and neighborhood needs of each project in a judicious and appropriate manner. 2:54 :44 PM Director Johnston referenced Tactic #1 - Affordable Rent Incentive Program and inquired where the numbers came from (240 affordable units) . Ms . Hunsaker responded Staff considered averages and maximum funding amounts per unit anticipated. She said the sources and uses entailed funds set aside for high opportunity areas . Director Johnston inquired if this was an incentive that could be transferred and used within inclusionary zoning concepts . Mr. Walz said he believed that would be possible if reaching out to existing market rate developers prior to build. He said the intention was to return to the Board for a program approval; however, there were currently no developers . 2:57 : 11 PM Director Rogers discussed projected outcomes and Tactic #1 - $8 . 5 million and how long it would last. Staff responded it would depend on the market. Ms . Hunsaker discussed the thought process to get funds out in a quick manner and target a few projects to have built; or another way to leverage projects . Director Rogers said for perpetuity and long-term, Tactic #2 was by far the better approach to render more "bang for the buck" and ensure a serious impact for affordable housing in Salt Lake City. Executive Director Biskupski said in order to address a wide variety of area median incomes (AMI) and get those lower into the market, funding was necessary at a higher level . Ms . Fritts added that Staff was challenged to determine how to quickly get units into the market and leverage how those units could turn additional new increment. 3:01:38 PM Director Kitchen referenced Project #4, Sugarhouse Deseret Industries property and requested a simple update on the fire station timeline. Executive Director Biskupski said part of this was owned by RDA and part by the City, and there was need for discussion to determine complete ownership. It was stated the thought was for completion to be slated in June . 3:03: 01 PM Director Mendenhall inquired as to the timeline for acquisition and development of Tactic #2 properties . Ms . Hunsaker said those were compiled with projects bubbling to the top at the time (with the intent that each project would return to the Board) . She briefly addressed the status and estimated timeline for each proposed project. 17 - 4 MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 , 2017 Director Mendenhall addressed Tactic #1 and inquired as to existing programs in HAND that function similar to what was being proposed. Ms . Hunsaker said she thought there was a program run through the Community Foundation which could offer up to $50, 000 per unit; she said HAND would have more information. Ms . Mendenhall said she wanted additional information as her recollection on the program was that it was not highly utilized. She said she wanted to understand why Staff would propose a new program to reinvent the wheel, what it would accomplish that the other did not, and why it was not well utilized. She discussed the need to learn about incentives that may or may not be happening through the existing program. Mr. Walz discussed the intent of the incentive program and the idea of flexibility and reaching out to developers to determine how to make it work with specific projects or if there was some other program to consider. Director Mendenhall inquired if contemplation was given to the point where area zoning discussion would be successful; she said these could apply to inclusionary opportunities for developers . She further expressed concern with the demolition ordinance and preserving existing affordable housing versus looking more at the creation of new affordable housing. She said she would look at these funds to help figure out ways to ensure preservation of existing units when possible. 3:10:22 PM Executive Director Biskupski said last year when the Board decided to reprioritize the $21 million to put towards affordable housing, a Board member said the point was not to make a little dip but a huge splash. She said there was also focus on the sense of urgency the Board felt in connecting the City housing crises, homeless housing, and the building of new resource centers . She said there was desire to make a statement of being ready to do something major for housing because housing and homeless were seen as parallel tracks . She said Shelter the Homeless was on track to close The Road Home downtown shelter and replace it with resource centers . She said the decision to close the shelter was made by the State Legislature (designated by June 2019 according to Statute) . She said while the new resource centers were designated as spaces of hope and opportunity; for many, such would only be maximized if paired with options for affordable housing. She discussed the new model of moving people from homelessness into housing within 60-90 days . She said failure to create the huge splash in housing stock opportunities before June 2019 would render viewing of the new model at a significant disadvantage . Executive Director Biskupski said the City and entire region were in the midst of an affordable housing crisis that touched many people at many levels of income . She said to solve the crisis, the City must be innovative in thinking and expedite its processes . She said to meet these 17 - 5 MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 , 2017 goals, the Administration developed and presented two innovative paths for the funding as prioritized. She said a critical component was working more closely with non-profit entities and developers, who had been going through the Blue Ribbon Commission work. She said in order to make this Plan work, the RDA Board needed to work with her Staff to maximize opportunities and work through processes in able to accept generous support from industry experts and non-profits who had committed to help and meet deadlines . She said the other Plan transferred to the City Council would involve transferring funding to the Resident Guided Trust Fund to make funds immediately available for housing projects while utilizing a process familiar to the Council (including public input) . She said both processes provided transparency and she hoped that prior to deciding, there would be careful review of both processes to determine direction. She said the Administration was committed to working with the Board and Council . She thanked them for carefully considering both Plans while committing to act before the end of the year. She said such consideration was timely in trying to get projects off the ground and completed by June of 2019 . 