11/19/2019 - Work Session - Minutes MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2019 The City Council met in Work Session on Tuesday, November 19, 2019, in Room 326, Committee Room, City County Building, 451 South State Street. In Attendance: Council Members Erin Mendenhall, Chris Wharton, James Rogers, Andrew Johnston, Analia Valdemoros, and Amy Fowler. Absent: Councilmember Charlie Luke. Staff in Attendance: Cindy Gust-Jenson, Council Executive Director; Jennifer Bruno, Council Executive Deputy Director; Benjamin Luedtke, Council Public Policy Analyst; Lehua Weaver, Council Associate Deputy Director; Mary Beth Thompson, Chief Financial Advisor; Lynn Pace, Acting City Attorney; Jonathan Larsen, Transportation Director; Jennifer McGrath, Community and Neighborhood Interim Director; Russell Weeks, Council Policy Analyst; Nick Norris, Planning Director; Samuel Owen, Council Public Policy Analyst; Allison Rowland, Council Public Policy Analyst; Lani Eggertsen-Goff, Housing and Neighborhood Development Director; Jennifer Seelig, Mayor' s Director of Community Empowerment; Katherine Lewis, Senior City Attorney; Mike Brown, Police Chief; Wayne Mills, Planning Manager; Samantha Slark, Senior City Attorney; Elizabeth Buehler, Community and Neighborhoods Civil Engagement Manager; Ashley Scarff, Principal Planner; Allison Parks, Assistant City Attorney; Hailey Leek, Census Coordinator; Daniel Rip, Housing and Neighborhood Development Policy and Program Manager; Jonathan Goates, Housing and Neighborhood Development Policy and Program Manager; Baylee White, Community and Neighborhoods Real Property Agent; Kimberly Chytraus, Senior City Attorney; Jennifer Schumann, Housing and Neighborhood Development Deputy Director; Braley Bullard, Community and Neighborhoods Civil Engagement Program Specialist; Tim Doubt, Assistant Police Chief; and Kory Solorio, Assistant City Recorder. Guests in Attendance: Peter Bromberg, Library Executive Director (Item #3) ; Jace Bunting, Library Finance Director (Item #3) ; Debbie Ehrmann, Library Deputy Director (Item #3) ; Liesl Jacobson, Library Community Engagement Assistant Director (Item #3) ; Lee Dial, Cowboy Partners (Item #7) ; and Preston Cochrane, Cowboy Partner (Item #7) . Councilmember Rogers presided at and conducted the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 2 : 11 p.m. 19 - 1 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2019 AGENDA ITEMS #1 . 2:11:26PM WRITTEN FOLLOW-UP BRIEFING REGARDING A PROPOSED ORDINANCE THAT WILL OUTLINE THE ROLE OF THE COUNCIL MEETINGS IN OPEN GOVERNMENT, SPECIFICALLY RELATED TO COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA DEVELOPMENT, PAPERWORK, AND SCHEDULING OF AGENDA ITEMS. The ordinance is based on an updated section of the Council Policy Manual, C. 6 (Item #2) . The ordinance and policy manual will both serve as the guiding documents for agenda paperwork and scheduling. View Attachments Written briefing only. #2 . WRITTEN FOLLOW-UP BRIEFING ON PROPOSED CHANGES TO SECTION C. 6 OF THE COUNCIL POLICY MANUAL: COUNCIL MEETING AGENDAS AND PAPERWORK. The attached resolution will adopt updates to Policy Manual section C. 6 and eliminate section C. 12 since it has been included in the C. 6 updates. This updated section of the Policy Manual and the proposed ordinance (Item #1) will both serve as the guiding documents for agenda paperwork and scheduling. View Attachments Written Briefing only. #3. 2:11:45PM BRIEFING REGARDING A PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE BUDGET FOR THE LIBRARY FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 . Budget amendments happen several times each year to reflect adjustments to the City's budgets, including proposed project additions and modifications. The proposed amendment would fund an increase of approximately $346,500 to pay for a master facilities consultant, demographic and statistical software, changes to in-house security, and community wellness liaisons. View Attachments Russell Weeks, Peter Bromberg, Jace Bunting, Debbie Ehrmann, and Liesl Jacobson briefed the Council with attachments . Discussion was held regarding items the Facility Master Plan would address, if security personnel would work in all City libraries, current spending/in-house spending, and community wellness programs . Councilmember Rogers said a public hearing was scheduled for December 3, 2019 with tentative action on December 10, 2019 . #4 . 2:24:35PM FOLLOW-UP DISCUSSION WITH THE ADMINISTRATION REGARDING THE ORDINANCE THAT WOULD AMEND VARIOUS SECTIONS OF SALT 19 - 2 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2019 LAKE CITY CODE PERTAINING TO SINGLE ROOM OCCUPANCY (SRO) USES. Further review may include options that the City's Planning Division may explore to find a balance between potential long-term effects of adopting the ordinance as previously proposed and short- term housing needs of people earning low incomes. View Attachments Russell Weeks, Nick Norris, Wayne Mills, Ashley Scarff, and Allison Parks briefed the Council with attachments . Discussion was held regarding urgency/prioritization of the proposed ordinance within the context of other planning projects (already in process) , number of units allowed in the SRO definition (per building) , and residential zones being included in the proposal . #5. 2:43:36PM UPDATE FROM THE CITY' S NEW CENSUS COORDINATOR ABOUT THE UPCOMING 2020 CENSUS COORDINATION AND OUTREACH EFFORTS. The update will also include the City's additional efforts on informing and reaching traditionally hard-to-count populations. View Attachments Hailey Leek and Jennifer Seelig briefed the Council with attachments . Comments included: timeline, challenges facing the 2020 Census, hard-to-count populations, action plan, City-wide effort, Complete Count Committee, marketing/messaging strategy, and upcoming events . Discussion was held regarding marketing to demographics with a low internet community, non-responsive census tracts/households, County Consulates, working with churches, transition to the new Administration, getting the word out to City communities for a temporary employment opportunity with the Census Bureau, when Census information would be placed on the City website, reaching Spanish speaking population, Salt Lake School District as a community partner, and State grant funding. Council Members requested the following items from Staff: • Provide a breakdown of activities/responsibilities of the Census Bureau, State, Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City and what gaps the City was filling. • Provide information about how to reassure citizen safety, details of questions, and where the information gathered went/how it was processed. • Provide information to help assist the aging population for specific outreach to their needs (no internet access, not frequenting public spaces, letter/font size used on 19 - 3 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2019 manuals/brochures) . Note: 3:22:23 PM Items 6 and 7 were combined as one presentation and discussion. #6. BRIEFING REGARDING A PUBLIC BENEFIT ANALYSIS RELATED TO LEASE TERMS AND A BELOW-MARKET LAND LEASE TO THE NON-PROFIT STH MAGNOLIA, LLC (OWNED BY SHELTER THE HOMELESS, INC. ) FOR CITY PROPERTY LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 165 SOUTH 300 EAST. The property would be used for a 65-unit permanent supportive housing development for individuals with incomes below 40% the Area Median Income (AMI) . View Attachments #7 . BRIEFING REGARDING A HOUSING TRUST FUND LOAN REQUEST OF $1 .5 MILLION FOR THE MAGNOLIA, A 65-UNIT PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AT 165 SOUTH 300 EAST. The project would help house individuals with incomes below 40% the Area Median Income (AMI) , stabilize very low-income renters, and secure and preserve long-term affordability. View Attachments Allison Rowland, Jennifer McGrath, Daniel Rip, Jonathan Goates, Bailey White, Lani Eggertson-Goff, Lee Dial, Kimberly Chytraus and Preston Cochrane briefed the Council with a PowerPoint presentation. Discussion was held regarding context of community land trust opportunity, initial project, tracking, potential obstacles, services component, The Road Home short fall/potential of annual fund raising, lien position/priority, and interest rate/total amount to be collected. Council Members requested the following item from Staff: • Provide information/scenarios on how subordination would work with other lenders if the ground lease was terminated. #8 . 