3: 15: 01 PM Director Adams expressed concern of how little the Plan considered "areas of opportunity" . She said there had been repeated discussion as to the value to the Board and Council and there was need to look for ways to expand. She said she felt like the Board was presented with two contradictory Plans . She said in conversations with the Blue Ribbon Commission it had been repeated there was no way to have 1000 units ready by June 2019 . Executive Director Biskupski said the Board direction taken on the Overniter Motel took about 350 units out of reach within June 2019 . She said they lost the developer willing to do the project at cost and she invited the Board to work with the Blue Ribbon Commission to have those conversations directly with community leaders who were trying to be helpful . Director Adams said the discussion was a good start and the Board would conduct further discussion on the Plan at an upcoming meeting. #3. 3:34 :38 PM Resolution: RDA Budget Amendment No. 2 for FY 2017- 2018 . The Board will discuss the Administration 's proposal to amend the final budget of the Redevelopment Agency for FY 2017-2018. View Attachments Jennifer Bruno, Danny Walz, David Litvack and Lara Fritts briefed the Board with attachments . Mr. Walz explained the budget amendment request was to provide for allocation of $1, 425, 000 in RDA funds for Operation Rio Grande and transition funding to run the Overniter Motel to be sold. 17 - 6 MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 , 2017 Director Rogers inquired how long funding would last for these specific programs (like the treatment beds) and expressed concern they would not be sustainable . Ms . Bruno said the way the program had been described, the $685, 000 would provide for two years of funding. Mr. Litvack provided background and timing on the proposal, beginning with the initial Legislative request. He said funding was anticipated for a year of treatment; treatment was via partnership and interlocal agreement with Salt Lake County Health Services . He said this allowed the Community Connections Center Staff to offer the criminal justice diversion component of the program. Director Rogers inquired as to whether there was any solid data, matrix, or measurement information in this regard. He said he wanted some small data points to share with constituents . Director Adams said Operation Diversion was a year ago and requested records for the operation. Mr. Litvack discussed the successes and said those could be provided. Director Luke said there had been discussion with the City Council about delineating responsibilities associated with Rio Grande wherein clarification was provided that it would fund treatment with Operation Diversion. He said there was discussion regarding the importance of having the City take on specific municipal responsibilities relative to Operation Rio Grande and providing treatment beds . He inquired how the $685, 000 was different than what was discussed previously; why would funding be requested for this and not jail beds or alternative treatment beds . Mr. Litvack discussed Operation Diversion, consisting of the City and County working together and seeking support . He said the City was asked to participate by contributing additional funding to the treatment, which was outside normal operations in the City service at the time. He said the only costs associated with Operation Diversion were for treatment. Ms . Fritts said she met with the Downtown Alliance who was awarded the Cultural Core contract. She said they had a lot of great ideas, and discussion surrounded their goals and objectives . Mr. Walz said he did specifically reach out to the "Excellence in the Community" group. He said he contacted the Gallivan Center Director to discuss concerns with increment funding under the legal umbrella and wanted to propose running that contract under the Gallivan umbrella of operation and programming efforts . He said to the extent the Board wanted to support funding "Excellence in the Community" through the Gallivan, the Board could simply adjust their annual allocation to them. He said the Gallivan had a well-established operation that could easily fund and oversee the annual program. Director Mendenhall said that proposal was different than the one included in the Staff Report and did not seem to 17 - 7 MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 , 2017 offset the overall Strategic Plan. Ms . Fritts said Staff still wanted to come up with a strategy for Arts and Culture policies in Salt Lake City; there were still a number of different buckets through which funding for the Arts was currently handled. She said research had produced no less than four pages of study already done in that regard. She said Staff was in the process of collecting those and utilizing salary savings to engage someone to help weed through those and identify key areas to start to develop the surrounding strategy. She said Staff would then return with a request for funding and strategy to wrap the program together but felt it would first be helpful to understand what data they had today and what data they still needed to find. Director Mendenhall said she appreciated taking time to consolidate the data, but felt it was a separate discussion from the "Excellence in the Community" program. She said the City had an existing proven engagement happening between the community and arts and a very specific piece of the community (elderly) , and she could see where