3:52:36 PM BRIEFING ON THE MAYOR' S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR APPROVAL OF PROGRAM APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2019- 20 FUNDING OUR FUTURE (FOF) HOUSING PROGRAM FUNDING PROCESS. As part of the Fiscal Year 2019-20 budget discussions, the Council requested that the Administration make significant changes in its process of selecting FOF programs to be provided by community- based organizations, with the goal of improving transparency and equity. In response, the Housing and Neighborhood Development Division (HAND) developed and shifted to an annual process of accepting applications from service providers that was structured 19 - 4 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2019 similar to the City's CBDG funding process. The Council may choose to approve these recommended applications or modify them. View Attachments Allison Rowland, Lani Eggertsen-Goff, and Jennifer Schumann briefed the Council with attachments and reviewed the Funding Log. Discussion was held regarding the Alliance House Program Description (on the Funding Log) reflecting the requested amount and not the actual funding amount by the Mayor, number of households needing/not receiving assistance offered through the landlord/tenant mediation program offered by Utah Community Action, and Fund Balance amount/availability. Councilmember Mendenhall proposed the Council allocate the recommended $76, 000 for Community Development Corporation of Utah (Item 7) to the Salt Lake Community Action Program (Item 8) in order to fully fund the request of $300, 000 . Council Members requested the following items from Staff: • Provide a breakdown for the number of households potentially served with the Mayor' s recommended funding for the Alliance House . • Provide a list of any extra monies available in Fund Balance . • Add metrics to the Funding Log for measuring effectiveness/feedback. Councilmember Wharton joined the meeting at 4 : 22 p.m. #9. Tentative Break #10 . 4:29:37PM BRIEFING REGARDING A DRAFT ORDINANCE AND OPTIONS THAT WOULD REGULATE ELECTRIC SCOOTERS, AND OTHER DOCKLESS SHARED MOBILITY DEVICES, IN THE CITY. CURRENTLY, DOCKLESS SCOOTER COMPANIES OPERATE UNDER TEMPORARY OPERATING AGREEMENTS UNTIL AN ORDINANCE IS PASSED. View Attachments Samuel Owen, Elizabeth Buehler, Jonathan Larsen, and Braley Bullard briefed the Council with attachments . Discussion was held regarding ordinance enforcement, safety concerns, active transit data (using scooters to replace vehicle trips) , protecting the pedestrian environment, how a new Transportation Master Plan might contemplate the integration of shared mobility, data opportunities/collaborations, investing in multiple modes of transportation options, and citations issued on dock-less 19 - 5 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2019 scooters . Council Members requested information regarding/addressing the following items from Staff: • Off sidewalk/off park strips/in the street parking lot style concepts (better parking situations) . • Other cities who were using their own mobile apps . • What camera technology entailed. • If vendors would pay for cameras (not taxpayers) . • Discussion on whether it was affordable to lose street parking (in particular the downtown core area) . • What other cities were doing with smart technology. • Look at enforcement in the downtown area only. • Provide the number of citations issued on dock-less scooters . • What scooter companies were doing to build stronger materials . • Environmental savings . • Financial compensation (from the scooter companies) for sidewalk usage/deterioration. • Different groups of people the scooters were bringing downtown. Councilmember Fowler joined the meeting at 4 : 49 p.m. Note: A recess was taken at 5 : 00 p.m. to convene as the Board of Canvassers . The Work Session meeting reconvened at 5 : 04 p.m. #11 . 