the proposed strategy could take away from funding "Excellence in the Community" . She said it was a well-run established program that she wanted to ensure continued, but she also wanted a long-term approach of funding for the Arts from the City. Ms . Fritts said that was the reason Mr. Walz came up with the solution to include the program as part of the Gallivan maintenance contract. She expressed concern in setting precedent by funding a one-off program and inquired where to draw the line. Director Mendenhall said she wanted to see funding added to the Budget Amendment #2 consideration. Director Adams requested Staff track and report actual costs on the Overniter Motel so the Board would have a clear picture of property ownership expenses month-by-month when considering future motel purchases/acquisitions . She said the Board could conduct additional discussion on the budget amendment as proposed at the meeting on December 5, 2017 . #4 . 3:56: 00 PM Resolution: Authorizing Creation of a Plan for a Single-Property Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) at 150 South 5600 West. The Board will consider adopting a resolution authorizing the preparation of a draft Community Reinvestment Project Area Plan for the 150 South 5600 West project area. This is the first formal step in the CRA creation process. Future Board action will be required to implement this single- property CRA to facilitate the expansion of Stadler Inc. , the applicant. View Attachments Danny Walz and Lara Fritts briefed the Board with attachments . Ms . Fritts said as Staff moved forward, the next steps would be to continue 17 - 8 MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 , 2017 to work through the application process with the developer; engage consultants to consider feasibility and process; and start drafting a redevelopment plan for setting up the project area. She said all of this would be returned to the Board to review and finalize in terms of interlocal agreement for the project area as well as a reimbursement agreement with the developer. She said the City Council would have the ability to approve in terms of the interlocal to capture property tax for reimbursement . Director Mendenhall said she appreciated the creativity and inventive method to be more competitive and to secure investment in the City. Director Mendenhall moved and Director Luke seconded to adopt Resolution R-12-2017, which motion carried, all directors present voted aye . #5 . 3:59:45 PM Resolution: Tax Increment (TI) Reimbursement Policy Revisions . The Board will review and consider approving the proposed changes to the TI Reimbursement Policy based on previous Board discussion. View Attachments Lara Fritts, Danny Walz, Jill Wilkerson-Smith, and Allison Rowland briefed the Board with attachments . Ms . Rowland said it appeared all previous Board Member' s concerns and recommendations had been taken into account with the returned policy including specific changes as recognized. Mr. Walz briefly reviewed how Staff had addressed the previous recommendations . Director Mendenhall recommended return after a year (November 2018) to follow-up, review the program and its utilization, as well as the effectiveness as a business retention tool . Director Luke moved and Director Mendenhall seconded to adopt Resolution R-9-2017 (1) approving the revised Tax Increment (TI) Reimbursement Policy and to replace the previous version adopted October 10 , 2017 , which motion carried, all directors present voted aye . #6 . 3:20:43 PM Financing Options and Update from RDA Financial Advisor. The Board will receive a briefing from the City's Financial Advisor, George K. Baum & Company, on potential financing options for various RDA infrastructure projects. View Attachments Cindy Gust-Jenson, Mary Beth Thompson, John Crandall and Elizabeth Read briefed the Board with attachments . Ms . Read explained because some things had changed since March, the review was provided on updated revenue figures as well as fund balances of tax increments in the different project areas (as of September 18, 2017) . She said they were also given an updated list of infrastructure projects, which was more than the beginning of the year and were asked to calculate the debt 17 - 9 MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 , 2017 capacity of each project area based on revenues . She said they had prepared a summary of revenues given and then looked at the sunset of each of those revenues; they provided a maximum bond amount for each project area. She said this included the Central Business District (CBD) , but there were no identified projects in the CBD. She said they also included another table that looked at the maximum bond amount and FY 2018 fund balance that was available (estimated project amount) . She said all figures were based on issuing Tax Increment Revenue Bonds through the RDA and there was approximately $17 million available. Discussion followed regarding bonding capacity, shortfall, and whether the concept was a good use of funds from a financial point of view. Director Adams said the various RDA projects totaled $40 million and if this funding source were not utilized, how would they be funded. Ms . Read stated estimates were based on an estimated 20-year transaction and capacities as defined. She said there was illustration in more detail as to available funds and shortfalls . Mr. Crandall said all revenues and project expenses had to stay in those project areas . He said they provided bonding capacity analyzed with regards to sales tax revenue bonds, which provided the greatest amount of available funds (albeit still short) . He said if new or missing information was provided, it could change the outcome as projected. He expressed concern with project projections (page 2) and the sunset of revenues that would occur all within the next five years on the project areas . He said it would tie the hands of the Board as far as funds that were available; the RDA would have to consider any regards to extension. Ms . Gust-Jenson reminded the Board the first round of these numbers was quite constrained; the request was for the consultants to provide the maximum in trying to get the Board a range of options . She said there would be a great deal more discussion on this, but Staff wanted to get the information to the Board to begin to look at the levels of flexibility and options . Mr. Crandall said if the decision was to utilize sales tax revenues as pledge or security, the Board might need to consider some type of loan agreement (due to titling concerns/avoid ownership issues with regards to projects) and questions with regards to sales tax. Ms . Thompson said bonding with the RDA did not require ownership of assets; however, if using sales tax bonds, the City had to own those assets . Ms . Gust-Jenson said there may be specific distinctions going forward but these were managed successfully in the past. #7 . Report and Announcements from the Executive Director. Report of the Executive Director, including a review information items, announcements, and scheduling items . The Board of Directors may give 17 - 10 MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 , 2017 feedback or policy input. Item not held. #8. 4:04 :51 PM Report and Announcements from the Staff. The Board may review Board information and announcements . The Board may give feedback on any item related to RDA business, including but not limited to scheduling items . Mr. Walz said Staff transmitted the Overniter Motel property appraisal and closed on the property. He said Staff told the manager there could be no new tenants; current tenants had the ability to stay for 11 days and then move out . He said there had been conversations to potentially extend that timeframe to 30 days to ensure a smooth transition for residents . He said Staff reached out to residents to ensure them they were not being kicked out and would have the ability or potential to qualify for assistance through the RDA. He said Staff scheduled a meeting with the residents for next Tuesday. Mr. Walz said where this was a hotel property, and not clearly defined in Housing Urban Development (HUD) guidelines, a consultant would be needed to guide the relocation process to ensure all requirements were met. He explained the process began with 17 tenants (currently down to 10 or 11) and that seven of those had legitimately been there for a considerable amount of time and could be identified for relocation assistance . He said others might qualify because it was their primary place of residence . He said the proposed budget amendment funding amount was split between relocation and facility management, and relocation would also include working with current businesses . He said Staff would continue to report on the project status . Ms . Fritts said although Staff had not been expecting to acquire a motel property, they worked tediously to pull together the closing, notified tenants, and secured properties within a few days . She said they worked hard in a short amount of time and she wanted to publicly thank them for their efforts . #9. Report of the Chair and Vice-Chair. The Chair may review the minutes of a previous Board meeting. Ms . Bruno said there was a need to schedule a special meeting for November 28, 2017 to allow Board discussion on Budget Amendment #3 related to the alternative proposal for housing funds . She said the City Council would consider that item on their November 21, 2017 agenda. 17 - 11 MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 , 2017 C. WRITTEN BRIEFINGS . The following briefings are informational in nature and require no action of the Board. Additional information can be provided to the Board upon request: #1 . Public Benefits Analysis of the proposed 9-Line and State Street Community Reinvestment Areas (CRAs) . The Board will receive a written briefing on the Public Benefits Analyses for the proposed 9-Line and State Street CRAs. View Attachments #2 . Northwest Quadrant (NWQ) Update as Community Reinvestment Area (CRA) . The Board will receive a written update on the process to establish the NWQ Community Reinvestment Area. View Attachments #3. 255 South State Street Tier 1 Pre-Disposition Property Report. The Board will receive a written briefing on the proposed disposition plan for the 255 South State Street property. View Attachments #4 . 650 Main Office Project Update. The Board will receive a written briefing on the status of the 650 South Main office building project. The RDA is involved due to the covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&R 's) recorded on the property that include the RDA in the design review/approval process. View Attachments #5 . Professional Services Fund Quarterly Report (July - September 2017) . The Board will receive a written briefing on the status of expenditures from the "Professional Services" category of the RDA budget, pursuant to the contingent appropriation made in the FY 2017-2018 budget when these funds were approved. View Attachments D. CONSENT #1 . TENTATIVE - Set Date for Budget Amendment No. 3 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017-2018 Related to Housing Funding. The Board will set the date of December 5, 2017 at 2: 00 p.m. to accept public comment on a resolution to amend the RDA budget for FY 2017-2018. View Attachments 4: 11:24 PM Director Luke moved and Director Rogers seconded to adopt the Consent Agenda, which motion carried, all directors present voted aye . E. Tentative Closed Session. The Board will consider a motion to enter into Closed Session, in keeping with Utah Code §52-4-205 for any allowed purpose . Item not held. 17 - 12 MINUTES OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14 , 2017 The meeting adjourned at 4 : 12 p.m. Redevelopment Agency Chair Secretary This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as additional discussion may have been held; please refer to the audio or video for entire content. This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the Salt Lake City Redevelopment Agency meeting held November 14, 2017 . clm 17 - 13