5:05:01 PM FOLLOW-UP BRIEFING REGARDING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO SALT LAKE CITY' S BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019-20 . Budget amendments happen several times each year to reflect adjustments to the City's budgets, including proposed project additions and modifications. The proposed amendment includes funding for the elected official transition including the interim addition of up to three Mayor-elect transition staff members and one interim City Council Member-elect position through January 6, 2020; funding for maintenance of existing art in the City and a study to learn more about maintaining that art collection; funding police overtime for patrols in City parks; and a roundabout at 2000 East Parley's Canyon Boulevard to improve traffic flow and safety; among other changes. (Budget Amendment No. 2) View Attachments 19 - 6 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2019 Benjamin Luedtke, Mary Beth Thompson, Mike Brown, Tim Doubt, and Lynn Pace briefed the Council with attachments . Discussion was held regarding appointed versus merit positions, Community and Neighborhoods vacant positions, Police overtime funding, City Parks (nightly bathroom closures, portable toilets, Park Rangers) , and Police overtime for hotspots . 5:52:39 PM Straw Poll: Support providing an additional $27, 000 (three months) of funding for the Capital Improvement Program and Impact Fee Administrator (Item A-12) . All Council Members present were in favor. 5:56:58 PM Councilmember Mendenhall was recused during the discussions on the Additional Three Creeks Confluence funding (Item I-3) and Transition Funding Expenses (Item A-13) . Council Members requested the following items from Staff: • Have the Administration recommend a policy/criteria for designating positions as appointed or merit. • Provide a list of current vacant positions in the Community and Neighborhoods Department. • Provide a list of City parks which provide portable toilets . • Have the International Association of Chiefs of Police (at their upcoming briefing to the Council regarding the 2019 Management and Operations Study of Salt Lake City Police Department) address standard overtime in other police departments . Councilmember Fowler left the meeting at 5 : 53 p.m. #12 . UPDATE REGARDING HOW THE "FUNDING OUR FUTURE" SALES TAX REVENUE HAS BEEN USED TOWARD PUBLIC SAFETY RESOURCES AND STAFFING. View Attachments Item not held. #13 . UPDATE ABOUT PROJECTED SALES TAX REVENUES FOR YEAR 1 (FISCAL YEAR 2018-19) OF THE "FUNDING OUR FUTURE" INITIATIVE, RELATED ACTIVITIES AND NEXT STEPS . Annual fiscal year revenue numbers are finalized once the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is completed. View Attachments Item not held. 19 - 7 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2019 STANDING ITEMS #14 . REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, INCLUDING A REVIEW OF COUNCIL INFORMATION ITEMS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. The Council may give feedback or staff direction on any item related to City Council business, including but not limited to scheduling items. Item not held. #15. REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR. No report/discussion. #16. 6:03:48PM CONSIDER A MOTION TO ENTER INTO CLOSED SESSION, IN KEEPING WITH UTAH CODE §52-4-205 FOR ANY ALLOWED PURPOSE. Councilmember Wharton moved and Councilmember Valdemoros seconded to enter into Closed Session to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation pursuant to Utah Code §52-4- 205 (1) (c) , Utah Open and Public Meetings Law. A roll call vote was taken. Council Members Johnston, Wharton, Valdemoros, Mendenhall, and Rogers voted aye . See File M 19-1 for Sworn Statement. Councilmember Rogers left the meeting at 6 : 04 p.m. In Attendance: Council Members Johnston, Valdemoros, Wharton, and Mendenhall . Absent: Council Members Fowler, Luke, and Rogers . Others in Attendance: Cindy Gust-Jenson, Lynn Pace, Samantha Slark, Katherine Lewis, Jennifer Bruno, Lehua Weaver, and Kory Solorio. The Closed Session adjourned at 6 : 23 p.m. The Work Session meeting adjourned at 6 : 23 p.m. COUNCIL CHAIR 19 - 8 MINUTES OF THE SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2019 CITY RECORDER This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as other items may have been discussed; please refer to the audio or video for entire content pursuant to Utah Code §52-4-203 (2) (b) . This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the City Council Work Session meeting held November 19, 2019 . ks 19 - 9